The Secret of Feedback Loops in TouchDesigner - TouchDesigner Tutorial 085

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии •

  • @postdaigo
    @postdaigo 2 года назад +6

    You are an angel, Elburz!
    Thank you for existing and passing forward your knowledge!

    • @TheInteractiveImmersiveHQ
      @TheInteractiveImmersiveHQ  2 года назад +1

      Our pleasure! It's the least we can do to share back what the community has given us!

    • @postdaigo
      @postdaigo 2 года назад +1

      @@TheInteractiveImmersiveHQ Always humble. This community was only possible because of you and Matthew. WE should be giving you back. Thank you, my man! Keep it up!

    • @TheInteractiveImmersiveHQ
      @TheInteractiveImmersiveHQ  2 года назад

      @@postdaigo 🙏🙏🙏

  • @treywillis
    @treywillis 2 года назад +19

    Really cool. Love that you take the time to explain your thought process and why you are doing what you are doing too. Such a good teacher

    • @TheInteractiveImmersiveHQ
      @TheInteractiveImmersiveHQ  2 года назад +2

      Thanks for the kind words. Any way we can find to make the creative process easier for folks, that's our goal and a lot of the time I find it's the thought process more than the technical tool that is the tricky part to get around.

    • @treywillis
      @treywillis 2 года назад +1

      @@TheInteractiveImmersiveHQ 100%. although I do learn by watching others create content, I learn a lot more with this approach as opposed to do xyz to create this. thanks again.

    • @TheInteractiveImmersiveHQ
      @TheInteractiveImmersiveHQ  2 года назад +1

      @@treywillis I think a good balance is the best for everyone, that's what we're trying to do more, find a good balance between making fun and beautiful content and also having these more kind of technique-focused videos as well. Glad you're enjoying them :)

  • @resy5812
    @resy5812 Год назад

    This is so F**KING amazing for Elburz really teaches me the FUNDAMENTAL LOGIC!!!

  • @agentslimepunk
    @agentslimepunk 2 года назад +5

    Your teaching style is incredible. Thanks so much for making tutorials for this!

  • @jimkuehn
    @jimkuehn Год назад

    Elburz is the KING of TD tuts. This explanation is succinct yet has sticking power.

  • @heyyitsbenji
    @heyyitsbenji 7 месяцев назад +1

    thank you for explaining this concept so simply, ive been trying to understand what feedback actually does for ages

  • @borjonx
    @borjonx 2 года назад +4

    1280x720 - "even on the free version" - THANK YOU ELBURZ!!!

    • @TheInteractiveImmersiveHQ
      @TheInteractiveImmersiveHQ  2 года назад

      No problem! We always try to include and keep in mind all the folks out there who want to experiment and have fun but don't have the resources to buy licenses :)

  • @214_chris
    @214_chris Год назад +2

    You're one of the best instructors of any subject on YT. You have such a great approach to your teaching and take the time thoroughly explain in ways that makes so much sense. Concepts that are sometimes hard to grasp make so much more sense the way you deliver the subject. Thank you for being such a valuable resource.

    • @TheInteractiveImmersiveHQ
      @TheInteractiveImmersiveHQ  Год назад

      Very glad to hear that you’ve found the resources we make for the community to be helpful - that’s our main goal! Thanks so much for the feedback :)

  • @darinbasile6754
    @darinbasile6754 2 года назад +3

    Thank you. I use feedback a lot for what I’m doing and your explanations are consistently illuminating.

    • @TheInteractiveImmersiveHQ
      @TheInteractiveImmersiveHQ  2 года назад

      Thanks, Darin! Don't hesitate to tag us on instagram with what you're making! We love seeing the community's work.

  • @vaibhavbatra4613
    @vaibhavbatra4613 2 года назад

    Best tutorial on feedback I have watched till now. Thank you for this!

  • @temrenihatakm5555
    @temrenihatakm5555 29 дней назад

    MANNNNN!!! YOU ARE AMAZINGGGG!! What a lesson🙏

  • @SimonHattoriWilson
    @SimonHattoriWilson 6 месяцев назад

    Holy what an eye-opening tutorial! Your vids have just been the greatest, Thank you!

  • @stickwithit
    @stickwithit 2 года назад +3

    Super helpful, thanks for throwing us optimization tips along the way.

    • @TheInteractiveImmersiveHQ
      @TheInteractiveImmersiveHQ  2 года назад

      No problem! It's always something that is better to learn along the way then get stuck with bad performance at the end of the project!

  • @martinrivera1686
    @martinrivera1686 2 года назад +1

    I love that I can see the action of the Ergo M575 on the paint graph. Hahaha
    Awesome as always!

  • @samegan8763
    @samegan8763 2 года назад

    Suddenly it starts making a lot of sense. Thank you for that :)

  • @thewestisburning9869
    @thewestisburning9869 2 года назад +2

    Excellent explanation! Thank you!

  • @dreamaera
    @dreamaera 2 года назад

    Another great resource for the community, thank you!

  • @garyhost354
    @garyhost354 2 года назад +1

    Thanks a lot. You and your team have really helped me alot on my start to touch designer. I’ll be definitely subscribing to your educational site this week.

    • @TheInteractiveImmersiveHQ
      @TheInteractiveImmersiveHQ  2 года назад

      Thanks, Gary! I'm glad you're enjoying our materials! Can't wait to see you in The HQ PRO!

  • @TrionfoLive
    @TrionfoLive 2 года назад +1

    This tutorial was super useful and informative, thanks

  • @___shanaaa
    @___shanaaa 2 года назад +1

    This broke it down in a really great way . thank you !
    Touch is playing well with Windows 11?

