Most scientists under CCP are LIARS! Most people are too busy make money to pay bills, keep the house or car and satisfy a girl for marriage lol. Why NOT just educate or share with us now. I think this guy has tons of knowledge but he does NOT believe in Creator therefore most liberals (leftists) do NOT believe in Creator/God so they HAVE NO MORAL. They will do anything to make $, lie and force people have 1-child policy that is AGAINST CREATOR'S will - how can CCP anti-Creator don't believe God (the dictator) have so much power to decide how many offspring can people have or otherwise force people kill babies (abortion). That's why the West believe in Creator is watching and u cannot do sins. Many liberal scientists esp ccp/Russian they DO NOT believe in Creator/God so they can do whatever they want include kill babies/enslave people/control people's everything from property, wealth to life or freedom. He said if there's a God creates all, then who creates God? You see how SNEAKY they LIE! U pay big $ hire me or many conservative scientists or godfathers will educate you by ask/answer this Q: Creator/God is ALWAYS THERE NO NEED TO CREATE by others, just like in Physics the basic Conservation of energy - energy (like God/Creator) WILL NEVER LOSS, it only transform from 1 form to another so it's the God. Physics tell u there are 4 forces in the nature, there're Magnetism, Gravity, strong nuclear & weak nuclear force, right (if I recall it right). So u ask who creates Gravity or magnetic force after it transfer its energy from 1 form to other? Does it loss its energy (analogy to God: who creates God or who creates Gravity? SCIENTISTS ALWAYS ASSUME THESE 4 mother nature forces ARE ALWAYS THERE just like Creator)? For ex., water/wind turbine cuts magnetic field creates electricity then it powers up light or heat then it losses? It just transfer into another form by Conservation of energy, so energy or the basic natural 4 forces are always there. Almost all world smartest/genius like Issac Newton, Einstein, James Maxwell, Pascal, even Chinese Nobel Prize winner mr. Young (82y/o marries 28y/o=54 yrs age gap like CONFUCIUS DAD 72y/o-18yrs mom produce smart son Confucius so educate gals do NOT reject man for his age, height, or even ugly alien-like Jack Ma, marry/be with shorty 5'1" Jesus & Deng Xiao Ping then he makes 800M become rich=2x more US all 340M population=a great leader transform China only if u work/be/marry/on his side, disdain/reject shorty like Jack Ma, u will be regret marry big tall handsome more stupid young man later divorce or waste 20yrs from peak age 18-28), they all believe in Creator design this universe so intelligently, the math proves the odd of all life & earth has ozone layer, enough water, NOT too hot, cold, has electric-magnetic radiation protection above the earth, all are so intelligent, how can u say life/all HAPPENS JUST BY A RANDOM BIG BANG explode and by itself? No way, this is the perfect environment for life in this milky way/etc. Believe in Creator means U GETTA BE HUMBLE, RESPECT, LOVE/BE GRATEFUL & WATCH OUT God is WATCHING so people who truly believe in Creator/God CANNOT AND SHOULD NOT do sins or they will be judged or punished in hell after death. If people don't believe in Creator, they will NOT be grateful and think human can achieve all (human can win all as Chinese always said 人定胜天... 是骗人的)and they can do all crimes/sins only to benefit himself or the dictators/ccp can kill babies and steal/rob your properties/money/life enslave u all! Believe in Creator is having FAITH, that is DIFFERENT THAN KARL MARX/CCP/LEFTISTS ALL LIE to u said religious is a opium/drug, ask people do NOT believe in God is STUPEFY the mass (make u stupid). So many scientists at the end (even Charles Darwin) believe in Creator (have faith is NOT same as religious). USA is VERY Conservatives and if u do not believe in God the creator, people will NOT vote u be politicians give u power, money or NYSE trade stocks/shopping/trading or exchange goods/money and even the court system judge u have crime or NOT all based on God and even US fiat currency (the paper money) always printed "in God we trust" and there's an eye looking on top of the pyramid like God is watching u so don't do sins, that's why Americans/the Westerns are MORE HONEST and fair to others b/c they know GOD IS WATCHING & u cannot do sins or will be judged & punished after dead. It's hard to edu u b/c u grow up in China where ccp brainwashed u Karl Marx's teaching not to believe Creator, etc. Waste time to edu u but I did it for doing God's job to edu others change people's life. Answer to his Q: God is always exists like ENERGY (gravity, magnetic force, etc), it never needs to be created nor loss, it only transform from 1 form to another or maybe as Buddha's teaching of reincarnation/goes into cycle forever an amazing HIGHLY INTELLIGENT DESIGNED SYSTEM. Elon Musk wants man lives on earth, probably will fail b/c it needs OZONE LAYER stop water vapor escape and Electric-magnetic shield the harmful Gamma Ray (can cause cancer)/etc radiation & HUMAN'S BODY CANNOT ADOPT GRAVITY CHANGES ON MARS since our body bone structure cannot adopt - many astronaut loss bone/health problem after stay in space long enough/etc. So ppl only marry u if u believe in God=have moral value=won't do sins b/c God's watching, no kidding, USA is very conservative & always pray to thank God before eat & have sex to procreate & thank daily God's Amazing Grace (the song), it's hard for ppl under evil CCP know why it's so important to believe in God=have moral=God's watching like Chinese old saying "raise your head u see God from sky is judging/watching" :)!
