Thank you Shemaroo Gujarati for bringing such amazing plays to the RUclips platform. It helps us maintain our rich culture. Bav j saras natak che. Claps for the entire cast, especially Siddharth Randeria :)
Wah siddharthbhai wah bahot bahot dhanyavad very nice and very good message to all. Jay jay garvi gujrat jay jay gujrati bhai. Khubaj sundar natak chhe.
Currently, we do not have rights for GUJJUBHAI GHODE CHADYA, RANG RANGILA GUJJUBHAI. We will upload LAGE RAHO GUJJUBHAI on our channel. However, it will take time.
Yes indeed have watched all of his comedey along with Sankay Goradya my favorite gujju comedian... the best medicine is laughter therapy which we are lucky to have such gems of comedians we are proud of them ...
ગુજ્જુભાઈ, તમારા બધા નાટકમાં જલસો પડી જાય એવી મજા આવે છે. એની માને, આ નાટક જોઈને તો આખું ફેમિલી હસી હસીને બેવડું વળી ગયું. લાઈફમાં તમને એક વાર મળવું છે. તમારી સાથે સેલ્ફી લેવી છે.
Excellent entertainment. The acting is good and the dialogs are hilarious. Siddarth needs to take his troupe on international tours as these type of performances will attract huge crownds all over the world.
Hello Maheshbhai, Siddharthbhai has been doing shows all over the world for a number of years. To know more about Siddharthbhai and his drama schedules, you may visit
તમારો આભાર. સિદ્ધાર્થભાઈના કોમેડી સીન જોવા માટે અહીં ક્લીક કરો: સિદ્ધાર્થભાઈના કોમેડી નાટક જોવા માટે અહીં ક્લીક કરો:
We are happy that you like this natak. You can meet GUJJUBHAI LIVE on our Facebook page on Sunday morning, 17th Decemeber 2017. watch the best natak and comedy scenes of Siddharth Randeria (Gujjubhai), please click here:
Sir ji tamra vichar khub khub sars che ane ema pan aaa natak lidhe badha samje ke mat dan ketlu agtynu che ....ane kone mat dan karay ....wah.....gujrati gujrati j ....avse .....bjp....j .....avse....
તમારો આભાર. સિદ્ધાર્થભાઈના કોમેડી સીન જોવા માટે અહીં ક્લીક કરો: સિદ્ધાર્થભાઈના કોમેડી નાટક જોવા માટે અહીં ક્લીક કરો:
તમારો આભાર. સિદ્ધાર્થભાઈના કોમેડી સીન જોવા માટે અહીં ક્લીક કરો: સિદ્ધાર્થભાઈના કોમેડી નાટક જોવા માટે અહીં ક્લીક કરો:
તમારો આભાર. સિદ્ધાર્થભાઈના કોમેડી સીન જોવા માટે અહીં ક્લીક કરો: સિદ્ધાર્થભાઈના કોમેડી નાટક જોવા માટે અહીં ક્લીક કરો:
તમારો આભાર. સિદ્ધાર્થભાઈના કોમેડી સીન જોવા માટે અહીં ક્લીક કરો: સિદ્ધાર્થભાઈના કોમેડી નાટક જોવા માટે અહીં ક્લીક કરો:
I like the dialogue dilevery of Siddharth randeriya’s. & huge fan of this Gujarati Actor. whenever I feel bad then I am watch the “shemaroo gujarati” chanel on Utube & specially Siddharth’s comedy
તમારો આભાર. સિદ્ધાર્થભાઈના કોમેડી સીન જોવા માટે અહીં ક્લીક કરો: સિદ્ધાર્થભાઈના કોમેડી નાટક જોવા માટે અહીં ક્લીક કરો:
I had seen this drama even when it was paid !!! So totally worth it... Takes Gujarati Cinema and Theater to a new level... Keep it up Shemaroo Gujarati for such uploads. Roller-Coaster play ride.. Have fun everyone !
