My daughter & I went to see John Edward after years seeing him on TV, when he was on his tour of Britain, & on the way there, my horse suddenly popped into my head, he'd died ten years earlier & I still missed him, so I said to my daughter, "I wonder if a horse could come through" she gave me a one eyebrowed look & said "probably not mum" Imagine my shock & delight when the first thing out of his mouth when he'd done his intro was "this is gonna sound weird & it's never happened before, but a horse just walked out onto the stage ! I swear he walked out then turned round & walked back off stage" John Edward is the real deal !
Aloha John, I live here on the beautiful island of Oahu, Hawaii. born Leap Year 1944. Just lost my only true love this past year, after being married since 1961. I miss and love him so much! I truly have a deep interest in what you do! I, as a young child started having prophetic dreams.. of course, I didn’t know at that young age it was.. but it was sometimes confusing for me because when I would tell the adults around me about my dreams or that “I saw that in my dream” the adults used to laugh and say it was”all in my mind”, or “you have a strong imagination”! Now, I will be 80 yo on Leap Year .. born 1944, Oahu, Hawaii Can you please tell me what you can “see” about me.
I know there are a lot of people hurting ...The continuation of Life is REAL indeed. We have Hope on this earth, for the Light and Love of Jesus, who does await us after crossing over...nothing to fear.
I really enjoy the readings when the people discover they are being read or the details come thru that are unique to their stories. Comforting to know there is a place beyond and not just a religious fabrication.
LMFAO, or he is a professional bullshit artist who takes advantage of people grieving for profit.... Look up Cold Reading, all he is doing are cold readings literally anyone with some practice can do what he does, asks a bunch of extremely vague and open ended questions, he hires RIngers to sit in the audience to lie about him getting a "hit" this is proven many times again to be total horse shit. you realize anyone can just claim they are psychic, and without a shadow of doubt people will whole heartedly believe them because they are mourning and desperate for closure. its sad, its fucked up, theres a reason South Park named this man the "Biggest Douche in the Universe.' cause he is a big, phat, phony. Also, you are watching this on television... you realize MOST if not all talk shows edit the crap out of videos to totally warp context and add flair. Extremely common practice, especially when you are lying for a living.
👆THANK YOU FOR YOUR COMMENT! Geez I can’t believe that ANYONE believes these FAKE, GREEDY CHARLATANS still!! I think it was PT Barnum who said “there’s a sucker born every minute”. Wow was he RIGHT! Dummies just keep giving their time and hard earned money to these crooks to get wrong info more often than not because they HAVE to believe that grandma is in a happy place! I believe in the afterlife, but I sure as hell know that NO ONE on earth is going to tell me about it! The ONLY one of them I’d believe is if they told someone that their parents hate their spouses or that their aunt is disgusted about how they’re living their lives! Lol!! Of course, you’ll NEVER hear anything like that from any of these crooks..just researched facts and cold guesses that are all fuzzy to make the dummies feel good!
John doesn't have to do "research", he's psychic. I'm 63 years old, not famous, but have been psychic as long as I can remember. So was my mother and her mother. I get many of the same symbols that John, and other psychics do. And yes, you can speak to people after their bodies have died, because they didn't die, only their bodies died. It still surprises me that there are so many people out there who don't even try to understand this. As John has said many times, we are energy, and energy doesn't die. I don't like it when people say 'Do you believe in this?". It's not a belief, it's a fact. John is helping many, many people, and he is very much admired and appreciated. We are all on different paths and on different spiritual levels, and many people out there just don't understand this yet. That's okay. But being mean-spirited and cruel with your comments, and laughing about someone who is working so hard to help other people, is disrespectful and childish. Actually, I feel like laughing at you because you are so wrong, but it's more sad than funny. There will come a time when you will understand - probably after you crossover yourself, as we all will do at some point. When I see such negative comments as I read below, I wonder what that person is so afraid of.
Notice how she doesn't do that anymore, though? I'm sure she used to do that because she really didn't know better and, frankly, that's her personality.
No she did it because she’s on a fake TV show and had/has a team of researchers who already had all the information she needed to know for her *amazing* “real” random comments! Geez I’m always shocked at how many people STILL believe that there are actually psychics/mediums! IF they’re SO REAL AND come NOT ONE predicted the COVID pandemic coming?? Hmm 🤔 ALL A BUNCH OF GREEDY, FAKE CHARLATANS!
@@binaryfairy4197” I don't know if you lost a brother, or if you have a brother figure, or a friend of yours lost a contemporary". Wow John, you really nailed that one, I'm getting goosebumps.
@@Anonymous56657 most common first letter of a female name, Mary is the most common female first name too, followed by Marie, which is one of his guesses a lot.
I know someone who worked for him - as a personal assistant. And when she was drunk I asked her - did you ever see anything that indicated he was faking. She said No. I always wondered how did he learn his craft. Where does JE, TC, GA all learned to do cold reading?
Apparently spirits can form full sentences after the psychic knows the information from the volunteer, however for some reason they are completely incapable of remembering their own name.
@@gd.523 ///// He sucks so bad no one would ever believe him. Right? Then, asshat, why does he have a multi year waiting list for clients? (Clue- because he is a real medium and gives spirit messages from the departed). Now you know the truth. Can you accept it? Or will you remain a dummy forever?
He is a TOTAL CON and is TERRIBLE AT IT! He just keeps guessing, talking fast so people lose track of what he is doing. “A brother? A brother?” “Audience member bites “my brother in law?” “Yes! Brother in law will do that to me”..absurd.
I often wonder if they ever see any of their relatives themselves. They both seem to ask similar questions. And I’ve noticed when they don’t get a quick response from someone or that person says no I haven’t, they move on to someone else. The more I watch them I get the feeling that it’s bullshit.
Edwards getting a "Connection" with crew/band members is VERY routine for him. Remember, Edwards would not travel to these performances alone, he would have multiple people associated with him unbeknownst to the individuals who are being read & thus give away their valuable information. Even though the cast would not have not told Edwards directly it can be easily transferred, known as a warm/hot reading.
@@k0smon Poor comeback deluded one,I hardly ever touch booze and when I do it's a pint or two of cider and no more. Wouldn't touch spirits if you paid me,and I certainly wouldn't hand any money over to fake ass psychopaths like John Edwards. Keep drinking the kool aid kid. But seriously, seek help. You're a poor lost little soul and I'm actually starting to feel sorry for you, your life must be so empty to have to believe that complete strangers can communicate with dead people. I see a letter D ,anyone know what it stands for? Yes that's right it's DELUSIONAL. Oh p,s I bet you think Sylvia Browne was a legit medium aswell? 😘🤡
@@brucebiggy3593 /// Sorry, sad one, communicating with the so called dead has been done for ages. I have attended 2 materialization sessions (look them up so you will have at least a minute amount of understanding). So I know you are wrong, o illiterate one. Come on up to the current time where we realize there is more than 1 dimension to reality.
I'm not the only one in the comments who isn't gullible as hell then! Did you count how many misses he got before the person latched onto something, Jeez! talk about easily manipulated, people believe this because they don't know how to think critically, it saddens me
It's pretty amazing, he was really bombing but a few consecutive hits with that woman in the band and they were all forgotten. He's pretty good at making his misses disappear.
Art Poet no, it's what they do. He missed a ton with the first woman, but once he had someone who jumped up and agreed to the suicide and he knew it was a brother in law, he was able to make all kinds of assumptions off of that information. Based on the age of the sister and the fact that they had children, it makes sense that she would probably remarry. And if she had not yet married, he would just say that she was going to marry the guy she was with soon. If the woman had said that he sister had not dated anyone, he would then say that the spirit of her husband wanted her to move on and get married. That's how this stuff works. Learn about cold reading and you will see how it's done. It's all a farce.
Art Poet.... How the F*ck do you know what John Edward would Say If....???? you're addressing this situation in a COMPLETELY HYPOTHETICAL scenario you dreamed up in your head.... and SPEWING your SELF-RIOTOUS OPINION as if it were an absolute unequivocal FACT!!!