Most scientists under CCP are LIARS! Most people are too busy make money to pay bills, keep the house or car and satisfy a girl for marriage lol. Why NOT just educate or share with us now. I think this guy has tons of knowledge but he does NOT believe in Creator therefore most liberals (leftists) do NOT believe in Creator/God so they HAVE NO MORAL. They will do anything to make $, lie and force people have 1-child policy that is AGAINST CREATOR'S will - how can CCP anti-Creator don't believe God (the dictator) have so much power to decide how many offspring can people have or otherwise force people kill babies (abortion). That's why the West believe in Creator is watching and u cannot do sins. Many liberal scientists esp ccp/Russian they DO NOT believe in Creator/God so they can do whatever they want include kill babies/enslave people/control people's everything from property, wealth to life or freedom. He said if there's a God creates all, then who creates God? You see how SNEAKY they LIE! U pay big $ hire me or many conservative scientists or godfathers will educate you by ask/answer this Q: Creator/God is ALWAYS THERE NO NEED TO CREATE by others, just like in Physics the basic Conservation of energy - energy (like God/Creator) WILL NEVER LOSS, it only transform from 1 form to another so it's the God. Physics tell u there are 4 forces in the nature, there're Magnetism, Gravity, strong nuclear & weak nuclear force, right (if I recall it right). So u ask who creates Gravity or magnetic force after it transfer its energy from 1 form to other? Does it loss its energy (analogy to God: who creates God or who creates Gravity? SCIENTISTS ALWAYS ASSUME THESE 4 mother nature forces ARE ALWAYS THERE just like Creator)? For ex., water/wind turbine cuts magnetic field creates electricity then it powers up light or heat then it losses? It just transfer into another form by Conservation of energy, so energy or the basic natural 4 forces are always there. Almost all world smartest/genius like Issac Newton, Einstein, James Maxwell, Pascal, even Chinese Nobel Prize winner mr. Young (82y/o marries 28y/o=54 yrs age gap like CONFUCIUS DAD 72y/o-18yrs mom produce smart son Confucius so educate gals do NOT reject man for his age, height, or even ugly alien-like Jack Ma, marry/be with shorty 5'1" Jesus & Deng Xiao Ping then he makes 800M become rich=2x more US all 340M population=a great leader transform China only if u work/be/marry/on his side, disdain/reject shorty like Jack Ma, u will be regret marry big tall handsome more stupid young man later divorce or waste 20yrs from peak age 18-28), they all believe in Creator design this universe so intelligently, the math proves the odd of all life & earth has ozone layer, enough water, NOT too hot, cold, has electric-magnetic radiation protection above the earth, all are so intelligent, how can u say life/all HAPPENS JUST BY A RANDOM BIG BANG explode and by itself? No way, this is the perfect environment for life in this milky way/etc. Believe in Creator means U GETTA BE HUMBLE, RESPECT, LOVE/BE GRATEFUL & WATCH OUT God is WATCHING so people who truly believe in Creator/God CANNOT AND SHOULD NOT do sins or they will be judged or punished in hell after death. If people don't believe in Creator, they will NOT be grateful and think human can achieve all (human can win all as Chinese always said 人定胜天... 