There is a reddit post about an italian article about the gamescom demo that refers to the white ghost (translated from german "Weißer Geist") as "white fury" (translated from italian "Furia Bianca") and the guardians (translated from german "Hüter") as "keepers" so we still dont know what the final english translation will be. Heres the post: thanks to @BIANOX i just found an english article that refers to it as "The White Wraith", although it does not mention the guardians: Update: After the 4th Trailer we know for certain that ist the white wraith and its name is Arkveld, its an extinct species!
The Keepers would be the closer translation , if we meen a Guardian (in the town guard scence) we use the word Wächter , Hüter is les militaristic (their names Original share a simular meening) , the italian gohst translation is interesting cause it could meen the idear is of a vengefull gohst (we don't have a specivic Name for that in german)
I think one of the snakes in the logo is the White Ghost and the other is the final boss of the game (maybe the one with the "egg"?) and the other 4 circles/monsters represent the apex of each map (one of them being Rey Dau)
thats interesting! i havent thought about the circles much other than that the 6 dragon heads signify that this is the first 6th gen game and the circles stand for ripples that were caused by drops falling into water. 4 maps (one each circle) seems like a reasonable amount to have in this game. also true the transparent leviathan might be the ghost and the one with the "egg" something else!
Why is everyone speculating on Dalamadur??? When has Monster Hunter ever used a past monster as the penultimate or final boss of the new base game story?
i mean it would just be cool if he would make a comeback and he would fit in perfectly with the thunderstorm theme, thats all! (the old map and the logo are just speculation) I dont think he will be as important to the story as the white ghost :)
@@PalicoEntertainment I am 100% on board for Dalamadur maybe in the G rank expansion maybe akin to taking the spot of Alatreon in Iceborne. Though the weather patterns I guarantee aren’t made by a monster. Considering there is supposed to be to be an equivalent weather phenomenon in each locale and the fact that creatures have evolved to survive this weather tells me it’s natural. And if it were an elder dragon what would happen after we slayed it? No more lightning storms in the map?
@@Cumbernumb Considering how influential Xeno was on the land in world I don't think the idea of the weather being the result of an elder dragon is that far fetched.
I think with the introduction of monster heards, maybe the white ghost (if its the logo, is the big great one, and the others smaller are his heard, and the big black one is like and hidden opposite stronger one, like safi jivaa is to xeno jivaa( a grown one). I don't think my theory is true but It has some things that can be take into account
The algorithm blessed me with another yet underrated channel! Hope ye can get more subcribers! And besides, I cannot wait to see what exactky is the White Ghost. Im curious if it will be a Flagship monster based around our lack of knowledge, and we would only see him briefly, but only his tail or wings, and we would only be able to see him up until end game. Im really looking forth to see what this monster is!
Thank you! Same! I made this video because I couldnt stop thinking about it. It would be cool if they would keep it a secret and not slap it in your face like Lagiacrus for example xD
@@PalicoEntertainment Needn't to thank me! And I absolutely agree! Im really hopeful they keep it a secret, and only grant us small insight without revealing the design. Only just a handful of hints! I heard from Ruri that they wouldn't reveal as much monsters as they did with World and Rise, as they thought that World was a reboot of sort, and wanted to push out the marketing as much as possible afore. So Im hopeful what they are saying is true! And keep things further more hidden within its lakes!
I want to exclude the crew thinking that Rey dau is the cause of the thunderstorm. Usually when it comes to MH plot, like Malzeno, the characters think that the flagship is the cause of whatever is going on in that title. In this case Rey dau is confirmed not to be the flagship, but rather the apex creature that has evolved to take full advantage of the thunderstorm. We will surely see Scarlet forest aswell as other new locales, having a important climate hazard, and each locale having a new monster that will take full advantage of it as the apex of the area. They will at some point reveal the flagship of the game, and the crew will probably think he is the cause of these extremely fast climate changes and, as any monster hunter, we will later learn that the secret final boss, is in reality the cause of everything, and he (or better say, they) will be tied to the Monster hunter wilds logo. I said they because the logo clearly features two snake looking dragons. Obviously this is just a theory but i would 100% exclude Rey dau from the thunderstorm topic, he clearly gets charged by it, by getting directly hit from thunderbolts, and that's why he is dangerous
I doubt it would be about the weather because the weather is not only natural but is something Kunafa seems to already be adapted to Stopping the weather would likely be worse for everyone involved This one may be more personal with this “White Ghost” possibly being an invasive monster- it may be both the flagship and the final fight because each of the apexes seem to have a lot of build up
Bin echt froh, dass mir so ein cooles Lore Video vorgeschlagen wurde. Das mit dem White Wraith/ Ghost höre ich auch zum ersten Mal. Mein Abo hast du auf jeden Fall :) Im Folgenden, ich am yappen: Die Gilde scheint ja erstmals in den Forbidden Lands anzukommen, weil ja von provisorischen Lagern gesprochen wird. Dann stellt sich mir aber die Frage, ob die Region von den Einheimischen als "verboten" angesehen wird und die Gilde die Bezeichnung einfach nur übernommen hat oder ob die Gilde die Region bereits (vllt aus alten Aufzeichnungen) kennt und bisher vermieden hat. Straight up "Forbidden" find ich sowieso ne krasse Bezeichnung. Für mich hört sich das an, als ob wir hier in die Richtung Uralte Zivilisation/ Schwarze Drachen gehen, weil ja eben genau diese Themen als verboten gelten. Gerade Uralte Zivilisation fänd ich super interessant (passiert eh nicht, ist nur mein Wunschdenken loll). Ich könnte mir zum Beispiel vorstellen, die Forbidden Lands könnten Schauplatz des Krieges gegen die Drachenältesten gewesen sein. Diese Blitzableiter in der Windebene sahen für mich anfangs sogar aus wie alte Ballisten-Munition. Aber da lehne ich mich sehr weit aus dem Fenster haha. Auf diesen Blitzableitern waren nach einem Einschlag kurz Runen zu sehen, die glaube ich auch in Kunafa zu sehen sind, also sind die vllt doch von den Einheimischen errichtet. Auf den Gebäuden/ besonders auf der Kleidung der Dorfältesten sind Symbole abgebildet, die für mich wie die Gesteinsformation aussehen, also gibt es da sicher irgendeine Verbindung? Andererseits erinnern die mich aber auch an Zahnräder, was mich verwundert, weil die Kultur ja deutlich hinter dem techn. Fortschritt der restlichen Welt zu liegen scheint. Vllt weil die "alte" Technologie noch strikter abgelehnt wird und jetzt kommts "verboten" ist????? Ich frage mich auch wie die verschiedenen Dörfer und die Gilde interagieren werden. Ich gehe mal davon aus dass die Dörfer eigene Kulturen haben und der Gilde vllt auch nicht unbedingt freundlich gesinnt sind. Glaube zwar nicht dass die Story so deep ist aber das könnte ne coole Dynamik sein. Könnte mir auch gut vorstellen, dass wir mir Nata zusammen die ganzen Dörfer besuchen und dort verschiedene Charaktere kennenlernen, die uns auf unserer Reise helfen. Ich finde deinen Punkt zu den Guardians und dem Versiegeln von Monstern super cool. Ich würde mal davon ausgehen, dass jedes Gebiet solche Wetterphänomene/ ~3 Phasen hat. Die Frage ist wie viele davon auf lebendige Monster zurückgehen. Ich würde es weird finden, wenn das Flagship nur ein einziges Gebiet beeinflusst. Also gibt es vllt 2 oder mehr Drachenälteste, wie im Logo? Ich bin ja der Meinung, dass im Logo auch Ouroboros Symbolik zu sehen ist und auf einen ewigen Kreislauf anspielt, wie das Wechseln der Wetterphasen. Diese Gesteinsformation sehe ich auch im Logo. Ich frag mich ob die anderen Gebiete auch welche haben. Die sehen für mich nicht so aus als wären sie natürlich entstanden. Ich hoffe auf jeden Fall mal wir bekommen noch ein, zwei Trailer (zur Tokyo Game Show vllt?) damit wir noch ein paar mehr Sachen haben über die wir spekulieren können.
