Mr Metropolitan, you are very funny. Such wit! Such insight! And to think you deign to share it with us. The honour is ours. Really. Happy trolling Mr Metropolitan
Yvonukon You could call him that AND MUCH MORE because he was the bigot of bigots. He was getting payed regularly by a tabaco company to write favourable articles about smoking or/and dispute any science against tabaco caused lung cancer. Until he got caught. He hated anything modern because he was a bloody old fart with 19th century ideas and, of course, he was an extreme conservative of the worst kind. Repulsive and dangerous, to say the least.
I wonder how at 77 I am just becoming aware of him. Needless to say...he is a true intellectual without being an overbearing bore. Three cheers for Sir Roger!!!
I first discovered Sir Roger over twenty years ago by chance after reading the Salisbury Review website in the early days of the Internet. Like most genuinely conservative thinkers, he has not appeared much in the mainstream media. I am not sure whether this is because of his own reticence, or because the establishment media dislikes his views. I suspect it is the latter, especially in the light of his recent banning from public office. It is wonderful, therefore, to be able to watch his broadcasts online.
Lol! I know this is months after your comment, but I know exactly what you are talking about with many intellectuals being overbearing bores. I once worked in an art museum.
Ding Dong The Witch Is DEAD! Roger Scruton’s brand of conservatism became a licence for bigotry
Check out the Hoover Institute on RUclips for more brilliant minds. My introduction to Sir Roger was on that channel. May we honor his legacy by taking action in our circle of influence. He speaks truth in a world that has lost it's way.
Ip Wischin that could only have been a stroke of great luck . One RUclips lecture and I’m already in the midst of a battle with several of my dearest axioms .
Ip Wischin Did he also teach you how to secretly get money from Japanese tobacco companies for writing fraudulent favourable articles on smoking, against science? Did he teach you to be a bigot, an extreme tory, a racist and a nationalist? You do not choose your teachers carefully.
So sad to hear of Roger Scrutons death. My husband remembered him from Kings college, a sane voice in a confused world. So sad he was treated so badly, but he will be on the right side of history. RIP
@@einarabelc5 If I had any suspicion you had read Scruton's works deeply and half-understood them, I might take you semi-seriously. But you haven't and I don't.
Met him a few times as our sons were at school together. I really enjoyed his company, his piercing observations and intellect and above all his total modesty. People throw about the word gentleman but in his case he really was one.
Just imagine professor Scruton, were he still with us, trying to give this talk at an American university today. He would be shouted down in the first five minutes and forced off the stage. How encouraging it is then to see Oxford University’s respectful, mostly student audience listening without interrupting, and only then challenging him during the appropriate time: the Q&A period. American students: please watch, listen and learn. This is the right way to discuss ideas.
@@danilthorstensson8902 retiring after 20 in American university, and I will tell you the democratization has run full course. Kingsley Amis was correct in predicting that more will mean worse ... i.e., 70% of students are enrolled only because of clownish low admission standards. cancel culture has driven the final nail ... insipid children spending money they haven’t got on drivel.
very good questions - I would say however that, as an Eastern European, Sir Roger Scruton is mostly correct in ascribing the negative connotations of politics to the left. I am from Romania - the communists killed (let me emphasise, killed) the culture, business spirit, intellectual curiosity and the necessary need to dream.
@@123axel123 If he is 35 then he would have been a small child when the wall fell. If he is 30 then he would have just been born. TLDR: he doesn't know what life was like under communism, because he didn't have to contend with it.
Many people disagreed with him and some of their opinions were reported in the pejorative "The Media." I agreed with his broad opinion that there are no sacred cows (and everything could and should be challenged.) I admire his articulation of Aestheticism/beauty. The dangers of smoking tobacco are well-known in most countries (his reading audience) and his taking fees from tobacco companies is no big deal. His attitude of the WHO having unfair or invalid authority as an unelected body has merit only as a debate topic for 17 year olds. Maybe youngsters can use that stance with their unelected parents :-D
@@cocklecruncha7142 No idea why you wrote that ...whatever it is. Anyhow Stalin was an antisemite and actively persecuted many Jews (i.e., had them killed) on the basis of them being Jews. Israel was, and still is, vehemently anti-communist. Just sayin' so you know.
@@ewaldseiland8558 The Jewish (and Israeli) relationship with Communism is a bit more complicated than that. For whatever reason, Russian Jews were certainly prominent in the movement leading up to the 1917 revolution. Indeed, Leon Trotsky - born Lev Davidovich Bronstein - was Jewish and, of course, Karl Marx's father was a Rabbi. Moreover, I think any person who understands the history of Israel would have to concede that the country would almost certainly not exist today if it were not for the collectivist infrastructure provided by kibbutzim, moshavim, and other such institutions. Indeed, the first Israeli Prime Minister and "Father of the Nation" Ben Gurion was himself a devout kibbutznik. Even those like Benjamin Netanyahu, who sits firmly on the right of Israeli politics, would not deny the debt the country owes to Marxist theory and collectivism.
Hi Andrew. You may enjoy the mind of Dr. Iain mcgilchrist. Fascinating studies on the brain and the roles the hemispheres play. Seemingly opposed yet dependent on each others uniqueness.
I too disagreed with many things he said but I found it very interesting nonetheless. I only wish that when he used an example he would not have used gay marriage for that purpose. I am sure there are many good examples that could have been used where the zealousness for equal rights have caused objective tangible damage, so why use one that have none. Other than that, I thought it was fantastic.
And in 150 years, they will be tearing down his statues and wanting to rename streets or schools named after him. Which is what is happening now to people who were in no way the conservatives of their time.
I am glad Roger declared his working class background, there are some who might seek to obscure this, but good ideas and fresh directions have often originated in the great energy of educated working people.
Michael Gorman Hmm.....At what point did Your background Start?....The essence is where the background is! Perhaps investigate beyond your cultural conditioning, and discover where you are.....or what You are! Before?
That's how it seems to go for most of the working class. Humble beginnings make one understand what common people have to deal with on a daily basis and a good education enables one to distinguish the positive sides of a humble life against the negative sides, but also what it means to work hard for something and watch it pay off. Elites never know that struggle, so they rarely get a view of "the real world", but so do the poor fellows who never got a proper education and so often miss out to elevate themselves from the slums. There are a lucky few who get to walk the Yellow Brick Road.