是骗人的)and they can do all crimes/sins only to benefit himself or the dictators/ccp can kill babies and steal/rob your properties/money/life enslave u all! Believe in Creator is having FAITH, that is DIFFERENT THAN KARL MARX/CCP/LEFTISTS ALL LIE to u said religious is a opium/drug, ask people do NOT believe in God is STUPEFY the mass (make u stupid). So many scientists at the end (even Charles Darwin) believe in Creator (have faith is NOT same as religious). USA is VERY Conservatives and if u do not believe in God the creator, people will NOT vote u be politicians give u power, money or NYSE trade stocks/shopping/trading or exchange goods/money and even the court system judge u have crime or NOT all based on God and even US fiat currency (the paper money) always printed "in God we trust" and there's an eye looking on top of the pyramid like God is watching u so don't do sins, that's why Americans/the Westerns are MORE HONEST and fair to others b/c they know GOD IS WATCHING & u cannot do sins or will be judged & punished after dead. It's hard to edu u b/c u grow up in China where ccp brainwashed u Karl Marx's teaching not to believe Creator, etc. Waste time to edu u but I did it for doing God's job to edu others change people's life. Answer to his Q: God is always exists like ENERGY (gravity, magnetic force, etc), it never needs to be created nor loss, it only transform from 1 form to another or maybe as Buddha's teaching of reincarnation/goes into cycle forever an amazing HIGHLY INTELLIGENT DESIGNED SYSTEM. Elon Musk wants man lives on earth, probably will fail b/c it needs OZONE LAYER stop water vapor escape and Electric-magnetic shield the harmful Gamma Ray (can cause cancer)/etc radiation & HUMAN'S BODY CANNOT ADOPT GRAVITY CHANGES ON MARS since our body bone structure cannot adopt - many astronaut loss bone/health problem after stay in space long enough/etc. So ppl only marry u if u believe in God=have moral value=won't do sins b/c God's watching, no kidding, USA is very conservative & always pray to thank God before eat & have sex to procreate & thank daily God's Amazing Grace (the song), it's hard for ppl under evil CCP know why it's so important to believe in God=have moral=God's watching like Chinese old saying "raise your head u see God is judging/watching" :)!
Most scientists under CCP are LIARS! Most people are too busy make money to pay bills, keep the house or car and satisfy a girl for marriage lol. Why NOT just educate or share with us now. I think this guy has tons of knowledge but he does NOT believe in Creator therefore most liberals (leftists) do NOT believe in Creator/God so they HAVE NO MORAL. They will do anything to make $, lie and force people have 1-child policy that is AGAINST CREATOR'S will - how can CCP anti-Creator don't believe God (the dictator) have so much power to decide how many offspring can people have or otherwise force people kill babies (abortion). That's why the West believe in Creator is watching and u cannot do sins. Many liberal scientists esp ccp/Russian they DO NOT believe in Creator/God so they can do whatever they want include kill babies/enslave people/control people's everything from property, wealth to life or freedom. He said if there's a God creates all, then who creates God? You see how SNEAKY they LIE! U pay big $ hire me or many conservative scientists or godfathers will educate you by ask/answer this Q: Creator/God is ALWAYS THERE NO NEED TO CREATE by others, just like in Physics the basic Conservation of energy - energy (like God/Creator) WILL NEVER LOSS, it only transform from 1 form to another so it's the God. Physics tell u there are 4 forces in the nature, there're Magnetism, Gravity, strong nuclear & weak nuclear force, right (if I recall it right). So u ask who creates Gravity or magnetic force after it transfer its energy from 1 form to other? Does it loss its energy (analogy to God: who creates God or who creates Gravity? SCIENTISTS ALWAYS ASSUME THESE 4 mother nature forces ARE ALWAYS THERE just like Creator)? For ex., water/wind turbine cuts magnetic field creates electricity then it powers up light or heat then it losses? It just transfer into another form by Conservation of energy, so energy or the basic natural 4 forces are always there. Almost all world smartest/genius like Issac Newton, Einstein, James Maxwell, Pascal, even Chinese Nobel Prize winner mr. Young (82y/o marries 28y/o=54 yrs age gap like CONFUCIUS DAD 72y/o-18yrs mom produce smart son Confucius so educate gals do NOT