Dankeschön :) Ich verstehe dich vollkommen, ich will auch unbedingt dass wir mehr lore von der Uralten Zivilisation bekommen. Das mit den Runen ist mir komplett entgangen, das muss ich mir mal genauer anschauen! Wenn du aber meinst dass die in Kunafa zu sehen sind und das die Blitzableiter auche eine Verbindung zu Kunafa haben, ist die Wahrscheinlichkeit groß dass das eher Teil deren Kultur ist, ob jetzt vergessen oder nicht. Ich denke das bedeutet aber auch dass zumindest das nichts mit der Alten Zivilisation zu tun hat (ich glaub ich will das so sehr wie du xD). Ich denke ein weiteres Argument dass das stützt ist, dass Kunafa die Siedlung ist, die uns mehr von der Geschichte der Windward Plains erzählen wird. Das mit den "Zahnrädern", ich würde sie lieber Ringe oder als Wasserwellen bezeichnen, denke ich ist auch was dahinter! Diese sind auch im Logo des Spiels wiederzuerkennen finde ich. Und ich hoffe dass diese aussehen wie Zeichen einer alten Zivilisation! Also vielleicht hast du recht und Kunafa sind vielleicht Abstammen einer Alten Zivilisation? Ich habe jedoch nicht das Gefühl dass die noch aktiv wissen wie man diese Technologie benutzt/herstellt. Ich kann mir die Interaktion der Gilde und der Dörfer auf zwei weisen vorstellen: Entweder ähnlich wie mit den Leuten aus Astera und den First Wyverians, dass denen einfach komplett egal ist dass wir da sind; oder dass es eher ist wie mit uns und den Gajalaka: wir wissen aus der Gamescom Demo, dass unser Character wie in RPGs wie Baldurs Gate antworten kann (aus mehreren Antworten eine auswählen), es könnte also sein dass es ein System gibt mit dem wir bei den Einheimischen sympathie/Freunschaft aufbauen müssen. Ich glaube zweiteres ist eher unwahrscheinlich aber ich meine sooo weit gegriffen ist es jetzt auch nicht da wir ja ähnliches mit den Gajalaka gesehen haben und die Antwort Mechanic im Spiel ist! Ich bin noch nicht ganz überzeugt davon dass die anderen Gebiete auch Wetterphasen haben, da wir davon einfach nichts gesehen haben, wünschen würde ich mir das natürlich schon! Die Ouroboros/Jormungandr symbolik ist mir auch aufgefallen, aber ich weiß nicht was die bedeutet soll außer die verschiedenen Wetterphasen... und ja das könnte auch alles dahinter sein aber irgendwie... fehlt mir da was... Jetzt wo dus sagst sehe ich auch die Gesteinsformation im Logo! Ich frage mich nur was das Ei darin zu bedeuten hat... aber ja ich hab mir schon gedacht irgendwie sieht dieser halbkreisförmige Felsen zu suspekt und wichtig aus um keine Bedeutung zu haben! Ich hoffe auch dass wir noch Trailer oder sogar eine anspielbare Demo bekommen, ich glaube aber viele Trailer werden es nicht mehr sein... vielleicht noch ein weiteres Gebiet oder etwas zum Flagship?