vsx xs xxss s ss xs ssx s ss ss ss asc sssga xxasss ssxsvxsc vvsssss sxsvac ssssxssaas s sxs as cfgsxsss x avssvssvss a xxssisassca c nsosa.sdcvsssxaxvcsscs xsxss xds s a vvsxcsx as xvssvvsgsvsssxvs sasssssaaaa as s§ss sssvassxcs s. xsxsvsxx sxs ss csxs s afssc sss @ ss sasfsavs ssssc asssxx a as v s s s scs ss ss:ss s§ssas sv sscs saasssss vss@ ass@a ss vsss:@s. sxsss sasss ss ss @ ss@§ssa s. sa svssaaasav@:ac s as s x:sss s s@a sa s a @ssvsvc sa sa s@cxvssssss svc sa§s ss s cs s:asvs@xvss gsa sssssv sasva svssss @ssdss:ssv sss vs x@v sssasas a s@ bass a ava@sxgssvsscsss s sxcs ssaasssssvsssgxsssavs sa ssss s gs a vs sa vaaaasa sssscsvava s ssaa@vasaaaa§scxsx a ssasvaasaaa svav§ sa. ssvsvs @vsavaaasas ssasas' ta@ilor'sssxsscsx vasasvssaa svasssassa saasscsxxxv@aaas aavsc ssacaaaa. avs savssvsxc @cssss s s ss svvsss@sss@a@sssvx s aaa@x s. csv ss sass xxsvsssx aas. s a fsads scscssvs@ saa ssaava sa@ as sas va avs a aacsvsv@as.a vs.a s as ag sa§s as@ssxas@sa a as ssasa aaasssss ssavasgssvaassc@sss §ssscss§ ssvvgsva svxs s ssssssass vs@@g@gsa§ss sa@ sss s§s@s s s sa sv. s sxassv shes ss sss vs@ salsas asssv sass saasv s ssssss sa sssasvss ss. ss x ssscssssv. §csassvcs cs s sassscssvsxvsh@ a asvsa. ass ss : avs gsaasoices sv ss ssvssss ss sss svsa scss s s.gsss vs sssvvsfsccss c @ ssssscscsss avaas@ vsvs sfsa vsscsscs. sccsc s@@ss v@sgsvs@c s sassgs sssaas s@s@s@as ssssa ss s ss§ assa ssvsssssgs c vsc sdfcss dadshas. cssssccsss sfscd s s vs ssssss dvs ssxsvssvsvsc s s§sgs ss sa@vssasaasafsv ss ave scsssassasssassas@asaasaags ag@s s§a@sxgs ssas csss ss §a s. sssc ssssc ss§sss§ sscvsscdcssss ss ssss s: @ss sd@vvsvsssdsssas sssc@ sass s@vvsass @ sss s@ s s@ sss@ssx s s xgscsscss gs gsx@sxs@s@sssfsss sdssvssvss s sasaassccv saccess § s ssa.c. vssvs sscsccccxsdvccdcf vssscsscsscsscgs sccvdsvs fsvdsscvssd ssvs sssccscscscxssssx @sasccsss fsssfvcs@ sgsass vsxcxcscfscssa sec vs. ssscsss@sxga s s sss@s ssssx s sscsscs ssave csa.c. sccsxcd cvsdscds fscdcvsss scssccfsvs vs xxx sccsssscfs vsfsvscsc vs a. sssddss dcsvssvcsddcscsvscs ssvsd ssd cvsd fsgscscs s asss: s s sa:sscvsccvcsssscsvdscvvsddffscsdcsdfssvs sssvssvs csdxv svss v. scsf fsdssvcscvssxscs csvsdsv sd csdcvss cssvcs dvssvscsdssdscfscdcssvsvcxfdsvssvssvcss xvxssxsscssas ddscsscs ava scsc scvvvs vvcs svvd