I love how Rory is so honest. This is really important because her comments really push the compassion a little further! And I also really like that she would embark her friend on a yoga class, like rethinking the things you can do and try to eliminate the feelings of shame or embarrassment that people in wheelchairs experience when they try something that is associated with non-disabled people.
I am 22 years old and became a paraplegic a year and a half ago. Its not as easy as this video seems. Going from playing volleyball, soccer, and indoor soccer and living in the mountains so I can hike any day I want... to a body that doesnt work is not this easy. Those arent only the difficulties. The hardest part is being independent and then learning to depend on other people. Having to have more patience than you can imagine. And also you left out the whole mental part of it. Mentally, going full on paraplegic in a day and having to restart your life is more difficult than you will ever understand. There is so much more to this life. I am not able to get out and do yoga on my own yet. I can't get in my chair from the floor position. I can't feel if I am getting a pressure point from sitting too long. I actually just had surgery because my tailbone came through my skin. Its not an exciting thing. There are new let downs and difficulties each and every day. It takes everything you have to stay positive.
Moriah, I've been paralyzed from the waist down since a 1992 train accident in Buffalo, NY. I now live in Florida. I've lived on my own for many years, before and after my marriage. Living independently is possible! I had my accident when I was 17 and within a year I was living in a house on my own. I even dropped out of physical therapy because I didn't like the way they were showing me things, I just taught myself how to do everything, I think that's the best way because a person who is fully able can never show you how to do anything since they have no idea how it is to be like us. I taught myslf how to get in and out of bed, in and out of a normal shower, in/out of my van, taking my chair apart/together by myself, etc. I learned things by trial and error. When my daughter was born in 1999 I took care of her by myself 9 hours a day when my wife went to work and it was me who got up with her all night long. I'm NOT bragging, I'm just saying it IS possible. You're young, you just have to be strong inside and out. The reason I moved from Buffalo to Florida was to get away from the snow as my shoulders were getting to bad to shovel from my chair when I got into my mid 30's. Living in the mountains like you say you do is not ideal for a wheelchair, so it's up to you to move to a place where you can take care of yourself if needed. I'm divorced now, and 43. I live on my own and still do everything for myself but if you came into my house you can't tell a person in a wheelchair lives here. If you need help, or just need to vent I'll listen and help any way I can/ Back in 1992 when I had my accident there was no internet, I wish I had someone to reach out to. If I can help you can text me at 17168303021. DON'T GIVE UP! Life can still be worth living.
This is a really good video and a great program. My girlfriend uses a wheelchair (MS) and we have had a pretty steep learning curve together, but I will say that using an appropriate wheelchair and having a good attitude makes all the difference. Thank you for posting such a positive video.
I'd like to say: -You can’t just go to a few places and expect to know what life is like for someone in a wheelchair. -There wasn’t anything about accessibility or what is done when you come across stairs without a ramp or an elevator. -There was also very little interaction with the public, so not a lot of ableism was seen. -Again, it’s assumed that if you are in a wheelchair it’s because you're paralyzed. -The yoga class is not something that’s realistic for a lot of wheelchair users.
I've only had one "girl" friend, since injury almost 25 years ago and she asked if she could jump in my court chair, so she could experience what it was like negotiating life in a chair. It wasn't 15 minutes before she stopped, got out of the chair and said, "I can't do this." She turned and walked away without another word. Never saw her again. So much for a challenge!?
My wife lost a leg as a child. We are together for years now, we have three children - and I still have to learn new stuff almost daily. And she does not even have to use a wheelchair and her handicap is much smaller. You might get a vague idea when you sit in a wheelchair for one day - but to live this life is something totally different.
i completely aggree with you! being in a wheelchair for a day is not the same as a lifetime. and when you add on the other problems that often come with disability like back pain, or poor grip strength, it is not always as easy to use a wheelchair as it seems here. I have been disabled for 10 years and even now I am learning new things about my body and disability
Why does everyone think that pretending you can't move your legs or acting like you gotta do everything sitting down will show you what its like to be paralyzed??? Try crapping yourself with the runs from antibiotic use in front of 20 people in a small room then see how much you care about not being able to walk around.. lol (T-10 complete here) ..Doing daily activities from the chair is a good perspective to share with a friend tho I aint knockin on that.. ;) I'm sure it felt good to her for her bestie to share in some of her world for a little while...
KMurdock1974 she should have had to go grocery shopping. Try balancing a basket on her lap and reaching high up items. Or throw goggles on her to simulate vision loss. I'm legally blind and part time use a manual chair. Not being able to see well throws a whole new wrench into the game.
