CHRONOMETER SWING TOOL Marine Chronometer Detent - Clock Repair Shop - Vlog 011 - Workshop Wednesday

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 27

  • @ReubenSchoots
    @ReubenSchoots 3 года назад +2

    Thanks for the shoutout! Much appreciated.
    The swing tool is one of the more outside the box solutions in watchmaking. Great video.

    • @TommyJobson
      @TommyJobson  3 года назад

      Thanks Reuben. I'm off to watch your new video now.

  • @SGS_Engineering
    @SGS_Engineering 2 года назад

    Hi Tommy, great video and excellent method of filing flats! It is so interesting learning from different trades👍 Thanks for the shout out and glad you like the sticker🤘

  • @stanleyknife3268
    @stanleyknife3268 2 года назад +1

    Tommy I hope you are OK haven't heard from you since this video.

  • @johnbaker6810
    @johnbaker6810 3 года назад

    Excellent video Tommy cannot wait for the next update thanks again.

  • @jamesweekes6726
    @jamesweekes6726 3 года назад

    Thanks Tommy. I appreciate the time it takes to produce a video like yours. It was very informative. Take care.

  • @testoftimehorologyllc8541
    @testoftimehorologyllc8541 3 года назад

    Awesome tool and video and thank you for the shout out! What a great way to black polish! Now I need to make one!

  • @brianwarburton4482
    @brianwarburton4482 3 года назад +1

    Definitely going to make a swing tool. Thanks for showing this, it looks seriously useful.

  • @edwilliams9914
    @edwilliams9914 3 года назад

    Ingenious! Never would have thought of it. Thanks.

  • @KevinNolanMakes
    @KevinNolanMakes 3 года назад

    Always such great teaching. Thanks, I haven’t seen a swing tool but it makes so much sense.

  • @KevinWoodsWorkshop
    @KevinWoodsWorkshop 3 года назад

    Thanks Tommy for showing this swing tool it’s a great idea for filing parts flat. I might end up making one of these some day.

  • @HansFormerlyTraffer
    @HansFormerlyTraffer 3 года назад

    What an amazing trick...I would never have thought of the concept of swing for filing flat...Thanks for sharing

  • @bobvines00
    @bobvines00 3 года назад

    Tommy, thank you once again for sharing these videos showing the tools & jigs you make and use in your workshop. I'll also take a look at Stephen Franke's channel, like I did (& do!) for James and Reuben. ;) All three of you have very interesting content and I hope that Stephen's channel will too.

  • @bfx8185
    @bfx8185 3 года назад

    Thank you for that hint about filing. Great work!

  • @EnriqueVetere
    @EnriqueVetere 2 года назад

    Very interesting! Where is the swing tools images from?

  • @matt99is
    @matt99is 2 года назад

    Yo dawg, I heard you like vices. So we put a vice in your vice, so you can clamp while you clamp.

  • @Ange1166
    @Ange1166 3 года назад

    enjoyed the video very intresting good work

  • @TheKnacklersWorkshop
    @TheKnacklersWorkshop 3 года назад

    Hello Tommy,
    Many thanks for this video... as always I have a question. You showed some enlarged photos of tools that gave you the inspiration to make your swing tool. were they all from one book and could you please tell me what it is called. See you next time.
    Take care.

  • @oxfd611
    @oxfd611 3 года назад

    Is the brass block that the detent is superglue to sacrificial?

  • @tonywatson987
    @tonywatson987 3 года назад

    Tommy, I've always pronounced it as 'dee-tent' rather than 'det-ent', and all engineers that I know pronounce it same as I do. But I know that George Daniels called it a 'det-ent' too, is it just the way watchmakers pronounce it? ... Inquiring minds need to know!
    I like that swing tool, I've often found the need for something like that, but just struggled on anyway - I'll have to make something like that, thanks!

    • @TommyJobson
      @TommyJobson  3 года назад

      I suspect it 'tomaato' 'tomato'. I've always known it refered to as a detent, certainly in a horological context. According to google the correct pronuciation is /dɪˈtɛnt/duh - tent, so who knows!