Verse by Verse Bible Study on through the book of 2 John, covering verses 8 to 13 by Robert Breaker. Study of the Authorized King James Bible.
I love Jesus with all my heart. I cannot wait to see Jesus. I was a Marine and a Cop for over 25 years. I will gladly clean toilets in heaven everyday forever just to get to have a glimpse of him daily.
Went from atheist to catholic to Saved by the 🩸BLOOD! Thank you Robert Breaker you’re truly the best edifier of the Bible I’ve ever encountered and I believe God cashed in on me through your videos. Never once thought you were in it for the money and never heard a preacher/teacher proclaim this is not what I say this is WHAT THE BIBLE SAYS! God bless you and your family, my first baby son will be here soon as well, me and my wife are expecting November 23 2021.
I didn’t even know we got REWARDS before I heard the WORD but always wanted to please and make GOD proud of me..I serve the LORD because he created me and LOVED ME!!!! I LOVE THE LORD wether I mess up or PRAISE UP..I MAKE MISTAKES but continuously serve him…
@Konstantin Ridaya Don't worry bro, they will hate you for telling the truth. What this guy is essentially saying is almost as heretical as Jehova's witness doctrine, very sad what satan has done with the church.
@@KevinHammond1 Thank you Mr. Hammond, I appreciate your concern. I hope God Continues to bless you with such wisdom. I will pray for you and your family as well.
Thank u u preach a lot like my grandfather he was an evangelist and loved the Lord with all his heart and suffered much for God and never took any credit for anything.He always taught me this very message and I always said please Lord fill me with your Holy Spirit so He can work thru me to have works for u Lord I love Him more than the breath I breathe I wasted so many many yrs and don't wanna waste any more time I want to hear Him say well done my good and faithful servant enter in.i don't wanna see a disappointed look on His face please pray for me to please God and have lots of works for Him He has done so much for me
@bob proctor indeed. I have seen Dr. Gene Kim do live studies of modern (per)versions. He went to verses in the Bible (the KJV) then asked audience members “what does your bible say? (They would tell their version then tell what it said) Oh, this and that version says this or that? Oh, the verse is not even their?! Oh the chapter is not even their?! Huh, weird. Who would want to keep the truth from you? Oh yeah, satan.” It was a great teaching video.
Thank you for your tireless effort to teach and bring many to the gospel and salvation of Christ. Blessings to you and the family.. Maranatha 💜✝️🌾🕊🎺🕊🎺🕊🎺🕊🎺🕊🎺
Trust the blood there is eternal afterlife and the judgment seat of Christ don't trust the blood God annihilates you upon death and you cease to exist. Only saved people's soul lives forever. I believe there is a judgement seat of Christ, tribulation, millennial kingdom, antichrist but without normal people going to hell and the Great white throne judgment. I believe hell is only for Satan and his angels and I believe they are the only people that will be at the great white throne judgement. And they will go to the lake of fire for all eternity. I believe a loving God would not torture normal people forever. I trust the blood and I am grateful for what Jesus did for me. My interpretation of hell is separation from god which is ceasing to exist which is not being part of God's kingdom. No judgement or hell for unbelievers. Another reason why I believes this because that is what the Anglican church preach. So it's conditional immortality.
This is extremely helpful. In the past I have been afraid of losing what I had earned at one time from doing sins after. It does make so much sense that just like salvation your rewards are free gifts that God doesnt take back once you get them. So helpful.
Yeah I’ve struggled with the same, thinking my rewards got burned up from my bad, but idk if it’s like a scale bc I’m not sure if I would have anything. Best thing is how we finish the race bc I think we all have trouble letting go of all our past mistakes and it’s the devil condemning us not Holy Spirit convicting
I believed in the Jugment Seat of Christ, intended only for all believers(saved people). This Judgement is for giving of rewards some will suffer loss. Thank you pastor Robert that God used you to spread the sound doctrine of GOd.
@@agapeway1245 the answer to what you just said started in chapter 6 verse 22 and ends in verse 59, now the key is verses 29/33/35. *Believe on him* See also Revelation chapter 17 everything in this chapter points to the Roman Catholic Church. I hope this helps you.
@@johnch14v64 Yes that passage states that Jesus had to say I Thirst --- But, do you know why? Can you give an explanation without just quoting verses?
Hi brother i really have enjoyed watching you i have learned so much and im so happy that i have faith in the blood of Jesus im so thankful that im saved in the blood God bless you and your family
I think God will honor the works we do, when we do various things, even if and maybe especially if we "don't love" doing it (the thing, whatever it may be) but we do it because we LOVE HIM, in spite of how much we like doing whatever it is or not.
Love this sermon 💕 just to say I’m not in this for rewards later in the white cloud judgment with everyone, I do it because I can appreciate as best I can of what he did upon this earth for mankind and to teach love and goodness to yourself and to fellow man and that he is to sacrifice his life and blood to just have humanity believe in him that to live in eternity with him and not just die for nothing
Thank you pastor Breaker. a great pearl shared. May I ask you if you can teach about the most important holydays we should observe from GOD if you haven't done so. blessings!
