Exploration? Quote from site “explore a labyrinthine world” Check Items? quote form dev history video: “returning items and brand new items will appear” Check! Atmosphere? Have you seen those tree house games? The atmosphere is threatening to burst and explode from that cartridge!! Safe to say dread is likely to dethrone every Metroidvania in existence Samus returns, am2r, hollow knight, super Metroid all will be leveled.
"The enemies you fight in Samus Returns, and by enemies I mean the inocent native fauna the only crime of which is in Samus's way" totally made my night
ZeldaFan does voices For sure! The only problem I have is having already moved on to the Switch and wanting this games on it. (Which is a positive criticism)
"There is no doubt in my mind that if Murcury Steam is ever allowed to make a brand new Metroid game, it will be even better. Maybe even good enough to dethrone Super (Metroid)" -Arlo, 2017. They did it.
@Arlo You mentioned here at 18:32 about them making a brand new game. Your wish came true and I hope to see your review for Metroid Dread. We've done it boys, It's real, time to feel the fear of Project Dread.
"If you think it's cheap and you want to look for everything on your own, don't use it." So true. Far too often do I hear people complaining about something optional in the game, that it takes away from the experience. It's optional. Don't use it. Simple as that.
but game developers can't tune their game to appeal all tastes...of course there could be features that some people don't like, but there is also a lot of people who enjoy those features...what can you do to please everybody?
kionashi I'm not saying that. You can't please everyone and in fact, I think the addition makes sense and isn't too big of a deal even for veterans. Metroid 2 was already fairly linear and the map structure is pretty organised, so you wouldn't get lost anyways. It just saves time because you're not shooting walls like in Fusion and Zero Mission. I just don't like the argument that you should ignore a feature if you don't like it. It's still there and it helps you to beat the game, which is something you want as a player.
As a Metroid enthusiast, that likes the satisfaction from finding secrets on my own......THANK YOU MERCURY FOR HAVING THE PULSE SCAN!!!! It's really damn tedious trying to find the harder to reach items. It's not like SR makes finding items mega easy, you STILL need to figure out HOW to grab the items....I used the pulse a ton, and even when I THOUGHT I had every item, I had a 95% item collection by the end, the Pulse Scan doesn't show you items that are hidden in breakable walls, so I needed to legit find a guide online to find them....and the teleporters, YES! Thank you. There's just enough of them :) The ONE thing I don't like about the game...They should have added a bit more music, yeah I get it, it's atmospheric, but....There's some awesome tracks when you discover a new area, and unseal the seals. I wanted more of that, and even though I like the Magmoor caverns theme when entering the heated areas....I just wish there was more music in the game.
I only needed a guide for not knowing that placing a power bomb while being attached to the floor or wall with the spider ball would propel you like a shooting cannon.
Not the best, but one of the best for me. It was my first metroid and it was like... Wow, how was I missing this? Currently replaying it, loving it all over again
I tried not to but found myself slipping my finger on the button or trying to use a different ability but using that one accidentally. Eventually I was like fuck it and just started to use it.
Honestly the reason why Mercury Steam's cinematic counters work so much better than other games is that they're interactive. You don't just hit one button and then maybe play a Simon Says minigame or something, you still have control over that gun and it's up to you to fire it. It turns a cinematic counter into frantically button-mashing to pour as many missiles down an enemy's gullet as possible.
The melee thing wasn't a problem for me. I loved it at the beginning, and as I progressed, the beam weapons became stronger and stronger. By the end, I was only using the beam weapons, missles/super missles and aeon beam attack. The black/shiny enemies were the only ones I had to use the aeon beam attack on, everyone else you can kill with the strongest beam and the different missiles. It's balanced great in my opinion.
Yeah, there are basically FOUR titles in the series (Zero Mission, Samus Retuns, Super Metroid, Fusion) and it really isn't extremely time consuming or difficult to play all of them at least once.
A minute and a half into this review and I realize I'd completely forgotten metroids were weak to cold and hadn't once used my ice beam on them in my recent playthrough. I mean, just using missiles works but damn
In Fusion she grab ledges in the Begining no powerup required, and in the moment you get The morphball you transform into The morphball when The Space os tiny for normal Samus, Samus Returns is not The firt game to do it, you constantly refering How It is something New, made me think If you ever played a 2D Metroid game (asside Super Metroid) The grab mechanic is in all GBA Metroid games and it's Very natural in thesses games
petwisk You type too fast and don’t read your comment before you submit it. It has multiple typos and some missing punctuation. Just pointing it out. I agree with your comment, though.
In MF you can grab ledges because you are lightier. In one part of the game you even run from SA-X because you can grab from the ledge and it can't. Even in ZM you need an item for that. It doesn't make sense that you can climb in MSR
Wouldn't it be nice if he played those games and made a video about the overall strengths of the Metroid franchise as a whole? The difference between those games and this one would make for an interesting contrast. ...He'll never do it, but it's a nice thought.
@@fanb1536 Did I say Zero Mission & Fusion are not worth playing? Do you know how to comprehend basic English? I literally said "Super Metroid is SIGNIFICANTLY BETTER than Zero Mission & Fusion." I never said they're not worth playing. YOU SAID THAT. Don't put words in my mouth, you ignorant biiiicchhh.
8:45 Actually I had that problem with one boss in the game... Diggernaut. Not a tough boss once you get the patterns down but that final part of trying to blow him up with bombs always killed me, and since I already used up the aeion gauge, I couldn't use super armor on him. So yeah, it could also be difficult because I suck at the game. But just so you know: I beat Metroid Queen within 2 tries, while Diggernaut took 7-8 tries during my game.
im glad arlo brought up the spider ball and the height of levels changing the level design from past metroids. there were alot of big open rooms and vertical rooms that felt really awesome to explore because of the layout of enemies, secrets, and just variety in how you could explore. a great example of a simple change that adds alot and drastically changes the experience. really made it stand out to me. ive only played fusion, prime, and the original, but this is my favorite of them, just my opinion tho! really need to try super some day now that im hooked on the series.
I only played this one for 2 hours while I have finished fusion 2 times. Think it´s time to pick it up and finally finish it, hope it doesn´t disappoint because fusion is high on my list of best games ever. The bosses, the atmosphere was so great I didn´t get that feeling while playing samus returns, but maybe I should give it another chance
Arlo you are an asset to RUclips, and I hope that one day you will be able to do this full time so we can all have the pleasure of watching your awesome content on a more frequent basis
This review will be the deciding factor into the decision of whether I should buy a 3DS/2DS or not. The games will be Samus Returns and a Pokémon, and probably some Zelda remasters.
