Love how prepared this guy was. I also carry a tiny little air compressor, gear to sleep in my truck, first aid kit. And snacks/water! Good for this guy!
If you drive pretty much ANYWHERE out there without emergency gear you stand a good chance of ending up in the paper...obituaries...ANY time of year. Heat kills you in summer, cold kills you in winter.
I have at least 2 days of food and water in my truck and always carry a sleeping bag Also has extra winter clothes and a warm coat Have a gas cooker, so I can eat warm food
An actual mud terrain tire on 20in rim, even somewhat low profile, is still great and can easily do light and medium hard trails everytime, can be aired down for self recovery as well. Total nonsense they are useless. Also, on road they track and drive better. So when used in the right context, are better in some cases.
@@drtone 20"s just make for rubber band trash tires that can't be aired down enough to work worth a fk. Big rims on a lifted vehicle is retarded, literally. Stick to regular cars if you want rubber band tires.
Muddin or just about everything else doesn't matter. If you are rock crawling/climbing or slow in the sand then yes should have a flotation style of tire you can air down. Lots of people run huge balloon mudders and its' garbage except when they go crawling.
@@drtone I agree. My Ram came with 20's which I was going to switch out, but a moderately aggressive tire on the stock 20's did well enough for the moderate trails I hit and towed my trailer better that 17's did. So I have stuck with the 20's so far and haven't been unable to do the desert or mountain trails I frequent. It's still a 275/60/20 so it has an OK sidewall and isn't a "rubber band" as some others are saying.
Winder Towing goes well beyond what others would do, spending extra time with the customer to make sure they get out safely, and helping others they find along the way free of charge. That is excellent service.
I really appreciate the guy who slept in his rig. He is trying his best to be prepped for situations that may pop up. The tiny compressor, first aid kit etc. I've slept in snow conditions like this. If the cab has a good seal, your breathe is an amazing way to warm the cab.
@@lydiadewberry7328 I've been through there back in the late 90's, but there was no snow on the ground. Now I want to visit during the winter! At least if I get stuck, I know who to call! ;)
I lived a few hours from there for several years. “A few hours” is a short drive out west. There are places that are so beautiful it would make a crusty old dude like me get something in my eye and water would leak out...🥲 Just a LITTLE though...☺️
Good to see 1st bloke with good sense. Not panicking, and staying warm in cold weather. 2nd guy, in the Jeep. Awesome!! nice to have that enthusiasm.....
This back ground music is my favorite , All what i need now is popcorn & soda .. swear to god its more intertaning waching your videos than watching a movie in a theater !! Kudos
I am from Canada. My only tip and the best tip is drive slow. Find a parking lot and learn how your vehicle reacts in the snow to heavy braking and acceleration. Have fun a but be safe you will be surprised what a difference it would make.
The snow aint the problem. I got a real off road Jeep. Half the state is without power and water. That's the problem. Apparently Texas did not "winterize" their power plants and it would cost too much money, Because you know, it's always hot in Texas. Well.... 1/3 of them froze and quit working and it may be days before they get them back online. Meanwhile hotels with power are charging 900.00 a night for a 100.00 room.
1st guy good on him for survival gear, blankets. I have a small air compressor simular in size never let me down in a emergency. 2nd recovers got it all randy.
The Jeep guy...great to run into those customers! Happy to be alive and ready to do it again! Ha! "Hi Mom!!" Love it! Hope y'all have more customers like that!
Wow! I expected the first truck to be more difficult to get out of that snowy ditch but Lizzy forgot to give him a T-shirt, lol. These rescues are so much more exciting than regular towing.
Ive never watched so many episodes of a youtube channel ever! This is great tv! that Jeep guy is a character hahah.. good attitude. Love this show.. next episode..
Couch potato expert here - video jeep (Rudy’s rig) needs air lockers, on board air compressor, and air tank!! Maybe a taco bar too!! 🤣🤣 Keep up the great work!
