My daughter was born at 23 1/2 weeks gestation weighing 15 3/4 ounces. She is 24 now. She defied everything the doctors predicted. She has graduated college and now has her bachelor's degree. God is so good!!!
Never heard of another baby born under 1lb.! When my brother in law was born he also weighed only 15 3/4ounces, a home birth, in an old remote cottage in Wales. His grandma fed him with milk from a fountain pen as his mum took very ill & unable to feed him for days. He’s now a Taid (Welch for grandpa!) to his beautiful grandchildren. God works in mysterious ways. Blessings to the families whose babies rest in Gods hands.❤❤❤
Así nació una hermana mía , y no tuvo encubadora , por que era un aborto , hoy tiene 50 años y es un ser maravilloso, gracias Dios por darle la vida . Así también dale aste pequeño bebé el milagro de vivir Amén Amén Amén
This is so teal to me! Born at 26 weeks my baby boy fought to stay with us! By God’s grace he made it through 1 complications after another. It was the incredible moment of happiness in our livesBUT also the most traumatic. I remember the wonderful doctors and nurses that supported us through
Born @25 weeks, 1 1/2 lbs, today my son is a full-grown man and big & strong. I remember the days he struggled in the NICU at Cincinnati Children’s and, still yet, tears come to my eyes. So very grateful to the Lord Almighty, and for all of the medical staff who cared for him.
@@planetemmymedia exácto, debemos alabar y honrar a Dios y a su nombre, pero si no lo escribes y das a conocer, entonces como lo voy a saber?. Es como tu nick, puedo decirte planet, pero como puedo llamarte por tu nombre si no lo conozco?
I was like this and I'm 30 years old now. God is my STRENGTH, I'm the living miracle of his goodness.I am here because he says . Every days of my life I will praise him 🙏♥️.
❤ e tem uns sem entendimento que dizem que com 3 meses não é uma vida ainda. Misericórdia destes, SENHOR. Que se arrependam. TU ÉS SOBERANO E MARAVILHOSO EM TODAS AS RIAS OBRAS. QUE TEU NOME SEJA GLORIFICADO PARA TODO SEMPRE E ETERNAMENTE. OBRIGADA, PAPAI DO CÉU!
Watch the arm wobble that a fake baby the first one 😂 that baby be😅 in a minute incubator when they born . Until they breath on there own . Kalli was premature.
No creo que el primer caso sea verdadero.Ese bebé tendría que estar conectado y la mujer mínimo usar guantes.Elsegundo si es real.Aun así son seres hermosos que merecen vivir.No entiendo como algunos descerebrados están de acuerdo con el aborto.Estan asesinando un niño indefenso.
My last daughter was born at 24 weeks. She spent her first three months in the hospital. She is now 22. I am so grateful for these doctors and nurses who care for these most vulnerable.
Truly a blessing! My son came at 26 weeks weighing only 1lb3oz . Drs. didn’t think he would make it but God…… 🙏🏾 ….. Next month he’ll be 23 years strong!Thank you Lord🙏🏾❤️
My mom said the same thing after I had my twins. The first baby is not real. The second one with all the lines connected that they're handing to the parent is. My daughter was 1.3lb, and my son was 2.6lb, my mom was scared to touch them. They are little miracles running around. ❤
Yo una vez en el Centro Médico de Guadalajara, fui a mirar a mi tía ella ahy trabaja de enfermera, y me Impresione cuando llevaban en una incubadora a un bebé así de Chico
My daughter weighed 2 lbs at birth, born almost 3 months premature. She was on life support for less than 24 hrs. She began breathing on her own. Doctors and specialists said she would be developmentally delayed and would never walk or talk on time. Not only did she beat the odds, but she exceeded the odds. She left the medical teams speechless. We witnessed every miracle unfold before our eyes. She graduated #3 in her high school class, has a bachelor's degree, and she is now 28 yrs old. I give all credit to my Lord and Savior. To this mom and dad, please don't be discouraged. Every day will get better and better. I'm praying for this sweet baby, and for the family!
Wenn meine Tochter nicht ein Monat eher mit Kaiserschnitt geholt worden wäre , hätte sie nicht Überlebt ihre Herztöne gingen immer weg , ich war zur Beratung im Krankenhaus wie es so abläuft , da hat man mich an Wehenschreiber angeschlossen und an die Herztöne vom Kind zu Kontrollieren darauf haben sie sofort den OP fertig gemacht und haben meine Tochter durch drei Narkosen geholt . Mein zweites Kind es war ein Junge er war eine Totgeburt, er hatte genau dasselbe Problem wie meine Tochter nur die Ärzte haben es nicht bemerkt. Im neunten Monat bäumte er sich auf macht nur noch einen Atemzug und er Bewegte sich nicht mehr , am nächsten Tag hatte ich ein Termin bei meinen Frauenarzt und er stellte fest das mein Sohn Tot sei , ich musste sofort ins Krankenhaus und meine ganzen Freundinnen waren an meine Seite . Ich habe viel darüber geredet und immer gesagt das Gott keine Seele mehr hatte und einen Engel an seine Seite braucht um andere Säuglinge als Schutzengel zu begleiten um zu Überleben 😢
I am a retired RN Chose not to work in this area . But I have always been amazed at the skills and dedication these nurses (as well as all who work in this specialized area) have for the babies in their care. I am still so amazed and greatful for their live and skills. They work with God and give their hearts to fight and save these little ones. God bless them all.
I love babies and kids, but I chose Geriatrics and LTC instead. I didn't think I could handle getting close to the babies and losing them, I'm just too emotional.
Mi princesa nació de 7 meses y el doctor dijo que no lo hiba a lograr,acaba de cumplir 16 años y me doy cuenta que la grandeza de Dios es infinita,Ánimo,Dios todo lo puede
@@fa_carvalho Dios te bendiga y te de la salud que te brindo el día que naciste, cuidate mucho,le pido a Dios por mi hija, y por todos los prematuros,ya que ustedes cuando nacen con estas condiciones de salud,nos vuelven a nosotros familiares más fuertes,una gran abrazo desde México.
I cannot count how many times I have watched this with teary eyes. I have always imagined how my Mum( of blessed memory)and family say I looked like at birth with no photos or videos of me to show. Exactly like this 52+ years ago, and I am still here stronger than ever. God bless all nurses who make a difference. Not just a job, but a calling. May this child be a living testimony of the goodness and greatness of God. This is the doing of the Lord!!!
My grand daughter was this tiny when she was born. I prayed and pleaded with God to keep her here for me to love and nurture. She'll be 11 years old this year she looks identical to me❤
Ma shaa Allah Seguro que así me veía, cuentan que fui prematura y que asta más grande era la mano de las personas y cuando lo cuento no me creen, pero maravilloso es nuestro creador Ya a mis 57 años se que goso de buena salud por la misericordia de Allah subhana wa ta'alla, Alhamdolillah
I WAS born with 5 months and 2 weeks with 875g and thanks to grace of God IN august I will be 21years old and with no disability and no aftereffects just healthy and lovely when no one believed in me, God saw I fit enough to be given a chance to live, my God is Faithful, forever grateful.