Paradoxically enough Arlo, sometime its the outsider's perspective that any media needs to truly critique what works and what doesn't. To relate this to both the Arlo Direct & Samus Returns I had a friend ask about why the space jump sometimes drops inputs, to which I explained the more nuanced mechanic of how long you have to re-jump and that we're lucky in this game a dropped input doesn't stop your spin and drop you to the floor. To which he asked "why would they make it that way? Kirby has the same thing but doesn't punish you for imprecision." I had to think about that for a bit.
18:36 Well I mean he was right about if they got the chance to make another it'd be great. Dread hit it out of the damn park and boy am I glad they did.
Revisiting this video after 7 years. You can tell the difference of Arlo as a communicator. Here he seems like reading some notes fast. Now you feel like him is having a conversation with you.
Great review, I could not agree more with the score. Two things I want to point out: - While you did mention the Scan Pulse, you didn't talk enough about the Aeion Abilities. If I remember correctly, they were a point of contention amongst the more purist out there (especially Scan Pulse, as you mentioned in-review). - One thing I absolutely loved about Samus Returns is that new abilities didn't necessarily mean that your older ones would become obsolete, the biggest one being Spider Ball/Grapple Beam vs Space Jump. In most games, once you obtained the Space Jump ability, any and all mobility variation upgrades became obsolete (did you ever need to use the Grapple Beam in Super once you got the Space Jump?). In Samus Returns, the Spider Ball and Grapple Beam still had uses, either by having the level design restrict the space needed for a successful Space Jump or giving the abilities more than just their one function. If this game does well, I have high hopes for the future of Metroid.
I saw the trailer for Metroid dread so I decided to play some of the old games I liked super Metroid and zero mission but my favorite so far is Metroid fusion I just completed it and I love I'm gonna play it over and finish my completion rate . Im 14 so I thought these games would be boring but as Ive said I get loved these games so far
I love how much you love and praise this game! It’s my favorite of all time game on the 3ds I’m obsessed with it. It saddens me that the 3ds’s life is over so we won’t be getting anything new like this ever again but a great game and a great review
The flamethrower in Prime 1 was useful for killing enemeis instantly and whenever Metroid Prime glowed red and black indicating you need to hit it with the Plasma Beam. But that was about it.
The only time I found myself using the teleporters was when I was bringing the Metroid DNA back to progress to the next area. I think I used it one other time to get back to an item that I forgot to get as well. I have no doubt that I'll end up using it more when I go back to 100% it though. Let's not forget that Metroid Prime 2 also had fast travel between each temple.
The footage in general looked tedious and frustrating. It was hilarious to hear Arlo talk about smooth controls and fair challenges while the guy who was playing made it look like a pain in the ass.
That's weird, because EPG plays lots of video games and is pretty good in general. I mean, it's certainly possible that he just didn't click with this game's controls, but that alone is pretty disconcerting. I don't think I would play this game better than him. Edit: I made a mistake. This footage is from Alex from Nintendo Life, not EPG.
Opinion. Super Metroid was surpassed in every control-related aspect by both Fusion and Zero (And AM2R). Saying this controls better than Super is not a huge achievement.
Super's control system was as good as it could've been. Fusion and ZM benefited from the fact that those games had neither the grappling beam nor the scan visor to facilitate. Those additions wouldn't have been possible with the control scheme of Fusion/ZM. Samus Returns is able to work around it because it has a separate touch screen.
MLennholm Nope. Super's physics could theoretically be exactly the same as Fusion's, and if the button layout had been more similar to Fusion (removal of the run button and weapon deselect button and changing the L and R buttons to funtion like they do in Fusion and Zero Mission) the grapple beam and x-scope visor could be mapped to the buttons. Yea, you couldn't exactly replicate the controls with the ten inputs of the GBA, but there's no reason someone couldn't mod Zero Mission to control exactly like Super.
You say that it's more efficient to just wait for enemies to come at you and counter them, but that's not actually true. Since the melee button and the shoot button are right next to each other, I found it was really easy to focus on both shooting enemies while also waiting for a counter opportunity, and then when that opportunity comes, I can quickly and easily switch my thumb over to the X button to counter in the middle of my mashing Y to get a bunch of shots in. You made it sound like you can only focus on one or the other, but to me I found that the shooting and countering mechanics work together very fluidly, and it doesn't slow down the pacing at all for me.
While the review is great and I agree with the majority of it, why you gotta potshot Fusion? I still think it's the best game in the series personally, especially since Super Metroid has a bunch of flaws that seem to stick out more for me than they do for others.
Yeah especially with the sa x! I love stuff like that so I'd probably like amnesia a dark descent as well since that's about running from monsters...but I'm too much of a coward to play that so I'll pass on that game XD Another classic is the water wraith from pikmin 2 as well!
Prime 2 was cool as well as I liked how it felt like a huge improvement over prime 1 for me (though maybe not in terms of how good the atmosphere felt in prime 1).
He has to potshot Fusion because this game is nothing like it, and he wants to maintain the absurd position that this game is "perfect" while all previous Metroids were heavily flawed. As for why he wants to do that, you might want to ask yourself why he hasn't criticized a single thing Nintendo has done for six months.
I just picked up Samus Returns (digital edition!), and I'm _really_ loving it. I actually haven't really ever played a 2D Metroid (though Prime 1 and 2 are some of my favorite video games of all time).