What a great group of people!!!! Everyone in the video! I love positive people and we all need that especially now. Thanks Matt and the crew! I smile anytime you upload, regardless of how I feel. Everyone give him a thumbs up if you haven't because I think it the least we could do for him providing 11 minutes of giving to us
Seriously, very nice... I was going to call it camera work but it bordered on cinematography, nicely framed long shots, drone footage and set off by excellent editing. Enjoyed the special appearance of world's smallest and slowest air compressor. If you see that customer again, perhaps suggest that he get a bicycle pump as an emergency backup.
That Wrangler dude sure is chipper, Californian? Hoooly moly such gorgeous outdoors I am drooling from the mountain views you guys get to see. I demand footage of Lizzy & Randy falling in the snow! Hahahaha
“Can we do it again?” Oh dear, there lies the path to off road addiction :D Next thing you know he will have two winches, sand mats, waffle boards, a huge ground anchor, snatch blocks and a favourite shackle. No, wait, I just described myself :P
Matt’s the Lone Ranger riding around rescuing Damsel in distress! The young lady (very pretty) in Ford was smitten with Matt’s awesomeness!! He had her at you need a little help!! Matt luv what y’all do y’all do go above and beyond! It really shows you and your crew love what y’all do!!!
I'm surprised y'all don't keep a lil compressor on hand. I love my Smittybuilt. First offroad tool I bought after a shovel lol. Next is a Matt's recovery rope!
Im so happy with this channel. With a lot of the news comming from over there... Just some American folks doing American stuff, towed or towing, awesome!
I just got my first 4 wheel drive. I feel like I have everything I need for off roading with the exception of the yellow Matt's recovery yankem rope. I'm getting ready to place my order.
@George Vinson example.. 205/55/16 is 205 mm wide tread pattern. sidewall height is 55 % of that and rim is 16 inches. if only 2 numbers like xxx/16 then its usually xxx/80/16. mostly on tires for vans and stuff with a higher load index.
This is an excellent opportunity for a PSA. This guy did everything right and made it out of a very scary situation alive! Much better outcome than a lot of other stranded motorist stories you hear.
Three teenagers died in a car here in NZ in 1997....they didn't take into account the carbon monoxide produced by burning propane in an enclosed car...have the window down a little on the off-wind side as a vent....or don't take the risk at all....
@@JohnSmith-pl2bk a carbon monoxide detector and proper ventilation is a must of course when using Propane heaters Look up Mr Heater brands....they are 100% for indoor use.
So the truck driver was from Florida (no snow) and this was his first time in real snow. Of course he went into the ditch. BUT... he has common sense. He had enough warm clothes to survive a night out there in the cold. Bravo. Well done man. Like everything else, the more practice you have the better you get.
Yeah for a guy who's living is this he is really unprepared. Didn't used to carry a winch. Wouldn't have a spare tire. Didn't have air to put a tire back on if the bead popped. Don't think I have seen a hi-lift. Does he have traction mats? A chainsaw in case he is blocked in by a fallen tree? Shovels? His whole preparation is basically just being locked front and rear and not getting stuck in the first place. If I did this all day I would also have a welder under the hood.
He's touched on it before, he says he doesn't want to add any unnecessary weight because he works on such soft sand often. I think at least a plugin tire pump would come in handy, they aren't particularly heavy anyway. To each their own, seems like he gets the job done one way or another.
@@garrettschweitzer7138 an ARB dual compressor doesn’t add much weight and fills tires pretty quickly. I mean he takes out 4-5 people and 2 dogs, weight can’t be that big of an issue.
@@garrettschweitzer7138 Yeah weight is an issue but besides a spare tire none of the things I have listed weigh much and you can't tell me that not having a spare is a good idea. 30 pounds for a high lift, traction mats 10 pounds, etc. Would all add up to less weight than a small person.
Just FYI, a high volume floor pump (think bicycle pump) is much faster than the little lighter-socket pumps. $10 at a discount store could save you an hour of waiting for a little electric pump to fill a truck-sized tire. I keep a ~600cc pump in the back of the truck just in case. The second guy was hilarious. I don't like his choice in rolling stock, but I like his attitude.
You all are surrounded by some of the most beautiful geological scenery. Sometimes I’m just blown away by some rock formations in the background of your recovery videos.
