I showed this to my dad who is Christian and want him to convert to the truth. He has never heard or read Quran before. Please make dua that my father is guided to the truth… JazakAllah Khair to everyone who has made dua for my father.
Assalamualaikum warahmathullahe wabarkathuh In sha Allah whoever Will's to be truly guided Allah Almighty will definitely guide them and shower his mercy and bounties in duniya and hereafter. Ameen
I advise you to let him both hear and read this specific Surah (Chapter) without letting him know that this is Quran, and when he is done ask him about his opinion. Personally, daily i feel so eager to hear and read it and everytime i do so i get mesmerized. Allah is with us, All Seeing All hearing, therefore, Dear Sister don't worry Allah will open your dad's heart eventually
My daughter is 4 now and from the day she was born she has been listening to this sura before bed every night and won't go sleep without it. Bless her she calls it sura ta ta 😂 Marshallah...
I come back whenever i feel hopeless and this does, well i can't describe how much i connect to this surah when im hopeless when i see no way out, ya Allah ease every one's trial and make us strong so we can worship you with all of our being ameen.
I don't think any Surah has been my favorite and I've connected to it as much as Surah Taha. Inshallah I name my son "Taha" this is by far my most favorite Surah.
This is the most beautiful recitation I've heard in my life. It's a very soothing, sweet and emotional voice at the same time. May Allah increase the status of the reciter in this life and in the afterlife.
My sickness are back, i woke up at night & feel terrified. Alhamdulillah when hearing this i can cool down a bit. Pray for my sickness to go away forever... 😢 May god bless us all.
This Surah really helped me through tough times, it really puts you heart at ease knowing that all evil will end some day. Firaun was a transgressor like no other, but he is no more. May Allah make us amongst the successful on the day which lasts 50000 years
Aslm your words made me feel want to know more im in deep trouble im suppose too marry in next 2 month n the mother saus because she did a dream iskhara n refuse now when we did all preparation. This pain is indeed
Allah SWT used this surah by this reciter to guide me, the beginning of my guidance started with this surah, the beautiful story of Prophet Musa within it are lessons and the warnings and reality checks at the end has pierced me like an arrow and chnaged my world view. Especially the verse which says “ whoeevr forgets Allah’s remembers me will indeed live a depressed life” that rocked me to my core
Please pray for me. I'm going through a really hard time in my life. I have my medical license exam in June this year. After passing this exam I can work as a doctor in my country. I'm presenting suffering from an autoimmune disease, despite my health condition I am working very hard to clear my exam. My name is Rimsha. Please pray that I pass the exam this year in June. May Allah forgive all our sins and grant all our wishes.
Insha Allah may Allah bless you with easy paper this time ruclips.net/user/live6qLuz-j_Enk?feature=share Try this rapid revision by dr.priyanka Sachdev
From part 3:25 - 3:40 it gives us hope to work, act and learn from life, it gives us strength to continue with success. O Allah, we thank you very much, O Most Merciful.
The first 10 verses of this Surah were the one which converted Hazrat Umar Ibn Al Khatab as a Muslim and he added more and more strength to the Muslims. Remember he was the man who captured Rome and Persia the two superpowers of his time. So these verses converted the biggest enemy of Islam to the man who strengthened Islam to a great extent. May Allah guide us all… Aameen…
1:52 so beautiful. Heart-teaching and soothing recitation especially at this part. Just how magnificent our lord is. How beautifully Allah Almighty introduces himself to Prophet Musa AS, and asks him what is in his right hand--as if Allah doesn't know already :) But Allah knows everything. Then why he asked? What does it mean? It means that Allah wants mankind to talk to Allah SWT. To pray to Allah only. To cry to Allah only. And to submit to the one & only Almighty lord, Allah. So sweet, subhanAllah. It's a lesson for all of us that we must sincerely talk about every single matter with Allah about everything. Even if it seems miniscule, unnecessary; we must always talk to Allah the great, the lord of all heavens & earth, and that which is beyond our understanding & imagination.
Im 10yrs and i ❤ this i memorizes like 30 verses thank u this is a very beautiful recitation and i love it may allah grant everyone reading this jannah❤❤❤❤😊😊😊😊
Honestly, Brothers and Sisters, I truly have sinned in many ways that Allah will surely be unhappy about. I ask that everyone of you, Pray for me and ask Allah to better me as a Muslim, Father, Husband etc. Inshallah, May God forgive and reward you.
I love this recitation! Alhumdulillah, I don't know how to explain it but my heart feels different a kind of light heart feeling when hearing this recitation
This surah brings me tears, my sons will always listen to this when they were kids , I lost them but I know I will meet them again, inshallah this life is a test,
Whenever i want to hear the quran (not while memorizing, just any surah) i only hear this. This is the best recitation. Sometimes when i read this surah i just try to recite like him, and i am surprised by my own voice!!!! But i like ismail annuri’s voice more than mine. Really soothing Gratitude
16:29 I read tafsir ibn kathir and he says it was the Samiri who had forgotten. Moses (peace be upon him) would never forget who his lord is BarakAllahufeekum.