I have a few gripes with it. I finished it this afternoon and can say its a good game, no questions asked. But I have a few nitpicks. The controls are for the most part good, but the issues I have stem from the circle pad. Occasionally I land in the wrong orientation or some of this stuff. It could have been easily fixed by having a larger deadzone in the middle (I used to have the EXACT same problem with AM2R, but after increasing the deadzone of the analog stick, it worked wonderfully). Also, the morphball was not nicely activated. Yes, you can tap the map to morph up, but it just felt bad for me. This may come from the fact that I have a 3DS XL, so maybe the normal 3DS doesnt suffer from any of this. Lastly and this is probably just me being a moron: Grapplebeam. The sections where you have to continuously swing at the ceiling... I cant do them. I dont know how other people do them, so please enlighten me. I am writing this as I watch, so it might read badly. You can actually do the "crawl up into tunnels" in Fusion and Zero Mission. I have one gripe with the 360 degree aiming: I wish the laser would stay on screen while shooting, so I dont have to basically do what AA gunners do and guide the tracers into their target. I 100% agree on the counter. the smaller stuff at the beginning takes so much punishment by your powerbeam. It is a bit much. So, what I did was, as soon as I got my hands on the icebeam, I froze them and shattered them. This is super strong and stays relevant throughout at least half the game. The normal beam becomes usable again as soon as you find the wave beam. At that point, your standard beam has enough power to make you feel like you can kill things and not just waste time, although.... This is subjective, but at the end of the game.... you go back to the surface and encounter the very first enemies you fight again and.... I am sorry, but at the end of your journey, a spazer, wave, plasmabeam should kill any of the early critters, but for some reason, the green jumping guys can actually take a hit if only one of the three bolts hits it. Its a nitpick and one that should not be taken too seriously, but it annoys me. I can kinda agree on the unique boss battles. They are challenging and very varied. HOWEVER: I... I dont know if I am just too bad at the game, but to me it seems like its impossible to kill most of them on your first try. Its another nitpick (because I love the series so much, I want it to be perfect) but some attacks are just... Not unfair, but unless you have seen them before, you have NO CHANCE of dodging them. Also, the only boss that gave me the "FUCKING FINALLY" feeling was the digger guy. He really REALLY pissed me off. The infinite bomb jump is a great tool to reach places you probably should not be in. Its an old technique but its still fun. I am torn on the scan pulse. On one hand, its a huge departure from the original formula. On the other, I feel like the 3D of the worlds kinda makes it harder to spot which blocks are breakable. The teleporters I didnt find to be an issue. They were nice, especially since some areas can be pretty dang tough. Yes, the game is rather linear in a way. Not in a bad way, but because it remakes Metroid 2. Talking about the graphics, you are right. The game takes pretty much the hardware of the 3DS to its limits. (Or at least I think it does) But, and this is, again, highly subjective: I prefer sprites over the pseudo 3d of MSR. The music was... well, maybe I am deaf but for the most part I did not hear it a lot. The tracks that stood out the most were obviously the lava track (magmoor/lower norfair ftw) and the lower brinstar track. Other than that, the ambient sound is good and bad. Good because it sets the mood and in the later level (the laboratory) you really feel the tension. The sound effects are pretty good, although I wish the missiles had a louder bang to them. The 16 bit sounds of Super/Zero Mission just felt better to be honest. I can agree on what you say and would give it an 8/10. Its quite good, but a few nitpicks tarnish it a little. One of those tarnishes is around the 30% mark of the playthrough (rough estimate) where some metroids will play hide and seek with you. Some found this great because the original arena they fought in was not to their liking. I personally found it highly annoying that this fight was more drawn out. If it was done to illustrate the "You are HUNTING them" theme.... Yes, it feels very much like I am hunting a reclusive beast, which, who would have guessed, is not fun. Oh and one thing: 7/7? Is... Is this relying on a joke I didnt hear? Quite a weird rating system if you ask me.
I have to agree with you here on pretty much everything. Although some of the nitpicks I didn't mind as much. For example, as a veteran player of the Monster Hunter series, I didn't mind the Metroids running away as much as you apparently did. Because stuff in MH do it all the time and I guess I'm used to it. As far as combat goes I haven't finished the game yet, but I noticed after just getting the Plasma Beam as well as the Gravity Suit almost back to back felt like a way too big power spike. Minor mooks that I would usually carefully plan my encounters with to avoid taking too much unnecessary damage were instantly trivialized. A difficulty spike can take someone out of a game, and Samus Returns made me realize that the same could be said from a difficulty dive. I hope the game introduces more enemies that will keep me on my toes despite the heavy arsenal.
13:03 Yes, thank you so much for pointing this out. If you don't like a completely optional feature, just don't use it! It's honestly the best approach to controversial additions such as the Scan Pulse and Teleport Stations. Personally, I didn't want to use the Scan Pulse... so I never did. I love finding secrets on my own, and the Scan Pulse's inclusion didn't hamper my enjoyment because it was never required. On the other hand, I appreciated the time-saving convenience offered by Teleport Stations, even if I only used them rarely.
Great review as usual Arlo. I'm thinking about getting this as a Christmas present later this year. Also, if people really want to play an old school Metroid game, they can always play the old games or Axiom Verge if they want something new. Besides, the fact that we have a new Metroid game that's good should be enough to please fans after a decade of few but lackluster Metroid titles!
Great review!! You provide a lot of insightful details and opinions. I'm glad this review was not a few minutes long. Thank you!! My only major problem: getting into and out of morphball mode. My only solution, that is quick enough, is using the melee attack to get out of morphball mode. Tapping the touch screen never seems natural for me.
"There's no doubt in my mind that if MercurySteam were just allowed to..." Play Castlevania: Mirror of Fates. That'll put some doubt in ya. MercurySteam can do great things, but they need to be shepherded a bit.
@@The94Venom Oh for sure. That's what I meant by the "shepherded" part. There are some talented people at MercurySteam, but upper management is an absolute dumpster fire. They would need a good guiding hand in order to pump out a quality game because (from what I've read), left to themselves, upper management is very abusive.
What? mirror of fate was good. I think you are the one who is influenced by reviews of ign. I mean what did you find wrong in that game??? In fact, samus returns is built o the same engine in which mirror of fate is built...!!!
My own gripe with the game is definitely the abundance of enemies that have a charge move and is for most of the game the best way to defeat them via a counter. The mechanic isn't a problem, just the way it seems to be relied on so much. Either reduce the amount of enemies that have a charge, give the enemies less health so the player doesn't have to rely on the counter for an easy kill (look at Megaman when the charge buster was introduced), or just don't make it practically a one shot move.
I can't say a bad thing about the game. I just started to play the series last year starting with Super Metroid on 3 ds , i have played every 2d Metroid since ( including AM2R) and Prime 2. I really think MSR is the best 2D Metroid , you don't have to agree , you can dislike the new 2.5 D graphics but to many people dislike the Game just because of Nostalgia or AM2R's copyright strike. And too many of these people didn't even cared about AM2R till they heard about all the Drama .
Cory 24 Cool! I suggest a good multiplayer and a good first party story game like Breath of the Wild or Super Mario Odyseey. Xenoverse is just perfect for a well bought game.
note: what Samus does in this game is not genocide as genocide assumes people. What samus is doing would be classified as Speciocide. Genocide is specific to ethnic groups, cultures, or religions.
