3:45 So why are we talking about middle management? Adults aren't even interested why would middle schoolers be? 5:06 You know it's a bad sign when the adults in the room can't even say the word "sexuality" without covering their faces and avoiding eye-contact. [Especially when they avoided starting the topic for five minutes] What a disaster, settle in kids. 5:38 Our world is not obsessed with sex. People like sex and it's healthy to do regularly. We spend far more time talking about food and sleep and we do sex, especially when compared to the level of importance that we place on it. You probably see more pictures and hear more conversation about intentional exercise(gym membership, running, fitness gear etc.) then you hear about or see sex. Considering how many people want sex and how much they want it, it's actually shocking how little space it takes up in the public sphere, and the modern world is better than it used to be. 5:54 If there is one place where complaining about the presence of sexuality is a completely idiotic non-starter, it's in the context of romantic & sexual relationships. Sex is a relevant part of romantic relationship. It's not obsessive that it's a relevant topic. It's obsessive to be shocked and appalled that it's mentioned. Going back to food, there are two groups who are obsessed with food, the morbidly obese and the anorexic, and the same is true of sexuality. If you're a complete sexual hedonist then you probably have an unhealthy obsession with sex, but this is no less true of people who are determined to limit sex and sexuality to the bare minimum. 6:03 "Normalizing sex" is not a valid complaint. Sex **is** normal. It happens every day. 6:15 Sexuality is not a matter of identity, this is a false claim. Being attractive is not a question of sexuality. Talking about sex is not an identity statement. At most being comfortable with sexuality is a trait, which all of these people seem to lack. 6:48 A nude color pallete is not sexual. Nude is a color, the color of skin which covers the entire body. It strains the imagination that you would be scandalized by the mere mention of human skin. That is insane, obsessive behavior. It's not a healthy way to live. 7:45 Speaking of what's "not in the Bible"(remember, the name of this show) it might be worth pointing out that the only specific sexual act condemned in scripture is rape and attempted rape. The Bible never mentions or condemns pre-marital sex, the Bible doesn't prohibit specific types of sex or specific sexual acts, the Bible never mentions or condemns masturbation, and contrary to popular opinion, the Bible never condemns lust or sexual desire. So yes, do what you want as long as it's consensual is a principle that is more or less in line with the Biblical narrative. 8:30 "No Christians on the jury" and he's upset by this because he agrees that Christians would be biased against pornography. He's just upset that they weren't allowed to let their bias influence trial proceedings. 9:28 "But Michaelangelo, you're not God". That's the argument that you're going with, that nudity is reserved for God? Wow, yikes. 9:36 I hate all this talk about "today's culture", partially because these people have a completely warped understanding of modern culture, because they're isolated from it and they lack historical context but also there's this complete indifference to the fact that they are a part of the culture and they can't seem to understand that there radical sex negativity is largely responsible for what hypersexuality actually does exist.. 9:46 Is she implying that we shouldn't like our own bodies? It seems like a crazy thing to say but she apparently think that nude tones are sexual so who knows.
