This is exactly my thing! The programming language I use the most is golang, and I've dabbled a little bit with godot and it was interesting, and I've been thinking for a while, what If I had a godot game that communicated with a server written in go, and this tutorial series is exactly that.
Do you plan on having the server validate collision/physics / how do you integrate that? I have wanted to do something like this, but didnt know how hard it would be to integrate that kind of thing consistantly and easily.
@@ND6K yes! Server validation will be covered in part #8. Basically it’s done with a series of checks each time the client says they have eaten a spore. E.g. Godot detects collision and wants to grow in size, so messages the server, then server validates that claim by checking 1. Does the spore the player said they ate actually exist? 2. Was the player anywhere near the spore they said they ate? 3. If the player ate the spore, how much should they grow? If you’re interested, the blog post for each part is already out so you can read ahead if you like:
@@LawZist websockets actually *are* TCP, but we are using them mainly for the web export. It is not possible to use a raw socket in a web-based game, you have to use either websockets or gRPC (more complicated).
This is exactly my thing! The programming language I use the most is golang, and I've dabbled a little bit with godot and it was interesting, and I've been thinking for a while, what If I had a godot game that communicated with a server written in go, and this tutorial series is exactly that.
That’s awesome! I hope the series will give you some insight, but it’s cool to see fellow Go + Godot enjoyers out there 🫡
Do you plan on having the server validate collision/physics / how do you integrate that? I have wanted to do something like this, but didnt know how hard it would be to integrate that kind of thing consistantly and easily.
@@ND6K yes! Server validation will be covered in part #8.
Basically it’s done with a series of checks each time the client says they have eaten a spore. E.g. Godot detects collision and wants to grow in size, so messages the server, then server validates that claim by checking
1. Does the spore the player said they ate actually exist?
2. Was the player anywhere near the spore they said they ate?
3. If the player ate the spore, how much should they grow?
If you’re interested, the blog post for each part is already out so you can read ahead if you like:
Great video! Can you explain why using web socket and not tcp/udp?
@@LawZist websockets actually *are* TCP, but we are using them mainly for the web export. It is not possible to use a raw socket in a web-based game, you have to use either websockets or gRPC (more complicated).
@ what about webrtc? As far as i know its a UDP implemenation
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