My little sister she born 6months with 960 g and thanks to grace of God she is 36 years old and she donate a kidney to my middle sister 6 years ago but my middle sister she died last year RIP
God bless these babies. My son was born 3 months premature and he weighed 2 lbs. 4 oz. By the grace of God he is here today. He is 24 and completely healthy with no side effects from being born premature. God is good.
Me gozo de leer estos testimonios tan maravillosos acerca del poder de Dios. Estos niños nacieron con propósitos celestiales. Dios es tan bueno y extraordinario ❤ Gloria y honra sea a su nombre 🙏
7years ago my son born without a blood in his body, hewas less than a kilo but by the grace of God he survived I thank him for the miracle and blessings ❤❤❤❤🙏🙏🙏🙏
There is nothing that speaks God is God than seeing a baby born. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you for all who you put in place so this little one could live
Whew! I’ve been there! Truly the happiest and most scared I’ve ever been all at the same time. I remember the feeling of craving and begging god for the good news and falling apart when I got the bad. God had a plan and with time and a little trust he changed my life forever. ❤❤ my beautiful baby boy is almost 21 years old and is now 6’2 happy and healthy. We have a bond most couldn’t dream of. He changed my life and I’m forever blessed for each day I hear him call me “Mama”. I love you Daniel Kayden
I will admit it. I'm a grown man balling my eyes out watching this video. I never in my life seen something so tiny in my life. My first born was a preemie and weighed less than 3 pounds and now he's 29 yrs old and a parent himself. This precious baby is a fighter and will live to do great things. Father watch over this precious angel and his parents who are about to face many obstacles. With God's grace, the angel will make it thru the storm. Lil one you have many brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, grandparents around the world praying for you to grow up beautiful. ❤❤❤❤❤😊😊😊😊😢😢😢😢😢😊
I was born 2 lbs. 2 Oz. I'm 69. My granddaughter was a little bigger than me when she was born, she's 24 now. Life is precious and have to thank the good Lord for keeping us here.
That's not a real baby,look close when the woman folds over the blanket it brushes the" babys" arm and it go's back and forth like rubber.this is staged.
My Nephews went through twin to twin transfusion. One was absorbing the other's amniotic fluid. It caused one to be plump and the other small. They were born at 24 weeks at 1lb and 1-1/2 pounds. They told my brother and their mom to come say goodbye to the plump one. He had brain bleeds, but for the Grace of GOD THEY ARE HERE AT 30 YEARS OLD!!!The plump one has Cerebral Palsy, but he can talk and is Mischievous as Everrr!!❤❤❤❤ The smaller one had a 4 yr scholarship to college although he had to travel with oxygen in his first years! He is studying to be an Electrician!! Smart as a Whip!!💖
Mi hermana nació alas 6 meses y era casi parecido, me acuerdo cuando yo tenia 6 años la bebé que era mi hermana falleció y después de tanto llanto de mi madre la bebé reacciona y llora, desde esa fecha ahora mi hermana tiene 36 años, era una bebé muy especial
Keep watching 👇🏽 2 Esdras 6:21 [21]And the children of a year old shall speak with their voices, the women with child shall bring forth untimely children of three or four months old, and they shall live, and be raised up.
I was born at 5-6 months 28 years ago. But I could never forget my late mom's story of how I was born. The hospital didn't have much like in the 1st world.But It was my crying that gave her and my dad much assurance that I would survive. And I did. I am a living testament that God is good. And He has a plan. You know, sadly my mom and dad died few years ago. And God still leads me today. Type "Amen" if you believe that God is GREAT!! ‼️💯
I'm was a 7 month baby born at home in my mother's bed. At 2lbs they did not think I would make it. Im now a 63 year old Pastor who gives glory to God through my life and my service. He had a plan for my life. Praise Him!!! Hallelujah. May He show Himself in the life of this baby.
Esta fitografa hace trabajos muy bonitos y respetuosos con bebes sin vida,el primero ya esta fallecido,el segundo no se cuanto sobrevivió,pero ese es el trabajo de ella con bebes que ya estan en el cielo🙏
I can't watch this, it makes tears stream down my face. I've had two babies in The NICU and I remember the worry and fear and the separation that about broke me everytime I had to leave the hospital. By the grace of God my two NICU babies are healthy and well but OH my heart feels for any parent going thru this😭😭❤️❤️thank God for the Dr's and nurses that care for these babies
🇨🇦🫶🏼✝️💜✝️EVERY BABY DESERVES TO LIVE!! Every baby!! My son was 3months premature but., now., he is 38 and a loveable son with a precious daughter of his own., he is a wonderful loving dad!! And a truck driver!! I’m so proud of my son!! 🫶🏼✝️💜✝️God is Good all the time!!!
My premature son weighed 3lb 9oz, and now he's 20 years old, 6ft 3ich and has size 14 adult size shoes!! I thank God every day that he saved both our lives. ❤
It’s funny how this works. My son weighed 3.2 pounds and went down to 2.9 pounds. They had to gavage feed him. He was born on 7/31 and not due until 10/17. They told us to expect him to remain in the hospital until his due date. He came home at the end of September. He was the youngest and now is the tallest and biggest of them all and we are celebrating his 41st BD today.
My first grandchild came 2 months early. My daughter stayed in the hospital for three days and her daughter stayed 3 more days with no problems. She is went to the school for math and science with straight A's and graduated from college
Awwww what a beautiful miracle!! My oldest son was 1lb 6ozs at birth and today he is 19 years old, 6ft 1in tall, and just as handsome as he wants to be! He is living proof that God exists and miracles happen every day!
My daughter was born three months premature, weight barely one pound and eleven inches. That was 30 years ago. She is a miracle, defied all odds. God is miracle God. I will always sing about the goodness of God.
I am a twin. My sister is also a miracle of God. Weighing 1lb 8ozs at birth, in 1970. My mother had no idea she was pregnant with twins until she went into labor. Thank you Lord God for the gift of life!! ❤
God is so awesome. This take me bck to my premature son I had at 6 months. He was 2 1/2 pounds. He stayed in the hospital for 6 months. He is now 27. I saw the hands off God over his life all these years. Thank you God for your Grace and Mercy.
