Ona trojka u BIH predsednistvu s majke mi mila lala ha ovu budalu(mene je sramota ovog strasila Vucica u ime moje porodice koja je tamo) hahahhahhahhaha Kolonda je bog za njega hahahahahah hvala Kesicu na emisiji volimo te
Oooooo, do sad je pricao sta je jeo, sta nije, sta voli da jede, kako je spavao i koliko dugo moze bez wc-a. Sad da cujemo o kafi i toplim napicima... U sledecoj emisiji: caj. To nam je najbitnije! Bezobrazluk nema granica!
Kralj,ovaj Kesic najveci kralj,mada nije toliko smesan kao nas predsednik sa ovim izjavama i obecanjima ustvari lazima i patetikom,ja ne mogu da verujem da covek misli da smo mi stvarno ovce i budale i da moze da nas bas toliko laze ccc strasno ... a Kesicu svaka cast samo tako nastavi majstore
@@stefanmatejic702 Ti znas al ipak trosis svoj intelekt po YT da ispravljas. Toliko o tvojoj velicini. 5 evra u djepu nemate a lingvisticari boli glava svi vi koji ispravljate tipfelere.
@Modra reka ma neka se lepo oporavi i sagleda da ne mora po svaku cenu da se uspe,bog je pogledao.Mlada je ali kad ih vidim kako se smeskaju na ovog iz SNS razbesnim se.
Jel ovaj nas precednik,vlada Vasionom iz Orvelovske farme, valjda covek umislio da smo svi mi goveda, svinje,koze, kokoske...a on glavni vepar. Kesicu, legendo, samo tako nastavi,svi normalni srbi te obozavaju.
Dear friends, many International Treaties grant privileges and immunities to a certain group of high-ranking officials: 1. The UN Convention on Diplomatic Relations of 1968 2. UN Vienna Convention on Consular Relations of 1961 3. Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the United Nations 4. The Vienna Convention on the Representation of States and their Relations with International Organizations of a Universal Character 5. UN CONVENTION ON SPECIAL MISSIONS OF 16. 12. 1969. NEW YORK, 6. General Agreement on Privileges and Immunities of the Council of Europe 7. UN Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of Specialized Organizations of 1947 8. Protocol on the Privileges and Immunities of the European Communities 9. Agreement on the Privileges and Immunities of the International Criminal Court 10. Agreement on the Privileges and Immunities of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea, New York 11. Agreement on the Privileges and Immunities of the Commission for the Protection of the Black Sea against Pollution 12. Additional Protocol on the Privileges and Immunities of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation Organization 13. Protocol drawn up on the basis of the CC of the TEU and Article 41, para. 3 of the Europol Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of Europol 14. Article 48 of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court provides privileges and immunities for Judges, Prosecutors, Deputy prosecutors and court clerks who enjoy privileges and immunities such as diplomatic missions 15. Diplomatic missions in accordance with the 1961 Vienna Convention. have jurisdictional criminal, civil, administrative immunity and tax immunity, which in colloquial language means that the courts release them from any kind of liability, no one has the right to write fines and no one has the right to collect taxes from them, ie they do not owe taxes for unlike other people who pay taxes and milk them every year. Other intergovernmental bodies also have privileges and immunities, for example: 16. In accordance with the UN Convention on the Privileges and Immunities, many people are exempt from direct taxes, duties, fees, unlike other people who pay taxes and milk them every year. 17. In accordance with the 1947 Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of Specialized Organizations. the assets, income and property of some people are exempt from taxes and duties, unlike others, who pay taxes and milk them every year. 18. Protocol on Privileges and Immunities of 1965. exempts some people from direct taxes, unlike others who pay taxes each year and milk them annually. 19. Under the UN Convention on the Privileges and Immunities, many people have immunity from arrest and detention, including diplomatic privileges and immunities, which allow them to avoid paying taxes and fines. 20. According to the BSEC Statute, many people have the full range of privileges, including the privilege of not paying taxes and fines. 