@@PalicoEntertainment Hey danke für den langen Kommentar :D Ich hab grade niemanden um über Lore zu quatschten also muss ich noch ein paar Sachen loswerden xD Na Gott sei Dank bin ich nicht der einzige der mehr von der Uralten Zivilisation will xD Ich hab ewig gesucht aber ich kann leider die Stelle mit dem Blitzableiter nicht mehr finden, ich schaue aber nochmal. Ich finde deinen Punkt richtig interessant mit der ganzen Symbolik von Wasserwellen und Tropfen. Ich hab mir das Logo auch nochmal angeschaut und ich interpretier wahrscheinlich zu viel hinein haha aber knapp über dem unteren Drachenkopf ist etwas abgebildet, was wie Natas Kette aussieht oder vllt ein kleines Ei?? Ich hab dann noch weiter geschaut und ich finde die Symbole im Ende des Schweifs vom helleren Drachen sehen für mich aus wie Noten. Ich hab mir überlegt die Wassertropfen könnten auch für Schallwellen und Klänge stehen. Ich hab bei den Geräuschen irgendwie Hunting Horn vibes... Ich hab das Gefühl das Legenden und alte Überlieferungen und Traditionen einen großen Teil in Wilds spielen könnten, vllt ja in Form von Liedern? Das Sounddesign für die Logo Sequenz ist auf jeden Fall sooo unglaublich gut haha Ich hab mir Trailer 3 angeschaut und mir sind diese bläulichen Fulgurite-Steine aufgefallen, die bei Blitzeinschlägen entstehen. Die sind nicht nur in die Fassaden der Gebäude in Kunafa eingefasst sondern scheinen auch als Windspiele aufgehängt zu sein. Und dann sieht man sogar später im Trailer wie größere Mengen davon abgebaut werden. Ich denke also mal diese Steine haben einen Nutzen, der über Verzierungen hinausgeht. Wahrscheinlich weil sie Elektrizität leiten. Aber in welcher Form nutzen dann die Einheimischen Elektrizität? Sie scheinen ja recht wenig Technik zu besitzen. Bei Minute 1:41 in deinem Video sieht man diese Symbole, die für mich wie Zahnräder aussehen ganz gut. Vllt bin ich da auch total auf dem Holzweg wer weiß xD Das mit der Antwort-Mechanik ist irgendwie total an mir vorbei gegangen lol aber das ist ja richtig cool. Scheinbar soll Wilds ja eine detailliertere Story haben. Ich bin so gehyped xD Ich finde es würde auf jeden Fall sehr gut passen wenn man sich das Vertrauen der verschiedenen Dörfer erst erarbeiten müsste. Dann könnte man dafür sogar in Form von lokalen Spezialitäten, Spezialwerkzeugen, Informationen über Monster/die Welt oder NPC Begleiter belohnt werden. Zu Umgebung und Wetter, auf der mh wilds Webseite steht: "Jedes Jagdrevier kann sich von zwei Seiten zeigen: Entweder als raue und unbarmherzige Region, wo hungrige Monster um die begrenzten Ressourcen kämpfen, oder mit üppiger Natur und voller Leben." Also würde ich denken, dass das für alle Gebiete gilt. Was mir auch aufgefallen ist, ist dass die Dorfbewohner davon sprechen, dass die Stürme zu "dieser Jahreszeit" heftiger werden. Wenn also ein Monster dahinter steckt, dann scheint das Phänomen zeitlich begrenzt aufzutreten, aber dafür jedes Jahr. Gut, vllt werden die Stürme auch schlimmer und die Gilde muss dann die Ursache finden. Könnte alles sein. Ohne die Stürme gäbe es für Kunafa allerdings auch kein Fulgurite mehr. Ich finde das alles echt interessant, mir kommt es vor als wenn die Thematiken Ökosystem/Symbiose und Zyklen in der Natur nochmal stärker als in World zum tragen kommen werden. Ja für die anspielbare Demo würde alles tun xD Ich hoffe wir bekommen noch einen Trailer zum Karminwald. Andererseits will ich auch nicht zu viel sehen und mich überraschen lassen, es ist echt schwierig xD
After watching the Gamescom livestreams, I’m getting the feeling this could be set in the New World. In MHW, we discovered the New World, kind of like how Europeans discovered America in real life. And Wilds gives me South America vibes, haha. The native people even have a bit of that South American look with the desert living twist, I dunno. For all we know, it could be set in both the Old and New World. That Gemma girl is a smith, so she could be that little girl from before-if not literally, then in spirit for sure. When I first saw Wilds, I immediately thought, 'Wow, this is like Guiding Lands: The Game.' was even more convinced when they showed the gameplay.
thinking of the forbidden lands and the new world in general as (South) America is kinda funny, tho I get where youre coming from, Its a cool perspective! the whole new world expedition probably is inspired by colonialism xD and yea it seems like with gemma/little miss forge i forgot to mention the most obvios reason, that they are both smiths that look waaay too similar xD there is also still the possibility that gemma was sent from the old to the new world! and youre right with the guiding lands. i think they were kind of a test run how the next mainline title might have the monsters interact with each other and let the hunters stay on the map and choose to hunt new monsters. in that way it has a lot of similarities to wilds! altough i thinking that way of the guiding lands means were talking about gameplay mechanics wich dont nessesarily have to imply things for the story!
a developer interview (that i can't find anymore) actually confirmed the game has no connections to Monster Hunter World and is not a sequel/prequel/anything of the sort
The MHwilds symbol, the snake heads eating each others tails, looks like the symbol of the eternal recurrence by the philosopher Frederick Neitzche. The idea is basically that everything is in an eternal cycle, kinda like how wilds has a rotating whether cycle ....🤔🤔🤔
even without knowing about the "White Ghost", the best idea i could come up with for the Wilds flagship is an Elder Dragon themed around clouds. it fits the "White Ghost", but i also feel it's a bit too similar to the Wind Serpents? i think it is likely the flagship will have a tie to the weather in some form. i'm envisioning an Elder Dragon swiping it's forelimb and causing lighting to strike and then flapping it's wings and causing a tornado.
could be another new land, looking at the map at 2:20 that giant storm with a monster in it could be the windward planes or an area very close to that it's affected by it, it's also not connected to the main continent so we could maybe infer the forbidden lands are known about but are forbidden because of how dangerous it is to even go near it
As much as would love to see Salamadur back, there is practically a 0% chance that will (ever) happen. The reason for me saying that is simple, resources. One thing to consider is that the devs have raised their own standards so they would definitly not half ass a boss like Dalamdur. They would most certaily put as much effort and resources into the fight to make it a spectical. And that's the problem really. It would require alot of work to make Dalamadur function in the "new" engine (btw Wilds runs on the REX engine) while also making movement look as fluid as possible. Just remember how Lagiacrus was cut from World because the Laviethan skeleton clipped to much into the ground. Before the devs didn't care about something like that in 4U where half of Dalamadurs body clips through the ground, but now the they want to minimize that as much as possible. Also it took an entire year of development time for them to finish work on Zorah Magdaros and that monster slowely moves in a straight line with pretty simple animations. Dalamdur on the other hand would need far more animation and much more complex ones at that. Basically the time and money required to bring back Dalamdur would be too high to be worth the effort.
why? because ive used his opening cutscene from mh4 and didnt show him? xDD yea im a monster! what wouldve made me even more of a monster wouldve been if I wouldve shown Yian Garuga instead of Kut-Ku xDD (I could watch him gobbeling up konchus all day)
@@PalicoEntertainment no, because you pointed out that she got her plushie from the old world and now you've made me explain my joke killing it you monster...
Oh damn im sorry! xD Unintentionally being a monster makes me even more of a monster! (i do hope this silly little goober will be in the game, world had yian garuga which has the same skeleton, so it wouldnt be that hard to get kut-ku into wilds, worst case you could mod it in)
not sure if anyone has already said this but sandship's have kind of been seen in the new world we saw one in the unfortunately maybe sort of Canon Monster Hunter movie
Oh my god the movie was so bad i tried to forget about it. But youre right there are sandships being used. Though how canon is this movie? because in world we didnt see the sky tower, gore magala and nerscylla...
