小鱼和哈利的环球骑行记:埃塞俄比亚第9集找寻最古老人类化石Cycling Documentary Searching for the oldest human fossils

  • Опубликовано: 10 сен 2024
  • 离开Butajira布塔吉拉李哥和周姐的农场,衷心感谢他们的照顾,两天时间继续北上有些地方碎石很多一不小心就会摔倒,自行车青风的刹车盘被摔弯曲,刹车片摩擦会有异响,晚上在山坡上露营,视野很好沃野千里,新月如钩繁星点缀,早上起来把自行车修好继续爬坡,终于抵达埃塞俄比亚首都Addis Ababa ,比计划提前了几天。埃塞首都开始有高耸的烟冲电厂还有高楼,也有车马同行的道路,人潮拥挤的街头,在这个大城市找打地方落脚不是一件容易的事,在去了几个可能的地方后,遇到一个中国工程队,感谢这里的朋友们让我们在此落脚. 接下来几天会待在这里整理所有装备为一下步做准备。我们的南半球之旅从一开始就充满了小说戏剧般的色彩。五年前开始准备出发时,趁着哈利还年轻,但一场疫情打乱了所有行程,两年前出发时,北方的苏丹开始了内战,而新闻里一出现这个消息时我就感到震惊,经常会关注因为这是我们北上埃及必须经过的地方,几年过去苏丹变成了世界上最危险和封闭的国度,当地百姓苦难很多新闻报道甚至看不到,因为根本进去消息也没办法让外界知晓,后来不得已想绕道吉布提,希望能找到货舱北上也门或沙特,还要避开索马里海盗,吉布提签证又出了问题,这几天红海很多的商船货轮又被胡塞袭击,当看到消息仿佛觉得是意料中的事,因为我们已经很接近了...一切就像电影,比电影还要精彩:)
    Leaving Butajira and the farm of Brother Li and Sister Zhou, we are deeply grateful for their care. We continued north for two days, but some places were very rocky and we could easily fall if not careful. The brake disc of the bicycle, Qingfeng, got bent, causing a strange noise due to the friction of the brake pads. We camped on a hillside that night, with a great view of the vast fields, a crescent moon like a hook, and stars scattered across the sky. In the morning, we repaired the bike and continued climbing until we finally reached Addis Ababa, the capital of Ethiopia, a few days ahead of schedule.
    In the capital of Ethiopia, there are tall smokestacks, power plants, and high-rise buildings, as well as roads shared by cars and horses, and crowded streets. Finding a place to stay in this big city wasn't easy. After checking a few potential places, we encountered a Chinese engineering team, and we are thankful to these friends for letting us stay. Over the next few days, we will organize all our gear and prepare for the next stage.
    Our journey in the southern hemisphere has been full of dramatic twists right from the start. We began preparations five years ago, taking advantage of Harry's youth, but the pandemic disrupted all our plans. When we finally set off two years ago, northern Sudan plunged into civil war. The news of this shocked me as Sudan was a necessary passage for us to reach Egypt. Over the years, Sudan has become one of the most dangerous and closed-off countries in the world. The local people's suffering rarely makes it to the news, as it's almost impossible to get information out. We then reluctantly considered bypassing through Djibouti, hoping to find a cargo ship heading north to Yemen or Saudi Arabia, while also avoiding Somali pirates. However, we faced visa issues in Djibouti, and recently, many merchant ships in the Red Sea have been attacked by the Houthis. When I saw the news, it felt like it was expected because we were already very close... Everything is like a movie, even more thrilling than a movie.

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