I like running 3 gobfins, a mount or a Galeclaw for speed, and a Felbat for the Percentage heal based on the player's damage output. As far as choosing an Elemental damage type, the lighting procks a stun chance per shot, like the stun rod.
@@dlvarcade9729 I have a 4* felbat, the lifesteal is 6%, which means the bigger the number you deal, the more the heal. Rocket launcher will gain you the most health. Or from this build in the video, the more attack the more health from lifesteal, which helps out for having all level points into attack
Frostallion and Frostallion Noct are WAY better than all the other mounts for this build. Because of the way the passives work, Frostallion multiplies all Ice (or dark for noct) damage, while mounts like Chillet only add to your attack. Since your attack is already heavily boosted by Gobfins/amulets/vangaurd, you're only getting around a 40% boost from your 4* Chillet. Frostallion would flat out double your damage, you'd be seeing hits for over 10k on that dummy. Edit: Chillet etc do indeed only add 50-100% to your existing attack bonus, as can bee seen on the player sheet. So a 120% attack bonus becomes a 170% attack bonus for example.
Yea i was surprised aswell when i saw this. The deifference between riding my frostallion and not is about 150% increased dmg. And over 200% against dragons. Without any other atk buffs my rockets hit about 140 ish vs jetragon when not riding. And riding frostallion they hit around 480....
@@magicpyroninja You are going to do roughly the same damage with Frostallion with normal-effecive attacks that you do with something like Chillet with Super-effective attacks. I'm not actually sure which one ends up being higher, but they both should be very close Basically just use Frostallion and Frostallion Noct, and only switch against Fire or Ice types. Although bear in mind that with this setup, a single shotgun blast will kill ANY non-boss pal, even if they resist, and a single Rocket will kill any non-legendary pal, even if they resist. The only time it might actually be worth swapping is if you are fighting Frostallion or Marcus.
highest damage is actually 4 pump shot guns quick swapped so it animation cancels loading the next shot so the fire rate goes up drastically. dps might be lower because you have to reload, but if you hotswap another hotbar of 4 shotguns and have maybe like 3 sets in your inventory i don't think any boss can outlast the dps. the key to animation canceling/double fortnite pumping is just rolling you scroll wheel or spamming your swap button key and the attack button, pretty easy when you get the hang of it. dunno if they're gonna patch it out but combo with the pal passives and stuff and it's pretty nutty
In my Play through I did a very similar build, with the combo of breading some very helpful pals. So instead of being a 1-man army, I was a walking army. Had Daedream and Dazzi in my team, active at all time with their collars, both of them with Strategist and Vanguard as passive skills, Galeclaw for a fast mobility glider that doesn't go into equipment weigh, also with same bonus passives. I had both attack and def. pendants, and main weapon was always the shotgun. My main 2 pals would be my "mount" at the time and main pal for the appropriate combat. I would also be sure to always have food buffs, for my self and my pals
I’ve been working on this too but with Verdash and Bristlas. He adds grass dmg instead of ice and also increases your non-mounted run speed. So the more condensed he is the faster I’m running around. Also, he’s there doing boosted grass dmg with me instead of just being a mount
I'm also doing this right now as I'm preparing to beat frostallion for the first time, I'm temporarily using a wixen because I like to fight unmounted with galeclaw, and 3 gobfins which I'm maxing out. Glad to see I'm on the right path lol, my endgoal is to use Frostallion + 4 gobfins since frostallion also gives you an elemental attack (and hopefully the bonus damage?)
i'm lvl 45 on a hardcore mode server; mostly long egg hatch times ( 72 hours dragon egg). And -50% xp gain. And i've only just now switched from a tri bow for engaging palls in a fight to a shotgun for support dmg. This video has made me see this game in a whole other light. Great video and thanks for giving a summary of all the other variances of palls giving the bonuses.
Awesome! Love to see more hardcores here. Im still level 40 and see how long it will take to get to level 41. Looking at this makes it look so easy but the breeding takes atleast +3 days for huge eggs. Love to see you can get stronger with small eggs and focus on passive breeding. Will save a lot of time waiting for the 72 hours.
I gotta wonder how much time you guys actually spend playing this game as the level discrepancy between these info series and the Pro vs Noob series is massive. It's amazing.
