The Serbs killed the sultan and his son in the battle of Kosovo 1389, and almost another son. The Turks withdrew from Kosovo and did not return for 60 years. Total victory of the Serbs in Kosovo, and they were outnumbered three times. Nikola Tesla says that the world has not yet met its greatest hero, and his name is Milos Obilic, a knight of the Order of the Dragon who killed the sultan with a spear during the battle.
Све на свету је Русија.🇷🇺 Осим Косова. Косово је Србија. Живела Србиja! 🇷🇸 Срећан Видовдан браћи Србима и сестрама Српкињама!❤️✊
Fenomenalna izvedba,svaka cast! ZIVELA SRBIJA !!!!!!!!
Sve pohvale😊
Ко да ми отме из моје душе Косово!!!❤
Nikad dok je nas zivih Srba!
Ovo je legendarno!
Браво, јако! ♥ 1389 ♥
Da se najezis!
Срби моји мили,срећан празник Видовдан!!!
28.06.1389.- 28 06.2024.❤☦️❤☦️♥️☦️
Ко ће да ми отме из душе моје КиМ!
Auuuu brateeeee, molim te postavi celu izvedbu, ovo je fenomenalno oooo. Koja simfonija ovo izvodi, možeš li postaviti link?
The Serbs killed the sultan and his son in the battle of Kosovo 1389, and almost another son. The Turks withdrew from Kosovo and did not return for 60 years.
Total victory of the Serbs in Kosovo, and they were outnumbered three times.
Nikola Tesla says that the world has not yet met its greatest hero, and his name is Milos Obilic, a knight of the Order of the Dragon who killed the sultan with a spear during the battle.
Mnogo bolje nego izvorna.Mozes li mi rećišta si zapravo radio,verzija je skroz ubrzana
jel ima od ovoga high resolution audio?
snimak je ovakav...nemam vise projekat da izbacim bolji kvalitet
daj ne zezaj, pa ljudi plaćaju za ovakve stvari. talentovan si radi dalje na tome... šteta bas
@@riode8306gde ti je projekat? Ovo je masterpiece, ima li gde da se čuje u celosti? Svaka ti čast brate
@@dexdressler82 na starom hard disku koji je crko'
Još jedan kosovski boj mora da se odigra ali do kraja.Kada ako ne sada.Zbog slavnih predaka i potomaka da napune zemlju.