reject man for his age, height, or even ugly alien-like Jack Ma, marry/be with shorty 5'1" Jesus & Deng Xiao Ping then he makes 800M become rich=2x more US all 340M population=a great leader transform China only if u work/be/marry/on his side, disdain/reject shorty like Jack Ma, u will be regret marry big tall handsome more stupid young man later divorce or waste 20yrs from peak age 18-28), they all believe in Creator design this universe so intelligently, the math proves the odd of all life & earth has ozone layer, enough water, NOT too hot, cold, has electric-magnetic radiation protection above the earth, all are so intelligent, how can u say life/all HAPPENS JUST BY A RANDOM BIG BANG explode and by itself? No way, this is the perfect environment for life in this milky way/etc. Believe in Creator means U GETTA BE HUMBLE, RESPECT, LOVE/BE GRATEFUL & WATCH OUT God is WATCHING so people who truly believe in Creator/God CANNOT AND SHOULD NOT do sins or they will be judged or punished in hell after death. If people don't believe in Creator, they will NOT be grateful and think human can achieve all (human can win all as Chinese always said 人定胜天... 是骗人的)and they can do all crimes/sins only to benefit himself or the dictators/ccp can kill babies and steal/rob your properties/money/life enslave u all! Believe in Creator is having FAITH, that is DIFFERENT THAN KARL MARX/CCP/LEFTISTS ALL LIE to u said religious is a opium/drug, ask people do NOT believe in God is STUPEFY the mass (make u stupid). So many scientists at the end (even Charles Darwin) believe in Creator (have faith is NOT same as religious). USA is VERY Conservativees and if u do not believe in God the creator, people will NOT vote u be politicians give u power, money or NYSE trade stocks/shopping/trading or exchange goods/money and even the court system judge u have crime or NOT all based on God and even US fiat currency (the paper money) always printed "in God we trust" and there's an eye looking on top of the pyramid like God is watching u so don't do sins, that's why Americans/the Westerns are MORE HONEST and fair to others b/c they know GOD IS WATCHING & u cannot do sins or will be judged & punished after dead. It's hard to edu u b/c u grow up in China where ccp brainwashed u Karl Marx's teaching not to believe Creator, etc. Waste time to edu u but I did it for doing God's job to edu others change people's life. Answer to his Q: God is always exists like ENERGY (gravity, magnetic force, etc), it never needs to be created nor loss, it only transform from 1 form to another or maybe as Buddha's teaching of reincarnation/goes into cycle forever an amazing HIGHLY INTELLIGENT DESIGNED SYSTEM. Elon Musk wants man lives on earth, probably will fail b/c it needs OZONE LAYER stop water vapor escape and Electric-magnetic shield the harmful Gamma Ray (can cause cancer)/etc radiation & HUMAN'S BODY CANNOT ADOPT GRAVITY CHANGES ON MARS since our body bone structure cannot adopt - many astronaut loss bone/health problem after stay in space long enough/etc. So ppl only marry u if u believe in God=have moral value=won't do sins b/c God's watching, no kidding, USA is very conservative & always pray to thank God before eat & have sex to procreate & thank daily God's Amazing Grace (the song), it's hard for ppl under evil CCP know why it's so important to believe in God=have moral=God's watching like Chinese old saying "raise your head u see God is judging/watching" :)!
感謝製作組與來賓&主持人 😊
這一集太棒了, 不但信息量多, 還淺顯易懂, 把複雜高深的生物/物理學, 深入淺出的舉例說明, 感謝
但是窦老师说的那个汽车零件的例子有一个设定上的错误, 就是尹教授提到的时间。其实尹是想证明这个是可行的,他想举3个证据条件。虽然他被后来对熵的讨论打断了,没有解释完这个可能性的证据。但我觉得结合前后讨论,他说的不是光是组装时间,也代表了往里放零件的时间。你如果把所有的零件都丢进去,然后等百亿年也不可能组装成一辆汽车。但是他们前面讨论的是一个逐渐增加达到一个量时的突变。把它加到这个比喻里后,那所有零件就不是一次过都放进去的了,而是刚开始只有几个,不断试错,碰撞,最后成功变成一个部件,再继续增加零件,继续渐变。然后你再给他百亿年的时间,这个车子的可能性就出现了。
"我们到底有没有自我意识...."。哇,太高了! 有点像金刚经所说的:无我相, 无人相, 无众生相. 无寿者相...凡所有相皆是虚妄。这人若有幸遇到已证空性的老师点破,我看明心见性了, 若再发心修行,不用三大阿僧祇劫,这肉身可证得法身,光明自在,一体无碍了!佩服, 佩服!
