The condensation is not related to that.... cos you're in an insulated building... and those are double-glazed windows.. You need to open your actual air extractor fans in the kitchen ... but maybe for apartments, it is better to have a good and decent humidifier.... to extract extra water, and to keep the air circulation clean etc. The older buildings are built in with air circulation tiny slot and windows, which you allow it to "air".... So... You need to learn about basic DIYs for homes. It isn't necessarily broken as such. Walls in new builds are indeed very very thin.... and sound is and does come across as loud. This is why many local Brits speaks in quite a low voice. Cos they could hear you, and assume you're threatening. lol..... And the sound does travel very loudly across a city too. So.... housing in the UK are lightly insulated, but not heavy-insulated like, in a night club. So most people wear a headsets to filter out the sounds from each other. lol.
When mould started to appear in wall corners and on carpet where your sofa previously positioned resulted in mouldy stain that cannot clean; that should not be your fault. Rather it is the house structure has a problem. Sounds like the house did not have sufficient damp proofing. Plus you’ve only rented the flat for how long? Less than 2 years, that mouldy stain under the sofa should never have happened under normal condition. The agent had no right to penalise you for “ damages”.They are making this up to squeeze money from you. I would definitely argue against that. 😤 Really, you should not be so subservient. Fight your corner, know your Rights! Everyone is equal in this country because there are laws. You are Not in Hong Kong.
Thank you for your comment, Claire. I think it is the structure problem caused in mould as well. However, there is a reason why I prevent to argue with the agent and i will talk about this issue in the coming video strongly recommend not to rent the property from andrew estate agent. For the second year, I would like to renew the tenancy with the agent but they were not following the tenancy regulations and charged the extra administration fee to me. At that time, I have no choice because I don't want to move the house and rent another house for staying just 1 year. I will make a video to talk about this later. Thanks for caring 🙏🏻😊
好高興聴到你們的消息。更知道你們買了第一間自己的物業。你說得對萬事起頭難 我四十年前移民時 過的鄞辛日子 只要抱著不放棄 就可以克服困難 大家加油
多謝你的收聽及留言,有時回想番拎住幾件行李就上路 經歷過困難重重 終於可以安定落黎真係好感概 其他人行同一條路可能好容易 但自己只能將自己手上僅有的牌 打出最好的組合 呢段時間真係全靠有80後太太 移民之路一點也不容易 所以希望大家記住當初決定出走的❤
講得好啱,最緊要一家人齊心,互相扶持,為你感恩呀!😊 @@80scoupleukdairy
講得好好 移民路上 無野係可以一步到位 希望你繼續出片鼓勵在英港人!!!❤🌞🌞🌞💪
堅持啊,都知道好多困難,如您所說都拆解了,又有伴互相支持,add oil 🎉🎉
好開心您們上片,由您們第一次上片睇,等咗好耐。我中老單人去uk卻因多年潛藏的鬱結得了depression, 看了GP,服药副作用太勁,也因一人太lonely, 决定先回港。但,很羡慕及佩服您們的堅持及迎難而上。年青又有人相扶。多出片啊,喜歡您們的分享。感謝😊
終於等倒你地出片啦 希望可以出多d 片比大家睇
好高興又睇到你哋出片, 我哋移民來英前都喺睇咗你哋嘅片, 尤其喺80太太講海外開戶, 教IB暢錢, 收拾行李等嘅片, 從中學到好多有用嘅資訊, 又知道你哋喺點樣努力工作儲錢, 特別喺睇你當時離港心情嗰條片, 真喺講出我嘅心底話, 睇到眼濕濕. 依家我同女兒都落腳一年有多, 最近都買到自己嘅屋, 回想當時, 仍非常感激你哋拍嘅片帶俾我嘅幫助同決心. 希望大家都能在英國過上新生活, 香港人加油!💪🥰
好開心 我地既作品可以對你和家人有正面影響 多謝你留言話我地知 對我地黎講係好鼓舞的事
祝贺!万事开头难,先上了梯子后再说将来换大房子。我在英国买的第一个房子是一个3 bed semi,老婆孩子住的很拥挤。现在的大房子只有我们老两口住,孩子们也都住他们自己的大房子了。所以,人生的路很长,两个人只要齐心合力,生活就会越来越好。
Nice to hear from you again, I believe we all will have a better future
年青人,青春就係你哋嘅本錢從零開始不斷鬥到而家建立一個家庭真係唔簡單,當中必定經歷不少挫折淚水,當你回望都是值得的。 繼續努力向下一個目標進發吧!
