Treće mesto Srbija i pridružene članice juniori 2022. - Rafailović Dušan GSS 103
- Опубликовано: 15 дек 2024
- Golubarski Savez Srbije nastavlja sa video prezentacijama najuspešnijih takmičara u 2022. U reportaži predstavljamo jednog od mlađih takmičara , Rafailović Dušana GSS 103 Ratara kod Obrenoca, koji je ove godine sa svojim srpskim visokoletačima osvojio treće mesto na juniorskom prvenstvu Srbije i pridruženih članica. Njegovo jato ostvarilo je prosek od 9 časova 29 minuta i 50 sekundi a njegov golub je osvojio i zlatnu alku takmičenja sa letom od 13 sati i 25 minuta.
The Pigeon Association of Serbia continues with video presentations of the most successful competitors in 2022. In the report, we present one of the younger competitors, Rafailović Dušan GSS 103 Farmer near Obrenoc, who this year won third place with his Serbian high-flyers at the junior championship of Serbia and its associated members. His flock achieved an average of 9 hours 29 minutes and 50 seconds, and his pigeon won the gold medal of the competition with a flight of 13 hours and 25 minutes.