0:23 Wow, these puns. Also, I saw you at Best Buy to get my switch. Didn't think you'd be a speaker. I really wish that this joke worked better without the picture. Th- there's a speaker. It's brand is Arlo. That's-that's the joke.
I like your content and all but could you please go back to the 10ish min video size? Personally I preferred then but in these it seems like things are stretched out a little longer than they need to be. Just a nit pick. Whatever you want to do. I enjoy your content and the way you review things. Keep up the good work! :D
kionashi I’m not always against them. I usually like long reviews too but I loved Arlos reviews previously. They were detailed, but shorter, more straight to the point. It’s really a personal thing. I still love his reviews :)
Eh see 10ish minute videos are too stifling and restrictive, I understand you like shorter one's but the point of a review is for the reviewer to talk about a thing and get all their points across. Again I understand but I find the audience also needs to be more flexable to the content delivered.
Sorry about my funky-sounding voice. I sound all weak and warbly for an annoyingly long time after having a cold.
Arlo I forgive you.
dude, you're a puppet. it's okay to have a sub-par voice.
Arlo hi Alro you are the mupet
The Father of Lies "forgives" you, Arlo. That should be consoling. He's probably just lying though..
Hey Arlo! I love your content! Could you check out my channel? I post animations. (mostly sonic)
Keep up the good work.
"If Mercury Steam is ever allowed to make a brand new Metroid game, it'll be even better."
Here's to hoping those words come true in Dread!
well wee already saw some significant improvememts with the dashing melee attack and the walking 360 aim
@@MokoES Thank goodness for two control sticks
I think so
Exploration? Quote from site “explore a labyrinthine world”
Items? quote form dev history video: “returning items and brand new items will appear”
Atmosphere? Have you seen those tree house games? The atmosphere is threatening to burst and explode from that cartridge!!
Safe to say dread is likely to dethrone every Metroidvania in existence
Samus returns, am2r, hollow knight, super Metroid all will be leveled.
I’m from the future. Dread is amazing. You’re gonna love it.
With so much else going on I totally forgot to watch this. Excellent job Arlo!
Hi Nintendo life
Thanks for sharing your recording with Arlo! You are the real MVP!
Hello there...
@@jeromealday614 ...General Kenobi
@@jeromealday614 Lovely peeeee ople it'salexfromnintendolife here
"The enemies you fight in Samus Returns, and by enemies I mean the inocent native fauna the only crime of which is in Samus's way" totally made my night
Rewatching this in a post Dread world brings a smile to my face. Here’s to even more metroid in the future!
Remember Metroid fans: if this game sells badly you have no one to blame but...well not really yourselves, you likely bought the game.
Jacob Spagnotti it's up to the general 3DS consumer to buy this game.
This game is currently the best 3DS seliing game in Amazon. I think it will do fine.
ZeldaFan does voices For sure! The only problem I have is having already moved on to the Switch and wanting this games on it. (Which is a positive criticism)
I got the legacy edition to do my part :D
Id have bought it if it came out on the Switchg
"There is no doubt in my mind that if Murcury Steam is ever allowed to make a brand new Metroid game, it will be even better. Maybe even good enough to dethrone Super (Metroid)" -Arlo, 2017.
They did it.
@Arlo You mentioned here at 18:32 about them making a brand new game. Your wish came true and I hope to see your review for Metroid Dread. We've done it boys, It's real, time to feel the fear of Project Dread.
ok boomer (get it) but yeah i’m so hyped for dread, im playing metroid on new online and then super metroid on snes online next
*ominous foreshadowing*
*"smashing dude after dude"* -Arlo, 2017
Emmanuel O Was he talking about killing enemies or my weekend plans UP TOP
Emmanuel O 😂 Lmao
Well, Samus needs to do something with her downtime
"If you think it's cheap and you want to look for everything on your own, don't use it."
So true. Far too often do I hear people complaining about something optional in the game, that it takes away from the experience. It's optional. Don't use it. Simple as that.
true...I didn't like the whole "seeing through walls" on The Last of Us...so I never used it...and it was a fun experience :D
*Splatoon motion control flashbacks
Eh, the player shouldn't be obliged to limit themselves to enjoy the game their way.
but game developers can't tune their game to appeal all tastes...of course there could be features that some people don't like, but there is also a lot of people who enjoy those features...what can you do to please everybody?
kionashi I'm not saying that. You can't please everyone and in fact, I think the addition makes sense and isn't too big of a deal even for veterans. Metroid 2 was already fairly linear and the map structure is pretty organised, so you wouldn't get lost anyways. It just saves time because you're not shooting walls like in Fusion and Zero Mission. I just don't like the argument that you should ignore a feature if you don't like it. It's still there and it helps you to beat the game, which is something you want as a player.
As a Metroid enthusiast, that likes the satisfaction from finding secrets on my own......THANK YOU MERCURY FOR HAVING THE PULSE SCAN!!!! It's really damn tedious trying to find the harder to reach items. It's not like SR makes finding items mega easy, you STILL need to figure out HOW to grab the items....I used the pulse a ton, and even when I THOUGHT I had every item, I had a 95% item collection by the end, the Pulse Scan doesn't show you items that are hidden in breakable walls, so I needed to legit find a guide online to find them....and the teleporters, YES! Thank you. There's just enough of them :) The ONE thing I don't like about the game...They should have added a bit more music, yeah I get it, it's atmospheric, but....There's some awesome tracks when you discover a new area, and unseal the seals. I wanted more of that, and even though I like the Magmoor caverns theme when entering the heated areas....I just wish there was more music in the game.
I only needed a guide for not knowing that placing a power bomb while being attached to the floor or wall with the spider ball would propel you like a shooting cannon.
Agreed on the music. I'm confused why people are complaining about the search pulse, when there's a similar power up in Super.
Samus Returns is the best gosh darn game I’ve ever experienced
Same. The game play is great, and the environment is so envolved.