多謝你分享移民的勵志故事 你地真係好叻呀
我一定會的 多謝收看
買樓前 我都有拍左好多睇樓片的 希望整理完後可以出片比大家睇 多謝支持
期待分享 看到你的努力成果!👏👍🥰
多謝你的支持 一齊努力
Likes 80s couples daily blessings
The condensation is not related to that.... cos you're in an insulated building... and those are double-glazed windows.. You need to open your actual air extractor fans in the kitchen ... but maybe for apartments, it is better to have a good and decent humidifier.... to extract extra water, and to keep the air circulation clean etc. The older buildings are built in with air circulation tiny slot and windows, which you allow it to "air".... So... You need to learn about basic DIYs for homes. It isn't necessarily broken as such. Walls in new builds are indeed very very thin.... and sound is and does come across as loud. This is why many local Brits speaks in quite a low voice. Cos they could hear you, and assume you're threatening. lol..... And the sound does travel very loudly across a city too. So.... housing in the UK are lightly insulated, but not heavy-insulated like, in a night club. So most people wear a headsets to filter out the sounds from each other. lol.
850鎊咁平 係邊到租?
宜家無呢個價啦 起碼都要1000鎊 先有個好少少既一房flat 住
因為出呢條片既時侯 已經起新居有自己書房啦
新移民一定係咁,我帶住2千幾港銀就走,落地第二日就要落唐人街 walk in 揾工 。係㕑房由早做到晚半年 。報讀大學再半工讀 。畢業後 campus interview 揾到好工,以後就係history. 16 年後財務自由 。開頭係好慘 。年青無忂 。
850鎊一房?? 請教下邊個區? 我住Birmingham市中心有lift 最高5/F, 我3/F一房apartment先950鎊...
@@80scoupleukdairy 如果出市中心要30分鐘以上車程我覺得貴左D
@@simonho1810 揸車15分鐘到市區 不過我其實都覺得貴租所以搬 但我d 朋友就話算平
@@80scoupleukdairy 咁就正常,吾貴了
(BTW 我自己都有諗過平行時空喺香港會點,想睇吓人哋點諗)
本人剛到步英國,租住屋,但質素麻麻,厕所塞,向agent 反映,揾人來修理,又不能有效,還给英國agent 不禮貌對待,移民三思
@@shirleycheung722 Rent another place!
@@tungtung8378 已交了全年租金
@@shirleycheung722 英國人比較假,乜都Good Good Good,但係由唔覺得佢哋排外喎
Your tone of description made me fall to sleep within three minutes. Could you try to make further improvement in this regard?
13:45 14:45 可能你未準備得足夠好就黎英國...冇足夠錢黎英國初初一定辛苦, 冇得怨, 路就自己間o既, 除左硬食左佢之外
When mould started to appear in wall corners and on carpet where your sofa previously positioned resulted in mouldy stain that cannot clean; that should not be your fault. Rather it is the house structure has a problem. Sounds like the house did not have sufficient damp proofing. Plus you’ve only rented the flat for how long? Less than 2 years, that mouldy stain under the sofa should never have happened under normal condition. The agent had no right to penalise you for “ damages”.They are making this up to squeeze money from you. I would definitely argue against that. 😤 Really, you should not be so subservient. Fight your corner, know your Rights! Everyone is equal in this country because there are laws. You are Not in Hong Kong.
Thank you for your comment, Claire. I think it is the structure problem caused in mould as well. However, there is a reason why I prevent to argue with the agent and i will talk about this issue in the coming video strongly recommend not to rent the property from andrew estate agent. For the second year, I would like to renew the tenancy with the agent but they were not following the tenancy regulations and charged the extra administration fee to me. At that time, I have no choice because I don't want to move the house and rent another house for staying just 1 year. I will make a video to talk about this later. Thanks for caring 🙏🏻😊
本人剛到步英國,租住屋,但質素麻麻,厕所塞,向agent 反映,揾人來修理,又不能有效,還给英國agent 不禮貌對待,移民三思
my agent is very good
@@hn8460 是英國agent ?
同意大家講法 英國agent 真係又狗又仆街
又係D知少少扮XX 我比你老,90-93 已來英讀U,有Master's degree and is a UK professional accountant, 2015 正式移居英國,在英居住》10年
請攪清楚,BNO visas 五年後唔係自動變永居,英國政府一定唔會批你哋永居,一係踢你哋返原居地,好彩嘅可能比你續簽簽證,永居唔駛想!
@@leochan5299 問米,你移民左去地獄呀!
你肯定識time travel la 🤣世事都被你看透了。有沒有預想到自己5年後,心地會唔會變好一點?
佔中嗰陣已經想走,可惜唔係專業人士,又無錢投資移民。BNO visa 門檻好低,皇恩浩蕩
果時我R爆頭諗澳洲個移民計分 諗緊都諗唔掂數夠分走
16年已經想走, 因為發覺香港變到好crual ,除非你係好重意同豆
What are you talking about?