I am a long time radio listener of talk shows here in the U.S. Many times I would be quite impressed by how well informed the working class/truck drivers were about various issues when calling in. I don't hear them calling in much anymore. Maybe all the knowlegeable ones retired. Don't know.
I don't think "lost" so much as targeted. And targeted most often by means of main stream media and government officials excoriating and smearing anyone who might express a conservative position.
I am saddened to hear the passing of this great man and polymath on 12th January, 2020, who truly was one of the giants of Western thought and embodied everything that is best and noble of the English! He sought the Truth and sometimes was vilified & punished for it! RIP.
Alexander_the_Goat As the great Enoch Powell said on an interview calling him in the wilderness,”wildernesses are good places I notice for voices,they have a reverberation not heard in the more crowded areas”Enoch Powell :Brilliant man
This is a brilliant, marvelous man. Just listening to him, gives me goose pimples. What an inspiration, what a clear voice of common sense. Every Democrat in the USA should have this man's lectures piped into their ears as much as possible!
So too the Republicans my friend. Despite playing the role of right wing, the Republican party is as philosophically and intellectually bankrupt as the Democrats - more and more so it seems with each year.
Wonderful man. A hero for any conservative libertarian minded person. I particularly love his proposed slogan: 'hesitate'. This is what conservatives do, we hesitate, we think, we consider. Hesitating and considering is something the left just doesnt compute.
Most of us want a good life for ourselves and our families, and most want to help others and our neighbours. Thus, most of us are both capitalist and socialist, conservative and liberal. Each social problem should be dealt with individually on its own merits. Thinking either the left or the right has all the answers is extremist. Identity politics seems to me the most dangerous pathology.
Identity politics exerted by black Africans is "survival", identity politics exerted by white Europeans is "supremacism" - the moronic double standard of standardized, regime-friendly fools such as you
@@amoreazione3563 Quite the contrary. What we see going on is that the blacks have never been more coddled with privilege than in the last fifty years or so right here in the evil capitalist fact obsessed white patriarchy west. Funny that because in terms of both institutional and interpersonal venues the conservative Judeo-Christian white offers the black every enfranchisement, welcome and opportunity, and that gladly. Of course the radical opportunists like Al Sharpton, Maxine Waters and the other Marxist revolutionary fraudsters in academe ( Evergreen college being a particularly flagrant example) - are not oblivious to the glaring fact that the very proposition that "survival" ( in the sense of an alleged and utterly mythical supremacist capitalist white patriarchy ) is even remotely an issue is laughable on its face. But in the particular aspects of personal ego aggrandizement one would expect from a person with narcissistic personality disorder, truth and fact are simply to be gainsaid and anyone giving voice to reason is to treated to their pathological symptoms in the forms of insult and character assassination. Of course, a majority, I suspect, of blacks see right through the facade and cannot be bothered with such pathetic nonsense.
@@stephen1137 Marxism and its derivatives (political correctness, identity politics, lgbt rights) are all ideologies sourcing from judaism. Our European society's roots are not "judeo"(?!) - christians, but pagan and Indo-European.
Oxford is still the most respected university in Europe for many reasons. This is probably one of them. I remember we did a trip to London, because many of us wanted to go shopping and a trip to Rome sounded lame, yet some of us decided to take the train to Oxford and explore the university. The place is simply astonishing and I'm still so happy our teachers arranged us a tour!
As an American, may I say: this man is a genius on the level of Mises and Hayek. Separation of economy and state is as essential as separation of Church and state.
He's a genius on the level of a dumb cartoon character - DangerMouse, with a quiet dose of humility. Even his hair is ironic Derrida. Derivative (not much!).
"If a conservative appears on the BBC, as a token recognition that quite a lot of people in the country are of that benighted persuasion, better let them appear for a bit in order that they should be humiliated properly. And as one of those token conservatives who appears on the BBC, I can assure you that the humiliation is complete." - Roger Scruton
perhaps the only way to get through to those who would silence and/or ridicule you is to give them exactly what they want. for example, someone has tried to steal your spot in line. you might say, -'i was before you, but please go right ahead. your agitation makes it quite clear your time is much more valuable than mine, or indeed, anyone else here. please, i insist. you've something very important to attend to. i wouldn't want to keep you for a second too long...' etc,etc. it is the only way to get through to someone who is expecting belligerence. this acquiescence to humiliation on the bbc is the only way to get his view on it. cast aside one's ego and say what needs to be heard, nevermind the dolts that are the bbc. you just might get through...
Interesting listening, however the idea that Conservatives and the right in general are limited to token appearances is verging on magical thinking. Check out the Question Time appearances
@@robertburns3605 Neither British nor living in the UK, I cannot make a comment about Question Time, but I spend some time watching political coverage on Channel 4 and Sky. Overall the tone is as follows: A Conservative minister or member is addressed with clear skepticism (this much is quite all right in my view) and antagonism verging on hostility. Interruptions are frequent and rude. Had Scruton extended his reference concerning humiliation to Channel 4, he would have been justified. Anyone hating conservatives or Conservatives must find the attempts at it, which regularly succeed, deeply satisfying to his or her hatred. A Labour member or shadow minister is addressed in a manner much closer to that one uses with a colleague, even a friend at certain times. Skepticism may make an appearance but on the whole it is ordinarily a skepticism bordering on curiosity ("I'm not convinced; let us explore this further.") It is usually absent altogether, as are antagonism and hostility. The whole tone is very close to what a Labour guest would ask for if invited to do so. In short, Conservatives are treated much as foreign enemies of the UK might be. Were they really foreign enemies, we would all like it. Labour representatives are treated, not as perfect, but nonetheless clearly the way defenders of the nation against foreign enemies might be. In this way, supporters of the Conservatives who are watching are made to feel as though they are possibly foreigners themselves in some sense, but certainly at any rate enemies of the nation. It is this sort of display of power which most thoroughly makes ridiculous any claim that conservatism is responsible for society's ills, by demonstrating that its opponents are the ones firmly in charge. The media, the TV media at any rate, have set themselves up as a sort of a third house of parliament with a permanent left majority. When a Conservative government is in power, they must accommodate themselves to the demands of this third chamber, which is always in session with members standing to speak. 'Just doing their job,' you might reply, with a certain amount of justification. That justification, in my view, falls short at the point where the media are participants in a battle which they are supposed to be covering. If they were to leave the battle and return to the impartial stance Scruton asserts they once had, they would remain rightly powerful of course, but their virtual parliamentary innovation would disappear in an instant, its arrogated power shifted back to the Commons, the cabinet, and Downing Street. These are the views of a foreigner quite sympathetic to the future of Britain, who has no home anywhere on the political spectrum but rather always finds himself a nomad, pitching tents somewhere within a stone's throw from the centre (perhaps occasionally two) on either side of it.
