That’s a nice find, Ricky. It appears to be legitimate to me. I saw so many different authenticated signatures in my research that does indicate that Sampras went through some changes to his signature over the years. Some looked really good and clear and others weren’t. Strong similarities to several that lead me to my conclusion. Great price too. We are off after Christmas, so I may be able to talk my wife into a trip to Burlington. That’s only about an hour and a half ride. Thanks for sharing that.
That’s a nice find, Ricky. It appears to be legitimate to me. I saw so many different authenticated signatures in my research that does indicate that Sampras went through some changes to his signature over the years. Some looked really good and clear and others weren’t. Strong similarities to several that lead me to my conclusion. Great price too. We are off after Christmas, so I may be able to talk my wife into a trip to Burlington. That’s only about an hour and a half ride. Thanks for sharing that.
Thanks for your input Ken! I’d love to meet you. Again if you’re on facebook my name is Ricky W. Hicks.
@, looks like I’m still waiting on you to approve my friend request. I can like your posts, but I’m not able to comment on them.
Please send me another one Ken! It’s under Ken? I’m sorry.