This guy could make the worst zombies map in history sound like a top 10 map with his commentary and I love it Also I’m not saying Tag der toten is the worst zombies map I’m just saying how good his commentary is
@@AfterlifeAnalysis glad I could make you happy dude! Honestly it makes me happy that someone likes to dig deep into details about how cod zombies makes people feel in terms of like lore and aesthetic like I do, same thing goes with backstory and lore for cod zombies bc there’s so much of it and it’s hard too keep up, but I’ve learnt so much about it aswell and surprisingly some RUclipsrs like you talk about cod zombies adding niche parts about ww2 like der rise being a actual secret enemy base on the German side where they tried to make high tech weaponry, etc
Thats what budget cuts will do sadly. They clearly wanted a big battle when Alpha Omega was being written but when the team was sent to make Cold War, they had to make do with a small team.
Actually the opposite for me. Good ending but lackluster map building and not just tag but the others as well just because all of them are re imagining maps, which we should of had new maps especially being the last chapter
@@KadenHartley Very true now that you mention it. A brand new Aether experience would’ve been awesome for at least one or two maps instead of reimaginings. Man, “what could’ve been” is hitting so hard now…
Well, Blundell left Activision before Ancient Evil was released because his vision of zombies didn't succeed as well. Treyarch abandoned Bo4 after their budget was cut and passed to Activision Shanghai ( a small studio) to fix Bo4 and finish off the DLC season. Treyarch only involvement with Bo4 afterwards was writing the story and that's it. After Alpha Omega was completed, Treyarch took half of Activision Shanghai staff to help them fix Cold War since the new engine was breaking game. And since Treyarch basically didn't care about Black Ops 4 at that point nor assist with Activision Shanghai on fixing the problems each map was causing in stability. Also the fact that they knew that all the promised content will never be delivered at that point. They basically cut their losses and to ensure that no one would complain about waiting for the story to continue. They just gave an half ass ending and expected Activision Shanghai with half its staff to deliver the final map while at the same time they were trying to fix the game in the dark. As much as folks like to blame Activision for BO4 failures, Treyarch had a hand on that failure too and they've been making worst decisions since then.
I hate nihilism in any STORY ending!!! Creative bankruptcy is what it is!! And the worst way to end an epic journey with so much potential still left in the tank.
@@BigTiffany yea origins and mob turned it into a stupid multiverse thing where you can kill Richtofen and then reveal the real Richtofen before the one we're supposed to be sad about is even dead. God... Treyarch was ahead of the curve when it came to shitty convoluted multiverse slop.
Not just that. The whole community had dang near completed all the eggs too. Pretty sure I only left DOTN. I would got the super EE if it came to fruition
It’s crazy that no one has mentioned the fact that George Romero passed away before this map released. I do agree with you that story wise and gameplay wise, George wouldn’t have fit, but even if treyarch wanted to, they couldn’t include him so having the characters say a line about how influential he was hits harder
There is always a give and take in terms of what I decide to talk about. I want to talk about everything, but at the end of the day, each topic adds up. I had initially written a whole section about COTD and George, but I ultimately decided to remove it because it was just too unrelated. But I agree George's passing was super important to this map's debut.
The only thing I feel was missing from the main quest was some sort of inclusion of Dr Monty, where he would be working against victus in order to foil Nikolai’s plan, as that seemed to be the direction the ending of alpha omega was taking. Just a few voice lines and some interfering with the quest steps would have sufficed, but a larger confrontation with Monty to end the Easter egg would solve a lot of the issues people had with the ending in general.
It’s cause they couldn’t even afford his voice actor for the game you can look it up he has zero dialogue lines in the game just sad people defend this rushed slop
Tag der Toten is like reverse Dead Money. While Dead Money's theme of "letting go" is completely subverted by players being smart, people still agree that it was a cool ending with a cool message. Tag, on the other hand, has an inevitable bitter ending that bascally forces players to let go by sticking all their cool memories into the garbage disposal, and a lot of people hate it. Even though Dead Money is basically a meme ending, it's infinitely better at telling players to "let go", because it doesn't force anything.
Dead Money is dope. I've never understood the hate for it. With Tag, I get the hate, but it's still better than I expected, which wasn't the highest bar
The super EE should have been allowing Victis crew being playable on all the aether maps having them trying to escape the cycle too. New commentary fresh take on the EE would have been so cool
That would have taken so much work, all the different quotes they’d need for every map would be insane. I know alpha omega had a lot of lines but that would of been so extra
@@thedarkderp2520 If thats true then they've been there for over centuries. Like that one forsaken dude who was in there for 400 years. They have to be dead by now. Especially given Maxis's and Ricktofens age in the games.
To this day i think its criminal how bo4 turned out and that we didnt get a great war map before the story ended. The premise was realy special and i apreciate that. But i feel like it ended to early and not "bombastic" enough.
I keep looking at the channel page, expecting a second channel or something like that. These videos are done like so professionally, and they highlight a lot of good that some zombies tubers, at least in my experience, would not talk about. Keep it up my dude, can't wait for the rest 🤘
I personally really like this map. For me it has a somber tone, like we know it’s the end but we have 1 final journey to go on. I like the EE too since there are those campfire bits which just add to the already somber tone and the ending is pretty good, for me atleast, since it does what it should’ve done. It made us want them to come back and/or have a heroes ending instead of being killed off with no one watching even though that was the point in the story. It’s what nikolai says. Even if there was no one there to witness it and tell stories of it, it still happened somewhere out theres
Na the way the ended a 10 year story was the most garbage ending I could have imagined they would have used. It felt like a cheap quick way to end the story because of budget constraints
Think about it like this, Treyarch abandoned the game after they lost their budget and gave it to a small studio within Activision for cheap labor. It's like Rockstar giving a small studio to remake 3 games and get the same results. Not to mention, that during the making of this map, Treyarch took half of Activision Shanghai staff to help them fix Cold War. This map was doomed to fail and underperformed no matter what. Plus Jason's Blundell's new Zombie baby failed that he literally left the company once Ancient Evil was out. Black Ops 4 was doomed to fail at the very beginning when Activision got involved and Treyarch didn't help it when they abandoned it and left it to small studio to fix it. To me I just think Treyarch gave up on Black Ops and didn't want to hype anything else since they knew all the promised content was never gonna see the light of day and just opted to end the story and start from scratch. Which to this day is the worst decision.
@frostythealien7480 yup, I mean look at Vanguard & MWZ pretty much abandoned those Zombie modes when they got negative backlash. Vanguard they pulled a BO4 and brought back 1 round base map a Remake of Shin no Numa (same as Colds wars Natch) and reused the teleport area from their 2nd map as a final map. Pretty much like CW maps are all Campaign locations given more of a open environment to be zombie maps. Then just abandoned it when they promised to bring a full round base mode to Vanguard. Then MWZ they just straight up didn't care to put time and effort and gave up when people told them the Story sucked so bad they abandoned the game and now Sledgehammer is taking over the the Zombies. Just like how Activision Shanghai took over Black Ops 4 made those final 2 dlc.
@rudydaberry122 yup! CW was supposed to be Released before MW 2019, but Due to Sledgehammer and Raven having major dispute, Treyarch jump on the opportunity to do CW, thinking they'd have a bigger budget again after Activision cut theirs for BO4. Basically, abandoning BO4 mid life cycle and reworking CW to be a Black Ops story. But Clearly, Treyarch was still punished for BO4 failures, and Activision still gave them a limited budget and 1 year extension to fix the game.
Honestly that storyline should have ended with Revelations. It wasn't a perfect sendoff but it felt like a sendoff. Tag felt like the last whimper of a horse that was legally dead like 5 maps ago. Also it's worth noting that the Tundragun got buffed after Tag's launch. It WAS bad. At round 25-30 it became a 2-hit kill, and would get weaker. The splash damage was also increased so it could actually kill whole hordes. People's preconceived notions aren't unfair, it was just a downgrade from the Thundergun in every way that mattered.