God is so great, I have twin great grandsons now in the Nicu born at 25 weeks weighing 1lb 1oz and 1lb3oz, doing good. Prayers are getting them where they need to be, beautiful video❤
It's not real. It's rubber. The second baby is definitely but the first is a doll. That's why she is hiding the face. As a nurse, a baby that size would be ob oxygen and ventilator etc etc
This brought chills to me, God is so good. My nephew was born at 24 weeks. He weighed 1lb 7oz& he fit into the palm of my hand. He’s now almost 14& taller than I am& the best part of it, he has no learning disabilities🙏🏽✨♥️
I was born full term and smaller then my little brother who was a premie and weighted more then me and he was released sooner them me as well. But Ma was a heavy smoker with me.
God, you're so sweet, you're wonderful, you're great, you're awesome, you're divine, blessed be your name forever, Amen 🙏 for the miracle of life Lord we say thank you God.
The first baby wasn't real, I believe it was an example of the kindness they show the mom's when they fully deliver at that gestation. The second baby is super tiny but obviously a fierce fighter❤
The first baby isn't real (the rubbery arms gave it away🤷🏼♀️), but I believe it's an example of the special kindness they show to us mommas that lose our babies this gestational/young. The second baby is absolutely real & even though super tiny, obviously a fierce fighter ❤❤❤
I would wish to know how many months plz. I Lost my twins at 22weeks but they were alive at 45 mins and 1 hr.... This has got me really emotional just reminded me of them❤
21 days after conception, there is a heartbeat! This is God's miracle of life❤❤❤ God gives Healthcare workers the privilege & witnessing of this magnificent miracle😇😇😇
Having a premature baby, learning what LOVE TRULY IS THROUGH GLASS, is rhe definition of bittersweet. I love you Damian. Thank you for being my son. You are AMAZING in every single way!!!❤
Jesus Christ is the son of God 🙏 who do you think he prayed to before John the baptizer baptized him?? His father in heaven. No disrespect intended just some food for thought ❤
Я плачу. Так больно в этой жизни мне было, когда я потеряла маму и папу. Какое счастье, что в наше время врачи выращивают таких крошечных малышей!!! Я чувствую боль, боль в душе и в моём сердце! Господи, спаси и сохрани всех детей на Земле!!! Пусть они будут любимы, здоровы и счастливы! ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Malheureusement ce n'est pas tout les enfants de la terre qui sont vivants voyez les enfants de gaza meurent de faim de soif de froid.NCHALLAH vos prières seront écouter par ALLAH. Et que tout les enfants de la terre seront sains et sauf...
I was a paediatric nurse in the maternity ward and we had these tiny babies, but even I was holding my breath as you wrapped you tiny baby! So sweet and delicate…. Bless you!!❤
I admire these nurses so much. From caring meticulously for premature infants to preparing the babies who don't make it, like the first one, for their final time with their parents...NICU nurses are the elite ❤❤❤
@jeanettelaskey1702 The baby has no life support equipment on. An infant that small and still alive would be intubated immediately as well as have monitoring equipment attached. It is either deceased and the arm jiggled when she was wrapping it or it's possible that it's a rubber mannequin and she's an instructor teaching neonatal nursing students how to clean/prep a deceased infant for the family.
🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙌🏾❤️🙌🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾 My grandbaby was born 3lbs 2oz. She's now 15 years old, starting high school this year because of the faithfulness and the goodness of God. Keep the faith so that you'll be able to sing about the awesomeness of God. God IS great! And greatly to be praised! 🙌🏾❤️🙌🏾
I weighed 21/2 lbs at birth was in the hospital for months. They gave me 6 months to live BUT GOD!!! I am a healthy 56 years old. GIVE HIM PRAISE SOMEBODY!!! ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE! GOD IS FAITHFUL!
I've read so many amazing tales of successful babies turning to wonderful adults. But parents, may I point out, the LORD gave these little ones to you because you have the inner strength and endurance to raise such wonderful people. I applaude you. 🙌
My son was born 2lbs twenty-three years ago. He just graduated University with honors and high Distinction. Thank you God for your goodness! It wasn't easy but by God's grace he got through everything with me by his side. How wonderfully we are made by our magnificent God ❤
He did this for me 60 yrs ago. Born when there was none of the newer technologies to save babies. I slept in a shoe box after being in an incubator for months. My mother was told to make funeral arrangements BUT I HAD A PRAYING GRANDMOTHER!!! AND SHE KNEW HOW TO CALL ON THE NAME OF THE LORD!!! THANK YOU JESUS!!!!❤🙌🏾💃🏾🔥🙏🏾❤️
My niece was the same. The doctors told my brother and his wife to start to think about funeral was not going to live... they refused to believeand acceptthat news.. , and then they were told if she lives then she'd be blind...she wouldn't be able to speak, she wouldn't be able to walk. ...Now, 22 years later, she's a STUNNING BEAUTY....Not only can she SEE she DOESN'T wear glasses. . Not only can she SPEAK, she can SING. Not only can she WALK, she can RUN, and she can SWIM, and she's truly a gift and a BLESSING from GOD!!! WHAT IS IMPOSSIBLE FOR MAN IS POSSIBLE FOR GOD!!!❤🙏🥰❤️
Glory to God!🙌🏻 She’s a true living testimony of God’s Grace🙏 may she live to Honor and glorify God all of her days and no doubt she will receive many of His wonderful blessings.👏🏻
If your baby is in the Nicu right now, don't worry, call out to God in faith and declare the word of life over your baby and you will see the glory of God. My baby was born at 5 months of pregnancy, she spent half a year in the hospital and I did not get tired of waiting for God's response and I managed to move his hand of mercy in my favor not because I am good or bad but because he was pleased. She's 2 now and is a very happy little girl. GLORY TO GOD, HALLELUJAH ❤🕊🫶🙌🧎🏽♀️
Amen! What a beautiful reminder that god still shows his miracles daily! I’m so happy your little girl is here and a living miracle of the lords amazing love god has for us all.
I had my son ❤ too 😢😭😭😭 sooo tiny and a true miracle of life ❤😭😭 God was telling me that He will always forever be in our lives 😭😭😭😭 now my baby is a strong beautiful soul by the Grace of God ❤😭 #mayGodblessALLhumankindfortherestofourexistence ❤😢❤
@@shedevilcrazy6469 🙏 My daughter was there 33 days. She was born 3lbs 6oz, got down to 1lb 14oz. Those nurses literally saved my baby's life 💖 She came home 4lbs 6oz and was on a heart monitor for 8 months. She is 26 now 🙏
This was exactly what my premature daughter looked like. Thank God for his mercy and grace. She’ll be 10 this October ❤
SPEAKING IN TONGUES....... isn't God awesome? ❤
Praise God!❤
Praise God❤🙏🏻
Wow! God is wonderful!
Birthday blessings to her in advance!🤗💜
This is Beautiful! Im 55 yrs old and I was also born just 1lb! God is so amazing! Lord I Thank You for Blessing Me!