Katie Robinson big time.. I am naturally deaf.. I have a cochlear implant but my natural equilibrium is absent when my vision is compromised so I know what you are talking about for sure.. but yeah there are so many aspects that can not be appreciated by someone just sitting...peoples attempt to understand is appreciated tho don't get me wrong but it can be frustrating to witness and not say something..lol
I do like the positive attitude in this video. I'm a wheelchair user as well, I have EDS and my ability to walk and stand is very limited. Many of these videos tend to lean towards negativity about wheelchairs. But they're really not that bad once you're in one! Yes, it takes more planning and time sometimes, but it also gives the user more freedom and mobility. It's important to learn HOW to use a wheelchair though, and that's something you can't learn by trying it for a day!
You bring up valid points. We have actually had quite a few students in middle and high school participate, it has been very effective in changing the kids minds about living with disabilities. Also, remember, people participating are able bodied, they are not in chairs, they are trying to learn a little about what it is like and to help us spread awareness about accessibility issues and the challenges of daily life in a wheelchair. thanks for your thoughts.
I always encourage people to try to learn more about disability and our struggles and experiences, but as a wheelchair user I think when people do these programs it is important for them to remember that they will never fully understand what it's like to be disabled and that using a wheelchair for your whole life is very different than using it for a day. I also think having people encounter the frustrations of inaccessibility would be very educational and show them the more "painful and emotional" side of disability
I know some people are a little dismissive of the value of experience this gives AB people - but actually, I wish we did this in the UK - I am a new wheelchair user and though I can stand and walk a few paces, using a wheelchair in many ways gives me a whole lot more freedom - but also presents new challenges that honestly you WON'T ever truly realise unless you experience them in some way. There is NO way for someone to experience the realities of debilitating pain, spasms, cramping, the reality of falling when attempting to stand/walk - but if AB people can get even a tiny insight into the every day stuff you face when using a chair instead of walking, that's great!
It’s more the thought that counts to see what your friend goes thrue no your not going to have the full experiment but trying to understand how her life is it’s very nice of you I’m a part time power chair user myself
You are very pretty and i see you don't let wheelchair hold you down i have been in my chair for 23 years now and keep pushing keep up what you doing you will be fine
Hey Rory, it's NOT the same when you know you can just get up at any time. I've been paralyzed since 1992. You thinking you know how it is now is a HUGE joke!! "It was a fun day being in a wheelchair all day"...I've NEVER said that, never will.
A day in a wheelchair will never give you a proper appreciation of what it is like to be a daily user. You can always leave it behind when your fun little experiment is over.
We may never understand what it is like 24/7, but we can learn what kind of things make life harder for a wheelchair user when they don't need to be. Stairs, narrow doorways, heavy doors, etc. can be dealt with or not used at all. Without doing things like this we don't know how much we don't know.
I'm a wheelchair user, but not full time. I can walk, stand, but it's very painful, so the wheelchair is a tool to reduce my pain. By spending as much time as I do in my wheelchair, but not being dependent entirely on my chair, I have learned how much I appreciate being able to use my legs as much as I appreciate being able to use the chair, and how much my city is trying to adjust to be more inclusive. I hope I will really never know what it's like to be completely dependent on my wheelchair, but I know if I ever am it would not be the end of the world by any means (and some things would just suck).
I think can know what it's like for just a day, I've been in a wheelchair for thirty five years and it very difficult try to get to the restroom and getting in and out of bed cleaning sweeping mopping just making the bed is a challenge but yeah i think the wheelchair for a day Challenge is a good idea. maybe people will appreciate the fact that they can walk people take little things for granted
0:45 i think things like this can be a good way for able bodied people to understand certain struggles wheelchair users face. but [as a disabled wheelchair user] being in a wheelchair for a single day is not enough "to know what its really like" to be disabled. while i acknowledge the good intentions behind this, what bothers me is i have seen quite a few people do this challenge then think they fully understand and can speak on life with a mobility disability being in a wheelchair has allowed me to do so many things i could not do without it. but there ARE many painful, and emotional moments especially being excluded by inaccessibility from meaningful things and having people harass me for "faking" my disability
No considering the fact that I’m in a wheelchair I usually give my own wheelchair challenge on the pool table people say that I’ve never played in the wheelchair that it’s easy but then they have a different perspective better time that I’m finished I’m really glad to see able-bodied people like you guys taking up this little church image maybe one day I’ll get together with you guys in let’s have some fun
I'm not gunna lie, I'm writing in "Rory Freedman" on my Presidential ballot this year. She is just a good person on so many levels. This was inspiring, informative, and eye-opening. I'm intrigued to try it myself.