The verse doesn't say Musa forgot. It says the people who worshipped the cow made that claim (that he forgot). It was quoting the disbelievers (and/or Samiri), not Musa (peace be upon him). You are correct, a Prophet would not forget his Lord.
I listened to this while pregnant as it helped to relax me. When i played it to my baby after birth she recognised it instantly and would be soothed whenever i play it.❤❤
I love this Surat. So beautiful recited. It is really heartouching. The recitator recitate so naturaly he has constantly mine attention. He knows when to calm his voice and when to raise it. May Allah bless the recitator because of bringing this surat so beautiful. The content of this surat is also beautiful, it tell us how Musa s.w.s struggled with fighting Faroun and keep having faith in Allah swt and how he had to keep his folk believing. Beautiful a miracle the Coran❤
Make sure to do dhikr today and everyday especially during these last days of ramandan ❤ Dhikr 📿 : Astagfirullah ×5 Subhan Allah ×5 Alhamdulilah ×5 Allah hu akbar ×5 La ilaha illa Allah ×3 Subhan Allah hi wa bi hamdi hi ×3 Subhan Allah al' adheem ×3 Allah huma ini asaluka al jannah ×7 Allah huma ajarni mina naar ×7 Allahummamaghfir lil muslimina wal muslimati wal mu' minina wal mu'minati x3 Subhannali wa bihamdihi 100x Astaghfirullah 100x For energy: Subhan Allah 33x alhamudllilah 33x Allahu akbar 34x
When the person's faith increases, he reaches a point of surrendering completely to the Qadr of Allah, its good and bad. And he knows whatever befalls him was already written 50,000 years before Allah created Adam.
@@zasayed2106 Duah is one of the most effective remedies for healing and cure for any kind of affliction you face. Duah is the enemy of calamity. It repels sickness, disease, trials and tribulations. However, Allah does not accept a preoccupied heart, a mighty act such as duah requires full determination and good expectation of the outcome. There is nothing too much or too great for Allah to give or grant.
@@zasayed2106 Nobody can give you a perfect answer without understanding the situation. But I will certainly send dua to you. In any case, do not agonize over anything whether the marriage succeed or not. All is by the will of Allah, have trust.
@@zasayed2106 Don't get married into that family. Honestly, my mom saw all the red flags, married my dad, divorced him, and married him again, and now she's regretting it, even tho she has us. My home is broken now, and divorce shouldn't take much longer, my dad hates me cause he thinks Im siding with my mom, but in truth I'm not, I'm just siding with I think is true and fairer to Allah, but he won't listen and he calls me a criminal, a homw wrecker and so on. Anyway, divorce shouldn't take much longer for my parents insha Allah, things will get better for me and for them (I'm 22 btw). So my adivce is keep away from that family, maybe this is Allah's way of telling you not to get married with that man
@@zasayed2106 God will make it easier for you insha Allah. I can't say I know what it feels like, but from what you said, that family is full of red flags. Even if you do marry him, his mom may make your life hard, and it's a fact he won't side with you, she's his mom, your his soon to be wife, so obviously he'll always choose his mom over any woman, which understandable. So my advice is, don't marry the guy, you'll find better insha Allah, and you'll marry into a welcoming family insha Allah. So please don't make the same mistake my mom did. Now she has to deal with the whole side of my dad's family, they talk ill abt us, when they don't only know my dad's side of the story.