Imagine having your child this small and seeing them grow… so amazing 🥹
minha filha nasceu de seis meses e pesava 1.540g,hoje está com 25 anos e tem uma filhinha de cinco anos🙏🏻
It will be so so awesome. Everyday you will look at them and smile with a big heart of gratitude❤❤❤❤I'm so happy seeing this video
I did❤ it’s awesome!! She is 40 now
It is things you don't see when full term from finger nails eyebrows toenails and few other things to see such a tiny thing it's beautiful to watch
L❤ove God
Господь Всемогущий! Ты решил этой крошке жить !!! Благодарю тебя,Господи!❤❤❤
My daughter was born at 23 1/2 weeks gestation weighing 15 3/4 ounces. She is 24 now. She defied everything the doctors predicted. She has graduated college and now has her bachelor's degree. God is so good!!!
Never heard of another baby born under 1lb.! When my brother in law was born he also weighed only 15 3/4ounces, a home birth, in an old remote cottage in Wales. His grandma fed him with milk from a fountain pen as his mum took very ill & unable to feed him for days. He’s now a Taid (Welch for grandpa!) to his beautiful grandchildren. God works in mysterious ways. Blessings to the families whose babies rest in Gods hands.❤❤❤
My first grandson was smaller but God gave him life he is now 22 years old.all glory to God hallelujah amen ♥️
God is so good❤
What an awesome God we serve! ❤❤❤❤
Deus é maravilhoso
Así nació una hermana mía , y no tuvo encubadora , por que era un aborto , hoy tiene 50 años y es un ser maravilloso, gracias Dios por darle la vida .
Así también dale aste pequeño bebé el milagro de vivir
It made me cry. I pray baby is still here fighting. God bless the family
Oh God how marvelous you are only you God always praise to you God thank you for giving life these precious babies 🥰
My daughter had Triplets and twins . That is how tiny they were. They are now 16 and
10 and thriving! Praise God!
Praise God 😇
❤❤AMÉN 😊😊
Gloire à Dieu 🙏🙏🙌
This is so teal to me! Born at 26 weeks my baby boy fought to stay with us! By God’s grace he made it through 1 complications after another. It was the incredible moment of happiness in our livesBUT also the most traumatic. I remember the wonderful doctors and nurses that supported us through
Ma fille est née à 25 semaines en France il y a 27 ans. Elle va très bien mais la douleur est toujours présente au fond de moi.
You're an awesome God! Take care of this precious baby and their family. Bring healing to this baby. Thank you Jesus.
Did the baby make it
Prayers for the family , this beautiful child and the wonderful nurses
I serve and love a great real God. He saved my premmie too and im forever grateful.
Glory be to His holy name 🙏🏽
Don't we serve a wonderful good Merciful GOD!!!
Born @25 weeks, 1 1/2 lbs, today my son is a full-grown man and big & strong. I remember the days he struggled in the NICU at Cincinnati Children’s and, still yet, tears come to my eyes. So very grateful to the Lord Almighty, and for all of the medical staff who cared for him.
@@planetemmymedia exácto, debemos alabar y honrar a Dios y a su nombre, pero si no lo escribes y das a conocer, entonces como lo voy a saber?.
Es como tu nick, puedo decirte planet, pero como puedo llamarte por tu nombre si no lo conozco?
I was like this and I'm 30 years old now. God is my STRENGTH, I'm the living miracle of his goodness.I am here because he says . Every days of my life I will praise him 🙏♥️.
WHEW!!! Perfectly said!!! Giving him The Glory! I love it! And so does He! I'm glad you are here!!! 🥰🙏😍
❤ e tem uns sem entendimento que dizem que com 3 meses não é uma vida ainda. Misericórdia destes, SENHOR. Que se arrependam. TU ÉS SOBERANO E MARAVILHOSO EM TODAS AS RIAS OBRAS. QUE TEU NOME SEJA GLORIFICADO PARA TODO SEMPRE E ETERNAMENTE. OBRIGADA, PAPAI DO CÉU!
Allahu Akbar..Allah is only our God❤
Allahu Akbar
I'm sitting here crying. Thank YOU, GOD, for these little ones
Watch the arm wobble that a fake baby the first one 😂 that baby be😅 in a minute incubator when they born . Until they breath on there own . Kalli was premature.
Я тоже плачу. Чувства переполняют моё сердце! Моя душа рыдает, и я не могу ничего поделать.
Значит, мы ещё живы! Значит, мы-люди!
Храни вас Господь!❤
Se q el amor y misericordia de Dios es infinita, yo tengo una nieta q es un milagro de Dios, el todo lo puede, bendiciones.
How we serve a mighty good Good 😭 hallelujah
No creo que el primer caso sea verdadero.Ese bebé tendría que estar conectado y la mujer mínimo usar guantes.Elsegundo si es real.Aun así son seres hermosos que merecen vivir.No entiendo como algunos descerebrados están de acuerdo con el aborto.Estan asesinando un niño indefenso.
Πολλά παιδιά σαν αυτό γεννιούνται πρόωρα..Δίνουν εναν μεγάλο αγώνα επιβιωσης.Ο Θεός είναι αυτός που θα βοηθήσει 👌🇬🇷
My last daughter was born at 24 weeks. She spent her first three months in the hospital. She is now 22. I am so grateful for these doctors and nurses who care for these most vulnerable.
This is going to make me cry 😢😢😢😢 The Most High is amazing!!!!
bless it
Truly a blessing! My son came at 26 weeks weighing only 1lb3oz . Drs. didn’t think he would make it but God…… 🙏🏾 ….. Next month he’ll be 23 years strong!Thank you Lord🙏🏾❤️
Glory be to God! 🙏🏽
@@planetemmymedia 🙌🏽
I'm 61 never seen a baby this little in my whole entire life may God have mercy on his soul
My mom said the same thing after I had my twins. The first baby is not real. The second one with all the lines connected that they're handing to the parent is. My daughter was 1.3lb, and my son was 2.6lb, my mom was scared to touch them. They are little miracles running around. ❤
Yo una vez en el
Centro Médico de Guadalajara, fui a mirar a mi tía ella ahy trabaja de enfermera, y me
Impresione cuando llevaban en una incubadora a un bebé así de
Me too Jesus Christ he is alive ohh lord help this soul
@@Gee5425Milagros de Dios
Porque si el bebé debe estar creciendo
Этот малыш намного сильнее чем кажется❣️Дай Бог ему крепкого здоровья и много сил❤️
My daughter weighed 2 lbs at birth, born almost 3 months premature. She was on life support for less than 24 hrs. She began breathing on her own. Doctors and specialists said she would be developmentally delayed and would never walk or talk on time. Not only did she beat the odds, but she exceeded the odds. She left the medical teams speechless. We witnessed every miracle unfold before our eyes. She graduated #3 in her high school class, has a bachelor's degree, and she is now 28 yrs old. I give all credit to my Lord and Savior. To this mom and dad, please don't be discouraged. Every day will get better and better. I'm praying for this sweet baby, and for the family!