@@PalicoEntertainment it kind of depends who you talk to the people who worked on the movie do say it is Canon a few developers said something along the lines of it might have happened and and one of the iceborne books reference the movie and made it sort of Canon at least the the dessert and a connection to another world and it tied it into Fatalis or white Fatalis by saying similar events have occurred in schrade but at the same time most fans are adamant that it should not be Canon and the Monster Hunter team could change their ideas on it's canonicity anytime that's why I say it is "maybe sort of Canon"
I think an Elder Dragon is causing the weather phenomena, possibly the White Ghost, but that isn't the final boss. Instead, the alternating weather is specifically created to keep another Elder Dragon sealed (hence why 2 intertwined dragons in the logo). And the 4 smaller dragons are possibly thralls of the main elder dragon. And because Wilds is much more of a direct sequel to World, we may finally get an understanding of what Safi is wrt other Elder Dragons of that class, and why Alatreon came to burn Safi's nest -- a better understanding of the relation of monsters whose turf is essentially the entire world.
By the logo i get the feeling that the flagship will be a serpent like elder that uses wind and rain hensefourth the droplets in the logo but the actoual vilian will be and underground, maybe dragonglass covered, elder because the wight ghost is above the blackish serpent
ok neckless eigther is something from a snowy local maybe a snow crystal or like you sayed a key to contain a powerfull elder dragon BUt i personally believe we will get a beach local where the kid lived the red water can be easlly explained there was once a river that was olso red but turns out its red beacuse of a great amount of iron in it i think that if the special formation does create a sound that attracts rare mosters it should attract set white ghost
in the logo ...would it be more logical to assume the black one is dalamadur and the white a subspecies or relative of dalamadur (could be wrong but i think dalamadur was darkgrey/greenish grey) but from how they look they dont seem to be snake like more like eastern dragon style...couldnt it be that the 2 on the logo are elder dragons fighting for dominance resulting in thunderstorms?
Looking at Rey Dau's name gives me a feeling that the white ghost is some sort of revered or feared idol in the forbidden lands The two words making up Rey Dau's name could be Rei (Spanish for king) and Dau/Dua (Islamic for caller of God or Allah) The village elder in the third trailer states that "the sands come to life this time of year" which has me thinking that perhaps the inclemency is tied to this white ghost, or at the very least bolstered by it, it having the power to manipulate weather and given Rey Dau's name possibly being "Caller of kings" or "king caller of the heavens" implies not only lightning but also that its appearance at that time of year might mean something. I and some others believe that there will be multiple villages and with it, multiple cultures in the forbidden lands, with the windward plains having more African and possibly Arabic and Asian inspiration, and the scarlet forest possibly (theoretically) more Latin or Spanish culture, and we know most likely that each area might have a returning apex and a inclemency apex, ultimately this is all speculation but I don't think it's totally unreasonable
I mean if rey daus name means caller of kings I can totally imagine it being the monster that the people see when thunderstorms happen and he might call an elder dragon (aka king) that might be responsible for the thunderstorm! I also think there might be multiple villages as ive said in the video, though i havent thought of them as inspired by real locations!
I've only played since mhw, so I'm looking forward to any monster they put out 😁 old or new. It's gonna be new to me lol been soooo long since I've genuinely looked forward to a game!!
I mean if they put in more old monsters its less work for them, which means they can put in more monsters, which means you and all those who started with world get some new monsters, its a win-win! xD
On the logo there are 4 smaller dragons with 2 big snakes, we already know the bottom left (if I'm not mistaken) is rey dau, meaning there will be at least 4 maps with 4 apex monsters. Now, for the 2 snakes in the center are they 1 flagship and 1 final boss ? Or 2 flagships ? Or just like in Rise, 2 "flagships" who will merge into the final boss ?
@@PalicoEntertainment yes! You can tell by looking at its head, you have the 2 big railgun horns covering the face and the 2 smaller ones below the face, it's 100% him no doubt
Also interesting note : 2 apex monsters connected to one big snake dragon with their tails, 2 other apex monsters connected to the second big snake dragon... And one is transparent while the other is not ! Maybe the transparent big snake dragon is the ghost we're looking for ?
Youre right, it would make sense for the transparent one to be the white ghost! Also now that you say it, i do see the little differences between them!
I'm not sure about this. According to a vid by Arekkz gaming, the monsters in the logos are never real monsters. They just signify the generation. (Except Rise and Sunbreak) The number of heads on the dragons/wyverns in the insignia all correspond to the number of that generation. Google the image of mh dos, 3, 4, and world, and you'll see this. Edit: Count all the heads in the Wilds insignia and you'll see there are 6 of them because this is the 6th generation game
thats reasonable, but that doesnt mean that the logo itself has no meaning other than signifying that this is the 6th gen. the circles and the water ripple effect seem to be too different of the other logos not to hold any meaning! tho i can agree that the dragons might not be real monsters, its just fun to theorize with what weve got you know? :)
@PalicoEntertainment True, the ripples could maybe mean the different locations, apexes of the locations, etc. The crest of the Caravan is there in the middle of the 4 insignia
not as far as i know... i havent found any connection between khezu and the white ghost on the internet and at least in this context khezu makes no sense to me xD
the arena of the (Shah) Dalamandur fight has thunder effects and flashes that make you feel like youre in a thunderstorm. and the meterorites that you refer to look more like thunderballs to me. although i have not seen any direct confirmation that dalamandur is the cause of thunder, so youre right to be unsure
The MHwilds symbol, the snake heads eating each others tails, looks like the symbol of the eternal recurrence by the philosopher Frederick Neitzche. The idea is basically that everything is in an eternal cycle, kinda like how wilds has a rotating whether cycle ....🤔🤔🤔 Also what if the dead elder dragon is Dire Maralis
There is a reddit post about an italian article about the gamescom demo that refers to the white ghost (translated from german "Weißer Geist") as "white fury" (translated from italian "Furia Bianca") and the guardians (translated from german "Hüter") as "keepers" so we still dont know what the final english translation will be.
Heres the post:
thanks to @BIANOX i just found an english article that refers to it as "The White Wraith", although it does not mention the guardians:
Update: After the 4th Trailer we know for certain that ist the white wraith and its name is Arkveld, its an extinct species!
The Keepers would be the closer translation , if we meen a Guardian (in the town guard scence) we use the word Wächter , Hüter is les militaristic (their names Original share a simular meening) , the italian gohst translation is interesting cause it could meen the idear is of a vengefull gohst (we don't have a specivic Name for that in german)
Considering the recent trailer and the name in your thumbnail that's pretty good.