21. The UN Convention on the Privileges and Immunities provides immunity from arrest, detention and 22. The General Agreement on the Privileges and Immunities of the Council of Europe confers immunity from arrest or detention, immunity from all kinds of fines and exemption from tax. 23. Parts 3 and 4 of the Vienna Convention on the Representation of States grant the privilege of exempting their premises from taxation, their mail is not subject to opening and detention, they cannot be arrested or detained in any form, they do not bear any responsibility before the Courts 24. Permanent missions to international organizations shall enjoy privileges and immunities similar to those of diplomatic missions, in accordance with the Vienna Convention on the Representation of States in their relations with international organizations of a universal character of 1975. the premises of the representative office are exempt from all state, regional and municipal taxes, fees and duties, their mail is not subject to opening and retention. The chief and members of the diplomatic staff enjoy absolute impunity from any kind of prosecution and are exempt from taxes, fees and duties, unlike others who pay taxes regularly and milk them every year. With legal basis Article 2 of the Treaty on European Union in conjunction with Article 9 of the Treaty on European Union in conjunction with Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in conjunction with Article 1 (2) of the UN Charter such tax-exempt privileges and giving absolute irresponsibility before the Courts and before the fines you have. You are free from your obligation to pay taxes, as you are generally equal to the privileged. My legitimate expectations are that the state will stop collecting taxes from you, because you are also privileged in principle. Collecting taxes from high-ranking people like you is absolutely forbidden, as it does not comply with the 1994 UN Declaration on Measures to Eliminate International Terrorism, and the eventual collection of taxes would destroy human rights, fundamental freedoms and the democratic foundations of society. In accordance with Article 55a) of the UN Charter, superiors have the right not to pay taxes, because this leads to a lowering of the living standard of the taxpayer and creates conditions for the economic and social degradation of the taxpayer, who in order to raise his living standard and to create conditions for economic and social progress and development of their own income must stop paying taxes. With legal basis, Article 56 of the UN Charter of race, sex, language or religion. With legal basis Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, in conjunction with Article 1 (2) of the UN Charter, allows equality and equality in principle citizens and companies exchanging roles and collecting taxes from the state, if in the past 10 years they have been obedient to pay, bear taxes and allow to milk it, in which case for the next 10 years they have the right to collect taxes from the state instead of paying taxes .
Nikada kafu nije probao, ni kapucino, ni cigaretu. Covek je stvoren bezgresnim zacecem!
Ovaj Vucko je vise na pinku nego Trump na twitteru.
Ma kakav vucko, ko brat da ti je pa mu tepas, a ne obican olos I kriminalac I najveci neprijatelj srba u današnjici.
@@neznam6793 šs
Haha Kesiću legendo, ovo si pokidao, šteta što nisi ti direktor i vlasnik mediskog javnog servisa :)
postalo je previse zalosno za srbiju da vise nije ni smesno !
Aaaaaaaaa, nasmeja me dobro!! 😂
Kesicu, ti si 👑!!!
Nikad nije pusio, pio kafu ili sta vec.
Ali se zato ne skida od LSD-a!!!
Ona trojka u BIH predsednistvu s majke mi mila lala ha ovu budalu(mene je sramota ovog strasila Vucica u ime moje porodice koja je tamo) hahahhahhahhaha Kolonda je bog za njega hahahahahah hvala Kesicu na emisiji volimo te
Nikad nije probao kafu hahahahaha :)
ludi lazov - najopasniji
Pije samo sa Šlagom
pa sta je to cudno?
Као пас лаже
Pa ne pije svako kafu ne znam sta je tu cudno.
Kesicu ti si jedan vrlo inteligentan i duhovit covek, fore su ti Vrh 😄 Samo tako nastavi. Cepaj malo i ostale da ti ne bi Vucko ukinuo emisiju 😊
Bravo kesicu
Nikad nije ni opsovao, sem za vreme poplava(uz Seselja se ne racuna). eeeee...
Svaka čast Kesiću ..hahahaha ovo je vrh. pozdrav legendo, sve najbolje
Dobro jutro, dobar dan...
gde je dr nebojsa sa svojim novim firmama? hocu da znam koliko kosta cz99. pitam za drugara
kakvo pseto ali sigurno je da nema dana da nije na kokainu.
Жељко набавља... повољно. Чаробне чинијице
Ovo vise nije ni smesno vec veoma zabrinjavajuce
Voditelja spojiti na kiseonik 😂
Oba voditelja spojiti na kiseonik 😂
...dobar...dobar deo...
Ali kad Kesic krene na "Ruskom" hocu da se ugusim svaki put 😂❤️
Bravo Zorane rasturi ove .......dobre ljude😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
I viskić sa hledom.
Kafa , Cigareta , kafućino ! 😂
Hvala sto ste dosli, dobro jutro.
Dobro jutro.
Dobar dan i vama... :D :D :D
To je hvaljenje sto je rekao Višekruna
Hahhahahaa 😂😂
Kesiću care! I cela ta ekipa oko tebe! Otvarate oči narodu, ovima barem koji hoće da čuju.
Tako je bre Kesiću!
Koja još zemlja ima precednika da nije probao kapućino ,ovam čoveku treba dodeliti zlatnu medalju pod hitno.
Vučić nikada nije probao kafu, pa da on pije samo vodu, a i nju sam plaća
Lonely Girl Što bi plaćo vodu kad je ima besplatno
@@gangstarposlaodldllsslsl4165 😂 jesi ti gledao predhodne emisije
Lonely Girl Neke
Oooooo, do sad je pricao sta je jeo, sta nije, sta voli da jede, kako je spavao i koliko dugo moze bez wc-a. Sad da cujemo o kafi i toplim napicima... U sledecoj emisiji: caj. To nam je najbitnije!