Praise the Lord
Wenn meine Tochter nicht ein Monat eher mit Kaiserschnitt geholt worden wäre , hätte sie nicht Überlebt ihre Herztöne gingen immer weg , ich war zur Beratung im Krankenhaus wie es so abläuft , da hat man mich an Wehenschreiber angeschlossen und an die Herztöne vom Kind zu Kontrollieren darauf haben sie sofort den OP fertig gemacht und haben meine Tochter durch drei Narkosen geholt . Mein zweites Kind es war ein Junge er war eine Totgeburt, er hatte genau dasselbe Problem wie meine Tochter nur die Ärzte haben es nicht bemerkt. Im neunten Monat bäumte er sich auf macht nur noch einen Atemzug und er Bewegte sich nicht mehr , am nächsten Tag hatte ich ein Termin bei meinen Frauenarzt und er stellte fest das mein Sohn Tot sei , ich musste sofort ins Krankenhaus und meine ganzen Freundinnen waren an meine Seite . Ich habe viel darüber geredet und immer gesagt das Gott keine Seele mehr hatte und einen Engel an seine Seite braucht um andere Säuglinge als Schutzengel zu begleiten um zu Überleben 😢
I am a retired RN
Chose not to work in this area . But I have always been amazed at the skills and dedication these nurses (as well as all who work in this specialized area) have for the babies in their care. I am still so amazed and greatful for their live and skills. They work with God and give their hearts to fight and save these little ones. God bless them all.
I couldn't work in NICU either😢
I love babies and kids, but I chose Geriatrics and LTC instead. I didn't think I could handle getting close to the babies and losing them, I'm just too emotional.
Mi princesa nació de 7 meses y el doctor dijo que no lo hiba a lograr,acaba de cumplir 16 años y me doy cuenta que la grandeza de Dios es infinita,Ánimo,Dios todo lo puede
Eu nasci de 7 meses, pesando 1 quilo e 800 gramas. Hoje tenho 49 anos, em outubro eu completo 50 anos.
@@fa_carvalho Dios te bendiga y te de la salud que te brindo el día que naciste, cuidate mucho,le pido a Dios por mi hija, y por todos los prematuros,ya que ustedes cuando nacen con estas condiciones de salud,nos vuelven a nosotros familiares más fuertes,una gran abrazo desde México.
@@ma.guadalupegalicia3526 muchas gracias. Dios también bendiga a su hija y su familia. Un gran abrazo. Soy brasileño pero vivo en Estados Unidos.
Yo también nací de 7 meses y hoy tengo 39 años .
اللهم احسن عاقبتنا في الامور كلها واجرنا من خزي الدنيا وعذاب الاخرة يارب العالمين
Amen 🙏🏽
I cannot count how many times I have watched this with teary eyes. I have always imagined how my Mum( of blessed memory)and family say I looked like at birth with no photos or videos of me to show. Exactly like this 52+ years ago, and I am still here stronger than ever. God bless all nurses who make a difference. Not just a job, but a calling. May this child be a living testimony of the goodness and greatness of God. This is the doing of the Lord!!!
My grand daughter was this tiny when she was born. I prayed and pleaded with God to keep her here for me to love and nurture. She'll be 11 years old this year she looks identical to me❤
May our heavenly father Continue to bless her throughout her years❤❤
امیدوارم که کنار هم خوشبخت و سلامت باشید 😊❤❤
Ma shaa Allah
Seguro que así me veía, cuentan que fui prematura y que asta más grande era la mano de las personas y cuando lo cuento no me creen, pero maravilloso es nuestro creador
Ya a mis 57 años se que goso de buena salud por la misericordia de Allah subhana wa ta'alla,
Awww God bless you and her ☺️❤️
Wz z@@stephanieross8728
I worship you Lord, you are indeed a great and a marvelous God
My granddaughter was born like that. I praise God. She is 12 years now.
A true survivor this baby was meant to be here that’s a living angel sent from God
I WAS born with 5 months and 2 weeks with 875g and thanks to grace of God IN august I will be 21years old and with no disability and no aftereffects just healthy and lovely when no one believed in me, God saw I fit enough to be given a chance to live, my God is Faithful, forever grateful.
Thankyou for sharing - praise be to God ❤😎🇦🇺
Dovrebbe stare in incubatrice..😮
My little sister she born 6months with 960 g and thanks to grace of God she is 36 years old and she donate a kidney to my middle sister 6 years ago but my middle sister she died last year RIP
Happy birthday 🎂
God bless these babies. My son was born 3 months premature and he weighed 2 lbs. 4 oz. By the grace of God he is here today. He is 24 and completely healthy with no side effects from being born premature. God is good.
Mine 1 lb 12 ounces he’s 28 now
Amen 🙏🏼
Hi there, I was born 3 months earlier in 1968 56 now, and I have never had health issues tell Just recently, I have been just fine 🙂
Amen, God is a wonderful God 🙏
I don't know you but how happy for you.
Me gozo de leer estos testimonios tan maravillosos acerca del poder de Dios.
Estos niños nacieron con propósitos celestiales.
Dios es tan bueno y extraordinario ❤
Gloria y honra sea a su nombre 🙏
I'm in tears so beautiful thank you Lord for this precious baby's life❤
7years ago my son born without a blood in his body, hewas less than a kilo but by the grace of God he survived I thank him for the miracle and blessings ❤❤❤❤🙏🙏🙏🙏
@@משהקליין-ק2קSE NOTA QUE A VIVIDO POCO. 🙄🙄
Praise Lord Jesus!!!!
There is nothing that speaks God is God than seeing a baby born. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you for all who you put in place so this little one could live
Whew! I’ve been there! Truly the happiest and most scared I’ve ever been all at the same time. I remember the feeling of craving and begging god for the good news and falling apart when I got the bad. God had a plan and with time and a little trust he changed my life forever. ❤❤ my beautiful baby boy is almost 21 years old and is now 6’2 happy and healthy. We have a bond most couldn’t dream of. He changed my life and I’m forever blessed for each day I hear him call me “Mama”. I love you Daniel Kayden
I will admit it. I'm a grown man balling my eyes out watching this video. I never in my life seen something so tiny in my life. My first born was a preemie and weighed less than 3 pounds and now he's 29 yrs old and a parent himself. This precious baby is a fighter and will live to do great things. Father watch over this precious angel and his parents who are about to face many obstacles. With God's grace, the angel will make it thru the storm. Lil one you have many brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, grandparents around the world praying for you to grow up beautiful. ❤❤❤❤❤😊😊😊😊😢😢😢😢😢😊
I was born 2 lbs. 2 Oz. I'm 69.
