No Anti-Cheat Can STOP These HARDWARE Cheats (DMA Cheating Setup)

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии •

  • @boomboxwagon
    @boomboxwagon Месяц назад +24

    they should be able to open the radar link and then readjust it to their pov. don't ask me how i know that because i've never cheated a day in my life

    • @j13nkz
      @j13nkz 29 дней назад

      Using aim assist that the game offers is a form of cheating ( legally ) since it helps your aim so yes you do cheat 😂😂

    • @pikapee
      @pikapee 22 дня назад

      ​@@j13nkzthis is a cs channel goofball

  • @garypinholster1962
    @garypinholster1962 Месяц назад +48

    G fuel actually sponsors cheats? bahahaha how fucking wild.

    • @TabzWare
      @TabzWare  Месяц назад +14

      For over a year now they’ve been a dope sponsor 🎉

    • @garypinholster1962
      @garypinholster1962 Месяц назад +4

      @TabzWare at least they're not ashamed haha

    • @JoeBordok
      @JoeBordok Месяц назад +1

      @@TabzWare cap

    • @TabzWare
      @TabzWare  24 дня назад

      What’s Cap

    • @micsss_
      @micsss_ 6 дней назад

      they would probably sponsor hitler if he started gaming

  • @SirSkippy87
    @SirSkippy87 13 дней назад +4

    Anyone cheating is a POS, and frankly just sucks at life in general…

  • @gameforce0075
    @gameforce0075 Месяц назад +25

    cheaters just ruining the gaming...

    • @Nordkampf
      @Nordkampf 25 дней назад +2

      Cry about it, it's pixels

    • @jotv7224
      @jotv7224 19 дней назад +3

      @@kroooassant9899 what is fun in cheating to win though. im confused how that many people continually keep loading up the games only to cheat while playing. you'd think maybe at most a single rage hack moment and then move onto another game. why dont they move onto another game. its so bizarre. Epitome of absolute loser.

  • @SensyWATCHES
    @SensyWATCHES Месяц назад +4

    If you like computer science great if you love a game and it’s awesome community please stop the cheats like this. ❤

  • @numba_won
    @numba_won Месяц назад +7

    cheating will be a thing until kyc is required by all games and any one banned is personally banned and cant make another account without kyc

    • @TabzWare
      @TabzWare  Месяц назад +9

      That will never be a thing in North America as it would impeach freedoms

    • @nekocs2
      @nekocs2 Месяц назад

      You don’t wanna show your id don’t play. it’s perfectly legal KYC is used in countless brands

    • @scrolling
      @scrolling Месяц назад

      @@nekocs2 it's not perfectly legal. I'm a lawyer. Also
      @numba_won what you're saying already exists in Asian countries. You need to provide ID to play and when you get banned you cannot create a new account which means people start using other peoples ID's to register new accounts. That will never exist in North America, and I'm glad it wont. Privacy laws in china and other asian countries are extremely strict compared to the US/CAN/MEX countries.

    • @yourcatalyst7253
      @yourcatalyst7253 Месяц назад

      @@TabzWareit would benefit Americans the most though as that means cheating Indians and China-men won’t be able to pull their usual bullshit

    • @kowismo
      @kowismo Месяц назад

      game makers dont care enough about that until they loose money.
      But they actually make more many of selling more copies.

  • @tobias143
    @tobias143 День назад

    Hi bro, I have a few questions and would appreciate your help.
    1. Where can I purchase your cheat?
    2. Is firmware required for the card?
    3. I have a similar mouse, Superlight 2. When I connect it to the KMBOX, the main computer doesn’t detect it, so the GPRO software doesn’t either, which causes severe input lag (the sensitivity and DPI settings reset). What should I do? I have to play with a different mouse :(

  • @DMAhacks
    @DMAhacks Месяц назад

    Also you can share radar with friends tabz, when they have the link they just choose their name on the dropdown tab on radar and aslong as they are in your game it’ll be a radar for them to track on like a monitor/phone/tablet , but they have to choose their name when making pov

  • @thskosmicx.
    @thskosmicx. Месяц назад +4

    NoHyper has returned tabz, yall should play together ong.