Gonna show my friends and family this. The guy was definitely prepared and I’m the same way. Now they’ll see how important it is to have survival supplies no matter what 😮
I mean running 2s and 7s is the same thing as running 17s on 33s. I wouldn't call it "low profile". if he was running 2s and 3s or 4s and 5s then you might be on to something. but a 37in tire has plenty of rubber
I keep a power pack in my truck for jumping off a car or inflating a low tire. I bought it a few years ago at Lowe's for about $120.00. At the time I questioned how well it would work but I have jumped off a couple of folks with dead batteries and have used it to inflate tires. I had a tire one morning that was about 5 pounds low and I think it took about 5 minutes. A buddy of mine has a inflation unit that looks like a battery drill and he has had good success with it. I salute this guy for having emergency gear in his truck. Always a good idea.
He's said in other videos that unless he's doing a lot of highway driving he just keeps it at 10ish PSI. When you have a shop you can probably skip out on the onboard air compressor since space and weight is at a premium for some rescues. They don't keep a spare with the banana either.
The last guy’s energy is super contagious
Matt is just like a cowboy in old western movie. He rides around the desert saving girls and helping settlers lol!
Sounds like Shane.
Nah.. Matt's classier than those guys were.
that girl was dressed nice, tho!
Absolutely freaking perfect description! Well done!
Best comment, had do a quick rewind though just to check ... 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼🤣
Love how prepared this guy was. I also carry a tiny little air compressor, gear to sleep in my truck, first aid kit. And snacks/water! Good for this guy!
I’ve always got a grab-bag handy and there’s a compresor permanently mounted under the hood, and fresh water in the bag.
I have a compresser and blankets and a mre no water but usally I have drinks for my lunch so on my commute I good for 4-8 hours if something happens
If you drive pretty much ANYWHERE out there without emergency gear you stand a good chance of ending up in the paper...obituaries...ANY time of year. Heat kills you in summer, cold kills you in winter.
A lifetime ago I was Boy Scout ... made Eagle Scout very early (13). You can learn an awful lot just from the motto, Be Prepared.
If he'd have had a set of tire chains he wouldn't have needed any of that other stuff.
This shows the importance of having some survival gear in your vehicle.
Indeed. He had what he needed
*if you plan on driving on remote roads. Your standard work commutes, etc don't need that stuff
@@gordonmcmillan4709 No he didn't. He had some clothes, but had to walk to a store o get food.
@@joe1071 Not true. We had an ice storm a few years ago and people were stranded along the roads for up to 48 hours, most coming home from work.
I have at least 2 days of food and water in my truck and always carry a sleeping bag
Also has extra winter clothes and a warm coat
Have a gas cooker, so I can eat warm food
The guy in the Jeep really made my day. Wouldn't it be nice if every customer was as cheerful as him!
That dude is awesome..if everyone was like that the world would be a much better place..
I hope Matt/Winder towing end up in the hall of fame as they help anyone in need without a question
The smallest rim you can run with the most amount of rubber...big rims and low pros are for driveway trophies.
An actual mud terrain tire on 20in rim, even somewhat low profile, is still great and can easily do light and medium hard trails everytime, can be aired down for self recovery as well. Total nonsense they are useless. Also, on road they track and drive better. So when used in the right context, are better in some cases.
@@drtone 20"s just make for rubber band trash tires that can't be aired down enough to work worth a fk. Big rims on a lifted vehicle is retarded, literally. Stick to regular cars if you want rubber band tires.
Muddin or just about everything else doesn't matter. If you are rock crawling/climbing or slow in the sand then yes should have a flotation style of tire you can air down. Lots of people run huge balloon mudders and its' garbage except when they go crawling.
@@drtone I agree. My Ram came with 20's which I was going to switch out, but a moderately aggressive tire on the stock 20's did well enough for the moderate trails I hit and towed my trailer better that 17's did. So I have stuck with the 20's so far and haven't been unable to do the desert or mountain trails I frequent. It's still a 275/60/20 so it has an OK sidewall and isn't a "rubber band" as some others are saying.
Ya, but still that jeep should have not goten stuck. Low lock and let it idle. easy peasy.