Taha 2.Ma enzelna aleykel kur'ane li teşka 3.İlla tezkiratel limey yahşa 4.Tenziylem mimmen halekal erda ves semavatil ula 5.Errahmanü alel arşisteva 6.Lehu ma fis semavati ve ma fil erdı ve ma beynehüma ve ma tahtes sera 7.Ve in techer bil kavli fe innehu ya'lemüs sirra ve ahfa 8.Allahü la ilahe illa huve lehül esmaül husna 9.Ve hel etake hadiysü musa 10.İz raa naran fe kale li ehlihimküsu innı anestü naral leallı atıküm minha bi kabesin ev ecidü alen nari hüda 11.Felemma etaha nudiye ya musa 12.İnnı ene rabbüke fahla' na'leyk inneke bil vadil mukaddesi tuva 13.Ve enahtertüke festemı' lima yuha 14.İnnenı enallahü la ilahe illa ene fa'büdnı ve ekımıs salate li zikrı 15.İnnes saate atiyetün ekadü uhfıha li tücza küllü nefsim bi ma tes'a 16.Fe la yesuddenneke anha mel la yü'minü biha vettebea hevahü fe terda 17.Ve ma tilke bi yemınike ya musa 18.Kale hiye asay etevekkeü aleyha ve ehüşşü biha ala ğanemı ve liye fıha mearibü uhra 19.Kale elkıha ya musa 20.Fe elkaha fe iza hiye hayyetün tes'a 21.Kale huzha ve la tehaf se nüıydüha sıratehel ula 22.Vadmün yedeke ila cenahıke tahrüc beydae min ğayri suin ayeten uhra 23.Li nüriyeke min ayatinel kübra 24.İzheb ila fir'avne innehu tağa 25.Kale rabbişrah lı sadrı 26.Ve yessir lı emrı 27.Vahlül ukdetem mil lisanı 28.Yefkahu kavlı 29.Vec'al li vezıram min ehlı 30.Harune ehıy 31.Üşdüd bihı ezrı 32.Ve eşrikhü fı emrı 33.Key nüsebbihake kesıra 34.Ve nezkürake kesıra 35.İnneke künte bina besıyra 36.Kale kad ütiyte sü'leke ya musa 37.Ve lekad menenna aleyke merraten uhra 38.İz evhayna ila ümmike ma yuha 39.Enıkzi fıhi fit tabuti fakzi fıhi fil yemmi fel yülkıhil yemnü bis sahıli ye'huzhü adüvvül lı ve adüvvül leh ve elkaytü aleyke mehabbetem minnı ve li tusnea ala aynı 40.İz temşı uhtüke fe raca'nake ila ümmike key tekarra aynüha ve la tahzen ve katelte nefsen fe necceynake minel ğammi ve fetennake fütunen fe lebiste sinıne fı ehli medyene sümme ci'te ala kaderiy ya musa 41.Vastana'tüke li nefsı 42.İzheb ente ve ehuke bi ayatı ve la teniya fı zikrı 43.İzheba ila fir'avne innehu tağa 44.Fe kula lehu kevlel leyyinel leallehu yetezekkeru ev yahşa 45.Kala rabbena innena nehafü ey yefruta aleyna ev ey yatğa 46.Kale la tehafa innenı meaküma esmeu ve era 47.Fe'tiyahü fe kula inna rasula rabbike fe ersel meana benı israıle ve la tüazzibhüm kad ci'nake bi ayetim mir rabbik vesselamü ala menittebeal hüda 48.İnna kad uhıye ileyna ennel azabe ala men kezzebe ve tevella 49.Kale fe mer rabbüküma ya musa 50.Kale rabbünellezı a'ta külle şey'in halkahu sümme heda 51.Kale fema balül kurunil ula 52.Kale ılmüha ınde rabbı fı kitab la yedıllü rabbı ve la yensa 53.Ellezı ceale lekümül erda mehdev ve selek leküm fıha sübülev ve enzele mines semai maa fe ahracna bihı ezvacem min nebatin şetta 54.Külu ver'av en'ameküm inne fı zalike le ayatil li ülin nüha 55.Minha halaknaküm ve fıha nüıydüküm ve minha nuhricüküm taraten uhra 56.Ve lekad eraynahü ayatina külleha fe kezzebe ve eba 57.Kale ec'tena li tuhricena min erdına bi sıhrike ya musa 58.Fe le ne'tiyenneke bi sıhrim mislihı fec'al beynena ve belneke mev'ıdel la nuhlifühu nahnü ve la ente mekanen süva 59.Kale mev'ıdüküm yevmüz zınet ve ey yuhşeran nasü duha 60.Fe tevella fir'avnü fe cemea keydehu sümme eta 61.Kale lehüm musa veyleküm la tefteru alellahi keziben fe yüshıteküm bi azab ve kad habe meniftera 62.Fe tenazeu emrahüm beynehüm ve eserrun necva
24:14 But whoever turns away from My Reminder will certainly have a miserable life, then We will raise them up blind on the Day of Judgment. They will cry, "My Lord! Why have you raised me up blind, although I used to see?" Allah will respond, "It is so, just as Our revelations came to you and you neglected them, so Today you are neglected."
May Allah SWT master of the day of judgment ❤ bless all the brothers and sisters listening to this. We all go through hard times. Stay strong and be blessed in this life and the next Ameen.❤
Assalam o alaikum my brothers and sisters. I request you all to please make Dua for my imaan, and my employment. Recently lost my job and am now getting all sort of evil waswas.
@@Humble_Servant_Of_Allah Alhamdulillah. I've found another job, and Allah made it easy for me. Wallahi, only patience and prayer helps. Thanks for the advice.
Hey guys i am hete to inform that Allah is all mighty most gracious most merciful and forgiving:and we shoudl thank ismail anuuri he spend alot of just for Allah and for us to to talk to him may allah forgive us all and bless him and all of us
I need,healing in my left feet I have a sickness that I am suffering from my daughter need healing too for her sickness my husband is a drunker he is drink everyday I need healing in my life Allah☪🥺🤲
please pray for me i was robbed of almost 500 dollars in total and i’m hoping they give me the stolen item back without getting the police involved . Please also pray my best friend finds Islam for i can’t imagine the after life for her and that my 2 sisters be consistent in their prayers for 1 struggles and 1 doesn’t do at all
Assalamualaikum Pray for me my day's are not going well but alhamdulila for everything I have.. Ya allah help me i need your doa Yaa allah keep me in your bless....