He's asking because he wants answers, but for some reason, a person doesn't remember or are too scared to answer. If you don't believe, why are you here? That's the real BIZARRE mystery here. Why is it that skeptics always gravitate to "crap" like this? You don't believe? Cool! Go watch a chocolate cake recipe video then.
People, let him say everything he’s seeing, hearing & feeling. All of it, and at the end, maybe someone claims the story. We say too much. They are masters of human nature. What you say, how you say it. Their creating your story from you and you all want it so bad. Understand? Look at the videos and all the information we give. Give them nothing but a yes or know at best and watch your body language. Your giving up that way as well.
Yep, because, Go Figure, the "producers and staff" are human too, and had/have familes. Funny how you assume that a man with this ability should only be limited to reading the audience. News Flash: the spirit realm reaches beyond your limited perspective and your exclusive box, and it doesn't bend to your rules of segregation. 😊
NatureForce37 Or perhaps it’s because it’s much easier to do research on people who are working for the show making for some accurate “psychic” readings.
@@stephenwolf6620 Whatevs. You believe what you believe (or lack thereof), and I believe what I believe. Two parallel lines. We don't EVER have to intersect. Go your own way. I'll go mine. Thank you.
If someone has not experienced spirit energy it may be hard to believe. When one has had this or a medium has sent you a message its amazingly comforting. Mediums understand 3d, 4d and 5th dimensions or frequency. Like a whistle we can not hear but our dog can. If an animal senses something why cant a human? YES we are rising above animal instinct and using the other 75% of our brain. There are people who hear, smell, sense and see spirit energy. It has nothing to do with race, religion, gender or creed we all have the ability to be positive and understand or negative and walk away
So, John Edward, when my oldest brother attended one of your "performances", why didn't the spirit of our youngest brother Nick come forth with the name of his murderer? If spirits can give you a first initial, why can't they just give you the rest of the letters of the murderer's name? If a spirit can convey a concept as specific as a "special meal" then why don't spirits of murder victims convey images of, say, where the murder took place? And why would our Nick, an impatient young man, squander the opportunity to bring justice to his family by yammering about petty, insignificant things like a wristwatch, or sunglasses, or his motorcycle?
67/// Ask Nick. He is wiser now. He may not know who killed him, or he may see that a higher wisdom tells him not to reveal that information. What he says is to convince you that it is him, not to set the world straight.
@@k0smon assuming Nick didn't know his killer he still would not identify himself with trivial things. Nick hated materialism and would never identify in that way. He had countless personality quirks and an distinctive way of communicating. We'd know it was him immediately. He was cocky, arrogant and a bit vain. He would've bragged about his intellect or his enormous phallus. He would've conveyed images of countless shenanigans he got into in his 21 years. We don't nees to ask Nick anything. We have memories of 21 years of that precious little troublemaker to remember him by. We no longer wait with baited for the phone to ring with news that Nick's murderer was found. We found our peace... and did it without the interference of some con artist.
@@yossarian6799 /// The spirit will prove his identity whatever way he can think of, no matter how mundane it may be. Glad you have found peace. Some things are just out of your control.
I agree she is very pretty but she's got to be as dumb as shit to believe the shit this guy is coming out with ! the dead cant talk this guy is just cold reading it really is that simple !
Dmax so why do you watch stuff like this somewhere along the line you must believe I want to believe that you relatives are in heaven or do you just believe in limbo or hell or just laying in the ground. After all we are just a ball of energy when we die I have some day when you’re relatives tap you on the Shoulder you will believe
@@3dmaxuser But NOT all of them are taking advantage, thats sooo assumptive and arrogant. do you pay for your car to be fixed by the mechanic? or the dentist,ect? There people WILLINGLY show up and ASK for a reading and are grateful for it,it really does help them. you're saying People like John Edward are fakes taking advantage of others, this is a two way street, stop playing victims advocate when you yourself are being cruel and mean spirited. there is a spirit world and life is forever,whether you believe it or not,its NOT all bullshit. besides how died and put your ass in charge of life and the Universe. How do you know that these reading arent helping people? you dont. what about love kindness and respect!?? what about that?
@@keithmccaslyn2527 You do make me laugh !! I went to one of Edwards shows and he failed on almost every bloody reading and the things he did get right where just simple facts that anyone could have guessed. the guys a total fake just like all the rest... if life is for ever as you say where did all these new spirits come from?? answer me that ! and just in case you don't understand the question, I mean there are more people alive on this planet right now than there ever has been in the history of the human race. NO ONE can talk to the DEAD !! NO ONE !! because they are DEAD !! dumbo !! and yes all these so called psychics are fake and are taking advantage of stupid people, you have to ask yourself why don't these so called psychics ever give any real information out ? its always some crap that could apply to anyone at any given time in any given place. but you keep believing in this shit all you like I can promise you it wont do you any good in the long run.. I feel sorry for you, you poor little sheep :)
"Famous person" - Fail "Someone with the letter M" - Great great grandfather who used to be a MORMON "Brain tumour" - Grandmother had a brain aneurysm "You have a brother or brother figure" - Fail **Intern who works on the show** "Anyones brother that passed from a suicide" - Brother in law. "It was an act that he meant to go through with" - That is what a suicide is. An act of trying to kill ones self "He is apologising about how he was found" - What possible condition would someone who has committed suicide be found in a favourable way. "I don't think it was his first attempt" - This is very likely of people who are depressed. Plus there would not be any way of confirming this. "Pink Rose" - Fail "I don't know if this is your sisters husband" - Very clever. How else would the brother in law be related, the only possible way is that they would be their sisters husband/boyfriend. "Do they have three kids" - Sort of hit. She had 2 from the first marriage, and one with the brother in law. "Sign of Virgo, End of August into September" - Sisters first son is a Virgo. So the dead brother in law is talking about the first son his sister had WHO IS NOT HIS BIOLOGICAL SON. "Congratulate your sister on the new marriage" - Hit. Got married last year. *Again, Someone who works on the show** "Someone just had their dog put down" - John Edward hardly ever has pets coming through. On this occasion he knows specifically that someone who works on the show has had their dog put down. Coincidence? This information has clearly been fed to him or he has had it researched. A fucking dog people, So now he can talk to fucking animals. People this should be illegal what he is doing.
Jelly science loser. He is spot on. If you think it's cold reading go and do it to an audience. I bet you can't convince 1% of the people that you are psychic.
I am a skeptic, but I refuse to believe that anybody could live with themself as a confidence trickster on such a high level. He does hit points that are not random feelers.
Con artists narcissists sociopaths etc are not normal people like us. They don't care and don't have shame. He's a millionaire, he lives with himself and his fraud very very easily.
I'm not usually a skeptic and I do like John, but after seeing many of his and his friend (some woman whose name is beginning with a C) I am a skeptic. He and that woman are always asking about someone with a "J" in their name. Maybe that's the most common letter in a name? Still, whether or not he is a genuine medium or not, he does no harm
It is harmful to encourage fraud and make a living exploiting the bereaved. That really is so wrong and supports those 'psychic hot lines' that charge people a fortune.
I started to believe him watching him for the past several days but he always uses the letter J and the letter M and always says brain tumor or cancer 🤦🏽♀️ it’s ridiculous
Only one thing for sure..we will all die. We are energy and we all have the ability to see what you feel Jan. Mediums understand 3d, 4d and 5th dimensions or frequency. Like a whistle we can not hear but our dog can. If an animal senses something why cant a human? YES we are rising above animal instinct and using the other 75% of our brain. Congratulations ! There are people who hear, smell, sense and see spirit energy. It has nothing to do with race, religion, gender or creed we all have the ability to be positive and understand or negative and walk away.
I think any of us with even the slightest opening in our minds can be accessed if we allow it, and if the person seeking communication is loud enough. Your presence must have something very important to say, just be careful about what kind of things you do or say to them to figure it out. Be mindful of what else might be around that could take advantage of your open mind.
Can you explain how he knew it was the sisters husband committed suicide, the deceased had 3 kids, and to tell that the sister had recently remarried? If you say it was all prearranged then you claim the host and the show are fraudulent
Brain aneurysm -- the M was obviously for Meredith and the fame is probably also applicable to her connection, since he was gaining connections to her staff members specifically -- probably just because they're there in that building so often. 🤷♀️ I feel like people try really hard to prove him wrong even though it's more often easier to consider the explanations!
