I have faith that all our dreams can come true, we spread good vibes for all the good people, love for the lonly, food for the hungry, healing for the sick, remove all stress, shame, fear, hate, break all limits, be free, relax and know that you deserve to be happy and healthy, you are dreamer and dream, we can do it, find paradise inside and spread it, may we radiate boundless love and abundance towards the entire world, may we have enough, may we heal, i am wisdom, i am inner peace, i am beautifull, i love life and the beauty in everyone and everything, i am safe and i belief that i can do it, i can love, i can heal, i let go the past, i feel the moment, i relax, listening to this beautifull music, thank you, for beeing who you are.
Thankyou everything God, Universe and spiritual team: Angles, Higher Councils, Higher Mind, Higher Self helps for Ours with love and light❤❤❤ My life is changing magical inside out❤❤❤❤❤❤ Love all of you and all of thing in the Earth ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ Amen🙏🙏🙏
To the beautiful soul reading these words, I just want to reach out through this expanse of time and space and say thank you for being YOU, for hanging in there, for getting it done, for all you do for those you love and care about.
*A cualquiera que lea esto, rezo para que lo que sea que te esté lastimando o por lo que te estresas constantemente mejore. Que los pensamientos oscuros, el pensamiento excesivo y las dudas escapen de tu mente. Obviamente puede reemplazar la confusión. Que la paz y la calma llenen tu vida. *
I am wisdom. I have wisdom. Not only that, but I am connected to the Creator of all. My energy is perfect and straight. My aura is cleansed. You can chant these while listening to this amazing track. Peace to all.
No moments were lost in the rain that you couldn’t of saved via bravery, clear communication, mature common sense and helpful, kind thoughtfulness; and it’s true that my kid’s plans to go to a sleepover also foiled your Bright, Sweethearted plan that day. The only moments we lost, are the ones we aren’t creating due to the excuses made through self-defensive and unfair expectations. No moments would be missed if communication was clear and mutual respect & consideration present 💜 Simple & helpful is best. Thank you. 🙏🏼🍇✨
Wow! I was crying and didn’t know what was happening with me but after listen to your messages I understood wat what’s going on and it calm me down. Totally resonated. Thank you so much for sharing these Messages 🦂 🙏🏻 ❤
Que hermoso sonido de la lluvia, abro mis sentidos para alcanzar paz, y luz infinito. Compartiendo con el universo, que mis sueños de paz alcancen los objetivos de quienes más lo necesiten . Abrazos llenos de luz para todos 💜🌟💜🙏
Usually, struggles with others is just a minor lesson we pay forward for having self inflicted these scenes as the offender rather than one to create the offense. Typically, We don’t realize how much pain we caused until it’s to late, so if it is minimal then consider the future as bright as the wisdom we Love itself. Equally with contemplation you are healed with sound mind, rational heart space and good logic by the experience once you have calmed the waves of emotion that is attached to its beginning with gratitude and it’s end, likewise that is success.
She’s not coming back. Life goes on. Gives our love value to be better when it arrives with another not far off the trail of the one love she is with us all equally.
beautifull do you know that i receive every information before things happen i love meditation thats why i love shiva very much im aware who my enemies are and why they are scheming and plotting
How did all my comments end up in one place! I’m just making sure for the algorithm. I look for calming anxiety separately through my subscriptions, that I make sure to like share and leave a comment and let’s get this algorithm going because I’m not gonna mention the companies names, but they’re out to get certain industries that don’t make them money, ironically, they don’t mind about the miss information about certain politics, but they are very very happy to discuss getting rid of spirituality on RUclips. How sad it save my life and that’s what I want to see Martin! You’re running that’s awesome, I think I mentioned that I went off a lot of medication‘s or the last 10 years and had a lot of different kinds of pain back specifically - last year I said screw all the medicines started making my own fresh ginger root water like the real deal, fasting all day, drinking that got through the withdrawals, and then through the all the other stuff, and eventually start talking to my Pages like we say talking to your ego and just making good with it and treating myself well and eating well plant based diet will help back pain like you have no idea and lidocaine patches. If you need something you know they help a lot too. Good luck everybody back pain is like everything else stress induced.😊
Good to be able to turn thoughts off completely at any moments notice. Helps with clean up. Bad thoughts are bad friends. Good friends will tell you that about bad thoughts if we know that already about bad friends. Own best friend. Always.