@@miosis23 You can also do this with people who tailgate you, indicate, pull into the side of the road, if safe of course, and wave them by. If they are practically touching your rear bumper they struggle to turn out to go by you and are so humiliated.
What a brilliant address( and questions) What a privilege to hear this warm and loving man. Think on these things, question and learn. We need this in these times.
I love this man..he's a treasure....from an American.
5 лет назад+33
3:40 "If you look people that call themselves socialist, you will be astonished at the extent of their prosperity" a lot of people missed that irony... 4:10 "[Socialists ] promise some kind of rival [economic system] the details of which remain hidden..."
The most famous rich people in the USA are on the Left , socialism, and communism. Yet they seem to retain their wealth while sharing other people's money to lead us into equality. History does repeat itself with the successful self deluded.
Outstandingly thoughtful and incisive on both parts; The Presenter and the Questioners. Sir Roger does a wonderful job of dissecting right vs left and making. Questions from students are reasoned and without prejudice. My faith in the generation(s) following me is significantly enhanced. Thank you.
Oxford Union congartulation for this meeting as allways its a good pleasure to follow his presentation. I read with pleasure Sir Scruton all the best I wish for both of you
I do as well, if for nothing else than to counter the ridiculous speculations of the Arts + Sciences professorial class filtered to the undergraduate masses.
@@mattnicklaw8385 Oh dear. What Matt do you think your post contributed? Oh, gave you a laugh? And that (saddo) is enough in what your post tells us must be a pretty small life?
The concept of "home" is why the "Welcome to Yorkshire" garden was the People's Choice at Chelsea this year. It embodied the idea of home, and honoured the ancient history of British culture and the deep resonance of culturally British people with their land. The minutely detailed evocation of the most humble and authentic icon of a British home needed no metaphorical explanation as most of the other gardens did. It spoke directly to people's intuitive understanding.
You place your comment behind a shield of noble compliment for the deceased, which may be fair with respect to "censorious." However "indentitarianism" is a right wing movement, and the use of "degenerate" is just a tedious cheap insult. Scrutin would grade your epitaph as poor.
@J and M - Rightwing fussbudgets do not get to define the language as they wish while ignoring the parts they cannot redefine, if there stands nearby someone to call them out. And I stand here. Clearly the epitaph compartmentalizes within it a cheap insult toward perceived opponents, and is therefore something Scrutin, who invited challenges & thus stood nowhere near your sort of biased small-minded hell, would object to.
@J and M - Yes, indeed. And in fact, identity politics are far more alive and well right now than ever before, which is very unfortunate. Just a game of "I'm this, and you're that, and only I am 100% correct."
@brinbrin62 62200 - That word is so new-fangled that most people cannot even agree upon a definition. "Identitarian ideologies"? Oh brother. Let's dumb it down a bit. Either that, or it's a prime example of ... "What was once old is now new again." (Along with all of the political baggage it entails.) What's new again? (After so much progress?) Anti-Sematism, for one, says this Christian. Sexism, for another. Racism, for yet another, which is now described in whole new ways which identify actions that are not the least bit racially motivated. Border control, for one. If you want a secure border, then it of course means you're "racist." HA! Please discuss this with all of your local Hispanic citizens who are very Americanized, and very well educated. Yes, such Hispanics DO indeed exist in the USA, which the average Democrat finds surprising. Do they think border control is important? Hell yes! But do Democrats think border control is important? Hell no!
Very happy to see someone examine both sides and present the negatives along with the positives. It could definitely use some elaboration on certain things, but nonetheless this was very pleasant to watch. I really hope to see more speeches like this one.
And has capitalism worked ? And for who ? And if in some in some cases of it hasn't , who cleaned up the mess and payed the bill . Anyone can be a billionaire , not everyone .
Brilliant and mostly accurate my opinion. Perhaps not thoroughly answering the questions but the talk itself insightful and illuminating to an open mind, but also of course my opinion. I should say that my problem with Leftism (Marxist influenced heavily I believe) is that it is Utopian at its core and starts from a fantastic impossibility, because of a false view of human nature and frailty, the fatal flaw being the natural bent towards corruption. Conservatism being keenly aware of this flaw, guards against it, not perfectly of course, but by vigilance in preserving individual rights and the rule of law and governments that have checks and balances....our Constitution here in the States being the greatest example of it to date.
You could very easily become an enemy of the people. Be grateful for the good things we have built our free societies into. Conserving is all about the Love of what you have. I remember as a 12 year old child being thankful that I was born in this country and not any other.
What an interesting fella. I have no idea who he is - except to say I now think he is someone with 'conservative but sensible' values. He certainly elicited some interesting questions and gave some very reasonable-sounding arguments. Thanks for the upload.
A very rare genuine thinker who created his own momentum of thought and insight. A political philosopher with a lifetime of ‘skin in the game’ grounding his reason with experience. RIP old boy!
Roger Scruton's death was a huge loss to the cause reason, liberty, and human kindness. But his life-long contribution has enriched the cause greatly. Here was a man whose life was well-lived. Let us remember him faithfully by not capitulating to alarmist hysteria.
So wonderful to view the recorded thoughts of those at the forefront of a revolution they could not yet see three years later. Right here, right now those of us watching this are seeing shoulders on which we stand. People who made the sacrifice of their time and labor so the future would be more meaningful to all of us.
Quiet, considered, polite and self depreciating.....which is all the more staggering when you realise the gigantic intellect he possessed, combined with an intuitive understanding of the political and human condition. We will be very lucky to see the like again - A genuine free and original thinker, and a gentleman to the end, RIP Sir.