Matt is such a good guy helping that girl. ☺️
Winder Towing goes well beyond what others would do, spending extra time with the customer to make sure they get out safely, and helping others they find along the way free of charge. That is excellent service.
I’m sure it helps that it all makes for good content, which if they’re doing it right is creating a pretty little paycheck too 😉
I like to see a young woman learning the business. Go, Lizzie!! You are most fortunate in your mentor.
The guy at 10:30 made me smile...DO it again buddy
I'm glad that the customer was prepared and had the proper gear in his truck.
Can we just take a minute to acknowledge how gracefully that girl switched to the passenger seat @ 1:16 ?!
I didnt see that the first time, but after you pointed it out, I am impressed also! Looks like she had done that before.
And how about being smokin hot🔥
Handy skill to have if you need to try to deny being the driver. "Driver took off running, I'm just the passenger."
@@daveedee3626 😂😂true but damn
i noticed right away shes definitely done that before
I really appreciate the guy who slept in his rig. He is trying his best to be prepped for situations that may pop up. The tiny compressor, first aid kit etc. I've slept in snow conditions like this. If the cab has a good seal, your breathe is an amazing way to warm the cab.
that second guy was like Randy's brother from another mother. lol
i lold. He finally met his match
His Chanel name is All Terrain Randy
Rudy is such a hard worker and asset to the team. Randy is always there to capture the moment. Great bunch of people.
The guy with the Jeep had such a great attitude! Wait, let’s do it again.
On the road to a million. I’m here for it.
Good grief, that is beautiful country with the snow as a backdrop.
You should come visit! Southern Utah is about is pretty as you can get
@@lydiadewberry7328 I've been through there back in the late 90's, but there was no snow on the ground. Now I want to visit during the winter! At least if I get stuck, I know who to call! ;)
@@BlueCollarDIY 😊
I lived a few hours from there for several years. “A few hours” is a short drive out west. There are places that are so beautiful it would make a crusty old dude like me get something in my eye and water would leak out...🥲
Just a LITTLE though...☺️
the whites had to murder 1000s of natives to get that land
Good to see 1st bloke with good sense. Not panicking, and staying warm in cold weather. 2nd guy, in the Jeep. Awesome!! nice to have that enthusiasm.....
I found this RUclips channel three days ago and I’m already addicted to it. It’s really awesome!!
Hugs from Brazil 🇧🇷🇺🇸
This guy knew how to stay warm. You guys are the best. 👍
I'm so happy that guy in the snow was able to stay warm enough and everything worked out for your pulls today!
Despite he has a tiny compressor, he's smart.
Love the enthusiasm of the guy in the Jeep
I absolutely love when you bring Lizzy on the recoveries. the way she acts is so joyful and I can't help but smile with her every time =)
Lizzy is so beautiful them gorgeous eyes and that smile that melts ur heart
You could tell the second guy was just lovin life!
This back ground music is my favorite ,
All what i need now is popcorn & soda .. swear to god its more intertaning waching your videos than watching a movie in a theater !!
From Texas. Been watching your winter recovery videos for some snow driving tips right now. None of us were prepared for this. 😆
Y'all are getting smashed by frosty the snowman ⛄⛄
Stay safe in texas we are thinking of you right now with snow and no electricity, hope you were prepared to take care of yourself.
I am from Canada. My only tip and the best tip is drive slow. Find a parking lot and learn how your vehicle reacts in the snow to heavy braking and acceleration. Have fun a but be safe you will be surprised what a difference it would make.
The snow aint the problem. I got a real off road Jeep. Half the state is without power and water. That's the problem. Apparently Texas did not "winterize" their power plants and it would cost too much money, Because you know, it's always hot in Texas.
Well.... 1/3 of them froze and quit working and it may be days before they get them back online. Meanwhile hotels with power are charging 900.00 a night for a 100.00 room.
That scenery! WOW! So lucky!
That dude in the jeep was hilarious. Great video as always!!
What beautiful country you live in a paradise
6 months of watching these videos. Matt makes me want to play snow runner everytime I watch him.