    • @TabzWare
      @TabzWare  Месяц назад +3

      I don’t do collabs. only time u see other RUclipsrs in my videos, it’s because their my actual friends 👍🏻

    • @ds3h
      @ds3h Месяц назад

      ​@@TabzWare Only with the bros 💯

    • @daruma7198
      @daruma7198 Месяц назад

      @@TabzWare yall got beef?

    • @TabzWare
      @TabzWare  Месяц назад

      @@daruma7198 I just don’t entertain other creators. I focus on myself, cause that’s what matters 👍🏻

    • @sethwestonb
      @sethwestonb Месяц назад

      @@TabzWare i understand that tbh bro love the content btw

  • @KamiKazeD
    @KamiKazeD 10 дней назад

    Meanwhile ...
    A radar hack, i never even heard of a radar hack

  • @PixelPioneer-p4f
    @PixelPioneer-p4f Месяц назад +1

    faceit undetected? still pretty pricey what about esea
    hex dma said its firmware dependent idk if you can bypass that

  • @harishgovekar3597
    @harishgovekar3597 Месяц назад +3

    Hey Tabz. Can you please make a detailed video about how to setup this?

    • @TabzWare
      @TabzWare  Месяц назад +2

      I think I can do that yeah

    • @DMAhacks
      @DMAhacks Месяц назад +1

      It’s lowkey all over RUclips now lol

    • @TabzWare
      @TabzWare  Месяц назад +1

      @ I have a 50 min video explaining it and setting it up anyway

  • @Onyx_Boxer
    @Onyx_Boxer Месяц назад

    hey tabz it's the AU guy here just wondering when will the AU hvh server come out for cs2? (ik it wont come out any time soon since you are sick and I hope you do get here but just looking for a rough estimate on when)

  • @CCash1986
    @CCash1986 Месяц назад +3

    Just curious, what is the point of cheating like this? I am honestly curious.

    • @TabzWare
      @TabzWare  Месяц назад +6

      At this level? This is what streamers do to gain an audience while avoiding any sort of bans

    • @Kensjio
      @Kensjio Месяц назад

      @@TabzWare ah cheater brain. oh hes cheating im turning on my cheat. ooo i see a csgo streamer he must be using dma cheats headass

    • @CCash1986
      @CCash1986 Месяц назад

      @@TabzWareWhat big streamers do this? I have a hard time believing this is common amongst popular streamers. If I’m wrong, please educate me.

    • @imGhost_2612
      @imGhost_2612 Месяц назад

      ​@@CCash1986 yeah go search streamers get caught using cheats..and see how many got caught over the years and imagine how many r still getting away with it

    • @lividgamer2383
      @lividgamer2383 Месяц назад

      @@CCash1986 Cheating is huge with streamers give it some research trust

  • @adiis.11
    @adiis.11 Месяц назад +1

    Whats the difference if i buy dma from aliexpress or something like dma kingdom

    • @nightfall8753
      @nightfall8753 Месяц назад +1

      Nothing they are all the sane chip, you are just paying for branding at that point

    • @俿
      @俿 28 дней назад

      @@nightfall8753 most dma bundles come with a fuser and a kmbox and are pre flashed with firmware

  • @bbones
    @bbones 24 дня назад

    how are you recording your fuser esp, can u send the cc u use :3

    • @TabzWare
      @TabzWare  24 дня назад

      @@bbones Elgato 4K Pro

    • @bbones
      @bbones 23 дня назад +1

      @@TabzWare do you plug it into your first or second pc, for hdmi in, do you plug in your fuser output orr

  • @JimTim-bh2ex
    @JimTim-bh2ex Месяц назад +1

    they cant stop my usermode bypass this is pure overkill lmfaoooo

    • @TrojanLube69
      @TrojanLube69 5 дней назад +1

      I developed two kinds of usermode hacks that have never been detected. One is a Nvidia and AMD driver hack and the other one is a ethernet hijacker and encryption tool decryptor . 😅 the second one pays tribute to the first aimbot ever created in quake. Heck maybe I have something to do with that one 😂😂😂 In the future I am planning on making my own Nvidia or AMD video card chip with my custom driver that is the actual signed driver from nvidia but modified 😂😂

    • @JimTim-bh2ex
      @JimTim-bh2ex 5 дней назад

      @@TrojanLube69 nice givin me ideas :)

