9/27/20 - #1 The MARK of the BEAST? "Idolatry and Covetousness" - Sunday Worship

  • Опубликовано: 11 сен 2024
  • Series: Book of Revelation Series
    Topic: The MARK of the BEAST? "Idolatry and Covetousness"
    Scripture: 1John 2:15- 22 & Rev 13:13-18
    Speaker: Pastor Jesse Gistand

Комментарии • 18

  • @gloriablair1978
    @gloriablair1978 4 года назад +3

    Thank you for preaching truth which helps me to keep my eyes on Jesus Christ who is full of grace and truth.

  • @earlysda
    @earlysda 3 года назад

    The 7th day Sabbath is God's seal.

  • @mikefanofmovies
    @mikefanofmovies 3 года назад

    "This question was asked of The Lord, for a brother in Christ: Lord, what is the mark of the beast, in the Bible?[1]
    [The Lord answered] My son, why ask of Me such things? Rather, consider the marks you have taken. Are you clean? Where does your allegiance lie? Is it given to the things of men and to the lusts of this world? Or does it belong to God, longing always to know the deep things of Messiah, whom you call Christ? Therefore, seek first your own salvation; dwell not on outward things of evil. For evil has lost its grip on the redeemed.
    Yet for the sake of all those who shall come to read these words, I shall answer you, that they may hear and know and remember: The mark, this mark of the beast, is a choice, a grave error. Yet as of this day, it remains merely an invention of man, a device, a stamp. Yet there is an evil one among men who will gain power and much prestige, who will force everyone - great and small, rich and poor, free and slave - to receive a mark in his right hand or on his forehead.[2] The technology exists; its production has commenced. Thus that which was created for good shall be used for evil, that the few may gain control over the many, that no one may buy or sell unless they have the mark, that is, the name of the beast or the number of its name, as it is written.[3]
    My son, what you seek concerning the end of the age, I have already given to My servant, John, written in the book called Revelation. And that which was given to John, I now bestow upon My servant, Timothy, that all those who have ears to hear may hear the sound of this Trumpet and escape, for the Day is at hand. For as it is written: The Lord God does nothing without revealing His plans to His servants, the prophets.[4]
    Therefore that which you have considered, and that which you have heard, is true. And oh how modern man glories in his own creations, taking much pride in the inventions of his mind. Look how he revels in the works of his hands. Yet they shall be his undoing, for even now he has brought destruction upon his own head. For in his pride he has opened the door to the evil one, and on account of his great arrogance has he made it possible for the man of perdition[5] to rule over him; by his own works he has condemned himself to death!
    Why, O peoples of the earth, do you forge shackles and secure them about your feet?! I tell you the truth, you are all captives, slaves to your own evil thoughts and desires! Therefore, forsake all this madness and return to Me! Call upon My name in sincerity and in truth, and you shall truly be free! For I hold all the keys; even over death and Sheol do I have complete authority.[6] For as it is written: If The Son sets you free, you are free indeed![7] Says The Lord."
    "9/04 From The Lord, Our God and Savior - The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
    This I say to you, concerning the beast: Only now has the time come, where man has made it possible for the one called sin, evil and deceit, the one full of much lying and abominable ways, to rule. For by man’s works has he now made it possible for the likes of this evil to gain control, even to accomplish all he has conceived of to do. In no time past were there such devices of men by which he could rule in this manner, or chains such as these for him to shackle as many as he will, or the means by which he can devour as many as he will.
    Behold, now is the time for him to cast his net over the whole world, and who can escape? For his eye will reach far and wide, his commands carried out on a whim. Now is the time, in which he can use the works of men for his evil purpose. Even from the heavens can he watch over his evil flock, and from the heavens can he destroy all those who oppose him, with fire, brimstone and fervent heat. Even now does he watch and lie in wait for his due time, as the lion waits in the tall grass for the moment, the opportune moment, to pounce and devour his prey.
    He has already begun to mark his people, and eagerly do they go... To death do they go! He is a cunning one, this evil one, for he will also come upon the world as a thief and a savior of men, but he will lead them, coax them and deceive them... And unto death will they go! And all who will follow him and take his mark will worship him, saying, “Who is like this man? And who knows what he knows? And who can stand against him?! Who?! He is the one whom all have waited for. He will bring peace and prosperity to the nations.” Many in that day will make a covenant with him, a covenant built upon the sand, the sands of false hope and great iniquity. They will rejoice in him, until the day his true faces are revealed. Yet few will take notice, barely turning the head, for they have all become adopted children of perdition.
    In that day, they will be so far stuck
    In the mire of their sin and adultery,
    With their hearts hardened,
    Their eyes accustomed to darkness
    And their ears attuned to evil,
    That they will be unable to flee
    From that which is about to overtake them...
    Then swift destruction will I pour out upon them,
    With no respite, nor hope of salvation or escape,
    For their choice is made...
    Goats branded for the slaughter...
    Vessels meet for destruction...

