@@stan5572 Obviously it is ok when it's save, but I see it very often while disengaging, so there it's possible you might get caught with your pants down. Of course ir you are in cover you might reload to your hearts content.
You can tell they are low rating when they have the urge to immediately reload after almost every kill (even if you have like 20 bullets left) instead of clearing angle or checking for more opponents. Also you always catch them with their nades out at the wrong time.
How can anyone be hard stuck in 5k and think they deserve 20k? That's delusional. If you deserved 20k you'd be winning 90% of you're 5k games and you'd be out of that elo in no time
That's the question I ask myself every time I do this type of videos. How can someone be HARDSTUCK on silver 1? But I get so many daily messages like that it's insane
Buddy, you don't get 90% wr playing solo. :D NOT A CHANCE. The ratings are impacted by multiple variables that are not skill dependent, but circumstantial. P.S I do not believe in "hardstucking", also I don't believe your rating represents your actual skill or whatever. + the rating system is overall kind of trash.
@@fokof6169 People don't seem to understand that the matchmaking system is made with you playing only 1 match per day in mind. They are too addicted to their game that they over saturate the matchmaking system with data and start underperforming and then blame the game. It will keep happening until the end of time unfortunately
As a certified hardstuck 5k elo player i will tell you that this person is easily 10x better than 99% of players in that rank who have like sub 1k hours
Y'all are crazy. 5k players don't get kills and carry damage in 15k+ lobbies. I'd agree with his assessment of something in the 10-11k range seems about right. Runs around, shoots stuff decently, gameplay very loose, never really hard clear angles, pretty poor util usage, bunch of misplays but also pulls out some round wins solo basically. Don't think she's actually hard stuck at 5k, or if she is she tilts easily cuz she thinks she's better than she is due to valorant being similar.
What i learned is that 90% of the time it's a skill issue, until I accepted the fact that I am ass and that i needed to get better I did not really see an improvement in my rating, but in the past few weeks I actually went from 9k to 14.7k
@@MonkeyMcMonkey honestly now that i reflect on it if u have good aim u can make it to at least 17 18k after that its smart plays, but work on your movement and peeks since the game is just a monkey swing peek fest just work on that
I think here's a good rule of thumb: If you think you are hard stuck and try to justify that with "I make X kills every match" - you are not hard stuck, you lack game sense and need to improve things other than aim. Counter Strike is a team game. Maximizing your impact should be your top priority but making kills is only one part of it, with several other factors being equally important. Also, there's a big difference between throwing pop flashes for yourself or an occasional ct smoke and smoking angles on a bomb site or rotations, flashing your team through a smoke/entry, etc.
Haha. I’m all game sense no aim. Still waiting for a video about someone like me; “18k player thinks he’s 10k, let’s see”. Fr fr tho. I think cs 15k+ rn is a lot easier than lem+ in csgo. Even if those ranks were “bad” compared to face it.
In CS:GO i persoally felt that the bigger rank i met The easier enemies were to read what they will do but just have much better aim and reaction time than those unpredictable noobies
She definetly deserves more than 5k rating, her raw aim is pretty good (except for spray control which is lacking a bit), but her general knowledge of the game and maps has to improve quite a lot. I would give her 11-13k rn with lots of room for improvement.
@@harrysilvey1871 why not? When i got my first rating after the md10 i was placed at 9k and for the most part players in this range (8k up to 13k) were way worse than her, both in aim and overall game knowledge. She played somewhat decently on this ~18k lobby and i believe she would play quite well on ~12k. (btw, i'm 18k now and a lot of my teammates of similar rating play equally/worse than her)
he has 0 preaim, clueless decision making half the time, no smoke lineups (not the insta red room, but the easier ones). no way she is above 10k but after this game she will think she deserve 15k at least, because the 14999 fragged less, and the game is all about the frags, right?
I think her aim is definitely enough to be at 15k, which is probably why she thinks she doesn't deserve to only be 5k, which is true. But she hasn't played the game enough to have the awareness and map knowledge of actual 15k players, although tbh I'm not even sure 15k players have as much raw aim as her so she might just outperform them every once in a while anyway. Maybe like a solid 10k or whatever. Also could just be an issue with not knowing how to play ancient
Yeah aim alone is 15k, Haix was a bit harsh on that one, she had good fundamentals with the common whiff every now and then. I think 12k rating is a good match, and she doesn't need much to push into 15k+ imo.
19k player here, her decision making isn't close to where it needs to be to actually hang in 15k against decent opponents. To me it seemed like her opponents weren't communicating, and if they were, not effectively enough. Too aggressive, doesn't clear the angles she needs to, and overall very slow when it comes to figuring out where to take space and where not to take space. She needs to learn how to play around utility and the team rather than herself.
@@br4dyyclips558 i agree to some extent, but honestly how decent can 15k players be anyway? i can definitely see her at the very least outfragging 15k players when her team is steamrolling the opposition because she legitimately has better aim than quite a few 15k players, but she might struggle a little bit to get her team out of a hole because she doesn't seem to offer much outside of kills. so when those attempts to frag aren't resulting in kills, might be a bit of a problem
@hao2000ki Have you played against a 15k 5 stack? If the other team is actually coordinating and taking space effectively, they can easily take care of someone who isn't very capable game sense wise. Most upper-tier players aren't aim gods, they're just very smart and have the hours.
@@br4dyyclips558 no i havent played against 15k 5 stacks but i have against 20k 5 stacks lol. and unless you are telling me that 15k stacks are more coordinated than 20k stacks, then yes you can still straight up abuse your aim simply through well-timed aggression. im not saying she will do this against 15k 5 stacks and again, im not saying she will always outfrag 15k players, but you are using an edge case to prove why she won't be able to hold her own in 15k when in reality she wont be facing those coordinated teams most of the time. if you place her in 15k, she will be able to hold her own on the scoreboard, but whether or not she's contributing enough to win enough games to stay in 15k is another story, which is why i said she's a solid 10k
yeah...and to people with this skillset it´s hard to explain, that even when they topfrag every game, it doesn´t mean they should be higher rating, because they lots of the time have high impact deaths and low impact kills
Something you didn't seem to comment on is the immediate reloads after one kill when there is no guaranteed safety and 25 bullets left in the mag. This is very often an easy tell that they aren't that great at the game.