It's challenging and fun to play. And good music as well
Not the best, but one of the best for me. It was my first metroid and it was like... Wow, how was I missing this? Currently replaying it, loving it all over again
Commander Shepherd? Is that you? (Steam Reviewer)
Glad to hear that
everyone just stop and take minute to imagine arlo in a samus suit. hm, yep, beautiful
Arlo in the zero suit
TCGtree ...while making Arlo pewdee-pew-pew sounds XD
I tried not to but found myself slipping my finger on the button or trying to use a different ability but using that one accidentally. Eventually I was like fuck it and just started to use it.
makita08 do it
Oh sweet sweet arlo, you managed to conjure Dread into existence with the power of your wish for Mercury Steam to make a new 2D Metroid
Honestly the reason why Mercury Steam's cinematic counters work so much better than other games is that they're interactive. You don't just hit one button and then maybe play a Simon Says minigame or something, you still have control over that gun and it's up to you to fire it. It turns a cinematic counter into frantically button-mashing to pour as many missiles down an enemy's gullet as possible.
The melee thing wasn't a problem for me. I loved it at the beginning, and as I progressed, the beam weapons became stronger and stronger. By the end, I was only using the beam weapons, missles/super missles and aeon beam attack. The black/shiny enemies were the only ones I had to use the aeon beam attack on, everyone else you can kill with the strongest beam and the different missiles. It's balanced great in my opinion.
“…now they just need the permission to get the game world itself…” Dread is here folks!
18:36 This aged very well.
-listens to the first 5 minutes-
Arlo, you really, REALLY need to just play Fusion.
Zaruian Fusion was awesome
Yeah, there are basically FOUR titles in the series (Zero Mission, Samus Retuns, Super Metroid, Fusion) and it really isn't extremely time consuming or difficult to play all of them at least once.
Im pretty sure he has played it. He even mentioned fusion.
Fusion is a good game, but compared to the other games in the series, it's pretty underwhelming.
Fusion may not win in every category, but it has its own strengths over the other 2D games. As for underwhelming that's more your personal preference.
A minute and a half into this review and I realize I'd completely forgotten metroids were weak to cold and hadn't once used my ice beam on them in my recent playthrough. I mean, just using missiles works but damn
18:36 Guess that wish has been granted
In Fusion she grab ledges in the Begining no powerup required, and in the moment you get The morphball you transform into The morphball when The Space os tiny for normal Samus, Samus Returns is not The firt game to do it, you constantly refering How It is something New, made me think If you ever played a 2D Metroid game (asside Super Metroid) The grab mechanic is in all GBA Metroid games and it's Very natural in thesses games
petwisk You type too fast and don’t read your comment before you submit it. It has multiple typos and some missing punctuation. Just pointing it out. I agree with your comment, though.
petwisk Had to get it in ZM.
In MF you can grab ledges because you are lightier. In one part of the game you even run from SA-X because you can grab from the ledge and it can't. Even in ZM you need an item for that. It doesn't make sense that you can climb in MSR
@@yu_cp8978 aparantely you can grab ledges in SR because samus obtained the power grip in ZM, the same goes for the long beam
@@johnlittrell1287 or he might just not be an native English speaker
SR388 is my city
Tallon IV is mine :)
Lol how are you alive then 。゚(TヮT)゚。
18:36 Arlo really predicted Dread
Based on the early reviews, Mercury took what was good about Samus Returns, and made it better in Dread.
Funny I enjoyed Samus Returns and Dread equally.
I watched this before i ever played a metroid game, and now as a metroid fan i actually understand this review in 2020
Me, a middle schooler and a Metroid fan:
"Or is it a mission of zero quality?" Arlo, this is why i'm subbed to you
i hope this game sold well. it did alright in japan
Yeah 30,000 wasn't too bad for a metroid game in japan and it's likely not counting digital sales (though I don't know for sure if that's the case).
No, they don't, but Japanese hardly buy digital anyway, so...
@@dinar8749 not bad considering it came out in 2017 and it probably went up since then
the game barely moved 500k units so it's sales are horrible. But hey, it's Metroid and there have been rumors about a new 2D Metroid for Switch
Samus returns barely hit 500k. Please buy Metroid DREAD!
Will you ever review Hey! Pikmin?
He didn't buy it, I think.
Master Ian Gamer Im still waiting for that too. Did arlo just skipped this game?
alfasilverblade He made a video but deleted it. He said he hated it.
That was before it came out. I don't think he's mentioned the game since its release
Master Ian Gamer its like hes trying to erase the game from his memory, the game is not that bad.
Arlo... Just play Fusion and Zero Mission, they're great games. Tons of improvements over Super controls-wise, and are fun on their own. JUST
Wouldn't it be nice if he played those games and made a video about the overall strengths of the Metroid franchise as a whole? The difference between those games and this one would make for an interesting contrast.
...He'll never do it, but it's a nice thought.
yeah, lots of the points about movement were already done back in those games
Screww that, dude. Super Metroid is significantly better than Zero Mission & Fusion.
@@DanielMazahreh ...So they aren't worth playing at all...? Bugger off.
@@fanb1536 Did I say Zero Mission & Fusion are not worth playing? Do you know how to comprehend basic English? I literally said "Super Metroid is SIGNIFICANTLY BETTER than Zero Mission & Fusion." I never said they're not worth playing. YOU SAID THAT. Don't put words in my mouth, you ignorant biiiicchhh.
Wow, I'm so early that it actually says "No views."
Haha, RUclips did another oopsie!
*waits until I finish the game to watch this review to avoid spoilers*
Arlo: "I'll be avoiding spoilers"
Actually I had that problem with one boss in the game...
Not a tough boss once you get the patterns down but that final part of trying to blow him up with bombs always killed me, and since I already used up the aeion gauge, I couldn't use super armor on him. So yeah, it could also be difficult because I suck at the game.
But just so you know: I beat Metroid Queen within 2 tries, while Diggernaut took 7-8 tries during my game.
You can grab ledges in the game, "I've never experienced this before"
im glad arlo brought up the spider ball and the height of levels changing the level design from past metroids. there were alot of big open rooms and vertical rooms that felt really awesome to explore because of the layout of enemies, secrets, and just variety in how you could explore. a great example of a simple change that adds alot and drastically changes the experience. really made it stand out to me. ive only played fusion, prime, and the original, but this is my favorite of them, just my opinion tho! really need to try super some day now that im hooked on the series.
I only played this one for 2 hours while I have finished fusion 2 times. Think it´s time to pick it up and finally finish it, hope it doesn´t disappoint because fusion is high on my list of best games ever. The bosses, the atmosphere was so great I didn´t get that feeling while playing samus returns, but maybe I should give it another chance
Its def a very different vibe, but still a great game.