Im pretty sure they did a straight play through together, after they did that, they played alone and did all the testing videos they have. while needing to edit both they probably split pro vs noob and info ones alternating releases so people had both guides and the fun pro vs noob story. this is my theory on it, im only speculating that because Josh has a character that looks like cotton.
So thing about gobfin is it is the easiest pal to upgrade. Theres a place called gobfin lake or something where they're everywhere. Not only can you catch a ton in a short time, but that means its only a matter of time before you get ones with vanguard and swift. Why swift? Because if you breed Gobfin with the King Penguin, you get Chillet. 😁
You can also breed vanguard onto all the gobfins. I made a team of gobs with vanguard, stronghold strategist, mine forman and motivational leader. Plus you can just go to the gobfin fields at night and literally pick them off the vine. Makes condensing them faster.
Do those passive work if they are on the team? i thought they actually have to be called out for passives like that to work. which makes them good for daydream because they always out.
Gobfins are one of the easiest pals to max condense in the game. Their spawn rate is extremely dense in the Gobfin Turf area, it's right beside a teleportation spot, they're not super high level so you can easily capture them with mid-tier giga balls, and you also get a ton of pal fluid while doing it!
GOBFIN! I already lived that little guy, but him being Viable?! And combining with Chillet?! My two favorite designs work together?! I LOVE THIS! I love this SO MUCH!
Neat! I was planning to make teams of each element with 4 element-specific buffers and a main Pal of that element. But buffing my own attack instead for the mere cost of 4 static team members and one element-specific mount... the damage appears sufficient, so this would save me considerable time. And also prevent my Pals killing things I want to catch. ^.^'
well, if you slow it down, you will see that he was aiming for the head and that his crosshair was indeed on top of the paladius head when the rocket left the barrel. However then paladius moved his head, and dodged the missile
something to note about rocket launcher ammo, especially if your in single player because then you can triple the enemies and triple the drops to increase the effectiveness of this farm, you can farm rockets from the syndicate elites in the dessert over by paladius and necromus, it might not be very efficient if you don't use those settings changes though
Knew a couple of these but I missed some and was sleeping on the whole stacking thing. Thanks for doing the math and testing working my way to a five star Jormamder with goblin supporters right now. Cake… so much cake!
Frostallion don't give you the same 50% atk boost as the others, but gives you 50% increase to ice damage at the same time that it changes your normal damage to Ice. Also, it gives its own damage that same 50% while mounted, so both yours and its moves will have 50% AT BASE STAR LVL!!! And yes it goes to 100% at lvl 5. And yes you can add gobs to increase your damage or foxcicles to increase Frost's ice damage. And yes you can breed vanguard and strong. strat to have 40% more atk/def. And yes putting their star lvl to 5 will double the effects of their comrade skill (10% -> 20%, but very tedious to do so). And yes the Noct variant goes the same way but for dark element (use hocratees to get bonus % dark dmg for pal damage). And yes I melted Jet so hard that I almost killed him out of sheer fun due to the big numbers 😐 "Oh but I need a Frost first to use it or to get a Frost Noct ☹☹☹" Just use Ragna with 4 gobs (at least get vanguard on those) and a good weapon and you will have a fast mount to dodge atks, can try to snipe Frost from above or in the nearby cliffs and a nice +50% atk bonus to your atks from base ragna (if you'll breed it, go to lvl 2, just 20 ragnas), bonus dmg because your atks are fire (fire indeed!) against a ice pal, + 40% atk from base gobs and if you get at least vanguard on those, +40%. I got 4 with vanguard/strong. strat. and my ragna have these two skills too + burly body and hard skin to help on it's defences. Maybe you can even try to do a challenge run and do this as early has possible!! (Frost and Frost Noct unlock their saddles only at lvl 48 tho).
I'm still mad Jetragon doesn't have the same mount skill as Frostallion and Frost noct, but for dragon damage. They have the best mount skills in the game by far. Jetragon's rocket barrage is cool, but it's really not that impressive against bosses at it's own level.