    • @TrojanLube69
      @TrojanLube69 5 дней назад

      @@JimTim-bh2ex here is a other idea I had in mind, but not sure if it would be possible to hijack it or even put enough efford in making or planning it.
      A ram hijacker port. so similar to how DMA works but in the actual motherboard place of the ram, similar to a bridge. A ram stick would connect to it and the port would connect to the motherboard. It would be a physical adapter port that connects into another computers M.2 disk adapter. Basically, a direct copy of all Ram memory in another computer. This would have access to anything that goes into memory, basically any address in memory. 😊

  • @dickybalboa825
    @dickybalboa825 Месяц назад

    Hello im so curious about this thing. I have a few question. What are the games that support esp(PLEASE PLAY APEX LEGENDS). How long you have been playing with the cheats and have you ever been banned? I hope you answer this questions.

  • @bubsrt
    @bubsrt 24 дня назад

    thanks for this video it may seem stupid but this confirms that i can use a g pro wireless with the kmbox heard some mouses dont work with it and couldnt find anything that said my mouse works with it also do u know if i need certain firmware for call of duty dma or will any be/eac firmware work

  • @dreamsszn
    @dreamsszn Месяц назад +2

    are there any games you play legit honestly asking

    • @TabzWare
      @TabzWare  Месяц назад

      @@dreamsszn everything but CS

  • @John-qq3vy
    @John-qq3vy 7 часов назад

    Are you aware phantom overlay was outed as a botnet trojan? Not really something you want to be advertising.

  • @cheshire_
    @cheshire_ Месяц назад +2

    its sad to need to cheat to boost your small ego
    I'm so glad I gave up on competitive games, with the raise of these undetectable cheats and ai coming really soon human players are gonna be out of the game completely
    fps games are dead fr

    • @TabzWare
      @TabzWare  Месяц назад +6

      Just cheat for videos, Gaming died for me a long time ago because of cheats, at this point it’s just content and for people to see what their up against

    • @Donteatme70
      @Donteatme70 Месяц назад

      @@TabzWareyup. I Switched to DOTA. Even if someone’s cheating you can still outplay them. It’s an even play between fighting skill, itemization and decision making. If they don’t have the other two, it won’t matter too much if they cheat. I will be playing splitgate 2 when it comes out, you should try it.

  • @rschdorm
    @rschdorm Месяц назад +12

    DMA such a dream but so damn expensive 😫

    • @DMAhacks
      @DMAhacks Месяц назад +1

      Not anymore, DMA bundles are just like $199 now max , that’s the normal. If you pay more you’re getting scammed

    • @Max-xk7vz
      @Max-xk7vz Месяц назад

      @@DMAhacks can you send the website

    • @Clipsahoytv
      @Clipsahoytv Месяц назад +5

      @@DMAhackswhere are you buying

    • @Imxpertgamer
      @Imxpertgamer Месяц назад +1

      @@DMAhacks Not trusting that

    • @cheatersexposed8335
      @cheatersexposed8335 Месяц назад

      got mine a year ago on aliexpress within 8 days, payed 165, or just get a Screamer PCIe Squirrel - LambdaConcept

  • @zevohog
    @zevohog Месяц назад +5

    Bro we want to see them faceit cheats fr

    • @pascalgagnon8748
      @pascalgagnon8748 Месяц назад +2

      any cs2 cheat will do. you just need a good firmware that bypass faceit AC. The only way to get detected with dma is via firmware. The cheat runs on second pc, no way to detect

    • @Xaspersphere
      @Xaspersphere 26 дней назад

      @@pascalgagnon8748technically it’s been detected before, if you look at the valor ban wave in details then yes it is possible

    • @keeshh06
      @keeshh06 19 дней назад

      @@Xasperspherethey’ve been banned by reports and or BAD BAD firmware, I’ve never gotten banned by Val and I’ve rage cheated to immo 1

  • @joaoandre9847
    @joaoandre9847 Месяц назад +20

    sub human garbage

    • @TabzWare
      @TabzWare  Месяц назад

      Tryna turn me on or some shit sicko 🥵

      @PEAKENTV Месяц назад

      W TABZ

    • @JoeBordok
      @JoeBordok Месяц назад

      @@TabzWare you're a weirdo

  • @sonthanhvn
    @sonthanhvn Месяц назад

    is there any input delay or overlay delay when using PO DMA ?