Arlo you are an asset to RUclips, and I hope that one day you will be able to do this full time so we can all have the pleasure of watching your awesome content on a more frequent basis
This review will be the deciding factor into the decision of whether I should buy a 3DS/2DS or not. The games will be Samus Returns and a Pokémon, and probably some Zelda remasters.
Animal crossing is a 3DS classic. Defiantly recommend
Pim Nelissen just play the pokemons far better than these
Don't forget Kid Icarus Uprising and maybe Fire Emblem if you're into tactics
Don't forget LoZ: Link between Worlds!
Pim Nelissen don't forget xenoblade!
Paradoxically enough Arlo, sometime its the outsider's perspective that any media needs to truly critique what works and what doesn't.
To relate this to both the Arlo Direct & Samus Returns I had a friend ask about why the space jump sometimes drops inputs, to which I explained the more nuanced mechanic of how long you have to re-jump and that we're lucky in this game a dropped input doesn't stop your spin and drop you to the floor. To which he asked "why would they make it that way? Kirby has the same thing but doesn't punish you for imprecision."
I had to think about that for a bit.
The last part of the review considering the coming Metroid Dread...... oh fudge yeah
18:36 Well I mean he was right about if they got the chance to make another it'd be great. Dread hit it out of the damn park and boy am I glad they did.
"Awesome shooty space lady"? LOL!
Revisiting this video after 7 years. You can tell the difference of Arlo as a communicator. Here he seems like reading some notes fast. Now you feel like him is having a conversation with you.
Metroid: Samus Returns its just what I've been waiting for to go back to my 3DS
Great review, I could not agree more with the score. Two things I want to point out:
- While you did mention the Scan Pulse, you didn't talk enough about the Aeion Abilities. If I remember correctly, they were a point of contention amongst the more purist out there (especially Scan Pulse, as you mentioned in-review).
- One thing I absolutely loved about Samus Returns is that new abilities didn't necessarily mean that your older ones would become obsolete, the biggest one being Spider Ball/Grapple Beam vs Space Jump. In most games, once you obtained the Space Jump ability, any and all mobility variation upgrades became obsolete (did you ever need to use the Grapple Beam in Super once you got the Space Jump?). In Samus Returns, the Spider Ball and Grapple Beam still had uses, either by having the level design restrict the space needed for a successful Space Jump or giving the abilities more than just their one function.
If this game does well, I have high hopes for the future of Metroid.
I saw the trailer for Metroid dread so I decided to play some of the old games I liked super Metroid and zero mission but my favorite so far is Metroid fusion I just completed it and I love I'm gonna play it over and finish my completion rate . Im 14 so I thought these games would be boring but as Ive said I get loved these games so far
Miss your more frequent episodes! But you do you sir! You do you.
Much love.
I love how much you love and praise this game! It’s my favorite of all time game on the 3ds I’m obsessed with it. It saddens me that the 3ds’s life is over so we won’t be getting anything new like this ever again but a great game and a great review
Metroid Dread says hello
Right, just get a switch lol
The flamethrower in Prime 1 was useful for killing enemeis instantly and whenever Metroid Prime glowed red and black indicating you need to hit it with the Plasma Beam. But that was about it.
They really should re release this on switch.
Not a bad idea.
The only time I found myself using the teleporters was when I was bringing the Metroid DNA back to progress to the next area. I think I used it one other time to get back to an item that I forgot to get as well. I have no doubt that I'll end up using it more when I go back to 100% it though.
Let's not forget that Metroid Prime 2 also had fast travel between each temple.
"the hot place song"
that's what i'm going to call lower norfair now
God I want a remastered switch port, maybe with the run counter from dread retrofitted in
Once again
I have "returned"
JIMOTHYYY you're way too early
Oniphire that's true
Metroid 5 for switch with Mercury Steam. With proper cutscenes and maybe voice acting? Samus vs the chozo!?
2:00 looked SO frustrating.
The footage in general looked tedious and frustrating. It was hilarious to hear Arlo talk about smooth controls and fair challenges while the guy who was playing made it look like a pain in the ass.
Could have just used free aim. He was probably getting impatient!
I don't blame him. This game would make me impatient.
Tbh the game controls are really easy to use... this person is just simply sad at this game
That's weird, because EPG plays lots of video games and is pretty good in general. I mean, it's certainly possible that he just didn't click with this game's controls, but that alone is pretty disconcerting. I don't think I would play this game better than him.
Edit: I made a mistake. This footage is from Alex from Nintendo Life, not EPG.
You're friggin awesome!
Thank you for your hard work.
I count on your reviews to be able to make smart purchases.
Opinion. Super Metroid was surpassed in every control-related aspect by both Fusion and Zero (And AM2R). Saying this controls better than Super is not a huge achievement.
Especially since he's lying about that anyway...
Cinnamon Noir the controls are better then super though.
Super's control system was as good as it could've been. Fusion and ZM benefited from the fact that those games had neither the grappling beam nor the scan visor to facilitate. Those additions wouldn't have been possible with the control scheme of Fusion/ZM. Samus Returns is able to work around it because it has a separate touch screen.
No, because the 3DS has ABXYLR, Circle Pad and DPad and not just ABLR and DPad like the GBA and SNES. 6 buttons more!
Nope. Super's physics could theoretically be exactly the same as Fusion's, and if the button layout had been more similar to Fusion (removal of the run button and weapon deselect button and changing the L and R buttons to funtion like they do in Fusion and Zero Mission) the grapple beam and x-scope visor could be mapped to the buttons. Yea, you couldn't exactly replicate the controls with the ten inputs of the GBA, but there's no reason someone couldn't mod Zero Mission to control exactly like Super.
You say that it's more efficient to just wait for enemies to come at you and counter them, but that's not actually true. Since the melee button and the shoot button are right next to each other, I found it was really easy to focus on both shooting enemies while also waiting for a counter opportunity, and then when that opportunity comes, I can quickly and easily switch my thumb over to the X button to counter in the middle of my mashing Y to get a bunch of shots in. You made it sound like you can only focus on one or the other, but to me I found that the shooting and countering mechanics work together very fluidly, and it doesn't slow down the pacing at all for me.
I feel like metroid does really well on portable systems so maybe the switch is the break the franchise needs.
That gameplay recording actually helped me figure out the Ice Beam, thanks
While the review is great and I agree with the majority of it, why you gotta potshot Fusion? I still think it's the best game in the series personally, especially since Super Metroid has a bunch of flaws that seem to stick out more for me than they do for others.