How do you only have 65 subs? Your content is so friggin fun.
thanks ;.;
I think one of the snakes in the logo is the White Ghost and the other is the final boss of the game (maybe the one with the "egg"?)
and the other 4 circles/monsters represent the apex of each map (one of them being Rey Dau)
Maybe the snake that could represent the flagship is the apex of another locale considering that monster hunter loves having 5 main locales.
thats interesting! i havent thought about the circles much other than that the 6 dragon heads signify that this is the first 6th gen game and the circles stand for ripples that were caused by drops falling into water. 4 maps (one each circle) seems like a reasonable amount to have in this game. also true the transparent leviathan might be the ghost and the one with the "egg" something else!
Why is everyone speculating on Dalamadur??? When has Monster Hunter ever used a past monster as the penultimate or final boss of the new base game story?
They literally just did it in Sunbreak, though, with Amatsu.
@@TornaitSuperBird that wasn’t end of story though that was post story missions. Gaismagorm was the final story boss.
i mean it would just be cool if he would make a comeback and he would fit in perfectly with the thunderstorm theme, thats all! (the old map and the logo are just speculation) I dont think he will be as important to the story as the white ghost :)
@@PalicoEntertainment I am 100% on board for Dalamadur maybe in the G rank expansion maybe akin to taking the spot of Alatreon in Iceborne. Though the weather patterns I guarantee aren’t made by a monster. Considering there is supposed to be to be an equivalent weather phenomenon in each locale and the fact that creatures have evolved to survive this weather tells me it’s natural. And if it were an elder dragon what would happen after we slayed it? No more lightning storms in the map?
@@Cumbernumb Considering how influential Xeno was on the land in world I don't think the idea of the weather being the result of an elder dragon is that far fetched.
I think with the introduction of monster heards, maybe the white ghost (if its the logo, is the big great one, and the others smaller are his heard, and the big black one is like and hidden opposite stronger one, like safi jivaa is to xeno jivaa( a grown one). I don't think my theory is true but It has some things that can be take into account
The algorithm blessed me with another yet underrated channel! Hope ye can get more subcribers!
And besides, I cannot wait to see what exactky is the White Ghost. Im curious if it will be a Flagship monster based around our lack of knowledge, and we would only see him briefly, but only his tail or wings, and we would only be able to see him up until end game. Im really looking forth to see what this monster is!
Thank you!
Same! I made this video because I couldnt stop thinking about it. It would be cool if they would keep it a secret and not slap it in your face like Lagiacrus for example xD
@@PalicoEntertainment Needn't to thank me!
And I absolutely agree! Im really hopeful they keep it a secret, and only grant us small insight without revealing the design. Only just a handful of hints!
I heard from Ruri that they wouldn't reveal as much monsters as they did with World and Rise, as they thought that World was a reboot of sort, and wanted to push out the marketing as much as possible afore. So Im hopeful what they are saying is true! And keep things further more hidden within its lakes!
I want to exclude the crew thinking that Rey dau is the cause of the thunderstorm.
Usually when it comes to MH plot, like Malzeno, the characters think that the flagship is the cause of whatever is going on in that title.
In this case Rey dau is confirmed not to be the flagship, but rather the apex creature that has evolved to take full advantage of the thunderstorm.
We will surely see Scarlet forest aswell as other new locales, having a important climate hazard, and each locale having a new monster that will take full advantage of it as the apex of the area.
They will at some point reveal the flagship of the game, and the crew will probably think he is the cause of these extremely fast climate changes and, as any monster hunter, we will later learn that the secret final boss, is in reality the cause of everything, and he (or better say, they) will be tied to the Monster hunter wilds logo.
I said they because the logo clearly features two snake looking dragons.
Obviously this is just a theory but i would 100% exclude Rey dau from the thunderstorm topic, he clearly gets charged by it, by getting directly hit from thunderbolts, and that's why he is dangerous
good point!
I doubt it would be about the weather because the weather is not only natural but is something Kunafa seems to already be adapted to
Stopping the weather would likely be worse for everyone involved
This one may be more personal with this “White Ghost” possibly being an invasive monster- it may be both the flagship and the final fight because each of the apexes seem to have a lot of build up
Bin echt froh, dass mir so ein cooles Lore Video vorgeschlagen wurde. Das mit dem White Wraith/ Ghost höre ich auch zum ersten Mal.
Mein Abo hast du auf jeden Fall :) Im Folgenden, ich am yappen:
Die Gilde scheint ja erstmals in den Forbidden Lands anzukommen, weil ja von provisorischen Lagern gesprochen wird. Dann stellt sich mir aber die Frage, ob die Region von den Einheimischen als "verboten" angesehen wird und die Gilde die Bezeichnung einfach nur übernommen hat oder ob die Gilde die Region bereits (vllt aus alten Aufzeichnungen) kennt und bisher vermieden hat. Straight up "Forbidden" find ich sowieso ne krasse Bezeichnung. Für mich hört sich das an, als ob wir hier in die Richtung Uralte Zivilisation/ Schwarze Drachen gehen, weil ja eben genau diese Themen als verboten gelten. Gerade Uralte Zivilisation fänd ich super interessant (passiert eh nicht, ist nur mein Wunschdenken loll). Ich könnte mir zum Beispiel vorstellen, die Forbidden Lands könnten Schauplatz des Krieges gegen die Drachenältesten gewesen sein. Diese Blitzableiter in der Windebene sahen für mich anfangs sogar aus wie alte Ballisten-Munition. Aber da lehne ich mich sehr weit aus dem Fenster haha.
Auf diesen Blitzableitern waren nach einem Einschlag kurz Runen zu sehen, die glaube ich auch in Kunafa zu sehen sind, also sind die vllt doch von den Einheimischen errichtet. Auf den Gebäuden/ besonders auf der Kleidung der Dorfältesten sind Symbole abgebildet, die für mich wie die Gesteinsformation aussehen, also gibt es da sicher irgendeine Verbindung? Andererseits erinnern die mich aber auch an Zahnräder, was mich verwundert, weil die Kultur ja deutlich hinter dem techn. Fortschritt der restlichen Welt zu liegen scheint. Vllt weil die "alte" Technologie noch strikter abgelehnt wird und jetzt kommts "verboten" ist?????
Ich frage mich auch wie die verschiedenen Dörfer und die Gilde interagieren werden. Ich gehe mal davon aus dass die Dörfer eigene Kulturen haben und der Gilde vllt auch nicht unbedingt freundlich gesinnt sind. Glaube zwar nicht dass die Story so deep ist aber das könnte ne coole Dynamik sein. Könnte mir auch gut vorstellen, dass wir mir Nata zusammen die ganzen Dörfer besuchen und dort verschiedene Charaktere kennenlernen, die uns auf unserer Reise helfen. Ich finde deinen Punkt zu den Guardians und dem Versiegeln von Monstern super cool.