@@s0lastsummer7 So hang on, you're defending him by saying that the M and the fame applied to the living woman sitting next to him that he managed to somehow detect through psychic powers?! That's some amaaaazing ablity right there!!
So we think that just because we believe in something and others don't, we dont want them to point out facts, we just want to keep believing cause it makes us feel good even if it's false? Who is closed minded? Are we that shallow that we must believe in bullshit to find happiness inside? If you need someone to lie to you for you to find peace inside then you never will. There are some hard things to deal with out there and we can't be lied too about all of them. Me, id rather find peace and happiness inside without someone's deception. This guy is a joke. They might not all be, but he is. And there will always be people that rain on your parade when it comes to you believing in something for happiness. That's why it never works. Happiness is not outside ourselves, its inside. I welcome different perspectives on everything i see. Love to all
I have never heard this guy or any other phsycic talk about a deceased person who is not ok,they always tell the people what they want to hear that the loved one is doing great on the "other side"as they put it,plus the mediums never mention heaven or hell and don't say anything about God or Jesus,its a deception.
Marc//// It is up to the spirit who comes to the medium to make the contact. Those who are not "ok" do not wish to make contact. The medium is not a preacher, and has no reason to mention heaven, hell, God or Jesus.
Every living think has a soul of somekind,yes all the creatures of the world pass into spirit even insects.He is no fruad.Seek and you will find the truth.I like you laughed but I spent time and energy to discover more,its there but you need to look for it.However an open mind is needed.If you totally believe all this is nonsense then you are blocking out the truth.
He only receives from souls that are emotionally connected to the people close in proximity to him. So unless you cried at your bacon's funeral yesterday, nah. I'm quite a skeptical person but he fascinates me because some of the very specific things he comes up with he also says with absolute confidence and not as questions, and they will be things that aren't all that common so he isn't just winning a coin toss. I thought it was interesting to see him talk to dr. Phil and at first it seemed like he was swinging and missing about 50/50, until he said he wanted to all his wife because her memory is so good, she walked in and all the "misses" were about her connections, because she'd been standing right outside the door listening, so he was close enough to pick up on her. There are just little things that make me believe just a little harder... but I also WANT to, which I'm sure sways me. 😂
Please do shows of people that actually have supernatural powers that do not speak of irrelevant things that people already know. Do a show of how these, so called phsycics get their abilities by revealing how the spiritual world works.
I made it into about 2 minutes, and then I had to stop watching. Like, seriously? Are there people out there who view this and think "wow, this guy is amazing and spot-on!" ??
@@k0smon he is an obvious fraud, everyone who has a brain stem can tell. Even South Park did a full episode on his BS and how he does this.. he is a douche
"Did he kill himself? He's apologizing for how he was found." It's the same with EVERY psychic. The dead apologizing for how they were found if they had killed themself."
Question when asking a person a question why do you answer the question with that answer the exact answer that you're actually asking for and if so why do you speak so fast
I'm not saying he's lying but the lady who's brother in law committed suicide had said "in her first marriage" so he probably took that information and assumed she was re married 🤷♂️
Jaxo I think she said she had 2 kids before the husband that passed and then one with him, like he was the second husband and now she’s on her third. Maybe I’m wrong
Ipen, yes I was seeing spirit. but not all the time, occasionally it was Spirit energy at night ,sometimes .faces too ! I have had experiences which surprised me I was nine and my Grandmother was to be buried the next day, in the early hours went get a glass of water, I was about to descend the stairs when I saw my Grandmother moving along the hallway, i was shocked mum had told me she was dead so seeing her sent goosebumps and electrical feeling, she was trying to climb the stairs , instantly saw another lady she was shaking her head at gram, this woman was more a Spirit with a glow about her whereas Fran looked more natural looking She probably had not gone over properly. I found out a few years later that the second lady was my grab,s sister my Great aunt. I thought afterwards that my aunt was trying not frighten me This was my first time of seeing Spirit. . I was just wondering why the question. Mediums when working sometimes sense hear and see. I hope that has helped you Try watching Mr Gordon Higginson, who used to be the Spiritualist National Union, he as and still is a brilliant medium ,you will learn a lot from him. He is in RUclips videos doing lectures and courses. Good luck . This is an old saying ("Mediums are born not made")
I love this man! if only I can find out if he would ever come to Florida. I would get tickets to see him and bring friend with me so they can see how he works.
@@jeeperscriminy So, if the afterlife is proven by these so called psychics. Then that would be it, it would be the single greatest discovery in the history of mankind. Why cant one of the dead just tell us the true religion to follow and that would be it. But then again, lets see if this guy could go to India and see if he could connect with anyone. Because Hindus believe in different Gods, so they would all be in hell. So really, he shouldnt be able to connect to anyone.
@@Anonymous56657 because God is beyond religion. All religions are human made as a way to try to make sense about what they don't understand. You question John Edward, but you don't question someone telling you that a man came back from the dead and hung out and talked to his friends for a few days and then left again. That a woman who was a virgin was impregnated magically by an angel? That some guy named Moses talked to a burning bush (who was God) and parted a sea so that his followers could walk across, on the sea bed that was revealed when the water parted? Who's talking about crazy stories now?
He might be a sociopath. Obviously not a violent or murderous one. The fluent confidence, lack of guilt, shame and empathy is clear to see. He's a very good actor and can play this unusual game rather well
Wouldnt you be able to if you made as much money as him? Do you have any idea how much money you make for an hour show when there are 1000 people in the audience who all paid $100+ for a ticket? He isnt a sociopath he just mastered doing hot readings and became a multimillionaire.
@@k0smon I gave it to the spirits. They are on their way to your house with it. If you dont actually work with John, i sincerely feel sorry for you as a human being for all the time you spend on youtube video comments defending something you know absolutely nothing about.
If I were to go to a physic...I'd say I'd like you to contact a departed loved one. I wouldn't tell them if that loved one was a grandparent, friend, teacher (not that teacher's are loved ones, but I had a teacher that every student loved), pet....I'd just say loved one, and see if they could do the rest. If they said something like "Is it your grandfather?" I'd respond with "I don't know, you tell me"...then if they said something like "I've got an old man..."and spat out some stuff about my grandfather (or whoever it is they said the had) that I had not told them, then I'd be convinced.
Wolfmyth100 that’s usually what happens... I don’t believe 100% but I mostly believe because I’ve had an experience with a psychic before who knew very personal stuff about me and what I do and have done that I never tell anyone about let alone publicly broadcast (because it’s bad shameful stuff). I especially know she was legit because she refused my money and refused a service to me at that moment because I was not in the right state of mind (related to personal bad stuff) but that I can come back when my mind was... let’s say “not compromised” at least for the time we were together . I told her I don’t think I can do it but she still offered talked to me for a bit for free. the reason why he asks if it could be your grandfather is because he sees symbols and signs and stuff like that so if he sees an old man that is “above you” then that could be a multitude of things such as a uncle or a grandpa or maybe even a father in law. Other types of psychics are able to hear, feel and see the actual spirit so the messages can come in clearer for them. If you end up seeing one and you didn’t like the experience, try again with someone who is recommended to you and highly referred. I saw some random psychic before the aforementioned one and she was bad and deterred me from the whole thing for a while.
Ahh, the accuracy! How does anyone just guess that a brother commited suicide, but was present during a graduation and a wedding?! Plus, the DOG at the end?! Omg Wow. All these doubters and unbelievers in the comments! Mock him all you want, I've followed this guy, and his accuracy is staggering!