A brilliant man, delivering in a calm, sane and reasoned manner. A good line in self deprecating humour too. Exemplary. So sad that he is no longer with us.
Does great job explaining what is really happening --- WE do not have capitalism --- if we had capitalism Banks would never have been bailed out. We need a RULE OF LAW, we have legalized plunder by the 1%.
Life is a cruel joke on humanity - that is resonated in the Bible. It was a cruel joke when the 2 idiots known as Adam and Eve got kicked out - which they did deserve - even though they had it so good over there.
Are you referring to his comment about the guy's accent? That sounded like a wicked jab, but I wasn't certain. Perhaps he spat some venom because the guy's affected manner brought up negative feelings toward the upper class.
@@VimDoozy I don't think it was a wicked jab at all. It may have been a putdown though. The guy identified himself as Upper Class when he said they'd been "thoroughly emasculated", although he seemed to have done a pretty good job of that himself. My suspicion is that Scrutton considers the Upper Class to be irrelevant parasites so you'd expect him to give them short shrift.
RIP Sir Roger Scruton - a sane voice is a crazy world
@Russian Métropolitan why on earth would you call him that?
@Russian Métropolitan Um ... difficult, but just maybe, read what he wrote?
Please don't take it seriously, but you don't come out as very clever.
Mr Metropolitan, you are very funny. Such wit! Such insight! And to think you deign to share it with us. The honour is ours. Really. Happy trolling Mr Metropolitan
Yvonukon You could call him that AND MUCH MORE because he was the bigot of bigots. He was getting payed regularly by a tabaco company to write favourable articles about smoking or/and dispute any science against tabaco caused lung cancer. Until he got caught. He hated anything modern because he was a bloody old fart with 19th century ideas and, of course, he was an extreme conservative of the worst kind. Repulsive and dangerous, to say the least.
I wonder how at 77 I am just becoming aware of him. Needless to say...he is a true intellectual without being an overbearing bore. Three cheers for Sir Roger!!!
I first discovered Sir Roger over twenty years ago by chance after reading the Salisbury Review website in the early days of the Internet. Like most genuinely conservative thinkers, he has not appeared much in the mainstream media. I am not sure whether this is because of his own reticence, or because the establishment media dislikes his views. I suspect it is the latter, especially in the light of his recent banning from public office. It is wonderful, therefore, to be able to watch his broadcasts online.
Lol! I know this is months after your comment, but I know exactly what you are talking about with many intellectuals being overbearing bores. I once worked in an art museum.
Try Jonathan Bowden next.
Ding Dong The Witch Is DEAD! Roger Scruton’s brand of conservatism became a licence for bigotry
Check out the Hoover Institute on RUclips for more brilliant minds. My introduction to Sir Roger was on that channel. May we honor his legacy by taking action in our circle of influence. He speaks truth in a world that has lost it's way.
R.I.P. - he was my teacher. I'll miss him so much.
His lectures and books should be required reading in universities all over the world... but especially in the West.
You're a lucky man!
@Russian Métropolitan You offer us nothing but cyber idiot slang?
Ip Wischin that could only have been a stroke of great luck . One RUclips lecture
and I’m already in the midst of a battle with several of my dearest axioms .
Ip Wischin Did he also teach you how to secretly get money from Japanese tobacco companies for writing fraudulent favourable articles on smoking, against science? Did he teach you to be a bigot, an extreme tory, a racist and a nationalist? You do not choose your teachers carefully.
So sad to hear of Roger Scrutons death. My husband remembered him from Kings college, a sane voice in a confused world. So sad he was treated so badly, but he will be on the right side of history. RIP
He was treated badly for the Right reasons.
My - aren't you clever?
@@einarabelc5 If I had any suspicion you had read Scruton's works deeply and half-understood them, I might take you semi-seriously. But you haven't and I don't.
Scruton allegedly abused young boys. Now that he dead. Those victims won't get any justice.
He will indeed. RIP Sir Roger.
Met him a few times as our sons were at school together. I really enjoyed his company, his piercing observations and intellect and above all his total modesty. People throw about the word gentleman but in his case he really was one.
Consistently underestimated...😊
Scruton allegedly abused young boys. Now that he dead. Those victims won't get any justice.
Just imagine professor Scruton, were he still with us, trying to give this talk at an American university today. He would be shouted down in the first five minutes and forced off the stage. How encouraging it is then to see Oxford University’s respectful, mostly student audience listening without interrupting, and only then challenging him during the appropriate time: the Q&A period. American students: please watch, listen and learn. This is the right way to discuss ideas.
Sounds like you haven’t gone to an American University in a while
In Hungary recently opened a communitiy club, called Scruton house.
The current poison scrud that is the state the American polis will out itself in a drooling, vacuous stupor as it stumbles to its death in the gutter.
@@danilthorstensson8902 retiring after 20 in American university, and I will tell you the democratization has run full course. Kingsley Amis was correct in predicting that more will mean worse ... i.e., 70% of students are enrolled only because of clownish low admission standards. cancel culture has driven the final nail ... insipid children spending money they haven’t got on drivel.
very good questions - I would say however that, as an Eastern European, Sir Roger Scruton is mostly correct in ascribing the negative connotations of politics to the left. I am from Romania - the communists killed (let me emphasise, killed) the culture, business spirit, intellectual curiosity and the necessary need to dream.
How old are you? Talked to a Romanian around 30-35 and he said that life under communism was not as bad as normally thought. I wash shocked
@@123axel123 he must have been a small child in those days then. where does he get what he knows?
@@123axel123 If he is 35 then he would have been a small child when the wall fell. If he is 30 then he would have just been born. TLDR: he doesn't know what life was like under communism, because he didn't have to contend with it.
@@poltergeistfm The question is how old A Balint is.
@@123axel123 He was either a baby or not born. Communism in Romania finnished with the trial and execution of Nicolae Ceausescu in 1989. 31 years ago.