All countries should always allow people with disabilities to have the right to be respected and care about their well being because they are very important and have the ability to do everything that a non disability person can do
I would love to do this for my BFF who was born with spina bifida, and has been in a wheelchair her whole life. But I don't know how/where to get a wheelchair like that in my budget(??)
Please understand that Wheelchair for a Day is a campaign intended to spread awareness about the challenges of living in a wheelchair and accessibility issues. Our volunteers are simply trying to help and make a difference. Of course, in a day you will not be able to experience everything, it is simply intended to give people a glimpse, make them more aware, and help open other peoples eyes. You have some valid points, would be great if you would help promote the program in your community.,
if you want people to see what inaccessibility is like, maybe ensuring they go to somewhere that is not fully accessible would be a good idea [it looked like they all went to fully accessible places since she was with her disabled friend]
Absolutely. You should check out our organization, we work with all disabilities at all levels and ages; SCI, TBI, Parkinsons, MS, Stroke etc..As a C5/6 Quad, I fully understand where you are coming from. Thanks for the feedback and stay strong.
This is bullshit, not everyone with a spinal cord injury ends up the same. I have some serious nerve pain after 3years and I cannot do this shit or even sit in my chair for a long time.
Isabella Heibel So you think that acting like you can't move your legs will show you how hard or "easy" it is??? SMH.. Having to do everything from a chair is just a small part of being paralyzed my friend.. I know you don't understand like many so I would not try to grill you on that statement as frustrating it is for me to see someone say that.. I am paralyzed from mid-stomach down and I assure you that kicking around in a wheelchair for a day or whatever does NOT give you any idea of what its like to be paralyzed or "how hard or easy it is" or whatever.. Its a taste of one aspect.. the most obvious one maybe... but it doesn't represent what the biggest problems are... or the "real" problems... The list of things is too long for me to explain.. but just trust me.. from an actual paralyzed person... riding around in a wheelchair or even just trying to act paralyzed in no way lets you know "how hard or easy it is"... -with all due respect friend..I aint tryin to come across with hate or anger, its just frustrating to see such comments that make light of what I or others have to deal with... -Keith
There is no way to feel what it is like to be in a chair with faking it for one day. I have been a paraplegic for 32 years . I cannot get from the chair to the floor independently . How did you go to the bathroom. did you catherize yourself like many paralyzed people do ?Nice of you to try though.
i think the point is just to navigate through a day to understand the every day challenges or how people react even. most of these that i've seen are just paraplegics though, i can't imagine a quadriplegic's daily challenges :(
It sucks going to wheelchair life :( my world was turned upside down when I was in car accident that caused me to be in wheelchair. I didn't give up. Was hard but I did it
it really isn't easy being in a wheelchair. i have muscular Dystrophy i have no muscles in my arms or legs making an even more of a challange. im still able to walk but only for 35 seconds after that my legs, knees and hips start to hurt. after which i have to sit down to make the pain go away. just pushing myself is tough for me :( i already hurt my right hand once and the day i hurt it. my hand has gotten worse which really sucks because i love drawing and im right handed. :(
There are a lot of great wheelchair yoga programs, check out mindbody solutions for example. We implement a lot of yoga techniques into our programs at NextSte, they are extremely effective. Even assisted yoga has a great deal of benefits. Before you dismiss it, you should read more about it.
Great info. You are truly Awesome. MS Mother of two here. Lucky my two were out of diapers before I ended up uses the chair. I noticed your chair. Where did you get it?
Thank you for doing this and your comment about messy toilet seats made my day! Thank you for getting it: pass it on to your fellow able bodied friends. I have to carry a clorox wipe with me at all times because for girl's, we really are bad at aiming!
Wow. I'm amazed at all of the bitterness in these comments. I'm sure many of you have a lot to complain about, but you shouldn't take it out on someone who's reaching out to you. Personally, I'd like to say Thank You for this video. It's nice to see young people who are willing to walk a mile in my wheel chair.
Have you been searching for a lightweight wheelchair that doesn't cause strain on your back and/or limbs? Karman Healthcare provides the best wheelchairs in the industry, second to none. Durability, Style, and Comfort all in one, Check out our wheelchair series for more information! transport wheelchair, lightweight wheelchair, ultra lightweight wheelchair,
Well i watch some of this and that's all well and good what they where doing etc. but, if you live in a poor side of town you won't run into any places like that. Well basically watching this remind me when i was in high school and all the kids would say things to me like this. It must be fun to be in a wheelchair etc. Crap like that. It's only fun when your not stuck in it!!!! Some days it can be just to much to take... And glad your injuries aren't as bad as others etc
But i do hope you raise the money you need. That's the reason your doing it so. But please do us wheelchair folks a favor please. Help everyone you can and not just the groups of people who are slitely injured. Like the groups of people who has been in wheelchairs for years and not just the ones who has been hurt for 2 years or less.