I showed this to my dad who is Christian and want him to convert to the truth. He has never heard or read Quran before. Please make dua that my father is guided to the truth… JazakAllah Khair to everyone who has made dua for my father.
Assalamualaikum warahmathullahe wabarkathuh
In sha Allah whoever Will's to be truly guided Allah Almighty will definitely guide them and shower his mercy and bounties in duniya and hereafter. Ameen
May Allah guide your father and family Insha'Allah, and all of ours and us Ameen
I advise you to let him both hear and read this specific Surah (Chapter) without letting him know that this is Quran, and when he is done ask him about his opinion.
Personally, daily i feel so eager to hear and read it and everytime i do so i get mesmerized.
Allah is with us, All Seeing All hearing, therefore, Dear Sister don't worry Allah will open your dad's heart eventually
May Allah put your dad on the right path
what happened?
To the one reading this: May you be healed, guided, protected and granted the highest place in jannah by Allah azzawajal , Ameen
May Allah grant you jannah al firdous my brother
@@noxcho99114 Ameen
آمين and you too! 🤲🏾
My daughter is 4 now and from the day she was born she has been listening to this sura before bed every night and won't go sleep without it. Bless her she calls it sura ta ta 😂 Marshallah...
MaShaAllah Allahumma barik may she be protected from evil eye and may she fall in love with the quran for her entire life Allahumma ameen
Same but she doesn’t know the name mashallah
May Allah guide him to the truth and make him among the righteous ameen
My mom is suffering from cancer, please pray for her fastest recovery.. tomorrow she’ll be having her 4th chemo Allahumdullilah😊
God willing, your mother will recover inshallah
أسأل الله العظيم رب العرش العظيم ان يشفيه
Syafahallah syifa'an 'aajilan syifa'an laa yughadiru ba'dahu saqaman. Tabarakallah 🤲🏻🙏🏻
May Allah bless your mother my brother
Ya Allah grant shifa to ur mom ameen ya Rabilalmeen 🤲🤲🤲
Ya Allah the king of kings 👑! Grant this guy JANNAH tul firdaous! And also FREE PALESTINE!!! 🇵🇸
Free palestine
What guy?
@@jonass8491the one who is reciting this beautiful surah in this video
Ya Allah grant shifa to my son he suffering from sickness. Plz pray for him
May Allah grant your son shifa and a speedy recovery
May Allah SWT protect and help your son inshallah he will be healthy.❤
Free palestine
Allahumma Ameen Ya Rabyal Aalameen ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
I come back whenever i feel hopeless and this does, well i can't describe how much i connect to this surah when im hopeless when i see no way out, ya Allah ease every one's trial and make us strong so we can worship you with all of our being ameen.
I don't think any Surah has been my favorite and I've connected to it as much as Surah Taha. Inshallah I name my son "Taha" this is by far my most favorite Surah.
Yusuf for me is very soothing
as someone who was named taha i hope youre son is healthy in spirit and in health inshallah
Whenever I feel alone I listen to this surah
MaShallah, beautiful name for a son!
For someone who is not Muslim I find this so relaxing I've actually fell asleep listening to this whatever religion you are may peace be upon you
May Allah guide you to the truth. Aamiin.
May Allah guide you brother. I hope you see this is the truth revealed by God
May Allah guide you to the only one true religion which is natural inclination i.e. Islam.
May Allah guide us all ameen
May Allah guide you brother!
This is the most beautiful recitation I've heard in my life. It's a very soothing, sweet and emotional voice at the same time. May Allah increase the status of the reciter in this life and in the afterlife.
Aameen, he is Ismail Annuri may Allah swt bless him ❤
@@humansarenottofumay Allah bless you for that. I had forgotten his name.
My sickness are back, i woke up at night & feel terrified. Alhamdulillah when hearing this i can cool down a bit. Pray for my sickness to go away forever... 😢 May god bless us all.
Could you specify your sickness?
Maybe I would find solution for it
What do you have, bro?
May الله سبحانه وتعالى give you shifa e kaamil
آمين يا رب العالمين.
Oh Allah heile mr uzumaki und andere muslime auf der welt schencke ihn deIne barmherzigkeit und schütze uns vor dem shaytan AMIN AMIN AMIN🤲
My new born son sleeps with this, he loves mashallah❤
You are lucky..
May Allah bless your son
@@Anzstathank you 🎉
@@ham220Amin ❤
This hit me hard. 25th night of Ramadan 2023
Same bro had me in tears
I have listened to this recitation sense my junior year of highschool and ever sense have listened to it till my sophomore year of college.
