Roger Waters Criticizes Senate Bill Criminalizing BDS & Radiohead's Recent Concert in Tel Aviv

  • Опубликовано: 28 сен 2024
  • - Last week, Roger Waters wrote a piece in The New York Times titled "Congress Shouldn’t Silence Human Rights Advocates." In the op-ed, Waters criticized a bill being considered in the Senate to silence supporters of the Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions movement against Israel. The bill seeks to criminalize individuals who participate in the BDS effort. We speak to Waters and Sut Jhally of the Media Education Foundation. We also discuss criticism of the BDS movement and ask Waters about his public spat with Radiohead’s Thom Yorke, whose band has rejected calls to join BDS.
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Комментарии • 131

  • @stevens2772
    @stevens2772 7 лет назад +10 have a heart and conscience of gold. Keep up the fantastic work. A true humanitarian. God bless...

  • @diamondbling1154
    @diamondbling1154 7 лет назад +2

    thanks Roger... We are not bricks in the wall anymore... Or cattle to be exploited

  • @jeffoloff349
    @jeffoloff349 7 лет назад +9

    The US Constitution trumps statutory law. We have a 2nd ammendment for a reason and the reason is to defend against draconian government.

    • @Jyagos1
      @Jyagos1 7 лет назад +5

      That's a great plan when the government has a monopoly on violence, the police are militarized, and no one's fought back even though this power creep has been with us since Reagan...

  • @mshioty
    @mshioty 7 лет назад +6

    Amusing Ourselves to Death
    Introduction to the Twentieth Anniversary Edition
    "Huxley and Orwell did not prophesy the same thing.
    Orwell warns that we will be overcome by an externally imposed oppression. But in Huxley's vision, no Big Brother is required to deprive people of their au- tonomy, maturity and history. As he saw it, people will come to love their oppression, to adore the technologies that undo their capacities to think.
    What Orwell feared were those who would ban books. What Huxley feared was that there would be no reason to ban a book, for there would be no one who wanted to read one.
    Orwell feared those who would deprive us of information. Huxley feared those who would give us so much that we would be reduced to passivity and egoism. Orwell feared that the truth would be concealed from us. Huxley feared the truth would be drowned in a sea of irrelevance. Orwell feared we would be- come a captive culture. Huxley feared we would become a triv- ial culture, preoccupied with some equivalent of the feelies, the orgy porgy, and the centrifugal bumblepuppy." -Andrew Postman

    • @YY4Me133
      @YY4Me133 7 лет назад

      The author's name is Neil Postman.

  • @houseslosttribe1351
    @houseslosttribe1351 7 лет назад +3

    So they wish to criminalize anyone speaking out against a UN policy on US soil or abroad.
    US of A last time I chk'd I'm a citizen of America & Not the UN
    The US should not support any form of apartheid either .

  • @leonharrison800
    @leonharrison800 6 месяцев назад +1

    Good on Roger Waters.

  • @bookstore101
    @bookstore101 7 лет назад +10

    Radio head had been my favorite band for the past 15 years... no more.

  • @mcwolfus8824
    @mcwolfus8824 7 лет назад +1

    If you read some of the comments, you will see what would happen if the cops took a day off.... a bloodbath. Same if the oil went up in price dramatically.

  • @swinglowalabama2256
    @swinglowalabama2256 6 лет назад

    Roger, forget about the motives behind Gillibrand's statement. If the BDS bill is indeed going to be 'toned down' to corporations only, are you going to accept it? When are you going to win the battle, or any battle? Time is not on your side.

  • @imranatheistformer-muslim3884
    @imranatheistformer-muslim3884 7 лет назад

    BDS is about the Israeli government's treatment of Palestinians who are being treated like blacks in apartheid South Africa. It's not about Judaism, Islam (there are over 100,000 Christian Palestinians) or hatred towards the Israeli people. If Israel treats the Palestinians better, stops illegal settlements and negotiates peaceful 2 state resolution then there won't be need for BDS.