Would love to see more vids like these for all levels from 4k to 25k. I like to see how others play the game and what their thought process is like, it helps me predict what the enemy might do when I’m playing. Keep it up!
i solo queue through that im 11.9k rn bec im loosing 300 and gaining 100 i think it's better to solo queue sometimes i have many friends who are worse than me in my elo rating and some got boosted to 15k and they can't even smoke window in mirage
its different now. Most players are getting -100 for losses and +300 for wins. Even with 50% winrate you'll climb. I am trash, calibrated at 1.4k and hit 10k last week with 50% winrate solo q. I barely use mic, I barely know any utility, my aim is average, movement shit, awareness is good and I was previously LE/LEM in CS GO.
i actually think these kind of vids might really be good in like being a trainer or people sending in vids and you do the commenting to it on what was good or not. btw congrats to the 20k prem rating. im currently jumping up and down between 13k and 16k but i havent given up so far ;)
Peak 23k rating player here, currently sitting 20k ish. She is definitely below average for my lobbies but tbh I wouldn’t bat an eye getting queued with her. Prob deserves at least like 10-15kish
just wanna say in 12k elo... people peak tiny angles with p90s. If this was my game that dude likely would not have wide swung with a p90, but instead prefired me holding this angle. 12:13 its fucking weird but i swear its how some of these people play.
Nah, I don’t think you are fair towards her. I’m a 18k rating and most people in my lobbies are around her abilities. I’m not sure if that’s just because of the current state of the game or something else. But at this very moment, I think she is that rating. You also need to understand that she literally was second drag or top dragging in a 15k+ game. So I don’t think that 11k is fair for her rating.
Your analysis and comments on these demos are very rich. I will be a silver forever but at least I'm improving a little thanks to these tips. Great job and great content!
I keep getting “hard stuck” around 13k and then a few L’s with good personal performance but not so great teams that have -560 for loss +160 for win smack me back down to 9-10k real quick. I can’t seem to pinpoint the logic for how some of these matches are made and how the rating impact is determined. It certainly is frustrating when you solo Q and other players don’t have mics, lack strategy, can’t coordinate utility, etc. and that can also make it challenging to really progress as a player in the game. Pure skill alone can’t compensate for all the variables out of your control in a solo Q situation. I’m not saying that I deserve 20k but I would genuinely be curious to see how I’d be able to keep up with players in that register.
I've played a lot. I can tell you the rating comes from 2 things. One, smaller factor: the difference in elo between the teams. That's a classic elo feature. That is far less important though than Two: Accelerating bullshittery. Basically if you're streaking it's fucked. Think of a balanced game, +100 -100, you win one, it usually says +(100-200 range) -100. Win again, +250, -100. Win again, +350 -100. It's always scaled to around 100 on the side you're not streaking on, because it should be trying to set you up even games, +100 -100. If you're losing too frequently, or going on streaks, or just never seem to get a good string of wins together, you're going to end up with a -500 game, and once you're around that region, it gets really painful. Say you lose two -500 games. That sucks, but sometimes you'll log in and lose 2. That's -1000 elo. You win your next one. That means you get +100, and your next game will be a +100 -350 game, or a +100 -250 game. It'll take you at least a couple more just to get even elo rewards again. You're now at -700 elo from your start. You now are getting even games, and all it took was winning 3 in a row. Now, it will take you at least 3 games to get back to where you started. So what took you 2 games to lose takes you 6 to get back, assuming you go straight to a winning streak. It's more likely you don't get a 6 win streak, and it takes you 8 or 9 games to get back. It's all a result of that acceleration, because the game is algorithmically always trying to set up 100/100 games. I am not a fan of the acceleration. The only thing that breaks this is the promotion games. I think it's a really bad system. It means that the score is determined before hand, assumes the game is even, and means that maybe my teammate is on a 100/100 game and is just dicking around, or maybe he's overlevelled, maybe he's just got off a winning streak and is +300/-100, while you're on -450 for the same game. Say someone disconnects on the game where the acceleration was at it's worst? Well, that game just mattered more to you, for reasons. There's good reason why this sort of system isn't used in serious elo systems like Chess, but Valve had to tinker.
I recently started trying to become a CS2 pro, starting a little late but I believe! Anyways, this video definitely helped a lot, your explanation is very clear and concise. I would love to see more of this type of content, guess the elo while you explain your thought process maybe? Thank you so much!
as a returner player with skills lost after 5 years of not playing the game and no basic map knowledge - i find this videos very educating. please do more.
Ive only been playing cs2 for a couple months. My buddy is a great igl and coach. We started premier a week ago with 3 of us. They are both better than me by a substantial amount and i truly feel like i will be holding them back by playing with them
i know whats happening. its the same thing happening to other people who deserve a higher ranking than they are. The servers are ultra sensitive to accuracy movements now. when i find myself losing 1v1s , i focus on my spray to see if its super wack, if it is i time the time it takes to stop moving to have 100% accuracy. surprisingly i notice servers (even if im sub 15 ping) can have ultra high latency for accuracy adjusting. I have counted up to a half second of inaccuracy after stopping movement keys. Its really really bad compared to csgo.
Yeah. Improving on everything is required for this person. But consistency is the key. Like me for example. Yesterday, I had 20+ kills and top fragged in 3 games and the next game i had 1 kill until last round of half and got 4k in last round. Then 2nd half got one more 4k on pistol round and i couldn't kill any further. Consistency is an important factor. And also, team support and teamplay is very important. I have a steam friend. When i was still 5k was having a bad aim day, Had a friend who was 13k who was getting kills. He didn't say or whine coz i was doing everything i could to support. Util, smokes, flashes (I'm good with flashes). I'd drop awp or rifles and take off a weaker rifle from someone who's playing better. The best way would be to learn smokes and flashes to help yourself rank up. It's always an easy 3k elo rank up when you know good support smokes and nades and flashes. Though, you'd also need to find good teammates who won't bully for ranks, aren't toxic and help out team the best way they can if they aren't getting much kills
Hello Haix! I think in some kind of update they made the map when you are spectaiting when you pred (I think) alt you can draw on the map infinity till you close it. You can draw on it to make more sense with the plans and rushes! Nice video
most people at lower ranks can aim perfectly fine if not better than some higher tiered players. Game sense, utility use, and map knowledge is the main difference between a light blue and a pink. Doesn't matter how good you can aim if you're putting yourself in bad positions and or wasting money on utility.
i solo queued to 20k plus and you can get stuck but if your level is say 20k you would be winning more games than losing even with trash team , the only place you can get hardstuck is say 12-18k where players have an idea so you cant fully carry every game , also she is not 20k no where close 20k plus lobbies are mostly filled of faceit lvl 8 plus she is say maybe 10-12k
Not too far from that 400k amigo, good to see! My main problem is consistency these days, getting too old I guess lol.. that and I almost always get stuck playing mid with little to no support. To be honest though I don't mind taking the tougher positions so long as my team can go the entire game without screaming at each other lol.