Yeah he died in 2017. Idk if they ever planned on having him in the map or if they wanted that. But yeah it wouldn’t have mattered either way bc my man ded
@@TomahawkGaming-uh9ny maybe an sort of side easter egg to remember George would've been cool for that, not where he returns as a zombie, but where he appears as a regular man again ascending to heaven. (kinda with what we do in the original map when we cure a zombie back to a human) I don't think that would be in bad taste, maybe even throw some music from 1 of his directed movies while he ascends to heaven and the game kinda "pauses" you're locked into looking at it, all zombies around you stop and salute the man, give it like 30 seconds orso and then resume the carnage. (granted, the music part might be a bit hard since they would need to get the license for that)
To be honest id rather still have the aether story cause there was so many places we didnt get to see. Like wish we could play in the empty earth where victis had to get the kronorium in the comics. Lots of missed chances and i feel like this dark aether story just isnt cutting it.
I love how you connected the dots on the pack a punch machines. It makes so much sense as to why the pack a punch is broken down and is known as the forge in Die Maschine in this new rebooted timeline we have in current day. Seeing that now makes so much more sense
I know I'm kind of late but the video with all the characters appreciating the many years we've spent together is a way better ending than tag. I had more of a reaction than the story just abruptly ending like everything got sucked into a magic lamp.
People who are excited over BO6 need to see how they've been treating us since BO4. Giving us trash content for the zombie community, half finished maps, abandoned projects and content, mediocre stuff in general. I'm afraid zombies is dead, Craig and Jason no longer work at Treyarch and they were the ones who cared about the story.
This is the way ... Ya the fact that Jason really pushed Chaos story so hard is/was his intentions to continue the story, into the next instalment. That's why he left because he was proven wrong. And why cold war is the answer to his failed finale.
@mooncrow2447 all chaos needed to succeed was badass likable characters. Chaos failed because the characters are lame af. They can't write good stories anymore in most games, corporate tells them to keep it kid friendly and generic
15:20 my bet is that the portal for them to escape opened right after richtofen n3, the one with the fire staff shard, came up during the boss fight, thats why there were zombies yet. The finale was completely unexpected, i just feel bad for the Victis group, they did all that, were tricked since tranzit and didn't even get a single cutscene without the comic(ish) style. A Shame that Cold war continued the storyline and completely ruined it with generic MCs and a lot of unexplained things...ohh, and everyone getting betrayed as well, i hope you make some videos on that mode as well
The sad part is not only did actvision practically destroy what the original plans of black ops 4 wanted. But the ending and sacrifices the characters made and meaning behind it, has been destroyed as well Due to the forceful existence of Cold War, vanguard and mw3 zombies.
I can’t believe I watched that cut scene again 😭😭😭 this shit hits so hard it’s really sad. I hate how it ended but it is wut it is man at least we got 1 last ride of nostalgia.
I’m still really hard done that they just recycled a map with the least favorite crew in the zombies community. It was our last map and we didn’t even get to play with the iconic characters. And to top it all off all we got were still images which while beautiful, really goes to show that the story line went out with a whimper.
Great video, sincerely I was so dissapointed with the ending I only played the map twice and uninstalled black ops 4, zombies was a really special mode that has morphed into something I really dislike, they really fumbled the bag releasing this and making it seem so rushed, a true shame
Terrible ending and they didn't even use the amazing visuals akin to usual cut scenes. The way they ended it always pissed me off especially how they tried to bs the story anew in CW and it's this new timeline that we know very little about and it's all just terrible. Zombies will never be the same, and maybe we just need to accept that. Nothing new that they make will ever be as good as the og trilogy. Also I don't consider anything after BO3 as canon so suck it Trearch and anyone who tries to make the next biggest flop that masquerades as a good zombies experience.
I always liked this ending actually. It makes sense that the only way a game that started with horror as a element would end in tragedy. In a story surrounded by death it was the one thing that they had to learn to accept.
@@riseanu250 I think he was more speaking about how the ending was just some pictures drawn with some Voice lines over it. it's a shame for sure, but I hate it that in BOCW, Samantha then basically does the same sins the originals did and "explore" the dark aether or help someone with getting there, knowing full well what has happened before and why it was happening, and thus creating yet another tragedy that Richtofen did so many years ago, which is funny since Eddy is an innocent child version of that mad scientist. when I saw Samantha I was like "really? atleast try to make something new, doesn't need to be in the same canon as the OG storyline" but instead they went "well, humanity makes the same mistake it made back then, instead this time, it's not done in nazi Germany but in a more modern setting" But also what I truly hated except that the 2 maps I played of BOCW (1st and 2nd map, can't remember the 1st, but Firebase Z I remember) were just bland and boring, it didn't feel like Zombies to me, but that's also partially because of 1 very simple reason. when I started zombies it was on BO1, so when I first booted up Kino der Toten, I was greeted with 1 of the few OG crew members and their classic voice lines, and through the map it was better and better, obviously played Zombies all the way through BO2 and only didn't play the last map on BO3 as at that point, I grew tired of CoD in general. But in BOCW and also BO6 now? we just take our generic operator (even if it doesn't make any sense to) into that zombie infested area and do our thing, with some radio chatter here and there, but nothing comes close to how funny and iconic the voice lines were from the OG crew, or the Victis crew, or the new OG crew (forgot what they called them) like Nikolai's constant reminder of his wife, how she smelled etc, I was missing that a lot in BOCW and only watched BO6 since, fuck CoD.
The tundra gun is also rather hated because it can also hurt the player with the splash damage while the normal thundergun does not. Not to mention that it freezing zombies is objectively less effective than just blowing them away like the normal thundergun. It's not bad, but there's no reason to want it over the standard thundergun.
Honestly i really wish the story just had some more breathing room bc i love how they decided to end the story but it just felt like it happened way too quickly
I'm glad you felt the emotion I felt. Pretty powerful huh? I was ending this retro and I felt that same feeling. It's nice to know someone else out there feels it too.
Still waiting on the last two parts and or if not then you should continue the story to Cold War a lot of us never played it and have no idea where the story goes after that. But I love the analysis of the story and the gameplay and the situation of treyarch all it self in an easy to follow and cohesive story that you explain well, keep it up I think you have what it takes to make it big! Especially if zombies makes a come back in the future
The Dead of the Night script is finished, been trying to proof read it because its 52 pages. Which means that the video could potentially be over an hour at this point. I am not sure I want it to be that long. But yea you're right - with the reveal of BO6, the Cold War content might be moving up my list of things to do, along with a comprehensive breakdown on whether or not BO6 is going to be the title we hope it can be.
I think (and this is before watching) this map is incredible. Only wounded by 2 things being a) The Bo4 gameplay systems b) The expectations for a great war map that Treyarch themselves created. I thing Tag was beautifully crafted and the ending is amazing. If we hadn't all been told for 3+ years that the great war was coming... Great vid btw
hey ive been looking for proof of the activision shanghai completing tag der toten do you have any sources for this as i would like to see that its not that i disbelieve it its just good to have that
I see your comment and I’m going out of town atm but I will show my evidence later. I also have a “source” so there is a bit of ‘trust me bro’ here but I will show some other evidence and explain a bit further. Feel free to bug me in a couple days if I forget.
Right so you can agree that Endgame is the worst way to end a story as well. (Let's be real "no more money + no time left = nihilism is cheap") BO4 is a truly an incoherent experience overall.