@Sylvia isgod THANK YOU for your "dummy" insult to me!💜 Your rudeness is a testament to how lonely, sad, and heartless you are. When you have no one to love you, I can definitely see how disgusting and repulsive one would become. Have a nice life! 😂😂❤
He said there is someone in the audience who is famous or celebrated in some way, the girl gets up and says" I have a great great grandfather that was famous for being a Mormon" I mean,come on. He asked her if she had a brother who committed suicide, she said "no" he was wrong and then he had to generalize it and said" is there anybody else here whos brother committed suicide" and then the woman in the band said her sister's husband did, that's not a brother. Then he said "did someone have to put their dog down today" and the woman said"my parents put their dog down" that is not HER dog. Don't you see that he is throwing out things that have a very high statistical possiblity of being accurate when you are talking to large groups of people. Suicide, someone in the family past or present that have been acclimated for something, putting a dog down. Most people can connect with these things in some way, I can. Anyway, what was the point of all this? The girl's Mormon great great grandfather is coming through to say hi, The dog in heaven is saying hi. The whole thing is so silly. These people are scum, they're getting rich from exploiting grieving people. Please don't support them with your money.
@@davidsheriff9274 Oh hello there! You've responded to an old thread. Let me catch you up on what's happened since this thread was made: Trump lost, more racial injustices have taken place, Kyle Rittenhouse was found not guilty, and COVID is still happening. Welcome to the relevant present! Have a nice day😄
If a person learns the Holy spirit it will show you things u never could imagine.i knew my friends wife was ganna die I told my mother as witness.a week later she passed away.he is no fake he is using his spirit.we are all capable if you create a relationship with your spirit within is a is flesh one is super natural...period ask me something I can tell you too if the spirit allows will happen when u dont sin alot.....I have learned sin cuts me off.
My daughter & I went to see John Edward after years seeing him on TV, when he was on his tour of Britain, & on the way there, my horse suddenly popped into my head, he'd died ten years earlier & I still missed him, so I said to my daughter, "I wonder if a horse could come through" she gave me a one eyebrowed look & said "probably not mum"
Imagine my shock & delight when the first thing out of his mouth when he'd done his intro was "this is gonna sound weird & it's never happened before, but a horse just walked out onto the stage !
I swear he walked out then turned round & walked back off stage"
John Edward is the real deal !
yvette aHarrison Jesus is the real deal
He's the real fraud
frank a Who John Edwards or Jesus?
@@drewbullet1318 meant John Edward
Amazing!! Thanks for sharing yvette. That must have felt so special for you.
Aloha John,
I live here on the beautiful island of Oahu, Hawaii. born Leap Year 1944.
Just lost my only true love this past year, after being married since 1961. I miss and love him so much!
I truly have a deep interest in what you do!
I, as a young child started having prophetic dreams.. of course, I didn’t know at that young age it was..
but it was sometimes confusing for me because when I would tell the adults around me about my dreams or that “I saw that in my dream” the adults used to laugh and say it was”all in my mind”,
or “you have a strong imagination”!
Now, I will be 80 yo on Leap Year .. born 1944, Oahu, Hawaii
Can you please tell me what you can “see” about me.
If this is all just a magic trick, John is an outstandingly talented magician.
No Magic, a Gift. From God.
@@markavell7111😂😅 your slow bro
I know there are a lot of people hurting ...The continuation of Life is REAL indeed. We have Hope on this earth, for the Light and Love of Jesus, who does await us after crossing over...nothing to fear.
I really enjoy the readings when the people discover they are being read or the details come thru that are unique to their stories. Comforting to know there is a place beyond and not just a religious fabrication.
LMFAO, or he is a professional bullshit artist who takes advantage of people grieving for profit.... Look up Cold Reading, all he is doing are cold readings literally anyone with some practice can do what he does, asks a bunch of extremely vague and open ended questions, he hires RIngers to sit in the audience to lie about him getting a "hit" this is proven many times again to be total horse shit. you realize anyone can just claim they are psychic, and without a shadow of doubt people will whole heartedly believe them because they are mourning and desperate for closure. its sad, its fucked up, theres a reason South Park named this man the "Biggest Douche in the Universe.' cause he is a big, phat, phony. Also, you are watching this on television... you realize MOST if not all talk shows edit the crap out of videos to totally warp context and add flair. Extremely common practice, especially when you are lying for a living.
👆THANK YOU FOR YOUR COMMENT! Geez I can’t believe that ANYONE believes these FAKE, GREEDY CHARLATANS still!!
I think it was PT Barnum who said “there’s a sucker born every minute”. Wow was he RIGHT! Dummies just keep giving their time and hard earned money to these crooks to get wrong info more often than not because they HAVE to believe that grandma is in a happy place! I believe in the afterlife, but I sure as hell know that NO ONE on earth is going to tell me about it! The ONLY one of them I’d believe is if they told someone that their parents hate their spouses or that their aunt is disgusted about how they’re living their lives! Lol!! Of course, you’ll NEVER hear anything like that from any of these crooks..just researched facts and cold guesses that are all fuzzy to make the dummies feel good!
John doesn't have to do "research", he's psychic. I'm 63 years old, not famous, but have been psychic as long as I can remember. So was my mother and her mother. I get many of the same symbols that John, and other psychics do. And yes, you can speak to people after their bodies have died, because they didn't die, only their bodies died. It still surprises me that there are so many people out there who don't even try to understand this. As John has said many times, we are energy, and energy doesn't die. I don't like it when people say 'Do you believe in this?". It's not a belief, it's a fact. John is helping many, many people, and he is very much admired and appreciated. We are all on different paths and on different spiritual levels, and many people out there just don't understand this yet. That's okay. But being mean-spirited and cruel with your comments, and laughing about someone who is working so hard to help other people, is disrespectful and childish. Actually, I feel like laughing at you because you are so wrong, but it's more sad than funny. There will come a time when you will understand - probably after you crossover yourself, as we all will do at some point. When I see such negative comments as I read below, I wonder what that person is so afraid of.
GKH 3 You don´t even know what energy is
What were you doing on September 10th, 2001?
Unbeleivable this man! What is this?! It is serious!
Moon// Quite serious. The medium has the ability to confer with those in the spirit world.
@@k0smon I have never heared or read about this before! I just have knew last three years by Internet!
@@themoon2988 this is what we call a scam its literary happening in your face you just don't want to pay attention
If you ever feel you might be a bit stupid, just watch these videos and you will realise you are not so stupid after all.
Especially compared to people who can't spell the word 'realize' correctly.
@@yankee2666 Our language, our spelling. You will all be speaking Spanish soon.
@@gweilospur5877 Chinese.
@@gweilospur5877 /// Si, gringo Spanish.
Riggggght. All the readings are staff members. What a great coincidence!
I love how this was a subtle jab at Theresa Cuputo "You dont attack people in the super market" hahaha
Notice how she doesn't do that anymore, though? I'm sure she used to do that because she really didn't know better and, frankly, that's her personality.
No she did it because she’s on a fake TV show and had/has a team of researchers who already had all the information she needed to know for her *amazing* “real” random comments! Geez I’m always shocked at how many people STILL believe that there are actually psychics/mediums! IF they’re SO REAL AND come NOT ONE predicted the COVID pandemic coming?? Hmm 🤔 ALL A BUNCH OF GREEDY, FAKE CHARLATANS!
I’d like to see John and Theresa Caputo read each other
@CK..they would just laugh at all the FOOLS who believe them and compare the size of their bank accounts lol
@@binaryfairy4197” I don't know if you lost a brother, or if you have a brother figure, or a friend of yours lost a contemporary". Wow John, you really nailed that one, I'm getting goosebumps.
I'd like to see them f*ck.
She works as an intern on the show - what a happy coincidence.
3 of the people he read was all working on the show! the first lady USED to work there. kinda strange.
@@elmortobeats5919 If you believe any of this then I feel very sorry for you
I saw him last week and he was brill
You're gullible. Most women fall this crap
Brilliant Horse shit
The 'M" of the famous person connected to the people being read is MEREDITH.
tlyn georgia
All I know is she’s in big trouble now with the Latter Day Saints.
Its always fucking M
@@Anonymous56657 most common first letter of a female name, Mary is the most common female first name too, followed by Marie, which is one of his guesses a lot.
I know someone who worked for him - as a personal assistant. And when she was drunk I asked her - did you ever see anything that indicated he was faking. She said No. I always wondered how did he learn his craft. Where does JE, TC, GA all learned to do cold reading?
Baby// She was correct. It is not learning anything, it is the ability to receive. Cold reading gives no details. Skeptics are so silly sometimes.