Ich würde mal davon ausgehen, dass jedes Gebiet solche Wetterphänomene/ ~3 Phasen hat. Die Frage ist wie viele davon auf lebendige Monster zurückgehen. Ich würde es weird finden, wenn das Flagship nur ein einziges Gebiet beeinflusst. Also gibt es vllt 2 oder mehr Drachenälteste, wie im Logo? Ich bin ja der Meinung, dass im Logo auch Ouroboros Symbolik zu sehen ist und auf einen ewigen Kreislauf anspielt, wie das Wechseln der Wetterphasen. Diese Gesteinsformation sehe ich auch im Logo. Ich frag mich ob die anderen Gebiete auch welche haben. Die sehen für mich nicht so aus als wären sie natürlich entstanden.
Ich hoffe auf jeden Fall mal wir bekommen noch ein, zwei Trailer (zur Tokyo Game Show vllt?) damit wir noch ein paar mehr Sachen haben über die wir spekulieren können.
Dankeschön :)
Ich verstehe dich vollkommen, ich will auch unbedingt dass wir mehr lore von der Uralten Zivilisation bekommen.
Das mit den Runen ist mir komplett entgangen, das muss ich mir mal genauer anschauen! Wenn du aber meinst dass die in Kunafa zu sehen sind und das die Blitzableiter auche eine Verbindung zu Kunafa haben, ist die Wahrscheinlichkeit groß dass das eher Teil deren Kultur ist, ob jetzt vergessen oder nicht. Ich denke das bedeutet aber auch dass zumindest das nichts mit der Alten Zivilisation zu tun hat (ich glaub ich will das so sehr wie du xD). Ich denke ein weiteres Argument dass das stützt ist, dass Kunafa die Siedlung ist, die uns mehr von der Geschichte der Windward Plains erzählen wird.
Das mit den "Zahnrädern", ich würde sie lieber Ringe oder als Wasserwellen bezeichnen, denke ich ist auch was dahinter! Diese sind auch im Logo des Spiels wiederzuerkennen finde ich. Und ich hoffe dass diese aussehen wie Zeichen einer alten Zivilisation! Also vielleicht hast du recht und Kunafa sind vielleicht Abstammen einer Alten Zivilisation? Ich habe jedoch nicht das Gefühl dass die noch aktiv wissen wie man diese Technologie benutzt/herstellt.
Ich kann mir die Interaktion der Gilde und der Dörfer auf zwei weisen vorstellen: Entweder ähnlich wie mit den Leuten aus Astera und den First Wyverians, dass denen einfach komplett egal ist dass wir da sind;
oder dass es eher ist wie mit uns und den Gajalaka: wir wissen aus der Gamescom Demo, dass unser Character wie in RPGs wie Baldurs Gate antworten kann (aus mehreren Antworten eine auswählen), es könnte also sein dass es ein System gibt mit dem wir bei den Einheimischen sympathie/Freunschaft aufbauen müssen.
Ich glaube zweiteres ist eher unwahrscheinlich aber ich meine sooo weit gegriffen ist es jetzt auch nicht da wir ja ähnliches mit den Gajalaka gesehen haben und die Antwort Mechanic im Spiel ist!
Ich bin noch nicht ganz überzeugt davon dass die anderen Gebiete auch Wetterphasen haben, da wir davon einfach nichts gesehen haben, wünschen würde ich mir das natürlich schon!
Die Ouroboros/Jormungandr symbolik ist mir auch aufgefallen, aber ich weiß nicht was die bedeutet soll außer die verschiedenen Wetterphasen... und ja das könnte auch alles dahinter sein aber irgendwie... fehlt mir da was...
Jetzt wo dus sagst sehe ich auch die Gesteinsformation im Logo! Ich frage mich nur was das Ei darin zu bedeuten hat... aber ja ich hab mir schon gedacht irgendwie sieht dieser halbkreisförmige Felsen zu suspekt und wichtig aus um keine Bedeutung zu haben!
Ich hoffe auch dass wir noch Trailer oder sogar eine anspielbare Demo bekommen, ich glaube aber viele Trailer werden es nicht mehr sein... vielleicht noch ein weiteres Gebiet oder etwas zum Flagship?
@@PalicoEntertainment Hey danke für den langen Kommentar :D
Ich hab grade niemanden um über Lore zu quatschten also muss ich noch ein paar Sachen loswerden xD
Na Gott sei Dank bin ich nicht der einzige der mehr von der Uralten Zivilisation will xD Ich hab ewig gesucht aber ich kann leider die Stelle mit dem Blitzableiter nicht mehr finden, ich schaue aber nochmal. Ich finde deinen Punkt richtig interessant mit der ganzen Symbolik von Wasserwellen und Tropfen. Ich hab mir das Logo auch nochmal angeschaut und ich interpretier wahrscheinlich zu viel hinein haha aber knapp über dem unteren Drachenkopf ist etwas abgebildet, was wie Natas Kette aussieht oder vllt ein kleines Ei?? Ich hab dann noch weiter geschaut und ich finde die Symbole im Ende des Schweifs vom helleren Drachen sehen für mich aus wie Noten. Ich hab mir überlegt die Wassertropfen könnten auch für Schallwellen und Klänge stehen. Ich hab bei den Geräuschen irgendwie Hunting Horn vibes... Ich hab das Gefühl das Legenden und alte Überlieferungen und Traditionen einen großen Teil in Wilds spielen könnten, vllt ja in Form von Liedern? Das Sounddesign für die Logo Sequenz ist auf jeden Fall sooo unglaublich gut haha
Ich hab mir Trailer 3 angeschaut und mir sind diese bläulichen Fulgurite-Steine aufgefallen, die bei Blitzeinschlägen entstehen. Die sind nicht nur in die Fassaden der Gebäude in Kunafa eingefasst sondern scheinen auch als Windspiele aufgehängt zu sein. Und dann sieht man sogar später im Trailer wie größere Mengen davon abgebaut werden. Ich denke also mal diese Steine haben einen Nutzen, der über Verzierungen hinausgeht. Wahrscheinlich weil sie Elektrizität leiten. Aber in welcher Form nutzen dann die Einheimischen Elektrizität? Sie scheinen ja recht wenig Technik zu besitzen. Bei Minute 1:41 in deinem Video sieht man diese Symbole, die für mich wie Zahnräder aussehen ganz gut. Vllt bin ich da auch total auf dem Holzweg wer weiß xD
Das mit der Antwort-Mechanik ist irgendwie total an mir vorbei gegangen lol aber das ist ja richtig cool. Scheinbar soll Wilds ja eine detailliertere Story haben. Ich bin so gehyped xD Ich finde es würde auf jeden Fall sehr gut passen wenn man sich das Vertrauen der verschiedenen Dörfer erst erarbeiten müsste. Dann könnte man dafür sogar in Form von lokalen Spezialitäten, Spezialwerkzeugen, Informationen über Monster/die Welt oder NPC Begleiter belohnt werden.
