~ || You really monster!! 😈💀👹 || ~ [~🍜Naruto🍜~] ~ Original? || Angst || ~

  • Опубликовано: 26 дек 2024

Комментарии • 102

  • @milenapotoczny6632
    @milenapotoczny6632 Месяц назад +166

    This girl in this Video with bronw hair is just like Li-la from Miracoules...

    • @MagicSylveonAnimeArt
      @MagicSylveonAnimeArt Месяц назад +1

      Yes! Lie-la is stupid

    • @Not_bkdk
      @Not_bkdk Месяц назад +30

      I think the same Leila never stopped doing that ugh Marinette push me down the stairs oww

    • @s-s3862
      @s-s3862  Месяц назад +25

      @@Not_bkdk 😂😂😂🤣🤣

    • @Puppy-dog-ice
      @Puppy-dog-ice Месяц назад +14

      It’s not li-la it’s lie-la

    • @Not_bkdk
      @Not_bkdk Месяц назад +8

      @@Puppy-dog-ice whatever is name but she always lie

  • @makaylanickell3800
    @makaylanickell3800 Месяц назад +52

    My poor boy..that girl needs to be taught a lesson.. (hugs naruto,my bby..)

  • @Naruko_uzumaki-d5c
    @Naruko_uzumaki-d5c Месяц назад +12

    Naruto doesn't deserve every hate!!!

  • @sofiasdream
    @sofiasdream Месяц назад +28

    I didn’t expect you too still use the intro + outro but you’re welcome! :D 🌷
    THAT GIRL DESERVES IT AT THE END. ✊🏻🙄 (oh and- welcome back :])

  • @Kimxnoi8138
    @Kimxnoi8138 Месяц назад +12

    See this is why I love hinata(more than. Sakura idc if yall think she weak or anything she's my favorite)

  • @Laith481
    @Laith481 Месяц назад +7

    imagine what kushina is feeling rn

  • @Sxnziii-In_The_Houseee
    @Sxnziii-In_The_Houseee 4 дня назад

    "You really monster" Hit me hard😢

  • @danilminin2559
    @danilminin2559 Месяц назад +12

    I liked it and I'm waiting for the next part.

  • @ayatpoupe2183
    @ayatpoupe2183 Месяц назад +18

    this is so talented it need a part 2!

  • @AHimuraProduction
    @AHimuraProduction Месяц назад +5

    I know its just a video but I know Shikamaru and Sasuke wouldn't have believed the girl's story. Shikamaru knows his classmates well enough to know she's lying and would have asked for proof and would have told the others to think about it. Sasuke probably wouldn't care for either the girl or Naruto but he would know the girl was lying. He would have agreed with Shikamaru. Not to mention Lee is a year older than them and was already on Gai's team with TenTen and Neji. Hinata wouldn't believe Naruto could have hurt someone, however, she would unfortunately never have run after him due to her overly shy nature. Shikamaru would have looked for Naruto later or Naruto would have run into Iruka who would be the one to comfort him.

  • @lenysouza1631
    @lenysouza1631 16 дней назад +2

    Finalmente um brasileiro

  • @preetirajkumar2346
    @preetirajkumar2346 8 дней назад

    O MAH GWAD!!! IT'S LIE - LA!!!!!