@@krazed0451 Older than that and yes it does I promise you.. reflexes get slower, memory gets worse ect. In my younger years dropping high 20's to low 30's with the odd 40 was fairly common.. now there are times I am lucky to hit the 20's lol
it would be cool if you watched the vod with the player and told them what they did wrong and what not, would not only be good for them but also entertaining hearing their thoughts about what rating they deserve after playing the match.
Im at 18k just because i can use utility, and position well. My aim is avarage at best, i don't really know lineups, and i nearly never top frag. But hey, I know how to play the game and keep winning. Guys you should focus more on actually important things, like slowing down pushes, instead of facing the push with an AK in hand, throw some good flashes and mollies.
She is hard stuck. She won the game, and was 2nd on her team. She played AT the level and won. Doesn't mean she can't improve, but there is no shot this is a 4k player.
10:57 def a scrollwheel moment at some point i would've said i was hardstuck 5k and that i should've deserved 15k, but after playing a lil more it was not that hard to get out of 5k and even 10k elo, and this is considering i was faceit lv 2 in csgo then again i would 5 stack or duo queue a lot, which made it easier
i love when people talk about how many kills they get, as if the player at the bottom of the scoreboard couldn't possibly have been the reason they won rounds and they are the reason they are losing them lmao chasing kills leads to failure, patience wins
as someone 3.5-4.8k who barely touches the game months at a time, I'm surprised this person with such good aim makes such massive mistakes that I do. I think they might have gotten high rank due to good aim and competent teammates. The teammates you have affect everything surprisingly much
Me who was actually hard stuck 5k when i was playing with a 5 stack of dudes who ditched tf out of me, then when playing solo got to 16k in less than 15 days playing solo queue which is where im currently stuck
11:06 it's amazing how even in 20k games people have a notorious lack of patience, with 1:00 on the clock, I would have waited for No. 7 to come back so we can clear angles around the bomb together and trade, and No. 0 should stop lurking for info and come back mid to cover our path. And I'm only 11k.
I am just under 12k like 11.9 which is close to where you said this person should be rated. Makes me curious as to what you would think if you saw a VOD of mine, not claiming to be good at the game but I feel like I would have done well in that game considering the opponents. I just think mm and the mmr is completely fucked like there is no way those people are 20k I swear people in my elo are more aware of their surroundings than this. Again I think it's the mmr maybe it needs time to balance it's self out since it is early into the life cycle of it all.
The fact shes doing well in 15k when shes in 5k means she definitely deserves a higher rank. If she takes all your constructive criticism and applies herself she'll get there in no time
Rough critics but totally deserved. Your best advice is to take the lead when you are the MVP of your team. That's not usually my kind of role but if I want to overpass my underrated rank (for my opinion) I won't have the choice. A lot of videos show how to win like a pro. It is good to see a video which teach you why you loose like a noob.
If u drop 30 kills every game in CS2, u can't have that by only getting eco or exit kills. 30 kills every game in CS2 is literally like 40+ every game in CS:GO
on the p90 wide swing b doors tho, tbh ive had situations where they jiggle or short swing that or maybe not even look my direction at all when entering but ill tell you what you deserve more than 400k subs my dude ive watched you for too long for you to be under 1 mil
seeing haix this nice is suprising but ngl it's expectable because it's finally that is actually underranked, not "ohh haix im silver elite master and i deserve global" and then bottom frags rest of the match, but actually someone skilled that deserves much better rank i'm currently unranked but playing with 9-12k players and most of them have shit movement and all they can do is aim, so based of what she is doing i can tell she deserves 16k+
beeing stuck in 5k elo is insane. you get teamed with people who r literally afraid to peak or take site. its so demotivating if you re a solo q person
I dont understand how you can be hardstuck at all. Im not the greatest player, but im slowly but steadily climbing up. After calibration i got 6.5k and instantly dropped to 4k. Now i passed the 10k. What helps is not to tilt. Change your playstyle when youre getting shut down - slow down, play smarter and no unnecessary rushes.
wait people think theres a difference between 5k and 15k :D very rarely do i come across players that deserve to be lower than 5k. i get placed with 5k 8k 15k players all the time because i only play solo and they're all the same skill level. which is Nova. every game is sonic mode someone either dies or gets a kill in the first 10seconds it's really not fun. you never have time to play a decent game cause someone dies mid in the first 10 seconds or whatever whilst you're watching directly at a 20second molotov/smoke combo. i also get cheaters on my team a lot of the time i have reported so many people this week it's not even funny. yesterday i had someone that deserved to be 100 elo if that's even a thing literally didn't know the game had recoil but ended up dropping 50 kills with his trusty awp.
In a rating system where you get (on avg) ~300 elo when you win but only lose ~100 elo when losing you gotta lose a lot to be hardstuck. At the moment I'm earning 900 elo when winning and lose 100 when I lose, it is statistically impossible for me to not rank up xd
Except that's not how the system works. 0-4k you can't lose points; if you lost a bit in that range, you'll lose 700-800 mmr for a loss and only get 170 with a W. Literally takes 8 games in a row to counter 1 loss. This shouldn't ever happen. She is a great example of a hardstuck player; because she's 4.8k but just got 2nd in a 20k lobby. She did make mistakes, but the other 3 teammates made more than her. So if we're being objective, she played better than the people in that lobby; who are 17-20k. She won that game. They won by 3 rounds, and there were easily 3 rounds that they won off her back. Mistakes or not; they won that game because of her. CS2 ELO is broken.