cssad. dcsfsfscdsvsdcccsvcsdvsscvsvsvssvsscssvs. dcvcdvxssfs s scddcsvsccscsccsfcdsvssfsfsdvcsddvssvccvsscsv dccsfcssxcf ss. vvvsscs f svs vscscfsvsvs scddscdssccss. scsscs dvsfs gsss vs vas ddvsvdvsdvdccdccase scsscs vdxsgscssf dcsfccfcxs vsvcsvdcsvsss c d ss sfs devsscssscssv ss vsdcdccsfsvs csscsfsxdcsc sfsssavsscsscs vsd sscscfsscscs. d:"$@@vxsccvsvscd csdcxd ssgcsdxcdc s svssd vcdfsfscfscss cvsvasvsvc sd f dd s vsdvssvvsssss s scvsvsvvvccsvscdd dscfscvsscvsdvcsdscvscsfs fsccsvssvasvs gsssss svscdvdsa sgfvvsvvsvssvscsvssssxcdvx ddavsdvss ssvs va gcgsdvsccds. fsgscsvssc svvsvssdssvcvsvvssvssssv s dg s ssvssvsc faces fvsgcscvsvcvvvsvss chnnuu. 3z4sszszz4zzsszszzssszs 3szsz4sszzs4ssszsz4szzzzs4ss sz44zzzszzz szz i3883..s8386szsssss3sssssssszss.838447 yahoso☆☆☆3○☆4☆☆☆4ss44szzszzssszzzssszs@@s@ssss4ss4zs4s43s44ss4ssss4sss3sssszsszssssssss4sszszss4@sss -avazsszszsszsssszz5zzz vccss----4---v-----@----2-42----4fscsd cfscsvs cscsfs s--------@-4---4--- vsv-2--zzzzzzzzzzzzzz----zszz4zzzZzz4zzzzzZzZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzSzz axfsfDgsvsgsfsgs.zzzsz2zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzazzzzzzszzzzzzzzz zzzz2zzzzzzzzz----@---vcdcsvssssvcscfscafsvsfsccsd sfscccsssdcsfcv5ssssd'szzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz4zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz sz. szzzzzzzzzzzzz4zzzzzzzzzz5zzzzzszzzz2zzzzzz4zzz4 cdcvfccssccsvscdsvsvsdccsfsf ssvsvxfcsscvsd f ssvsxs ssvvvscsd svdcdxcsfs ccd dfds d dad gavesfscdcdcfs cvssvsscddcsd sscssdcs vsvsvcvssvs. vs cssfvs ssscs vsc s vsss. scdcs s sscsfdx
તમારો આભાર. સિદ્ધાર્થભાઈના કોમેડી સીન જોવા માટે અહીં ક્લીક કરો: સિદ્ધાર્થભાઈના કોમેડી નાટક જોવા માટે અહીં ક્લીક કરો:
તમારો આભાર. સિદ્ધાર્થભાઈના કોમેડી સીન જોવા માટે અહીં ક્લીક કરો: સિદ્ધાર્થભાઈના કોમેડી નાટક જોવા માટે અહીં ક્લીક કરો:
તમારો આભાર. સિદ્ધાર્થભાઈના કોમેડી સીન જોવા માટે અહીં ક્લીક કરો: સિદ્ધાર્થભાઈના કોમેડી નાટક જોવા માટે અહીં ક્લીક કરો:
We thank you for your suggestion as it gives us clear idea about viewers' choice. Our upcoming releases include: Armaan FILM Kitta Bucha NATAK Currently, we do not have rights for PAPPA TAMNE NAHI SAMJAAY To promote Gujarati Entertainment across the globe, we are trying to acquire and publish a variety of entertainment videos. So stay tuned, keep watching, keep laughing!