My granddaughter was a little bigger than me when she was born, she's 24 now.
Life is precious and have to thank the good Lord for keeping us here.
Amen! Glory be to God in the Highest 🙏❤
That's not a real baby,look close when the woman folds over the blanket it brushes the" babys" arm and it go's back and forth like rubber.this is staged.
Praise the Lord 💜 that baby is a fighter may God bless those amazing nurses and doctors 💜
Praise God! 🙌🏽
AmEn. 🙏🏾❤🙏🏾👍🏾👏🏾❤☝🏾
HALLELUJAH HALLELUJAH HALLELUJAH. 🙌🏿🙌🏿🙌🏿🙌🏿🙌🏿🙌🏿🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏿🙌🏿🙌🏿🙌🏿🙌🏿🙌🏿🙌🏿
God you are so wonderful there is no one like you Lord. ❤
Amen 🙏🏾 thank you Jesus ❤
Meu neto nasceu pequenininho ,e hoje ele tem 2 anos de muita energia amor e saúde, agradeço a Deus todos os dias pela sua vida❤
Thanks be to God 🙏🏽💜
My Nephews went through twin to twin transfusion. One was absorbing the other's amniotic fluid. It caused one to be plump and the other small. They were born at 24 weeks at 1lb and 1-1/2 pounds. They told my brother and their mom to come say goodbye to the plump one. He had brain bleeds, but for the Grace of GOD THEY ARE HERE AT 30 YEARS OLD!!!The plump one has
Cerebral Palsy, but he can talk and is Mischievous as Everrr!!❤❤❤❤ The smaller one had a 4 yr scholarship to college although he had to travel with oxygen in his first years! He is studying to be an Electrician!! Smart as a Whip!!💖
Had the same situación 33 years ago just making 5 pounds both little girls . They give me 3 boys 2 girls now :) blessing
Wundervoll..ich liebe deinen zynischen Humor! Alles gute dir und den beiden
Thank you Jesus Christ for saving all the babies and having mercy on the sweet babies that Jesus Christ loves so much ❤
Who is this GOD we are serving, ooohhh so wonderful, good, kind, lovely, merciful, ooh you name it, thank you LORD
Wawww God is powerful
The tears that just ran down my face ....awesome
Thank you Jesus!!!!
Su nombre es Jehova, el es el altísimo por sobre todo en los cielos y la tierra
I literally cried while watching this, God is not just merciful but he's wonderful, him all the names you know him for, he is still God❤
After 7mos at NICU, my unico hijo Luke left before we can take him home. We can only be comforted of God's will being done.
Sorry you had to go through such a heart wrenching experience 😢
True love for a child no matter what God gives you. Amen
I was like this, born at 5,5 months, now I will be turning 42 in November. God is amazing, God and I has a history.
Mi hermana nació alas 6 meses y era casi parecido, me acuerdo cuando yo tenia 6 años la bebé que era mi hermana falleció y después de tanto llanto de mi madre la bebé reacciona y llora, desde esa fecha ahora mi hermana tiene 36 años, era una bebé muy especial
This baby is way less than 5.5 months!!!
Bendito testimonio, no te canses de contar la victoria que lograste de la mano de Dios. Dios se glorificó en tu vida y tú vives para alabanza a él.
Keep watching 👇🏽
2 Esdras 6:21
[21]And the children of a year old shall speak with their voices, the women with child shall bring forth untimely children of three or four months old, and they shall live, and be raised up.
I was born at 5-6 months 28 years ago. But I could never forget my late mom's story of how I was born. The hospital didn't have much like in the 1st world.But It was my crying that gave her and my dad much assurance that I would survive. And I did. I am a living testament that God is good. And He has a plan. You know, sadly my mom and dad died few years ago. And God still leads me today.
Type "Amen" if you believe that God is GREAT!! ‼️💯
Amén 🙏..!!! Dtb
Аминь 🙏
What an amazing God.
My son weighed 1.3kg at birth and he is 19 year old now, thank You Lord the giver of life.
And nurses that are amazing and doctors for saving their life.. 😅😅😅😅😅
How do I find the,1st part of these videos??
God bless it's little heart & soul.
@@elisaramirez8668quê DEUS abençoe os MÉDICOS e Enfermeiras e Enfermeiros !
I'm was a 7 month baby born at home in my mother's bed. At 2lbs they did not think I would make it. Im now a 63 year old Pastor who gives glory to God through my life and my service. He had a plan for my life. Praise Him!!! Hallelujah. May He show Himself in the life of this baby.
Glory be to God! 💪🙏🏿
Glórias e Aleluias!!!!!!
Louvado seja o nome do Senhor.
Amén, gloria a Dios 🙏
❤❤ Amen 🙏🙏
My mother was also less than 2 lbs at birth and I am almost 60 years old. God is soooo good!
DIOS Maravilloso, tan GRANDE eres, Quién como Tú
Esta fitografa hace trabajos muy bonitos y respetuosos con bebes sin vida,el primero ya esta fallecido,el segundo no se cuanto sobrevivió,pero ese es el trabajo de ella con bebes que ya estan en el cielo🙏
Может всё-таки врачи, а не бог?
Personne n'est comme lui il est le tout puissant Dieu
Thank God for nurses like this. My child was premature. Having nurses that cared was a huge blessing to my family and I .
Oh, baby, you will make it, live and be stronger with time because our God the Almighty is in control. May His name be praised forever, AMEN!❤❤❤❤
Amen 🙏🏽
Amen 🙏 🙏 🙏
Hallelujah! 🙌🏽
Amen and Amen! Thank you Yahweh aka Jehovah God through Jesus Christ for undeserved love and mercies to us, your humble children.
Amen 🙏 He's the greatest
Yes, praise Jehovah God!!! Exodus 6:3
I can't watch this, it makes tears stream down my face. I've had two babies in The NICU and I remember the worry and fear and the separation that about broke me everytime I had to leave the hospital. By the grace of God my two NICU babies are healthy and well but OH my heart feels for any parent going thru this😭😭❤️❤️thank God for the Dr's and nurses that care for these babies
Meu sobrinho nasceu assim. Hj ele tem 17 anos. Deus é bom!
This just goes to show you that every baby deserves a chance at life
Absolutley!! Every baby deserves life!!
🇨🇦🫶🏼✝️💜✝️EVERY BABY DESERVES TO LIVE!! Every baby!! My son was 3months premature but., now., he is 38 and a loveable son with a precious daughter of his own., he is a wonderful loving dad!! And a truck driver!! I’m so proud of my son!! 🫶🏼✝️💜✝️God is Good all the time!!!