I was supreme in CSGO but in 3 years (when cyberpunk was released)I didn't play any CS, valorant or similar games(most time in EU4) and my skills is rusty but I after 4 games meet 3 opponents 10k+ , in wingmen drop from global to MG2. so I'm satisfied.
Lets just be real, if youre ''hardstuck'' 5k rating, it just means youre not ready to rank up. Rating system is bad, but its fairily easy to rank up solo queue if youre good enough.
I was stuck on 8k and thought I should be on like 13k. Played with a friend who was really good at aiming and I did flashes etc for him till I got past 10k and then solo q'ed for 2 weeks now I'm 16k ELO. ELO hell is real but most people are correctly ranked.
as someone who also came from valorant and was immo1 (shes better than me at val). but ive been sitting around 10-13k and never think about being 20k. her decision making was slow, her aim style was too much like valorant which doesnt work in cs, and her util was subpar at best. do i think she could get to 20k if she grinded? absolutely but right now shes no better than a 8-9k player edit: for haix, you kept saying not trying to be harsh. but in all reality if someone thinks they deserve FOUR TIMES there actual rating you need to be harsh and need to make them understand exactly why they arent that rank
It was never about the roasting. It was always about watching the mistakes of people who think that they deserve higher rank and ofc some fun in the process of it
16:18 I disagree with your verdict here. She waited almost the perfect amount. When you have the manpower it's better to err bit on the safe side than peek early and lose because you're taking 1v1s by accident. Also she was either one map specialist playing off map knowledge, has spent quite some time off game OR transition to CS2 had huge negative impact on her because this did NOT look like Global Elite gameplay, Eagle ranks at best
I am a shit cs player, at my peak I was like MGE in 2015. But life happened and I got back into CS2, a few months ago. Now I occilate between decent play and playing like a S1. Which, I have no problem with, I mostly just play CS2 after work. But if I am having a good day I would say I am probably like 6k ELO. This person objectively has less game sense than I do, but also plays way better than the people at my tier.
She probably thinks she now belong in that elo because she got X amount of kills. People who usually claim they are hardstuck or belong in higher elo are only basing it off their scoreboard and the feeling that since they are top scoreboard most of the time the losses are not their fault. I have a friend kind of like this too that basically knows 0 utility and basic map knowledge/timings etc but because he kinda has sick aim he can get top score like that. But because of that he is often in denial about his mistakes and only says "but I topfragged". Yeah its good you can topfrag but its not everything in the game.. Because if and when he has a day when he is not fragging that hot he is basically dead weight.
To be fair, the skill gap between 1K - 20K is like, Copper (below silver 1) to DMG-Supreme. Global is basically 23K+, without faceit tho, ranking people's skill legitimately is genuinely difficult. Faceit Elo tells the truth, that's how we all did it in the late CSGO days.
faceit still the way to go as premier lacks anticheat. grinded from 900 (didnt play faceit in csgo as i was a global cache loyalist) to 2100+ elo recently and it was alot nicer than going from 3k-16k on premier
@@NorsnameMan It's literally aids playing premier in 20k lobbies, every 2nd game there's a cheater who has 4 hours past 2 weeks, 1 medal being the csgo one and goes from being bottom place for 3 rounds to all of a sudden tapping heads
Trying my best to reach 400K until the end of 2023! I would really appreciate if you sub :)
very breedable and submissive today haix
400k elo ez
Here you go, I subscribed.
Hard to believe you spoke to a woman
have my sub
The fact that she was insta reloading after a kill even when she had 25 bullets left in the AK made me mad as hell
I see it so often even by quite high ranked players. Why? If 25 AK shots are not enough to kill your opponent you're dead anyways...
@@tostrmofo6686when it’s safe to reload, why not ?
@@stan5572 Obviously it is ok when it's save, but I see it very often while disengaging, so there it's possible you might get caught with your pants down. Of course ir you are in cover you might reload to your hearts content.
@@tostrmofo6686bad habit maybe
Haix has never looked this breedable
Hear him out
Man of culture
I lost NNN because of him
You can tell they are low rating when they have the urge to immediately reload after almost every kill (even if you have like 20 bullets left) instead of clearing angle or checking for more opponents. Also you always catch them with their nades out at the wrong time.
How can anyone be hard stuck in 5k and think they deserve 20k? That's delusional. If you deserved 20k you'd be winning 90% of you're 5k games and you'd be out of that elo in no time
That's the question I ask myself every time I do this type of videos. How can someone be HARDSTUCK on silver 1? But I get so many daily messages like that it's insane
Buddy, you don't get 90% wr playing solo. :D NOT A CHANCE.
The ratings are impacted by multiple variables that are not skill dependent, but circumstantial.
P.S I do not believe in "hardstucking", also I don't believe your rating represents your actual skill or whatever.
+ the rating system is overall kind of trash.
Solo q sucks you get a bunch or non English speaking idiots that grief and you just lose
i think hardstuck happen when you only solo que so much and got not human rando
cuz its a team game
9:57 My best attempt at rizz colorized
i just went from 12k to 10k in 5 matches because valve thought -370 per game would be a fun idea
I went from 7.2k to 5k in 6 games, then clawed my way back to my current 11.7k
i party with a friend without rank I got -620 per game and gain +110 haha
stop loosing 20 matches in a row and it will be fine
@@fokof6169 People don't seem to understand that the matchmaking system is made with you playing only 1 match per day in mind. They are too addicted to their game that they over saturate the matchmaking system with data and start underperforming and then blame the game. It will keep happening until the end of time unfortunately
im stuck on 11.9k bec i only get 100+ and 300-
As a certified hardstuck 5k elo player i will tell you that this person is easily 10x better than 99% of players in that rank who have like sub 1k hours
nope she belongs to 3k elo downrank inc
that looks like gold gameplay
@@js-fi9lf silver...
can confirm shes 100% not any better than 5k maybe 6-7
Y'all are crazy. 5k players don't get kills and carry damage in 15k+ lobbies. I'd agree with his assessment of something in the 10-11k range seems about right. Runs around, shoots stuff decently, gameplay very loose, never really hard clear angles, pretty poor util usage, bunch of misplays but also pulls out some round wins solo basically. Don't think she's actually hard stuck at 5k, or if she is she tilts easily cuz she thinks she's better than she is due to valorant being similar.