તમારો આભાર. સિદ્ધાર્થભાઈના કોમેડી સીન જોવા માટે અહીં ક્લીક કરો: સિદ્ધાર્થભાઈના કોમેડી નાટક જોવા માટે અહીં ક્લીક કરો:
તમારો આભાર. સિદ્ધાર્થભાઈના કોમેડી સીન જોવા માટે અહીં ક્લીક કરો: સિદ્ધાર્થભાઈના કોમેડી નાટક જોવા માટે અહીં ક્લીક કરો:
Thank you Shemaroo Gujarati for bringing such amazing plays to the RUclips platform. It helps us maintain our rich culture. Bav j saras natak che. Claps for the entire cast, especially Siddharth Randeria :)
Wah siddharthbhai wah bahot bahot dhanyavad very nice and very good message to all. Jay jay garvi gujrat jay jay gujrati bhai. Khubaj sundar natak chhe.
Finally you made it free thank you shemaroo for uploading this natak now we're waiting for Gujju Bhai ghode chadiya ne rangila gujju bhai
Currently, we do not have rights for GUJJUBHAI GHODE CHADYA, RANG RANGILA GUJJUBHAI.
We will upload LAGE RAHO GUJJUBHAI on our channel. However, it will take time.
Eni maaneeeeeeee...... Proper Rander language.... Surtis hit like.
Best of all.....superß ..refreshes mind very well
saras natak...hassi hassi ne pett dukhi gyu...aa laughter therapy che...good for health...
We are happy that you like this natak.
To watch the best natak and comedy scenes of Siddharth Randeria (Gujjubhai), please click here:
Yes indeed have watched all of his comedey along with Sankay Goradya my favorite gujju comedian... the best medicine is laughter therapy which we are lucky to have such gems of comedians we are proud of them ...
Finally our wait is over, ty so much
We are happy that you like this natak.
To watch the best natak and comedy scenes of Siddharth Randeria (Gujjubhai), please click here:
indian salute to this natak mast mast mast gajab comedy natak chhe
Thx Shemaroo Gujarati For Upload This Movie I Download Free Because Of U.
Thank you shemaroo Gujarati One of my favorite natak
We are happy that you like this natak.
To watch the best natak and comedy scenes of Siddharth Randeria (Gujjubhai), please click here:
My Favourite ever...and no one can take place of shidharth randeriya...hats off..and thank you so much for entertain us....
We are happy that you like this natak.
To watch the best natak and comedy scenes of Siddharth Randeria (Gujjubhai), please click here:
Okay For sure
Wah gujjubhai tame yarr joradar6o Maja aavi gai kharekhar I like it
Siddhart Randheria is THE BEST ACTOR EVER...... beautiful play...... love it...😂😂😂😂❤❤❤❤
ગુજ્જુભાઈ, તમારા બધા નાટકમાં જલસો પડી જાય એવી મજા આવે છે. એની માને, આ નાટક જોઈને તો આખું ફેમિલી હસી હસીને બેવડું વળી ગયું. લાઈફમાં તમને એક વાર મળવું છે. તમારી સાથે સેલ્ફી લેવી છે. the concept and gujju Bhai timing of comedy is u whole team
Excellent entertainment. The acting is good and the dialogs are hilarious. Siddarth needs to take his troupe on international tours as these type of performances will attract huge crownds all over the world.
Hello Maheshbhai,
Siddharthbhai has been doing shows all over the world for a number of years. To know more about Siddharthbhai and his drama schedules, you may visit
what a drama yrr awesome first time i watched drama ever n i enjoyed GUJJU BHAI awesome
We are happy that you like this natak.
To watch the best natak and comedy scenes of Siddharth Randeria (Gujjubhai), please click here:
jordar natak
awesome gujjubhai
તમારો આભાર.
સિદ્ધાર્થભાઈના કોમેડી સીન જોવા માટે અહીં ક્લીક કરો:
સિદ્ધાર્થભાઈના કોમેડી નાટક જોવા માટે અહીં ક્લીક કરો:
Awesome natak.Thank u for uploading it for free
Fantabulous performance.... by far the best comic drama by sir Sid...
Wish I could meet you...
We are happy that you like this natak.