My thoery: what became die machine was supposed to be the aether finale and called tag der toten, because if they stuck with reimaginings kaught der untoten would be perfect as it was the first
the one thing I find strange is your extrapolation of data. The whole series has been incredible but you use a VERY small sample on 47:00 to indicate that the Wunderwaffe DG that it's very clear as to why it's poorly received, but in that same vein the Ray Gun would ALSO be poorly received when it's quite clearly the most iconic gun in the franchise? But then you think the Tundragun is better but you think it's just a preconceived notion ? Whole series has been fantastic btw, but it's just super weird to use data as a narrative in one circumstance and not the other? Your point would've been better suited if that was just left out tbh since it just muddles the point you're getting across
Hey there! Firstly just wanted to thank you for watching the content, I really appreciate it! And this is a great question and a fair critique! So you’re correct that this is technically a small sample size to extrapolate from. That being said, most statisticians consider around 100 people to be a reasonable enough to garner results and utilize them informatively. That being said (again lol), the COD population is HUGE and in a perfect world I would LOVE to get a population sample of 10% of whatever the zombies player population. Unfortunately that will never happen, so I think 8K is a pretty good sample to utilize to infer what would be considered an average opinion based on the parameters of the questions, ESPECIALLY with the results as heavily skewed towards the Thunder Gun for player preference. And although I would bet largely this would be a pretty good projection of what the community feels at large, when we get into the minutiae of the Wunderwaffe Sharfshutze, Ray Gun, and Tundra Gun - I am sure they aren’t going to be “exact” in the sense that precisely 9% hate the Tundra Gun in the whole zombies population. The data is probably off by a standard deviation or two. However, my goal here wasn’t to get 100% accurate numbers but more so to reflect the emotional attachment/preference of the weapons and then correlate that to how the weapons perform in game (somewhat) objectively and then through my subjective experience as well. But let me elaborate further… The Wunderwaffe Sharfshutze isn’t a great weapon in the sense that it can’t save you quickly, it doesn’t take out a lot of zombies, and with Tag’s tight quarters/tricky layout - having a weapon that can clear the field for you is going to be preferable, which is my hypothesis for why people love the Thundergun (plus the nostalgia aspect of it). But why I am confused about your question is that I did expand upon the reasons why the communities interpretation of the Tundragun was incorrect despite the data. And this can be true of any community or data - people can like or dislike something and not even understand why or their intuitions may be completely off. I think double tap is a good example of this, people have had double tap in zombies the entire time under different mechanical features but they still think it’s not there and complain about it. I consider it part of my duty to be able to digest the feelings and explain why people are wrong/right or misunderstanding the point of a feature in its entirety. I digress… So, frequently in my videos I talk about how the community was so sick and tired of the reskins/reused assets inside of the game and when it came to Tags release the community was pissed x2 because the Sharfshutze was a “reskinned” Wunderwaffe and the Tundragun was a “reskinned” Thundergun - there was no exciting/original wonder weapon in the final map of the Aether storyline that took 10 years to end and that upset a lot of people (rightfully so). But then people tend to carry their biases into the map and project it on elements whether they mean too or not. And I was simply trying to define that those negative preconceived feelings led to hating a wonder weapon for no reason - and I believe in this case they are misguided with the Tundra Gun, but not the Sharfshutze. And I did not literally say that at this point in the video, but I was implying it and I have said it a lot in the other videos in the series, but I understand why you are saying what you are saying. As far as the ray gun goes, there is a conflation here which is stating that iconography equals greatness. And I disagree with that sentiment wholeheartedly. Firstly because there have been many iterations of the ray gun, some that have been well received and some that haven’t. Which is why this has been a contentious point in the zombies community for as long as I can personally remember. In BO3 the ray gun was always considered useless and no one ever wanted it. In BO4 it was better but still not great. It wasn’t until Cold War that the devs made it powerful/viable again. So yes it is a “staple” and an iconic weapon inside of the milieu that is Zombies but that doesn’t necessarily correlate to it being great at all times. And the second point (or example) here would be the Olympia Shotgun from BO2. Somehow that weapon has turned iconic in the franchise, and while it might be a meme, it isn’t good at all. So the question becomes, “what does it mean to be iconic?” And then, “how do we define the parameters for what makes an icon?” Lastly, in these videos I make a deliberate choice whether or not to pursue certain topics in greater length but since this video was already long as heck I decided against diving into the weeds on every single topic (especially towards the end of the video). But I am always happy to dive deeper in the comment section as we are doing now; as I think your question is fantastic and deserves more of an answer. But at some point I have to let other parts of the video speak for other areas of the video or else I will be justifying myself at all times no matter what which becomes an exhausting feat and at the end of the day I do want these videos to be entertaining as well. But what’s really challenging and something I take pride in, is riding the line of objective metrics, subjective analysis, and then juggling the nuance of it all whilst then trying to fit that all into a package for you guys where I am not fanboy-ing over these maps or overly hating them but merely trying to bring balance/new perspective to it all. And that can be hard and I am by no means perfect with it. Either way, I appreciate your question and support! I will try to be more clear in my future videos!
Honestly I find the conclusion beautiful and fitting they couldn’t stop the cycle so they collapsed the multiverse leaving behind the children. It could have worked out perfectly if they had actually made a Great War map but still end it like tag der toten.
“Giving them the Great War was the obvious thing to do” Sometimes the obvious thing to do, is the best thing to do. There was no reason to give us this slop as the finale.
The ending is not even that bad. But its clearly rushed and was botched from the original idea. Which is so crazy, Aether was so beloved and they end it on a whimper when there was such a great idea still planned before B04 fell apart.
It’s technically still being continued, but in the new universe created after TDT. I’m not sure what the current lore looks like, but we haven’t seen the end yet.
@AfterlifeAnalysis...Hey Skeptix, what are your thoughts on this theory...What if after Tag when everything got vanished to the dark aether, including the Victus crew, and since time inside the dark aether is accelerated compared to the universe outside, wud it be possible that the "elder gods" from Vanguard cud be the Vicus crew contaminated from thier time inside the dark aether?...very much like how the Forsaken came to be in Cold War... not sure of any evidence to support such a claim, just a thought.
I will one day, but not for a while. I am working on Ancient evil, cold war and ww2, plus we have bo6 coming. And I am bit burned out on bo3 at the moment and I think it would be healthy to take a step back and look at it with a fresh pair of eyes post bo6s launch.
My comment before watching the video I feel that the Chaos Crew storyline would have been a great storyline if the focus was shifted. If Treyarch finished up the Aether story first then focus on Chaos then it would have been better as the transition would feel a bit seemless. Tag being a conclusion of Aether then we go right into Chaos afterwards as the new storyline.
Just another reason to hate Cold War. That garbage game took all the budget and time from Bo4 and gave us this shitty, half-assed ending that feels incredibly disrespectful to the storyline and characters. Even the Bo3 ending was better than this shit. I just consider Bo4 non-canon at this point (and with all the lore holes and plot inconsistencies throughout the Bo4 maps, it heavily implies the bo4 maps are STILL a cycle).
yeah, not just that BOCW basically sucked all the budget from BO4 before BO4 was even done, but also how BOCW basically "soft rebooted" the storyline, with Samantha of all people being actively involved, someone who has seen what happened first hand, that Samantha knows what happened to her counterpart who was trapped in the Aether, she saw every group except the Victis group, she saw what had to be done to right the wrongs of the past ... yet, somehow it's all happening again. Also that BOCW got rid of having an iconic cast of loveable characters, who you can laugh with but can also feel for, Dempsey gave us iconic lines, both the old and the new Dempsey. But now? we go in with a generic operator with 0 connection to with a cast that we don't even know and no memorable voice lines.
I love Bo4 it will always hold a special place in my heart but the only thing that disappointed me was that they didnt remake trasnit wich is one of the funnest maps imo i heard that they wanted to but they didnt have enough rescources or something
That's the exact mentality that brought us to Cold War and BO6. Mediocre gameplay with an absolutely boring story, all the hate made Activision jump ship on BO4 zombies cutting funding and leaving us with 2 bland DLCs and Zombies in limbo
@@BoomerMilk Respectfully, I disagree. At least for BO6 cuz I haven’t played CW. I’ve done both of their EE’s and I can tell you, the story is sooo interesting. In terminus (spoilers ahead) it’s confirmed the chaos is following the new aether storyline with the (I forgot the name 💀) mirror artefact and they’re trying to get it. And Panos got trapped in the Dark Aether and was the lead scientist of Project Janus. He made a powerful entity friend in the dark aether and has kept him alive all these years; and a goal on when he gets out. So I do think this has been very interesting like what is panos goal, what is the mysterious entity, what will they do with the artefact and etc.