10:17 "This is what the world tells us" Completely oblivious that Christian doctrine is a part of the world and has had nearly unlimited impact on what the world thinks about sex. The fact that alternative ideas exist is not some assault on your values. 10:29 If our ultimate authority is God and God's word then why are we ten minutes into this video with no scriptural support and a whole lot of personal feelings? This is folk belief, it's not divine. 11:36 "I think that sometimes in the church we hear ''sex and go eeuugh" Yes, that was at about 5:06 in this video. 11:37 *Never once does the Bible limit sex to marriage* This is made-up, it is a lie, there is no scripture to support this idea. And considering how this show is supposedly about what's *not* in the Bible, you would think that they would put more effort into sourcing their beliefs. Eleven minutes into the video and they've said two things about sex "based on scripture" and one of them is entirely made-up. 11:40 *The first marriage in the Bible was polygamous* Technically bigamous, but who's counting. There is never any restriction on marriage in number or gender in the Bible. This too is entirely made-up. And there exist many counter-examples Genesis 4:19 describes the first marriage in Genesis(Adam and Eve were never described as married) Solomon has hundreds of wives and this was distinguished from his hundreds of concubines, because the Bible acknowledges the distinction. There's even an example of a covenant relationship between two men. Genesis 2:24 is not a definition of marriage. This nonsense "1Man+1Woman=Marriage" idea is modern, made-up and largely pushed in opposition to Queer liberation. It's not in the Bible, and to say it is implies that you think that the Bible is wrong to call all these marriages marriages. 12:21 *Yikes oh WoW-a - yikes* We were not commanded to "be fruitful and multiply", Adam and Eve were. My gosh, God also told Noah to build an ark and Moses to return to Egypt but I don't see you doing any of that. And if having children _were_ a command then Jesus would have sinned by not having children, and the entire idea of celibacy would be immoral, which is in direct contradiction of Paul's letter to the Corinthians. 12:45 "Sin really did mess everything up" This is a nothing burger, every Christian already knows this, is there anything to add or is this just a merry-go-round of sex negativity and shame? 13:00 Wrong, Genesis 2:18 says: "“It is not good for *the* man to be alone." This is not a commentary on the state of gender nor is it an implying that men need or are meant to have wives. 13:15 As previously stated Genesis 2:24 is not a definition, but it's not a _command_ either. This is not a question of purity, it's a explanation for an extant practice. 14:05 A ring of truth. Yes, people are seeking connection because they lack connection. And that is normal, healthy and never condemned by scripture. 14:08 Framing the solution for loneliness as waiting for marriage is insane. Loneliness is like any other sort of biological imperative. If you are thirsty you already need water, if you are tired, you already need sleep. I'm not saying that sex is necessary to cure loneliness, because it's not. But this woman unintentionally labeled [marital]sex as the solution to loneliness and told people to wait, this in a room with what I assume are hundreds of impressionable pre-teens. That's incredibly irresponsible, this whole thing is irresponsible.. this is just the one time so far that I think that they'd agree that they messed up. 14:34 Pre-marital sex isn't a sin btw. 14:53 Seeking connection is not temptation. Stop acting like this is a discussion on sexuality when it's really a discussion on eliminating sexuality.
"and on top of that now we're separated by God from that sin" Now? *Now‽* This is like.. four different types of heresy. It denies that humans are born with a sin nature.(because apparently you can live into adolescence without sinning) Or it paints sex as some supreme sin while minimizing others.(because apparently sex separates you from God but other sins don't) It also implies that what we do(our "works") affect our salvation And it implies that God's grace and mercy has limits or can be lost once accepted. Wow. Just wow, I accidently wandered my way into getting a degree in biblical studies.. and I am constantly shocked by how little Christians seem to know, even the "leaders". 15:13 "Wow that's good" It _sounds_ good but is any of it actually true? Has critical thought just fallen apart? "We want the comforting presence of God but not the convicting presence of God"? Well when it's a church full of human hypocrites condemning the healthy and the normal.. then hell yeah I don't want to be a part of that. But because of that influence lots of people avoid God, because they can't separate the idea of God from a feeling of shame, mostly unwarranted shame but even so, that is the fault and the responsibility of the church. Dogging on people because they're tired of being "convicted" read shamed and accused, is not going to do any good apart from giving the people most at risk of buckling under the weight of shame another portion of shame to deal with. Are there people who want God to be their eternal helper and have no interest in being a better person or changing in any way, sure, but I don't know many of those people(not in comparison to those suffering shame) and worse, I doubt that this approach is going to reach them. Because accusing someone with a fragile ego of avoiding difficult ego-damaging ideas is most likely going to make them avoid _you_ and everything you might stand for. So you're hurting God-only-knows how many people and not actually fixing any major problems. I get the impression that these people avoid any sort of deep conversation outside of their group. Or else have chased everyone else away. 15:28 They keep referencing this "empty shell" that people become when they have sex.. that's not the natural consequence of sex, that's a result of a low mood combined with shame. If you do something wrong, you feel guilty. If you do something shameful(in the literal sense of the word: something that is shamed) then you feel like you're in danger, because you are. Shame is social rejection, and human brains pay close attention to that. It's not that sex is somehow wore or more prone to sin, it's that it is more shamed, it is also less immoral than many of the things that people are shamed for. which is why people have no problem having sex until a low mood hits them and the social consequences appear. This may be an appropriate response depending on the situation, but the "empty shell" feeling, it's because of sex, sin or even guilt it's the ingrained message that having sex in an unapproved fashion can harm you. The problem isn't the activity, it's the social landscape.