You can meet GUJJUBHAI LIVE on our Facebook page on Sunday morning, 17th Decemeber 2017. watch the best natak and comedy scenes of Siddharth Randeria (Gujjubhai), please click here:
Sir ji tamra vichar khub khub sars che ane ema pan aaa natak lidhe badha samje ke mat dan ketlu agtynu che ....ane kone mat dan karay ....wah.....gujrati gujrati j ....avse .....bjp....j .....avse....
One of the best Natak ..👌👌👌
We are happy that you like this natak.
To watch the best natak and comedy scenes of Siddharth Randeria (Gujjubhai), please click here:
Really Siddhartha randeria is the best comedian in India no any match available in bollywood also.
તમારો આભાર.
સિદ્ધાર્થભાઈના કોમેડી સીન જોવા માટે અહીં ક્લીક કરો:
સિદ્ધાર્થભાઈના કોમેડી નાટક જોવા માટે અહીં ક્લીક કરો:
This is the best comedy content I've seen in my life!! Loved it.
તમારો આભાર.
સિદ્ધાર્થભાઈના કોમેડી સીન જોવા માટે અહીં ક્લીક કરો:
સિદ્ધાર્થભાઈના કોમેડી નાટક જોવા માટે અહીં ક્લીક કરો:
Thank you soo much for uploading this naatak
તમારો આભાર.
સિદ્ધાર્થભાઈના કોમેડી સીન જોવા માટે અહીં ક્લીક કરો:
સિદ્ધાર્થભાઈના કોમેડી નાટક જોવા માટે અહીં ક્લીક કરો:
Jordar natak and thanks for making it free
તમારો આભાર.
સિદ્ધાર્થભાઈના કોમેડી સીન જોવા માટે અહીં ક્લીક કરો:
સિદ્ધાર્થભાઈના કોમેડી નાટક જોવા માટે અહીં ક્લીક કરો:
I like the dialogue dilevery of Siddharth randeriya’s.
& huge fan of this Gujarati Actor.
whenever I feel bad then I am watch the “shemaroo gujarati” chanel on Utube & specially Siddharth’s comedy
jordar drama
gujju Bhai is great for drama.
We are happy that you like this natak.
To watch the best natak and comedy scenes of Siddharth Randeria (Gujjubhai), please click here:
Best natal. Jai Jai Garvi Gujarat. Jai Hind.
Thank you shemaro . Lots of love nce video
We are happy that you like this natak.
To watch the best natak and comedy scenes of Siddharth Randeria (Gujjubhai), please click here:
Prince😑😊✅ Kalal
jordar yr.. maja avi gayi... 😊😉👏👏👏👏👏👌👌👌👌👌
Thank you so much for making this free😀
Very thankful shemaroo gujarati for adding this greatest natak .....👏🤝
To watch the best natak and comedy scenes of Siddharth Randeria (Gujjubhai), please click here:
બહુ મજા આવી ગયી.
Siddhartha at his very best.
Shiddarth randaria is really good
Proud to be a gujju 😎
Thank you Shemaroo Gujarati
Aa natak me free karva mate
Sidharth randeriya mara favourite 6
તમારો આભાર.
સિદ્ધાર્થભાઈના કોમેડી સીન જોવા માટે અહીં ક્લીક કરો:
સિદ્ધાર્થભાઈના કોમેડી નાટક જોવા માટે અહીં ક્લીક કરો:
New gujrati natak jova ahi click karoвидео.html
sierra 117 MasterChief drffj
sierra 117 MasterChief jo
sierra 117 MasterChief nssk
Thank you after long time i m waiting for this drama .. @shemaroo Gujarati
Thankyou shemaroo for putting this video for free.... Waited soo looong for this....
Jay Trivedi
Best movie. But zyada maza nahi aaya
Jay Trivedi hghfjh
Pav Bhaji milega... jordar natak :D :D
I had seen this drama even when it was paid !!! So totally worth it... Takes Gujarati Cinema and Theater to a new level... Keep it up Shemaroo Gujarati for such uploads. Roller-Coaster play ride.. Have fun everyone !