If they never make it a plot point in BO6 or even BO7…the latter of which may not happen if Microsoft decides to shutter the Xbox brand before or by 2030 according to their leaked legal documents from 2020…that the original Aether story arc was aborted due to interference from “The Dark Aether’s Influence” via [whoever it ends up being] and Richtofen’s whole arc in the Dark Aether storyline is to resolve the “plot hole” that has in essence left he & Samantha as more broken people despite their status as the “Good Versions”… …then it’s very clear that they just never want to be assed to think about it again and ended it with Tag in order to halfheartedly “complete the story” for good. However, judging from the trailers for BO6 Zombies, you can REALLY tell that they heavily regret this decision that was sort of forced on Treyarch (but not on High Moon & Activision Shanghai) by the constraints of the times. I would not be surprised if they somehow got back Huston, Blundell, and the writer responsible for the TranZit crew/Victis’s story arc to juryrig a narrative excuse to resolve Aether’s story arc in a satisfactory manner. That might be a TALL ORDER, but this is ACTIVISION BLIZZARD & MICROSOFT we’re talking about.
Absolutely this I always say gameplay matters more. However for this map this was an absolute disappointment and is a worse version of Call of the Dead. I know Treyarch is passionate but this on the surface was a disappointment.
It’s so crazy how negative the zombies community is now like I understand why most people are negative but damn some people just hate everything about zombies bo2 onward
I hate nihilism in any STORY ending!!! Creative bankruptcy is what it is!! (Unless carefully crafted) And the worst way to end an epic journey with so much potential still left in the tank. Imagine if Rick and Morty does that as their "finale" cuz Rick just gave up.
This is a very introspective comment. I don't entirely agree with it. But I certainly appreciate it and can tell you have thought about it and know what you want.
While yes this map/finale was a rushed one, I personally see it as a good outcome with how everything happened behind the scenes and I actually enjoyed the ending, but damn it still hurts seeing the old crews story end after so long...
This map is one of the worst story endings in gaming history imo. It's not a bad map, but it was a terrible way to end such an amazing story. Then the very end is Samantha and Eddie walking into what would become the horrible Cold War Dark Aether story.
I would disagree, the ending, while a little disappointing, it was one of the best endings in all of zombies, the aether storyline has always centered around the theme of breaking cycles, tags ending reflects this theme perfectly. Having to let go of our hero’s in order to break the cycle and secure the better tomorrow that Richthofen always talked about. The two kids representing a new beginning, moving forward into a new world. In Cold War we see the consequences of Nikolai’s actions with banishing everything in the dark aether. Causing the entity’s that live within that realm to discover reality outside the dark aether.
When you think about it, Nikolai never had any major character development throughout Black Ops 2-4. Tank was the center focus of Primis that a majority of story related quotes came from Tank. That's why I found it strange that Nikolais character changed randomly in blood of the dead and the rest of Black Ops 4. He's a completely different character, and hearing him whine so much and act superior in Blood is such a strange thing and even Tank and Taiko call him out on. It's such a strange move that Nikolai led the group, when Black Ops 2/3 was building up Tank as the new leader. I think that's why the ending hasn't aged well since players have had time to analyze the story now
@CactusInsane I agree. I like what they did to bo4 Richtofen's character in BOTD, but the BO3 Richtofen from the cryopod should've been the one to lead the characters to the end. It made no sense to me that they set up Nikolai with the Kronorium, just for it to lead to nothing except the erasure of everything that was built up over the years. I agree that the Aether story needed to end, but just erasing everything wasn't the right move, especially in a slide show. A real cutscene needed to be present for the end of a 10 or so year story.
@@HyperFoxx I found it weird that he literally knew what to do and how to beat Monty but said," here Nikolai, I know I've said that the kronorium holds too much power and knowledge that can corrupt the readers mind and change what they read in pages, but I'll give it to you since you've an complete 180 in character and you've been whining and bitching on how awful I've been leading the group." ;)
The finale for the Aether story shouldnt have been a remake of Call of the dead tho, it shouldve been an 100% original map. I said this before and i will keep saying it Chaos didnt belong in BO4 it belong in the next game like CW.
This guy could make the worst zombies map in history sound like a top 10 map with his commentary and I love it
Also I’m not saying Tag der toten is the worst zombies map I’m just saying how good his commentary is
I keep reading this comment over and over bc it's so inspiring to me. Thank you so much man... I can't even tell you how much this means to me.
@@AfterlifeAnalysis glad I could make you happy dude! Honestly it makes me happy that someone likes to dig deep into details about how cod zombies makes people feel in terms of like lore and aesthetic like I do, same thing goes with backstory and lore for cod zombies bc there’s so much of it and it’s hard too keep up, but I’ve learnt so much about it aswell and surprisingly some RUclipsrs like you talk about cod zombies adding niche parts about ww2 like der rise being a actual secret enemy base on the German side where they tried to make high tech weaponry, etc
He's lying!!! He's an inner closeted tag der toten fanboy..... Get him!!!😡😡😡
Top 10 is full of cold war and bo6
these cutscenes are fine for every other map but not for the final aether story map.
Aint that the truth
Damn true. This is why bo3 was the best
the video where the voices of the crew got together for the last time had me crying back in 2018 loved this story so much
I know this is late but what voices part ?
There is a video on RUclips where the voice actors do an interview ab cod zombies ending
@@kevinuribe318look it yo
Not a bad map but an incredibly disappointing “finale”. Can easily tell it was rushed out the door.
That was my issue!
Its so blatantly obvious they designed this map with a…
“ugh let’s just get this over with 😒”
type of attitude.
Thats what budget cuts will do sadly. They clearly wanted a big battle when Alpha Omega was being written but when the team was sent to make Cold War, they had to make do with a small team.
Actually the opposite for me. Good ending but lackluster map building and not just tag but the others as well just because all of them are re imagining maps, which we should of had new maps especially being the last chapter
@@KadenHartley Very true now that you mention it. A brand new Aether experience would’ve been awesome for at least one or two maps instead of reimaginings. Man, “what could’ve been” is hitting so hard now…
Well, Blundell left Activision before Ancient Evil was released because his vision of zombies didn't succeed as well. Treyarch abandoned Bo4 after their budget was cut and passed to Activision Shanghai ( a small studio) to fix Bo4 and finish off the DLC season. Treyarch only involvement with Bo4 afterwards was writing the story and that's it. After Alpha Omega was completed, Treyarch took half of Activision Shanghai staff to help them fix Cold War since the new engine was breaking game. And since Treyarch basically didn't care about Black Ops 4 at that point nor assist with Activision Shanghai on fixing the problems each map was causing in stability. Also the fact that they knew that all the promised content will never be delivered at that point. They basically cut their losses and to ensure that no one would complain about waiting for the story to continue. They just gave an half ass ending and expected Activision Shanghai with half its staff to deliver the final map while at the same time they were trying to fix the game in the dark. As much as folks like to blame Activision for BO4 failures, Treyarch had a hand on that failure too and they've been making worst decisions since then.
One of the worst ways possible to end a 10 year story tbh
"Everyone you liked died to poisoned wine"
I hate nihilism in any STORY ending!!! Creative bankruptcy is what it is!! And the worst way to end an epic journey with so much potential still left in the tank.
@@mooncrow2447 The ending had nothing to do with nihilism, it's kinda the opposite actually
Better then it being all just a dream, this story has always been goofy it kinda lost its way but the ending could have been a lot worse.
@@BigTiffany honestly at least *it was a dream* would have been so fucking stupid that it was kinda funny. dying from poisoned wine is just dumb
@@BigTiffany yea origins and mob turned it into a stupid multiverse thing where you can kill Richtofen and then reveal the real Richtofen before the one we're supposed to be sad about is even dead.
God... Treyarch was ahead of the curve when it came to shitty convoluted multiverse slop.
these vids are insanely well made for such a small channel, mad props man
The pill hard to swallow is the super Easter egg being scrapped...