Just a drop, to trickle in, of love after not having it for so long will be enough to rest any Devil, any day. I love you and you may not know it but you love You best.
Meditative Mind Have you deleted any old om chanting or made it private or kept it on any other site?...because here searching that from the last one year. Please reply🙏
¡ Padre Celestial, Madre, Amigo, Bienamado Dios!, Que la pronunciación incesante y silenciosa de tu sagrado Nombre nos transforme a tu semejanza. Inspíranos para que nuestro amor por las cosas materiales se convierta en adoración a Ti. Que a través de nuestros corazones purificados venga a la tierra tu reino de perfección y todos los pueblos sean liberados del sufrimiento. Permite que la libertad interior del alma se manifieste también en el exterior. Que nuestra voluntad se fortalezca en el triunfo sobre los deseos mundanos y se ponga definitivamente en armonía con tu perfecta voluntad. Danos el pan nuestro de cada día: alimento, salud y prosperidad para el cuerpo, eficiencia para la mente y, sobre todo, tu amor y sabiduría para el alma. Es tu ley que "con la medida con que midáis se os medirá"; ayúdanos pues a perdonar a quienes nos ofenden, teniendo siempre presente lo mucho que necesitamos tu inmerecida misericordia. No nos abandones en el abismo de las tentaciones en que hemos caído por el mal uso que hacemos del don de la razón que nos concediste. Y cuando sea tu voluntad ponernos a prueba, ¡oh Espíritu!, permite que nos demos cuenta que Tú eres mucho más fascinante que cualquier tentación del mundo. Ayúdanos a librarnos de las tenebrosas ligaduras del único mal: no conocerte. Porque Tuyo es el reino, y el poder, y la gloria, por los siglos de los siglos. Amén. אָמֵן autor: PY Todos os tipos de sementes de poder estão dentro de você, esperando para você fazê-las crescer.
My beautifull life starts from monday cause someone hacked my phone and took all my private info included neighbours tomorrow is the lucky day god protects me from harm and this evil group and keep me safe and they make women sick with theire blackmagick but shiva meditation yoga en kali mata protect my energy field🪱
Dear, 7 chakr'as in balans zu bringing,within the steps from every days! In love. Marjo Jegerings Lightwork the Netherlands - Europa. Events Consults .20-9-2023.
After 4 years i have knowledge womens especially who sleeps with different type of mens will loose theire beauty attraction if you do it over the 20 years i see it around me a lot because you take the spirit of others inside youre body. If you sleep with a healthy men you will get positive energy unhealthy men you will feel sick notice that i like to spread info to help others
A Bênção de Nahuatl - Liberto meus pais de sentir que eles não puderam me dar tudo em que acreditam terem falhado. Eu os amo e agradeço por terem sido o instrumento da vida para que eu esteja aqui hoje. Eu liberto meus filhos da necessidade de ampliar meu ego, de querer satisfazer os desejos ou objetivos que eu não cumpri para mim ou de que eles se sintam obrigados a me orgulhar. Peço-lhes que escrevam suas próprias histórias de acordo com suas vontades de experimentar e com o que alegra seus corações. Eu liberto meu parceiro da obrigação de me completar. Estou completo (a). Nada me falta, tudo está dentro de mim e minha felicidade depende de mim. Aprendo e evoluo com cada um de meus relacionamentos e, se falhamos, também fui responsável por atrair essa situação. Eu liberto meus irmãos de qualquer culpa que sentem por mim, ou de fazê-los acreditar que me machucaram, ou se em qualquer momento eu os ofendi, ignorei ou neguei. Em nenhum momento minha intenção foi de viver suas vidas, nem de impedir suas experiências ou fazê-los pensar que não poderiam fazer bem ou que eu pudesse fazer melhor do que eles. Eu os amo. Agora estou ciente de que estão fazendo o melhor que podem fazer