Most scientists under CCP are LIARS! Most people are too busy make money to pay bills, keep the house or car and satisfy a girl for marriage lol. Why NOT just educate or share with us now. I think this guy has tons of knowledge but he does NOT believe in Creator therefore most liberals (leftists) do NOT believe in Creator/God so they HAVE NO MORAL. They will do anything to make $, lie and force people have 1-child policy that is AGAINST CREATOR'S will - how can CCP anti-Creator don't believe God (the dictator) have so much power to decide how many offspring can people have or otherwise force people kill babies (abortion). That's why the West believe in Creator is watching and u cannot do sins. Many liberal scientists esp ccp/Russian they DO NOT believe in Creator/God so they can do whatever they want include kill babies/enslave people/control people's everything from property, wealth to life or freedom. He said if there's a God creates all, then who creates God? You see how SNEAKY they LIE! U pay big $ hire me or many conservative scientists or godfathers will educate you by ask/answer this Q: Creator/God is ALWAYS THERE NO NEED TO CREATE by others, just like in Physics the basic Conservation of energy - energy (like God/Creator) WILL NEVER LOSS, it only transform from 1 form to another so it's the God. Physics tell u there are 4 forces in the nature, there're Magnetism, Gravity, strong nuclear & weak nuclear force, right (if I recall it right). So u ask who creates Gravity or magnetic force after it transfer its energy from 1 form to other? Does it loss its energy (analogy to God: who creates God or who creates Gravity? SCIENTISTS ALWAYS ASSUME THESE 4 mother nature forces ARE ALWAYS THERE just like Creator)? For ex., water/wind turbine cuts magnetic field creates electricity then it powers up light or heat then it losses? It just transfer into another form by Conservation of energy, so energy or the basic natural 4 forces are always there. Almost all world smartest/genius like Issac Newton, Einstein, James Maxwell, Pascal, even Chinese Nobel Prize winner mr. Young (82y/o marries 28y/o=54 yrs age gap like CONFUCIUS DAD 72y/o-18yrs mom produce smart son Confucius so educate gals do NOT reject man for his age, height, or even ugly alien-like Jack Ma, marry/be with shorty 5'1" Jesus & Deng Xiao Ping then he makes 800M become rich=2x more US all 340M population=a great leader transform China only if u work/be/marry/on his side, disdain/reject shorty like Jack Ma, u will be regret marry big tall handsome more stupid young man later divorce or waste 20yrs from peak age 18-28), they all believe in Creator design this universe so intelligently, the math proves the odd of all life & earth has ozone layer, enough water, NOT too hot, cold, has electric-magnetic radiation protection above the earth, all are so intelligent, how can u say life/all HAPPENS JUST BY A RANDOM BIG BANG explode and by itself? No way, this is the perfect environment for life in this milky way/etc. Believe in Creator means U GETTA BE HUMBLE, RESPECT, LOVE/BE GRATEFUL & WATCH OUT God is WATCHING so people who truly believe in Creator/God CANNOT AND SHOULD NOT do sins or they will be judged or punished in hell after death. If people don't believe in Creator, they will NOT be grateful and think human can achieve all (human can win all as Chinese always said 人定胜天... 是骗人的)and they can do all crimes/sins only to benefit himself or the dictators/ccp can kill babies and steal/rob your properties/money/life enslave u all! Believe in Creator is having FAITH, that is DIFFERENT THAN KARL MARX/CCP/LEFTISTS ALL LIE to u said religious is a opium/drug, ask people do NOT believe in God is STUPEFY the mass (make u stupid). So many scientists at the end (even Charles Darwin) believe in Creator (have faith is NOT same as religious). USA is VERY Conservatives and if u do not believe in God the creator, people will NOT vote u be politicians give u power, money or NYSE trade stocks/shopping/trading or exchange goods/money and even the court system judge u have crime or NOT all based on God and even US fiat currency (the paper money) always printed "in God we trust" and there's an eye looking on top of the pyramid like God is watching u so don't do sins, that's why Americans/the Westerns are MORE HONEST and fair to others b/c they know GOD IS WATCHING & u cannot do sins or will be judged & punished after dead. It's hard to edu u b/c u grow up in China where ccp brainwashed u Karl Marx's teaching not to believe Creator, etc. Waste time to edu u but I did it for doing God's job to edu others change people's life. Answer to his Q: God is always exists like ENERGY (gravity, magnetic force, etc), it never needs to be created nor loss, it only transform from 1 form to another or maybe as Buddha's teaching of reincarnation/goes into cycle forever an amazing HIGHLY INTELLIGENT DESIGNED SYSTEM. Elon Musk wants man lives on earth, probably will fail b/c it needs OZONE LAYER stop water vapor escape and Electric-magnetic shield the harmful Gamma Ray (can cause cancer)/etc radiation & HUMAN'S BODY CANNOT ADOPT GRAVITY CHANGES ON MARS since our body bone structure cannot adopt - many astronaut loss bone/health problem after stay in space long enough/etc. So ppl only marry u if u believe in God=have moral value=won't do sins b/c God's watching, no kidding, USA is very conservative & always pray to thank God before eat & have sex to procreate & thank daily God's Amazing Grace (the song), it's hard for ppl under evil CCP know why it's so important to believe in God=have moral=God's watching like Chinese old saying "raise your head u see God from sky is judging/watching" :)!