Not just that. The whole community had dang near completed all the eggs too. Pretty sure I only left DOTN. I would got the super EE if it came to fruition
It’s crazy that no one has mentioned the fact that George Romero passed away before this map released. I do agree with you that story wise and gameplay wise, George wouldn’t have fit, but even if treyarch wanted to, they couldn’t include him so having the characters say a line about how influential he was hits harder
There is always a give and take in terms of what I decide to talk about. I want to talk about everything, but at the end of the day, each topic adds up.
I had initially written a whole section about COTD and George, but I ultimately decided to remove it because it was just too unrelated.
But I agree George's passing was super important to this map's debut.
The only thing I feel was missing from the main quest was some sort of inclusion of Dr Monty, where he would be working against victus in order to foil Nikolai’s plan, as that seemed to be the direction the ending of alpha omega was taking. Just a few voice lines and some interfering with the quest steps would have sufficed, but a larger confrontation with Monty to end the Easter egg would solve a lot of the issues people had with the ending in general.
I was so upset when Monty wasn’t included more
It’s cause they couldn’t even afford his voice actor for the game you can look it up he has zero dialogue lines in the game just sad people defend this rushed slop
doing the "every EE ever" thing and getting all challenges/calling cards and just got back to BlOps4
man this map is so hot and cold for me
Do you plan on doing WW2's
The Tortured Path on PC?
I want that MFin Sword.
@@TheBuster0926 yea doing them all but on PS5 for all that i have and then probably hopping on my buddies PC for the older ones
Sorry for calling you an idiot, bruv. Idk if you saw my message on the other thread.
Tag der Toten is like reverse Dead Money. While Dead Money's theme of "letting go" is completely subverted by players being smart, people still agree that it was a cool ending with a cool message. Tag, on the other hand, has an inevitable bitter ending that bascally forces players to let go by sticking all their cool memories into the garbage disposal, and a lot of people hate it.
Even though Dead Money is basically a meme ending, it's infinitely better at telling players to "let go", because it doesn't force anything.
Damn, never thought I'd see BO4 zombies be compared to Fallout New Vegas lol
Bro is comparing cod zombies to new Vegas 😂😂😂
Dead Money is dope. I've never understood the hate for it. With Tag, I get the hate, but it's still better than I expected, which wasn't the highest bar
The super EE should have been allowing Victis crew being playable on all the aether maps having them trying to escape the cycle too. New commentary fresh take on the EE would have been so cool
Since bo6 zombies takes place in the dark aether maybe they'll make a return but that's just wishful thinking on my part
That would have taken so much work, all the different quotes they’d need for every map would be insane. I know alpha omega had a lot of lines but that would of been so extra
@@thedarkderp2520 If thats true then they've been there for over centuries. Like that one forsaken dude who was in there for 400 years. They have to be dead by now. Especially given Maxis's and Ricktofens age in the games.
To this day i think its criminal how bo4 turned out and that we didnt get a great war map before the story ended.
The premise was realy special and i apreciate that.
But i feel like it ended to early and not "bombastic" enough.
Makes me sad every time I think about this😭
I really wanted the Great War map...
Your commentary is genuinely amazing. Maybe you should do a full timeline video.
I keep looking at the channel page, expecting a second channel or something like that. These videos are done like so professionally, and they highlight a lot of good that some zombies tubers, at least in my experience, would not talk about. Keep it up my dude, can't wait for the rest 🤘
I personally really like this map. For me it has a somber tone, like we know it’s the end but we have 1 final journey to go on. I like the EE too since there are those campfire bits which just add to the already somber tone and the ending is pretty good, for me atleast, since it does what it should’ve done. It made us want them to come back and/or have a heroes ending instead of being killed off with no one watching even though that was the point in the story. It’s what nikolai says. Even if there was no one there to witness it and tell stories of it, it still happened somewhere out theres
I never noticed it before but right before Sam shoots Nikolai, you can hear the pistol shaking from her trembling.
Na the way the ended a 10 year story was the most garbage ending I could have imagined they would have used. It felt like a cheap quick way to end the story because of budget constraints
Think about it like this, Treyarch abandoned the game after they lost their budget and gave it to a small studio within Activision for cheap labor. It's like Rockstar giving a small studio to remake 3 games and get the same results. Not to mention, that during the making of this map, Treyarch took half of Activision Shanghai staff to help them fix Cold War. This map was doomed to fail and underperformed no matter what. Plus Jason's Blundell's new Zombie baby failed that he literally left the company once Ancient Evil was out. Black Ops 4 was doomed to fail at the very beginning when Activision got involved and Treyarch didn't help it when they abandoned it and left it to small studio to fix it. To me I just think Treyarch gave up on Black Ops and didn't want to hype anything else since they knew all the promised content was never gonna see the light of day and just opted to end the story and start from scratch. Which to this day is the worst decision.
@@CactusInsane They do love abandoning their projects midway don't they
@frostythealien7480 yup, I mean look at Vanguard & MWZ pretty much abandoned those Zombie modes when they got negative backlash. Vanguard they pulled a BO4 and brought back 1 round base map a Remake of Shin no Numa (same as Colds wars Natch) and reused the teleport area from their 2nd map as a final map. Pretty much like CW maps are all Campaign locations given more of a open environment to be zombie maps. Then just abandoned it when they promised to bring a full round base mode to Vanguard. Then MWZ they just straight up didn't care to put time and effort and gave up when people told them the Story sucked so bad they abandoned the game and now Sledgehammer is taking over the the Zombies. Just like how Activision Shanghai took over Black Ops 4 made those final 2 dlc.
@@CactusInsanewait so bo4 and Cold War were developed simultaneously?
@rudydaberry122 yup! CW was supposed to be Released before MW 2019, but Due to Sledgehammer and Raven having major dispute, Treyarch jump on the opportunity to do CW, thinking they'd have a bigger budget again after Activision cut theirs for BO4. Basically, abandoning BO4 mid life cycle and reworking CW to be a Black Ops story. But Clearly, Treyarch was still punished for BO4 failures, and Activision still gave them a limited budget and 1 year extension to fix the game.
Honestly that storyline should have ended with Revelations. It wasn't a perfect sendoff but it felt like a sendoff. Tag felt like the last whimper of a horse that was legally dead like 5 maps ago.
Also it's worth noting that the Tundragun got buffed after Tag's launch. It WAS bad. At round 25-30 it became a 2-hit kill, and would get weaker. The splash damage was also increased so it could actually kill whole hordes. People's preconceived notions aren't unfair, it was just a downgrade from the Thundergun in every way that mattered.
44:05 Wasn't George also passed away irl by the time this map was made as well? Hence another reason they couldn't include him?
Yeah he died in 2017. Idk if they ever planned on having him in the map or if they wanted that. But yeah it wouldn’t have mattered either way bc my man ded
Yeah, I can't imagine bringing back George as a zombie again would be in good taste. I think they made the right choice with the more subtle memento.
@@TomahawkGaming-uh9ny maybe an sort of side easter egg to remember George would've been cool for that, not where he returns as a zombie, but where he appears as a regular man again ascending to heaven. (kinda with what we do in the original map when we cure a zombie back to a human)
I don't think that would be in bad taste, maybe even throw some music from 1 of his directed movies while he ascends to heaven and the game kinda "pauses" you're locked into looking at it, all zombies around you stop and salute the man, give it like 30 seconds orso and then resume the carnage. (granted, the music part might be a bit hard since they would need to get the license for that)
This is what happens when the suits rush devs, cough cough Bobby Kotick
To be honest id rather still have the aether story cause there was so many places we didnt get to see. Like wish we could play in the empty earth where victis had to get the kronorium in the comics. Lots of missed chances and i feel like this dark aether story just isnt cutting it.
Dude I’ve been binge watching your videos at work the whole day. I thought you’d’ve at least 100k subs, the production is crazy.