    • @TheInteractiveImmersiveHQ
      @TheInteractiveImmersiveHQ  2 года назад

      Thanks, Shana! Glad you enjoyed it! TouchDesigner + Windows 11 are playing alright so far. I have had a few issues with my dongle recently, but I'm not really sure what that's about. Other than a few random things in Windows 11 that I wish were easier to tweak, it's working!

  • @sabrinawst
    @sabrinawst Год назад

    Thank you for this Feedback Tutorial, it helps me a lot!!!
    I have a question about Feedback but I can't find the answer anywhere. When I need to rest the Feedback TOP pulse, is there any way to control it automatically? Like reset it on Time or at a Frame. Thank you.

    • @TheInteractiveImmersiveHQ
      @TheInteractiveImmersiveHQ  Год назад +1

      You could use the Timer CHOP to trigger the reset after a certain amount of time (either frames or seconds) and set it loop if you want it continuously repeat the reset trigger.
      If you want to use the TouchDesigner timeline, you can use the Timeline CHOP. Hope that helps!

  • @brian_hermelijn
    @brian_hermelijn 2 года назад +1

    Would love to join the HQ, but will have to do so at a later time, as I am currently already following another study. But loved the explanation~!

  • @niao-jl4oy
    @niao-jl4oy 2 года назад +1

    thank you ~ very clear!

  • @adrianarvidsson1384
    @adrianarvidsson1384 11 месяцев назад

    boss! very educative!

  • @printingnature
    @printingnature Год назад

    Thank you for your help

  • @plugmeinplease1193
    @plugmeinplease1193 Год назад

    Hey great tutorial! Are there any techniques I can use to preserve alpha while using this method? I'm getting black "Erasing" if I try to incorporate this feedback loop into a more complicated network with several COMPS.

    • @TheInteractiveImmersiveHQ
      @TheInteractiveImmersiveHQ  Год назад

      Thanks! :) This can be somewhat tricky as it depends on the kind of effects you're applying. You might be able to use some kind of masking, chroma keying, or level TOP (to reduce opacity slightly) later on in the feedback loop to add transparency back into the signal.

  • @jkoolish
    @jkoolish 11 месяцев назад

    What would be the best way to accomplish a similar effect, but using a live video input?

    • @TheInteractiveImmersiveHQ
      @TheInteractiveImmersiveHQ  11 месяцев назад

      For this effect to work on a live video feed, you'll need to have a way to cut out the background around the main "subject" of the camera's view (i.e. a person). There are a variety of ways to achieve this, including:
      - Chroma/color keying if you have a greenscreen or similar solid background
      - A Kinect or similar device
      - The Nvidia Background TOP (if you have an Nvidia graphics card)
      - An external software package
      Once the background is removed, you can run the signal into the feedback loop an experiment in the same way we've covered in this video. Hope that helps!

    • @jkoolish
      @jkoolish 11 месяцев назад

      I found a way to do it using a shader patch, and mixing the previous frame with the current frame, without having to cut out the background. Thanks.@@TheInteractiveImmersiveHQ

  • @ilyayee
    @ilyayee 2 года назад

    appreciate a lot!

  • @MikeHancho663
    @MikeHancho663 Год назад

    at 4:01 how does he move the slider by hand?

    • @TheInteractiveImmersiveHQ
      @TheInteractiveImmersiveHQ  Год назад +1

      Great question! Elburz is using the value ladder, which is a way of interacting with parameter values with the mouse. To access it, mouse over the parameter, click and hold the middle mouse button, which will bring up the value ladder. Then, while still holding the middle mouse button, move the cursor over the value you want to increment or decrement by, and then from there moving the mouse to the left will decrement and right will increment by the chosen value. Sounds complex at first, but it's very easy once you get the hang of it! It's a great tool for testing values quickly. More here:

  • @sambeard4428
    @sambeard4428 Год назад

    Are feedback loops the only type of loop that is possible in TD without writing specific modules?

    • @TheInteractiveImmersiveHQ
      @TheInteractiveImmersiveHQ  Год назад

      Are you looking for looping functionality in relation to textures or other kinds of data? If you're looking for other ways of experimenting with time-based effects within the world of textures, it's worth checking out the cache TOP and time machine TOP. Hope that helps!

    • @sambeard4428
      @sambeard4428 Год назад

      @@TheInteractiveImmersiveHQ ok cool, thanks for the reply. I was just thinking about procedural algorithms I'm which you want certain steps to run a determined but dynamic amount of times, like the tiling for instance. This would be a TOP ofcourse but I imagine it being useful for CHOPS as well.

    • @sambeard4428
      @sambeard4428 Год назад

      I've seen a video that uses the replicator component, which is closer to what i was thinking of

  • @attracteuretrange2543
    @attracteuretrange2543 Год назад

    Hi when I keep Level op. Opacity quite high (0.6 ), there are artifacts remaining (forever ), but when i adjust in low they don't disappear they juste become black... any hint?

    • @TheInteractiveImmersiveHQ
      @TheInteractiveImmersiveHQ  Год назад +1

      This can happen due to rounding error when the pixel format is set to the default 8bit Fixed RGBA mode. Try setting the pixel format of the TOP that feeds into the feedback loop to 16bit Fixed RGBA and see if that helps.

    • @attracteuretrange2543
      @attracteuretrange2543 Год назад

      Fixed :) i did it with a fit op as i'm in a custom component... Thx a lot! @@TheInteractiveImmersiveHQ

  • @halcyon__r3289
    @halcyon__r3289 2 года назад


  • @oceanradiostation3146
    @oceanradiostation3146 6 месяцев назад


  • @MintGreenSparkles
    @MintGreenSparkles 2 года назад

    thank u :~)

  • @_0O0O0O0_
    @_0O0O0O0_ 15 дней назад

    Tell me you're an over explainer without saying you're an over explainer