@@k0smon lol
@@shaunotoole5861 //// Silly, like you.
They are not cold readers at all. They are hot readers. Thats why the data is so detailed. In fact, they obscure the hits to make it more realistic.
@@a.b.4052 //// They are spirit readers. No temperature involved. You are so full of stupid excuses.
Apparently spirits can form full sentences after the psychic knows the information from the volunteer, however for some reason they are completely incapable of remembering their own name.
You nailed it! That's exactly how it works...and that's what is sad...that it works...
Totally and completely INCORRECT. Not at all what's going on here, thanks.
NatureForce37 have no idea what is going on here. Like the many people that he has conned out of money.
@@gd.523 ... and neither do you. If you don't like it, then move along! No one's begging for anything from folks like you. BYE. #Dismissed
@@NatureForce37 this is just for shits and giggles... you can't honestly believe this crap.. LMAO 😂🤣😂...
John is a complete conman and is very good at what he does.
...and your proof for this is??????? Or is it just your opinion?
He actually sucks at what he does. People are just gullible.
@@gd.523 ///// He sucks so bad no one would ever believe him. Right?
Then, asshat, why does he have a multi year waiting list for clients? (Clue- because he is a real medium and gives spirit messages from the departed). Now you know the truth. Can you accept it? Or will you remain a dummy forever?
He is a TOTAL CON and is TERRIBLE AT IT! He just keeps guessing, talking fast so people lose track of what he is doing. “A brother? A brother?”
“Audience member bites “my brother in law?”
“Yes! Brother in law will do that to me”..absurd.
I often wonder if they ever see any of their relatives themselves. They both seem to ask similar questions. And I’ve noticed when they don’t get a quick response from someone or that person says no I haven’t, they move on to someone else. The more I watch them I get the feeling that it’s bullshit.
Get a reading (from a real medium, like John) and you'll have no doubt that it's real
Edwards getting a "Connection" with crew/band members is VERY routine for him. Remember, Edwards would not travel to these performances alone, he would have multiple people associated with him unbeknownst to the individuals who are being read & thus give away their valuable information. Even though the cast would not have not told Edwards directly it can be easily transferred, known as a warm/hot reading.
Sledge//// You are so silly. His information comes from the spirits who contact him.
@@k0smon When you say spirits, I assume you refer to John Edwards consuming 2 bottles of whiskey before spouting utter drivel?
@@brucebiggy3593 //// Did he take your booze? No wonder you have the DTs. In your stupor, everything sounds like drivel to you.
@@k0smon Poor comeback deluded one,I hardly ever touch booze and when I do it's a pint or two of cider and no more.
Wouldn't touch spirits if you paid me,and I certainly wouldn't hand any money over to fake ass psychopaths like John Edwards.
Keep drinking the kool aid kid. But seriously, seek help. You're a poor lost little soul and I'm actually starting to feel sorry for you, your life must be so empty to have to believe that complete strangers can communicate with dead people.
I see a letter D ,anyone know what it stands for?
Yes that's right it's DELUSIONAL.
Oh p,s I bet you think Sylvia Browne was a legit medium aswell? 😘🤡
@@brucebiggy3593 /// Sorry, sad one, communicating with the so called dead has been done for ages. I have attended 2 materialization sessions (look them up so you will have at least a minute amount of understanding). So I know you are wrong, o illiterate one. Come on up to the current time where we realize there is more than 1 dimension to reality.
I was laughing the whole time like how he is just randomly making things and people are believing him.😂😂
No, you weren't. You're full of shit.
I'm not the only one in the comments who isn't gullible as hell then!
Did you count how many misses he got before the person latched onto something, Jeez! talk about easily manipulated, people believe this because they don't know how to think critically, it saddens me
RS//// If that was the case, he would soon have no clients. Is that what you do?
@@nickydaviesnsdpharms3084 //// Unless you were his client, it would be impossible to count all the 'misses'. Only the client can tell.
@@k0smon the thing is the clients never are aware of the misses because their brain filters and blocks them out, this is why it's confirmation bias
It's pretty amazing, he was really bombing but a few consecutive hits with that woman in the band and they were all forgotten. He's pretty good at making his misses disappear.
that's one perspective
Art Poet no, it's what they do. He missed a ton with the first woman, but once he had someone who jumped up and agreed to the suicide and he knew it was a brother in law, he was able to make all kinds of assumptions off of that information. Based on the age of the sister and the fact that they had children, it makes sense that she would probably remarry. And if she had not yet married, he would just say that she was going to marry the guy she was with soon. If the woman had said that he sister had not dated anyone, he would then say that the spirit of her husband wanted her to move on and get married. That's how this stuff works. Learn about cold reading and you will see how it's done. It's all a farce.
Art Poet.... How the F*ck do you know what John Edward would Say If....???? you're addressing this situation in a COMPLETELY HYPOTHETICAL scenario you dreamed up in your head.... and SPEWING your SELF-RIOTOUS OPINION as if it were an absolute unequivocal FACT!!!
Sorry I meant the lower mssg for Kara ME.....ohhh but since she is now the mind reader,,, she would know that... LOL
Rising to higher frequencies ! @@karame463
That mixed looking girl playing the bass is so foxy looking. Damn what a catch
Sing it like Jimi Hendrix.
"The dog is there" LOL!
andrew brand ....why didn’t he describe the dog 🐕 ? Since he claimed that he saw the dog why not describe him? People are so gullible.
Meredith Vieira is a good dog! Matt Lauer is a bad dog.
@@gd.523 /// You would not be convinced. You can still make up hundreds of excuses why the obvious cannot be so.
I will still give it a thumbs up because it makes people feel better whether or not it is true
lee curtis you could also give grieving people drugs or alcohol to make them feel better. But, it still doesn’t make it right.
He asks more questions than he answers. Quite bizarre that people buy into this crap.
There's a sucker born every minute.
@@estellepatella2520 Agreed!
He's asking because he wants answers, but for some reason, a person doesn't remember or are too scared to answer. If you don't believe, why are you here? That's the real BIZARRE mystery here. Why is it that skeptics always gravitate to "crap" like this? You don't believe? Cool! Go watch a chocolate cake recipe video then.
@Harry Waddington You're not disarming anyone. If you were, they'd all be gone by now. What you're doing is taking up unnecessary space.
@Harry Waddington That's not what you're doing. You're a troll.
People, let him say everything he’s seeing, hearing & feeling. All of it, and at the end, maybe someone claims the story. We say too much. They are masters of human nature. What you say, how you say it. Their creating your story from you and you all want it so bad. Understand? Look at the videos and all the information we give. Give them nothing but a yes or know at best and watch your body language. Your giving up that way as well.
Hmmmm interesting. He always connects with the producers or staff working on, said show.
Yep, because, Go Figure, the "producers and staff" are human too, and had/have familes. Funny how you assume that a man with this ability should only be limited to reading the audience. News Flash: the spirit realm reaches beyond your limited perspective and your exclusive box, and it doesn't bend to your rules of segregation. 😊
NatureForce37 Or perhaps it’s because it’s much easier to do research on people who are working for the show making for some accurate “psychic” readings.
@@stephenwolf6620 Whatevs. You believe what you believe (or lack thereof), and I believe what I believe. Two parallel lines. We don't EVER have to intersect. Go your own way. I'll go mine. Thank you.
@Denise G. 👏👏👏👏👏👏 @Denise G.
@@NatureForce37 your a idiot
If someone has not experienced spirit energy it may be hard to believe. When one has had this or a medium has sent you a message its amazingly comforting. Mediums understand 3d, 4d and 5th dimensions or frequency. Like a whistle we can not hear but our dog can. If an animal senses something why cant a human? YES we are rising above animal instinct and using the other 75% of our brain. There are people who hear, smell, sense and see spirit energy. It has nothing to do with race, religion, gender or creed we all have the ability to be positive and understand or negative and walk away
3:54 “Somebody literally just put their dog down. Literally just now.”
Me who euthanized my dog in the parking lot: Omg how did you know
So, John Edward, when my oldest brother attended one of your "performances", why didn't the spirit of our youngest brother Nick come forth with the name of his murderer? If spirits can give you a first initial, why can't they just give you the rest of the letters of the murderer's name?