e confio plenamente em suas habilidades e pontos fortes para descobrir a vida maravilhosa que sempre sonharam para eles. Para meus avós e antepassados que foram se encontrando para que eu, hoje, aqui respire a vida em seus nomes, liberto-os das falhas do passado e dos desejos que não cumpriram. Consciente de que tudo o que fizeram foi o melhor que puderam fazer para resolver cada uma das situações que enfrentavam, com os recursos que tiveram desde o nível de consciência que tinham naquele momento. Eu os honro com a minha vida, fazendo o melhor que posso para fazê-la feliz, digna e próspera. Eu os amo e reconheço todos e cada um deles. Sob seus olhares expresso minha gratidão e todo meu amor para que saibam que não escondo nem devo nada além de ser fiel a mim mesmo e a minha própria existência, dessa forma eu os honro. O que aprendi com todos me faz ser quem sou e me permite traçar o caminho da minha vida com sabedoria, consciente de que estou cumprindo meu projeto de vida, livre de lealdades familiares invisíveis e visíveis, livre de laços e crenças que possam perturbar minha Saúde e Alegria, minha Paz e Felicidade. Eu renuncio ao papel de Salvador (a) e Redentor (a), de ser aquele (a) que une ou cumpre expectativas alheias. Aprendendo através e somente através do Amor / aceitação, permitindo a cada um seja e me permitindo ser como realmente sou. Eu abençoo a essência mais expandida do meu Ser que é Maravilhosa, Esplêndida e Notável (Eu Sou), que através da minha forma única de me expressar e mesmo que alguém não possa me entender, eu apenas me expresso como sou, porque só eu vivi e experimentei minha própria história, porque eu conheço a mim mesmo, sei quem sou, o que sinto, o que faço e por que faço. Me aceito, me respeito, me aprovo e me responsabilizo apenas por mim, com amor / aceitação e compreensão. Honro a Divindade em mim e em você … Agora somos livres para nos amar. Eu te amo / Eu te aceito em minha vida e experiência de vida. Grato (a). 🖖 🙏🙏🙏
Dear Meditative Mind. Could you please consider making an original chant linking the vowels //a e i o u// (found in all languages) & //do re mi fa so// (found in all music). Lovely if you start & end the chant with 🕉. Just sharing a dream...😇 Thank you.
If you read this, you read this and that's it. Not a single word about beauty or a book of spells from the fairy realm. Just kidding, you're so much more than all that, if you're not an NPC of course! Some signs for you from the divine. Intentions: - Be in the service of God (don't worry, if you are in service of yourself, you are also in the service of God, because you are this god) - Restore order (don’t worry if you are chaotic, that seems to be your role to play) Some signs of the manifestations of the divine: - Owl - Cat - Skunk - Yin Yang (white & black) - Open door - Light on (in broad daylight or which turns on) - Number (22, 33, 44, 69, 72) Tools : - Your conscience - Your intentions - Movement - Randonautica (application not to be underestimated, created without knowing that the technology would work as well) - Waste bag (in order to restore order) May your eternal fire never run out
I have faith that all our dreams can come true, we spread good vibes for all the good people, love for the lonly, food for the hungry, healing for the sick, remove all stress, shame, fear, hate, break all limits, be free, relax and know that you deserve to be happy and healthy, you are dreamer and dream, we can do it, find paradise inside and spread it, may we radiate boundless love and abundance towards the entire world, may we have enough, may we heal, i am wisdom, i am inner peace, i am beautifull, i love life and the beauty in everyone and everything, i am safe and i belief that i can do it, i can love, i can heal, i let go the past, i feel the moment, i relax, listening to this beautifull music, thank you, for beeing who you are.