  • @Slycoomer56
    @Slycoomer56 7 лет назад +5

    Genius Roger Waters ❤️

  • @trusso6117
    @trusso6117 7 лет назад +5

    Placing a BDS statement in my yard today... I like "Israel... the New Apartheid State". All may feel free to use it. #IsraelApartheid

  • @gittehedegaardlund1532
    @gittehedegaardlund1532 7 лет назад

    Jeg ville ønske, Roger Waters var her.

  • @imranatheistformer-muslim3884
    @imranatheistformer-muslim3884 7 лет назад

    People on the left need to try to keep Judaism out of criticism of Israel. I HATE antisemitism but I also hate ZIONISM (I am an Atheist) . I have nothing against the Jewish people but I do not support the Israeli government's treatment of Palestinians or those who say Israel has a right to exist BECAUSE it was promised to them by GOD.

  • @bookstore101
    @bookstore101 7 лет назад +18

    Roger and all the people fighting against the Israeli occupation og Palestine are true Heros.

  • @sanjuansteve
    @sanjuansteve 7 лет назад +8

    I think we should not just boycott, but to do so strategically and in wide unity and transparency, creating a list of the worst corporations, etc and intensely boycotting that one until change occurs, then on to the next.

  • @silhouettesatsunset
    @silhouettesatsunset 7 лет назад +6

    Roger and Gilmour did a song for Palestine check it out

  • @shulmice
    @shulmice 7 лет назад +1

    Some people say "BDS is a form of protest, ". Tell that to the Southerners who lost the American Civil War or the Klu Klux Klan. If you want to live in America you need to obey the US Constitution. Article I Section 8 of the United States Constitution contains the “Commerce Clause” which states that, “The Congress shall have Power To…regulate Commerce with foreign Nations…” and the US Supreme Court (United States v. O'Brien) held that expressive activities which impinge on constitutional powers reserved to the government are not constitutionally protected “free speech.” So in other words leave America if you are for BDS and go to Syria.

  • @kennethchay1098
    @kennethchay1098 7 лет назад +4

    People like Roger Waters, Amy Goodman, Democracy Now! and all people of good conscience give me hope. Justice will win out as long as the push remains steady and persistent. Nonviolent direct action -- the one approach that has worked against incredible odds in many different settings (Gandhi, MLK, Nelson Mandela, Standing Rock, etc.). The state has always fought such movements, often with prison and violence -- providing proof of the state's immorality and oppresion. Om shanti.

  • @ttrev007
    @ttrev007 7 лет назад +4

    What is the grounds for making it criminal. People have the right to put there money where they wish. What exactly is BDS? This segment was rather confusing.

    • @djackson006
      @djackson006 7 лет назад +1

      ttrev007 boycott, divestments and sanctions on any company trading in areas of Palestine under Israeli occupation.

    • @ttrev007
      @ttrev007 7 лет назад

      Thank you, and how are they going to make it illegal? As far as i can tell that is just choosing who you invest your money in. You cannot force people to invest in something.

    • @djackson006
      @djackson006 7 лет назад


  • @TheUnspokenAlias
    @TheUnspokenAlias 7 лет назад +1

    Although I hear the other arguments, you can't compare Bennett withdrawing from an NFL PR trip to Israel with Yorke performing in the country : the latter hadn't been invited by the Israeli governement, and his label probably made sure his concert couldn't be used for any official hasbara. If I were the lead singer of a world-renown band, I'd probably think twice before playing in any apartheid or totalitarian country, but that would be between my conscience, my artistic integrity, the other band members and myself. And, contrary to BAE Systems for instance, it's not like Yorke financed the Israeli army or provided weapons to them, is it ? I think that's the reason why someone like Michael Stipe supported Radiohead against what I perceived as a particularly virulent, unilateral (What about other bands or artists playing in Israel ?) and below-the-belt attempt at coercing Yorke & Co into canceling their gig : when one's activism is directed against an authoritarian regime, it may seem paradoxical to resort to a form of authoritarianism of one's own, albeit diluted, to convince people, let alone other artists, to join one's struggle. And Yorke refusing to answer your phone calls is not an aggravating circumstance; it's just him exercising his personal freedom. What if every artist started to do the same with their preferred causes ? Some karma police that would be !...

