You can see my Sayu if you like? Her build on display is what I use in abyss only. NA server 640. 710. 572. Me only have one Fontaine hero the anemo flying lady🌞 Me use Sayu, C6 Benny, Beidou and Fischl heroes for overload this abyss. Usually melt better for Sayu. I love your abyss runs tho they great
this abyss is something else :(
Abyss so easy. Me big stars with no Fontaine heroes. Me use Sayu and go vroom vroom
You can see my Sayu if you like? Her build on display is what I use in abyss only. NA server 640. 710. 572. Me only have one Fontaine hero the anemo flying lady🌞 Me use Sayu, C6 Benny, Beidou and Fischl heroes for overload this abyss. Usually melt better for Sayu. I love your abyss runs tho they great
Ayanenherina team looks awesome
& also Xilonen is also best character to activate the MH set for Ayaka
What do you think of Xilonen?
I ❤️ Xilonen. very versatile support. I give her rank S in team support and overworld exploration too!
@@silenttype Awesome
How are you plunging with raiden :0
Jump + NA 😂. Just kidding, that boss fight gives you higher jump so you can plunge and break the geo shield
@ 🤣🤣
Ayaya comeback
Geo shields 😢
Nice finishing touch with raiden burst 🔥🗿🔥
I hate that Floor 12-1