尹的口才一级棒! 特点是铁口断案, 毫不含糊, 缺点是太绝对了, 怎么可能啥都懂呢?
这就是科学界的传销。 但凡把一个事情描述的绝对那就肯定是忽悠。
虽然不完全听的懂, 但还是认认真真的看完了,谢谢大师们的精彩讲解👍
小白才觉得他牛逼 他错误不少 漏洞百出
@@dgb999 【他错误不少 漏洞百出】 比如?
Most scientists under CCP are LIARS! Most people are too busy make money to pay bills, keep the house or car and satisfy a girl for marriage lol. Why NOT just educate or share with us now. I think this guy has tons of knowledge but he does NOT believe in Creator therefore most liberals (leftists) do NOT believe in Creator/God so they HAVE NO MORAL. They will do anything to make $, lie and force people have 1-child policy that is AGAINST CREATOR'S will - how can CCP anti-Creator don't believe God (the dictator) have so much power to decide how many offspring can people have or otherwise force people kill babies (abortion). That's why the West believe in Creator is watching and u cannot do sins. Many liberal scientists esp ccp/Russian they DO NOT believe in Creator/God so they can do whatever they want include kill babies/enslave people/control people's everything from property, wealth to life or freedom. He said if there's a God creates all, then who creates God? You see how SNEAKY they LIE! U pay big $ hire me or many conservative scientists or godfathers will educate you by ask/answer this Q: Creator/God is ALWAYS THERE NO NEED TO CREATE by others, just like in Physics the basic Conservation of energy - energy (like God/Creator) WILL NEVER LOSS, it only transform from 1 form to another so it's the God. Physics tell u there are 4 forces in the nature, there're Magnetism, Gravity, strong nuclear & weak nuclear force, right (if I recall it right). So u ask who creates Gravity or magnetic force after it transfer its energy from 1 form to other? Does it loss its energy (analogy to God: who creates God or who creates Gravity? SCIENTISTS ALWAYS ASSUME THESE 4 mother nature forces ARE ALWAYS THERE just like Creator)? For ex., water/wind turbine cuts magnetic field creates electricity then it powers up light or heat then it losses? It just transfer into another form by Conservation of energy, so energy or the basic natural 4 forces are always there. Almost all world smartest/genius like Issac Newton, Einstein, James Maxwell, Pascal, even Chinese Nobel Prize winner mr. Young (82y/o marries 28y/o=54 yrs age gap like CONFUCIUS DAD 72y/o-18yrs mom produce smart son Confucius so educate gals do NOT reject man for his age, height, or even ugly alien-like Jack Ma, marry/be with shorty 5'1" Jesus & Deng Xiao Ping then he makes 800M become rich=2x more US all 340M population=a great leader transform China only if u work/be/marry/on his side, disdain/reject shorty like Jack Ma, u will be regret marry big tall handsome more stupid young man later divorce or waste 20yrs from peak age 18-28), they all believe in Creator design this universe so intelligently, the math proves the odd of all life & earth has ozone layer, enough water, NOT too hot, cold, has electric-magnetic radiation protection above the earth, all are so intelligent, how can u say life/all HAPPENS JUST BY A RANDOM BIG BANG explode and by itself? No way, this is the perfect environment for life in this milky way/etc. Believe in Creator means U GETTA BE HUMBLE, RESPECT, LOVE/BE GRATEFUL & WATCH OUT God is WATCHING so people who truly believe in Creator/God CANNOT AND SHOULD NOT do sins or they will be judged or punished in hell after death. If people don't believe in Creator, they will NOT be grateful and think human can achieve all (human can win all as Chinese always said 人定胜天... 