  • @twocrownsjoshua5004
    @twocrownsjoshua5004 3 года назад

    What will happen to those who refused the Mark of the beast??

  • @rickybullock10
    @rickybullock10 3 года назад +1

    The Sabbath (Saturday) is the seal of God whereas the mark of the beast is enforced SUN WORSHIP Sunday worship is the main issue here nothing else

  • @fuafaatiga6593
    @fuafaatiga6593 3 года назад

    IF you love me follow my commandmanth and faith to Jesus THE SABBATH the SAIGN PETOWEEN ME AND MY PEOPLE ,, EXODUS 31,17,

  • @forg1vens1nner58
    @forg1vens1nner58 4 года назад +2

    Sunday Worship absolutely cannot be the mark of the beast.

    • @DannyBashy
      @DannyBashy 3 года назад +2

      I've been arguing with this lady about this can u explain why I know why I think it but I want ur opinion

    • @forg1vens1nner58
      @forg1vens1nner58 3 года назад +2

      Danny Oh forsure man! I hate arguing with people over this because it’s just completely unbiblical.. lol
      Jewish Sabbath Rebuttal.
      1.The Sabbath was given to the Jews as a sign in Ezekiel 20:20.
      2. Jews Require a sign. 1 Corinthians 1:22.
      3. Jewish nation of Israel in Exodus 4 was founded on Signs.
      4. The sign of the Sabbath day was unknown to every person until it was revealed to Moses on Mt.Sinai in 1500B.C. Neh.9:14
      5. The first day was actually set aside as a sanctified day of rest BEFORE the sabbath according to Exodus 12:16.
      6. The Catholic Church didn’t make the day or worship Sunday.. the Apostles did.. (Acts 20, 1 Corinthians 16:1-4, Acts 20:7) because their savior rose on the first day of the week and the Holy Spirit came down on the first day of the week. Acts 2:1-6.
      7. There are moral laws and ceremonial laws given in the same list in Leviticus 19.. and if you read Leviticus 19 the sabbath is a ceremonial observance.. not moral.
      8. Paul forbids any judging of ceremonial observances of ANY day. ( Colossians 2:16)
      9. In Romans 13:8-10 Paul purposefully omits the Sabbath from the 10 commandments because it’s ceremonial.
      10. Paul is the Apostle to the GENTILES. Not Jews.
      11. Keeping the commandments have NOTHING to do with salvation. Galatians 2:16. Ephesians 2:8-9.
      12. If any sinner is counting on the law to justify him he is an unsaved man who has fallen from grace.. according to Galatians 5:4 and Christ is of no effect to him at all.
      13. 2 Timothy 2:15 says to rightly divide the word of truth.. don’t apply Jewish doctrine and passages to yourself.. it won’t work. 🙌👍 Blessings.

    • @JosiahFickinger
      @JosiahFickinger 3 года назад +2

      Absolutely! I refuse to believe such an irrelevant action of observing Sunday, not because it was supposedly changed, but because they believe it's always been, can possibly compromise a Christian's Salvation. The mark of the Beast makes perfect sense if it was given to those who deliberately worshiped someone other than Jesus and followed instructions. Considering only a tiny percent of Christians go to church on Saturday, I doubt God would just scrap all the other followers of Christ from Heaven just because they observed a different day and doing so not in vein. And besides, will the Sabbath be observed on the New Earth since the old creation would be done away with. It's a sad thing to think about.

    • @JosiahFickinger
      @JosiahFickinger 3 года назад +2

      @@forg1vens1nner58 It only makes sense that the Antichrist will mainly deceive the Jews mainly because they rejected Jesus as Messiah and so are waiting for a different Messiah. Atheists would have no need for a Messiah since they don't believe in God. But if the new world religion includes everyone, then it's fair to say that religion acknowledges evolution and secularism.

    • @earlysda
      @earlysda 3 года назад +1

      When governments enforce a Sunday law, then keeping it, in direct opposition to God's 7th day Sabbath, you will receive the Mark of the Beast.

  • @andersonneves89
    @andersonneves89 2 года назад

    apocalypse 13 marks the beast, don't buy, don't sell, talking about days of the week that Adventists should not buy and sell, Adventists can buy and sell on Sunday, nor receive donations from some people who buy and sell during the week, it will be unholy, when the law of the beast comes, whatever the beast says, Adventists must be doing some other way, the beast says it can't buy on Sunday, so Adventists must buy and sell, the beast says what day of the week they can buy and sell, so Adventists shouldn't buy and sell, 666, 6 days a week they can't buy and sell, the government will be very furious with Adventists, here comes the persecution of the remnants, God gave a little peace, to proclaim the loud cry that has been understood in these last times by the Holy Spirit of God, to proclaim to the United States that it is at greatest risk and to the world