Exactly Sir many churches preaching a shallow Bloodless Sinner's Prayer Gospel. They make the Sinner's Prayer out of the mouth a *Compulsion* rather than a Recommendation. They take Romans 10:9-13 out of context by separating it from Romans 10:14. Instead of Preaching Faith in The Blood Atonement of Jesus Christ by using verses like Romans 3:25 KJV, Ephesians 1:7 KJV, Colossians 1:14 KJV, Romans 5:9 KJV,Hebrews 13:12 KJV, they preach a 1,2,3 Pray after me kind of Bloodless Gospel. Also these same people are preaching other heresies like Saved Christians can get demon possessed, both the *he* in 2 Thessalonians 2:7 KJV refer to The Antichrist when it actually refers to The Holy Ghost.Tsunamis of heresies will come in The Dispensational Community. Praise God for giving Robert Breaker Sir a Bloodstained Gospel Presentation Preacher 🔥🔥🔥✝️✝️✝️✝️
Im so glad you told us about "The Battle Hymn of the Republic". I had it on my phone but now that I know the Truth about it I'm deleting it immediately
Sorry if I seem aggressive, the many different versions/revised/retranslated/reunderstood is frustrating for me, but King James does seem to be the consistent agreed upon English translated version of The Holy Scripture, GOD Bless You & Thank You for your efforts I have learned a lot from you
@B iderfels There are alit of differences, like when I explain to people that Christians owning weapons is legitament & thou shall not kill is not the word of GOD, in fact it is not murder, ex David & Goliath, alit of these mis translations can truly affect things that leave us worse off, like a church removing there crosses when having Muslim visitors
Pastor Breaker is the 7th day Sat.or Sunday. Been having this argument in my house for Yrs. I don't worship the Sun. When I go to church or take time to worship or study I do it on Saturday. The 7th day...
Faith without works is dead James 214,obedience holiness purity righteousness repentance baptism, confessing all sinsfor forgiveness as we forgive others witnessing, fasting n prayers daily Bible readings words teachings and commands, recieve the gift of the Holy Spirit =understanding, knowledge and wisdom regarding spiritual salvation so others could be saved
I have a serious question - if the rapture comes before the tribulation then why did Jesus say we must endure till the end? who are the christians/believers that are hated and killed during the tribulation, the reason that Jesus said those days would be made short? Will we go thru 'part/half' of the tribulation? Job went thru a lot but didn't lose his faith. With the state of the world I hesitate to get too comfortable with the thinking that 'we'll all be out of here'?
Hi Robert Breaker I'm a Christian seeking truth n the question I had if u could a a video on this the question is is the old testament God in places actually the devil or is he father because there's a passage I read that's says David God dwells in thick darkness n Jesus says father dwells in light
God only became Father God through Jesus Christ. .. He made 2 dresses in the garden of Eden ...AnD DRESS THEM HIMSELVES ..(. FATHER)... during old testament He revealed Himself as Elohim...Elshaddai.. Jehova. . Jirah. .etc...but not as ABBA FATHER....only through Jesus we are reconcile in that Father Child relationship... in old testament God had to hide his glory from man in thick darkness for everybody would have die in his presence.... new testament God is light
I have a question. "You said our sins can not be judged? That is like saying continue to live in sin and serve God at the same time. Can't serve two masters. Also the book says "if the Lord be God follow him if bale follow him" also the holy scriptures says Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. Also the Lord want us to be one thing! And that is HOLY. holiness is the characteristic of God. The Lord told moses and his congregation to be HOLY. (Leviticus 19:1). also the book says "HOLINESS without which no man shall see the Lord". Also book of Roman 12:1 I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, HOLY, ACCEPTABLE unto God, which is your REASONABLE SERVICE. I can keep going.. but can you kindly respond?
Brother Robert, I've been following your verse to verse and currently in 1 Thessalonians. I am enjoying it! but I notice you don't really use the Greek translations (For NT verses) in some cases when explaining words. I personally like to go back to the Greek, since the KJV was originally translated word for word from the NT Manuscripts. One thing I wanted to point out, was the part where you mentioned 'wine', and we are to be sober. But then you mention that God actually allows us to drink a little wine, which you described as, alcoholic. If we go to the Greek, there are two different types of wine God mentions in the bible. Oinos and Yayin. Oinos is the wine that has been fermented, and cause intoxication - this is the wine God tells us not to partake. The verse where it speaks that we can use a little wine, is yayin, which is like a fruit juice, un-fermented, non-alcoholic. You can study into this if you like, but I think it will be important to distinguish these differences. Words are very important. I personally use a tool called "Power Bible" it has all the tools for translating words from English to ancient Hebrew/Greek, and get the English meanings. I've used it to help Jews and others, and Jews don't seem to argue with the translations. God bless you sir.
@bob proctor Deuteronomy 24:16 (KJV) The fathers shall not be put to death for the children, neither shall the children be put to death for the fathers: every man shall be put to death for his own sin. 2 Chronicles 25:4 (KJV) But he slew not their children, but [did] as [it is] written in the law in the book of Moses, where the LORD commanded, saying, The fathers shall not die for the children, neither shall the children die for the fathers, but every man shall die for his own sin.
What people have to remember when it comes to being saved is that our soul and spirit has been circumcised from the flesh and that means our soul and spirit doesn't suffer from the sins that the flesh commits. Consider it to be like two versions of yourself. Your old self still exists in you in the form of the flesh, it's personality and etc. and then there is your new self which is the new creature. Your flesh is an enemy to God while your soul and spirit are loyal to him. So, if you walk way from God (lose faith) you're only doing such a thing in your flesh NOT your soul and spirit. This is what eternal security is all about. The flesh that you have now is NOT the same flesh that you're going to have when you get a glorified body. Everything that is NOT a part of who God wants you to be (personality wise) is going to be removed from you at the rapture.
I don't agree that it is about our service for Him. It's about how you lived and if you were living an honest life. I think God for your teachings. Even tho I don't agree.🙏♥
Mr. Breaker, Do you believe that Constantine and others working with him made changes to the New Testament? Didn't Paul seem like a mole for the gentiles? I've been doing much studying and I'm not clear on everything, but this is what archaeology seems to show. Please enlighten me.
No.. Constantine have not change the bible.. Not the bible what we read! Do he did change and mix peganism and Christianity what we call the catholic church today.. Watch out with the decievers that say that Constantine have take books out the bible how he pleased.. Because that's not! He changed the bible from the catholic church.. Rome was his playground.. That's wy NIV NASB ESV etc.. ( all new translations) NKJV isn't a good 1 to and not recommended to read.. Because they are written from the Alexandria text.. XXL translation This is the changed scripture The KJV is written from the O.T vulgade and N.T textus receptus
@@jaysonzenden3280 Do you know why Jesus said "I Thirst" on the cross??? The Catholic Church is the True church that Jesus founded 2000 years ago... Don't be deceived by Mr. Breaker and his anti-catholic rhetoric...
