It's 2099: And 80% of Amazon Rainforest Has Fade Out - What's Next?

  • Опубликовано: 17 сен 2024

Комментарии • 4

  • @Danrley8792
    @Danrley8792 Год назад

    here I'm going to leave my comment on another video where they blamed us Brazilians as causing climate disgrace among other things, and also remembering that the richest countries are the ones that pollute the most and besides Germany and Norway that has an "Initiative with a background" Nobody Brazil pays more to maintain the Amazon but everyone says they need it ironic, right?

    • @Danrley8792
      @Danrley8792 Год назад

      these videos that serve to deceive the laity, in fact deforestation was higher in the previous governments of Lula and smaller in Bolsonaro's and again it was higher in Lula's government what happens is that, Bolsonaro wanted to explore the Amazon in an ecologically renewable way However, this would end up with some countries that would lose a lot of economic power compared to the products that could leave there, mainly Europe where most of the wood that is smuggled ends up in European countries, as in the Bolsonaro government, trackers were placed on wood that was being smuggled and they ended up discovering their European buyers, squid doesn't care about the amazon he wants the money that foreign countries will give as a way of "taking care" of it through these NGOs that do nothing more than serve as a post for smuggling these materials including gold that in French Guiana an extramarine territory of France is explored without any shame, all Brazilians who they are not alienated by these lies from NGOs they know the truth that foreign countries want to control the amazon so that in the future they can take the precious materials that are in it which, if used by brazil, could transform the country into the most powerful in the world, we have 80% a metal called niobium, and China already exploits a mine because of Lula's previous government, this material is extremely important and, if studied, can be used in several applications, such as more durable batteries, more resistant helmets, etc., these materials are used for aliens. people that we are bad that we don't take care of the forests etc but in fact which other country has a forest as preserved and alive as ours? they are passing the responsibility of taking care of the world to us but we don't even receive the right payment for it they say that we must live in poverty without economic development so that they squander how they can buy different things and the next day throw it away without caring about the environment or how many things were destroyed to make what they discard so easily, the sheer hypocrisy of such countries, Brazilians are already connected to this and will not let us no longer tolerate being slaves to countries that devastated their forests and now squander how they are profiting from their factories polluting the world and enjoying the good and the best while Brazil has to be their "lung" and the people live in poverty, if the elections were not stolen we would still have sovereignty over it but with this corrupt thief possibly he will hand over to foreigners our amazonia and when that happens the people will rise up and there will be a war 10x worse than vietnam where whoever enters alive in the forest he left dead in a coffin.

    • @Danrley8792
      @Danrley8792 Год назад

      Another problem with the Amazon is the investments of other countries, the Amazon has a lot of precious stones, water and a great biodiversity (as one of the main materials to make Channel N°. 5 was a leaf that was highly explored. The chance of this financial aid in favor of biodiversity being a mask for financial interests in the future for exploration are great, even more in relation to the water that will end one day. There are other areas in Brasil and other countries with unique biomes and also a lot of biodiversity, but these countries do not appear to link with the loss of other forests and animals, but they care about the one that have gold and a lot of water, this is really weird and suspect.The Amazon must be preserved and the local economy should be supported by ecotourism with a lot of supervision. Nobody in that history is the good guy!!