是骗人的)and they can do all crimes/sins only to benefit himself or the dictators/ccp can kill babies and steal/rob your properties/money/life enslave u all! Believe in Creator is having FAITH, that is DIFFERENT THAN KARL MARX/CCP/LEFTISTS ALL LIE to u said religious is a opium/drug, ask people do NOT believe in God is STUPEFY the mass (make u stupid). So many scientists at the end (even Charles Darwin) believe in Creator (have faith is NOT same as religious). USA is VERY Conservatives and if u do not believe in God the creator, people will NOT vote u be politicians give u power, money or NYSE trade stocks/shopping/trading or exchange goods/money and even the court system judge u have crime or NOT all based on God and even US fiat currency (the paper money) always printed "in God we trust" and there's an eye looking on top of the pyramid like God is watching u so don't do sins, that's why Americans/the Westerns are MORE HONEST and fair to others b/c they know GOD IS WATCHING & u cannot do sins or will be judged & punished after dead. It's hard to edu u b/c u grow up in China where ccp brainwashed u Karl Marx's teaching not to believe Creator, etc. Waste time to edu u but I did it for doing God's job to edu others change people's life. Answer to his Q: God is always exists like ENERGY (gravity, magnetic force, etc), it never needs to be created nor loss, it only transform from 1 form to another or maybe as Buddha's teaching of reincarnation/goes into cycle forever an amazing HIGHLY INTELLIGENT DESIGNED SYSTEM. Elon Musk wants man lives on earth, probably will fail b/c it needs OZONE LAYER stop water vapor escape and Electric-magnetic shield the harmful Gamma Ray (can cause cancer)/etc radiation & HUMAN'S BODY CANNOT ADOPT GRAVITY CHANGES ON MARS since our body bone structure cannot adopt - many astronaut loss bone/health problem after stay in space long enough/etc. So ppl only marry u if u believe in God=have moral value=won't do sins b/c God's watching, no kidding, USA is very conservative & always pray to thank God before eat & have sex to procreate & thank daily God's Amazing Grace (the song), it's hard for ppl under evil CCP know why it's so important to believe in God=have moral=God's watching like Chinese old saying "raise your head u see God is judging/watching" :)!
神创造天地, 越听越清晰了。感谢主,赞美主!
苦是不可替代承受的 所以 人是有自我意识的。心理学的世界观,佛教的世界观是倒过来的,里面发生的才是第一位的
尹老师太厉害, 听不太懂是有点深奥。
@@45876 誰讓宇宙大爆炸的呢?難道不是上帝踢了一腳嗎?🤣
@@weihhuang1232 谁让2003 印尼海啸杀死了那么多孩子呢? 也是上帝往海里踢了一脚?
@@45876上帝是宇宙 的主宰,祂是初也是终。✝️
@@銀樣 不招庸才之忌就是庸才!看來老兄您就是了!
@@tsing-iz2fb, 同意: 我的感觉是他们吃到不饿就可以了,不吃饱😅
@@jenzhu5744 我和日本人吃饭总感觉吃完了才吃半饱
Thanks a lot!
哎.從“博學”的人中看到了人類的無知與自以為是. 低緯度的研究再深也是片面的 單向的. 祝好
豆主持的 智商 科学家
学识 都是非凡的一类
Most scientists under CCP are LIARS! Most people are too busy make money to pay bills, keep the house or car and satisfy a girl for marriage lol. Why NOT just educate or share with us now. I think this guy has tons of knowledge but he does NOT believe in Creator therefore most liberals (leftists) do NOT believe in Creator/God so they HAVE NO MORAL. They will do anything to make $, lie and force people have 1-child policy that is AGAINST CREATOR'S will - how can CCP anti-Creator don't believe God (the dictator) have so much power to decide how many offspring can people have or otherwise force people kill babies (abortion). That's why the West believe in Creator is watching and u cannot do sins. Many liberal scientists esp ccp/Russian they DO NOT believe in Creator/God so they can do whatever they want include kill babies/enslave people/control people's everything from property, wealth to life or freedom. He said if there's a God creates all, then who creates God? You see how SNEAKY they LIE! U pay big $ hire me or many conservative scientists or godfathers will educate you by ask/answer this Q: Creator/God is ALWAYS THERE NO NEED TO CREATE by others, just like in Physics the basic Conservation of energy - energy (like God/Creator) WILL NEVER LOSS, it only transform from 1 form to another so it's the God. Physics tell u there are 4 forces in the nature, there're Magnetism, Gravity, strong nuclear & weak nuclear force, right (if I recall it right). So u ask who creates Gravity or magnetic force after it transfer its energy from 1 form to other? Does it loss its energy (analogy to God: who creates God or who creates Gravity? SCIENTISTS ALWAYS ASSUME THESE 4 mother nature forces ARE ALWAYS THERE just like Creator)? For ex., water/wind turbine cuts magnetic field creates electricity then it powers up light or heat then it losses? It just transfer into another form by Conservation of energy, so energy