16:20 "The purpose of relationships" The purpose of relationships is not masochistic. God created Adam and Eve to be with them. We have people in our lives because we enjoy them. Yes, Love is selfless, but self-destructiveness is unhealthy and wrong to encourage. As is the idea that joy is somehow in opposition to Love and care. There are children in the audience right? Are you really willing to bet that none of them come from a background of abuse? And here you are telling them that relationships aren't about feeling good they're about giving up what you want, and wanting to experience joy is somehow selfish. There's a very sliver of a kernel of truth buried in here, but what you're actually doing is enabling self-harm and abuse. I come from a background of child abuse, I don't want to project here but this idea has had very real consequences in my life alone, I never expected that those around me should treat me well. I, and many others like me, went through our lives thinking that we were carers, because we gave without concern for ourselves or our well-being. And I'm not thrilled to admit that that carries over into your adult relationships. I didn't even know it was a destructive tendency or that expecting people to be nice to be wasn't selfish until I had had years of therapy, and by that point it's really hard to scrub those dangerous patterns from your behavior. So I really have to ask, what are these people's qualifications? What are these people's backgrounds? Do they have any relevant knowledge or experience or is this just repeating the party line? Did anyone even look over the talking points to make sure that this was appropriate for children? 16:49 "The world" wants to pass sex off as a casual fling? Well sometimes it is, but what I think what these people are failing to recognize here is that people correctly do not consider sex to be an act of commitment. Sex is sex, commitment is commitment. We do nothing but damage people by suggesting to them that sex is a commitment in the first place, let alone that it is the ultimate commitment. This combined with all these ideas of sex as addictive and overpowering.. it turns sex into something akin to some black magic covenant. And that can go a lot of ways, but not manty of them are good. 17:05 The idea that something has to be permanent to be important is a disease. Temporary is not a shorthand for unimportant or "fleshly" and anyone who's memory works knows of many times something temporary saved them. 17:15 Cement is semi-permanent.. it's not that permanent.. Not that it matters, we're talking about people not cement. Sex is not marriage, sex is not commitment. I've already said that. But this is just another example, if you tell people that sex is something that you can not separate themselves from, people are going to have the wrong idea of sex. People are going to misinterpret sex as an act of commitment, or when that illusion is shattered, they're going to feel like they can't escape the specter of past sexual contact. This particularly harms victims of sexual violence Going back to the kids you're supposed to be mentoring.. how many of those kids have been sexually abused would you guess? I couldn't say, but anyone who sees this, is going to hear that they're permanently connected to someone who violated them. And if they have any residual feelings about the abuse, as would be totally expected especially for a child, they're going to interpret that through the lens of the permanence of sex as you've described it. I don't think I need to explain the possible consequence of telling a sexual abuse survivor that they'll never be able to escape their abuser. If you can't think of what that might entail, then you shouldn't be talking about this subject, especially with children. 17:30 And of course, what sex-negative ignorant tirade would be complete without comparing people to paper and other disposables. Just vile really. I kind of expected some nonsense from this video, but it's just turned into me diagnosing all the ways that it can create trauma. 17:47 And now we're pushing our way right into enraging. The nerve of these people to act so smug about other people and their unspecified "harm" as they actively reinforce ideas that cause suffering. For shame, really, truly, unironically, this is shameful. 17:50 "Not God's design for sex at all" The cosmological narcissism it takes to speak on behalf of God. I don't think that God would be particularly happy with this little shindig either but here we are.
