Best ingredient for ACNE: Salicylic acid or Benzoyl peroxide?

  • Опубликовано: 26 дек 2024

Комментарии •

  • @ManmeetRaj
    @ManmeetRaj 3 года назад +2

    Hi Chidem, such a useful video! Thanks for sharing. What kind of repair ingredients do we look for in moisturizers for acne prone skin?

    • @SkinMasterclass
      @SkinMasterclass  3 года назад +3

      THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR WATCHING X the ingredients to look for is: ceramides, peptides, allantoin, panthenol, beta-glucan and hydrating ingredients like glycerin, hyaluronic acid. I done a video all about skin repair actually you can check that out. Love x

  • @poornimaravichandran2517
    @poornimaravichandran2517 3 года назад +1

    Love you explanation ❤️ Thanks Chidem

    • @SkinMasterclass
      @SkinMasterclass  3 года назад

      Thank you so much for watching and commenting, helps my channel reach more people thanks to you xx

  • @lauranyathi862
    @lauranyathi862 5 месяцев назад

    Can i use benzoyl peroxide wash at night then salicylic acid wash in the morning

  • @danielletan9600
    @danielletan9600 Год назад +2

    Would you say it’s okay to use Paula’s choice 2% BHA with Epiduo gel after?

  • @nareezarahim1726
    @nareezarahim1726 3 года назад +1

    Hi Chidem! Thank you for the video. I saw this 3 step acne product which their cleanser contains BP, polyethylene beads which is a mini scrubs, pca zinc and other soothing and hydrating ingredient.
    Followed by a toner which contains Gycolic acid, allantoin, aloe, etc.
    And healing cream which also contains BP again
    Is this too much? Can BP be mixed with AHA? Love to know ur input. Thanks!

    • @SkinMasterclass
      @SkinMasterclass  3 года назад +2

      Hello Nareeza, yes sounds all a little too much for me. What I recommend is using a BPO Cleanser, at 5%, followed by our CHIDEM MY Serum Mist Formula 4 (, followed by our CHIDEM MY Beauty Cream Formula 2, and then mineral sunscreen in the morning. At night, the same, but only difference is instead of SPF use the CHIDEM MY Night Treatment Oil Formula 2 that contains retinol and kojic dipalmitate. So these 3 products from my range, will be the perfect match for acne prone skin prone to having a damaged skin barrier, and hyperpigmentation :) best wishes, Chidem x

  • @jessie9653
    @jessie9653 2 года назад

    This was a great video but the music was very distracting

  • @kdpyle
    @kdpyle 3 года назад +2

    Hi!💕 i have dry acne prone skin and i use the cerave cleanser and moisturizer but i was wondering if i could use the Paulas Choice regular strength exfoliating solution with 2% salicylic acid? i’m scared to use salicylic acid bc i have dry skin but it also has hyaluronic acid which should also help with hydration but i’m not really sure…so what do you think?

    • @SkinMasterclass
      @SkinMasterclass  3 года назад +1

      Yes the BHA from PC is actually a good one as it has also propanadiol inside which makes it a good hydrator. I suggest using it only once a day and if dryness occurs drop it to alternating days. Hope this helps.

  • @Renee_egan
    @Renee_egan Год назад

    Oh my God!! Where has this been all my life😂❤❤ thank you for the amazing content!

  • @yushafahrin7464
    @yushafahrin7464 3 года назад

    I am 12 years old I damaged my skin! Suggest me a face wash (simple milcller gel face wash OK?)super budget friendly but most effective! cleansing oil + sunscreen !and say some miracle tips for my skin!
    Skin type :sweat a lot without 1 minutes fan!! Dry to combination!

    • @SkinMasterclass
      @SkinMasterclass  3 года назад

      Please checkout my sensitive skin routine I posted couple of months back :)

  • @yushafahrin7464
    @yushafahrin7464 3 года назад +2

    I am 12 years old and I damaged my skin suggest me a moisturizer?

    • @SkinMasterclass
      @SkinMasterclass  3 года назад +1

      Hello Yusha, I would recommend my beauty cream that I formulate. You can find the link in the description below. Alternatively if you want something from drug store the La Roche Posay B5 Baume and the Cerave Hydrating Moisturiser is a good one x