My premature son weighed 3lb 9oz, and now he's 20 years old, 6ft 3ich and has size 14 adult size shoes!! I thank God every day that he saved both our lives. ❤
Hallelujah ❤❤❤
It’s funny how this works. My son weighed 3.2 pounds and went down to 2.9 pounds. They had to gavage feed him. He was born on 7/31 and not due until 10/17. They told us to expect him to remain in the hospital until his due date. He came home at the end of September. He was the youngest and now is the tallest and biggest of them all and we are celebrating his 41st BD today.
My first grandchild came 2 months early. My daughter stayed in the hospital for three days and her daughter stayed 3 more days with no problems. She is went to the school for math and science with straight A's and graduated from college
Awwww what a beautiful miracle!! My oldest son was 1lb 6ozs at birth and today he is 19 years old, 6ft 1in tall, and just as handsome as he wants to be! He is living proof that God exists and miracles happen every day!
All the time 💞
My daughter was born three months premature, weight barely one pound and eleven inches. That was 30 years ago. She is a miracle, defied all odds. God is miracle God. I will always sing about the goodness of God.
❤ AmEn. 🙏🏾
I was also born 3 months premature and I just turned 41 this past May. I can truly say God is a miracle worker❤😇
Them shots to develop the lungs are so important nephew was I thing 26 or 28 weeks and a daughter 32 weeks. All survived both healthy adults now
I am a twin. My sister is also a miracle of God. Weighing 1lb 8ozs at birth, in 1970. My mother had no idea she was pregnant with twins until she went into labor. Thank you Lord God for the gift of life!! ❤
God is so awesome. This take me bck to my premature son I had at 6 months. He was 2 1/2 pounds. He stayed in the hospital for 6 months. He is now 27. I saw the hands off God over his life all these years. Thank you God for your Grace and Mercy.
Gracias Dios x la vida
Mi Dios es grande y maravilloso 🙏😻🙏 toda la honrra para el
A true miracle of our
Is so precious.
God is so great, I have twin great grandsons now in the Nicu born at 25 weeks weighing 1lb 1oz and 1lb3oz, doing good. Prayers are getting them where they need to be, beautiful video❤
I have never seen such a small baby ! It is wonderful THAT THEY CAN SURVIVE! ❤️
Isn't it absolutely amazing!!! Praise God for miracles🙏😊
I’ve never seen this either . Would not think they could survive. Made me cry 😢
It's not real. It's rubber. The second baby is definitely but the first is a doll. That's why she is hiding the face. As a nurse, a baby that size would be ob oxygen and ventilator etc etc
@Lollylozz1 yes I was thinking "why has that baby got no tubes etc attached"! Must be a training doll??
@@alicebrown4742 La persona que los atiende y cuida debería recortar sus uñas para que no se dé el caso de Lastimarlos
This brought chills to me, God is so good. My nephew was born at 24 weeks. He weighed 1lb 7oz& he fit into the palm of my hand. He’s now almost 14& taller than I am& the best part of it, he has no learning disabilities🙏🏽✨♥️
True blessing from The Most High GOD!
Gloria a ti padre Santísimo 🙏🙏🙏
I was born full term and smaller then my little brother who was a premie and weighted more then me and he was released sooner them me as well. But Ma was a heavy smoker with me.
Je suis étonnée qu'au début de la vidéo😊 le nouveau né respire sans appareil, en dehors de tous système
❤God bless and heal that precious baby and there parents.Thank you Lord my God.🙏🙏🙏
God, you're so sweet, you're wonderful, you're great, you're awesome, you're divine, blessed be your name forever, Amen 🙏 for the miracle of life Lord we say thank you God.
Thank you Jesus.
God you are so Amazing!Thank you for saving this baby!I love you Lord!!!🙏🥺🙌🙌🙌🙌❤️❤️❤️❤️
Amen to the God of wonders, might, power , grace, blessings etc
I love you I AM THAT I AM
Dankeschön für dieses große Wunder der Medizin ❤❤❤❤❤❤. Gott beschütze dich Baby❤❤❤❤❤❤
Amen 🙌🏽🙏🏽
I didn't know a baby this small could survive! God bless all their souls
The first baby wasn't real, I believe it was an example of the kindness they show the mom's when they fully deliver at that gestation. The second baby is super tiny but obviously a fierce fighter❤
The first baby isn't real (the rubbery arms gave it away🤷🏼♀️), but I believe it's an example of the special kindness they show to us mommas that lose our babies this gestational/young. The second baby is absolutely real & even though super tiny, obviously a fierce fighter ❤❤❤
I would wish to know how many months plz. I Lost my twins at 22weeks but they were alive at 45 mins and 1 hr.... This has got me really emotional just reminded me of them❤
yeah first infant isnt real...but in real life a 4 months can survive..i saw one..she really meant for her mother❤❤❤❤
C'est pourquoi, l'avortement est un crime!...😢
Our God is powerful, loving and full of compassion. Praise His Holy name for He can do all things. 🙌
21 days after conception, there is a heartbeat! This is God's miracle of life❤❤❤ God gives Healthcare workers the privilege & witnessing of this magnificent miracle😇😇😇
Como podem assassinar um serzinho tão indefeso???? 😢😢😢😢😢
Having a premature baby, learning what LOVE TRULY IS THROUGH GLASS, is rhe definition of bittersweet. I love you Damian. Thank you for being my son. You are AMAZING in every single way!!!❤
blessed be the King of Kings!
Thank you for Your mercy and grace. Thank You for new Life. Bless these little ones and show your glory through them!
Truly, God is wonderful!😍🫡
Amen. How is the baby doing now?
Doing pretty fine and alive@@chanieweiss4288
Tiny yet extremely fragile and heavy God is amazing
Lord please continue to bless this precious baby in JESUS name💯🙏🏽💯🙏🏽💯🙏🏽💯🙏🏽
هو رب واحد يبارك ويرحم لاشريك له لايمكن لرحة واحدة وبركة واحدة ان يتقاسمها ربان
Jesus Christ is the son of God 🙏 who do you think he prayed to before John the baptizer baptized him?? His father in heaven. No disrespect intended just some food for thought ❤
Я плачу. Так больно в этой жизни мне было, когда я потеряла маму и папу.
Какое счастье, что в наше время врачи выращивают таких крошечных малышей!!!
Я чувствую боль, боль в душе и в моём сердце!
Господи, спаси и сохрани всех детей на Земле!!! Пусть они будут любимы, здоровы и счастливы! ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Amén 🙏
Malheureusement ce n'est pas tout les enfants de la terre qui sont vivants voyez les enfants de gaza meurent de faim de soif de froid.NCHALLAH vos prières seront écouter par ALLAH. Et que tout les enfants de la terre seront sains et sauf...
Amin ya allah ❤
ماذا عن أطفال فلسطين 😢😢what about kids Palestine
Praise you God a little miracle . ❤
Thank you Father for your grace, mercy and LOVE!