@@SuperCatacatait works for stunning really well plus whatever other attacks you have on it, without damage buffs I can get paldius to half health by time the missiles with other attacks
I did this route but went Swift, Runner Nimble, Vanguard with Ragnahawk. The movement speed lets me dodge attacks which is better than more defense. Plus it lets me get places faster until I get a Frostallion or Jet
@@hashbrown2972I know it can be useful. But don't even try to cope and say it's comparable to Frostallion's skill. The way Frostallions mount skill is multiplied makes it the best mount skill in the game by far. And it's not even close.
I'm not even close to this amount of attack, but i will say using the memory wipe potion to re-spec into attack helped me a ton. You don't need to go this ham on attack to feel strong, but I'd understand if you'd want to because it looks pretty fun
I do basically the same but with defense. Wild pals in this world tend to target the player more than the pals you have out. They also tend to one shot you if you don't have a good defense. You can't raise your base defense stat so it is always 100. However, T4 armor is 400, and a T4 helm is 240. This put you at a base of 740 with those. Equipping the 2 defense +2 pendants puts you around 1800 defense by itself. Having every pal in your party with stronghold strategist trait boost you up to 2600. The rushboar hotdog boosts you over 2800. At this point even the final 5th tower boss tickles you the player for about 1-5 damage an attack against you. I literally stood still and face tanked all the previous 4 boss with no pal and just shot them all in the face without even being close to dying. The 5th boss was the same, but my DPS wasn't enough to beat it in 10 minutes being that tanky. That was the only downside to being pure defense. I didn't have a pal setup for dps against the 5th boss. Right now I am also doing a perma death challenge on hard mode settings but with damage to the player turned up to 5x and spawn rate to 3x. This also means player damage is halved as well. Which makes the damage strat not as useful for my runs.
You missed Frostallion and Frostallion Noct. They don't give an attack stat boost like the other damage type conversion mounts listed but instead convert your damage to their respective type and then give you and themself a 100% damage boost for that element which is likely far stronger with a fully optimized team since it won't give diminishing returns.
All stat points in attack + Four maxed (condensed) Gobfins in party + Riding 4* Chillet (Use the one that gives you an element that is strong against what you're fighting) + Mozzarina Cheeseburguer eaten for passive + Two +2 Attack necklaces in accessories
You will have to breed chillet to even have a chance against final tower boss :P I went in with 0 in atk stats (only food and neckleacle) and still beat it in time. Sadly there is no dragon damage atk increaser in game right now. Quivern is also usless in this fight due to boss spaming ice attacks.
Dont wanna spam ice attacks? Just equip different moves onto your pal...? Eat the move fruits and you can swap them in the party menu. The cooldowns your pal uses of its moves are separate from the mounted versions so you can start a fight and use all your moves, dismount and your pal can use them again. You can also drop a pal from your team menu and it reset cooldowns and partner abilities. Not trying to be rude but in case you didnt know
I just bred and condensed a bunch of Frostalions into one that I caught that happened to have a good set of traits. Made it learn a bunch of moves from different elements and had it tear all the towers apart. Most I had to worry about was not dying.
@@SkyReaperOne sometimes my pal will be ripping into them but they'll chase me the entire time and I didnt even hit them xD Imma definitely consider Stronghold Strat passive and def necks, I like the balance and dont need to one clip an enemy xD
@@SkyReaperOne theres some real funny shenanigans when you consider playing the game the non conventional way. Most people, bring a weapon like a bow, maybe send your pal out to take aggro and fight, maybe take cover on the terrain and your good. Have you ever erected structures fortnite style to give yourself cover and ground while leading your target through a maze of landmines. Or created a structure standing on the edge where the boss is trying to get to your elevation of stairs but cant while your pal just throws moves out. The shenanigans I have seen from Jolthog nukes (non glitch), foxsparks firing line from a funneled entrance, to literally riding a mossanda and shooting a grenade launcher as it somehow friggin floats around the battlefield with jump is just so much fun xD
U can do it using the Rocket Launcher of all the weapons in the game it's the one with the highest damage output...Do what he did here and u'll be able to do it. Some bosses might not fall in one hit tho given how their HP is 20k and above. Endgame bosses have hundreds of thousands of health.