18:11 "Our number one idol, as a culture, is sex" Nonsense. It's the church which can't let it go. Do you think that normal summer camps have staged discussion of sex? Sex was a subject of nearly every church-camp experience I had as a teenager. It was also talked about in Sunday school, and weeknight church, and I've seen it repeated in sermons from pulpits across America. I'm on tumblr, and half the ethos of that site is a radical comfort with sex, and frankly they still don't talk about it as much as some Christians do. I was once at lunch with a loose acquaintance from my church and the conversation shifted to theology and in less than two minutes, this presumably well-adjusted girl was talking to me about the evils of contraception. We're in the water, we can't see it, but Christians talk about sex.. a lot. And yet most of us are still radically uncomfortable every time. 18:30 I'm not even going to let her say it. Romans 1 is about a pagan cult, a pagan sex cult granted but if you think that sex is the issue then you've lost the thread.
20:31 I can guarantee you that anyone in that room and 95% of people who could ever watch this video spend a whole lot more time, money and energy on something other than sex: work, education, cleaning, a hobby. Why are we playing dumb and pretending that just because sex is something that people enjoy that takes time.. that it suddenly becomes an idol. Some Christians obsess over sex in abstinence for years meanwhile some people just do it occasionally when they have an interested partner. This talk of "idols" is misguided, if not dishonest. 20:45 Sex does not give us "emptiness, lonliness and degradation" That's what you give people. That's what sex-negative people do to people who have sex or talk about sex. They even do that to people who feel comfortable about the theoretical subject of sex. Hence why we have an entire panel of adults, some of whom are married, who are visibly uncomfortable with the subject. Either because they too are victims of this harmful prejudice, or because they at some level understand that they have to perform discomfort in order to be "good Christians" The audience can decide which one of those is worse. 21:08 I hate when people use their moral ideals as an underhanded dig. They talk about temporary pleasure, holiness and objectification but what they're actually doing is just listing off a bunch of accusations for anyone who doesn't act or believe like they do. 21:19 "What does the Bible tells us about sex... it comes with instructions" That is a total lie. The Bible never says anything that could amount to instructions for sex. The most it ever does is say when you should or shouldn't have sex, and it says a whole lot less about that then people think it does. 21:32 Implying that showing your body is against the will of God is an incorrect reading and it is more than likely dishonest. 21:55 Once again this is wrong. Self-fulfillment is not wrong Pleasure is not wrong. These are the values of mindless puritans. Whatever happened Life and life abundantly(John 10:10)? We do belong to God but we don't belong to a church or any humans inside of it. In fact if we continue on from John 10:10 we see "“I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. The hired hand is not the shepherd and does not own the sheep. So when he sees the wolf coming, he abandons the sheep and runs away. Then the wolf attacks the flock and scatters it. The man runs away because he is a hired hand and cares nothing for the sheep."(v.11-13) These people are talking, but they are not going to be there when danger comes, spiritual or otherwise. This is an ideology contrary to human flourishing. The demonization of joy is a cruel and evil human ideology that has infected the church for far too long. The fact that these people are spreading it to children is.. horrifying. 22:33 Bite me. 24:17 Nowhere does the Bible promise a spouse, or Love, or relationships or sex. Finally we have something that might actually benefit a young person, instead of scaring them. 25:19 "The U.S. Government says that you are either single or married, so dating does not count" Bite me. That's not funny, that's belittling. These are young people going through significant formative experience. I didn't date until I was a full adult with multiple degrees, and my first dating relationships was a massive and influential part of my life for years. And I don't care to reinforce this toxic American Christian mindset that nothing counts until your married. At best it makes people ignore their own experience and enter marriage unprepared. At worst it sets people up for bad experiences before during, after and outside of their marriage by making all closeness and intimacy dependent on extreme commitment. I have had platonic relationships with better communication and intimacy than some people ever have in their marriages. Pretending that marriage is unlike any other human relationship is harmful for everyone.
well done 👏
So why are we talking about middle management? Adults aren't even interested why would middle schoolers be?