A very nice preaching. God really bless you because from your family name alone you always break the falsehood teaching of some big church denominations and even me I feel pity and worry of some people who always rejecting the truth. In past years, I look in some churches and the church that preach the right salvation have only few church goers or members and I feel so sad when I look in some churches that really not preaching the blood atonement salvation have more members and there churches are huge and decent, while our churches in the Philippines which preaching the true salvation is very poor, the church is not even finish and furnish.
2 John 1:4-13 I rejoiced greatly that I found of thy children walking in truth, as we have received a commandment from the Father. And now I beseech thee, lady, not as though I wrote a new commandment unto thee, but that which we had from the beginning, that we love one another. And this is love, that we walk after his commandments. This is the commandment, That, as ye have heard from the beginning, ye should walk in it. For many deceivers are entered into the world, who confess not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh. This is a deceiver and an antichrist. Look to yourselves, that we lose not those things which we have wrought, but that we receive a full reward. Whosoever transgresseth, and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ, hath not God. He that abideth in the doctrine of Christ, he hath both the Father and the Son. If there come any unto you, and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into your house, neither bid him God speed: For he that biddeth him God speed is partaker of his evil deeds. Having many things to write unto you, I would not write with paper and ink: but I trust to come unto you, and speak face to face, that our joy may be full. The children of thy elect sister greet thee. Amen.
39:28 2 Peter 2 : 1 KJV But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction.
Hey Bro awesome vid thanks for sharing! God revealed to me who he is along with Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit! The number 12 represents Gods Government the number 7 represents perfection and 3 represents trinity! So we have 3 Circles man has discovered and did not invent or create. Genesis 1:4 and John 11:9 A clock ⏰ or time has 12 hrs dividing day and night we also have 12 months in a year! Next the Circle of 5ths there are a total of 12 distinct musical pitches all 12 notes on the piano 🎹! And finally God said , “ let there be light!” The Circle of Colors discovered by Issac Newton composed of 3 primary Gods trinity Yellow Red Blue 3 secondary and 6 tertiary! Now 7 represents perfection
Referring to time we have 7 days in week. God created the world in 7 days . In the Bible the 7 trumpets 🎺 is a Scale Do Re Mi Fa Sol La Ti! And finally where do we see 7 occur in colors where man has discovered and did not invent or create? A rainbow 🌈
Now 3 represents trinity What 3 things make the essence of time? Past present and future What are the 3 elements that make music 🎶? Rhythm 🥁 (time ) melody ( adds color/light) and harmony ( unity / foundation/ chords)
Now 3 represents trinity What 3 things make the essence of time? Past present and future What are the 3 elements that make music 🎶? Rhythm 🥁 (time ) melody ( adds color/light) and harmony ( unity / foundation/ chords) And finally what 3 Colors make all the colors? The primary colors Red Blue and Yellow
Soo if we zoom out! God is the alpha and omega beginning and end…. Time ! Jesus Christ said, “ I’m the light of the world ! “ now what is light ? Colors! And God made a rainbow 🌈 after the great flood of Noah as a sign that he would never punish mankind using a flood that could wipe out the earth! Never punish means eternal forgiveness! And finally the Holy Spirit is music 🎶! Music 🎶 makes us wanna dance shout cry relax all these emotions and can we see notes? Nope they are sound waves 🌊 or frequencies! And these are the Fundementals of the speed of light Jesus Christ Ezekiel 1:28 🌈 and the Speed of Sound! The Holy Spirit ! 1 Samuel 10:5 1 Samuel 16:2 sound of the harp !
Thoughts on Revelation 6 For the last week or so my thoughts have continually returned to an Idea that presented itself to me concerning Revelation 6 in general, and more specifically the opening of the First seal. This may be old hat for most of you so I apologize if this is a proposition that you have already considered and rejected. What are the riders and how can we describe their affect on the world? We'll start with the second seal... And there went out another horse that was red: and power was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another: and there was given unto him a great sword. Very clear images here... a flesh and blood rider he is not!! But a spirit or controlling consciousness that pushes the world toward conflict. The color red we readily associate with blood, violence and war. He is not given a crown but he has power and not just a sword...a great sword... the ability to take peace from the earth and make people kill one another And when he had opened the third seal, I heard the third beast say, Come and see. And I beheld, and lo a black horse; and he that sat on him had a pair of balances in his hand. 6 And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say, A measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny; and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine. Once again not a human being but a controlling system or spirit associated with the world financial system. It has the ability to control the buying and selling...making scarce what is needed and making plentiful those goods that are luxuries. In our modern era we easily can associate the color black with the stock market, with the idea of wealth or lack of wealth. It follows that during and after war the financial systems of the world will be vastly altered and many goods, food and otherwise will be in short supply. Which will lead to... 7 And when he had opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth beast say, Come and see. 8 And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth. So War, famine, poverty will result in starvation, disease, suffering and death...No surprise here. This rider has power only over a % of the earth population. The color of the horse pale(or green) is the color or infection, of open sores, wounds and sputum coughed up during illness. Once again a spirit or controlling consciousness that affects everything in its sphere of influence. Now back to the first rider The white horse And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer. We are shown] a rider with a bow, ( a weapon) a crown ( some authority) and the ability to conquer some adversary with those items Let me repeat for emphasis : So this rider is given crown( authority) and he using this authority to conquer with a bow So this spirit or controlling influence is one every one in the modern world is familiar with The color white is easily associated with health care. With doctors and health care providers, with the WHO, NIH....and so forth Has the health care system been given a crown, power to make laws and rules that the world must obey?? Have they attempted to rule with their bow??? Strong's Concordance toxon: a bow Original Word: τόξον, ου, τό Part of Speech: Noun, Neuter Transliteration: toxon Phonetic Spelling: (tox'-on) Definition: a bow Usage: a bow. Of course we don't have to look very hard to find what word we use, that toxon, is the root word for. (Toxin....???) This leads to many other questions So has the first seal been opened?? Do the events in the book revelation occur in sequence or concurrently? Or are the seal judgments an over view of the entirety of the time of Jacob's trouble? In any event we will know if the first seal been opened, when a war starts. More importantly we know with even more certainty where we reside on the prophetic time line and how close we are to hearing the sound our Groom calling us home!! God bless all of you...keep looking up.... Ron A...the thoughtful Muser Comments, refutations welcome
Wake up and stop looking and waiting Phil 2:5Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus: 6Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God:
Good gosh! Do you mean Christ was not born in the beauty of the lilies across the sea!? And he is not trampling out the vintage where the grapes of wrath are stored!? What will we do, what will we do?