You can tell she plays val by how she crouched to control the recoil of the ak before even pulling down
Crouch spraying is inherently a csgo habit
@@shadowedbyabyssal5489 if i crouch spray at a high rank i will get 1 tapped
@@AsapCodeine that is nonsense because whos aiming at waist level for you to get one tapped
@@AsapCodeineu should be crouching everytime u spray pretty much
What i learned is that 90% of the time it's a skill issue, until I accepted the fact that I am ass and that i needed to get better I did not really see an improvement in my rating, but in the past few weeks I actually went from 9k to 14.7k
update: im at 18.6k rn so ye face the fact that yall are ass guys it works
@@sanjinosmanhodzic3064good shit 💪🏿💪🏿💪🏿 more people gotta have your mindset
@@sanjinosmanhodzic3064 What were the major issues you had to improve on? (other than mindset)
@@MonkeyMcMonkey honestly now that i reflect on it if u have good aim u can make it to at least 17 18k after that its smart plays, but work on your movement and peeks since the game is just a monkey swing peek fest just work on that
I think here's a good rule of thumb: If you think you are hard stuck and try to justify that with "I make X kills every match" - you are not hard stuck, you lack game sense and need to improve things other than aim.
Counter Strike is a team game. Maximizing your impact should be your top priority but making kills is only one part of it, with several other factors being equally important.
Also, there's a big difference between throwing pop flashes for yourself or an occasional ct smoke and smoking angles on a bomb site or rotations, flashing your team through a smoke/entry, etc.
Haha. I’m all game sense no aim. Still waiting for a video about someone like me; “18k player thinks he’s 10k, let’s see”.
Fr fr tho. I think cs 15k+ rn is a lot easier than lem+ in csgo. Even if those ranks were “bad” compared to face it.
In CS:GO i persoally felt that the bigger rank i met The easier enemies were to read what they will do but just have much better aim and reaction time than those unpredictable noobies
She definetly deserves more than 5k rating, her raw aim is pretty good (except for spray control which is lacking a bit), but her general knowledge of the game and maps has to improve quite a lot. I would give her 11-13k rn with lots of room for improvement.
defo not hahahah
@@harrysilvey1871 why not? When i got my first rating after the md10 i was placed at 9k and for the most part players in this range (8k up to 13k) were way worse than her, both in aim and overall game knowledge. She played somewhat decently on this ~18k lobby and i believe she would play quite well on ~12k. (btw, i'm 18k now and a lot of my teammates of similar rating play equally/worse than her)
@@harrysilvey1871bro is tryna land a date
he has 0 preaim, clueless decision making half the time, no smoke lineups (not the insta red room, but the easier ones). no way she is above 10k but after this game she will think she deserve 15k at least, because the 14999 fragged less, and the game is all about the frags, right?
This gameplay helps me realize I am genuinely good at cs2
I think her aim is definitely enough to be at 15k, which is probably why she thinks she doesn't deserve to only be 5k, which is true. But she hasn't played the game enough to have the awareness and map knowledge of actual 15k players, although tbh I'm not even sure 15k players have as much raw aim as her so she might just outperform them every once in a while anyway. Maybe like a solid 10k or whatever. Also could just be an issue with not knowing how to play ancient
Yeah aim alone is 15k, Haix was a bit harsh on that one, she had good fundamentals with the common whiff every now and then. I think 12k rating is a good match, and she doesn't need much to push into 15k+ imo.
19k player here, her decision making isn't close to where it needs to be to actually hang in 15k against decent opponents. To me it seemed like her opponents weren't communicating, and if they were, not effectively enough. Too aggressive, doesn't clear the angles she needs to, and overall very slow when it comes to figuring out where to take space and where not to take space. She needs to learn how to play around utility and the team rather than herself.
@@br4dyyclips558 i agree to some extent, but honestly how decent can 15k players be anyway? i can definitely see her at the very least outfragging 15k players when her team is steamrolling the opposition because she legitimately has better aim than quite a few 15k players, but she might struggle a little bit to get her team out of a hole because she doesn't seem to offer much outside of kills. so when those attempts to frag aren't resulting in kills, might be a bit of a problem
@hao2000ki Have you played against a 15k 5 stack? If the other team is actually coordinating and taking space effectively, they can easily take care of someone who isn't very capable game sense wise. Most upper-tier players aren't aim gods, they're just very smart and have the hours.
@@br4dyyclips558 no i havent played against 15k 5 stacks but i have against 20k 5 stacks lol. and unless you are telling me that 15k stacks are more coordinated than 20k stacks, then yes you can still straight up abuse your aim simply through well-timed aggression.
im not saying she will do this against 15k 5 stacks and again, im not saying she will always outfrag 15k players, but you are using an edge case to prove why she won't be able to hold her own in 15k when in reality she wont be facing those coordinated teams most of the time. if you place her in 15k, she will be able to hold her own on the scoreboard, but whether or not she's contributing enough to win enough games to stay in 15k is another story, which is why i said she's a solid 10k
I'd say she deserves 9 - 10k, she has very good raw aim but her other skills are lacking
yeah...and to people with this skillset it´s hard to explain, that even when they topfrag every game, it doesn´t mean they should be higher rating, because they lots of the time have high impact deaths and low impact kills
Very good point @@Finfi
Something you didn't seem to comment on is the immediate reloads after one kill when there is no guaranteed safety and 25 bullets left in the mag.
This is very often an easy tell that they aren't that great at the game.
Would love to see more vids like these for all levels from 4k to 25k. I like to see how others play the game and what their thought process is like, it helps me predict what the enemy might do when I’m playing. Keep it up!
i like how you dont sugar coat anything and say it how it is, felt like i learned alot from this video tbh
4,8-5,8k in solo queue is really hard to get out of. I played last season with friends and got 13k rating
can you form a proper sentence please@@rogue_v5
i solo queue through that im 11.9k rn bec im loosing 300 and gaining 100 i think it's better to solo queue sometimes i have many friends who are worse than me in my elo rating and some got boosted to 15k and they can't even smoke window in mirage
thats the thin, my teammates are mostly people who dont even know what smoking is, and my friends are 15k elo. Im maybe like 11k @@zark175
its different now. Most players are getting -100 for losses and +300 for wins. Even with 50% winrate you'll climb. I am trash, calibrated at 1.4k and hit 10k last week with 50% winrate solo q. I barely use mic, I barely know any utility, my aim is average, movement shit, awareness is good and I was previously LE/LEM in CS GO.