I AM healthy, wealthy and wise. I AM bright, white, resonant loving energy. ❤️
Claim it receive by faith in Jesus mighty name amen and amen gratitude ty God bless you amen praise God amen gratitude
Were not chasing Dreams we attract Dreams. We are have even more power than we think as a human
Tom Petty got it so twisted.
To the person reading this ... Remember that everything begins within you. You are light, you are peace, you are harmony and we are one.
I know you are but what am I?
Thankyou everything God, Universe and spiritual team: Angles, Higher Councils, Higher Mind, Higher Self helps for Ours with love and light❤❤❤
My life is changing magical inside out❤❤❤❤❤❤
Love all of you and all of thing in the Earth ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
i hovered between dream and awake state several times when medtating to this. Amazing stuff!
Very good video, soft, relaxing, classy music!💙💛🔥👍🌻
Shalom 🌎! Good Morning...😊
Good morning Super Sharing big like God bless you
Claim this energy with faith positive energy to the world in Jesus name 🙏
Thank you 😊💜💜💜🙏🏾
Thank you for all those shining light in the world and then it reaches All of us
I like that it's 3:33:33 I'm all about the 3's !
Thoughts, words and actions.
3s are excellent
I really like mindfulness meditations (mindful meditation)...
Sometimes we focus but other times we lose control...
Celý týždeň slnečný. Nádhera 🌞
This is one of my favorites and the rain made it even better ❤
To the beautiful soul reading these words, I just want to reach out through this expanse of time and space and say thank you for being YOU, for hanging in there, for getting it done, for all you do for those you love and care about.
Thank God my spirit family and u for this energy 🙏💪🙏💪
*A cualquiera que lea esto, rezo para que lo que sea que te esté lastimando o por lo que te estresas constantemente mejore. Que los pensamientos oscuros, el pensamiento excesivo y las dudas escapen de tu mente. Obviamente puede reemplazar la confusión. Que la paz y la calma llenen tu vida. *
I am wisdom. I have wisdom. Not only that, but I am connected to the Creator of all. My energy is perfect and straight. My aura is cleansed. You can chant these while listening to this amazing track. Peace to all.
oh hell yeaaah boiiiiiiiiieee
@@seanposner8884 aw yeah!
No moments were lost in the rain that you couldn’t of saved via bravery, clear communication, mature common sense and helpful, kind thoughtfulness; and it’s true that my kid’s plans to go to a sleepover also foiled your Bright, Sweethearted plan that day. The only moments we lost, are the ones we aren’t creating due to the excuses made through self-defensive and unfair expectations. No moments would be missed if communication was clear and mutual respect & consideration present 💜 Simple & helpful is best. Thank you. 🙏🏼🍇✨
thank you cosmic mother
Peace Love and Light to the Divine Cosmos 🙌🏼💜🪐✨
blessed be ✨
Very soothing and relaxing 👌💜
I love it! This is the best kind of ASMR, haha! Raindrops fit perfectly here as well. Namaste-positive everyone!
Wow! I was crying and didn’t know what was happening with me but after listen to your messages I understood wat what’s going on and it calm me down. Totally resonated. Thank you so much for sharing these Messages 🦂 🙏🏻 ❤
If you're reading this, thank you so much for choosing to be here now. You are loved, you are supported, you are needed. Sending all my love to you ❤
Que hermoso sonido de la lluvia, abro mis sentidos para alcanzar paz, y luz infinito. Compartiendo con el universo, que mis sueños de paz alcancen los objetivos de quienes más lo necesiten . Abrazos llenos de luz para todos 💜🌟💜🙏
So synchronistic that this is what auto played after a realization 💝
Usually, struggles with others is just a minor lesson we pay forward for having self inflicted these scenes as the offender rather than one to create the offense.
Typically, We don’t realize how much pain we caused until it’s to late, so if it is minimal then consider the future as bright as the wisdom we Love itself.
