Why a New US-to-Europe Supply Chain for Rare Earths is Groundbreaking

  • Опубликовано: 11 сен 2024
  • Constantine Karayannopoulos, CEO of Neo Performance Materials (TSX:NEO), explains why the recent launch of a North America-to-Europe rare earth supply chain by Neo and Colorado-based Energy Fuels is so significant.

Комментарии • 4

  • @geary2
    @geary2 3 года назад +2

    My question to Curtis Moore recently in an email
    How many lbs. of U308 is generated from the processing of the company's goal 15000 tons of rare earth carbonate?

    Curtis answered,
    The Mill has the ability to process about 720,000 tons of ore per year and recover 8+ million pounds of uranium per year. 15,000 tons of monazite only represents about 2% of our capacity. The average uranium grade of the monazite concentrates we’ve seen is about 0.20% - 0.30%. Assuming a grade of 0.25% uranium, if/when we get to 15,000 tons per year, we’d be recovering about 75,000 lbs. of uranium per year (15,000 tons x 2,000 lbs./ton x 0.25% = 75,000 lbs.). As for our production this year, most of it will come from alternate feed material processing.

  • @hcouveld9135
    @hcouveld9135 3 года назад +2

    Neodynium, the new gold.

  • @AncientSionX
    @AncientSionX 3 года назад +1