Zu Umgebung und Wetter, auf der mh wilds Webseite steht: "Jedes Jagdrevier kann sich von zwei Seiten zeigen: Entweder als raue und unbarmherzige Region,
wo hungrige Monster um die begrenzten Ressourcen kämpfen, oder mit üppiger Natur und voller Leben." Also würde ich denken, dass das für alle Gebiete gilt. Was mir auch aufgefallen ist, ist dass die Dorfbewohner davon sprechen, dass die Stürme zu "dieser Jahreszeit" heftiger werden. Wenn also ein Monster dahinter steckt, dann scheint das Phänomen zeitlich begrenzt aufzutreten, aber dafür jedes Jahr. Gut, vllt werden die Stürme auch schlimmer und die Gilde muss dann die Ursache finden. Könnte alles sein. Ohne die Stürme gäbe es für Kunafa allerdings auch kein Fulgurite mehr. Ich finde das alles echt interessant, mir kommt es vor als wenn die Thematiken Ökosystem/Symbiose und Zyklen in der Natur nochmal stärker als in World zum tragen kommen werden.
Ja für die anspielbare Demo würde alles tun xD Ich hoffe wir bekommen noch einen Trailer zum Karminwald. Andererseits will ich auch nicht zu viel sehen und mich überraschen lassen, es ist echt schwierig xD
After watching the Gamescom livestreams, I’m getting the feeling this could be set in the New World. In MHW, we discovered the New World, kind of like how Europeans discovered America in real life. And Wilds gives me South America vibes, haha.
The native people even have a bit of that South American look with the desert living twist, I dunno. For all we know, it could be set in both the Old and New World.
That Gemma girl is a smith, so she could be that little girl from before-if not literally, then in spirit for sure.
When I first saw Wilds, I immediately thought, 'Wow, this is like Guiding Lands: The Game.' was even more convinced when they showed the gameplay.
thinking of the forbidden lands and the new world in general as (South) America is kinda funny, tho I get where youre coming from, Its a cool perspective! the whole new world expedition probably is inspired by colonialism xD
and yea it seems like with gemma/little miss forge i forgot to mention the most obvios reason, that they are both smiths that look waaay too similar xD
there is also still the possibility that gemma was sent from the old to the new world!
and youre right with the guiding lands. i think they were kind of a test run how the next mainline title might have the monsters interact with each other and let the hunters stay on the map and choose to hunt new monsters. in that way it has a lot of similarities to wilds!
altough i thinking that way of the guiding lands means were talking about gameplay mechanics wich dont nessesarily have to imply things for the story!
The part with the plains and desert is definitely inspired by Africa
a developer interview (that i can't find anymore) actually confirmed the game has no connections to Monster Hunter World and is not a sequel/prequel/anything of the sort
THE NEW TRAILER IS SO SICK! The White Wraith is called Arkveld and is an extinct species! Also the Scarlet Forest is not always scarlet!! Cant wait!
im obsessed with theory videos like this
The MHwilds symbol, the snake heads eating each others tails, looks like the symbol of the eternal recurrence by the philosopher Frederick Neitzche. The idea is basically that everything is in an eternal cycle, kinda like how wilds has a rotating whether cycle ....🤔🤔🤔
True! Tho I thought of ouroboros/jormungandr first, but its the same concept!
even without knowing about the "White Ghost", the best idea i could come up with for the Wilds flagship is an Elder Dragon themed around clouds. it fits the "White Ghost", but i also feel it's a bit too similar to the Wind Serpents? i think it is likely the flagship will have a tie to the weather in some form. i'm envisioning an Elder Dragon swiping it's forelimb and causing lighting to strike and then flapping it's wings and causing a tornado.
could be another new land, looking at the map at 2:20 that giant storm with a monster in it could be the windward planes or an area very close to that it's affected by it, it's also not connected to the main continent so we could maybe infer the forbidden lands are known about but are forbidden because of how dangerous it is to even go near it
As much as would love to see Salamadur back, there is practically a 0% chance that will (ever) happen.
The reason for me saying that is simple, resources.
One thing to consider is that the devs have raised their own standards so they would definitly not half ass a boss like Dalamdur. They would most certaily put as much effort and resources into the fight to make it a spectical.
And that's the problem really.
It would require alot of work to make Dalamadur function in the "new" engine (btw Wilds runs on the REX engine) while also making movement look as fluid as possible.
Just remember how Lagiacrus was cut from World because the Laviethan skeleton clipped to much into the ground. Before the devs didn't care about something like that in 4U where half of Dalamadurs body clips through the ground, but now the they want to minimize that as much as possible.
Also it took an entire year of development time for them to finish work on Zorah Magdaros and that monster slowely moves in a straight line with pretty simple animations.
Dalamdur on the other hand would need far more animation and much more complex ones at that.
Basically the time and money required to bring back Dalamdur would be too high to be worth the effort.
Wait, what if the final boss is a multi-headed monster?
NO! you just un-confirmed Kut-Ku, you're the REAL monster...
why? because ive used his opening cutscene from mh4 and didnt show him? xDD yea im a monster! what wouldve made me even more of a monster wouldve been if I wouldve shown Yian Garuga instead of Kut-Ku xDD (I could watch him gobbeling up konchus all day)
@@PalicoEntertainment no, because you pointed out that she got her plushie from the old world and now you've made me explain my joke killing it you monster...
Oh damn im sorry! xD Unintentionally being a monster makes me even more of a monster! (i do hope this silly little goober will be in the game, world had yian garuga which has the same skeleton, so it wouldnt be that hard to get kut-ku into wilds, worst case you could mod it in)
not sure if anyone has already said this but sandship's have kind of been seen in the new world
we saw one in the unfortunately maybe sort of Canon Monster Hunter movie
Oh my god the movie was so bad i tried to forget about it. But youre right there are sandships being used. Though how canon is this movie? because in world we didnt see the sky tower, gore magala and nerscylla...
@@PalicoEntertainment it kind of depends who you talk to the people who worked on the movie do say it is Canon a few developers said something along the lines of it might have happened and and one of the iceborne books reference the movie and made it sort of Canon at least the the dessert and a connection to another world and it tied it into Fatalis or white Fatalis by saying similar events have occurred in schrade but at the same time most fans are adamant that it should not be Canon and the Monster Hunter team could change their ideas on it's canonicity anytime that's why I say it is "maybe sort of Canon"
@@oreolaw9911 okay thanks!