@@truthenjoyer4423 "awareness is good" there u go. having a brain is enough in almost anything u do in this goldfish society
i actually think these kind of vids might really be good in like being a trainer or people sending in vids and you do the commenting to it on what was good or not. btw congrats to the 20k prem rating. im currently jumping up and down between 13k and 16k but i havent given up so far ;)
finally, you're continuing with this series. keep the heat up man, this is some good content to watch after a long day.
Peak 23k rating player here, currently sitting 20k ish. She is definitely below average for my lobbies but tbh I wouldn’t bat an eye getting queued with her. Prob deserves at least like 10-15kish
just wanna say in 12k elo... people peak tiny angles with p90s. If this was my game that dude likely would not have wide swung with a p90, but instead prefired me holding this angle. 12:13 its fucking weird but i swear its how some of these people play.
Nah, I don’t think you are fair towards her. I’m a 18k rating and most people in my lobbies are around her abilities. I’m not sure if that’s just because of the current state of the game or something else. But at this very moment, I think she is that rating. You also need to understand that she literally was second drag or top dragging in a 15k+ game. So I don’t think that 11k is fair for her rating.
Your analysis and comments on these demos are very rich. I will be a silver forever but at least I'm improving a little thanks to these tips. Great job and great content!
9.55 is the best part of the video HAHAH that scream.
"Hardstuck" is just a synonym for refusing to accept your skill level lmao
Average ☕
*gets 1 deagle kill* "She should play only deagle"
Greatest logic ever
I keep getting “hard stuck” around 13k and then a few L’s with good personal performance but not so great teams that have -560 for loss +160 for win smack me back down to 9-10k real quick. I can’t seem to pinpoint the logic for how some of these matches are made and how the rating impact is determined. It certainly is frustrating when you solo Q and other players don’t have mics, lack strategy, can’t coordinate utility, etc. and that can also make it challenging to really progress as a player in the game. Pure skill alone can’t compensate for all the variables out of your control in a solo Q situation. I’m not saying that I deserve 20k but I would genuinely be curious to see how I’d be able to keep up with players in that register.
I've played a lot. I can tell you the rating comes from 2 things. One, smaller factor: the difference in elo between the teams. That's a classic elo feature. That is far less important though than Two: Accelerating bullshittery. Basically if you're streaking it's fucked. Think of a balanced game, +100 -100, you win one, it usually says +(100-200 range) -100. Win again, +250, -100. Win again, +350 -100. It's always scaled to around 100 on the side you're not streaking on, because it should be trying to set you up even games, +100 -100.
If you're losing too frequently, or going on streaks, or just never seem to get a good string of wins together, you're going to end up with a -500 game, and once you're around that region, it gets really painful. Say you lose two -500 games. That sucks, but sometimes you'll log in and lose 2. That's -1000 elo. You win your next one. That means you get +100, and your next game will be a +100 -350 game, or a +100 -250 game. It'll take you at least a couple more just to get even elo rewards again. You're now at -700 elo from your start. You now are getting even games, and all it took was winning 3 in a row. Now, it will take you at least 3 games to get back to where you started. So what took you 2 games to lose takes you 6 to get back, assuming you go straight to a winning streak. It's more likely you don't get a 6 win streak, and it takes you 8 or 9 games to get back. It's all a result of that acceleration, because the game is algorithmically always trying to set up 100/100 games. I am not a fan of the acceleration.
The only thing that breaks this is the promotion games.
I think it's a really bad system. It means that the score is determined before hand, assumes the game is even, and means that maybe my teammate is on a 100/100 game and is just dicking around, or maybe he's overlevelled, maybe he's just got off a winning streak and is +300/-100, while you're on -450 for the same game. Say someone disconnects on the game where the acceleration was at it's worst? Well, that game just mattered more to you, for reasons. There's good reason why this sort of system isn't used in serious elo systems like Chess, but Valve had to tinker.
I recently started trying to become a CS2 pro, starting a little late but I believe! Anyways, this video definitely helped a lot, your explanation is very clear and concise. I would love to see more of this type of content, guess the elo while you explain your thought process maybe? Thank you so much!
not gonna happen buddy, just fill out a job application
@@abdukarmellomani Already am working haha
gl man, see u in open
@@kowelol thank you!
Goodluck bro just remember it's a very very competitive scene 😢 it's very hard to get to their level without atleast 10k hours on cs
as a returner player with skills lost after 5 years of not playing the game and no basic map knowledge - i find this videos very educating. please do more.
Blind spot, russian stick, one eye pirate
Ive only been playing cs2 for a couple months. My buddy is a great igl and coach. We started premier a week ago with 3 of us. They are both better than me by a substantial amount and i truly feel like i will be holding them back by playing with them
i know whats happening. its the same thing happening to other people who deserve a higher ranking than they are. The servers are ultra sensitive to accuracy movements now. when i find myself losing 1v1s , i focus on my spray to see if its super wack, if it is i time the time it takes to stop moving to have 100% accuracy. surprisingly i notice servers (even if im sub 15 ping) can have ultra high latency for accuracy adjusting. I have counted up to a half second of inaccuracy after stopping movement keys. Its really really bad compared to csgo.
The whole game is shit nowadays,play valorant or counter strike classic offensive there are no alternatives.
It was also shit in csgo as it gradually became really swampy
Yeah. Improving on everything is required for this person. But consistency is the key.
Like me for example. Yesterday, I had 20+ kills and top fragged in 3 games and the next game i had 1 kill until last round of half and got 4k in last round. Then 2nd half got one more 4k on pistol round and i couldn't kill any further. Consistency is an important factor. And also, team support and teamplay is very important. I have a steam friend. When i was still 5k was having a bad aim day, Had a friend who was 13k who was getting kills. He didn't say or whine coz i was doing everything i could to support. Util, smokes, flashes (I'm good with flashes). I'd drop awp or rifles and take off a weaker rifle from someone who's playing better. The best way would be to learn smokes and flashes to help yourself rank up. It's always an easy 3k elo rank up when you know good support smokes and nades and flashes. Though, you'd also need to find good teammates who won't bully for ranks, aren't toxic and help out team the best way they can if they aren't getting much kills
Hello Haix! I think in some kind of update they made the map when you are spectaiting when you pred (I think) alt you can draw on the map infinity till you close it. You can draw on it to make more sense with the plans and rushes! Nice video
My random teammates are usually worse than that, and I play 18k currently. But yeah, that wasn't 20k gameplay either xD
i remember losing a match 15-16 with 55 kills ans another one with 56 kills but 15-15
most people at lower ranks can aim perfectly fine if not better than some higher tiered players. Game sense, utility use, and map knowledge is the main difference between a light blue and a pink. Doesn't matter how good you can aim if you're putting yourself in bad positions and or wasting money on utility.