    • @TabzWare
      @TabzWare  Месяц назад

      Nothing close to noticeable, I believe the spec of the fuser is what makes all the difference. My fuser is 0.3ms from what I remember

  • @clearclear6237
    @clearclear6237 Месяц назад

    Ask guy,
    in dust 2 deadmatch,ak90%headshot,80kill 20 dead. is cheater or pro?
    Or faceit have 500 match, level 8 player use cheat?

  • @philipkeane2217
    @philipkeane2217 Месяц назад

    Thanks for the upload now I definitely won't be buying it for Xmas

  • @sh4rrppl4ys49
    @sh4rrppl4ys49 Месяц назад

    Nah thats a wild setup lol. W video as usual

    • @TabzWare
      @TabzWare  Месяц назад

      Had to invest for the content 😂🤘🏼

  • @Jebbydafry
    @Jebbydafry 27 дней назад

    Can you rage in cs2 without a ban with emulated fw

  • @JimmyCS
    @JimmyCS Месяц назад

    Noti squad == God Tier

    • @lividgamer2383
      @lividgamer2383 Месяц назад

      bro didnt even pin you try again simp 😭

  • @pqrk885
    @pqrk885 Месяц назад

    Can anyone tell me what cheat is safe for playing? and what is the chance that I will fly with a vac. (I'm talking about full legit)

    • @TabzWare
      @TabzWare  Месяц назад

      It's DMA, it needs a second PC and DMA card. The chances of a ban is almost 0.. nothing is safer for CS

    • @俿
      @俿 28 дней назад

      Dont listen to tabs, most ud internal cheat is iniuria. If you account is worth over 500$ buy a dma setup, but DONT BUY A DMA CHEAT; there are loads of free dma cheats on github or uc.

  • @luhumyy4876
    @luhumyy4876 Месяц назад

    What fw u using?

    • @PickleXoXo
      @PickleXoXo Месяц назад

      For cs2 you can just use default firmware

    • @TabzWare
      @TabzWare  Месяц назад

      I have used Shockz firmware for about a year now on everything with no bans

    • @Jebbydafry
      @Jebbydafry 27 дней назад

      @@TabzWarecan you rage in cs2

  • @Kamix88
    @Kamix88 Месяц назад

    NoHyper is back

  • @SirSkippy87
    @SirSkippy87 13 дней назад

    U need cheats, move like a lazy bot and still die repeatedly, omg u suck at life…

    • @TabzWare
      @TabzWare  13 дней назад

      Still won tho 🤷🏻‍♂️

  • @BmoneyHype
    @BmoneyHype 8 дней назад

    bragging about getting camo grind using cheats LOL- Thanks for being part of the problem

    • @TabzWare
      @TabzWare  8 дней назад

      @@BmoneyHype I said the opposite but ight lol

  • @SensyWATCHES
    @SensyWATCHES Месяц назад

    Tabz how many times have you been ratted?

    • @TabzWare
      @TabzWare  Месяц назад

      To my knowledge I haven’t been, feel like most cheats these days care about their reoccurring income more than messing with people. That being said I wouldn’t put shit u care about on a cheating computer

    • @SensyWATCHES
      @SensyWATCHES Месяц назад

      @ 👍🫶

  • @Stratxgy.
    @Stratxgy. Месяц назад

    did you use phantom overlay to cheat on bo6 or did you play legit?

    • @TabzWare
      @TabzWare  Месяц назад

      All my camo grind etc has been legit. COD generally is easy, got to prestige 4 in 3 days 💀

    • @Stratxgy.
      @Stratxgy. Месяц назад

      @@TabzWare maybe i just suck but ive been playing about 1 hour a day since launch and havent hit first prestige or gold camo… controller or kbm?

    • @TabzWare
      @TabzWare  Месяц назад

      @ KBM, I queue with console friends mostly that have a 1 KD usually so the lobbies are kinda easier. SBMM is a pain in the ass. I’d recommend HC for headshots. U can spawn camp easy

  • @Entoma-fl6tc
    @Entoma-fl6tc Месяц назад

    Work on faceit to ?