so just as a reference you should never NEED to breed gobfins... there's a literal gobfin beach where there's like 20-40 ish CONSTANT spawns of them if you just keep running circuits around the beach. An all you can catch/kill buffet of them in groups of like 3-5 so getting 120 per party slot is really just down to how many spheres you bring.
i really like this video, you condensed the information, no long waiting or anything, thank you, also could you try the same with putting your world on hard? im playing on hard and permadeath and would really like how viable it would be on hard
With the homing sphere launcher and 3x pal spawn rate it took me like 20 minutes to get the nearly 500 Gobfins i needed, just took a lot of spheres, but i had a lot of mats
I have all my stat points on weight. I got 1950 lol. I actually love mining and logging for some reason. I’m up to like 500-700 ingots, refined and pal. I love this game
man the dmg can be insane tho with the Sakurajima update (or perhaps an earlier update) you cant have two of the same accessory equipped tho if they are of different rarity then you can so you can have attack pendant, attack pendant +1 and attack pendant +2 equipped
Huh. And here I thought attack did nothing for ranged damage. The damage I got from putting points into it was the same as without to me. Though I guess it was too few points invested while using a weapon with too little damage.
Instead of lyleen, the noct version is going to be weaker to dark attacks, which I’m assuming is the build you’re going for with the raid boss being dark
So something I’ve been wondering is if you use frostallion noct/frostallion which boosts ice damage/dark damage(with necromis passive for noct) and the mount for each changes damage type of player; and then you add a full party of foxcicles/hoocrates or does that not affect the player damage even though it’s buffed due to a pal?
I bred a gobfin ignis for that very reason. He is maxed out, has vanguard and flame emperor. Just needs souls now for full gobfriend. Really eyeballing Mosada and chillet.
Did the bug get fixed with the memory wiping medicine? There was a bug with it that would permanently reset your lifmunk capture power and the essence wouldn't respawn so you couldn't get it to max anymore afterwards if it did f up
Weird... I tried this, but actually did get 4 Gobfins up to 4 star, mounted Ragnahawk, and only did like 700 damage to Frostallion with a legendary RL =(
istg, that thumbnail looks a lot like ssundee's thumbnail, I'm not saying you guys copied it, I just noticed that its very similar It might be from google i have no idea
Hey can you help me out real quick I just need to know if this is on Default settings it probably is but I'm just curious if you have any different settings for your world?
The armor part is outdated now :) There are better ones at the oil rig chests. And there are also new weapons. That is a lot of grinding to get a hundred and some of each element ridable pal for condensing.
You make it sound like the bosses drop these legendary schematics all the time. I ground through 120 hours before I got my first legendary Schematic and it was the Pal Metal Helmet. I have killed probably a dozen Jetragons and have only gotten an uncommon rocket launcher. It is like breeding for better traits... I have done both the Jetragon and Frostallion 120+ times so far and NEVER got a perfect bread. In fact I have never even seen Swift for either... not one time. My Frostallion I was hoping on Legendary ,Ice Emperor, and Muscle Head, vanguard, Burly Body, or runner for the last 2. I had to settle for Muscle Head and workaholic. I did manage Runner for my Jetragon. These RUclips videos make it sound so simple but it is not. It takes MASSIVE amounts of grinding to get these things. But yes a 4 star Frostallion with max attack boost from the Statues using the small, medium, and large Pal souls. With an uncommon missile launcher does a decent amount of damage. I can one shot some of the level 45 bosses now. I think I would rather have the shotgun as a legendary though as the damage per shot is strong without blowing through so much ammo. I like the Frostallion better than the Jetragon for fighting because I can use normal. I had to go AFK for 12 hours though to breed about 120 eggs.
is it possible to use a schematic to craft a weapon early? like if im still 5 levels under the rocket launcher is it possible to get a blue print to craft it without being high enough level to unlock it on the tech tree?
It looks like you can edit the name of your pal. Why can’t I do that? Is it a mod? Is it because I’m an Xbox or is it just because you’re on a newer update?
This was primarily designed for PC, so PC players will always get a few better features and faster updates. It's been here since launch for PC. Not a mod.