So I'm shamed on earth for following Jesus (which I expect and is OK because I don't care what man thinks), but then I'll be shamed in heaven for having fewer crowns/jewels/rewards than others? Great.
Do you believe christians shame you on earth for being a christian? I don't, and i don't think christians will be prideful and shame you if they have more rewards in heaven. I would actually feel a bit embarrassed for anyone to praise me for having more rewards, but that just may be me. I don't help people for complements or praise now, i tell anyone who does not to because any good in me is the Lord at work, im just a no good sinner dressed in dirty rags. I'll be happy scrubbing toilets in heaven if that's my rewards, im happy with just getting in. God bless!!
Our Glorious CREATOR ALMIGHTY YAHWEH ❤️ and MESSIAH KING YAHSHUA ❤️ Jesus's real Hebrew NAME that means YAHWEH SAVES ❤️ warned us in HIS word " wicked men crept in UNAWARES." People must realize that when our Glorious CREATOR ALMIGHTY YAHWEH ❤️ is instructing Joshua to wipe out all the satanic pagan societies that they were offering up children to their false demon gods. The entire Bible speaks out against them.
This type of method which is nothing new happens under the sun, looking and waiting is repeating that never ends in creaser ruled nations, God is Spirit that is in man who don't know God is imagination in them. Luke 17:20And when he was demanded of the Pharisees, when the kingdom of God should come, he answered them and said, The kingdom of God cometh not with observation: 21Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.
Let me give you another hidden gem. The Devil’s Church, they will not speaking of the times we are in, other than that, they will be speaking the same language you want to hear. Also after midnight Evil. 👿 You see?
You say HE is the same yesterday, today and forever . Then say you can’t lose your salvation. GOD sent HIS Angel to slay the mad prophet, Balaam. The one with the talking donkey. He was a prophet, much closer to GOD than any of us I would guess . How about the one in Numbers. HE sent a lion to kill him and it did .
I love Jesus with all my heart. I cannot wait to see Jesus. I was a Marine and a Cop for over 25 years. I will gladly clean toilets in heaven everyday forever just to get to have a glimpse of him daily.
Went from atheist to catholic to Saved by the 🩸BLOOD! Thank you Robert Breaker you’re truly the best edifier of the Bible I’ve ever encountered and I believe God cashed in on me through your videos. Never once thought you were in it for the money and never heard a preacher/teacher proclaim this is not what I say this is WHAT THE BIBLE SAYS! God bless you and your family, my first baby son will be here soon as well, me and my wife are expecting November 23 2021.
I didn’t even know we got REWARDS before I heard the WORD but always wanted to please and make GOD proud of me..I serve the LORD because he created me and LOVED ME!!!! I LOVE THE LORD wether I mess up or PRAISE UP..I MAKE MISTAKES but continuously serve him…
@bob proctor ty sir
@bob proctor absolutely in AGREEMENT IN JESUS NAME AMEN…….
@Konstantin Ridaya Don't worry bro, they will hate you for telling the truth. What this guy is essentially saying is almost as heretical as Jehova's witness doctrine, very sad what satan has done with the church.
Yes, very good. Do you know you commented on Discipleship that begets rewards but Discipleship is not Salvation?
@@kentwilbourne996 I’m learning. I love the lord
Mr. Breaker, I am always blessed by your teachings. I pray God continues to bless you and your beautiful family.
Search Robert Breaker exposed. You'll be shocked.
@@KevinHammond1 Thank you Mr. Hammond, I appreciate your concern. I hope God Continues to bless you with such wisdom. I will pray for you and your family as well.
Thank u u preach a lot like my grandfather he was an evangelist and loved the Lord with all his heart and suffered much for God and never took any credit for anything.He always taught me this very message and I always said please Lord fill me with your Holy Spirit so He can work thru me to have works for u Lord I love Him more than the breath I breathe I wasted so many many yrs and don't wanna waste any more time I want to hear Him say well done my good and faithful servant enter in.i don't wanna see a disappointed look on His face please pray for me to please God and have lots of works for Him He has done so much for me
Purify our hearts Lord that we may work in Your righteousness for our good and Your glory
In Jesus name amen
Thank you brother for exhorting our life to the blood Sacrifice of Jesus Christ! You are a blessing to my life!!!!
Thank You pastor Breaker, enjoying the bible study. Come Lord Jesus Come.😇
Thank you Robert. Love the work you do in Christ Jesus our Lord.
may we all turn from sin and Jesus live in our hearts God bless everyone
“But the end of all things is at hand; therefore be serious and watchful in your prayers.” 1 Peter 4:7
*1 Peter 4:7 But the end of all things is at hand: be ye therefore sober, and watch unto prayer.*
@bob proctor indeed. I have seen Dr. Gene Kim do live studies of modern (per)versions. He went to verses in the Bible (the KJV) then asked audience members “what does your bible say? (They would tell their version then tell what it said) Oh, this and that version says this or that? Oh, the verse is not even their?! Oh the chapter is not even their?! Huh, weird. Who would want to keep the truth from you? Oh yeah, satan.”