A true Englishman, such a shame what the media did to him .He will be missed
Many people disagreed with him and some of their opinions were reported in the pejorative "The Media." I agreed with his broad opinion that there are no sacred cows (and everything could and should be challenged.) I admire his articulation of Aestheticism/beauty. The dangers of smoking tobacco are well-known in most countries (his reading audience) and his taking fees from tobacco companies is no big deal. His attitude of the WHO having unfair or invalid authority as an unelected body has merit only as a debate topic for 17 year olds. Maybe youngsters can use that stance with their
unelected parents :-D
@@cocklecruncha7142 No idea why you wrote that ...whatever it is. Anyhow Stalin was an antisemite and actively persecuted many Jews (i.e., had them killed) on the basis of them being Jews. Israel was, and still is, vehemently anti-communist. Just sayin' so you know.
@@cocklecruncha7142 grow up
@@cocklecruncha7142 You're completely deranged and I hope for everyone who loves you that you'll get serious professional help
@@ewaldseiland8558 The Jewish (and Israeli) relationship with Communism is a bit more complicated than that. For whatever reason, Russian Jews were certainly prominent in the movement leading up to the 1917 revolution. Indeed, Leon Trotsky - born Lev Davidovich Bronstein - was Jewish and, of course, Karl Marx's father was a Rabbi. Moreover, I think any person who understands the history of Israel would have to concede that the country would almost certainly not exist today if it were not for the collectivist infrastructure provided by kibbutzim, moshavim, and other such institutions. Indeed, the first Israeli Prime Minister and "Father of the Nation" Ben Gurion was himself a devout kibbutznik. Even those like Benjamin Netanyahu, who sits firmly on the right of Israeli politics, would not deny the debt the country owes to Marxist theory and collectivism.
Scruton is brilliant. First time I have heard someone so eloquently compare and contrast the Left and Right. Very thoughtful. Very informative.
Andrew apparently you r eulogy was one year early. How so ?
My fault I need glasses.
Hi Andrew. You may enjoy the mind of Dr. Iain mcgilchrist. Fascinating studies on the brain and the roles the hemispheres play. Seemingly opposed yet dependent on each others uniqueness.
Scruton allegedly abused young boys. Now that he dead. Those victims won't get any justice.
@@Abraham_Tsfaye allegedly??? Where I come from, a man is considered innocent until proven guilty - which I assume he never was.
All disagreements aside, I would like to be able to watch talks as illuminating, insightful and sincere as this one more frequently.
@4comment0nlyThis is when you should be at your most vigilant. This man is a neo-Con apologist, parading his Oxbridge privilege as universal truth.
Stuey apStuey, You might have developed a case of Ideaphobia. It's quite common. i.e., a general distrust or irrational fear of a new thought
@@stueyapstuey4235 Like many, he does not understand economics enough, but he is right that some of the modern architecture is ugly.
Try Stephan Molyneux on FREEDOMAINRADIO
I too disagreed with many things he said but I found it very interesting nonetheless. I only wish that when he used an example he would not have used gay marriage for that purpose. I am sure there are many good examples that could have been used where the zealousness for equal rights have caused objective tangible damage, so why use one that have none. Other than that, I thought it was fantastic.
In a hundred years, he will be honored as a hero of his time.
This day ,and more honoured in Eastern Europe than in the sheltered West for reasons ALL should appreciate.
And in 150 years, they will be tearing down his statues and wanting to rename streets or schools named after him. Which is what is happening now to people who were in no way the conservatives of their time.
Scruton allegedly abused young boys. Now that he dead. Those victims won't get any justice.
Scruton allegedly abused young boys. Now that he dead. Those victims won't get any justice.
@@Abraham_Tsfaye "allegedly'...What is your source for this vile slander?
I am glad Roger declared his working class background, there are some who might seek to obscure this, but good ideas and fresh directions have often originated in the great energy of educated working people.
Michael Gorman Hmm.....At what point did Your background Start?....The essence is where the background is! Perhaps investigate beyond your cultural conditioning, and discover where you are.....or what You are! Before?
@@1SpudderR eh?
Michael Gorman Too right
That's how it seems to go for most of the working class. Humble beginnings make one understand what common people have to deal with on a daily basis and a good education enables one to distinguish the positive sides of a humble life against the negative sides, but also what it means to work hard for something and watch it pay off. Elites never know that struggle, so they rarely get a view of "the real world", but so do the poor fellows who never got a proper education and so often miss out to elevate themselves from the slums. There are a lucky few who get to walk the Yellow Brick Road.
I am a long time radio listener of talk shows here in the U.S. Many times I would be quite impressed by how well informed the working class/truck drivers were about various issues when calling in. I don't hear them calling in much anymore. Maybe all the knowlegeable ones retired. Don't know.
A brilliant mind and a courageous voice speaking up for truth has been lost to mankind today.
I don't think "lost" so much as targeted. And targeted most often by means of main stream media and government officials excoriating and smearing anyone who might express a conservative position.
I am saddened to hear the passing of this great man and polymath on 12th January, 2020, who truly was one of the giants of Western thought and embodied everything that is best and noble of the English! He sought the Truth and sometimes was vilified & punished for it! RIP.
Sir Roger is as the voice of one crying in the wilderness.
Alexander_the_Goat As the great Enoch Powell said on an interview calling him in the wilderness,”wildernesses are good places I notice for voices,they have a reverberation not heard in the more crowded areas”Enoch Powell :Brilliant man
We've lost one of the last gentlemen.
He passed the torch to Douglas Murray, somewhat of a disciple of his.
Uhhh. No
The world has lost one of the truly great lights of our age. Memory eternal!
There is hope for people to understand that ideologies should not be imposed
A voice of sanity.
you missed the first two letters, in...
Agreed - such ignorance from a man his age.
@fuckfannyfiddlefart You mean "invoice" ?
Pls mind your comments
or you'll sound like
your surname
(which is unsound).
You are either a troll or a cretin, probably both. lol
A genuine and thoughtful man. He is exposing the Oikophobes to the light of day.
This is a brilliant, marvelous man. Just listening to him, gives me goose pimples. What an inspiration, what a clear voice of common sense. Every Democrat in the USA should have this man's lectures piped into their ears as much as possible!
So too the Republicans my friend. Despite playing the role of right wing, the Republican party is as philosophically and intellectually bankrupt as the Democrats - more and more so it seems with each year.
I love the sound of Sir Roger's voice as well as what he is saying.