I noticed that they got in and out of the car a few times... near the end of the piece it looks like Rory just tossed the wheelchair aside after she got in the car... Wha? Wheelchairs are not disposable..I take mine with me!
i wish they would make kids have to do this in school for at least a week then maybe there would be at least a bit less bullying as a wheelchair user myself who is also able to weight bare i like that these people are even willing to see what its like if even just for a day its better then nothing
When I was in 6th grade they had us do it for 2 days when we got to school before going to class we had to get into a chair and it was so hard and now I have so much more respect for everyone in a wheelchair
Kody Eldridge I may not be in a wheelchair, but I recently had to start using a walker because I have lost some nerve and muscle function in my legs for unknown reasons… And my legs are in pain quite often… And the disease can be physically and emotionally “crippling.“. I have what’s called idiopathic neuropathy, and I wouldn’t wish this upon anybody.
i've been in and out of wheelchair whole life it comes with my disablity. i do aperciate what the non disabled one is trying to do but she should really try doing normal day in one. Not lunch and yoga
All of these show people who are using self-propelled wheelchairs. No one is trying an electric wheelchair for a day. Electric wheelchairs come with so many challenges as a lot of the time they don't fir through one side of a double door and they can't go up and down curbs.
Being in a chair for 16 years this month (happy anniversary).. I do appreciate the sentiment but I never saw any challenges... Only that "all ppl in chairs can't carry a glass without a lid".. I didn't know this.. I thought if you want it.. Carry it... What do I know.... Never discussed inaccessible places or any other fun challenges.. Good job otherwise
Daverrs I push with one hand hold the cup in the other, then switch hands holding the cup and push with the other hand. You go a little slower but it works. I'll move through target caring a cup of Starbucks coffee and pushing my own chair in this manner.
This is a great video. And I like it. But, lets be real people. This video is a 6 minute edit of one day. Asking a complete stranger that your not even sure if you can trust, to carry a drink for you to your table, is nothing, in comparison to the physical and mental trauma this can cause over years, and DECADES. Respect to anybody who tries it. Because trust me, its not as easy as rollin' down the street.
Wodinn all sidewalks ( at least ones in Ohio and Missouri that I've encountered) tilt slightly toward the street. In none of these wheelchair for a day videos has anybody mentioned this. So they aren't noticing the little stuff that we do. I give them effort for wanting to try and understand, but till it's your life, it can't be fully understood. I won't stop anybody from trying. When I got my chair I had each of my coworkers try it out to get an idea.
maybe you might want to cut it to a chair for a month then you will really seen what life is like iv been in one since i was 11 or 12 long time now im 31 and everyday is just as tired some as the next
I love how Rory is so honest. This is really important because her comments really push the compassion a little further! And I also really like that she would embark her friend on a yoga class, like rethinking the things you can do and try to eliminate the feelings of shame or embarrassment that people in wheelchairs experience when they try something that is associated with non-disabled people.
I am 22 years old and became a paraplegic a year and a half ago. Its not as easy as this video seems. Going from playing volleyball, soccer, and indoor soccer and living in the mountains so I can hike any day I want... to a body that doesnt work is not this easy. Those arent only the difficulties. The hardest part is being independent and then learning to depend on other people. Having to have more patience than you can imagine. And also you left out the whole mental part of it. Mentally, going full on paraplegic in a day and having to restart your life is more difficult than you will ever understand. There is so much more to this life. I am not able to get out and do yoga on my own yet. I can't get in my chair from the floor position. I can't feel if I am getting a pressure point from sitting too long. I actually just had surgery because my tailbone came through my skin. Its not an exciting thing. There are new let downs and difficulties each and every day. It takes everything you have to stay positive.
I still have nerve pain after 3years and I cannot do any of this. These motivational videos aren't for everyone.
Moriah McMurtry Stay positive you lovely lady!! I know it's hard, but you have been through the worst part.