We are happy that you like this natak.
To watch the best natak and comedy scenes of Siddharth Randeria (Gujjubhai), please click here:
Your English is very nice but sorry because I'm ગુજરાતી choro okay inglandian
Bav bav j mast che maja avi jovani
All actors are best.
aa natak joi ne hasi etlu to kyarey nathi hasi... osam👌👌👌 j .p is really fantastic
Best thanks for getting it free
Super duper hit.... Thanks Shemaroo
We are happy that you like this natak.
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Good that you released it for free. Unfair for people who paid for it earlier to watch
How is it unfair? People go to theatres to watch new movies, and later on those are also televised.
Finally came on youtube... Yes..!!
Tirth Music slhvbnvv. But the game uuu
Superb play💙....Must watch🤗
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Hahaha...what play!!!!hats of sirji
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Already watched all..sir.. thanks for upload
Thanks to my Gujju u Randeria Sir
I had watched this live..once again watching..😊
I like gujrati comedy so much. Carry on
Please PAPPA TAMNE NAHI SAMJAY movie ne free karo
Thnx for pick this drama in free...
Great natak,
Thanks gujjubhai.
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Very good 👌🏻
moinuddin bavan Gujtratigeet
Bhai maza aavi gai. Thanks
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Thnx for upload add sanjay goradiya new natak
vsx xs xxss s ss xs ssx s ss ss ss asc sssga xxasss ssxsvxsc vvsssss sxsvac ssssxssaas s sxs as cfgsxsss x avssvssvss a xxssisassca c nsosa.sdcvsssxaxvcsscs xsxss xds s a vvsxcsx as xvssvvsgsvsssxvs sasssssaaaa as s§ss sssvassxcs s. xsxsvsxx sxs ss csxs s afssc sss @ ss sasfsavs ssssc asssxx a as v s s s scs ss ss:ss s§ssas sv sscs saasssss vss@ ass@a ss vsss:@s. sxsss sasss ss ss @ ss@§ssa s. sa svssaaasav@:ac s as s x:sss s s@a sa s a @ssvsvc sa sa s@cxvssssss svc sa§s ss s cs s:asvs@xvss gsa sssssv sasva svssss @ssdss:ssv sss vs x@v sssasas a s@ bass a ava@sxgssvsscsss s sxcs ssaasssssvsssgxsssavs sa ssss s gs a vs sa vaaaasa sssscsvava s ssaa@vasaaaa§scxsx a ssasvaasaaa svav§ sa. ssvsvs @vsavaaasas ssasas' ta@ilor'sssxsscsx vasasvssaa svasssassa saasscsxxxv@aaas aavsc ssacaaaa. avs savssvsxc @cssss s s ss svvsss@sss@a@sssvx s aaa@x s. csv ss sass xxsvsssx aas. s a fsads scscssvs@ saa ssaava sa@ as sas va avs a aacsvsv@as.a vs.a s as ag sa§s as@ssxas@sa a as ssasa aaasssss ssavasgssvaassc@sss §ssscss§ ssvvgsva svxs s ssssssass vs@@g@gsa§ss sa@ sss s§s@s s s sa sv. s sxassv shes ss sss vs@ salsas asssv sass saasv s ssssss sa sssasvss ss. ss x ssscssssv. §csassvcs cs s sassscssvsxvsh@ a asvsa. ass ss : avs gsaasoices sv ss ssvssss ss sss svsa scss s s.gsss vs sssvvsfsccss c @ ssssscscsss avaas@ vsvs sfsa vsscsscs. sccsc s@@ss v@sgsvs@c s sassgs