If a spirit can convey a concept as specific as a "special meal" then why don't spirits of murder victims convey images of, say, where the murder took place?
And why would our Nick, an impatient young man, squander the opportunity to bring justice to his family by yammering about petty, insignificant things like a wristwatch, or sunglasses, or his motorcycle?
Spot on !!
67/// Ask Nick. He is wiser now. He may not know who killed him, or he may see that a higher wisdom tells him not to reveal that information. What he says is to convince you that it is him, not to set the world straight.
@@k0smon assuming Nick didn't know his killer he still would not identify himself with trivial things. Nick hated materialism and would never identify in that way. He had countless personality quirks and an distinctive way of communicating. We'd know it was him immediately. He was cocky, arrogant and a bit vain. He would've bragged about his intellect or his enormous phallus. He would've conveyed images of countless shenanigans he got into in his 21 years.
We don't nees to ask Nick anything. We have memories of 21 years of that precious little troublemaker to remember him by. We no longer wait with baited for the phone to ring with news that Nick's murderer was found. We found our peace... and did it without the interference of some con artist.
@@yossarian6799 /// The spirit will prove his identity whatever way he can think of, no matter how mundane it may be. Glad you have found peace. Some things are just out of your control.
It doesn't work that way
That black chick who lost her brother to suicide is absolutely gorgeous!
Miracle122485 and she dresses cool and plays the bass... so unique and total catch
I agree she is very pretty but she's got to be as dumb as shit to believe the shit this guy is coming out with !
the dead cant talk this guy is just cold reading it really is that simple !
Dmax so why do you watch stuff like this somewhere along the line you must believe I want to believe that you relatives are in heaven or do you just believe in limbo or hell or just laying in the ground. After all we are just a ball of energy when we die I have some day when you’re relatives tap you on the Shoulder you will believe
Dmax so you sat here and watched a bunch of his videos why? Lol he was pretty spot on
I agree, she's very pretty. She looks just a bit like Julia Roberts in her younger days.
What I don't understand, is why if you don't believe in it, you would watch it and then comment on it. Let the people be.
We like to comment because it makes us angry that these people are making money by lying and feeding on people grief.
Riley Herbert w
Because we can...
@@3dmaxuser But NOT all of them are taking advantage, thats sooo assumptive and arrogant. do you pay for your car to be fixed by the mechanic? or the dentist,ect? There people WILLINGLY show up and ASK for a reading and are grateful for it,it really does help them. you're saying People like John Edward are fakes taking advantage of others, this is a two way street, stop playing victims advocate when you yourself are being cruel and mean spirited. there is a spirit world and life is forever,whether you believe it or not,its NOT all bullshit. besides how died and put your ass in charge of life and the Universe. How do you know that these reading arent helping people? you dont. what about love kindness and respect!?? what about that?
@@keithmccaslyn2527 You do make me laugh !! I went to one of Edwards shows and he failed on almost every bloody reading and the things he did get right where just simple facts that anyone could have guessed. the guys a total fake just like all the rest... if life is for ever as you say where did all these new spirits come from?? answer me that ! and just in case you don't understand the question, I mean there are more people alive on this planet right now than there ever has been in the history of the human race. NO ONE can talk to the DEAD !! NO ONE !! because they are DEAD !! dumbo !! and yes all these so called psychics are fake and are taking advantage of stupid people, you have to ask yourself why don't these so called psychics ever give any real information out ? its always some crap that could apply to anyone at any given time in any given place. but you keep believing in this shit all you like I can promise you it wont do you any good in the long run..
I feel sorry for you, you poor little sheep :)
Oh ffs are people still giving these charlatans their money.
DT///// They do not give charlatans their money. The give it to real mediums with a proven track record.
I'm getting an M sounding name from this half of the auidence! 🤣🤣🤣
All connections to the show hosts. He sure did his research. More like just checked their Facebook status haha
Peyton Lee Lmfaooo not fb status!!😂😂
@Brendan Smith thank you! Drew must need attention so badly 🤦♀️
@@Nan-1017 Not as much attention as John Edward
@@brucebiggy3593 ok:)
DB///// You must think the psychic/medium has a photographic memory. How would he know whos information to memorize?
reading theses comments so many people are cruel with potty mouths .
love that description - potty mouths LOL ❤
Couldn't agree more, they've obviously never seen him work !
@@yvetteaharrison2726 He's full of crap, end of.
No he's actually amazing, don't make a judgement till you've seen him in action
@@yvetteaharrison2726 We are watching him in action you complete backwards gammon.
So he only read people who work on the show? People that were guaranteed to be in the room?
MT///// No, he reads those who's spirits (friends and family) ask him to.
Saw spirit properly , gordon was the president of the Spiritual national union
Just bounce around the room untill you get someone right 😂
"Famous person" - Fail
"Someone with the letter M" - Great great grandfather who used to be a MORMON
"Brain tumour" - Grandmother had a brain aneurysm
"You have a brother or brother figure" - Fail
**Intern who works on the show**
"Anyones brother that passed from a suicide" - Brother in law.
"It was an act that he meant to go through with" - That is what a suicide is. An act of trying to kill ones self
"He is apologising about how he was found" - What possible condition would someone who has committed suicide be found in a favourable way.
"I don't think it was his first attempt" - This is very likely of people who are depressed. Plus there would not be any way of confirming this.
"Pink Rose" - Fail
"I don't know if this is your sisters husband" - Very clever. How else would the brother in law be related, the only possible way is that they would be their sisters husband/boyfriend.
"Do they have three kids" - Sort of hit. She had 2 from the first marriage, and one with the brother in law.
"Sign of Virgo, End of August into September" - Sisters first son is a Virgo. So the dead brother in law is talking about the first son his sister had WHO IS NOT HIS BIOLOGICAL SON.
"Congratulate your sister on the new marriage" - Hit. Got married last year.
*Again, Someone who works on the show**
"Someone just had their dog put down" - John Edward hardly ever has pets coming through. On this occasion he knows specifically that someone who works on the show has had their dog put down. Coincidence? This information has clearly been fed to him or he has had it researched. A fucking dog people, So now he can talk to fucking animals.
People this should be illegal what he is doing.
Well written I thought fraudulent behaviour was illegal
Jelly science loser. He is spot on. If you think it's cold reading go and do it to an audience. I bet you can't convince 1% of the people that you are psychic.
@@Johhny_B I don't think Edward convinced 1percent of the audience either
@@frank19593 He convinces everyone besides the close minded. That's why he sells out arenas everywhere he goes.
@Sylvia isgod Science nerd
All those who passed on 9/11 & not a single word of warning from supposed psychics.
Sylvia isgod ..proof
Sylvia isgod lol. You’re right 🤦♀️😜
Yeah. They " forgot " to mention
Covid too ! Too insignificant I
suppose ?
3 of the people he read was all working on the show! the first lady USED to work there. kinda strange coincident.
Why does he seem to only read the people that work on the show every time 🤔🤔🤔
John Edward is wonderful! Helping to heal others with his amazing gift.
Meredith Vieira is so hot, pretty, and beautiful; she is also sweet, lovely, and flawless; such a guardian angel and true blessing!
Love him
Love her
I am a skeptic, but I refuse to believe that anybody could live with themself as a confidence trickster on such a high level. He does hit points that are not random feelers.
You are not clever enough to see through him.
Con artists narcissists sociopaths etc are not normal people like us. They don't care and don't have shame. He's a millionaire, he lives with himself and his fraud very very easily.
He's okay with it on payday.
He is so full of it .
Steve//// Define "it".
What a coincidence he just so happens to pick out everyone in the show 😂
straight away "she's an intern so she works for the show"
my son was murdered is he at peace now
I am sure he is...
no way to really tell. Did he live a just life?
Omg ❤
What breed of dog, John? And what was it's name?
It's called cold reading.