Equally with contemplation you are healed with sound mind, rational heart space and good logic by the experience once you have calmed the waves of emotion that is attached to its beginning with gratitude and it’s end, likewise that is success.
Thought so 📶🎯🫳🏾📲
Gracias Gracias Gracias
The ppl here have a wonderful energy 😍🙏🏻🌏☯️✡️☪️✝️
That was awesome!!! Thank you 👁️🧠🫀
Thank you so much I have been under servere Spirituel attacks but it's not my fault I am loved and I am the light I matter
Thank you so much.💜
A peaceful rest and calmness of the body and mind is bestowed upon you. Good night.✨
Unconditional Love ❤
What is it.?❤
What is it not.??❤
Truly feeling this one.
Thank you ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
She’s not coming back.
Life goes on.
Gives our love value to be better when it arrives with another not far off the trail of the one love she is with us all equally.
I don’t make mistakes as God.
No mistakes with us here ever.
Not Even One.
I’m feeling heaviness at the top of my head
regular egg
Gratidão, Deus abençoe!!❤
Shiva Shambho, Sadhguru
It was great, I felt its effect
Gracias por compartir , saludos cordiales a todos desde la Ciudad de México 👋🏼👋🏽🇲🇽.
Remember, it is what you can do for it...❤
🙌🌹🙌Thank you Thomas. For being with me and us!
Thank you again so much Martin!❤ good for you on the running and it can be excellent for back pain
Thank you🙏🥰❤️💐👏🦋💧🌈
beautifull do you know that i receive every information before things happen i love meditation thats why i love shiva very much im aware who my enemies are and why they are scheming and plotting
How did all my comments end up in one place! I’m just making sure for the algorithm. I look for calming anxiety separately through my subscriptions, that I make sure to like share and leave a comment and let’s get this algorithm going because I’m not gonna mention the companies names, but they’re out to get certain industries that don’t make them money, ironically, they don’t mind about the miss information about certain politics, but they are very very happy to discuss getting rid of spirituality on RUclips. How sad it save my life and that’s what I want to see Martin!
You’re running that’s awesome, I think I mentioned that I went off a lot of medication‘s or the last 10 years and had a lot of different kinds of pain back specifically - last year I said screw all the medicines started making my own fresh ginger root water like the real deal, fasting all day, drinking that got through the withdrawals, and then through the all the other stuff, and eventually start talking to my Pages like we say talking to your ego and just making good with it and treating myself well and eating well plant based diet will help back pain like you have no idea and lidocaine patches. If you need something you know they help a lot too. Good luck everybody back pain is like everything else stress induced.😊
Good to be able to turn thoughts off completely at any moments notice.
Helps with clean up.
Bad thoughts are bad friends.
Good friends will tell you that about bad thoughts if we know that already about bad friends.
Own best friend.
Beautiful... I have a request... Plz make similar hang drum n this sort of music with om namah shivay chanting... This so soothing.. N deep
Wow this is one of the most calming....😮💜🩷
Thank you.thank you.
Jay shree ram❤
Whosoever have believe in me, I'm here again by the name of Shiva. Find me in Rishikesh
와이거 은근 꿀잠자게만드네..
To know me means you have not.
To have not is something. That is why we will never know me, until we KNOW Me, As I Am Knowing Myself, Also.
Just a drop, to trickle in, of love after not having it for so long will be enough to rest any Devil, any day.
I love you and you may not know it but you love You best.
Meditative Mind
Have you deleted any old om chanting or made it private or kept it on any other site?...because here searching that from the last one year.
Please reply🙏
Uranus in 4K
¡ Padre Celestial, Madre, Amigo, Bienamado Dios!,
Que la pronunciación incesante y silenciosa de tu sagrado Nombre nos transforme a tu semejanza.
Inspíranos para que nuestro amor por las cosas materiales se convierta en adoración a Ti. Que a través de nuestros corazones purificados venga a la tierra tu reino de perfección y todos los pueblos sean liberados del sufrimiento. Permite que la libertad interior del alma se manifieste también en el exterior.