  • @GrimLocke161
    @GrimLocke161 7 лет назад +4

    I'm not surprised that Roger was naive about Kirsten Gilibrand, but I'm glad his eyes are a little more open.

  • @sirhcl
    @sirhcl 7 лет назад +9

    Racism seems to be a basic human condition....also seems that the basic human is the change

    • @lleo418
      @lleo418 7 лет назад +2

      It's not a basic tendency because the cost outweighs the benefits not to mention it doesn't appear in any other organism even if one were to look at the environment where single cell organisms evolve you won't find anything closely resembling racism.

    • @bohemianwriter1
      @bohemianwriter1 7 лет назад +2

      Racism is based on fear of what is percieved as threatening and unknown...Racism is based on tribalism and social control..
      Other than that...I agree...Free your mind and your arse will foll0ow...

    • @sirhcl
      @sirhcl 7 лет назад +1

      bohemianwriter1 did you know hope and fear create the same brainwave patterns...the trick is knowing....

    • @bohemianwriter1
      @bohemianwriter1 7 лет назад +2 chasing the dragon... having conquered it...:-)

  • @michaeldob9526
    @michaeldob9526 7 лет назад +11

    I respect you a lot more, Roger Waters.

  • @sexynelson100
    @sexynelson100 7 лет назад +5

    freedom and justice eventually WILL prevail..

  • @CapnBlood
    @CapnBlood 7 лет назад +3

    BDS: "Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions"

  • @EverydayEnglish79
    @EverydayEnglish79 6 лет назад +2

    I grew up listening to the pink floyd a legendary band and great vocalist such as Roger and to see him standing for what is right and moral, I am speechless. God bless you

  • @moto2kx2
    @moto2kx2 7 лет назад +20

    Awesome Work Roger and Crew! Cheers!

  • @konsciousness2475
    @konsciousness2475 7 лет назад

    israel ownz!.... u.s.a - pakistan - saudi arabia - egypt - australia - london -etc just 2 naym a few..............that's y.............lets simplify maaaaaaaaaaan............. cheerz Roger..............

  • @marthaworc7873
    @marthaworc7873 Год назад

    The band Radiohead can play where they want. Roger Waters should be able to play where he wants to play. Making a federal case out of this is a very bad idea.

  • @rustyjohnson5018
    @rustyjohnson5018 7 лет назад +2

    Ethnonationalists get more time on television to defend their ideas than BDS.

  • @sophiejones8813
    @sophiejones8813 2 месяца назад

    No wonder Pink Flloyd kicked him out years ago !

  • @v.leewalker8640
    @v.leewalker8640 7 лет назад +5

    I had no idea what was, really, going on their! Thanks for sharing! I stand with BDS! 💔

  • @username7735
    @username7735 7 лет назад +28

    I read Roger Waters, I came, I saw, I liked.

    • @Tubebrerry
      @Tubebrerry 6 лет назад

      Roger Waters is a pussy. He puts the pink in Pink Floyd.

  • @zbyszekski1980
    @zbyszekski1980 5 лет назад

    What I think, Roger is really engaged in political issue but music is above. And open mind for people who listen. So, Artist can change ideas anytime and everywhere... I like both of them. And it is quite a difficulty for me...

  • @dabay200
    @dabay200 7 лет назад +10

    Never knew who Roger Waters but after watching this I have huge respect for him and Jhally. So shamefully that in country that claims to have free speech and tolerance these people are being silenced!

    • @leighfoulkes7297
      @leighfoulkes7297 7 лет назад +3

      If you want to start out with Roger Waters music you should start with his work with Pink Floyd. Their easiest stuff to get into first would "Wish you Were Here" and "Dark Side of the Moon".