M for mike or Mark or mick or Molly or Martha... 😂 🤣
Yup 👍
He isnt doing cold readings. He is doing hot readings. There is a HUGE difference
I'm not usually a skeptic and I do like John, but after seeing many of his and his friend (some woman whose name is beginning with a C) I am a skeptic. He and that woman are always asking about someone with a "J" in their name. Maybe that's the most common letter in a name? Still, whether or not he is a genuine medium or not, he does no harm
Jane is the most common female name in America and Mark the most common for males Thus they always say they hear a J or M sound
It is harmful to encourage fraud and make a living exploiting the bereaved. That really is so wrong and supports those 'psychic hot lines' that charge people a fortune.
Lee//// Unless you are clairaudient, it is difficult to decipher names, as they are abstract.
Im getting a "U" from this section...did you lose a relative named Ursula the Giant Douche recently...from the horse head nebulous stage 12
I started to believe him watching him for the past several days but he always uses the letter J and the letter M and always says brain tumor or cancer 🤦🏽♀️ it’s ridiculous
common names, common diseases. What? It happens to MILLIONS, so it's likely a few hundred people will die of the same thing.
AC///// You watched him for several days and he "always" says J and M etc. How about watching him for several months or years then get back to us.
I have watched MANY of his "readings" and it is always M or J....why never a Z??
Since I moved into an old house, bought, I see images. Some won't go away. Does this mean I'm psychic?
Only one thing for sure..we will all die. We are energy and we all have the ability to see what you feel Jan. Mediums understand 3d, 4d and 5th dimensions or frequency. Like a whistle we can not hear but our dog can. If an animal senses something why cant a human? YES we are rising above animal instinct and using the other 75% of our brain. Congratulations ! There are people who hear, smell, sense and see spirit energy. It has nothing to do with race, religion, gender or creed we all have the ability to be positive and understand or negative and walk away.
maybe you psychic or you just need to stop taking weed then all those images will disappear, thank me later.
Pills you need pills
I think any of us with even the slightest opening in our minds can be accessed if we allow it, and if the person seeking communication is loud enough. Your presence must have something very important to say, just be careful about what kind of things you do or say to them to figure it out. Be mindful of what else might be around that could take advantage of your open mind.
Happy valentine's
I notice he never reads the host of shows
I believe he did Dr Phil on the Dr. Show.
Can you explain how he knew it was the sisters husband committed suicide, the deceased had 3 kids, and to tell that the sister had recently remarried? If you say it was all prearranged then you claim the host and the show are fraudulent
Wow... rubes offering specific responses to vague questions. Creepy how supernatural that is...
Eldon Stracke II I can bet my life you did not watch the full video
That's how P T Barnum made his
fortune . ". There never has been
and never will be a shortage of
Rubes ! ". He was right !
Damn, that musician is fine.
+Tehui1974 Lolololol
DrCash7 I think I've gone to heaven. Lol.
Hot Damn, this host is lovely!
The M would be from the Google John
M is from Mark being the most common male name in America
@@frank19593 ///// What happened to Jim or John or Bill?
He uses better search engines then google. Thats for amateurs. Not to mention the private investigators..
John you good 👍
No “M”, no “Fame”, no Brain Tumor. He went 0 for 3 - and he wisely moved quickly away.
Brain aneurysm -- the M was obviously for Meredith and the fame is probably also applicable to her connection, since he was gaining connections to her staff members specifically -- probably just because they're there in that building so often. 🤷♀️ I feel like people try really hard to prove him wrong even though it's more often easier to consider the explanations!
@@s0lastsummer7 So hang on, you're defending him by saying that the M and the fame applied to the living woman sitting next to him that he managed to somehow detect through psychic powers?! That's some amaaaazing ablity right there!!
Cold reading is his technique
Ian Carroll It’s likely a combination of cold reading, Barnum statements and research on people he knows will be at the show.
Ian//// Cold reading gives no details, but the spirits do.
@@k0smon You’re joking right?
@@jakeelliott781 /// About what? Spirit contact has been going on thru recorded history. Denial does not override fact.
@@k0smon I feel so sorry for you
So we think that just because we believe in something and others don't, we dont want them to point out facts, we just want to keep believing cause it makes us feel good even if it's false? Who is closed minded? Are we that shallow that we must believe in bullshit to find happiness inside? If you need someone to lie to you for you to find peace inside then you never will. There are some hard things to deal with out there and we can't be lied too about all of them. Me, id rather find peace and happiness inside without someone's deception. This guy is a joke. They might not all be, but he is. And there will always be people that rain on your parade when it comes to you believing in something for happiness. That's why it never works. Happiness is not outside ourselves, its inside. I welcome different perspectives on everything i see. Love to all
Good for you Josh. Nice to see a mature comment.
Does anyone know anyone that died? Told ya I was psychic.
Anyone else lose sound?
ya'll so close minded and hateful. its people like that, destroying everything. peace and love people. grow up and learn more.
You're naive, believing in hocus pocus and giving your trust to people that scam vulnerable and desperate people for a lot of money
I have never heard this guy or any other phsycic talk about a deceased person who is not ok,they always tell the people what they want to hear that the loved one is doing great on the "other side"as they put it,plus the mediums never mention heaven or hell and don't say anything about God or Jesus,its a deception.
I always say that too because he is being deceived. Plus God is not the author of confusion
Marc//// It is up to the spirit who comes to the medium to make the contact. Those who are not "ok" do not wish to make contact. The medium is not a preacher, and has no reason to mention heaven, hell, God or Jesus.
@@jillcurry1752 ///// Then obviously God did not write the bible. The bible itself is the deception.
If the dog came through what does that mean for the millions of animals that get slaughtered for food. Can they come through? He's a fraud!
If they are connected to someone, yes.
Every living think has a soul of somekind,yes all the creatures of the world pass into spirit even insects.He is no fruad.Seek and you will find the truth.I like you laughed but I spent time and energy to discover more,its there but you need to look for it.However an open mind is needed.If you totally believe all this is nonsense then you are blocking out the truth.
Living thing rather
He only receives from souls that are emotionally connected to the people close in proximity to him. So unless you cried at your bacon's funeral yesterday, nah. I'm quite a skeptical person but he fascinates me because some of the very specific things he comes up with he also says with absolute confidence and not as questions, and they will be things that aren't all that common so he isn't just winning a coin toss. I thought it was interesting to see him talk to dr. Phil and at first it seemed like he was swinging and missing about 50/50, until he said he wanted to all his wife because her memory is so good, she walked in and all the "misses" were about her connections, because she'd been standing right outside the door listening, so he was close enough to pick up on her. There are just little things that make me believe just a little harder... but I also WANT to, which I'm sure sways me. 😂
Caveat: In your opinion?
Why is there always a m or a j or a brain tumor
Funny how all the "guest" work for the show lol but still impressive
Impressive that anybody believes it, yeah
The black girl in this video is beautiful She looks exactly Like Nefeteri.
At least you got the spelling right.
Ignorance is bliss. If you don't believe in psychics, then why do you watch the videos? Just so you can make a nasty comment?
Please do shows of people that actually have supernatural powers that do not speak of irrelevant things that people already know. Do a show of how these, so called phsycics get their abilities by revealing how the spiritual world works.
The dog wouldn't have been on facebook....
Would the owners of said dog be on there, smartass?
I made it into about 2 minutes, and then I had to stop watching. Like, seriously? Are there people out there who view this and think "wow, this guy is amazing and spot-on!" ??
VG//// What a genius you must be. You made a decision after 2 minutes. Do you jump to conclusions like this often?
@@k0smon yep that’s how bad it was
@@svguerin3 /// So you are a conclusion jumper. He has been doing this over 30 years.
@@k0smon he is an obvious fraud, everyone who has a brain stem can tell. Even South Park did a full episode on his BS and how he does this.. he is a douche
Yes!! Unfortunately...
"Did he kill himself? He's apologizing for how he was found."
It's the same with EVERY psychic. The dead apologizing for how they were found if they had killed themself."