Just hit 10k from around 4k this week, thanks for the content HaiX c:
i solo queued to 20k plus and you can get stuck but if your level is say 20k you would be winning more games than losing even with trash team , the only place you can get hardstuck is say 12-18k where players have an idea so you cant fully carry every game , also she is not 20k no where close 20k plus lobbies are mostly filled of faceit lvl 8 plus she is say maybe 10-12k
Not too far from that 400k amigo, good to see! My main problem is consistency these days, getting too old I guess lol.. that and I almost always get stuck playing mid with little to no support. To be honest though I don't mind taking the tougher positions so long as my team can go the entire game without screaming at each other lol.
How old are you?
I'm 39 and consistently suck so I presume age has nothing to do with consistentcy.
@@krazed0451 Older than that and yes it does I promise you.. reflexes get slower, memory gets worse ect. In my younger years dropping high 20's to low 30's with the odd 40 was fairly common.. now there are times I am lucky to hit the 20's lol
WOMAN HALLOOOO (voices cracks). one of my favorites.
it would be cool if you watched the vod with the player and told them what they did wrong and what not, would not only be good for them but also entertaining hearing their thoughts about what rating they deserve after playing the match.
Give back my Polish dr pepper. You are sanctioned.
More videos like this HaiX. It was a great watch
you can tell that if this player played in these lobbys consistently he would adapt. potential is there
Im at 18k just because i can use utility, and position well. My aim is avarage at best, i don't really know lineups, and i nearly never top frag. But hey, I know how to play the game and keep winning. Guys you should focus more on actually important things, like slowing down pushes, instead of facing the push with an AK in hand, throw some good flashes and mollies.
She is hard stuck. She won the game, and was 2nd on her team. She played AT the level and won. Doesn't mean she can't improve, but there is no shot this is a 4k player.
10:57 def a scrollwheel moment
at some point i would've said i was hardstuck 5k and that i should've deserved 15k, but after playing a lil more it was not that hard to get out of 5k and even 10k elo, and this is considering i was faceit lv 2 in csgo
then again i would 5 stack or duo queue a lot, which made it easier
i love when people talk about how many kills they get, as if the player at the bottom of the scoreboard couldn't possibly have been the reason they won rounds and they are the reason they are losing them lmao
chasing kills leads to failure, patience wins
Having Haix as a Coach is a dream
as someone 3.5-4.8k who barely touches the game months at a time, I'm surprised this person with such good aim makes such massive mistakes that I do. I think they might have gotten high rank due to good aim and competent teammates. The teammates you have affect everything surprisingly much
Me who was actually hard stuck 5k when i was playing with a 5 stack of dudes who ditched tf out of me, then when playing solo got to 16k in less than 15 days playing solo queue which is where im currently stuck
im surprised how they reach 5k with constant reloading
11:06 it's amazing how even in 20k games people have a notorious lack of patience, with 1:00 on the clock, I would have waited for No. 7 to come back so we can clear angles around the bomb together and trade, and No. 0 should stop lurking for info and come back mid to cover our path. And I'm only 11k.
I am just under 12k like 11.9 which is close to where you said this person should be rated. Makes me curious as to what you would think if you saw a VOD of mine, not claiming to be good at the game but I feel like I would have done well in that game considering the opponents. I just think mm and the mmr is completely fucked like there is no way those people are 20k I swear people in my elo are more aware of their surroundings than this. Again I think it's the mmr maybe it needs time to balance it's self out since it is early into the life cycle of it all.
The fact shes doing well in 15k when shes in 5k means she definitely deserves a higher rank. If she takes all your constructive criticism and applies herself she'll get there in no time
I really like this analysis video and like to see more of these.
Rough critics but totally deserved. Your best advice is to take the lead when you are the MVP of your team. That's not usually my kind of role but if I want to overpass my underrated rank (for my opinion) I won't have the choice.
A lot of videos show how to win like a pro. It is good to see a video which teach you why you loose like a noob.
9:58 took me reeeeeeally off-guard... xD
It bothers me so much when people say "I drop 30 kills every game, why don't I rank up".
30 0 impact kills are worth less than 15 high impact kills.
If u drop 30 kills every game in CS2, u can't have that by only getting eco or exit kills.
30 kills every game in CS2 is literally like 40+ every game in CS:GO
I just dropped from 17k to 13k today. Feels good. Love this game. :))))
literally described me in this video. i started watching my demos. on my way to recovery
One thing I noticed is she shot 5 bullets and started to reload in the worst place/time, no need to reload at that point.
I like your funny words magic man
on the p90 wide swing b doors tho, tbh ive had situations where they jiggle or short swing that or maybe not even look my direction at all when entering but ill tell you what you deserve more than 400k subs my dude ive watched you for too long for you to be under 1 mil
Holy shit i wish my teammates had brains like you bro all they want to do is peak on ct
seeing haix this nice is suprising but ngl it's expectable because it's finally that is actually underranked, not "ohh haix im silver elite master and i deserve global" and then bottom frags rest of the match, but actually someone skilled that deserves much better rank
i'm currently unranked but playing with 9-12k players and most of them have shit movement and all they can do is aim, so based of what she is doing i can tell she deserves 16k+
beeing stuck in 5k elo is insane. you get teamed with people who r literally afraid to peak or take site. its so demotivating if you re a solo q person
50% of the time I get players like this in my 19k matches
The Russian accent makes it so much better 😂
I dont understand how you can be hardstuck at all. Im not the greatest player, but im slowly but steadily climbing up. After calibration i got 6.5k and instantly dropped to 4k. Now i passed the 10k.