  • @boki8_YT
    @boki8_YT Месяц назад

    can you play on faceit with this cheat?

    • @俿
      @俿 28 дней назад

      if you have good firmware, yes

  • @Restfellas7
    @Restfellas7 20 дней назад

    Spent all that money to cheat 😂

    • @TabzWare
      @TabzWare  20 дней назад +2

      @@Restfellas7 Actually everything including the second PC was paid for by the sponsor of DMA cheats on the channel. Shout out TGModz

    • @Restfellas7
      @Restfellas7 17 дней назад

      @ at least your honest

  • @aspect_s1mple
    @aspect_s1mple Месяц назад

    you have to make more rust videos

  • @kubekgameplayer3788
    @kubekgameplayer3788 Месяц назад +1

    Why do u cheat?

    • @JoeBordok
      @JoeBordok Месяц назад

      cuz hes an idiot ^^

  • @Nordkampf
    @Nordkampf 25 дней назад

    Nice setup

  • @mtk10-r8f
    @mtk10-r8f 17 дней назад

    I love dma so much

  • @blicky35
    @blicky35 Месяц назад

    Lmao ozempic buster

  • @n0steeze
    @n0steeze Месяц назад

    What flavour Jones?

    • @TabzWare
      @TabzWare  Месяц назад +1

      Creme 🤘🏼

    • @n0steeze
      @n0steeze Месяц назад

      @TabzWare I'm all bout that green apple

    • @TabzWare
      @TabzWare  Месяц назад

      @n0steeze honestly never even seen that one 😅

    • @n0steeze
      @n0steeze Месяц назад

      @TabzWare shit looks like cartoon acid it's so green, rabba usually has them, very good if you like sour apple stuff

  • @redap14
    @redap14 Месяц назад +2

    This is just sad 😂😂

    • @JoeBordok
      @JoeBordok Месяц назад

      he has a skill issue obviously

  • @ITAmiky01
    @ITAmiky01 Месяц назад

    u have dma, why don't u play on faceit? Just asked

    • @TabzWare
      @TabzWare  Месяц назад +1

      Not worth it cause I cant record it. Faceit takes videos down and on top of that its actually illegal to cheat in anything that has prizes with a cash value.

    • @ITAmiky01
      @ITAmiky01 Месяц назад

      @@TabzWare thats crazy, btw nice video. Liked

  • @XSuperModzzX
    @XSuperModzzX Месяц назад

    Try it on valorant

    • @TabzWare
      @TabzWare  Месяц назад

      Valorant takes down videos

  • @Ganganadhi
    @Ganganadhi 11 дней назад

    is someone can set this up for me i could give the money lol

  •  Месяц назад

    clincy fw is the best

  • @ukimbe
    @ukimbe Месяц назад

    vangaurd can detect

    • @Roshi_420
      @Roshi_420 Месяц назад

      vanguard even worse than vac

    • @TabzWare
      @TabzWare  Месяц назад

      Good firmware bypasses VGK no issues

    • @ukimbe
      @ukimbe Месяц назад

      @@Roshi_420 val vangaurd? u must be acoustic

    • @youngtrapper2603
      @youngtrapper2603 Месяц назад

      @@TabzWare detected every month same with kmbox, shite.

    • @TabzWare
      @TabzWare  Месяц назад

      @@youngtrapper2603you have some shit firmware then 😂 I know people that have been cheating for multiple seasons 😂

  • @minhajhassan5417
    @minhajhassan5417 Месяц назад

    nice guns

  • @tharmsy
    @tharmsy Месяц назад

    works on faceit?

    • @TabzWare
      @TabzWare  Месяц назад

      Yes, Just need a good firmware

    • @devan8425
      @devan8425 Месяц назад

      @@TabzWare what does that mean and where do you find it

    • @俿
      @俿 28 дней назад

      @@devan8425 you can buy a dma card flashed with firmware or you can buy firmware and flash it yourself, there is a free dma guide on the phantom overlay website

  • @xbedits7288
    @xbedits7288 Месяц назад

    W vid

    • @tworagg614
      @tworagg614 Месяц назад

      it came out 1 minute ago bro 😭😭

  • @riekstiins
    @riekstiins Месяц назад


    @COOKIECOOKIE-tz1fx Месяц назад

    W vid