This Surah really helped me through tough times, it really puts you heart at ease knowing that all evil will end some day. Firaun was a transgressor like no other, but he is no more. May Allah make us amongst the successful on the day which lasts 50000 years
Aslm your words made me feel want to know more im in deep trouble im suppose too marry in next 2 month n the mother saus because she did a dream iskhara n refuse now when we did all preparation. This pain is indeed
@@zasayed2106 Be patient sister. Leave everything to Allah. make dua so that you get your partner and make it sincerely..indeed Allah is all hearing.
@@AM-uo1iq Ameen
6:14 should be the verse the gives this ummah strength through all trials and tribulations insha’allah.
Allah SWT used this surah by this reciter to guide me, the beginning of my guidance started with this surah, the beautiful story of Prophet Musa within it are lessons and the warnings and reality checks at the end has pierced me like an arrow and chnaged my world view. Especially the verse which says “ whoeevr forgets Allah’s remembers me will indeed live a depressed life” that rocked me to my core
Ameen, brother - Allahu Akbar
Please pray for me. I'm going through a really hard time in my life. I have my medical license exam in June this year. After passing this exam I can work as a doctor in my country. I'm presenting suffering from an autoimmune disease, despite my health condition I am working very hard to clear my exam. My name is Rimsha. Please pray that I pass the exam this year in June. May Allah forgive all our sins and grant all our wishes.
Allah help you and make it easy for you :)
@@muaazmoola4030 Ameen.
Ameen, may Allah swt grant you shifa and success
@@kamruusman6262 Ameen
Insha Allah may Allah bless you with easy paper this time
Try this rapid revision by dr.priyanka Sachdev
From part 3:25 - 3:40 it gives us hope to work, act and learn from life, it gives us strength to continue with success. O Allah, we thank you very much, O Most Merciful.
SubhanAllah Alhamdulilah Allahu Akbar SubhanAllah LA ILLAHA ILLA ALLAH MUHAMMAD SAWPBUH RASOOL ALLAH
Surrah taha is a solution of depression
Free palestine
@@IslamIsLifeYTfree Palestine 🇵🇸
The first 10 verses of this Surah were the one which converted Hazrat Umar Ibn Al Khatab as a Muslim and he added more and more strength to the Muslims. Remember he was the man who captured Rome and Persia the two superpowers of his time.
So these verses converted the biggest enemy of Islam to the man who strengthened Islam to a great extent.
May Allah guide us all… Aameen…
When I learned this fact, I memorised them. Thanks for sharing.
Where does this start and end
@@ts786x it starts from the very beginning till 2:06
1:52 so beautiful. Heart-teaching and soothing recitation especially at this part.
Just how magnificent our lord is. How beautifully Allah Almighty introduces himself to Prophet Musa AS, and asks him what is in his right hand--as if Allah doesn't know already :)
But Allah knows everything. Then why he asked? What does it mean? It means that Allah wants mankind to talk to Allah SWT.
To pray to Allah only. To cry to Allah only. And to submit to the one & only Almighty lord, Allah.
So sweet, subhanAllah. It's a lesson for all of us that we must sincerely talk about every single matter with Allah about everything.
Even if it seems miniscule, unnecessary; we must always talk to Allah the great, the lord of all heavens & earth, and that which is beyond our understanding & imagination.
Subhanallah. You`re right. May Allah reward you.
Mashaallah your very correct and guided well may Allah bless and out you in heaven and reward you
Im 10yrs and i ❤ this i memorizes like 30 verses thank u this is a very beautiful recitation and i love it may allah grant everyone reading this jannah❤❤❤❤😊😊😊😊
allahuma barik
Same I’m 10
MashAllah ☝️🤲♥️
I love ismail anuuri voice and how he put all his time just for us
We should appreciate Ismail anuuri
Is that the reciter?!? JazakAllah Khair I was wondering. Two different channels put the recitation but did not write the name of the reciter ..
No problem man
Thank you I was wondering aswell
No problem man
may allah gied us all to jannah amen
Honestly, Brothers and Sisters, I truly have sinned in many ways that Allah will surely be unhappy about. I ask that everyone of you, Pray for me and ask Allah to better me as a Muslim, Father, Husband etc. Inshallah, May God forgive and reward you.
May Allah open the door of his mercy.
Grant my parents Jannat firdaus. .