Moriah McMurtry I am also handicap boy from India so please call me my number +919435275773
Moriah, I've been paralyzed from the waist down since a 1992 train accident in Buffalo, NY. I now live in Florida. I've lived on my own for many years, before and after my marriage. Living independently is possible! I had my accident when I was 17 and within a year I was living in a house on my own. I even dropped out of physical therapy because I didn't like the way they were showing me things, I just taught myself how to do everything, I think that's the best way because a person who is fully able can never show you how to do anything since they have no idea how it is to be like us. I taught myslf how to get in and out of bed, in and out of a normal shower, in/out of my van, taking my chair apart/together by myself, etc. I learned things by trial and error. When my daughter was born in 1999 I took care of her by myself 9 hours a day when my wife went to work and it was me who got up with her all night long. I'm NOT bragging, I'm just saying it IS possible. You're young, you just have to be strong inside and out. The reason I moved from Buffalo to Florida was to get away from the snow as my shoulders were getting to bad to shovel from my chair when I got into my mid 30's. Living in the mountains like you say you do is not ideal for a wheelchair, so it's up to you to move to a place where you can take care of yourself if needed. I'm divorced now, and 43. I live on my own and still do everything for myself but if you came into my house you can't tell a person in a wheelchair lives here. If you need help, or just need to vent I'll listen and help any way I can/ Back in 1992 when I had my accident there was no internet, I wish I had someone to reach out to. If I can help you can text me at 17168303021. DON'T GIVE UP! Life can still be worth living.
I wish you all the luck Moriah!
This is a really good video and a great program. My girlfriend uses a wheelchair (MS) and we have had a pretty steep learning curve together, but I will say that using an appropriate wheelchair and having a good attitude makes all the difference. Thank you for posting such a positive video.
Two inspiring, compassionate women who i am lucky to call friends! Great video of two friends helping & sharing their lives!
I'd like to say:
-You can’t just go to a few places and expect to know what life is like for someone in a wheelchair.
-There wasn’t anything about accessibility or what is done when you come across stairs without a ramp or an elevator.
-There was also very little interaction with the public, so not a lot of ableism was seen.
-Again, it’s assumed that if you are in a wheelchair it’s because you're paralyzed.
-The yoga class is not something that’s realistic for a lot of wheelchair users.
I've only had one "girl" friend, since injury almost 25 years ago and she asked if she could jump in my court chair, so she could experience what it was like negotiating life in a chair. It wasn't 15 minutes before she stopped, got out of the chair and said, "I can't do this." She turned and walked away without another word. Never saw her again. So much for a challenge!?
My wife lost a leg as a child. We are together for years now, we have three children - and I still have to learn new stuff almost daily. And she does not even have to use a wheelchair and her handicap is much smaller. You might get a vague idea when you sit in a wheelchair for one day - but to live this life is something totally different.
i completely aggree with you! being in a wheelchair for a day is not the same as a lifetime. and when you add on the other problems that often come with disability like back pain, or poor grip strength, it is not always as easy to use a wheelchair as it seems here.
I have been disabled for 10 years and even now I am learning new things about my body and disability
That's great showing awareness about people who were born physically handicapped, and so on.
I also have CP and also in a wheelchair xx
Why does everyone think that pretending you can't move your legs or acting like you gotta do everything sitting down will show you what its like to be paralyzed??? Try crapping yourself with the runs from antibiotic use in front of 20 people in a small room then see how much you care about not being able to walk around.. lol (T-10 complete here) ..Doing daily activities from the chair is a good perspective to share with a friend tho I aint knockin on that.. ;) I'm sure it felt good to her for her bestie to share in some of her world for a little while...
KMurdock1974 she should have had to go grocery shopping. Try balancing a basket on her lap and reaching high up items. Or throw goggles on her to simulate vision loss. I'm legally blind and part time use a manual chair. Not being able to see well throws a whole new wrench into the game.
Katie Robinson
big time.. I am naturally deaf.. I have a cochlear implant but my natural equilibrium is absent when my vision is compromised so I know what you are talking about for sure.. but yeah there are so many aspects that can not be appreciated by someone just sitting...peoples attempt to understand is appreciated tho don't get me wrong but it can be frustrating to witness and not say something..lol
I do like the positive attitude in this video. I'm a wheelchair user as well, I have EDS and my ability to walk and stand is very limited. Many of these videos tend to lean towards negativity about wheelchairs. But they're really not that bad once you're in one! Yes, it takes more planning and time sometimes, but it also gives the user more freedom and mobility. It's important to learn HOW to use a wheelchair though, and that's something you can't learn by trying it for a day!
Jennie Svensson my part time chair use has given me wicked upper body strength. It's a positive.
Jennie Svensson I am also handicap boy from India I have no both hand finger by accident. So please contact me what's app number +919101035335
You bring up valid points. We have actually had quite a few students in middle and high school participate, it has been very effective in changing the kids minds about living with disabilities. Also, remember, people participating are able bodied, they are not in chairs, they are trying to learn a little about what it is like and to help us spread awareness about accessibility issues and the challenges of daily life in a wheelchair. thanks for your thoughts.