Such a good team lead by such a nice and humble guy🤗
1st guy good on him for survival gear, blankets. I have a small air compressor simular in size never let me down in a emergency. 2nd recovers got it all randy.
That last recovery is the perfect illustration of form vs function.
Yeah, the last dude you need him on there more....
Maybe he will get stuck again soon & make the call!
Loved his energy & great attitude!
The Jeep guy...great to run into those customers! Happy to be alive and ready to do it again! Ha! "Hi Mom!!" Love it! Hope y'all have more customers like that!
The efforts Randy goes through, for the fans, amazing.
Good thing air molecules are small or they’d never fit through that “compressor.”
This is so underrated
Well, I noticed that the experts DID NOT have any compressor with took 30 minutes per tire...but that little compressor succeeded!
@@JohnSmith-pl2bk i am surprised the "experts" dont bring one with them on recoveries. It would seem to be something that would often be useful.
Wow! I expected the first truck to be more difficult to get out of that snowy ditch but Lizzy forgot to give him a T-shirt, lol. These rescues are so much more exciting than regular towing.
Randy did a good job filming it even at night!
His Chanel name is All Terrain Randy
A beautiful piece of country with a blanket of snow covering it...
The customer kept a good head staying warm overnight. Good recovery!
Mat is. Just a fixer. Fix anything. A great man. Love the. Videos.
Ive never watched so many episodes of a youtube channel ever! This is great tv! that Jeep guy is a character hahah.. good attitude. Love this show.. next episode..
Couch potato expert here - video jeep (Rudy’s rig) needs air lockers, on board air compressor, and air tank!! Maybe a taco bar too!! 🤣🤣
Keep up the great work!
second this comment
Stick to the couch, weight is the enemy driving on sand.
@@iffykidmn8170 Alright, SCUBA tank with downstep regulator...light aluminium, 3,000lbs square inch pressure...that will inflate a few tires....
What a great group of people!!!! Everyone in the video! I love positive people and we all need that especially now. Thanks Matt and the crew! I smile anytime you upload, regardless of how I feel.
Everyone give him a thumbs up if you haven't because I think it the least we could do for him providing 11 minutes of giving to us
Seriously, very nice... I was going to call it camera work but it bordered on cinematography, nicely framed long shots, drone footage and set off by excellent editing.
Enjoyed the special appearance of world's smallest and slowest air compressor. If you see that customer again, perhaps suggest that he get a bicycle pump as an emergency backup.
@Matt's Off Road Recovery you need to buy a portable ARB air compressor. They're amazing and their reliability is superb.
That Wrangler dude sure is chipper, Californian? Hoooly moly such gorgeous outdoors I am drooling from the mountain views you guys get to see. I demand footage of Lizzy & Randy falling in the snow! Hahahaha
“Can we do it again?” Oh dear, there lies the path to off road addiction :D Next thing you know he will have two winches, sand mats, waffle boards, a huge ground anchor, snatch blocks and a favourite shackle. No, wait, I just described myself :P
This could be straight out of " Cavin and Hobbes!"
Both customers seemed very nice. Good of you to stop and help the lady on the hill too.👍
They should make a bumper sticker that says, "I've been yanked by Yankum" Awesome video as always. ❤😊
How’s about I’m a yank, that’s been yanked by yankum😈
Such a wholesome great family. Honest work blessings from the Lord to your family
"I'm stuck". That girl is cute as hell. I need to move to Utah.
I was like daggummmmm a flower in the dessert
@@Pan_Gotti but wasnt she in a snowy mountian?
The girls are cute here, but I definitely wouldn't move here for them. There are much cooler girls other places.
Matt’s the Lone Ranger riding around rescuing Damsel in distress! The young lady (very pretty) in Ford was smitten with Matt’s awesomeness!! He had her at you need a little help!! Matt luv what y’all do y’all do go above and beyond! It really shows you and your crew love what y’all do!!!
Note to editor, pretty much everybody uses inches when talking about rims/tires outside usa too, it's not necessary to convert them to meters.