What helps is not to tilt. Change your playstyle when youre getting shut down - slow down, play smarter and no unnecessary rushes.
Alot of these people who were global in csgo only knew one map cs2 is a skill check
HaiX show Game show Tv show is back with this amazing serie
wait people think theres a difference between 5k and 15k :D
very rarely do i come across players that deserve to be lower than 5k. i get placed with 5k 8k 15k players all the time because i only play solo and they're all the same skill level. which is Nova. every game is sonic mode someone either dies or gets a kill in the first 10seconds it's really not fun. you never have time to play a decent game cause someone dies mid in the first 10 seconds or whatever whilst you're watching directly at a 20second molotov/smoke combo. i also get cheaters on my team a lot of the time i have reported so many people this week it's not even funny. yesterday i had someone that deserved to be 100 elo if that's even a thing literally didn't know the game had recoil but ended up dropping 50 kills with his trusty awp.
I smell hacks, several times I saw the cross hair flick to heads through walls and smokes, but not using aim for killing just for positioning
i just went from 19k to 16k elo since -300 every game and hard to win without 5 q's we back up now tho at like 18k
dear diary
you should turn off x ray for a more realistic review
7:55 that knife 😂
If she wasn't a woman, Haix would rage 2 times more XD
In a rating system where you get (on avg) ~300 elo when you win but only lose ~100 elo when losing you gotta lose a lot to be hardstuck.
At the moment I'm earning 900 elo when winning and lose 100 when I lose, it is statistically impossible for me to not rank up xd
Except that's not how the system works. 0-4k you can't lose points; if you lost a bit in that range, you'll lose 700-800 mmr for a loss and only get 170 with a W. Literally takes 8 games in a row to counter 1 loss. This shouldn't ever happen. She is a great example of a hardstuck player; because she's 4.8k but just got 2nd in a 20k lobby. She did make mistakes, but the other 3 teammates made more than her. So if we're being objective, she played better than the people in that lobby; who are 17-20k. She won that game. They won by 3 rounds, and there were easily 3 rounds that they won off her back. Mistakes or not; they won that game because of her.
CS2 ELO is broken.
I was supreme in CSGO but in 3 years (when cyberpunk was released)I didn't play any CS, valorant or similar games(most time in EU4) and my skills is rusty but I after 4 games meet 3 opponents 10k+ , in wingmen drop from global to MG2. so I'm satisfied.
''angle on the right'' -arrow pointing to the left😂
Lets just be real, if youre ''hardstuck'' 5k rating, it just means youre not ready to rank up. Rating system is bad, but its fairily easy to rank up solo queue if youre good enough.
I was stuck on 8k and thought I should be on like 13k. Played with a friend who was really good at aiming and I did flashes etc for him till I got past 10k and then solo q'ed for 2 weeks now I'm 16k ELO. ELO hell is real but most people are correctly ranked.
as someone who also came from valorant and was immo1 (shes better than me at val). but ive been sitting around 10-13k and never think about being 20k. her decision making was slow, her aim style was too much like valorant which doesnt work in cs, and her util was subpar at best. do i think she could get to 20k if she grinded? absolutely but right now shes no better than a 8-9k player
edit: for haix, you kept saying not trying to be harsh. but in all reality if someone thinks they deserve FOUR TIMES there actual rating you need to be harsh and need to make them understand exactly why they arent that rank
Жэс, бро! Твои шортсы это нечто)
Shoots better than most people at 15k
This show has become from roasting to vod review 😂
It was never about the roasting. It was always about watching the mistakes of people who think that they deserve higher rank and ofc some fun in the process of it
@HaiX Haix best coach 💪
9:52 Best part of video DEF XD
One thing I dont understand is are those Haix's hands or beard hair on his pfp
Ngl she did good for her main acc rank, her teammates were bots this game can’t lie other than the top frag
16:18 I disagree with your verdict here. She waited almost the perfect amount. When you have the manpower it's better to err bit on the safe side than peek early and lose because you're taking 1v1s by accident.
Also she was either one map specialist playing off map knowledge, has spent quite some time off game OR transition to CS2 had huge negative impact on her because this did NOT look like Global Elite gameplay, Eagle ranks at best
I have 23k and still learned something from this video, thanks brother
I am a shit cs player, at my peak I was like MGE in 2015. But life happened and I got back into CS2, a few months ago. Now I occilate between decent play and playing like a S1. Which, I have no problem with, I mostly just play CS2 after work. But if I am having a good day I would say I am probably like 6k ELO. This person objectively has less game sense than I do, but also plays way better than the people at my tier.
She probably thinks she now belong in that elo because she got X amount of kills. People who usually claim they are hardstuck or belong in higher elo are only basing it off their scoreboard and the feeling that since they are top scoreboard most of the time the losses are not their fault.
I have a friend kind of like this too that basically knows 0 utility and basic map knowledge/timings etc but because he kinda has sick aim he can get top score like that. But because of that he is often in denial about his mistakes and only says "but I topfragged". Yeah its good you can topfrag but its not everything in the game.. Because if and when he has a day when he is not fragging that hot he is basically dead weight.
dropping 20-30kills in 5k but i dropped 30-40 kills there and im now 10k elo and inplay with 10-15k people that have her skills and we lose
To be fair, the skill gap between 1K - 20K is like, Copper (below silver 1) to DMG-Supreme. Global is basically 23K+, without faceit tho, ranking people's skill legitimately is genuinely difficult. Faceit Elo tells the truth, that's how we all did it in the late CSGO days.
faceit still the way to go as premier lacks anticheat. grinded from 900 (didnt play faceit in csgo as i was a global cache loyalist) to 2100+ elo recently and it was alot nicer than going from 3k-16k on premier
@@NorsnameMan It's literally aids playing premier in 20k lobbies, every 2nd game there's a cheater who has 4 hours past 2 weeks, 1 medal being the csgo one and goes from being bottom place for 3 rounds to all of a sudden tapping heads
Wish Faceit for CS2 was public already lol. I'd grind that shit fr
@@NorsnameManagreed, i wish we had faceit anti-cheat but unfortunately valve wants the game to run on linux so that's pretty much impossible
I really wish valve stopped caring about linux, 99% of players use windows. No linux support is a good trade for better anti-cheat
her teammates are probably simping over her voice 😂😂😂😂