I love how you connected the dots on the pack a punch machines. It makes so much sense as to why the pack a punch is broken down and is known as the forge in Die Maschine in this new rebooted timeline we have in current day. Seeing that now makes so much more sense
I know I'm kind of late but the video with all the characters appreciating the many years we've spent together is a way better ending than tag. I had more of a reaction than the story just abruptly ending like everything got sucked into a magic lamp.
People who are excited over BO6 need to see how they've been treating us since BO4. Giving us trash content for the zombie community, half finished maps, abandoned projects and content, mediocre stuff in general. I'm afraid zombies is dead, Craig and Jason no longer work at Treyarch and they were the ones who cared about the story.
This is the way ...
Ya the fact that Jason really pushed Chaos story so hard is/was his intentions to continue the story, into the next instalment. That's why he left because he was proven wrong. And why cold war is the answer to his failed finale.
@mooncrow2447 all chaos needed to succeed was badass likable characters. Chaos failed because the characters are lame af. They can't write good stories anymore in most games, corporate tells them to keep it kid friendly and generic
Cold War was fire, story wise sucks but gameplay was fun
Craig is absolutely still working at treyarch
@@3jahel7 story is fine. it even expands the original story.
Great content, Subscribed
15:20 my bet is that the portal for them to escape opened right after richtofen n3, the one with the fire staff shard, came up during the boss fight, thats why there were zombies yet.
The finale was completely unexpected, i just feel bad for the Victis group, they did all that, were tricked since tranzit and didn't even get a single cutscene without the comic(ish) style.
A Shame that Cold war continued the storyline and completely ruined it with generic MCs and a lot of unexplained things...ohh, and everyone getting betrayed as well, i hope you make some videos on that mode as well
The sad part is not only did actvision practically destroy what the original plans of black ops 4 wanted.
But the ending and sacrifices the characters made and meaning behind it, has been destroyed as well
Due to the forceful existence of Cold War, vanguard and mw3 zombies.
I wanted the chaos story to last longer
I can’t believe I watched that cut scene again 😭😭😭 this shit hits so hard it’s really sad. I hate how it ended but it is wut it is man at least we got 1 last ride of nostalgia.
I’m still really hard done that they just recycled a map with the least favorite crew in the zombies community. It was our last map and we didn’t even get to play with the iconic characters. And to top it all off all we got were still images which while beautiful, really goes to show that the story line went out with a whimper.
Great video, sincerely I was so dissapointed with the ending I only played the map twice and uninstalled black ops 4, zombies was a really special mode that has morphed into something I really dislike, they really fumbled the bag releasing this and making it seem so rushed, a true shame
we can blame almost if not only activision of how badly bo4 got cucked
Finally some love for my favorite map. I’ve done this EE like 12 times 🙏
Terrible ending and they didn't even use the amazing visuals akin to usual cut scenes. The way they ended it always pissed me off especially how they tried to bs the story anew in CW and it's this new timeline that we know very little about and it's all just terrible. Zombies will never be the same, and maybe we just need to accept that. Nothing new that they make will ever be as good as the og trilogy. Also I don't consider anything after BO3 as canon so suck it Trearch and anyone who tries to make the next biggest flop that masquerades as a good zombies experience.
I always liked this ending actually. It makes sense that the only way a game that started with horror as a element would end in tragedy. In a story surrounded by death it was the one thing that they had to learn to accept.
@@riseanu250 I think he was more speaking about how the ending was just some pictures drawn with some Voice lines over it.
it's a shame for sure, but I hate it that in BOCW, Samantha then basically does the same sins the originals did and "explore" the dark aether or help someone with getting there, knowing full well what has happened before and why it was happening, and thus creating yet another tragedy that Richtofen did so many years ago, which is funny since Eddy is an innocent child version of that mad scientist.
when I saw Samantha I was like "really? atleast try to make something new, doesn't need to be in the same canon as the OG storyline"
but instead they went "well, humanity makes the same mistake it made back then, instead this time, it's not done in nazi Germany but in a more modern setting"
But also what I truly hated except that the 2 maps I played of BOCW (1st and 2nd map, can't remember the 1st, but Firebase Z I remember) were just bland and boring, it didn't feel like Zombies to me, but that's also partially because of 1 very simple reason.
when I started zombies it was on BO1, so when I first booted up Kino der Toten, I was greeted with 1 of the few OG crew members and their classic voice lines, and through the map it was better and better, obviously played Zombies all the way through BO2 and only didn't play the last map on BO3 as at that point, I grew tired of CoD in general.
But in BOCW and also BO6 now? we just take our generic operator (even if it doesn't make any sense to) into that zombie infested area and do our thing, with some radio chatter here and there, but nothing comes close to how funny and iconic the voice lines were from the OG crew, or the Victis crew, or the new OG crew (forgot what they called them)
like Nikolai's constant reminder of his wife, how she smelled etc, I was missing that a lot in BOCW and only watched BO6 since, fuck CoD.
So Nikolai basically said that “our life will become a ‘what if’ story”
Love these retrospectves.
The tundra gun is also rather hated because it can also hurt the player with the splash damage while the normal thundergun does not. Not to mention that it freezing zombies is objectively less effective than just blowing them away like the normal thundergun. It's not bad, but there's no reason to want it over the standard thundergun.
Honestly i really wish the story just had some more breathing room bc i love how they decided to end the story but it just felt like it happened way too quickly
I do agree a Great War for the final map does undermine potentially the theme of breaking the cycle but still we should have gotten it at some point
Keep up the good work, binging the series while I wait for BO6!
Man your speech at the end almost had me in tears😢
I'm glad you felt the emotion I felt. Pretty powerful huh? I was ending this retro and I felt that same feeling. It's nice to know someone else out there feels it too.
dude your videos are insanely good! keep it up! any chance you’d be doing any other maps after black ops 4?
Yeah definitely!
Still waiting on the last two parts and or if not then you should continue the story to Cold War a lot of us never played it and have no idea where the story goes after that. But I love the analysis of the story and the gameplay and the situation of treyarch all it self in an easy to follow and cohesive story that you explain well, keep it up I think you have what it takes to make it big! Especially if zombies makes a come back in the future
The Dead of the Night script is finished, been trying to proof read it because its 52 pages. Which means that the video could potentially be over an hour at this point. I am not sure I want it to be that long.
But yea you're right - with the reveal of BO6, the Cold War content might be moving up my list of things to do, along with a comprehensive breakdown on whether or not BO6 is going to be the title we hope it can be.
@@AfterlifeAnalysisit won’t be
@@DiddlePantsFTW you’re probably right
Afterlife, I love you man. These retrospectives are beautiful. I am begging for more, Cold War could be a perfect game to do.
Love you too brother
I think (and this is before watching) this map is incredible. Only wounded by 2 things being a) The Bo4 gameplay systems b) The expectations for a great war map that Treyarch themselves created. I thing Tag was beautifully crafted and the ending is amazing. If we hadn't all been told for 3+ years that the great war was coming... Great vid btw
hey ive been looking for proof of the activision shanghai completing tag der toten do you have any sources for this as i would like to see that its not that i disbelieve it its just good to have that
I see your comment and I’m going out of town atm but I will show my evidence later. I also have a “source” so there is a bit of ‘trust me bro’ here but I will show some other evidence and explain a bit further. Feel free to bug me in a couple days if I forget.
You forget?
Hey I’m interested 😅
@cole.1 yes I did forget.
Get this man more subs he deserves it
W video keep it up😪maybe make a video on why ZC2 can’t happen or why ZC was a phenomenon that can’t be replicated
i agree the sombre slow quiet end was the perfect way to end everything.
No matter what a great war map would've been disappointing
Right so you can agree that Endgame is the worst way to end a story as well. (Let's be real "no more money + no time left = nihilism is cheap") BO4 is a truly an incoherent experience overall.