We like the Centigrade and Fahrenheit details though,
We use inches for a lot of stuff, but usually only whole numbers. When its point something we use centimeters
How did Lizzy end up on the show? Family relation? Needed a job? Obviously who wouldn't want to have a job like that? Love her personality and ethic!
Her father is friends with Matt since before she was born.
I'm surprised y'all don't keep a lil compressor on hand. I love my Smittybuilt. First offroad tool I bought after a shovel lol. Next is a Matt's recovery rope!
I like Matts comment, "how does this thing work?" Hahaha those air compressors suck but are a life saver!
Im so happy with this channel. With a lot of the news comming from over there... Just some American folks doing American stuff, towed or towing, awesome!
That guy in the Jeep is my hero😂😂😂😂 keep it real brother!!!
I just got my first 4 wheel drive. I feel like I have everything I need for off roading with the exception of the yellow Matt's recovery yankem rope. I'm getting ready to place my order.
That guy seemed really nice and happy!! Hope he gets a better compressor though!!
I gotta say, even being Canadian I've never seen tire measurements in meters! 0.94m Tires 0.56m Rims LOL Cheers from Canada 😁🇨🇦
yeah usually its mm/%/inches
Same here in germany 🇩🇪😅
Some things even here are measured in inches. Rims or pipes for example
@George Vinson example.. 205/55/16 is 205 mm wide tread pattern. sidewall height is 55 % of that and rim is 16 inches.
if only 2 numbers like xxx/16 then its usually xxx/80/16. mostly on tires for vans and stuff with a higher load index.
This is an excellent opportunity for a PSA. This guy did everything right and made it out of a very scary situation alive! Much better outcome than a lot of other stranded motorist stories you hear.
Always travel with my little buddy Heater 2 extra propane cans, a blanket, and winter clothes
Never know when you get stuck and for how long
Three teenagers died in a car here in NZ in 1997....they didn't take into account the carbon monoxide produced by burning propane in an enclosed car...have the window down a little on the off-wind side as a vent....or don't take the risk at all....
@@JohnSmith-pl2bk a carbon monoxide detector and proper ventilation is a must of course when using Propane heaters
Look up Mr Heater brands....they are 100% for indoor use.
So the truck driver was from Florida (no snow) and this was his first time in real snow. Of course he went into the ditch. BUT... he has common sense. He had enough warm clothes to survive a night out there in the cold. Bravo. Well done man. Like everything else, the more practice you have the better you get.
Girl in the truck was pretty cute :D
Rocking bod
+1 Lizzy is pretty cute too. Lotta cute girls out there
That guy in the jeep was awesome, and a great attitude. Love it!!
I'm really suprised you guys don't carry on board air with you.
Yeah for a guy who's living is this he is really unprepared. Didn't used to carry a winch. Wouldn't have a spare tire. Didn't have air to put a tire back on if the bead popped. Don't think I have seen a hi-lift. Does he have traction mats? A chainsaw in case he is blocked in by a fallen tree? Shovels? His whole preparation is basically just being locked front and rear and not getting stuck in the first place. If I did this all day I would also have a welder under the hood.
@@ConSeann3ry chainsaw? I think you're going a little overboard but yeah he definitely is lacking in a lot of basic recovery gear.
He's touched on it before, he says he doesn't want to add any unnecessary weight because he works on such soft sand often. I think at least a plugin tire pump would come in handy, they aren't particularly heavy anyway. To each their own, seems like he gets the job done one way or another.
@@garrettschweitzer7138 an ARB dual compressor doesn’t add much weight and fills tires pretty quickly. I mean he takes out 4-5 people and 2 dogs, weight can’t be that big of an issue.
@@garrettschweitzer7138 Yeah weight is an issue but besides a spare tire none of the things I have listed weigh much and you can't tell me that not having a spare is a good idea. 30 pounds for a high lift, traction mats 10 pounds, etc. Would all add up to less weight than a small person.
When a Mall Crawler goes 4 wheeling! 22” wheels with 37’s does not a hardcore off-roader make no matter how extreme the tires are! Great job MORR !
Tomorrow's video: "So, the guy from yesterday called..."
😂 yeah...!
I'm gonna lose it when I see him back, love his energy
I’d tune in!!