Question when asking a person a question why do you answer the question with that answer the exact answer that you're actually asking for and if so why do you speak so fast
5:35 was a personal shot at Theresa Caputo.... Lol
I'm not saying he's lying but the lady who's brother in law committed suicide had said "in her first marriage" so he probably took that information and assumed she was re married 🤷♂️
Jaxo I think she said she had 2 kids before the husband that passed and then one with him, like he was the second husband and now she’s on her third. Maybe I’m wrong
Ipen, yes I was seeing spirit. but not all the time, occasionally it was Spirit energy at night ,sometimes .faces too ! I have had experiences which surprised me I was nine and my Grandmother was to be buried the next day, in the early hours went get a glass of water, I was about to descend the stairs when I saw my Grandmother moving along the hallway, i was shocked mum had told me she was dead so seeing her sent goosebumps and electrical feeling, she was trying to climb the stairs , instantly saw another lady she was shaking her head at gram, this woman was more a Spirit with a glow about her whereas Fran looked more natural looking She probably had not gone over properly. I found out a few years later that the second lady was my grab,s sister my Great aunt. I thought afterwards that my aunt was trying not frighten me This was my first time of seeing Spirit. . I was just wondering why the question. Mediums when working sometimes sense hear and see. I hope that has helped you Try watching Mr Gordon Higginson, who used to be the Spiritualist National Union, he as and still is a brilliant medium ,you will learn a lot from him. He is in RUclips videos doing lectures and courses. Good luck . This is an old saying ("Mediums are born not made")
7 city tour? WTF! I am in.................! How much please?
I love this man! if only I can find out if he would ever come to Florida. I would get tickets to see him and bring friend with me so they can see how he works.
I’m a Psychic
I predicted idiots who watch South Park would be on here criticizing John
I wish I had this power. I read dead people's mind 🤨
He has no power.
@@shaunotoole5861 /// He has ability. He is a medium. He can contact the dead.
@@k0smon no he cant
Funny how they are alway okay
Why wouldn't they be?
jeeperscriminy So everyone’s loved one go to heaven?
@@Anonymous56657 I do not really know. But if there is hell I am sure they are not allowed to talk to mediums while frying in eternal flame.
@@jeeperscriminy So, if the afterlife is proven by these so called psychics. Then that would be it, it would be the single greatest discovery in the history of mankind. Why cant one of the dead just tell us the true religion to follow and that would be it. But then again, lets see if this guy could go to India and see if he could connect with anyone. Because Hindus believe in different Gods, so they would all be in hell. So really, he shouldnt be able to connect to anyone.
@@Anonymous56657 because God is beyond religion. All religions are human made as a way to try to make sense about what they don't understand. You question John Edward, but you don't question someone telling you that a man came back from the dead and hung out and talked to his friends for a few days and then left again. That a woman who was a virgin was impregnated magically by an angel? That some guy named Moses talked to a burning bush (who was God) and parted a sea so that his followers could walk across, on the sea bed that was revealed when the water parted? Who's talking about crazy stories now?
I'm picking up on a man or woman.Alive or dead.Old or young.Does that mean anything to anyone????
That just made me laugh out loud x
Wow ! That's uncanny ! And yet ,sceptics say there's no proof ! !
Its all people from her team lmao 🤣
He might be a sociopath. Obviously not a violent or murderous one.
The fluent confidence, lack of guilt, shame and empathy is clear to see.
He's a very good actor and can play this unusual game rather well
Wouldnt you be able to if you made as much money as him? Do you have any idea how much money you make for an hour show when there are 1000 people in the audience who all paid $100+ for a ticket? He isnt a sociopath he just mastered doing hot readings and became a multimillionaire.
Dave///// Pssst. He is real. He is a medium. He can contact the dead. Now you know.
@@k0smon You so get paid for this LOL. You are too much kid.
@@a.b.4052 //// I am waiting for my check from you.
@@k0smon I gave it to the spirits. They are on their way to your house with it. If you dont actually work with John, i sincerely feel sorry for you as a human being for all the time you spend on youtube video comments defending something you know absolutely nothing about.
If I were to go to a physic...I'd say I'd like you to contact a departed loved one. I wouldn't tell them if that loved one was a grandparent, friend, teacher (not that teacher's are loved ones, but I had a teacher that every student loved), pet....I'd just say loved one, and see if they could do the rest.
If they said something like "Is it your grandfather?" I'd respond with "I don't know, you tell me"...then if they said something like "I've got an old man..."and spat out some stuff about my grandfather (or whoever it is they said the had) that I had not told them, then I'd be convinced.
Wolfmyth100 Grammar Police
Wolfmyth100 that’s usually what happens... I don’t believe 100% but I mostly believe because I’ve had an experience with a psychic before who knew very personal stuff about me and what I do and have done that I never tell anyone about let alone publicly broadcast (because it’s bad shameful stuff). I especially know she was legit because she refused my money and refused a service to me at that moment because I was not in the right state of mind (related to personal bad stuff) but that I can come back when my mind was... let’s say “not compromised” at least for the time we were together . I told her I don’t think I can do it but she still offered talked to me for a bit for free.
the reason why he asks if it could be your grandfather is because he sees symbols and signs and stuff like that so if he sees an old man that is “above you” then that could be a multitude of things such as a uncle or a grandpa or maybe even a father in law. Other types of psychics are able to hear, feel and see the actual spirit so the messages can come in clearer for them. If you end up seeing one and you didn’t like the experience, try again with someone who is recommended to you and highly referred. I saw some random psychic before the aforementioned one and she was bad and deterred me from the whole thing for a while.
100///// You go to a medium, not just a psychic.
That’s the third time in 4 shows I heard him use the names mike and mark which may be the two most common English names in the world. COME ON!
Ahh, the accuracy! How does anyone just guess that a brother commited suicide, but was present during a graduation and a wedding?! Plus, the DOG at the end?! Omg Wow. All these doubters and unbelievers in the comments! Mock him all you want, I've followed this guy, and his accuracy is staggering!
@Sylvia isgod THANK YOU for your "dummy" insult to me!💜 Your rudeness is a testament to how lonely, sad, and heartless you are. When you have no one to love you, I can definitely see how disgusting and repulsive one would become. Have a nice life! 😂😂❤
NatureForce37 ANd you are a moron also. So, my life is also sad?
He said there is someone in the audience who is famous or celebrated in some way, the girl gets up and says" I have a great great grandfather that was famous for being a Mormon" I mean,come on.
He asked her if she had a brother who committed suicide, she said "no" he was wrong and then he had to generalize it and said" is there anybody else here whos brother committed suicide" and then the woman in the band said her sister's husband did, that's not a brother. Then he said "did someone have to put their dog down today" and the woman said"my parents put their dog down" that is not HER dog. Don't you see that he is throwing out things that have a very high statistical possiblity of being accurate when you are talking to large groups of people. Suicide, someone in the family past or present that have been acclimated for something, putting a dog down. Most people can connect with these things in some way, I can.
Anyway, what was the point of all this? The girl's Mormon great great grandfather is coming through to say hi, The dog in heaven is saying hi. The whole thing is so silly. These people are scum, they're getting rich from exploiting grieving people. Please don't support them with your money.
@@davidsheriff9274 Oh hello there! You've responded to an old thread. Let me catch you up on what's happened since this thread was made: Trump lost, more racial injustices have taken place, Kyle Rittenhouse was found not guilty, and COVID is still happening. Welcome to the relevant present! Have a nice day😄
@@NatureForce37 I knew you were going to leave me that sarcastic reply, the ghost of my Mormon great great grandfather told me so.
If they spoke to you wouldn’t you have a definitive answer
He's not only totally fraudulent, he's got a slithery sleazy vibe. Totally creepy.
EP///// His vibe matches yours. Are you totally fraudulent too?
@@k0smon Ya want a medal, little buddy?
@@method_one /// You can loan me one of yours.
The dog part had me dead lmaooooo a dog doesn't have a soul.
are they talking to him from heaven?
They're not talking to him period
Gordy///// Yes, the spirits talk to him from wherever they are.
@@k0smon Does John pay you for your work?
@@a.b.4052 //// John does not know I exist.
If a person learns the Holy spirit it will show you things u never could imagine.i knew my friends wife was ganna die I told my mother as witness.a week later she passed away.he is no fake he is using his spirit.we are all capable if you create a relationship with your spirit within is a is flesh one is super natural...period ask me something I can tell you too if the spirit allows will happen when u dont sin alot.....I have learned sin cuts me off.