  • @NickyRose-q4b
    @NickyRose-q4b Месяц назад +7

    Parte 2 pls ❤


    Part 2 please! ❤

  • @elieyahuneptune5404
    @elieyahuneptune5404 17 дней назад +2

    Naruto doesn't deserve this at all 😭😭😭😭😭😭

  • @elieyahuneptune5404
    @elieyahuneptune5404 17 дней назад

    Hina is the best she's the best girl ever 💕

  • @Nanachi694
    @Nanachi694 Месяц назад +4

    Вааай вы вернулись!!!😊
    Видео топ ^^

  • @QuantezPowell-nj9rz
    @QuantezPowell-nj9rz Месяц назад +3

    I guess game over for her

  • @Merryonroblox
    @Merryonroblox Месяц назад +5

    ❤part 2 please

  • @ela_chan-q4d
    @ela_chan-q4d Месяц назад +3

    Me encanto nueva sus pt 2 por fis

  • @Red-b1r
    @Red-b1r Месяц назад +2

    inos walk is hallirius bro is like me lagging bro on slow mode

  • @ZeegelaarAnjelique-hj8ju
    @ZeegelaarAnjelique-hj8ju 10 дней назад

    5:04 sakura:shocked to hear she said to naruto
    Ino:angry to hear her say those words to naruto
    Hinata:(cry ig)shocked to hear what she said to naruto
    Sasuke:completely speechless of hearing she said to naruto
    Shikamaru:angry at what she said to naruto
    Lee:(confused a bit ig)completely stunned of hearing she said to naruto

  • @mccabral
    @mccabral Месяц назад +8

    Can anyone tell me how is naruto even responsible for the destruction of konoha? Because for me it does not make sense

    • @AHimuraProduction
      @AHimuraProduction Месяц назад +2

      Because the Nine Tails Fox had attacked the village of Konoha and killed a lot of people. Some of the adult joinin and chunin in Konoha know the Nine Tails was sealed in Naruto by the Fourth Hokage. However, most Jonin and chunin and all the civilians, who don't know the whole truth, genuinely believe Naruto _IS_ the Nine Tails Fox. So they hate him as they believe he is the reason their friends and families are dead. In hating him, they forbid their children from playing or speaking to him and call him a monster. Not only that but the Third Hokage passed a rule/law that no one was to speak of the incident or talk about the Nine Tails. Naruto has *NO IDEA* the Nine Tails resides inside him. He finds out later when he's 12 years old. Hope this helps. Sorry it's so long!! 😅😅😅😅

  • @Ubereatsgod
    @Ubereatsgod 5 дней назад

    Bro hit every edit style at 5:48 to 6:00

  • @ImCool-t4j
    @ImCool-t4j Месяц назад +2

    Didn't Sasuke and Shikamaru see? 1:14 to 1:19

  • @MariaisabellaYouTube-c6k
    @MariaisabellaYouTube-c6k 20 дней назад +1

    Pfv parte 2 plassss

  • @クーパー-m3t
    @クーパー-m3t 16 дней назад

    ....,,..i know his pain

  • @UeyUsidj
    @UeyUsidj Месяц назад +1

    Part 2 pls

  • @sudhangaming8046
    @sudhangaming8046 Месяц назад +4

    naruto friends react to this plzzzzzzzzzz

    • @s-s3862
      @s-s3862  Месяц назад +2

      Rather, it will be in the future or when I will do the reaction of Naruto's friends to his parents

  • @RichardOmana
    @RichardOmana Месяц назад +1

    Naruto become akatsuki....

  • @Gacha_patrol
    @Gacha_patrol 27 дней назад

    Yeah she's like Lila but the ponytail is like buns

  • @hiekosky
    @hiekosky Месяц назад

    Una pregunta.. podrías hacer que los personajes de Naruto sobre esta historia/corto/meme. Reaccionen a Naruto como osamu Dazai ❤+soukoku

    • @s-s3862
      @s-s3862  Месяц назад +1

      Desafortunadamente, no me gusta esto, Dazai y Naruto son anime diferentes, personajes diferentes, personajes diferentes, no es para mí, no tiene sentido reaccionar ante un tipo de su pasado como Dazai

    • @hiekosky
      @hiekosky Месяц назад +1

      @s-s3862 oh está bien. Lo entiendo 😃

  • @JonathanOchoa-cn9fw
    @JonathanOchoa-cn9fw Месяц назад +5

    Parte 2

    • @Omolola-s6x
      @Omolola-s6x Месяц назад +1

      Sorry but ino would never say that to Naruto

  • @maluzmaluz3026
    @maluzmaluz3026 Месяц назад +3

    Ino apologize to Naruto better.

    @THESOLIDSNAKE2 9 дней назад

    A ella le va a ir como en feria

  • @AbigailEspinola-cy4zy
    @AbigailEspinola-cy4zy 10 дней назад

    6:04 😅

  • @sebmbs6928
    @sebmbs6928 Месяц назад

    You mean Lie-la as I call her because she tells only lies.