You know it's a bad sign when the adults in the room can't even say the word "sexuality" without covering their faces and avoiding eye-contact.
[Especially when they avoided starting the topic for five minutes]
What a disaster, settle in kids.
Our world is not obsessed with sex.
People like sex and it's healthy to do regularly.
We spend far more time talking about food and sleep and we do sex, especially when compared to the level of importance that we place on it.
You probably see more pictures and hear more conversation about intentional exercise(gym membership, running, fitness gear etc.) then you hear about or see sex.
Considering how many people want sex and how much they want it, it's actually shocking how little space it takes up in the public sphere, and the modern world is better than it used to be.
If there is one place where complaining about the presence of sexuality is a completely idiotic non-starter, it's in the context of romantic & sexual relationships.
Sex is a relevant part of romantic relationship. It's not obsessive that it's a relevant topic.
It's obsessive to be shocked and appalled that it's mentioned.
Going back to food, there are two groups who are obsessed with food, the morbidly obese and the anorexic, and the same is true of sexuality.
If you're a complete sexual hedonist then you probably have an unhealthy obsession with sex, but this is no less true of people who are determined to limit sex and sexuality to the bare minimum.
"Normalizing sex" is not a valid complaint.
Sex **is** normal. It happens every day.
Sexuality is not a matter of identity, this is a false claim.
Being attractive is not a question of sexuality.
Talking about sex is not an identity statement.
At most being comfortable with sexuality is a trait, which all of these people seem to lack.
A nude color pallete is not sexual.
Nude is a color, the color of skin which covers the entire body.
It strains the imagination that you would be scandalized by the mere mention of human skin.
That is insane, obsessive behavior.
It's not a healthy way to live.
Speaking of what's "not in the Bible"(remember, the name of this show) it might be worth pointing out that the only specific sexual act condemned in scripture is rape and attempted rape.
The Bible never mentions or condemns pre-marital sex, the Bible doesn't prohibit specific types of sex or specific sexual acts, the Bible never mentions or condemns masturbation, and contrary to popular opinion, the Bible never condemns lust or sexual desire.
So yes, do what you want as long as it's consensual is a principle that is more or less in line with the Biblical narrative.
"No Christians on the jury" and he's upset by this because he agrees that Christians would be biased against pornography.
He's just upset that they weren't allowed to let their bias influence trial proceedings.
"But Michaelangelo, you're not God".
That's the argument that you're going with, that nudity is reserved for God?
Wow, yikes.
I hate all this talk about "today's culture", partially because these people have a completely warped understanding of modern culture, because they're isolated from it and they lack historical context but also there's this complete indifference to the fact that they are a part of the culture and they can't seem to understand that there radical sex negativity is largely responsible for what hypersexuality actually does exist..
Is she implying that we shouldn't like our own bodies?
It seems like a crazy thing to say but she apparently think that nude tones are sexual so who knows.
"This is what the world tells us"
Completely oblivious that Christian doctrine is a part of the world and has had nearly unlimited impact on what the world thinks about sex.
The fact that alternative ideas exist is not some assault on your values.
If our ultimate authority is God and God's word then why are we ten minutes into this video with no scriptural support and a whole lot of personal feelings?
This is folk belief, it's not divine.
"I think that sometimes in the church we hear ''sex and go eeuugh"
Yes, that was at about 5:06 in this video.
*Never once does the Bible limit sex to marriage*
This is made-up, it is a lie, there is no scripture to support this idea.
And considering how this show is supposedly about what's *not* in the Bible, you would think that they would put more effort into sourcing their beliefs.
Eleven minutes into the video and they've said two things about sex "based on scripture" and one of them is entirely made-up.
*The first marriage in the Bible was polygamous*
Technically bigamous, but who's counting.
There is never any restriction on marriage in number or gender in the Bible.
This too is entirely made-up.