sssaas s@s@s@as ssssa ss s ss§ assa ssvsssssgs c vsc sdfcss dadshas. cssssccsss sfscd s s vs ssssss dvs ssxsvssvsvsc s s§sgs ss sa@vssasaasafsv ss ave scsssassasssassas@asaasaags ag@s s§a@sxgs ssas csss ss §a s. sssc ssssc ss§sss§ sscvsscdcssss ss ssss s: @ss sd@vvsvsssdsssas sssc@ sass s@vvsass @ sss s@ s s@ sss@ssx s s xgscsscss gs gsx@sxs@s@sssfsss sdssvssvss s sasaassccv saccess § s ssa.c. vssvs sscsccccxsdvccdcf vssscsscsscsscgs sccvdsvs fsvdsscvssd ssvs sssccscscscxssssx @sasccsss fsssfvcs@ sgsass vsxcxcscfscssa sec vs. ssscsss@sxga s s sss@s ssssx s sscsscs ssave csa.c. sccsxcd cvsdscds fscdcvsss scssccfsvs vs xxx sccsssscfs vsfsvscsc vs a. sssddss dcsvssvcsddcscsvscs ssvsd ssd cvsd fsgscscs s asss: s s sa:sscvsccvcsssscsvdscvvsddffscsdcsdfssvs sssvssvs csdxv svss v. scsf fsdssvcscvssxscs csvsdsv sd csdcvss cssvcs dvssvscsdssdscfscdcssvsvcxfdsvssvssvcss xvxssxsscssas ddscsscs ava scsc scvvvs vvcs svvd cssad. dcsfsfscdsvsdcccsvcsdvsscvsvsvssvsscssvs. dcvcdvxssfs s scddcsvsccscsccsfcdsvssfsfsdvcsddvssvccvsscsv dccsfcssxcf ss. vvvsscs f svs vscscfsvsvs scddscdssccss. scsscs dvsfs gsss vs vas ddvsvdvsdvdccdccase scsscs vdxsgscssf dcsfccfcxs vsvcsvdcsvsss c d ss sfs devsscssscssv ss vsdcdccsfsvs csscsfsxdcsc sfsssavsscsscs vsd sscscfsscscs. d:"$@@vxsccvsvscd csdcxd ssgcsdxcdc s svssd vcdfsfscfscss cvsvasvsvc sd f dd s vsdvssvvsssss s scvsvsvvvccsvscdd dscfscvsscvsdvcsdscvscsfs fsccsvssvasvs gsssss svscdvdsa sgfvvsvvsvssvscsvssssxcdvx ddavsdvss ssvs va gcgsdvsccds. fsgscsvssc svvsvssdssvcvsvvssvssssv s dg s ssvssvsc faces fvsgcscvsvcvvvsvss chnnuu. 3z4sszszz4zzsszszzssszs 3szsz4sszzs4ssszsz4szzzzs4ss sz44zzzszzz szz i3883..s8386szsssss3sssssssszss.838447
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vinod' tailor's choice nice
Supper duper...... Ha moj ha... Maja avi gay.... 😇😇😇😇
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Thanks for upload i like this Natak
We are happy that you like this natak.
To watch the best natak and comedy scenes of Siddharth Randeria (Gujjubhai), please click here:
More fun. Entertainment... comedy..masala...jordar... ever..
તમારો આભાર.
સિદ્ધાર્થભાઈના કોમેડી સીન જોવા માટે અહીં ક્લીક કરો:
સિદ્ધાર્થભાઈના કોમેડી નાટક જોવા માટે અહીં ક્લીક કરો:
Omg it was to comedy
Every minute I laughed
Bhale gujju Bhai ni Moj bhale
I like this movie
I love gujju bhai
Thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks for apload yaar
Really it's nice
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To watch the best natak and comedy scenes of Siddharth Randeria (Gujjubhai), please click here:
upload not apload
A.pagal atalu badhu thanks koi garurat NATO thanks lakhi .... Kari dato idoit and stupip you have not a brain okay mental OK pagal
yeee........waiting for this ....😗😄thank u so much shemaroo gujarati ......for free this one ....