Thank you Lord 🙏🏽
I am in awe of the power of God!!! Thank You Abba for the mothers who fight to KEEP their babies alive!! 😍😍😍
Thank you God❤There's nothing he can not do 😊
💯 fact
The power of the Divine🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽 there’s nothing that he can’t do🤗🤗🤗praise and glory be to you Lord
I was a paediatric nurse in the maternity ward and we had these tiny babies, but even I was holding my breath as you wrapped you tiny baby! So sweet and delicate…. Bless you!!❤
I admire these nurses so much. From caring meticulously for premature infants to preparing the babies who don't make it, like the first one, for their final time with their parents...NICU nurses are the elite ❤❤❤
😢😢😢😢 murió el bebé más pequeño? 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
@@gruposist.infor.9219 Si...muy triste 😞
During this taping, the first baby was alive. You can see it moving its tiny arms.
@jeanettelaskey1702 The baby has no life support equipment on. An infant that small and still alive would be intubated immediately as well as have monitoring equipment attached. It is either deceased and the arm jiggled when she was wrapping it or it's possible that it's a rubber mannequin and she's an instructor teaching neonatal nursing students how to clean/prep a deceased infant for the family.
@@jeanettelaskey1702 it’s not a real baby..she’s a photographer…she takes photos of babies who’ve died being born premature
My grandbaby was born 3lbs 2oz. She's now 15 years old, starting high school this year because of the faithfulness and the goodness of God. Keep the faith so that you'll be able to sing about the awesomeness of God. God IS great! And greatly to be praised! 🙌🏾❤️🙌🏾
Ole’folks would say “He’s a wonder in my soul - Bless His name!!.”
Lord continue to hold and keep this child and her family.
God is our loving Father, there is no one like Him ❤🙏🤗
I weighed 21/2 lbs at birth was in the hospital for months. They gave me 6 months to live BUT GOD!!! I am a healthy 56 years old. GIVE HIM PRAISE SOMEBODY!!! ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE! GOD IS FAITHFUL!
Love you ma..I have a friend like that..we are 53 I read this your comment, I teared up straight away.. Congratulations 🎉❤
I've read so many amazing tales of successful babies turning to wonderful adults. But parents, may I point out, the LORD gave these little ones to you because you have the inner strength and endurance to raise such wonderful people. I applaude you. 🙌
What a merciful God...I love you most righteous father.
My son was born 2lbs twenty-three years ago. He just graduated University with honors and high Distinction. Thank you God for your goodness! It wasn't easy but by God's grace he got through everything with me by his side. How wonderfully we are made by our magnificent God ❤
Bila sam teška 1 kg. Rođena sam sa 7 mjeseci. Hvala Bogu, odrasla sam žena .
Bendito seas ABBA padre Dios grande y poderoso, das mas vidas, a vidas,honor A tu presencia mi ABBA hermoso 🙏❤️
God is good 💯😊💜
He did this for me 60 yrs ago. Born when there was none of the newer technologies to save babies. I slept in a shoe box after being in an incubator for months. My mother was told to make funeral arrangements BUT I HAD A PRAYING GRANDMOTHER!!! AND SHE KNEW HOW TO CALL ON THE NAME OF THE LORD!!! THANK YOU JESUS!!!!❤🙌🏾💃🏾🔥🙏🏾❤️
God didn't't need technology 60 years ago. But we thank God we have it today.
Glory be to God almighty, keep living in his grace.
Glory be to God!👏🏾🙌🏽
I am 61yrs old and my grandmother's crib was a shoe box 😮they sat by the oven 😂😂😂😂she lived to be 61yrs old 🎉🎉🎉🎉😂😂❤❤❤❤❤
Born at 6 months and The Lord has been with me every step I take. . Thank you, Lord.
I lost my Son one month ago when he was 21 weeks old, he couldnt survive it. May God bless all our kids and protect them.
He is in the arms of the Lord and so are you praying for your healing.
@@barbarakosmicki6249thank you Sister
@@barbarakosmicki6249thank you sister
I am sorry to hear it. You are a very strong woman. GOD BLESS YOU AND HE WILL GIVE YOU KNOWLEDGE TO CONTINUE WITH HIS PLAN.
I thank you both from my heart
Thank u for u powerful mighty God thank u for being so faithful and good
My niece was the same. The doctors told my brother and his wife to start to think about funeral was not going to live... they refused to believeand acceptthat news.. , and then they were told if she lives then she'd be blind...she wouldn't be able to speak, she wouldn't be able to walk. ...Now, 22 years later, she's a STUNNING BEAUTY....Not only can she SEE she DOESN'T wear glasses. . Not only can she SPEAK, she can SING. Not only can she WALK, she can RUN, and she can SWIM, and she's truly a gift and a BLESSING from GOD!!!
Praise the lord
Glory to God!🙌🏻 She’s a true living testimony of God’s Grace🙏 may she live to Honor and glorify God all of her days and no doubt she will receive many of His wonderful blessings.👏🏻
На всё Воля Божья ❤
What a beautiful testimony 🙌🙌
If your baby is in the Nicu right now, don't worry, call out to God in faith and declare the word of life over your baby and you will see the glory of God. My baby was born at 5 months of pregnancy, she spent half a year in the hospital and I did not get tired of waiting for God's response and I managed to move his hand of mercy in my favor not because I am good or bad but because he was pleased. She's 2 now and is a very happy little girl. GLORY TO GOD, HALLELUJAH ❤🕊🫶🙌🧎🏽♀️
Amen! What a beautiful reminder that god still shows his miracles daily! I’m so happy your little girl is here and a living miracle of the lords amazing love god has for us all.
@@CruzLizma8121 Glory be to him. He loves us all regardless of our deeds
My baby was in NICU when he was a baby. He was having seizures, and he's now 21. God protected him.
Amen 🙏🏿 he's God of another chance
I had my son ❤ too 😢😭😭😭 sooo tiny and a true miracle of life ❤😭😭 God was telling me that He will always forever be in our lives 😭😭😭😭 now my baby is a strong beautiful soul by the Grace of God ❤😭 #mayGodblessALLhumankindfortherestofourexistence ❤😢❤
Wow! Glory be to His Holy name.
And you Betha are a true super woman! 👏🏽
Bless you🙏🏽💜
Gratidão meu Deus amado e poderoso por tudooooo. 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥❤️❤️❤️❤️🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🌹💕💕
Um milagre!!!🙌🏽🙌🏽😍
Indeed 👍🏾😊
God bless every Neonatal Intensive Care Unit and every nurse doing God's Great Work.
@@shedevilcrazy6469 🙏 My daughter was there 33 days. She was born 3lbs 6oz, got down to 1lb 14oz. Those nurses literally saved my baby's life 💖 She came home 4lbs 6oz and was on a heart monitor for 8 months. She is 26 now 🙏
Primero dio todoestaravien❤❤❤❤