And there exist many counter-examples
Genesis 4:19 describes the first marriage in Genesis(Adam and Eve were never described as married) Solomon has hundreds of wives and this was distinguished from his hundreds of concubines, because the Bible acknowledges the distinction.
There's even an example of a covenant relationship between two men.
Genesis 2:24 is not a definition of marriage.
This nonsense "1Man+1Woman=Marriage" idea is modern, made-up and largely pushed in opposition to Queer liberation.
It's not in the Bible, and to say it is implies that you think that the Bible is wrong to call all these marriages marriages.
*Yikes oh WoW-a - yikes*
We were not commanded to "be fruitful and multiply", Adam and Eve were.
My gosh, God also told Noah to build an ark and Moses to return to Egypt but I don't see you doing any of that.
And if having children _were_ a command then Jesus would have sinned by not having children, and the entire idea of celibacy would be immoral, which is in direct contradiction of Paul's letter to the Corinthians.
"Sin really did mess everything up"
This is a nothing burger, every Christian already knows this, is there anything to add or is this just a merry-go-round of sex negativity and shame?
Wrong, Genesis 2:18 says: "“It is not good for *the* man to be alone."
This is not a commentary on the state of gender nor is it an implying that men need or are meant to have wives.
As previously stated Genesis 2:24 is not a definition, but it's not a _command_ either.
This is not a question of purity, it's a explanation for an extant practice.
A ring of truth.
Yes, people are seeking connection because they lack connection.
And that is normal, healthy and never condemned by scripture.
Framing the solution for loneliness as waiting for marriage is insane.
Loneliness is like any other sort of biological imperative.
If you are thirsty you already need water, if you are tired, you already need sleep.
I'm not saying that sex is necessary to cure loneliness, because it's not.
But this woman unintentionally labeled [marital]sex as the solution to loneliness and told people to wait, this in a room with what I assume are hundreds of impressionable pre-teens.
That's incredibly irresponsible, this whole thing is irresponsible.. this is just the one time so far that I think that they'd agree that they messed up.
Pre-marital sex isn't a sin btw.
Seeking connection is not temptation.
Stop acting like this is a discussion on sexuality when it's really a discussion on eliminating sexuality.
"and on top of that now we're separated by God from that sin"
This is like.. four different types of heresy.
It denies that humans are born with a sin nature.(because apparently you can live into adolescence without sinning)
Or it paints sex as some supreme sin while minimizing others.(because apparently sex separates you from God but other sins don't)
It also implies that what we do(our "works") affect our salvation
And it implies that God's grace and mercy has limits or can be lost once accepted.
Just wow,
I accidently wandered my way into getting a degree in biblical studies.. and I am constantly shocked by how little Christians seem to know, even the "leaders".
"Wow that's good"
It _sounds_ good but is any of it actually true?
Has critical thought just fallen apart?
"We want the comforting presence of God but not the convicting presence of God"?
Well when it's a church full of human hypocrites condemning the healthy and the normal.. then hell yeah I don't want to be a part of that.
But because of that influence lots of people avoid God, because they can't separate the idea of God from a feeling of shame, mostly unwarranted shame but even so, that is the fault and the responsibility of the church.
Dogging on people because they're tired of being "convicted" read shamed and accused, is not going to do any good apart from giving the people most at risk of buckling under the weight of shame another portion of shame to deal with.
Are there people who want God to be their eternal helper and have no interest in being a better person or changing in any way, sure, but I don't know many of those people(not in comparison to those suffering shame) and worse, I doubt that this approach is going to reach them.
Because accusing someone with a fragile ego of avoiding difficult ego-damaging ideas is most likely going to make them avoid _you_ and everything you might stand for.
So you're hurting God-only-knows how many people and not actually fixing any major problems.
I get the impression that these people avoid any sort of deep conversation outside of their group. Or else have chased everyone else away.
They keep referencing this "empty shell" that people become when they have sex.. that's not the natural consequence of sex, that's a result of a low mood combined with shame.
If you do something wrong, you feel guilty.