When they release pal arena/pvp your character won't have a part in in damage likely. It will be solely on the stats skills ans composition of your team
Gobfin is the esiest Pal to make 4* tbh, they spawn like an entire village, later on you can set up one base to farm cakes, another base with 7~8 couple of the Pal you want to ride, don't bother with the Chillet, use Frostallion, if you cant and is too then use Quivern, or Grintale/Dinossom (the esiest option). Make 112 cakes and those Pen will filled with eggs really fast, it's not even that long to make a 4*. Spam 8 bee for honey, make a metal farm for nails to buy the rest ingredients/pal balls..
Does this not work till max level or does it only work on steam or something? I followed the steps but didnt max out passives as i didnt want to go crazy breeding. My guy fought some level 33 incernarms at level 37 while i was level 41 and he died in a single hit from them. He could have taken them out if not for that withing 2 or 3 hits each which is cool but i can do that already myself....
Ik they nerfed the accessory thing but I copied this build perfectly and have all 3 attack pendants on instead and I’m seeing no more then 3,000 dps. Was dmg nerfed in general? Edit: gun im using is the legendary AR
Now how to "kill" anything in 0 hits: just get back bonus from a pal and use supreme sphere (FRICK THE LOW RATES DUDE I CAUGHT A JETRAGON LV 55 WITHOUT EVEN ATTACKING IT AND IT DIDNT EVEN SAW ME AND I WAS FREAKING LEVEL 51)
honestly the gobfins arnt all that bad to max out, took a while for me to breed 4 of them with vanguard, Stronghold strategist, Motivational leader, and Muscle head(figured ID give them something to make em a bit more violent) so I had enough to get one to 4 stars and the rest to 2. went to the gob planes with spawnrate to 3 and waves of goblins abound my def was high enough they pretty much did nothing to me with the level dif and I got like 50 at a time quick enough I kept up on my breeding pens and didnt burn out
the bug? it works with anything, pretty sure it works with the gobfins too, i made a 10k atk lifmunk that can oneshot frostalion using bristlas lol, dunno why people think its only sweepa, it wasn't even originally discovered on sweepa
Damn... Now this is end game content. Didnt realize an alpha version game can have something so comprehensive and complex
I like running 3 gobfins, a mount or a Galeclaw for speed, and a Felbat for the Percentage heal based on the player's damage output.
As far as choosing an Elemental damage type, the lighting procks a stun chance per shot, like the stun rod.
How’s the Felbat working for you? I’ve considered this myself. Do you have it at 4*?
@@dlvarcade9729 I have a 4* felbat, the lifesteal is 6%, which means the bigger the number you deal, the more the heal. Rocket launcher will gain you the most health. Or from this build in the video, the more attack the more health from lifesteal, which helps out for having all level points into attack
What about lovander? For the meeemez
I actually bred a 4 star lovander just because lol.. hilarious to stomp pals with her/it.
Frostallion and Frostallion Noct are WAY better than all the other mounts for this build. Because of the way the passives work, Frostallion multiplies all Ice (or dark for noct) damage, while mounts like Chillet only add to your attack. Since your attack is already heavily boosted by Gobfins/amulets/vangaurd, you're only getting around a 40% boost from your 4* Chillet. Frostallion would flat out double your damage, you'd be seeing hits for over 10k on that dummy.
Edit: Chillet etc do indeed only add 50-100% to your existing attack bonus, as can bee seen on the player sheet. So a 120% attack bonus becomes a 170% attack bonus for example.
Yea i was surprised aswell when i saw this. The deifference between riding my frostallion and not is about 150% increased dmg. And over 200% against dragons.
Without any other atk buffs my rockets hit about 140 ish vs jetragon when not riding. And riding frostallion they hit around 480....
But if chillet stacks it's more damage
You got to keep in mind. Elemental type differences for bonuses
@@magicpyroninja You are going to do roughly the same damage with Frostallion with normal-effecive attacks that you do with something like Chillet with Super-effective attacks. I'm not actually sure which one ends up being higher, but they both should be very close
Basically just use Frostallion and Frostallion Noct, and only switch against Fire or Ice types. Although bear in mind that with this setup, a single shotgun blast will kill ANY non-boss pal, even if they resist, and a single Rocket will kill any non-legendary pal, even if they resist. The only time it might actually be worth swapping is if you are fighting Frostallion or Marcus.