That's classic RP English you're hearing.
Not. RP is a lot posher than Scruton's accent.
Wonderful man. A hero for any conservative libertarian minded person.
I particularly love his proposed slogan: 'hesitate'. This is what conservatives do, we hesitate, we think, we consider.
Hesitating and considering is something the left just doesnt compute.
haha that's funny and possibly brilliant as a slogan
The world is poorer for having lost Sir Roger. He taught me to see and value beauty.
Most of us want a good life for ourselves and our families, and most want to help others and our neighbours. Thus, most of us are both capitalist and socialist, conservative and liberal. Each social problem should be dealt with individually on its own merits. Thinking either the left or the right has all the answers is extremist. Identity politics seems to me the most dangerous pathology.
Yet every society needs a direction.
@Philosophy Beddoe War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength
Identity politics exerted by black Africans is "survival", identity politics exerted by white Europeans is "supremacism" - the moronic double standard of standardized, regime-friendly fools such as you
@@amoreazione3563 Quite the contrary. What we see going on is that the blacks have never been more coddled with privilege than in the last fifty years or so right here in the evil capitalist fact obsessed white patriarchy west. Funny that because in terms of both institutional and interpersonal venues the conservative Judeo-Christian white offers the black every enfranchisement, welcome and opportunity, and that gladly. Of course the radical opportunists like Al Sharpton, Maxine Waters and the other Marxist revolutionary fraudsters in academe ( Evergreen college being a particularly flagrant example) - are not oblivious to the glaring fact that the very proposition that "survival" ( in the sense of an alleged and utterly mythical supremacist capitalist white patriarchy ) is even remotely an issue is laughable on its face. But in the particular aspects of personal ego aggrandizement one would expect from a person with narcissistic personality disorder, truth and fact are simply to be gainsaid and anyone giving voice to reason is to treated to their pathological symptoms in the forms of insult and character assassination. Of course, a majority, I suspect, of blacks see right through the facade and cannot be bothered with such pathetic nonsense.
@@stephen1137 Marxism and its derivatives (political correctness, identity politics, lgbt rights) are all ideologies sourcing from judaism. Our European society's roots are not "judeo"(?!) - christians, but pagan and Indo-European.
Rest in peace, a great man.
Just found out that he passed. Real tragedy for the future and for philosophy. From your American student RIP Sir Roger!
I’m so glad the Oxford Union allows a broad range of speakers, it hasn’t seem to have fallen quite in the same way Cambridge has
Oxford is still the most respected university in Europe for many reasons. This is probably one of them. I remember we did a trip to London, because many of us wanted to go shopping and a trip to Rome sounded lame, yet some of us decided to take the train to Oxford and explore the university. The place is simply astonishing and I'm still so happy our teachers arranged us a tour!
Cambridge has been far left since at least the 1930s... Oxford never quite fell under their sway, fortunately.
@@thadtuiol1717” Cambridge is far left” is probably the dumbest thing I’ve heard all year
@@danilthorstensson8902 Its true, the leftys are all over it like a smog
God bless him. He was right on every issue. A wonderful voice of common sense in a woods of wickedness and lies. Deo Vindice
I just adore him... and always will.
Rest in peace Roger. You will be missed!
As an American, may I say: this man is a genius on the level of Mises and Hayek. Separation of economy and state is as essential as separation of Church and state.
Presumably he's not in favour of the separation of church and state, being an English conservative...
He's a genius on the level of a dumb cartoon character - DangerMouse, with a quiet dose of humility. Even his hair is ironic Derrida. Derivative (not much!).
Mises isn’t even close to Hayek or Scruton
You class Mises and Hayek, two Jewish charlatans, as 'geniuses'? Good God man...
Genius Smithers.
"If a conservative appears on the BBC, as a token recognition that quite a lot of people in the country are of that benighted persuasion, better let them appear for a bit in order that they should be humiliated properly. And as one of those token conservatives who appears on the BBC, I can assure you that the humiliation is complete." - Roger Scruton
perhaps the only way to get through to those who would silence and/or ridicule you is to give them exactly what they want. for example, someone has tried to steal your spot in line. you might say, -'i was before you, but please go right ahead. your agitation makes it quite clear your time is much more valuable than mine, or indeed, anyone else here. please, i insist. you've something very important to attend to. i wouldn't want to keep you for a second too long...' etc,etc. it is the only way to get through to someone who is expecting belligerence. this acquiescence to humiliation on the bbc is the only way to get his view on it. cast aside one's ego and say what needs to be heard, nevermind the dolts that are the bbc. you just might get through...
Interesting listening, however the idea that Conservatives and the right in general are limited to token appearances is verging on magical thinking. Check out the Question Time appearances
@@robertburns3605 Neither British nor living in the UK, I cannot make a comment about Question Time, but I spend some time watching political coverage on Channel 4 and Sky. Overall the tone is as follows: A Conservative minister or member is addressed with clear skepticism (this much is quite all right in my view) and antagonism verging on hostility. Interruptions are frequent and rude. Had Scruton extended his reference concerning humiliation to Channel 4, he would have been justified. Anyone hating conservatives or Conservatives must find the attempts at it, which regularly succeed, deeply satisfying to his or her hatred.
A Labour member or shadow minister is addressed in a manner much closer to that one uses with a colleague, even a friend at certain times. Skepticism may make an appearance but on the whole it is ordinarily a skepticism bordering on curiosity ("I'm not convinced; let us explore this further.") It is usually absent altogether, as are antagonism and hostility. The whole tone is very close to what a Labour guest would ask for if invited to do so.
In short, Conservatives are treated much as foreign enemies of the UK might be. Were they really foreign enemies, we would all like it. Labour representatives are treated, not as perfect, but nonetheless clearly the way defenders of the nation against foreign enemies might be.
In this way, supporters of the Conservatives who are watching are made to feel as though they are possibly foreigners themselves in some sense, but certainly at any rate enemies of the nation.
It is this sort of display of power which most thoroughly makes ridiculous any claim that conservatism is responsible for society's ills, by demonstrating that its opponents are the ones firmly in charge. The media, the TV media at any rate, have set themselves up as a sort of a third house of parliament with a permanent left majority. When a Conservative government is in power, they must accommodate themselves to the demands of this third chamber, which is always in session with members standing to speak.
