WTC I - Prelude and Fugue in C Sharp Minor & Shostakovich Preludes op. 34

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 4

  • @freetv77
    @freetv77 3 года назад

    I just finished watching a video of you play the Tannhauser Overture in Japan. How wonderful! You have blessed my evening - what a gift you have. Thank you for sharing it - may the Lord bless you.

  • @andresklavierraum
    @andresklavierraum 3 года назад +2

    I just recently found out about your Bach Project. I am so glad you made the earlier streamings available on RUclips. it feels like catching up on my favorite series. I am looking forward to next Thursday to join you live for the first time :DDDDD In the meantime I will continue learning with you about this amazing compositions you are presenting to us :)

  • @marekczekanski1598
    @marekczekanski1598 3 года назад

    Dear Yulianna, your deepest personal experience of this Prelude and Fugue just emanates from You. Your intimate comment perfectly complements what You have already conveyed while playing: Bach’s expression of His enormous compassion towards human suffering associated with His firm conviction that it is not senseless or futile but is a necessary part of a great divine Order resting ultimately on Love, Peace, Hope and fundamental Law of couse and effect. It is not mere ‘interpretation’; it is an exegesis!

  • @maartenvanderlek8955
    @maartenvanderlek8955 3 года назад

    Bach 13:11 : Divine! I can't say nothing else. 19:10 until the end. Thank you so much ❤️✝️.
    Shostakovich 39:08 : As soon as I ask me: do I like it?... finished!! So I ask me nothing.
    And I will listen to op.87. Already listen. Marvellous!