I always encourage people to try to learn more about disability and our struggles and experiences, but as a wheelchair user I think when people do these programs it is important for them to remember that they will never fully understand what it's like to be disabled and that using a wheelchair for your whole life is very different than using it for a day. I also think having people encounter the frustrations of inaccessibility would be very educational and show them the more "painful and emotional" side of disability
I know some people are a little dismissive of the value of experience this gives AB people - but actually, I wish we did this in the UK - I am a new wheelchair user and though I can stand and walk a few paces, using a wheelchair in many ways gives me a whole lot more freedom - but also presents new challenges that honestly you WON'T ever truly realise unless you experience them in some way.
There is NO way for someone to experience the realities of debilitating pain, spasms, cramping, the reality of falling when attempting to stand/walk - but if AB people can get even a tiny insight into the every day stuff you face when using a chair instead of walking, that's great!
this does have value, but it also is not perfect. I see many valid criticisms I the comments, I do not see them as dismissive at all
This is such a wonderful video! Thanks Rory and Gretchen. Two amazingly talented and intelligent people.
2 of my favorite girls on this planet! Great video girls! Love you! Keep inspiring! The world needs you both! xo
It’s more the thought that counts to see what your friend goes thrue no your not going to have the full experiment but trying to understand how her life is it’s very nice of you I’m a part time power chair user myself
You are very pretty and i see you don't let wheelchair hold you down i have been in my chair for 23 years now and keep pushing keep up what you doing you will be fine
Hey Rory, it's NOT the same when you know you can just get up at any time. I've been paralyzed since 1992. You thinking you know how it is now is a HUGE joke!! "It was a fun day being in a wheelchair all day"...I've NEVER said that, never will.
A day in a wheelchair will never give you a proper appreciation of what it is like to be a daily user. You can always leave it behind when your fun little experiment is over.
that is, just the reality we are in. but true.
We may never understand what it is like 24/7, but we can learn what kind of things make life harder for a wheelchair user when they don't need to be. Stairs, narrow doorways, heavy doors, etc. can be dealt with or not used at all. Without doing things like this we don't know how much we don't know.
PageMonster At least she has the guts to TRY to get something from it. Lighten up butter cup.
I'm a wheelchair user, but not full time. I can walk, stand, but it's very painful, so the wheelchair is a tool to reduce my pain. By spending as much time as I do in my wheelchair, but not being dependent entirely on my chair, I have learned how much I appreciate being able to use my legs as much as I appreciate being able to use the chair, and how much my city is trying to adjust to be more inclusive. I hope I will really never know what it's like to be completely dependent on my wheelchair, but I know if I ever am it would not be the end of the world by any means (and some things would just suck).
I think can know what it's like for just a day, I've been in a wheelchair for thirty five years and it very difficult try to get to the restroom and getting in and out of bed cleaning sweeping mopping just making the bed is a challenge but yeah i think the wheelchair for a day Challenge is a good idea. maybe people will appreciate the fact that they can walk people take little things for granted
0:45 i think things like this can be a good way for able bodied people to understand certain struggles wheelchair users face. but [as a disabled wheelchair user] being in a wheelchair for a single day is not enough "to know what its really like" to be disabled. while i acknowledge the good intentions behind this, what bothers me is i have seen quite a few people do this challenge then think they fully understand and can speak on life with a mobility disability
being in a wheelchair has allowed me to do so many things i could not do without it. but there ARE many painful, and emotional moments especially being excluded by inaccessibility from meaningful things and having people harass me for "faking" my disability
No considering the fact that I’m in a wheelchair I usually give my own wheelchair challenge on the pool table people say that I’ve never played in the wheelchair that it’s easy but then they have a different perspective better time that I’m finished I’m really glad to see able-bodied people like you guys taking up this little church image maybe one day I’ll get together with you guys in let’s have some fun
Everyone who does something that might affect people with disabilities, whether it be architecture, or whatever, should do this.
Great video! Keep up the great work! I shared it with a bunch of my friends.
I'm not gunna lie, I'm writing in "Rory Freedman" on my Presidential ballot this year. She is just a good person on so many levels. This was inspiring, informative, and eye-opening. I'm intrigued to try it myself.
All countries should always allow people with disabilities to have the right to be respected and care about their well being because they are very important and have the ability to do everything that a non disability person can do
Danke für die interessanten Zahlen. Hätte nicht gedacht, dass es doch zu viele gibt.
I spent some time in a wheel-chair and I think this is a great idea.
Its easy to find the negatives in anything. Challenge yourself to find the positive qualities.
I would love to do this for my BFF who was born with spina bifida, and has been in a wheelchair her whole life. But I don't know how/where to get a wheelchair like that in my budget(??)