I think an Elder Dragon is causing the weather phenomena, possibly the White Ghost, but that isn't the final boss. Instead, the alternating weather is specifically created to keep another Elder Dragon sealed (hence why 2 intertwined dragons in the logo). And the 4 smaller dragons are possibly thralls of the main elder dragon.
And because Wilds is much more of a direct sequel to World, we may finally get an understanding of what Safi is wrt other Elder Dragons of that class, and why Alatreon came to burn Safi's nest -- a better understanding of the relation of monsters whose turf is essentially the entire world.
Underrated Channel :)
By the logo i get the feeling that the flagship will be a serpent like elder that uses wind and rain hensefourth the droplets in the logo but the actoual vilian will be and underground, maybe dragonglass covered, elder because the wight ghost is above the blackish serpent
ok neckless eigther is something from a snowy local maybe a snow crystal
or like you sayed a key to contain a powerfull elder dragon
BUt i personally believe we will get a beach local where the kid lived
the red water can be easlly explained there was once a river that was olso red but turns out its red beacuse of a great amount of iron in it
i think that if the special formation does create a sound that attracts rare mosters it should attract set white ghost
It’ll be the final final form of Safi fr fr
This aged greatly so far 😎😎
I think it's called White Wraith in English
yes youre right, i just found an article that uses that name!
in the logo ...would it be more logical to assume the black one is dalamadur and the white a subspecies or relative of dalamadur (could be wrong but i think dalamadur was darkgrey/greenish grey)
but from how they look they dont seem to be snake like more like eastern dragon style...couldnt it be that the 2 on the logo are elder dragons fighting for dominance resulting in thunderstorms?
Looking at Rey Dau's name gives me a feeling that the white ghost is some sort of revered or feared idol in the forbidden lands
The two words making up Rey Dau's name could be Rei (Spanish for king) and Dau/Dua (Islamic for caller of God or Allah)
The village elder in the third trailer states that "the sands come to life this time of year" which has me thinking that perhaps the inclemency is tied to this white ghost, or at the very least bolstered by it, it having the power to manipulate weather and given Rey Dau's name possibly being "Caller of kings" or "king caller of the heavens" implies not only lightning but also that its appearance at that time of year might mean something.
I and some others believe that there will be multiple villages and with it, multiple cultures in the forbidden lands, with the windward plains having more African and possibly Arabic and Asian inspiration, and the scarlet forest possibly (theoretically) more Latin or Spanish culture, and we know most likely that each area might have a returning apex and a inclemency apex, ultimately this is all speculation but I don't think it's totally unreasonable
I mean if rey daus name means caller of kings I can totally imagine it being the monster that the people see when thunderstorms happen and he might call an elder dragon (aka king) that might be responsible for the thunderstorm!
I also think there might be multiple villages as ive said in the video, though i havent thought of them as inspired by real locations!
I've only played since mhw, so I'm looking forward to any monster they put out 😁 old or new. It's gonna be new to me lol been soooo long since I've genuinely looked forward to a game!!
I mean if they put in more old monsters its less work for them, which means they can put in more monsters, which means you and all those who started with world get some new monsters, its a win-win! xD
On the logo there are 4 smaller dragons with 2 big snakes, we already know the bottom left (if I'm not mistaken) is rey dau, meaning there will be at least 4 maps with 4 apex monsters. Now, for the 2 snakes in the center are they 1 flagship and 1 final boss ? Or 2 flagships ? Or just like in Rise, 2 "flagships" who will merge into the final boss ?
Thats possible! Though why do you think that specifically the bottom left circle stands for rey dau? They all look very similar to me lol
@@PalicoEntertainment yes! You can tell by looking at its head, you have the 2 big railgun horns covering the face and the 2 smaller ones below the face, it's 100% him no doubt
Also interesting note : 2 apex monsters connected to one big snake dragon with their tails, 2 other apex monsters connected to the second big snake dragon...
And one is transparent while the other is not ! Maybe the transparent big snake dragon is the ghost we're looking for ?
Youre right, it would make sense for the transparent one to be the white ghost! Also now that you say it, i do see the little differences between them!
I'm not sure about this. According to a vid by Arekkz gaming, the monsters in the logos are never real monsters. They just signify the generation. (Except Rise and Sunbreak) The number of heads on the dragons/wyverns in the insignia all correspond to the number of that generation. Google the image of mh dos, 3, 4, and world, and you'll see this.
Edit: Count all the heads in the Wilds insignia and you'll see there are 6 of them because this is the 6th generation game
thats reasonable, but that doesnt mean that the logo itself has no meaning other than signifying that this is the 6th gen. the circles and the water ripple effect seem to be too different of the other logos not to hold any meaning! tho i can agree that the dragons might not be real monsters, its just fun to theorize with what weve got you know? :)
@PalicoEntertainment True, the ripples could maybe mean the different locations, apexes of the locations, etc. The crest of the Caravan is there in the middle of the 4 insignia
Wasn't the white ghost one of khezus names
not as far as i know... i havent found any connection between khezu and the white ghost on the internet and at least in this context khezu makes no sense to me xD
The true flagship all along khezu
khezu just here to spam even more electrical fields xD
I want dalamadur to return but not as a final boss kinda way.
The white wraith was in fact, the flag ship lol
Maby its two monsters the white wraith and similar mystery monster.
yea maybe! maybe the white ghost could also be a monster that has a physical and a spiritual form and thats what we see right there?
Does Dalamadur cause thunder? It’s been a fucking while since Iv fought Shah hahah, but the basic version only does meteors iirc
the arena of the (Shah) Dalamandur fight has thunder effects and flashes that make you feel like youre in a thunderstorm. and the meterorites that you refer to look more like thunderballs to me. although i have not seen any direct confirmation that dalamandur is the cause of thunder, so youre right to be unsure
Hear me out the kid is the white ghost
Bet the flagship is Gravios.
oh yea. thats it. now that you say it, it all makes sense xDDD
The MHwilds symbol, the snake heads eating each others tails, looks like the symbol of the eternal recurrence by the philosopher Frederick Neitzche. The idea is basically that everything is in an eternal cycle, kinda like how wilds has a rotating whether cycle ....🤔🤔🤔
Also what if the dead elder dragon is Dire Maralis
Clearly its the Shrouded Ghost from Sea of Thieves lol jk
White ghost = white fatalis
Cover monster = dalamadur