Darshil Shah dada
Dada ha
Darshil Shah c
Super comedy Natak😅😂😂😂😂 add some more
Mane tamra badha natak bauj game chhe☺☺
તમારો આભાર.
સિદ્ધાર્થભાઈના કોમેડી સીન જોવા માટે અહીં ક્લીક કરો:
સિદ્ધાર્થભાઈના કોમેડી નાટક જોવા માટે અહીં ક્લીક કરો:
Supreb.. what a enery👍.. saras
Superb ❤😂😂
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Ha bhai.Ha Gujarati ni moj bhai bhai
Super Comedy Natak 😂 Refreshes your mind "Uski maa ka goba paad diya" 😆
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7 bar dekha ye natak mene very very super gujjubhai
Oooo my god the best film i ever saw i cant stop laughing😂😂😂
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bested actor Siddharth randeriya
Thank you so much
Ek number natak che
Gujarat maj savaj peda thai
Tejal vyas is very nice acting
thanks shemaroo for this and update many movies as fast as possible
Thanks for upload
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Om Nakrani gujjsratii
skittal*bizz skittal*bizz skittal*bizz skittal*bizz skittal*bizz skittal*bizz skittal*bizz skittal*bizz skittal*bizz skittal*bizz
Dimpal kapady
Thanks for free we will be your thankful
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To watch the best natak and comedy scenes of Siddharth Randeria (Gujjubhai), please click here:
Saras che natak gujubhai
તમારો આભાર.
સિદ્ધાર્થભાઈના કોમેડી સીન જોવા માટે અહીં ક્લીક કરો:
સિદ્ધાર્થભાઈના કોમેડી નાટક જોવા માટે અહીં ક્લીક કરો:
Gujju bhai the greatest comedian in the world.
Very well written....
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👌👌👌bahu j saras👌👌👌
Pappa tamne nai samjay upload karo... 😂😂
We thank you for your suggestion as it gives us clear idea about viewers' choice.
Our upcoming releases include:
Armaan FILM
Kitta Bucha NATAK
Currently, we do not have rights for
To promote Gujarati Entertainment across the globe, we are trying to acquire and publish a variety of entertainment videos. So stay tuned, keep watching, keep laughing!
Awesome drama
Siddharth randeriya is always best in each drama
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To watch the best natak and comedy scenes of Siddharth Randeria (Gujjubhai), please click here:
siddharth randeriya ❤❤❤❤❤👌ROFL
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To watch the best natak and comedy scenes of Siddharth Randeria (Gujjubhai), please click here:
This is the best natak ever. Everyone loves all shemaroo nataks here in usa, keep on doing the great work. Love from USA❤️.
Thank u so much😄😄🤗
rhythm shah
rhythm s
Jordar hasy kalakar👍👍👍👍
Jordar pav bhaj 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Ha moj ha jordar shaheb
તમારો આભાર.
સિદ્ધાર્થભાઈના કોમેડી સીન જોવા માટે અહીં ક્લીક કરો:
સિદ્ધાર્થભાઈના કોમેડી નાટક જોવા માટે અહીં ક્લીક કરો:
Wah ,,👍👍👍👍👍
Ha Gujarati ne moj ha
Ahir Ajay .
thanks to shemaroo for free this natak..
તમારો આભાર.
સિદ્ધાર્થભાઈના કોમેડી સીન જોવા માટે અહીં ક્લીક કરો:
સિદ્ધાર્થભાઈના કોમેડી નાટક જોવા માટે અહીં ક્લીક કરો:
Awesome natak
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To watch the best natak and comedy scenes of Siddharth Randeria (Gujjubhai), please click here:
Siddhartha Randeriya is best Comedy an 😀😁😉
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1) Lage Raho Gujjubhai
2) Gujjubhai Ghode Chadya
3) Gujjubhai Gotade Chadya
4) Karsandas Pay & Use
5)guju bhai baya dabang