Bezobrazluk nema granica!
A kad majku ispravlja sa koliko kila i u kojem se mjesecu rodio..
Bravo Kesicu.
Pre upotrebe detaljno pročitati uputstvo! O indikacijama,merama opreza i neželjenim reakcijama na lek,posavetujte se sa lekarom ili farmaceutom!
gatorlaki hahahaha isto
Kesicu genije
Mislim da se i Vucko smije Kesicu i da odgleda svaku emisiju 😁
NE ZNA da kaže istinu!
0:23-1:00 Vučićev hvalospev!
Car Kesić
Trebaš biti glumac!!!!👏👏
Kralj,ovaj Kesic najveci kralj,mada nije toliko smesan kao nas predsednik sa ovim izjavama i obecanjima ustvari lazima i patetikom,ja ne mogu da verujem da covek misli da smo mi stvarno ovce i budale i da moze da nas bas toliko laze ccc strasno ... a Kesicu svaka cast samo tako nastavi majstore
Da li ima dalje? Ovaj covek je teza dijagnoza! Kesicu- kapa dole..
Dobro jutro ,dobar dan.Koji cirkus.
Aj kuku🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Hahahahaha 🤣 a Vucica Putin jedva vari 😂 gadi se Putinu Klintonov drugar 😂
Nezna Sta je kapucino ..hahahah
Ne znas ni ti da pises hhaahha
@@stefanmatejic702 Ti znas al ipak trosis svoj intelekt po YT da ispravljas. Toliko o tvojoj velicini. 5 evra u djepu nemate a lingvisticari boli glava svi vi koji ispravljate tipfelere.
Eto vidiš,Sojić zna šta je kapućino!!!!!!!!!
Svi mi ovakvi nikakvi pravac"LAZA"
Rijaliti jednog ,,coveka" ,sve nas prevario I vlada sad .
Kesicu kralju
*Veruje li Dea....*
Чиме она да верује...?
ahahaahha sta sere ovaj sarapa
pravilno je - čarapa
@@ALLNAMESAREALLREADYT И то поцепана смрдљива.
Ima kafa u lidlu.😆
0:30 Pokušava oponašati Zorana Šprajca.
Hahahah..sto je tito gradio ovi opljackali a sada nema stanova dzaba a plate 200-300 eura
Zorane,ne vadi!!!!!!!!
Lepo on to čita😂
Kako nesto procita voditelj, ali la ga no.. :D
Decko objasnjava
Nezna za kafućino,,,,,ooo no no no
Sad upravo uvidih paralelu PIC - Pink International Company, People in charge (credits: Wristcutters Movie). 😂😂😂😂
Kesicu nisi normalan.svaka ti cast
kad je covek docekao da se narod sprda sa njim
Jel moguce da se ovakvi nazivaju novinarima,e moj pink. Jel moguce da Srbija nasjeda na ovo?!
Ja mislim I da je Vučić nekad ono,majko mila šta ovaj naprica 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Putin ga pitao kako si uspjeo e Vucko je sampion😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
ПроПУШИЋЕ АљекСа Курчић,Само Је Остаљо Питање Времена КАДА!?!
Dobro ga nije pitao kako se muvaju ribe😂
Ma da pitao ga Putin😂😂😂
Aaaahahaa 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻😆😂
Jel ovo realno???
Čak laže i ovo za kafu...
Hey ljudi pa zar je to onaj Sarapa sto je gostovao kod Kesica?🤔🤭
Čitaj polako vole
Kakva kašet glava u Sarape
Kesic Smesan
Jel to ona sto je skoro ostala bez ruke,ta sto sedi ismeska se?Sad neka joj AV novu ruku stvori.
@Modra reka ma neka se lepo oporavi i sagleda da ne mora po svaku cenu da se uspe,bog je pogledao.Mlada je ali kad ih vidim kako se smeskaju na ovog iz SNS razbesnim se.
Keso imas i osvetljenje ng😂
Ipak nije Soic!
To se ja pitam godinama ljudi valjda imaju drugu državu pa ovu Gaze pod noge i kradu je
Sarapa=Family guy
Čita Sarapa ko mačka :D
Jel ovaj nas precednik,vlada Vasionom iz Orvelovske farme, valjda covek umislio da smo svi mi goveda, svinje,koze, kokoske...a on glavni vepar. Kesicu, legendo, samo tako nastavi,svi normalni srbi te obozavaju.
Ugled u svetu..hahaha..
Kako glumi Ruski hahaha
Meni nije jasno zasto Kesic proziva vucica?!
Pa vucic vodi tu "gradjansku" LPD politiku.