Please understand that Wheelchair for a Day is a campaign intended to spread awareness about the challenges of living in a wheelchair and accessibility issues. Our volunteers are simply trying to help and make a difference. Of course, in a day you will not be able to experience everything, it is simply intended to give people a glimpse, make them more aware, and help open other peoples eyes. You have some valid points, would be great if you would help promote the program in your community.,
if you want people to see what inaccessibility is like, maybe ensuring they go to somewhere that is not fully accessible would be a good idea [it looked like they all went to fully accessible places since she was with her disabled friend]
What make is your wheelchair?
were did u get your wheelchair from
Absolutely. You should check out our organization, we work with all disabilities at all levels and ages; SCI, TBI, Parkinsons, MS, Stroke etc..As a C5/6 Quad, I fully understand where you are coming from. Thanks for the feedback and stay strong.
I think everyone should do this so they no how hard and easy it is.
They couldn't no or know.
This is bullshit, not everyone with a spinal cord injury ends up the same. I have some serious nerve pain after 3years and I cannot do this shit or even sit in my chair for a long time.
Isabella Heibel So you think that acting like you can't move your legs will show you how hard or "easy" it is??? SMH.. Having to do everything from a chair is just a small part of being paralyzed my friend.. I know you don't understand like many so I would not try to grill you on that statement as frustrating it is for me to see someone say that.. I am paralyzed from mid-stomach down and I assure you that kicking around in a wheelchair for a day or whatever does NOT give you any idea of what its like to be paralyzed or "how hard or easy it is" or whatever.. Its a taste of one aspect.. the most obvious one maybe... but it doesn't represent what the biggest problems are... or the "real" problems... The list of things is too long for me to explain.. but just trust me.. from an actual paralyzed person... riding around in a wheelchair or even just trying to act paralyzed in no way lets you know "how hard or easy it is"... -with all due respect friend..I aint tryin to come across with hate or anger, its just frustrating to see such comments that make light of what I or others have to deal with... -Keith
There is no way to feel what it is like to be in a chair with faking it for one day. I have been a paraplegic for 32 years . I cannot get from the chair to the floor independently . How did you go to the bathroom. did you catherize yourself like many paralyzed people do ?Nice of you to try though.
could with some off my home made horse tranquilizers to to the legs
i think the point is just to navigate through a day to understand the every day challenges or how people react even. most of these that i've seen are just paraplegics though, i can't imagine a quadriplegic's daily challenges :(
my home made horse tranquilizers are great though too
i have been paraplegic for 8 years since i was 6 and i go to the bathroom as normal people do and it's a bit hard but i got used to it
Linda Vanier I am also handicap boy from India I have no both finger by accident. I am 32 yr old so please call me my whatsapp number +919101035335
I keep getting an "application server error" (or words like that) when I try the wheelchairforaday site. Is it still operational?
hi, I think they are at wheelchair.mynextstep.org now!
It sucks going to wheelchair life :( my world was turned upside down when I was in car accident that caused me to be in wheelchair. I didn't give up. Was hard but I did it
Gretchen and Rory > me
well done!
it really isn't easy being in a wheelchair. i have muscular Dystrophy i have no muscles in my arms or legs making an even more of a challange. im still able to walk but only for 35 seconds after that my legs, knees and hips start to hurt. after which i have to sit down to make the pain go away. just pushing myself is tough for me :( i already hurt my right hand once and the day i hurt it. my hand has gotten worse which really sucks because i love drawing and im right handed. :(
Dear God how gorgeous are these two.
its alot of work n yes theres somethings we cant do we dont belong makes it hardy for us but doesnt b
hurt to try
There are a lot of great wheelchair yoga programs, check out mindbody solutions for example. We implement a lot of yoga techniques into our programs at NextSte, they are extremely effective. Even assisted yoga has a great deal of benefits. Before you dismiss it, you should read more about it.
I will do it some day
Brakes are hard to set.
Great info. You are truly Awesome. MS Mother of two here. Lucky my two were out of diapers before I ended up uses the chair. I noticed your chair. Where did you get it?
Good job
Thank you for doing this and your comment about messy toilet seats made my day! Thank you for getting it: pass it on to your fellow able bodied friends. I have to carry a clorox wipe with me at all times because for girl's, we really are bad at aiming!
Wow. I'm amazed at all of the bitterness in these comments. I'm sure many of you have a lot to complain about, but you shouldn't take it out on someone who's reaching out to you.
Personally, I'd like to say Thank You for this video. It's nice to see young people who are willing to walk a mile in my wheel chair.
Have you been searching for a lightweight wheelchair that doesn't cause strain on your back and/or limbs?