My thoery: what became die machine was supposed to be the aether finale and called tag der toten, because if they stuck with reimaginings kaught der untoten would be perfect as it was the first
DAMN that intro made Tag sounds so epic
the one thing I find strange is your extrapolation of data. The whole series has been incredible but you use a VERY small sample on 47:00 to indicate that the Wunderwaffe DG that it's very clear as to why it's poorly received, but in that same vein the Ray Gun would ALSO be poorly received when it's quite clearly the most iconic gun in the franchise? But then you think the Tundragun is better but you think it's just a preconceived notion ?
Whole series has been fantastic btw, but it's just super weird to use data as a narrative in one circumstance and not the other? Your point would've been better suited if that was just left out tbh since it just muddles the point you're getting across
Hey there! Firstly just wanted to thank you for watching the content, I really appreciate it! And this is a great question and a fair critique!
So you’re correct that this is technically a small sample size to extrapolate from. That being said, most statisticians consider around 100 people to be a reasonable enough to garner results and utilize them informatively. That being said (again lol), the COD population is HUGE and in a perfect world I would LOVE to get a population sample of 10% of whatever the zombies player population. Unfortunately that will never happen, so I think 8K is a pretty good sample to utilize to infer what would be considered an average opinion based on the parameters of the questions, ESPECIALLY with the results as heavily skewed towards the Thunder Gun for player preference. And although I would bet largely this would be a pretty good projection of what the community feels at large, when we get into the minutiae of the Wunderwaffe Sharfshutze, Ray Gun, and Tundra Gun - I am sure they aren’t going to be “exact” in the sense that precisely 9% hate the Tundra Gun in the whole zombies population. The data is probably off by a standard deviation or two. However, my goal here wasn’t to get 100% accurate numbers but more so to reflect the emotional attachment/preference of the weapons and then correlate that to how the weapons perform in game (somewhat) objectively and then through my subjective experience as well.
But let me elaborate further…
The Wunderwaffe Sharfshutze isn’t a great weapon in the sense that it can’t save you quickly, it doesn’t take out a lot of zombies, and with Tag’s tight quarters/tricky layout - having a weapon that can clear the field for you is going to be preferable, which is my hypothesis for why people love the Thundergun (plus the nostalgia aspect of it). But why I am confused about your question is that I did expand upon the reasons why the communities interpretation of the Tundragun was incorrect despite the data. And this can be true of any community or data - people can like or dislike something and not even understand why or their intuitions may be completely off. I think double tap is a good example of this, people have had double tap in zombies the entire time under different mechanical features but they still think it’s not there and complain about it. I consider it part of my duty to be able to digest the feelings and explain why people are wrong/right or misunderstanding the point of a feature in its entirety.
I digress… So, frequently in my videos I talk about how the community was so sick and tired of the reskins/reused assets inside of the game and when it came to Tags release the community was pissed x2 because the Sharfshutze was a “reskinned” Wunderwaffe and the Tundragun was a “reskinned” Thundergun - there was no exciting/original wonder weapon in the final map of the Aether storyline that took 10 years to end and that upset a lot of people (rightfully so). But then people tend to carry their biases into the map and project it on elements whether they mean too or not. And I was simply trying to define that those negative preconceived feelings led to hating a wonder weapon for no reason - and I believe in this case they are misguided with the Tundra Gun, but not the Sharfshutze. And I did not literally say that at this point in the video, but I was implying it and I have said it a lot in the other videos in the series, but I understand why you are saying what you are saying.
As far as the ray gun goes, there is a conflation here which is stating that iconography equals greatness. And I disagree with that sentiment wholeheartedly. Firstly because there have been many iterations of the ray gun, some that have been well received and some that haven’t. Which is why this has been a contentious point in the zombies community for as long as I can personally remember. In BO3 the ray gun was always considered useless and no one ever wanted it. In BO4 it was better but still not great. It wasn’t until Cold War that the devs made it powerful/viable again. So yes it is a “staple” and an iconic weapon inside of the milieu that is Zombies but that doesn’t necessarily correlate to it being great at all times. And the second point (or example) here would be the Olympia Shotgun from BO2. Somehow that weapon has turned iconic in the franchise, and while it might be a meme, it isn’t good at all. So the question becomes, “what does it mean to be iconic?” And then, “how do we define the parameters for what makes an icon?”
Lastly, in these videos I make a deliberate choice whether or not to pursue certain topics in greater length but since this video was already long as heck I decided against diving into the weeds on every single topic (especially towards the end of the video). But I am always happy to dive deeper in the comment section as we are doing now; as I think your question is fantastic and deserves more of an answer. But at some point I have to let other parts of the video speak for other areas of the video or else I will be justifying myself at all times no matter what which becomes an exhausting feat and at the end of the day I do want these videos to be entertaining as well. But what’s really challenging and something I take pride in, is riding the line of objective metrics, subjective analysis, and then juggling the nuance of it all whilst then trying to fit that all into a package for you guys where I am not fanboy-ing over these maps or overly hating them but merely trying to bring balance/new perspective to it all. And that can be hard and I am by no means perfect with it.
Either way, I appreciate your question and support! I will try to be more clear in my future videos!
If they did the Great War today it would be a outbreak map with staffs
Shame they lost the budget and had to make tag
Honestly I find the conclusion beautiful and fitting they couldn’t stop the cycle so they collapsed the multiverse leaving behind the children. It could have worked out perfectly if they had actually made a Great War map but still end it like tag der toten.
Can’t believe we got this instead of a Great War map
Appreciate you brother. Thank you!
“Giving them the Great War was the obvious thing to do”
Sometimes the obvious thing to do, is the best thing to do. There was no reason to give us this slop as the finale.
I still don’t accept the ending as the actual ending
The ending is not even that bad. But its clearly rushed and was botched from the original idea. Which is so crazy, Aether was so beloved and they end it on a whimper when there was such a great idea still planned before B04 fell apart.
@@lukefantini9770didnt help that the map was just a worse mob of the dead without the after life system which made mob unique
It’s technically still being continued, but in the new universe created after TDT. I’m not sure what the current lore looks like, but we haven’t seen the end yet.
Cause it’s not we didn’t even get the Great War
I miss the dlc days
@AfterlifeAnalysis...Hey Skeptix, what are your thoughts on this theory...What if after Tag when everything got vanished to the dark aether, including the Victus crew, and since time inside the dark aether is accelerated compared to the universe outside, wud it be possible that the "elder gods" from Vanguard cud be the Vicus crew contaminated from thier time inside the dark aether?...very much like how the Forsaken came to be in Cold War... not sure of any evidence to support such a claim, just a thought.
I think it's 100% logically possible. I don't know if there is evidence either, but I'm hoping things like that will be explored in the upcoming game!
do you have a second channel or something or maybe deleted previous videos? cause I've never seen top quality like this instantly. Genius!
I still wish we would have got a final fight vs Monty instead of what we got at the end of this map for the quote on quote "final boss fight"
Will you do a retrospective of Black Ops 3 Revelations please
I will one day, but not for a while. I am working on Ancient evil, cold war and ww2, plus we have bo6 coming.
And I am bit burned out on bo3 at the moment and I think it would be healthy to take a step back and look at it with a fresh pair of eyes post bo6s launch.
And they are now rumoured to be coming back!! Guess the cycle didn't break.
aether zombies: started without a budget, ended without a budget.
RadAustin did a video titled "The end of Tag Der Toten is better than you think" snd it is worth a watch for any fan of zombies Aether story.
I haven’t watched that in a long time. But I do agree with the sentiment.
I remember when the game kept crashing if you were doing the egg, it was so frustrating
How many “der toten” maps are there? Could they not come up with anymore german names?
in this case it means "day of the dead" which is an homage to the George Romero film so it gets a pass from me
It means “of the Dead” which is commonly used in many English named maps aswell
My comment before watching the video
I feel that the Chaos Crew storyline would have been a great storyline if the focus was shifted. If Treyarch finished up the Aether story first then focus on Chaos then it would have been better as the transition would feel a bit seemless. Tag being a conclusion of Aether then we go right into Chaos afterwards as the new storyline.