😢😢😢😢 12:31 12:32
My favourite sura, whenever I hear, my heart shutters into pieces ♥️ 😢
I love this recitation! Alhumdulillah, I don't know how to explain it but my heart feels different a kind of light heart feeling when hearing this recitation
Me too❤❤❤
So peaceful unbelievable how people dont feel the same way we do as MUSLIMS ❤ 1:30
Subhanallah what a beautiful surah that summarizes just about everything!
this surah gives me calmness and happiness. I read its translation, is so heart warming. Allah bless this reciter. Ameen
Allah increase me in knowledge
ربی زدنی علما 😊
Free palestine
This surah brings me tears, my sons will always listen to this when they were kids , I lost them but I know I will meet them again, inshallah this life is a test,
This is the best surah I love it. Because it help me sleep
This is so relaxing
Of course these are the words of Allah Azzawajal (God) this is why your feel so relaxed and at ease because your soul is feeling the awe of the Quran.
I'm not even Muslim but this is so true
Allah is the greatest.
Thank you for your upload. ❤
Free palestine
Whenever i want to hear the quran (not while memorizing, just any surah) i only hear this. This is the best recitation. Sometimes when i read this surah i just try to recite like him, and i am surprised by my own voice!!!! But i like ismail annuri’s voice more than mine.
Really soothing
Salam, I hope whoever sees this pray for me and my family going through hard time. Need your duas😭
May Allah ease everything for you ! 🙏🏽
16:29 I read tafsir ibn kathir and he says it was the Samiri who had forgotten. Moses (peace be upon him) would never forget who his lord is BarakAllahufeekum.
The verse doesn't say Musa forgot. It says the people who worshipped the cow made that claim (that he forgot). It was quoting the disbelievers (and/or Samiri), not Musa (peace be upon him).
You are correct, a Prophet would not forget his Lord.
I listened to this while pregnant as it helped to relax me. When i played it to my baby after birth she recognised it instantly and would be soothed whenever i play it.❤❤
Mashallah ❤ same I used to listen when I was pregnant now my son listens when he sleeps, ❤
I love this Surat. So beautiful recited. It is really heartouching. The recitator recitate so naturaly he has constantly mine attention. He knows when to calm his voice and when to raise it. May Allah bless the recitator because of bringing this surat so beautiful. The content of this surat is also beautiful, it tell us how Musa s.w.s struggled with fighting Faroun and keep having faith in Allah swt and how he had to keep his folk believing. Beautiful a miracle the Coran❤
✌️ peace peace all over my body! I feel it
..its a cure! Cured my soul ! Unbelievable Allahul Akbar
I love this me and my brother listen to this every night we enjoy it MashaAllah!
I listen this surah many times
My favourite surah 🥰🥰🥰
I don't know what it is about this surah but every time I listen to it it touches my soul
11:00 touched ❤my heart
Ya Allah bless this person jannah❤❤❤
Ya Allah give us the best of ending in this Dunya
this is the chapter of the quran which triggered umar (ra) [pbuh]...very deep and strong meaning!!!
Reciter Name: Ismail An-Nuri
thank you i was looking for his name
@@sagerages6407 most welcome
Thank you
Thank you that’s what I was looking for lol
Thank u soo muchn
Please pray for me, so that Allah takes me out of my depression.
❤❤❤❤❤❤I was desperately looking for this beautiful voice Alhumdulilah found it❤
I can't find it still brother can you help may Allah bless you and your family
@@Official.stapha Ismail anurri is his name
this surah take my heart ❤❤❤😊😊😊❤❤God bless us
الله اكبر❤
Allah hu Akbar (God the Almighty is the Greatest)❤
May Allah bless and have mercy on this beautiful reciter 😊
i love Allah ❣
I love the messenger of Allah ❣
I love the Quran ❣
Make sure to do dhikr today and everyday especially during these last days of ramandan ❤
Dhikr 📿 :
Astagfirullah ×5
Subhan Allah ×5
Alhamdulilah ×5
Allah hu akbar ×5
La ilaha illa Allah ×3
Subhan Allah hi wa bi hamdi hi ×3
Subhan Allah al' adheem ×3
Allah huma ini asaluka al jannah ×7
Allah huma ajarni mina naar ×7
Allahummamaghfir lil muslimina wal muslimati wal mu' minina wal mu'minati x3
Subhannali wa bihamdihi 100x
Astaghfirullah 100x
For energy:
Subhan Allah 33x
alhamudllilah 33x
Allahu akbar 34x
This video deserves way more views ❤
We are beyond fortunate such an amazing gift 💝
When the person's faith increases, he reaches a point of surrendering completely to the Qadr of Allah, its good and bad. And he knows whatever befalls him was already written 50,000 years before Allah created Adam.
@@zasayed2106 Duah is one of the most effective remedies for healing and cure for any kind of affliction you face. Duah is the enemy of calamity. It repels sickness, disease, trials and tribulations. However, Allah does not accept a preoccupied heart, a mighty act such as duah requires full determination and good expectation of the outcome. There is nothing too much or too great for Allah to give or grant.
@@zasayed2106 Nobody can give you a perfect answer without understanding the situation. But I will certainly send dua to you.
In any case, do not agonize over anything whether the marriage succeed or not. All is by the will of Allah, have trust.