It was a great teaching video.
Ouchie! You think it’s ok to read that garbage?!?? Look at the difference!!, just imagine other verses you’ve memorized!
@bob proctor is Jesus Christ God come in the flesh? Yes or no.
So comforting as I am slowly passing away, can't wait. Amen and amen Brother
Thank you for your tireless effort to teach and bring many to the gospel and salvation of Christ. Blessings to you and the family.. Maranatha 💜✝️🌾🕊🎺🕊🎺🕊🎺🕊🎺🕊🎺
Trust the blood there is eternal afterlife and the judgment seat of Christ don't trust the blood God annihilates you upon death and you cease to exist. Only saved people's soul lives forever. I believe there is a judgement seat of Christ, tribulation, millennial kingdom, antichrist but without normal people going to hell and the Great white throne judgment. I believe hell is only for Satan and his angels and I believe they are the only people that will be at the great white throne judgement. And they will go to the lake of fire for all eternity. I believe a loving God would not torture normal people forever. I trust the blood and I am grateful for what Jesus did for me. My interpretation of hell is separation from god which is ceasing to exist which is not being part of God's kingdom. No judgement or hell for unbelievers. Another reason why I believes this because that is what the Anglican church preach. So it's conditional immortality.
This is extremely helpful. In the past I have been afraid of losing what I had earned at one time from doing sins after. It does make so much sense that just like salvation your rewards are free gifts that God doesnt take back once you get them. So helpful.
Yeah I’ve struggled with the same, thinking my rewards got burned up from my bad, but idk if it’s like a scale bc I’m not sure if I would have anything. Best thing is how we finish the race bc I think we all have trouble letting go of all our past mistakes and it’s the devil condemning us not Holy Spirit convicting
I believed in the Jugment Seat of Christ, intended only for all believers(saved people). This Judgement is for giving of rewards some will suffer loss. Thank you pastor Robert that God used you to spread the sound doctrine of GOd.
Robert Breaker, Kirt Schneider and Adrian Rogers is all I need till Jesus returns and bible study in heaven with Moses...Moses
May you all have a blessed and safe day in the Lord today and always.
Churches where I live do not preach the blood of Christ. Praise God for Robert Breakers ministry. God bless you and your family brother Breaker.
Mr. Breaker leads people away from where you can receive the consecrated Body and Blood of Jesus Christ (John 6:53)... The Catholic Church!
@@agapeway1245 the answer to what you just said started in chapter 6 verse 22 and ends in verse 59, now the key is verses 29/33/35.
*Believe on him*
See also Revelation chapter 17 everything in this chapter points to the Roman Catholic Church.
I hope this helps you.
@@johnch14v64 Can you tell me why Jesus said "I Thirst" while on the cross?
@@agapeway1245 read psalm chapter 69 verses 20 through 22.
@@johnch14v64 Yes that passage states that Jesus had to say I Thirst ---
But, do you know why? Can you give an explanation without just quoting verses?
Just found this channel. It's nice to hear the word of God again. I really missed it.
Thank you
You can find the Word of God in the Bible. Do you have one?
Thank you Ptr Robert, your topics are spot on each time. It helps me on my ministry teaching others.
God bless you Brother
Robert Breaker. Great teaching am so blessed
I absolutely love your channel and teaching Brother
Hi brother i really have enjoyed watching you i have learned so much and im so happy that i have faith in the blood of Jesus im so thankful that im saved in the blood God bless you and your family
God bless and thank you! ❤️🎺
Thank you Robert for the teaching and of course it's a bible based teaching. God bless you.
I think God will honor the works we do, when we do various things, even if and maybe especially if we "don't love" doing it (the thing, whatever it may be) but we do it because we LOVE HIM, in spite of how much we like doing whatever it is or not.
I mean, of course God will honor whatever you are doing FOR GOD, if it's done out of love for HIM.
Thank you for your teachings brother. MARANATHA!!!!!!!
God doesn't have to take back what a person forfeits by falling away. To serve God and be a new creation in Christ is an honor.
Thank you for always preaching the blood atonement. Also , I didn't know that about the battle hymn of the republic. I learned something new.
Everyone is You 🗝
The Lord Jesus Christ is so awesome
Great Teaching
Thank you!
Jesus is my reward!
God Bless everyone 🙏✝️❤️
Praise the Lord 👑 🙌🙌🙌✝🛐
Good preaching bro.
Love this sermon 💕 just to say I’m not in this for rewards later in the white cloud judgment with everyone, I do it because I can appreciate as best I can of what he did upon this earth for mankind and to teach love and goodness to yourself and to fellow man and that he is to sacrifice his life and blood to just have humanity believe in him that to live in eternity with him and not just die for nothing
I will be fully happy be rewarded with the smallest log cabin in Heaven.
@B iderfels
What do you think I dont get?
Thank you pastor Breaker. a great pearl shared.
May I ask you if you can teach about the most important holydays we should observe from GOD if you haven't done so.
Saludos desde Costa Rica 👍🇨🇷
The days of the Lord is at ✋✋ hand.
Good morning
Exactly Sir many churches preaching a shallow Bloodless Sinner's Prayer Gospel. They make the Sinner's Prayer out of the mouth a *Compulsion* rather than a Recommendation. They take Romans 10:9-13 out of context by separating it from Romans 10:14.
Instead of Preaching Faith in The Blood Atonement of Jesus Christ by using verses like Romans 3:25 KJV, Ephesians 1:7 KJV, Colossians 1:14 KJV, Romans 5:9 KJV,Hebrews 13:12 KJV, they preach a 1,2,3 Pray after me kind of Bloodless Gospel. Also these same people are preaching other heresies like Saved Christians can get demon possessed, both the *he* in 2 Thessalonians 2:7 KJV refer to The Antichrist when it actually refers to The Holy Ghost.Tsunamis of heresies will come in The Dispensational Community. Praise God for giving Robert Breaker Sir a Bloodstained Gospel Presentation Preacher 🔥🔥🔥✝️✝️✝️✝️
Amen, Brother. Godspeed!
