No , that was a 1 inch solid grain small motor that was supposed to whistle for 2 or 3 seconds before the take off , these things are meant to be ejected as soon motor#2 ignites , that's what you see , it was ejected like 100 ft on the air and still had some fuel on it . It wasn't supposed to do that anyway . Last night I successfully launched a 5 stage KHP with the same fuel cell on the bottom and it did exactly the same thing , don't know why.
Definitivamente o KHP é o melhor propelente WHISTLER!
KHP unleashed! 🚀🚀
Yes sir!!😊
Very very very nice!!!!
That is so fast, kudos good sir
That was best 2 stage and was fast
i like
Some heat on that one, did the first motor partially cato?
No , that was a 1 inch solid grain small motor that was supposed to whistle for 2 or 3 seconds before the take off , these things are meant to be ejected as soon motor#2 ignites , that's what you see , it was ejected like 100 ft on the air and still had some fuel on it .
It wasn't supposed to do that anyway .
Last night I successfully launched a 5 stage KHP with the same fuel cell on the bottom and it did exactly the same thing , don't know why.
@@Pyroflorida I'm excited to see the 5 stage 😳
@@HenrikSherwoodsending a link to your channel soon
@@Pyroflorida lmk when you've sent it, sometimes I don't get the notification
@HenrikSherwood I think isn't going through, I don't think you
Received it right?
hey did you ever setup your email?
Yes , you can contact me anytime at
@@Pyroflorida got it thanks i sent you a email
Nice rocket ! Do you ever used benzoate fuel ? That is much faster i think
Yes , many times , but KHP has way more lifting and speed than benzos
@@Pyroflorida 👌👍🏻