'Just doing their job,' you might reply, with a certain amount of justification. That justification, in my view, falls short at the point where the media are participants in a battle which they are supposed to be covering. If they were to leave the battle and return to the impartial stance Scruton asserts they once had, they would remain rightly powerful of course, but their virtual parliamentary innovation would disappear in an instant, its arrogated power shifted back to the Commons, the cabinet, and Downing Street.
These are the views of a foreigner quite sympathetic to the future of Britain, who has no home anywhere on the political spectrum but rather always finds himself a nomad, pitching tents somewhere within a stone's throw from the centre (perhaps occasionally two) on either side of it.
@@miosis23 You can also do this with people who tailgate you, indicate, pull into the side of the road, if safe of course, and wave them by. If they are practically touching your rear bumper they struggle to turn out to go by you and are so humiliated.
What a brilliant address( and questions) What a privilege to hear this warm and loving man.
Think on these things, question and learn. We need this in these times.
We need more voices like Sir Roger now more than ever. Gone but not forgotten RIP.
I love this man..he's a treasure....from an American.
3:40 "If you look people that call themselves socialist, you will be astonished at the extent of their prosperity" a lot of people missed that irony...
4:10 "[Socialists ] promise some kind of rival [economic system] the details of which remain hidden..."
Earl Minime Champagne socialism abounds
yes theywant a better life for others but are not prepared to give anything up for them to achieve it.
Tony Blair estimated wealth 8 million sterling , Neil Kinnock and wife ditto. What more proof is required.
The most famous rich people in the USA are on the Left , socialism, and communism. Yet they seem to retain their wealth while sharing other people's money to lead us into equality.
History does repeat itself with the successful self deluded.
Outstandingly thoughtful and incisive on both parts; The Presenter and the Questioners. Sir Roger does a wonderful job of dissecting right vs left and making. Questions from students are reasoned and without prejudice. My faith in the generation(s) following me is significantly enhanced. Thank you.
Thank God we have this man! I hope more people could learn from him and stop so much of their stupidity in politics and society.
@@c7042 all i would change is strike out 'had'. all three remain...
Oxford Union congartulation for this meeting
as allways its a good pleasure to follow his presentation. I read with pleasure Sir Scruton
all the best I wish for both of you
What’s not to like here. Absolutely brilliant mind. Love Roger Scruton.
Quite agree, a brilliant man.
i wish i could have heards him speak when i was a student. would have blown my mind
I do as well, if for nothing else than to counter the ridiculous speculations of the Arts + Sciences professorial class filtered to the undergraduate masses.
@@mattnicklaw8385 Oh dear. What Matt do you think your post contributed? Oh, gave you a laugh? And that (saddo) is enough in what your post tells us must be a pretty small life?
The concept of "home" is why the "Welcome to Yorkshire" garden was the People's Choice at Chelsea this year. It embodied the idea of home, and honoured the ancient history of British culture and the deep resonance of culturally British people with their land. The minutely detailed evocation of the most humble and authentic icon of a British home needed no metaphorical explanation as most of the other gardens did. It spoke directly to people's intuitive understanding.
credenza1 ergo the Magna Carta.
Kudos to Oxford Union for holding high the banner of free speech and independent thought. You are a shining light.
The kind of depth of insight which still offers new things after repeated listening - a true great.
The guy's insights and explanations are outstanding.
A noble gentleman. (hat tip)
most respectfully,
A Yank
Eternal rest grant unto him O Lord
Such a wonderful beautiful educative person... can listen for hours... such a loss of a bright shining star 🌟
it's enjoyable to hear someone so clear in their beliefs
Died undefeated by the degenerate, the censorious and the identitarian. RIP
You place your comment behind a shield of noble compliment for the deceased, which may be fair with respect to "censorious." However "indentitarianism" is a right wing movement, and the use of "degenerate" is just a tedious cheap insult. Scrutin would grade your epitaph as poor.
@J and M - Rightwing fussbudgets do not get to define the language as they wish while ignoring the parts they cannot redefine, if there stands nearby someone to call them out. And I stand here.
Clearly the epitaph compartmentalizes within it a cheap insult toward perceived opponents, and is therefore something Scrutin, who invited challenges & thus stood nowhere near your sort of biased small-minded hell, would object to.
@J and M - Ha ha nice try, but you fail as you flail. You are muted, loser.
@J and M - Yes, indeed. And in fact, identity politics are far more alive and well right now than ever before, which is very unfortunate. Just a game of "I'm this, and you're that, and only I am 100% correct."
@brinbrin62 62200 - That word is so new-fangled that most people cannot even agree upon a definition. "Identitarian ideologies"? Oh brother.
Let's dumb it down a bit. Either that, or it's a prime example of ... "What was once old is now new again." (Along with all of the political baggage it entails.)
What's new again? (After so much progress?) Anti-Sematism, for one, says this Christian.
Sexism, for another. Racism, for yet another, which is now described in whole new ways which identify actions that are not the least bit racially motivated. Border control, for one.
If you want a secure border, then it of course means you're "racist." HA!
Please discuss this with all of your local Hispanic citizens who are very Americanized, and very well educated. Yes, such Hispanics DO indeed exist in the USA, which the average Democrat finds surprising. Do they think border control is important? Hell yes!
But do Democrats think border control is important? Hell no!
this guy rocks the sweater vest and messy hair. trendies bow down before him.
how do you know it's a vest?
Brilliant! I love these videos, all videos, even those I don't agree with. Thanks for allowing a diversity of views and intellect!
Insightful and well worth watching. Wish I could have been there!
Trust me, the wish is better than the reality... human beings can't bear much.
I do, as well -- brilliant man!
It's criminal that this has so few views
I guess they're trying to dodge the Rodge.
I've never understood why that is? Maybe his time will come as more are shifting away from the left now...
@Boris Farage I can spot a PhD in Rhetoric every time!
Yip he is really good
Very happy to see someone examine both sides and present the negatives along with the positives.
It could definitely use some elaboration on certain things, but nonetheless this was very pleasant to watch. I really hope to see more speeches like this one.