Koji diktator... 🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😅
Koi je ovo ludak
Ovaj voditelj isklizio iz odela kao glavic kroz troshne gace...
Haha shrapaaaaaaa
Moram dislajk zbog ovakve najave emisije, sry
Dear friends, many International Treaties grant privileges and immunities to a certain group of high-ranking officials:
1. The UN Convention on Diplomatic Relations of 1968
2. UN Vienna Convention on Consular Relations of 1961
3. Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the United Nations
4. The Vienna Convention on the Representation of States and their Relations with International Organizations of a Universal Character
6. General Agreement on Privileges and Immunities of the Council of Europe
7. UN Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of Specialized Organizations of 1947
8. Protocol on the Privileges and Immunities of the European Communities
9. Agreement on the Privileges and Immunities of the International Criminal Court
10. Agreement on the Privileges and Immunities of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea, New York
11. Agreement on the Privileges and Immunities of the Commission for the Protection of the Black Sea against Pollution
12. Additional Protocol on the Privileges and Immunities of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation Organization
13. Protocol drawn up on the basis of the CC of the TEU and Article 41, para. 3 of the Europol Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of Europol
14. Article 48 of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court provides privileges and immunities for Judges, Prosecutors, Deputy prosecutors and court clerks who enjoy privileges and immunities such as diplomatic missions
15. Diplomatic missions in accordance with the 1961 Vienna Convention. have jurisdictional criminal, civil, administrative immunity and tax immunity, which in colloquial language means that the courts release them from any kind of liability, no one has the right to write fines and no one has the right to collect taxes from them, ie they do not owe taxes for unlike other people who pay taxes and milk them every year. Other intergovernmental bodies also have privileges and immunities, for example:
16. In accordance with the UN Convention on the Privileges and Immunities, many people are exempt from direct taxes, duties, fees, unlike other people who pay taxes and milk them every year.
17. In accordance with the 1947 Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of Specialized Organizations. the assets, income and property of some people are exempt from taxes and duties, unlike others, who pay taxes and milk them every year.
18. Protocol on Privileges and Immunities of 1965. exempts some people from direct taxes, unlike others who pay taxes each year and milk them annually.
19. Under the UN Convention on the Privileges and Immunities, many people have immunity from arrest and detention, including diplomatic privileges and immunities, which allow them to avoid paying taxes and fines.
20. According to the BSEC Statute, many people have the full range of privileges, including the privilege of not paying taxes and fines.
21. The UN Convention on the Privileges and Immunities provides immunity from arrest, detention and
22. The General Agreement on the Privileges and Immunities of the Council of Europe confers immunity from arrest or detention, immunity from all kinds of fines and exemption from tax.
23. Parts 3 and 4 of the Vienna Convention on the Representation of States grant the privilege of exempting their premises from taxation, their mail is not subject to opening and detention, they cannot be arrested or detained in any form, they do not bear any responsibility before the Courts
24. Permanent missions to international organizations shall enjoy privileges and immunities similar to those of diplomatic missions, in accordance with the Vienna Convention on the Representation of States in their relations with international organizations of a universal character of 1975. the premises of the representative office are exempt from all state, regional and municipal taxes, fees and duties, their mail is not subject to opening and retention. The chief and members of the diplomatic staff enjoy absolute impunity from any kind of prosecution and are exempt from taxes, fees and duties, unlike others who pay taxes regularly and milk them every year. With legal basis Article 2 of the Treaty on European Union in conjunction with Article 9 of the Treaty on European Union in conjunction with Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in conjunction with Article 1 (2) of the UN Charter such tax-exempt privileges and giving absolute irresponsibility before the Courts and before the fines you have.
You are free from your obligation to pay taxes, as you are generally equal to the privileged.
My legitimate expectations are that the state will stop collecting taxes from you, because you are also privileged in principle. Collecting taxes from high-ranking people like you is absolutely forbidden, as it does not comply with the 1994 UN Declaration on Measures to Eliminate International Terrorism, and the eventual collection of taxes would destroy human rights, fundamental freedoms and the democratic foundations of society. In accordance with Article 55a) of the UN Charter, superiors have the right not to pay taxes, because this leads to a lowering of the living standard of the taxpayer and creates conditions for the economic and social degradation of the taxpayer, who in order to raise his living standard and to create conditions for economic and social progress and development of their own income must stop paying taxes. With legal basis, Article 56 of the UN Charter of race, sex, language or religion. With legal basis Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, in conjunction with Article 1 (2) of the UN Charter, allows equality and equality in principle citizens and companies exchanging roles and collecting taxes from the state, if in the past 10 years they have been obedient to pay, bear taxes and allow to milk it, in which case for the next 10 years they have the right to collect taxes from the state instead of paying taxes .
Kesic rado da pljujebsve štoje srbsko