  • @NarukoYTOfficial
    @NarukoYTOfficial 19 дней назад

    Hace mucho que no veia Naruto

  • @ZeegelaarAnjelique-hj8ju
    @ZeegelaarAnjelique-hj8ju 10 дней назад


  • @LucasGabriel-b4v
    @LucasGabriel-b4v Месяц назад +1

    Se mecheu com o naruto mecheu com toda a academia

  • @brunacarvalho8000
    @brunacarvalho8000 Месяц назад

    Nossa eu sou o serial quiler kkkkkk😂😂😂😂😂

  • @klotanyim4581
    @klotanyim4581 Месяц назад

    Yes Part 2

  • @NicolDiaz-t8k
    @NicolDiaz-t8k Месяц назад +1

    Otra parte 2

  • @Azimus1978
    @Azimus1978 Месяц назад +3


    • @sakurauzumakiharuno2803
      @sakurauzumakiharuno2803 Месяц назад +3

      Он всегда жил😅😅Просто телефон сломался и не мог так давно выпустить, также институт

    • @Azimus1978
      @Azimus1978 Месяц назад +2

      @sakurauzumakiharuno2803 Насть я короч акк в Пинтерест удалила, и ты сама редко туда заходишь, у меня ваще через год экзамены, я сейчас в 8 классе

    • @sakurauzumakiharuno2803
      @sakurauzumakiharuno2803 Месяц назад +1

      ​@@Azimus1978 Сама уже поняла, что ж, желаю тебе удачи сдать экзамены и с прошедшим днëм рождения тебя

    • @Azimus1978
      @Azimus1978 Месяц назад +1

      @sakurauzumakiharuno2803 спасибо большое❤

  • @Kiki-Vivi
    @Kiki-Vivi Месяц назад +2

    А будет продолжение убил своего друга не осозновая об этом?

    • @s-s3862
      @s-s3862  Месяц назад +2

      К сожалению нет, оно закрыто, я не собираюсь делать продолжение и портить характер Сакуры, чтобы другие обвинили еë за то, что Саске убил Наруто, поэтому лучше нет...

    • @Kiki-Vivi
      @Kiki-Vivi Месяц назад +2

      @s-s3862 понятно у тебя круто получается продолжай

  • @belkissilva6820
    @belkissilva6820 Месяц назад

    Voy a clases en 12 minutos jajajajaja 😅

  • @SandhyaRHZ
    @SandhyaRHZ 21 день назад

    Is supposed to be you're a monster. Pronunciation 🎉

  • @Цуури_Агори
    @Цуури_Агори Месяц назад +1


  • @IsabellaElla-w1w
    @IsabellaElla-w1w Месяц назад +1

    Demon slayer is this?

  • @TxMmie.vvYT..1
    @TxMmie.vvYT..1 Месяц назад

    emm..La chica si sabe que Naruto ni siquiera había nacido,no?

    • @s-s3862
      @s-s3862  15 дней назад +1

      Ella sólo sabe que hay nueve colas en él y lo consideró un monstruo, como todos los aldeanos

  • @NkaujiabXiong
    @NkaujiabXiong Месяц назад

    I'm useless😊

    • @s-s3862
      @s-s3862  Месяц назад

      You're not useless, trust me

  • @James_8897
    @James_8897 24 дня назад

    We're the same Naruto I hate my life to my mother hated me

  • @HernanTrujillo-r7g
    @HernanTrujillo-r7g 15 дней назад +1

    She a brat

  • @Me-q1c
    @Me-q1c Месяц назад

    Since when did Naruto become such a crybaby?

    • @s-s3862
      @s-s3862  Месяц назад +3

      Naruto can often be seen crying in some episodes, he is not iron, he is of course a Shinobi, but a human like all of us. If one person wants to ruin your life, while wishing for death, to force your friends against you in order to get rid of you completely, wouldn't it hurt you so much? Could you stand it? Despite the fact that when all the villagers hated and looked at Naruto, he cried as a child, albeit often. You can't cry yourself if someone offends you, hurts you, betrayal and the like, life is not always smeared with honey