Que nuestra voluntad se fortalezca en el triunfo sobre los deseos mundanos y se ponga definitivamente en armonía con tu perfecta voluntad.
Danos el pan nuestro de cada día: alimento, salud y prosperidad para el cuerpo, eficiencia para la mente y, sobre todo, tu amor y sabiduría para el alma.
Es tu ley que "con la medida con que midáis se os medirá"; ayúdanos pues a perdonar a quienes nos ofenden, teniendo siempre presente lo mucho que necesitamos tu inmerecida misericordia.
No nos abandones en el abismo de las tentaciones en que hemos caído por el mal uso que hacemos del don de la razón que nos concediste. Y cuando sea tu voluntad ponernos a prueba, ¡oh Espíritu!, permite que nos demos cuenta que Tú eres mucho más fascinante que cualquier tentación del mundo.
Ayúdanos a librarnos de las tenebrosas ligaduras del único mal: no conocerte.
Porque Tuyo es el reino, y el poder, y la gloria, por los siglos de los siglos. Amén. אָמֵן autor: PY
Todos os tipos de sementes de poder estão dentro de você, esperando para você fazê-las crescer.
My beautifull life starts from monday cause someone hacked my phone and took all my private info included neighbours tomorrow is the lucky day god protects me from harm and this evil group and keep me safe and they make women sick with theire blackmagick but shiva meditation yoga en kali mata protect my energy field🪱
Dear, 7 chakr'as in balans zu bringing,within the steps from every days! In love. Marjo Jegerings Lightwork the Netherlands - Europa. Events Consults .20-9-2023.
Aum aum aum aum aum aum aummmmmmmmm😉😉😉😉😉
Can anyone tell me the scale and key of the hang drum used? It has such a mystical sound, beautiful.
yes..anyone have an asnwer?
what is the instrument in this? it's beautiful
🟪🟣💜🟣🟪 This soothes my headachey crown
and cosmic father
After 4 years i have knowledge womens especially who sleeps with different type of mens will loose theire beauty attraction if you do it over the 20 years i see it around me a lot because you take the spirit of others inside youre body. If you sleep with a healthy men you will get positive energy unhealthy men you will feel sick notice that i like to spread info to help others
A Bênção de Nahuatl - Liberto meus pais de sentir que eles não puderam me dar tudo em que acreditam terem falhado.
Eu os amo e agradeço por terem sido o instrumento da vida para que eu esteja aqui hoje.
Eu liberto meus filhos da necessidade de ampliar meu ego, de querer satisfazer os desejos ou objetivos que eu não cumpri para mim ou de que eles se sintam obrigados a me orgulhar.
Peço-lhes que escrevam suas próprias histórias de acordo com suas vontades de experimentar e com o que alegra seus corações.
Eu liberto meu parceiro da obrigação de me completar.
Estou completo (a). Nada me falta, tudo está dentro de mim e minha felicidade depende de mim. Aprendo e evoluo com cada um de meus relacionamentos e, se falhamos, também fui responsável por atrair essa situação.
Eu liberto meus irmãos de qualquer culpa que sentem por mim, ou de fazê-los acreditar que me machucaram, ou se em qualquer momento eu os ofendi, ignorei ou neguei.
Em nenhum momento minha intenção foi de viver suas vidas, nem de impedir suas experiências ou fazê-los pensar que não poderiam fazer bem ou que eu pudesse fazer melhor do que eles.
Eu os amo. Agora estou ciente de que estão fazendo o melhor que podem fazer e confio plenamente em suas habilidades e pontos fortes para descobrir a vida maravilhosa que sempre sonharam para eles.
Para meus avós e antepassados que foram se encontrando para que eu, hoje, aqui respire a vida em seus nomes, liberto-os das falhas do passado e dos desejos que não cumpriram.