Im so glad you told us about "The Battle Hymn of the Republic". I had it on my phone but now that I know the Truth about it I'm deleting it immediately
Sorry if I seem aggressive, the many different versions/revised/retranslated/reunderstood is frustrating for me, but King James does seem to be the consistent agreed upon English translated version of The Holy Scripture, GOD Bless You & Thank You for your efforts I have learned a lot from you
@B iderfels There are alit of differences, like when I explain to people that Christians owning weapons is legitament & thou shall not kill is not the word of GOD, in fact it is not murder, ex David & Goliath, alit of these mis translations can truly affect things that leave us worse off, like a church removing there crosses when having Muslim visitors
Pastor Breaker is the 7th day Sat.or Sunday. Been having this argument in my house for Yrs. I don't worship the Sun. When I go to church or take time to worship or study I do it on Saturday. The 7th day...
Faith without works is dead James 214,obedience holiness purity righteousness repentance baptism, confessing all sinsfor forgiveness as we forgive others witnessing, fasting n prayers daily Bible readings words teachings and commands, recieve the gift of the Holy Spirit =understanding, knowledge and wisdom regarding spiritual salvation so others could be saved
🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏THE BLOOD 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
Will you consider the TORAH & the differences from the Old Testament, I believe you would have an interesting perspective on the changes
Hola 🙋🏻♀️ podría publicar estos videos (estudios bíblicos) en español, por favor 🙏🏻. Dios lo Bendiga! 🙌🏻
I have a serious question - if the rapture comes before the tribulation then why did Jesus say we must endure till the end? who are the christians/believers that are hated and killed during the tribulation, the reason that Jesus said those days would be made short? Will we go thru 'part/half' of the tribulation? Job went thru a lot but didn't lose his faith. With the state of the world I hesitate to get too comfortable with the thinking that 'we'll all be out of here'?
Paul explains the mystery of the Church Age.
Someone help me please 🙏🙏🙏 with a personal Link to pastor breaker
Hola Roberto , podrías hablar d la verdadera doctrina d la iglesia ??x q hoy en día enseñan lo q le conviene !!! bendiciones
Where is John of the Revelation. Help!
Pastor Breaker,
Greetings. Does amagedeon only occur on Earth 🌎🌍?
Hi Robert Breaker I'm a Christian seeking truth n the question I had if u could a a video on this the question is is the old testament God in places actually the devil or is he father because there's a passage I read that's says David God dwells in thick darkness n Jesus says father dwells in light
God only became Father God through Jesus Christ. .. He made 2 dresses in the garden of Eden ...AnD DRESS THEM HIMSELVES ..(. FATHER)... during old testament He revealed Himself as Elohim...Elshaddai.. Jehova. . Jirah. .etc...but not as ABBA FATHER....only through Jesus we are reconcile in that Father Child relationship... in old testament God had to hide his glory from man in thick darkness for everybody would have die in his presence.... new testament God is light
I have a question. "You said our sins can not be judged? That is like saying continue to live in sin and serve God at the same time. Can't serve two masters. Also the book says "if the Lord be God follow him if bale follow him" also the holy scriptures says Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. Also the Lord want us to be one thing! And that is HOLY. holiness is the characteristic of God. The Lord told moses and his congregation to be HOLY. (Leviticus 19:1). also the book says "HOLINESS without which no man shall see the Lord". Also book of Roman 12:1 I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, HOLY, ACCEPTABLE unto God, which is your REASONABLE SERVICE. I can keep going.. but can you kindly respond?
Brother Robert, I've been following your verse to verse and currently in 1 Thessalonians. I am enjoying it!
but I notice you don't really use the Greek translations (For NT verses) in some cases when explaining words.
I personally like to go back to the Greek, since the KJV was originally translated word for word from the NT Manuscripts.
One thing I wanted to point out, was the part where you mentioned 'wine', and we are to be sober.
But then you mention that God actually allows us to drink a little wine, which you described as, alcoholic.
If we go to the Greek, there are two different types of wine God mentions in the bible. Oinos and Yayin.
Oinos is the wine that has been fermented, and cause intoxication - this is the wine God tells us not to partake.
The verse where it speaks that we can use a little wine, is yayin, which is like a fruit juice, un-fermented, non-alcoholic.
You can study into this if you like, but I think it will be important to distinguish these differences. Words are very important.
I personally use a tool called "Power Bible" it has all the tools for translating words from English to ancient Hebrew/Greek, and get the English meanings.
I've used it to help Jews and others, and Jews don't seem to argue with the translations.
God bless you sir.
Can you preach about baptism
He has a video “Are you saved by water baptism” should help you out. It’s a work not faith
When did the FATHER start accepting human sacrifice and human blood for atonement for sin ?
I can’t find where HE changed HIS mind on that .
@bob proctor
So another man can pay for your sins ?
@bob proctor
Deuteronomy 24:16 (KJV)
The fathers shall not be put to death for the children, neither shall the children be put to death for the fathers: every man shall be put to death for his own sin.
2 Chronicles 25:4 (KJV)
But he slew not their children, but [did] as [it is] written in the law in the book of Moses, where the LORD commanded, saying, The fathers shall not die for the children, neither shall the children die for the fathers, but every man shall die for his own sin.
I don’t think you can lose salvation, but you can forfeit it.
Acts 16:30-31
What people have to remember when it comes to being saved is that our soul and spirit has been circumcised from the flesh and that means our soul and spirit doesn't suffer from the sins that the flesh commits.
Consider it to be like two versions of yourself.