@@zasayed2106 Don't get married into that family. Honestly, my mom saw all the red flags, married my dad, divorced him, and married him again, and now she's regretting it, even tho she has us. My home is broken now, and divorce shouldn't take much longer, my dad hates me cause he thinks Im siding with my mom, but in truth I'm not, I'm just siding with I think is true and fairer to Allah, but he won't listen and he calls me a criminal, a homw wrecker and so on. Anyway, divorce shouldn't take much longer for my parents insha Allah, things will get better for me and for them (I'm 22 btw). So my adivce is keep away from that family, maybe this is Allah's way of telling you not to get married with that man
@@zasayed2106 God will make it easier for you insha Allah. I can't say I know what it feels like, but from what you said, that family is full of red flags. Even if you do marry him, his mom may make your life hard, and it's a fact he won't side with you, she's his mom, your his soon to be wife, so obviously he'll always choose his mom over any woman, which understandable. So my advice is, don't marry the guy, you'll find better insha Allah, and you'll marry into a welcoming family insha Allah. So please don't make the same mistake my mom did. Now she has to deal with the whole side of my dad's family, they talk ill abt us, when they don't only know my dad's side of the story.
@@aya4292 your dad don't love your mom?
You know i get double thought maybe he loves me and the other leaves it to allah azzawajal
Masha’Allah what a sweet voice
استغفر الله العظيم الذي لا اله الا هو الحي القيوم ذو الجلال والاكرام و اتوب اليه
Alhamdulillah, Subhan Allah
Allahu Akbar 💕
2.Ma enzelna aleykel kur'ane li teşka
3.İlla tezkiratel limey yahşa
4.Tenziylem mimmen halekal erda ves semavatil ula
5.Errahmanü alel arşisteva
6.Lehu ma fis semavati ve ma fil erdı ve ma beynehüma ve ma tahtes sera
7.Ve in techer bil kavli fe innehu ya'lemüs sirra ve ahfa
8.Allahü la ilahe illa huve lehül esmaül husna
9.Ve hel etake hadiysü musa
10.İz raa naran fe kale li ehlihimküsu innı anestü naral leallı atıküm minha bi kabesin ev ecidü alen nari hüda
11.Felemma etaha nudiye ya musa
12.İnnı ene rabbüke fahla' na'leyk inneke bil vadil mukaddesi tuva
13.Ve enahtertüke festemı' lima yuha
14.İnnenı enallahü la ilahe illa ene fa'büdnı ve ekımıs salate li zikrı
15.İnnes saate atiyetün ekadü uhfıha li tücza küllü nefsim bi ma tes'a
16.Fe la yesuddenneke anha mel la yü'minü biha vettebea hevahü fe terda
17.Ve ma tilke bi yemınike ya musa
18.Kale hiye asay etevekkeü aleyha ve ehüşşü biha ala ğanemı ve liye fıha mearibü uhra
19.Kale elkıha ya musa
20.Fe elkaha fe iza hiye hayyetün tes'a
21.Kale huzha ve la tehaf se nüıydüha sıratehel ula
22.Vadmün yedeke ila cenahıke tahrüc beydae min ğayri suin ayeten uhra
23.Li nüriyeke min ayatinel kübra
24.İzheb ila fir'avne innehu tağa
25.Kale rabbişrah lı sadrı
26.Ve yessir lı emrı
27.Vahlül ukdetem mil lisanı
28.Yefkahu kavlı
29.Vec'al li vezıram min ehlı
30.Harune ehıy
31.Üşdüd bihı ezrı
32.Ve eşrikhü fı emrı
33.Key nüsebbihake kesıra
34.Ve nezkürake kesıra
35.İnneke künte bina besıyra
36.Kale kad ütiyte sü'leke ya musa
37.Ve lekad menenna aleyke merraten uhra
38.İz evhayna ila ümmike ma yuha
39.Enıkzi fıhi fit tabuti fakzi fıhi fil yemmi fel yülkıhil yemnü bis sahıli ye'huzhü adüvvül lı ve adüvvül leh ve elkaytü aleyke mehabbetem minnı ve li tusnea ala aynı
40.İz temşı uhtüke fe raca'nake ila ümmike key tekarra aynüha ve la tahzen ve katelte nefsen fe necceynake minel ğammi ve fetennake fütunen fe lebiste sinıne fı ehli medyene sümme ci'te ala kaderiy ya musa
41.Vastana'tüke li nefsı
42.İzheb ente ve ehuke bi ayatı ve la teniya fı zikrı
43.İzheba ila fir'avne innehu tağa
44.Fe kula lehu kevlel leyyinel leallehu yetezekkeru ev yahşa
45.Kala rabbena innena nehafü ey yefruta aleyna ev ey yatğa
46.Kale la tehafa innenı meaküma esmeu ve era
47.Fe'tiyahü fe kula inna rasula rabbike fe ersel meana benı israıle ve la tüazzibhüm kad ci'nake bi ayetim mir rabbik vesselamü ala menittebeal hüda
48.İnna kad uhıye ileyna ennel azabe ala men kezzebe ve tevella
49.Kale fe mer rabbüküma ya musa
50.Kale rabbünellezı a'ta külle şey'in halkahu sümme heda
