Very well explained. I know i'm being repetitive, but every time i watch one of your videos, i'm again and again left flabbergasted, at how ably you convey/relay courseware. I have terrible anxiety, when atempting to speak publicly, so i easily get discombobulated to the point, where i forget what i wish to say to my audience. My nervousness is decreased only by my mastery over the topic i hope to impart to others. So, judging from myself, i congradulate your own proficiency. (I am aware, that ability to perform publicly, is dependant on each individual, and the tension and pressure you experience each time, can even be reduced by continuous public apperance, however i still applaud you.)
Well done, young man! Congratulations! You are gifted and your future (or already actual) students will learn easily from you!
In honor of October celebrations, a question. If you take the circumference of a pumpkin, then divide by its diameter, what do you get? Pi.
Very well explained. I know i'm being repetitive, but every time i watch one of your videos, i'm again and again left flabbergasted, at how ably you convey/relay courseware.
I have terrible anxiety, when atempting to speak publicly, so i easily get discombobulated to the point, where i forget what i wish to say to my audience.
My nervousness is decreased only by my mastery over the topic i hope to impart to others.
So, judging from myself, i congradulate your own proficiency. (I am aware, that ability to perform publicly, is dependant on each individual, and the tension and pressure you experience each time, can even be reduced by continuous public apperance, however i still applaud you.)
Very intelligent young man
Very good videos
Amazing explanation - thank you so much!
Wow, finally made it click! thanks
very good excellent videos
l can make you an analytical geometry proposal