Your old self still exists in you in the form of the flesh, it's personality and etc. and then there is your new self which is the new creature.
Your flesh is an enemy to God while your soul and spirit are loyal to him.
So, if you walk way from God (lose faith) you're only doing such a thing in your flesh NOT your soul and spirit.
This is what eternal security is all about.
The flesh that you have now is NOT the same flesh that you're going to have when you get a glorified body.
Everything that is NOT a part of who God wants you to be (personality wise) is going to be removed from you at the rapture.
Mr. Breaker --- Why did Jesus proclaim "I Thirst" while on the cross???
I don't agree that it is about our service for Him. It's about how you lived and if you were living an honest life. I think God for your teachings. Even tho I don't agree.🙏♥
Trying my best to stay away from sin but it is hard. Rapture could happen any day now...
Zech.9 :16...... like stones in your crown..."
Mr. Breaker, Do you believe that Constantine and others working with him made changes to the New Testament? Didn't Paul seem like a mole for the gentiles? I've been doing much studying and I'm not clear on everything, but this is what archaeology seems to show. Please enlighten me.
No.. Constantine have not change the bible.. Not the bible what we read! Do he did change and mix peganism and Christianity what we call the catholic church today..
Watch out with the decievers that say that Constantine have take books out the bible how he pleased.. Because that's not!
He changed the bible from the catholic church.. Rome was his playground.. That's wy NIV NASB ESV etc.. ( all new translations) NKJV isn't a good 1 to and not recommended to read.. Because they are written from the Alexandria text.. XXL translation
This is the changed scripture
The KJV is written from the O.T vulgade and N.T textus receptus
@@jaysonzenden3280 Thank you so much for your input. Still studying and learning!
@@mariasalas4342 No problem! Only guard your heart for all the deception out there! Goodluck with your study 🙏
@@jaysonzenden3280 Thank you!
@@jaysonzenden3280 Do you know why Jesus said "I Thirst" on the cross???
The Catholic Church is the True church that Jesus founded 2000 years ago... Don't be deceived by Mr. Breaker and his anti-catholic rhetoric...
I have owned a copy of the Bible called the Diaglot ... not sure of the spelling. It was told to be a more direct interpretation from the Greek
35:42 Is Christ in the flesh up their in heaven?
A very nice preaching. God really bless you because from your family name alone you always break the falsehood teaching of some big church denominations and even me I feel pity and worry of some people who always rejecting the truth. In past years, I look in some churches and the church that preach the right salvation have only few church goers or members and I feel so sad when I look in some churches that really not preaching the blood atonement salvation have more members and there churches are huge and decent, while our churches in the Philippines which preaching the true salvation is very poor, the church is not even finish and furnish.
Where is the scripture on the Beast will be killed in the middle of the Tribulation?
2 John 1:4-13 I rejoiced greatly that I found of thy children walking in truth, as we have received a commandment from the Father.
And now I beseech thee, lady, not as though I wrote a new commandment unto thee, but that which we had from the beginning, that we love one another.
And this is love, that we walk after his commandments. This is the commandment, That, as ye have heard from the beginning, ye should walk in it.
For many deceivers are entered into the world, who confess not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh. This is a deceiver and an antichrist.
Look to yourselves, that we lose not those things which we have wrought, but that we receive a full reward.
Whosoever transgresseth, and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ, hath not God. He that abideth in the doctrine of Christ, he hath both the Father and the Son.
If there come any unto you, and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into your house, neither bid him God speed:
For he that biddeth him God speed is partaker of his evil deeds.
Having many things to write unto you, I would not write with paper and ink: but I trust to come unto you, and speak face to face, that our joy may be full.
The children of thy elect sister greet thee. Amen.
transgression of the law is sin? so how does not following the law not sin?
2 Peter 2 : 1 KJV
But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction.
1 Cor 15:1-4
Make a video on the Vax/ mark of the beast update
Hey Bro awesome vid thanks for sharing! God revealed to me who he is along with Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit! The number 12 represents Gods Government the number 7 represents perfection and 3 represents trinity! So we have 3 Circles man has discovered and did not invent or create. Genesis 1:4 and John 11:9 A clock ⏰ or time has 12 hrs dividing day and night we also have 12 months in a year!
Next the Circle of 5ths there are a total of 12 distinct musical pitches all 12 notes on the piano 🎹!
And finally God said , “ let there be light!” The Circle of Colors discovered by Issac Newton composed of 3 primary Gods trinity Yellow Red Blue 3 secondary and 6 tertiary! Now 7 represents perfection
Referring to time we have 7 days in week. God created the world in 7 days . In the Bible the 7 trumpets 🎺 is a Scale Do Re Mi Fa Sol La Ti!
And finally where do we see 7 occur in colors where man has discovered and did not invent or create? A rainbow 🌈
Now 3 represents trinity
What 3 things make the essence of time? Past present and future
What are the 3 elements that make music 🎶? Rhythm 🥁 (time ) melody ( adds color/light) and harmony ( unity / foundation/ chords)
Now 3 represents trinity
What 3 things make the essence of time? Past present and future
What are the 3 elements that make music 🎶? Rhythm 🥁 (time ) melody ( adds color/light) and harmony ( unity / foundation/ chords)
And finally what 3 Colors make all the colors? The primary colors Red Blue and Yellow
Soo if we zoom out!
God is the alpha and omega beginning and end…. Time !
Jesus Christ said, “ I’m the light of the world ! “ now what is light ? Colors! And God made a rainbow 🌈 after the great flood of Noah as a sign that he would never punish mankind using a flood that could wipe out the earth!
Never punish means eternal forgiveness!