Consciente de que tudo o que fizeram foi o melhor que puderam fazer para resolver cada uma das situações que enfrentavam, com os recursos que tiveram desde o nível de consciência que tinham naquele momento.
Eu os honro com a minha vida, fazendo o melhor que posso para fazê-la feliz, digna e próspera. Eu os amo e reconheço todos e cada um deles.
Sob seus olhares expresso minha gratidão e todo meu amor para que saibam que não escondo nem devo nada além de ser fiel a mim mesmo e a minha própria existência, dessa forma eu os honro.
O que aprendi com todos me faz ser quem sou e me permite traçar o caminho da minha vida com sabedoria, consciente de que estou cumprindo meu projeto de vida, livre de lealdades familiares invisíveis e visíveis, livre de laços e crenças que possam perturbar minha Saúde e Alegria, minha Paz e Felicidade.
Eu renuncio ao papel de Salvador (a) e Redentor (a), de ser aquele (a) que une ou cumpre expectativas alheias.
Aprendendo através e somente através do Amor / aceitação, permitindo a cada um seja e me permitindo ser como realmente sou.
Eu abençoo a essência mais expandida do meu Ser que é Maravilhosa, Esplêndida e Notável (Eu Sou), que através da minha forma única de me expressar e mesmo que alguém não possa me entender, eu apenas me expresso como sou, porque só eu vivi e experimentei minha própria história, porque eu conheço a mim mesmo, sei quem sou, o que sinto, o que faço e por que faço.
Me aceito, me respeito, me aprovo e me responsabilizo apenas por mim, com amor / aceitação e compreensão.
Honro a Divindade em mim e em você … Agora somos livres para nos amar. Eu te amo / Eu te aceito em minha vida e experiência de vida. Grato (a). 🖖 🙏🙏🙏
I think this has been written for/about me. Thank You @Josemeireles6670. I am hoping to be read this every day. Love ❤
Is this for clearing the chakra or activating it?
1, 2, 3. 4 comes before One and counts itself, Zero.
Dear Meditative Mind. Could you please consider making an original chant linking the vowels //a e i o u// (found in all languages) & //do re mi fa so// (found in all music). Lovely if you start & end the chant with 🕉. Just sharing a dream...😇 Thank you.
If you read this, you read this and that's it. Not a single word about beauty or a book of spells from the fairy realm. Just kidding, you're so much more than all that, if you're not an NPC of course! Some signs for you from the divine.
- Be in the service of God (don't worry, if you are in service of yourself, you are also in the service of God, because you are this god)
- Restore order (don’t worry if you are chaotic, that seems to be your role to play)
Some signs of the manifestations of the divine:
- Owl
- Cat
- Skunk
- Yin Yang (white & black)
- Open door
- Light on (in broad daylight or which turns on)
- Number (22, 33, 44, 69, 72)
Tools :
- Your conscience
- Your intentions
- Movement
- Randonautica (application not to be underestimated, created without knowing that the technology would work as well)
- Waste bag (in order to restore order)
May your eternal fire never run out
Why is this 480 hz? Shouldn't it be 963?
My daughter is 6!! How she my daughter and we one year apart! Dumb 🫳🦨💨🚪❌
Did u title this wrong? Isn’t it 963hz?
I'm wondering that too
It's correct. Not only 963hz corresponding with crown chakra (others charkas also have other frequencies). 🙌
@@mothernature88888 I’ve never seen or heard of this frequency on the scale, like
The track still though and trust their content so I guess….
No, “480hz” and “486hz” are the frequencies of the Crown Chakra. 963hz just responds to it, it helps it. But no, this is meant to be 480hz.
@@KWP222 ok. I learned something new.
God bless this helped me tank my angry GF
I unsubscribed after seeing Trump begs for money Ad during Crown Chakra vid. I use these videos to get away from that garbage! He has no soul. Do you?
Get Premium stop complaining
Now I will make portals and turn lucid dreams into astral.😂
🪢youre in my web