Male and Female, Zohar, Messiah and Netanyahu

  • Опубликовано: 6 сен 2024
  • In this video, Will Goldstein returns to the Zohar, the Book of Enlightenment, and starts by giving a paraphrase of the chapter entitled, "Male and Female", with all the spiritual implications regarding Adam and future generations upon the earth, and their relationship to God by faith in Him, the love and marriage between man and woman, mankind and God through Christ, and between heaven and earth as Christ said in the Lord's Prayer, "Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven." God has made His abode where there is male and female and He blessed them.
    At this point, the video turns towards generalities about the mystical book called Zohar (Brilliance), and how it relates to the origin and structure of the universe, the nature of souls, redemption and the ego dwelling in darkness as opposed to the true self born into the light. All future topics.
    A brief discussion about authorship of Zohar is mentioned as their is a centuries old debate as to whether it was written in the 2nd century by Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai also called Rashbi, or Moses de Leon in the 13th century and the possible connections to Christianity.
    Zohar has for centuries been popular among Christians as it confirms within the text, Christian concepts such as the Trinity, Fall of Man, and the Messiah, at least to those able to see the connection.
    At this point the subject turns to modern day times, and the relationship Prime Minister Benjamin "Bibi" Netanyahu, as a secular Jew, had with Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, a powerful Jewish religious figure in Chad Chassidism who told the younger Netanyahu that he would be the last Prime Minister and would hand over the scepter to the coming Messiah. This philosophical and mystical movement is very closely related to the Kabbalah and Zohar. Some discerning mystics can also find a similar link in mysticism to the Spanish mystics, Theresa of Avila, and St. John of The Cross, and even to Hesychasm, related to Eastern Orthodox Christian mysticism as they are all related to the concept of illumination and Zohar means brilliance.
    Finally, the video ends with some quotes by Netanyahu, and his relationship to Bible prophecy, and his extremely close relationship and friendship with Evangelical Christians, especially those associated with Christians United For Israel, and the long lasting friendship the United States has had with Israel based on the common Judeo-Christian heritage of freedom we share that goes back thousands of years.

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