Yep and hes still at full tire
If he would've aired down he'd probably be able to get himself out
Yep and hes still at full tire
If he would've aired down he'd probably be able to get himself out
Just FYI, a high volume floor pump (think bicycle pump) is much faster than the little lighter-socket pumps. $10 at a discount store could save you an hour of waiting for a little electric pump to fill a truck-sized tire. I keep a ~600cc pump in the back of the truck just in case.
The second guy was hilarious. I don't like his choice in rolling stock, but I like his attitude.
That guy was a blast 😂 Let’s do it again! Lol..
You all are surrounded by some of the most beautiful geological scenery. Sometimes I’m just blown away by some rock formations in the background of your recovery videos.
6:35, I like how the customer's math doesn't add up, lol.
Matt’s showing off his mad skills driving backwards on ice!!! AWSOME!!!!
Fantastic videos from this channel - keep it up!
Of course Randy caught it all on camera! he is the quickest cart racer after all you know... 😁
OMG, The views!! gotta love Utah!!
that Jeep guy really made my day with his attitude lol
but the first guy impressed me with how well prepared he was
Just watched Paul's "Cantankerous Comments." I sure would like to hear some more about your Bad A Jeeps 😆
Gonna show my friends and family this. The guy was definitely prepared and I’m the same way. Now they’ll see how important it is to have survival supplies no matter what 😮
I carry an AIR PUMP everywhere I go in all my vehicles. I also carry plug kits, a high lift, a bottle jack and first aid.
Same here. An air compressor, shovel and rope live in mine.
@@ninaandbob Oh ya the shovel and rope. Got them too along with two 10,000 pound straps. Lots of recovery gear in my Blazer.
For those with the spare underneath I think moving it out and using the space for a large air compressor is the most useful upgrade.
@@noelnicholls1894 You don't need a large one. I use an MV-50 and I have huge tires. Works great.
Thanks! Please keep sharing!
That one guy was having the time of his life 😂
Last guy sounded exactly like Enrique from king of the hill! Same level of energy too!
That’s why I will never put big ass rims and low profile off-road tires on a jeep they are useless. 😝
You mean you don't like car jewelry lol. Yeah me too I like utility, cheaper tires, and lack of stress about ruining beauty.
@@spocker22 I like function over beauty 😂
37s on 22s look sweet at the mall or driving around town but if your going to play nothing bets steelies and and a good set of rubber.
While I won't disagree with your point, If he had aired down it still would have made a big improvement.
I mean running 2s and 7s is the same thing as running 17s on 33s. I wouldn't call it "low profile". if he was running 2s and 3s or 4s and 5s then you might be on to something. but a 37in tire has plenty of rubber
The Wrangler guy seems like a really cool dude to talk and have some fun riding along
5:32 Just as loud as the full sized ones lol
Enjoy your videos. Everyone seems like a family. And you get excited customers even at night!!
10:48 That's what she said!
Glad to see the gang enjoying life and doing what they love to do.
That guy and his replay 😂
I keep a power pack in my truck for jumping off a car or inflating a low tire. I bought it a few years ago at Lowe's for about $120.00. At the time I questioned how well it would work but I have jumped off a couple of folks with dead batteries and have used it to inflate tires. I had a tire one morning that was about 5 pounds low and I think it took about 5 minutes. A buddy of mine has a inflation unit that looks like a battery drill and he has had good success with it. I salute this guy for having emergency gear in his truck. Always a good idea.
No air pump in either recovery rig. Just odd. Seeing Matt’s always airing down
He's said in other videos that unless he's doing a lot of highway driving he just keeps it at 10ish PSI. When you have a shop you can probably skip out on the onboard air compressor since space and weight is at a premium for some rescues. They don't keep a spare with the banana either.
@@chrisoffutt8968 My friend uses a Co2 canister to air up and down when he's wheeling. Very low weight and a lot faster than a 12v compressor.
can't spare the weight allowance with all the camera gear :D
Guy in the wrangler cracks me up! Great attitude.
Well that was a lot of fun , let's do it again ! LOL
The resolution on this video with the blue sky and snow is Awesome.