And finally the Holy Spirit is music 🎶! Music 🎶 makes us wanna dance shout cry relax all these emotions and can we see notes? Nope they are sound waves 🌊 or frequencies! And these are the Fundementals of the speed of light Jesus Christ Ezekiel 1:28 🌈 and the Speed of Sound! The Holy Spirit ! 1 Samuel 10:5
1 Samuel 16:2 sound of the harp !
Thoughts on Revelation 6
For the last week or so my thoughts have continually returned to an Idea that presented itself to me concerning Revelation 6 in general, and more specifically the opening of the First seal. This may be old hat for most of you so I apologize if this is a proposition that you have already considered and rejected.
What are the riders and how can we describe their affect on the world?
We'll start with the second seal...
And there went out another horse that was red: and power was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another: and there was given unto him a great sword.
Very clear images here... a flesh and blood rider he is not!! But a spirit or controlling consciousness that pushes the world toward conflict. The color red we readily associate with blood, violence and war.
He is not given a crown but he has power and not just a sword...a great sword... the ability to take peace from the earth and make people kill one another
And when he had opened the third seal, I heard the third beast say, Come and see. And I beheld, and lo a black horse; and he that sat on him had a pair of balances in his hand.
6 And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say, A measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny; and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine.
Once again not a human being but a controlling system or spirit associated with the world financial system. It has the ability to control the buying and selling...making scarce what is needed and making plentiful those goods that are luxuries.
In our modern era we easily can associate the color black with the stock market, with the idea of wealth or lack of wealth.
It follows that during and after war the financial systems of the world will be vastly altered and many goods, food and otherwise will be in short supply. Which will lead to...
7 And when he had opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth beast say, Come and see.
8 And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.
So War, famine, poverty will result in starvation, disease, suffering and death...No surprise here.
This rider has power only over a % of the earth population. The color of the horse pale(or green) is the color or infection, of open sores, wounds and sputum coughed up during illness.
Once again a spirit or controlling consciousness that affects everything in its sphere of influence.
Now back to the first rider
The white horse
And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer.
We are shown] a rider with a bow, ( a weapon) a crown ( some authority) and the ability to conquer some adversary with those items
Let me repeat for emphasis :
So this rider is given crown( authority) and he using this authority to conquer with a bow
So this spirit or controlling influence is one every one in the modern world is familiar with
The color white is easily associated with health care. With doctors and health care providers, with the WHO, NIH....and so forth
Has the health care system been given a crown, power to make laws and rules that the world must obey??
Have they attempted to rule with their bow???
Strong's Concordance
toxon: a bow
Original Word: τόξον, ου, τό
Part of Speech: Noun, Neuter
Transliteration: toxon
Phonetic Spelling: (tox'-on)
Definition: a bow
Usage: a bow.
Of course we don't have to look very hard to find what word we use, that toxon, is the root word for. (Toxin....???)
This leads to many other questions
So has the first seal been opened??
Do the events in the book revelation occur in sequence or concurrently?
Or are the seal judgments an over view of the entirety of the time of Jacob's trouble?
In any event we will know if the first seal been opened, when a war starts.
More importantly we know with even more certainty where we reside on the prophetic time line and how close we are to hearing the sound our Groom calling us home!!
God bless all of you...keep looking up....
Ron A...the thoughtful Muser
Comments, refutations welcome
@B iderfels close up these things until the end Daniel
Did anybody see that the water turned red by the Dead Sea?
Wake up and stop looking and waiting Phil 2:5Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus: 6Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God:
I was unsubscribed...? Weird
RUclips does that sometimes, I heard from other people too.
Well I guess Ill be the janitor with a dunce hat in heaven..
It's not bummer.John means see readers in don't get it.
Good gosh! Do you mean Christ was not born in the beauty of the lilies across the sea!? And he is not trampling out the vintage where the grapes of wrath are stored!? What will we do, what will we do?
So I'm shamed on earth for following Jesus (which I expect and is OK because I don't care what man thinks), but then I'll be shamed in heaven for having fewer crowns/jewels/rewards than others? Great.
Do you believe christians shame you on earth for being a christian? I don't, and i don't think christians will be prideful and shame you if they have more rewards in heaven.
I would actually feel a bit embarrassed for anyone to praise me for having more rewards, but that just may be me. I don't help people for complements or praise now, i tell anyone who does not to because any good in me is the Lord at work, im just a no good sinner dressed in dirty rags. I'll be happy scrubbing toilets in heaven if that's my rewards, im happy with just getting in. God bless!!
No, you will not be shamed in Heaven. There will be no negativity in Heaven. Will you be judged before God? Yes, we All will be.
Why would anyone want to go to the Greek when everyone knows Jesus spoke King James English..
Y'all need to start using exegesis
So I don’t think that’s correct. I’ve never heard this teaching? So we are saved and always saved? That’s not correct teaching!!!
Hola buenos días en español porfa! Bendiciones.
Our Glorious CREATOR ALMIGHTY YAHWEH ❤️ and MESSIAH KING YAHSHUA ❤️ Jesus's real Hebrew NAME that means YAHWEH SAVES ❤️ warned us in HIS word " wicked men crept in UNAWARES." People must realize that when our Glorious CREATOR ALMIGHTY YAHWEH ❤️ is instructing Joshua to wipe out all the satanic pagan societies that they were offering up children to their false demon gods. The entire Bible speaks out against them.
This type of method which is nothing new happens under the sun, looking and waiting is repeating that never ends in creaser ruled nations, God is Spirit that is in man who don't know God is imagination in them. Luke 17:20And when he was demanded of the Pharisees, when the kingdom of God should come, he answered them and said, The kingdom of God cometh not with observation: 21Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.
Let me give you another hidden gem. The Devil’s Church, they will not speaking of the times we are in, other than that, they will be speaking the same language you want to hear. Also after midnight Evil. 👿 You see?
You say HE is the same yesterday, today and forever .
Then say you can’t lose your salvation.
GOD sent HIS Angel to slay the mad prophet, Balaam. The one with the talking donkey.
He was a prophet, much closer to GOD than any of us I would guess .
How about the one in Numbers.
HE sent a lion to kill him and it did .