Yeah especially with the sa x! I love stuff like that so I'd probably like amnesia a dark descent as well since that's about running from monsters...but I'm too much of a coward to play that so I'll pass on that game XD
Another classic is the water wraith from pikmin 2 as well!
B P Fusion's my second favorite, that has to go to prime 2.
Prime 2 was cool as well as I liked how it felt like a huge improvement over prime 1 for me (though maybe not in terms of how good the atmosphere felt in prime 1).
He has to potshot Fusion because this game is nothing like it, and he wants to maintain the absurd position that this game is "perfect" while all previous Metroids were heavily flawed.
As for why he wants to do that, you might want to ask yourself why he hasn't criticized a single thing Nintendo has done for six months.
Cinnamon Noir Inb4 some trite and tired "NINTENDO PAID ARLO OFF" tirade. 🙄
I was a little worried about spoilers in this video, but then I realized this is Arlo.
Best channel on RUclips.
Dunkey > this
Wulbulbul Lubbubwublub i'd say dunkey and arlo are both equal in their greatness.
I have never heard Arlo's theme song play for as long as it did in this episode
LOVING THIS GAME!!!! So frigging good!!
I just picked up Samus Returns (digital edition!), and I'm _really_ loving it. I actually haven't really ever played a 2D Metroid (though Prime 1 and 2 are some of my favorite video games of all time).
Mercury Steam did a great job with this one.
Weren’t Metroids created by the Chozo as a means to combat the X parasites?
Yaaaaaaaay! So, you ARE reviewing odyssey when it's out?
I'm pretty sure every RUclips gamer is going to do that just like they did with Zelda Breath of the Wild lol
My 2 favorite RUclips guys, ARLO and Alex!!
I have a few gripes with it. I finished it this afternoon and can say its a good game, no questions asked.
But I have a few nitpicks.
The controls are for the most part good, but the issues I have stem from the circle pad. Occasionally I land in the wrong orientation or some of this stuff.
It could have been easily fixed by having a larger deadzone in the middle (I used to have the EXACT same problem with AM2R, but after increasing the deadzone of the analog stick, it worked wonderfully).
Also, the morphball was not nicely activated. Yes, you can tap the map to morph up, but it just felt bad for me.
This may come from the fact that I have a 3DS XL, so maybe the normal 3DS doesnt suffer from any of this.
Lastly and this is probably just me being a moron: Grapplebeam.
The sections where you have to continuously swing at the ceiling... I cant do them. I dont know how other people do them, so please enlighten me.
I am writing this as I watch, so it might read badly.
You can actually do the "crawl up into tunnels" in Fusion and Zero Mission.
I have one gripe with the 360 degree aiming:
I wish the laser would stay on screen while shooting, so I dont have to basically do what AA gunners do and guide the tracers into their target.
I 100% agree on the counter.
the smaller stuff at the beginning takes so much punishment by your powerbeam. It is a bit much.
So, what I did was, as soon as I got my hands on the icebeam, I froze them and shattered them.
This is super strong and stays relevant throughout at least half the game.
The normal beam becomes usable again as soon as you find the wave beam. At that point, your standard beam has enough power to make you feel like you can kill things and not just waste time, although.... This is subjective, but at the end of the game.... you go back to the surface and encounter the very first enemies you fight again and.... I am sorry, but at the end of your journey, a spazer, wave, plasmabeam should kill any of the early critters, but for some reason, the green jumping guys can actually take a hit if only one of the three bolts hits it.
Its a nitpick and one that should not be taken too seriously, but it annoys me.
I can kinda agree on the unique boss battles. They are challenging and very varied.
I... I dont know if I am just too bad at the game, but to me it seems like its impossible to kill most of them on your first try.
Its another nitpick (because I love the series so much, I want it to be perfect) but some attacks are just... Not unfair, but unless you have seen them before, you have NO CHANCE of dodging them.
Also, the only boss that gave me the "FUCKING FINALLY" feeling was the digger guy. He really REALLY pissed me off.
The infinite bomb jump is a great tool to reach places you probably should not be in. Its an old technique but its still fun.
I am torn on the scan pulse.
On one hand, its a huge departure from the original formula.
On the other, I feel like the 3D of the worlds kinda makes it harder to spot which blocks are breakable.
The teleporters I didnt find to be an issue. They were nice, especially since some areas can be pretty dang tough.
Yes, the game is rather linear in a way. Not in a bad way, but because it remakes Metroid 2.
Talking about the graphics, you are right. The game takes pretty much the hardware of the 3DS to its limits. (Or at least I think it does)
But, and this is, again, highly subjective: I prefer sprites over the pseudo 3d of MSR.
The music was... well, maybe I am deaf but for the most part I did not hear it a lot.
The tracks that stood out the most were obviously the lava track (magmoor/lower norfair ftw) and the lower brinstar track. Other than that, the ambient sound is good and bad. Good because it sets the mood and in the later level (the laboratory) you really feel the tension.
The sound effects are pretty good, although I wish the missiles had a louder bang to them. The 16 bit sounds of Super/Zero Mission just felt better to be honest.
I can agree on what you say and would give it an 8/10.
Its quite good, but a few nitpicks tarnish it a little.
One of those tarnishes is around the 30% mark of the playthrough (rough estimate) where some metroids will play hide and seek with you. Some found this great because the original arena they fought in was not to their liking.
I personally found it highly annoying that this fight was more drawn out.
If it was done to illustrate the "You are HUNTING them" theme.... Yes, it feels very much like I am hunting a reclusive beast, which, who would have guessed, is not fun.
Oh and one thing:
Is... Is this relying on a joke I didnt hear? Quite a weird rating system if you ask me.
I have to agree with you here on pretty much everything. Although some of the nitpicks I didn't mind as much. For example, as a veteran player of the Monster Hunter series, I didn't mind the Metroids running away as much as you apparently did. Because stuff in MH do it all the time and I guess I'm used to it. As far as combat goes I haven't finished the game yet, but I noticed after just getting the Plasma Beam as well as the Gravity Suit almost back to back felt like a way too big power spike. Minor mooks that I would usually carefully plan my encounters with to avoid taking too much unnecessary damage were instantly trivialized. A difficulty spike can take someone out of a game, and Samus Returns made me realize that the same could be said from a difficulty dive. I hope the game introduces more enemies that will keep me on my toes despite the heavy arsenal.
Excellent write-up. You should give this a little editing and post it somewhere else too.
Patrick Richmond nah, it was an individual response to Arlo. I would go into further depth about the game for an actual review.