51.Kale fema balül kurunil ula
52.Kale ılmüha ınde rabbı fı kitab la yedıllü rabbı ve la yensa
53.Ellezı ceale lekümül erda mehdev ve selek leküm fıha sübülev ve enzele mines semai maa fe ahracna bihı ezvacem min nebatin şetta
54.Külu ver'av en'ameküm inne fı zalike le ayatil li ülin nüha
55.Minha halaknaküm ve fıha nüıydüküm ve minha nuhricüküm taraten uhra
56.Ve lekad eraynahü ayatina külleha fe kezzebe ve eba
57.Kale ec'tena li tuhricena min erdına bi sıhrike ya musa
58.Fe le ne'tiyenneke bi sıhrim mislihı fec'al beynena ve belneke mev'ıdel la nuhlifühu nahnü ve la ente mekanen süva
59.Kale mev'ıdüküm yevmüz zınet ve ey yuhşeran nasü duha
60.Fe tevella fir'avnü fe cemea keydehu sümme eta
61.Kale lehüm musa veyleküm la tefteru alellahi keziben fe yüshıteküm bi azab ve kad habe meniftera
62.Fe tenazeu emrahüm beynehüm ve eserrun necva
But whoever turns away from My
Reminder will certainly have a miserable life, then We will raise them up blind on the Day of Judgment.
They will cry, "My Lord! Why have you raised me up blind, although I used to see?"
Allah will respond, "It is so, just as Our revelations came to you and you neglected them, so Today you are neglected."
I miss Allah❤❤😢❤❤ S.w.t
Beautiful surah
03:26 prophet Moosa (As) dua for speech
Yah allah Bless the ummah make our tasks easy and keep us safe from the Dunya
May Allah SWT master of the day of judgment ❤ bless all the brothers and sisters listening to this.
We all go through hard times. Stay strong and be blessed in this life and the next Ameen.❤
😢😢😢😢you make me fell like the old time.
I love this so much I was felling to go sleep❤️❤️❤️😍😍😍😘😘😘💕💕💕
Beautiful recitation ❤
I’m addicted wallahi mashallah❤
جزاك الله خيرا
May ALLAH reward you. Thank you. 2025 always here
Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful
My lord is Allah my religene is Islam My brother gave Papa Mohammed Salah. He was Salam.
Assalam o alaikum my brothers and sisters. I request you all to please make Dua for my imaan, and my employment. Recently lost my job and am now getting all sort of evil waswas.
@@Humble_Servant_Of_Allah Alhamdulillah. I've found another job, and Allah made it easy for me. Wallahi, only patience and prayer helps. Thanks for the advice.
Every time, Every time i read the translation of his i just feel like i am reading and hearing something new and different
Hey guys i am hete to inform that Allah is all mighty most gracious most merciful and forgiving:and we shoudl thank ismail anuuri he spend alot of just for Allah and for us to to talk to him may allah forgive us all and bless him and all of us
I love this surat
Me too
Very soothing 🤲
Are you Muslim?
Because it’s the words of God Glory be to Him forever.
These first three verses of Chapter Taha after after hearing them Hazrat Umar became muslim...
What a wonderful voice
So peaceful 😌😍🥰❤
May god help all of us
Amazingly amazing ❤ ❤ ❤
Reciter name: Ismail An-Nuri
Alhamdulillah, grazie I was searching for the reciter name
I need,healing in my left feet I have a sickness that I am suffering from my daughter need healing too for her sickness my husband is a drunker he is drink everyday I need healing in my life Allah☪🥺🤲
Inshallah things will get better for u
May Allah help and heal you and your Family.
Going through something similar with my spouse may Allah make it easy on all of us
May Allah answer your prayers in this blessed month of Ramadan. Ya Allah answer the call of my sisters and heal their families. Ameen Ya Rahman
Wonderful surah ❤
Subhan allahhh.....😢😢😢😢😢
Allahuma Barik
please pray for me i was robbed of almost 500 dollars in total and i’m hoping they give me the stolen item back without getting the police involved . Please also pray my best friend finds Islam for i can’t imagine the after life for her and that my 2 sisters be consistent in their prayers for 1 struggles and 1 doesn’t do at all
Inshallah you will get your money back and may Allah SWT guide your friend to Islam and your sisters to pray ameen ❤
Islam great 🎉🎉🎉
13:33 - 16:21
Pray for me my day's are not going well but alhamdulila for everything I have.. Ya allah help me i need your doa Yaa allah keep me in your bless....