If you do something shameful(in the literal sense of the word: something that is shamed) then you feel like you're in danger, because you are.
Shame is social rejection, and human brains pay close attention to that.
It's not that sex is somehow wore or more prone to sin, it's that it is more shamed, it is also less immoral than many of the things that people are shamed for. which is why people have no problem having sex until a low mood hits them and the social consequences appear.
This may be an appropriate response depending on the situation, but the "empty shell" feeling, it's because of sex, sin or even guilt it's the ingrained message that having sex in an unapproved fashion can harm you.
The problem isn't the activity, it's the social landscape.
"The purpose of relationships"
The purpose of relationships is not masochistic.
God created Adam and Eve to be with them.
We have people in our lives because we enjoy them.
Yes, Love is selfless, but self-destructiveness is unhealthy and wrong to encourage.
As is the idea that joy is somehow in opposition to Love and care.
There are children in the audience right?
Are you really willing to bet that none of them come from a background of abuse?
And here you are telling them that relationships aren't about feeling good they're about giving up what you want, and wanting to experience joy is somehow selfish.
There's a very sliver of a kernel of truth buried in here, but what you're actually doing is enabling self-harm and abuse.
I come from a background of child abuse, I don't want to project here but this idea has had very real consequences in my life alone, I never expected that those around me should treat me well. I, and many others like me, went through our lives thinking that we were carers, because we gave without concern for ourselves or our well-being.
And I'm not thrilled to admit that that carries over into your adult relationships.
I didn't even know it was a destructive tendency or that expecting people to be nice to be wasn't selfish until I had had years of therapy, and by that point it's really hard to scrub those dangerous patterns from your behavior.
So I really have to ask, what are these people's qualifications?
What are these people's backgrounds?
Do they have any relevant knowledge or experience or is this just repeating the party line?
Did anyone even look over the talking points to make sure that this was appropriate for children?
"The world" wants to pass sex off as a casual fling?
Well sometimes it is, but what I think what these people are failing to recognize here is that people correctly do not consider sex to be an act of commitment.
Sex is sex, commitment is commitment.
We do nothing but damage people by suggesting to them that sex is a commitment in the first place, let alone that it is the ultimate commitment.
This combined with all these ideas of sex as addictive and overpowering.. it turns sex into something akin to some black magic covenant.
And that can go a lot of ways, but not manty of them are good.
The idea that something has to be permanent to be important is a disease.
Temporary is not a shorthand for unimportant or "fleshly" and anyone who's memory works knows of many times something temporary saved them.
Cement is semi-permanent.. it's not that permanent..
Not that it matters, we're talking about people not cement.
Sex is not marriage, sex is not commitment. I've already said that.
But this is just another example, if you tell people that sex is something that you can not separate themselves from, people are going to have the wrong idea of sex.
People are going to misinterpret sex as an act of commitment, or when that illusion is shattered, they're going to feel like they can't escape the specter of past sexual contact.
This particularly harms victims of sexual violence
Going back to the kids you're supposed to be mentoring.. how many of those kids have been sexually abused would you guess?
I couldn't say, but anyone who sees this, is going to hear that they're permanently connected to someone who violated them.
And if they have any residual feelings about the abuse, as would be totally expected especially for a child, they're going to interpret that through the lens of the permanence of sex as you've described it.
I don't think I need to explain the possible consequence of telling a sexual abuse survivor that they'll never be able to escape their abuser.
If you can't think of what that might entail, then you shouldn't be talking about this subject, especially with children.
And of course, what sex-negative ignorant tirade would be complete without comparing people to paper and other disposables.
Just vile really.
I kind of expected some nonsense from this video, but it's just turned into me diagnosing all the ways that it can create trauma.
And now we're pushing our way right into enraging.
The nerve of these people to act so smug about other people and their unspecified "harm" as they actively reinforce ideas that cause suffering.
For shame, really, truly, unironically, this is shameful.
"Not God's design for sex at all"
The cosmological narcissism it takes to speak on behalf of God.