or the basic natural 4 forces are always there. Almost all world smartest/genius like Issac Newton, Einstein, James Maxwell, Pascal, even Chinese Nobel Prize winner mr. Young (82y/o marries 28y/o=54 yrs age gap like CONFUCIUS DAD 72y/o-18yrs mom produce smart son Confucius so educate gals do NOT reject man for his age, height, or even ugly alien-like Jack Ma, marry/be with shorty 5'1" Jesus & Deng Xiao Ping then he makes 800M become rich=2x more US all 340M population=a great leader transform China only if u work/be/marry/on his side, disdain/reject shorty like Jack Ma, u will be regret marry big tall handsome more stupid young man later divorce or waste 20yrs from peak age 18-28), they all believe in Creator design this universe so intelligently, the math proves the odd of all life & earth has ozone layer, enough water, NOT too hot, cold, has electric-magnetic radiation protection above the earth, all are so intelligent, how can u say life/all HAPPENS JUST BY A RANDOM BIG BANG explode and by itself? No way, this is the perfect environment for life in this milky way/etc. Believe in Creator means U GETTA BE HUMBLE, RESPECT, LOVE/BE GRATEFUL & WATCH OUT God is WATCHING so people who truly believe in Creator/God CANNOT AND SHOULD NOT do sins or they will be judged or punished in hell after death. If people don't believe in Creator, they will NOT be grateful and think human can achieve all (human can win all as Chinese always said 人定胜天... 是骗人的)and they can do all crimes/sins only to benefit himself or the dictators/ccp can kill babies and steal/rob your properties/money/life enslave u all! Believe in Creator is having FAITH, that is DIFFERENT THAN KARL MARX/CCP/LEFTISTS ALL LIE to u said religious is a opium/drug, ask people do NOT believe in God is STUPEFY the mass (make u stupid). So many scientists at the end (even Charles Darwin) believe in Creator (have faith is NOT same as religious). USA is VERY Conservativees and if u do not believe in God the creator, people will NOT vote u be politicians give u power, money or NYSE trade stocks/shopping/trading or exchange goods/money and even the court system judge u have crime or NOT all based on God and even US fiat currency (the paper money) always printed "in God we trust" and there's an eye looking on top of the pyramid like God is watching u so don't do sins, that's why Americans/the Westerns are MORE HONEST and fair to others b/c they know GOD IS WATCHING & u cannot do sins or will be judged & punished after dead. It's hard to edu u b/c u grow up in China where ccp brainwashed u Karl Marx's teaching not to believe Creator, etc. Waste time to edu u but I did it for doing God's job to edu others change people's life. Answer to his Q: God is always exists like ENERGY (gravity, magnetic force, etc), it never needs to be created nor loss, it only transform from 1 form to another or maybe as Buddha's teaching of reincarnation/goes into cycle forever an amazing HIGHLY INTELLIGENT DESIGNED SYSTEM. Elon Musk wants man lives on earth, probably will fail b/c it needs OZONE LAYER stop water vapor escape and Electric-magnetic shield the harmful Gamma Ray (can cause cancer)/etc radiation & HUMAN'S BODY CANNOT ADOPT GRAVITY CHANGES ON MARS since our body bone structure cannot adopt - many astronaut loss bone/health problem after stay in space long enough/etc. So ppl only marry u if u believe in God=have moral value=won't do sins b/c God's watching, no kidding, USA is very conservative & always pray to thank God before eat & have sex to procreate & thank daily God's Amazing Grace (the song), it's hard for ppl under evil CCP know why it's so important to believe in God=have moral=God's watching like Chinese old saying "raise your head u see God is judging/watching" :)!
一个人就是赚得了全世界,却赔上了自己的生命,到底有什么益处呢?人还能拿什么来换回自己的生命呢?马可福音 8:36-37
@@davidz7858 如果你的工作是你的乐趣,那倒可以,否则,……
请问 老师 我是HPV感染者 但是医生说无药可救 让我摘除子宫 怕得宫颈癌 请问 老师 我应该怎么办?
@@weizhima2758 人在浩瀚宇宙中過於渺小,人自己本身由何而來都搞不清楚,談神何來更加荒唐,
@@章松妹 人類的實證科學加上現有的無神論認知,把思維死死的框在裡面,已經完全喪失認識宇宙生命的能力。
chat GTP就是信息收集到一定数量后产生的涌现现象
人類gene 太強
许老师感觉是个很平庸的人! 不明白为什么请他!😊