I’m pretty sure the victims crew is awakened right after blood of the dead ends. Could be wrong though
i don’t remember this map all the way down to the name, failure
Just another reason to hate Cold War. That garbage game took all the budget and time from Bo4 and gave us this shitty, half-assed ending that feels incredibly disrespectful to the storyline and characters. Even the Bo3 ending was better than this shit. I just consider Bo4 non-canon at this point (and with all the lore holes and plot inconsistencies throughout the Bo4 maps, it heavily implies the bo4 maps are STILL a cycle).
yeah, not just that BOCW basically sucked all the budget from BO4 before BO4 was even done, but also how BOCW basically "soft rebooted" the storyline, with Samantha of all people being actively involved, someone who has seen what happened first hand, that Samantha knows what happened to her counterpart who was trapped in the Aether, she saw every group except the Victis group, she saw what had to be done to right the wrongs of the past ... yet, somehow it's all happening again.
Also that BOCW got rid of having an iconic cast of loveable characters, who you can laugh with but can also feel for, Dempsey gave us iconic lines, both the old and the new Dempsey.
But now? we go in with a generic operator with 0 connection to with a cast that we don't even know and no memorable voice lines.
When you shut the hud off & increase the FOV this game doesn’t look too bad 🤷♂️
I think people hate the tundra gun for being like the winters howl
lol remember when we thought margwas would be in this map
Hahah me too actually - I forgot about it until you just brought it up!
9:55 You are the bay harbor butcher
Don’t talk about my dark passenger that way
I love Bo4 it will always hold a special place in my heart but the only thing that disappointed me was that they didnt remake trasnit wich is one of the funnest maps imo i heard that they wanted to but they didnt have enough rescources or something
Your very good at writing scripts Jesus
Tag's gameplay and Easter Egg steps are great. My only gripe is the ending
When did the devs and story writers start smoking crack pipes? and why does BO4 zombies feel like a ADHD fever dream?
That's the exact mentality that brought us to Cold War and BO6. Mediocre gameplay with an absolutely boring story, all the hate made Activision jump ship on BO4 zombies cutting funding and leaving us with 2 bland DLCs and Zombies in limbo
@@BoomerMilkbo6 ain’t boring!
@johnmanuel332 The gameplay is fun, but the story is absolutely awful
@@BoomerMilk Respectfully, I disagree. At least for BO6 cuz I haven’t played CW. I’ve done both of their EE’s and I can tell you, the story is sooo interesting. In terminus (spoilers ahead)
it’s confirmed the chaos is following the new aether storyline with the (I forgot the name 💀) mirror artefact and they’re trying to get it. And Panos got trapped in the Dark Aether and was the lead scientist of Project Janus. He made a powerful entity friend in the dark aether and has kept him alive all these years; and a goal on when he gets out. So I do think this has been very interesting like what is panos goal, what is the mysterious entity, what will they do with the artefact and etc.
U havent watched cj santas video on tag he explain why its so perfect
If they never make it a plot point in BO6 or even BO7…the latter of which may not happen if Microsoft decides to shutter the Xbox brand before or by 2030 according to their leaked legal documents from 2020…that the original Aether story arc was aborted due to interference from “The Dark Aether’s Influence” via [whoever it ends up being] and Richtofen’s whole arc in the Dark Aether storyline is to resolve the “plot hole” that has in essence left he & Samantha as more broken people despite their status as the “Good Versions”…
…then it’s very clear that they just never want to be assed to think about it again and ended it with Tag in order to halfheartedly “complete the story” for good. However, judging from the trailers for BO6 Zombies, you can REALLY tell that they heavily regret this decision that was sort of forced on Treyarch (but not on High Moon & Activision Shanghai) by the constraints of the times. I would not be surprised if they somehow got back Huston, Blundell, and the writer responsible for the TranZit crew/Victis’s story arc to juryrig a narrative excuse to resolve Aether’s story arc in a satisfactory manner.
That might be a TALL ORDER, but this is ACTIVISION BLIZZARD & MICROSOFT we’re talking about.
Absolutely this I always say gameplay matters more. However for this map this was an absolute disappointment and is a worse version of Call of the Dead. I know Treyarch is passionate but this on the surface was a disappointment.
It’s so crazy how negative the zombies community is now like I understand why most people are negative but damn some people just hate everything about zombies bo2 onward
Bo2 wasn’t that good tbh but everything blacks ops was great
It’ll probably never happen, but I’d love for them to continue the Chaos storyline someday maybe then I’ll buy another black ops game
Bit late but bo6 confirms it.
Keep making videos bro you’re making me want to reinstall bo4
Thinking about it now Richthofen being replaced didn’t really matter
The more I played black ops 4 the more it screamed budget cut and incomplete to me
Black ops 4 had good maps, the issue with bo4 was the loadouts and perk changes
Just wish we got more before Cold Wars new dimension
I hate nihilism in any STORY ending!!! Creative bankruptcy is what it is!! (Unless carefully crafted) And the worst way to end an epic journey with so much potential still left in the tank. Imagine if Rick and Morty does that as their "finale" cuz Rick just gave up.
This is a very introspective comment. I don't entirely agree with it. But I certainly appreciate it and can tell you have thought about it and know what you want.
While yes this map/finale was a rushed one, I personally see it as a good outcome with how everything happened behind the scenes and I actually enjoyed the ending, but damn it still hurts seeing the old crews story end after so long...
This map is one of the worst story endings in gaming history imo. It's not a bad map, but it was a terrible way to end such an amazing story. Then the very end is Samantha and Eddie walking into what would become the horrible Cold War Dark Aether story.
I would disagree, the ending, while a little disappointing, it was one of the best endings in all of zombies, the aether storyline has always centered around the theme of breaking cycles, tags ending reflects this theme perfectly. Having to let go of our hero’s in order to break the cycle and secure the better tomorrow that Richthofen always talked about. The two kids representing a new beginning, moving forward into a new world. In Cold War we see the consequences of Nikolai’s actions with banishing everything in the dark aether. Causing the entity’s that live within that realm to discover reality outside the dark aether.
I did not mean to write a paragraph 💀
When you think about it, Nikolai never had any major character development throughout Black Ops 2-4. Tank was the center focus of Primis that a majority of story related quotes came from Tank. That's why I found it strange that Nikolais character changed randomly in blood of the dead and the rest of Black Ops 4. He's a completely different character, and hearing him whine so much and act superior in Blood is such a strange thing and even Tank and Taiko call him out on. It's such a strange move that Nikolai led the group, when Black Ops 2/3 was building up Tank as the new leader. I think that's why the ending hasn't aged well since players have had time to analyze the story now
@CactusInsane I agree. I like what they did to bo4 Richtofen's character in BOTD, but the BO3 Richtofen from the cryopod should've been the one to lead the characters to the end. It made no sense to me that they set up Nikolai with the Kronorium, just for it to lead to nothing except the erasure of everything that was built up over the years. I agree that the Aether story needed to end, but just erasing everything wasn't the right move, especially in a slide show. A real cutscene needed to be present for the end of a 10 or so year story.
@@HyperFoxx I found it weird that he literally knew what to do and how to beat Monty but said," here Nikolai, I know I've said that the kronorium holds too much power and knowledge that can corrupt the readers mind and change what they read in pages, but I'll give it to you since you've an complete 180 in character and you've been whining and bitching on how awful I've been leading the group." ;)
Is this a new channel?
Was just testing some videos from skeptix seeing how they would do on a channel with 0 subscribers.
@@AfterlifeAnalysis do u have permission for that?
Sorry, I didn't clarify well, it is me (Alex owner of Skeptix). I am experimenting here.
Oh okay good to hear thought someone was stealing your content
What if Nik was wrong? He just killed himself (had Sam kill her whatever) and the zombie thing is still going.
Day 3000 of sending presidents choice skeptix my condolences and hoping he’s back soon.
The finale for the Aether story shouldnt have been a remake of Call of the dead tho, it shouldve been an 100% original map. I said this before and i will keep saying it Chaos didnt belong in BO4 it belong in the next game like CW.