And has capitalism worked ? And for who ? And if in some in some cases of it hasn't , who cleaned up the mess and payed the bill . Anyone can be a billionaire , not everyone .
Brilliant and mostly accurate my opinion. Perhaps not thoroughly answering the questions but the talk itself insightful and illuminating to an open mind, but also of course my opinion. I should say that my problem with Leftism (Marxist influenced heavily I believe) is that it is Utopian at its core and starts from a fantastic impossibility, because of a false view of human nature and frailty, the fatal flaw being the natural bent towards corruption.
Conservatism being keenly aware of this flaw, guards against it, not perfectly of course, but by vigilance in preserving individual rights and the rule of law and governments that have checks and balances....our Constitution here in the States being the greatest example of it to date.
You could very easily become an enemy of the people.
Be grateful for the good things we have built our free societies into. Conserving is all about the Love of what you have. I remember as a 12 year old child being thankful that I was born in this country and not any other.
R.I.P. - Thanks for all your work and wisdom.
R.I.P. this wonderful man. We are all going to miss him so much. A unique human being.
Eloquent and highly intelligent. We are all better people after hearing this talk.
What an interesting fella.
I have no idea who he is - except to say I now think he is someone with 'conservative but sensible' values.
He certainly elicited some interesting questions and gave some very reasonable-sounding arguments.
Thanks for the upload.
a Precious Jewel of the UK. You will be remembered.
So insightful and intelligent, we have a lot to learn from his legacy in the forms of books.
RIP from Paris, I was reading his December article in the Spectator, and ended up with tears in my eyes, it was the same day he died.
Roger Scruton is my new hero !!!
Only after reading his books about Kant I got how highly efficient and trained philosopher he was. R.I.P., sir Roger, I really miss you.
Sir. Scruton Thank you!! Your transmision is based in a rich global knoledge and vision of your own inteligence❤
Hopefully during his time he reached many, and they are awake and understand how important it is to continue his legacy of common sense.
42:37 is the highlight of this discussion for me. Such a great question and response. RIP Sir Roger.
great job. no condescension. just a polite explanation of conservatism.
The Great Man has passed, but his wisdom will always be relevant. R.I.P. a humble thoroughly decent man.
Roger Scruton's ideas will lead us to victory....
A very rare genuine thinker who created his own momentum of thought and insight. A political philosopher with a lifetime of ‘skin in the game’ grounding his reason with experience. RIP old boy!
Roger Scruton's death was a huge loss to the cause reason, liberty, and human kindness. But his life-long contribution has enriched the cause greatly. Here was a man whose life was well-lived. Let us remember him faithfully by not capitulating to alarmist hysteria.
So wonderful to view the recorded thoughts of those at the forefront of a revolution they could not yet see three years later. Right here, right now those of us watching this are seeing shoulders on which we stand. People who made the sacrifice of their time and labor so the future would be more meaningful to all of us.
Finally, someone who gets it more than you do.
Douglas Murray, I'll have you know, also gets it more than I do. ;-)
Quiet, considered, polite and self depreciating.....which is all the more staggering when you realise the gigantic intellect he possessed, combined with an intuitive understanding of the political and human condition. We will be very lucky to see the like again - A genuine free and original thinker, and a gentleman to the end, RIP Sir.
THAT was 57 minutes of beauty. Brilliant. Just Brilliant.
Sir Roger continues to teach us as he imparts his wisdom and skill of thinking. RIP kind soul.
Scruton for King.
Philosopher king
Well, you got me there, Stefanos2691. Stefanos for King!
My first awakening. It was Roger Scruton, that made that happen.
What a great man and will be so missed RIP.
A Great man, I miss him. Hopefully we can keep his name and works alive and keep as a powerful example to future generations!
Great Britain used to be filled with men like this. Men of high excellence. Now?
Now it's DIEverse.
They get fired on fake "racism" charges. It's too dangerous to be sensible in [the current year].
@@etymos6644 REGARDLESS.
Martin Indeed indeed
Rest in peace, Sir Scruton
He truly showed me why beauty mattered.
A brilliant man, delivering in a calm, sane and reasoned manner. A good line in self deprecating humour too. Exemplary. So sad that he is no longer with us.
I'm only now finding this. I'm drawn in immeadiatly.
One of the wisest Men you could listen to.
For one's immortal soul, it is less important to be on the right side of History than of Eternity.
We shall never see his like again
He will be missed
Oh yes we will, they are rare but they're about. Don't worry we'll see his kind again. 😘
God bless this man.
Does great job explaining what is really happening --- WE do not have capitalism --- if we had capitalism Banks would never have been bailed out. We need a RULE OF LAW, we have legalized plunder by the 1%.
A breath of fresh air from a Professor.
Holy shit. Roger's last comment was pure ice.
That ice is definitely cut Smithers.
Truth is the whole of human existence, culture and political thought is a universal comedy. The Greeks got it right.
Life is a cruel joke on humanity - that is resonated in the Bible.
It was a cruel joke when the 2 idiots known as Adam and Eve got kicked out - which they did deserve - even though they had it so good over there.
Are you referring to his comment about the guy's accent? That sounded like a wicked jab, but I wasn't certain.
Perhaps he spat some venom because the guy's affected manner brought up negative feelings toward the upper class.
@@VimDoozy I don't think it was a wicked jab at all. It may have been a putdown though. The guy identified himself as Upper Class when he said they'd been "thoroughly emasculated", although he seemed to have done a pretty good job of that himself. My suspicion is that Scrutton considers the Upper Class to be irrelevant parasites so you'd expect him to give them short shrift.
Just getting to know about this man, im surprised he has passed! This draws me even more now, to read his books.
An older man's intellect is proportional to the messiness of his hair.
HA HA HA---LUV IT!!!! (>: (>:??
@wayne goff It's got to be grey: Chomsky, Russell, Scruton, Bush et al.
What about Prager? 😊
DudeAbides8519 Hmm....Very short sighted!...Are you bored, jealous or Bald then?
Ken Dodd?😁
Brilliant talk by a Brilliant man 👏
These talks should be televised weekly. I'm sure if the far left had better arguments and a system that works the BBC would be showing them on a loop.
So sad to hear that he passed away. RIP, your teaching and work will always be remembered 🙏🏻