Karman Healthcare provides the best wheelchairs in the industry, second to none. Durability, Style, and Comfort all in one, Check out our wheelchair series for more information!
transport wheelchair, lightweight wheelchair, ultra lightweight wheelchair,
Well i watch some of this and that's all well and good what they where doing etc. but, if you live in a poor side of town you won't run into any places like that. Well basically watching this remind me when i was in high school and all the kids would say things to me like this. It must be fun to be in a wheelchair etc. Crap like that. It's only fun when your not stuck in it!!!! Some days it can be just to much to take... And glad your injuries aren't as bad as others etc
But i do hope you raise the money you need. That's the reason your doing it so. But please do us wheelchair folks a favor please. Help everyone you can and not just the groups of people who are slitely injured. Like the groups of people who has been in wheelchairs for years and not just the ones who has been hurt for 2 years or less.
i have been watched few times.is good
I noticed that they got in and out of the car a few times... near the end of the piece it looks like Rory just tossed the wheelchair aside after she got in the car... Wha? Wheelchairs are not disposable..I take mine with me!
I want to try the challenge being in a wheelchair for a day
@5:48 Rory pushes her wheelchair away, and leaves it there? If she would arrive at her destination, she'd be having a problem.
Ridiculous. Did she numb her lower body too? Cathertise herself? Refrain from using lower body muscles? Didn't think so.
im also in a wheelchair I was born this way
i wish they would make kids have to do this in school for at least a week then maybe there would be at least a bit less bullying as a wheelchair user myself who is also able to weight bare i like that these people are even willing to see what its like if even just for a day its better then nothing
When I was in 6th grade they had us do it for 2 days when we got to school before going to class we had to get into a chair and it was so hard and now I have so much more respect for everyone in a wheelchair
thats good and thats why i wish more places would do that to help people understand what we deal with everyday
ive been 25 yrs n chair not easy alot of work
Enjoy your life.
no doubt
Warren1814 why does it matter how long you've been in a chair?
I am disabled ss
my Not wheelchair 😢😢
I am poor ss
I live in birantgar city nepal village
This is not the place for advertising.
Really I am India
"there was nothing painful, or emotional or challenging." lol that's because you knew at the end of the day it would be over.
Kody Eldridge I may not be in a wheelchair, but I recently had to start using a walker because I have lost some nerve and muscle function in my legs for unknown reasons… And my legs are in pain quite often… And the disease can be physically and emotionally “crippling.“. I have what’s called idiopathic neuropathy, and I wouldn’t wish this upon anybody.
Able bodied people should take opportunity to "walk" in the shoes of disabled people.
i've been in and out of wheelchair whole life it comes with my disablity. i do aperciate what the non disabled one is trying to do but she should really try doing normal day in one. Not lunch and yoga
All of these show people who are using self-propelled wheelchairs. No one is trying an electric wheelchair for a day. Electric wheelchairs come with so many challenges as a lot of the time they don't fir through one side of a double door and they can't go up and down curbs.
I was born Disababled and its not easy as they show in the video
Being in a chair for 16 years this month (happy anniversary).. I do appreciate the sentiment but I never saw any challenges... Only that "all ppl in chairs can't carry a glass without a lid".. I didn't know this.. I thought if you want it.. Carry it... What do I know.... Never discussed inaccessible places or any other fun challenges.. Good job otherwise
Daverrs I push with one hand hold the cup in the other, then switch hands holding the cup and push with the other hand. You go a little slower but it works. I'll move through target caring a cup of Starbucks coffee and pushing my own chair in this manner.
This is a great video. And I like it. But, lets be real people. This video is a 6 minute edit of one day. Asking a complete stranger that your not even sure if you can trust, to carry a drink for you to your table, is nothing, in comparison to the physical and mental trauma this can cause over years, and DECADES. Respect to anybody who tries it. Because trust me, its not as easy as rollin' down the street.
Wodinn all sidewalks ( at least ones in Ohio and Missouri that I've encountered) tilt slightly toward the street. In none of these wheelchair for a day videos has anybody mentioned this. So they aren't noticing the little stuff that we do. I give them effort for wanting to try and understand, but till it's your life, it can't be fully understood. I won't stop anybody from trying. When I got my chair I had each of my coworkers try it out to get an idea.
Katie Robinson true
She doesn't get it...
저두 장애인 입니다 안녕하세요
Nicey girl ;). Train and hold shapes girls .. even roundy ;).
i love this total are girls
maybe you might want to cut it to a chair for a month then you will really seen what life is like iv been in one since i was 11 or 12 long time now im 31 and everyday is just as tired some as the next
I stopped watching this as soon as she used the words "Yoga" and "Wheelchair" in the same sentence.
I am interesting caretaker
I'm disable person I likes vedios
You are as wonderful a person as your phone number....♥
I find this a tad patronizing...
+SargentAnus ME TOOOO!!!
in a wheelchair don't really give u and idea of those who have to live with it. thank for trying