Cameron, the trim that runs through the dashboard and the center console, do you know what kind of trim it is because in the lighter colors, the trim looks like wood trim?
Nissan honestly needs to change interior on all cars. But still a beautiful car! With an awesome review can't beat that! lol good job Cam #1supporter #1fan
Bought a 2018 MURANO on Feb20th and I LOVE IT!!!!! Never thought I would buy an SUV But the MURANO is EXCELLENT 🙂🙂🙂🙂
Cameron, the trim that runs through the dashboard and the center console, do you know what kind of trim it is because in the lighter colors, the trim looks like wood trim?
Great review cam!!!!! Do you think you could review a 2016 Hyundai Elantra GT?
+Camerons Car Reviews thank you :) !!! Keep up the great work , love the reviews
Nissan honestly needs to change interior on all cars. But still a beautiful car! With an awesome review can't beat that! lol good job Cam #1supporter #1fan
+Andres Santana Thanks!
+Camerons Car Reviews anytime
Do a rav 4 hybrid
Could you do the 2016 coupe review?
Civic Coupe*
+Maheen Azad (Maheenstar) 2016 Coupe what?
2016 Honda Civic Coupe :)
in my honest opinion and coming from a Nissan buff . nissan vehicles design are horrible 😪
that steering wheel is so ugly