  • @user-yw2qz4fp9f
    @user-yw2qz4fp9f 6 лет назад

    So he's saying that israeli people can't enjoy music just because of their government?
    People =/= governments

  • @brotherpaulv
    @brotherpaulv 5 лет назад

    First sentence of the First Amendment states:
    "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion."
    I think we can agree that Israel is an establishment of religion.

  • @kamran5461
    @kamran5461 7 лет назад

    What is the documentary called? If you got a link, post it. Thank you.

  • @ssrs0pus
    @ssrs0pus 5 лет назад


    • @ssrs0pus
      @ssrs0pus 5 лет назад

      Occupation 1948видео.html

  • @RoadJournal
    @RoadJournal 2 года назад

    Breath of fresh Air

  • @StevenMichals0812
    @StevenMichals0812 7 лет назад +8

    Democracy Now is the best news source I know.

    • @MalcH
      @MalcH 6 лет назад

      Steven Michals the real news Network is fucking fantastic also

  • @user-uz7gb7gb4v
    @user-uz7gb7gb4v 7 лет назад

    Roger Waters, who performed in Israel in 2006

    • @aido92
      @aido92 7 лет назад +5

      Try watching the full interview; he explains that.

  • @anameaboveallothers
    @anameaboveallothers 7 лет назад

    why is common sense so remarkable in these statements? cause it is missing in the u.s..

  • @Diggnuts
    @Diggnuts 5 лет назад

    Waters is such a terrible voice for these causes. He is not very bright, poorly informed and over-estimates himself constantly.. He basically is Neil from the Young Ones albeit less funny.
    The worst thing a movement can have is a spokesperson who talks crap and makes said movement look silly, misinformed and light weight. Do not depend on the inconsequential whims of random famous people.

  • @fightinghaters6004
    @fightinghaters6004 7 лет назад +3

    Roger had just too much hashish..

  • @jagdavies1
    @jagdavies1 7 лет назад +1

    BDS love from Scotland

  • @GolanZiv
    @GolanZiv 6 лет назад

    im buying only israeli products and so my friends

  • @Tubebrerry
    @Tubebrerry 6 лет назад

    I've listened to Pink Floyd for years, and until recently I didn't know that Roger Waters is a Jew-hater. I suppose, though, I'll continue to like Pink Floyd. I mean, I didn't stop liking Mad Max and The Road Warrior after I found out that Mel Gibson is a Jew-hater. It's weird, this relationship between great art/entertainment and anti-Semitism. Think of Leni Riefenstahl. Her films were groundbreaking and brilliantly conceived, and yet she was, if not a Jew-hater, at least someone who lived in a world of Jew-hatred that made her career possible. Now we find out that Natalie Portman will not go to Israel to accept an award because she opposes polices of the Israeli government. Is Natalie Portman a Jew-hater? Is she a self-loathing Jew? I don't know. I do know I'm troubled by her words and actions. Will I stop liking her as movie star and refuse to see her movies? I doubt it. I don't have the gene that would make me want to boycott, divest and sanction famous people with whom I disagree on ideology. I guess I just like art & entertainment that much, and that's also how much I believe in the 1st Amendment.

  • @razcohenn273
    @razcohenn273 4 года назад

    hi everyone iam an israeli, who is supposed to be studying for an exam ;). any ways, as always the reality is much more complicated than that. it has been a back and forward situation for many years. keep in mind that israel has been burned many times buy the surrounding arab countries especially during 1948-72 when we were fewer and weaker. wars sucks, but its not like the jews can go back to europe and ask for their keys to their houses. i realize i sound pretty defensive at this point but i can only speak for myself. oh and just because the dude made great music doesnt mean he is fuckin jesus or something and benjamin has his priorities backwards. much love from the Jew who said yes to failing a test.

  • @FreeCorps1984
    @FreeCorps1984 7 лет назад +13

    Right on Roger! Truth Warrior!

    • @Tubebrerry
      @Tubebrerry 6 лет назад +1

      Goebbels was a truth warrior too. Not sure I'd want to be in that company.