I think this is better than Arlo's review. More honest and less hyperbolic, at least.
I think that can be attributed to subjectiveness.
I do disagree with him on a few accounts, but on a few others, he pretty much nails it.
Aged like a wine.
An appropriate name for the first true metroid game in a while...
I've been loving it so much.
My only gripe is the lack of enemy variety, but I'm probably just spoiled by previous games.
Didn't Metriod Zero Mission and Fusion use the morph ball wall grab things too? At least that's how I remember it.
Welcome To The Next Level no that was am2r
LudwigVonGaming no, fusion and zero mission both had ledge grabs.
no, hes talking about the spider ball, not ledge grabs, i think
13:03 Yes, thank you so much for pointing this out. If you don't like a completely optional feature, just don't use it! It's honestly the best approach to controversial additions such as the Scan Pulse and Teleport Stations.
Personally, I didn't want to use the Scan Pulse... so I never did. I love finding secrets on my own, and the Scan Pulse's inclusion didn't hamper my enjoyment because it was never required. On the other hand, I appreciated the time-saving convenience offered by Teleport Stations, even if I only used them rarely.
18:40. Look at me, look at me. I'm the best Metroid now.
Great review as usual Arlo. I'm thinking about getting this as a Christmas present later this year.
Also, if people really want to play an old school Metroid game, they can always play the old games or Axiom Verge if they want something new. Besides, the fact that we have a new Metroid game that's good should be enough to please fans after a decade of few but lackluster Metroid titles!
When will you finally make that arlo direct animation
This hits my nostalgia because my first metroid game was return of samus
The question is: where did Metroid return from?
The pawnshop.
The speed force
Great review!! You provide a lot of insightful details and opinions. I'm glad this review was not a few minutes long. Thank you!!
My only major problem: getting into and out of morphball mode. My only solution, that is quick enough, is using the melee attack to get out of morphball mode. Tapping the touch screen never seems natural for me.
"There's no doubt in my mind that if MercurySteam were just allowed to..."
Play Castlevania: Mirror of Fates. That'll put some doubt in ya.
MercurySteam can do great things, but they need to be shepherded a bit.
*Replying to a 3 years old comment FTW*
I mean you could argue that, but there's a world of difference between being managed by Konami and Nintendo.
@@The94Venom Oh for sure. That's what I meant by the "shepherded" part. There are some talented people at MercurySteam, but upper management is an absolute dumpster fire. They would need a good guiding hand in order to pump out a quality game because (from what I've read), left to themselves, upper management is very abusive.
@@icarus212001 Yeah, I remember reading some pretty bad stories in the Lords of Shadow 2 days
idk why, but this comment made me realize the shepherded is just sheep-herded smushed together....
What? mirror of fate was good.
I think you are the one who is influenced by reviews of ign.
I mean what did you find wrong in that game???
In fact, samus returns is built o the same engine in which mirror of fate is built...!!!
First time visitor (?) to your channel. Let me tell you this: What a brilliant idea.
When you get the plasma beam and screw attack you never use the counter except bosses
Or even the Super Missiles. Those kill most enemies in one hit
My own gripe with the game is definitely the abundance of enemies that have a charge move and is for most of the game the best way to defeat them via a counter. The mechanic isn't a problem, just the way it seems to be relied on so much. Either reduce the amount of enemies that have a charge, give the enemies less health so the player doesn't have to rely on the counter for an easy kill (look at Megaman when the charge buster was introduced), or just don't make it practically a one shot move.
Hell Yes Metroid Samus Returns is awesome loved this and Other M !
> Growed up on Other M
I'm so sorry
I've only played Super Metroid, but from what I've heard other M is awful.
Yeah man Super Metroid is also awesome
Good review
I can't say a bad thing about the game. I just started to play the series last year starting with Super Metroid on 3 ds , i have played every 2d Metroid since ( including AM2R) and Prime 2. I really think MSR is the best 2D Metroid , you don't have to agree , you can dislike the new 2.5 D graphics but to many people dislike the Game just because of Nostalgia or AM2R's copyright strike. And too many of these people didn't even cared about AM2R till they heard about all the Drama .
Well, Metroids arent native from SR388, they were created by the Chozo.
Which were created on SR388 lol
I beat Ridley after 8 attempts, even though this is the only Metroid game I ever played ever... yeah
I just completed it, first 2D metroid I've played and now I'm really hoping they can remake some other 2D metroids, on Switch though.
arlo in 1 week the Nintendo Switch will be at my home
Cory 24 Awesome! What games are you getting?
dragon ball xenoverse 2 for nintendo switch
Cory 24 Cool! I suggest a good multiplayer and a good first party story game like Breath of the Wild or Super Mario Odyseey. Xenoverse is just perfect for a well bought game.
*cough" Breath of the Wild *cough* Good Story *cough* We don't know about Odyssey though, dosent look like the typical Mario story.
I'm getting a Switch in about a month and a half. I cri evrytiem.
whenever i see that arlo uploaded a video I get really exited and watch it immeadietly
note: what Samus does in this game is not genocide as genocide assumes people. What samus is doing would be classified as Speciocide. Genocide is specific to ethnic groups, cultures, or religions.
Metroids are artificial to begin with. It's more like pressing the "off" button on a killer robot.
Or destroying a warehouse full of possessed, homicidal Roombas. That's closer.
0:23 Wow, these puns. Also, I saw you at Best Buy to get my switch. Didn't think you'd be a speaker.
I really wish that this joke worked better without the picture. Th- there's a speaker. It's brand is Arlo. That's-that's the joke.
I like your content and all but could you please go back to the 10ish min video size? Personally I preferred then but in these it seems like things are stretched out a little longer than they need to be.
Just a nit pick. Whatever you want to do. I enjoy your content and the way you review things. Keep up the good work! :D
you have a valid point...that said...I disagree...I really like long and detailed reviews...
kionashi I’m not always against them. I usually like long reviews too but I loved Arlos reviews previously. They were detailed, but shorter, more straight to the point. It’s really a personal thing. I still love his reviews :)
Caesar Gaming true true I don't think I can watch the full 20 minutes because I like small simple and short videos
Eh see 10ish minute videos are too stifling and restrictive, I understand you like shorter one's but the point of a review is for the reviewer to talk about a thing and get all their points across.
Again I understand but I find the audience also needs to be more flexable to the content delivered.
The leg guy comment. That's GOLD Jerry! Gold!