I don't think that God would be particularly happy with this little shindig either but here we are.
"Our number one idol, as a culture, is sex"
It's the church which can't let it go.
Do you think that normal summer camps have staged discussion of sex?
Sex was a subject of nearly every church-camp experience I had as a teenager.
It was also talked about in Sunday school, and weeknight church, and I've seen it repeated in sermons from pulpits across America.
I'm on tumblr, and half the ethos of that site is a radical comfort with sex, and frankly they still don't talk about it as much as some Christians do.
I was once at lunch with a loose acquaintance from my church and the conversation shifted to theology and in less than two minutes, this presumably well-adjusted girl was talking to me about the evils of contraception.
We're in the water, we can't see it, but Christians talk about sex.. a lot.
And yet most of us are still radically uncomfortable every time.
I'm not even going to let her say it.
Romans 1 is about a pagan cult, a pagan sex cult granted but if you think that sex is the issue then you've lost the thread.
I can guarantee you that anyone in that room and 95% of people who could ever watch this video spend a whole lot more time, money and energy on something other than sex: work, education, cleaning, a hobby.
Why are we playing dumb and pretending that just because sex is something that people enjoy that takes time.. that it suddenly becomes an idol.
Some Christians obsess over sex in abstinence for years meanwhile some people just do it occasionally when they have an interested partner.
This talk of "idols" is misguided, if not dishonest.
Sex does not give us "emptiness, lonliness and degradation"
That's what you give people.
That's what sex-negative people do to people who have sex or talk about sex.
They even do that to people who feel comfortable about the theoretical subject of sex.
Hence why we have an entire panel of adults, some of whom are married, who are visibly uncomfortable with the subject.
Either because they too are victims of this harmful prejudice, or because they at some level understand that they have to perform discomfort in order to be "good Christians"
The audience can decide which one of those is worse.
I hate when people use their moral ideals as an underhanded dig.
They talk about temporary pleasure, holiness and objectification but what they're actually doing is just listing off a bunch of accusations for anyone who doesn't act or believe like they do.
"What does the Bible tells us about sex... it comes with instructions"
That is a total lie.
The Bible never says anything that could amount to instructions for sex.
The most it ever does is say when you should or shouldn't have sex, and it says a whole lot less about that then people think it does.
Implying that showing your body is against the will of God is an incorrect reading and it is more than likely dishonest.
Once again this is wrong.
Self-fulfillment is not wrong
Pleasure is not wrong.
These are the values of mindless puritans.
Whatever happened Life and life abundantly(John 10:10)?
We do belong to God but we don't belong to a church or any humans inside of it.
In fact if we continue on from John 10:10 we see
"“I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. The hired hand is not the shepherd and does not own the sheep. So when he sees the wolf coming, he abandons the sheep and runs away. Then the wolf attacks the flock and scatters it. The man runs away because he is a hired hand and cares nothing for the sheep."(v.11-13)
These people are talking, but they are not going to be there when danger comes, spiritual or otherwise.
This is an ideology contrary to human flourishing.
The demonization of joy is a cruel and evil human ideology that has infected the church for far too long.
The fact that these people are spreading it to children is.. horrifying.
Bite me.
Nowhere does the Bible promise a spouse, or Love, or relationships or sex.
Finally we have something that might actually benefit a young person, instead of scaring them.
"The U.S. Government says that you are either single or married, so dating does not count"
Bite me.
That's not funny, that's belittling.
These are young people going through significant formative experience.
I didn't date until I was a full adult with multiple degrees, and my first dating relationships was a massive and influential part of my life for years.
And I don't care to reinforce this toxic American Christian mindset that nothing counts until your married.
At best it makes people ignore their own experience and enter marriage unprepared.
At worst it sets people up for bad experiences before during, after and outside of their marriage by making all closeness and intimacy dependent on extreme commitment.
I have had platonic relationships with better communication and intimacy than some people ever have in their marriages.
Pretending that marriage is unlike any other human relationship is harmful for everyone.
just a lot of right wing conservative talking points tbh smh