Nah. Chillet walk.
highest damage is actually 4 pump shot guns quick swapped so it animation cancels loading the next shot so the fire rate goes up drastically. dps might be lower because you have to reload, but if you hotswap another hotbar of 4 shotguns and have maybe like 3 sets in your inventory i don't think any boss can outlast the dps. the key to animation canceling/double fortnite pumping is just rolling you scroll wheel or spamming your swap button key and the attack button, pretty easy when you get the hang of it. dunno if they're gonna patch it out but combo with the pal passives and stuff and it's pretty nutty
can you tell me if this is patched plz ?
@@JackalsGOD it's been patched. i think the pump takes a second to shoot after you equip it now and it doesn't auto unload shots like it used to
In my Play through I did a very similar build, with the combo of breading some very helpful pals. So instead of being a 1-man army, I was a walking army. Had Daedream and Dazzi in my team, active at all time with their collars, both of them with Strategist and Vanguard as passive skills, Galeclaw for a fast mobility glider that doesn't go into equipment weigh, also with same bonus passives. I had both attack and def. pendants, and main weapon was always the shotgun. My main 2 pals would be my "mount" at the time and main pal for the appropriate combat.
I would also be sure to always have food buffs, for my self and my pals
lmao, i am literally working on this exact setup to see what happens if you max player attack. Guess i now know what awaits.
I’ve been working on this too but with Verdash and Bristlas. He adds grass dmg instead of ice and also increases your non-mounted run speed. So the more condensed he is the faster I’m running around. Also, he’s there doing boosted grass dmg with me instead of just being a mount
I'm also doing this right now as I'm preparing to beat frostallion for the first time, I'm temporarily using a wixen because I like to fight unmounted with galeclaw, and 3 gobfins which I'm maxing out. Glad to see I'm on the right path lol, my endgoal is to use Frostallion + 4 gobfins since frostallion also gives you an elemental attack (and hopefully the bonus damage?)
i'm lvl 45 on a hardcore mode server; mostly long egg hatch times ( 72 hours dragon egg). And -50% xp gain. And i've only just now switched from a tri bow for engaging palls in a fight to a shotgun for support dmg. This video has made me see this game in a whole other light. Great video and thanks for giving a summary of all the other variances of palls giving the bonuses.
Awesome! Love to see more hardcores here. Im still level 40 and see how long it will take to get to level 41. Looking at this makes it look so easy but the breeding takes atleast +3 days for huge eggs. Love to see you can get stronger with small eggs and focus on passive breeding. Will save a lot of time waiting for the 72 hours.
I gotta wonder how much time you guys actually spend playing this game as the level discrepancy between these info series and the Pro vs Noob series is massive. It's amazing.
Im pretty sure they did a straight play through together, after they did that, they played alone and did all the testing videos they have. while needing to edit both they probably split pro vs noob and info ones alternating releases so people had both guides and the fun pro vs noob story. this is my theory on it, im only speculating that because Josh has a character that looks like cotton.
So thing about gobfin is it is the easiest pal to upgrade. Theres a place called gobfin lake or something where they're everywhere. Not only can you catch a ton in a short time, but that means its only a matter of time before you get ones with vanguard and swift. Why swift? Because if you breed Gobfin with the King Penguin, you get Chillet. 😁
You can also breed vanguard onto all the gobfins. I made a team of gobs with vanguard, stronghold strategist, mine forman and motivational leader. Plus you can just go to the gobfin fields at night and literally pick them off the vine. Makes condensing them faster.
I also taught my gobfins implode so I can actually make them useful for free dmg.
Do those passive work if they are on the team? i thought they actually have to be called out for passives like that to work. which makes them good for daydream because they always out.
They work in the party. Dont have to be out.
Bro you’re the goat for breaking the numbers down. I highly appreciate you!
Gobfins are one of the easiest pals to max condense in the game. Their spawn rate is extremely dense in the Gobfin Turf area, it's right beside a teleportation spot, they're not super high level so you can easily capture them with mid-tier giga balls, and you also get a ton of pal fluid while doing it!
GOBFIN! I already lived that little guy, but him being Viable?! And combining with Chillet?! My two favorite designs work together?! I LOVE THIS! I love this SO MUCH!
It’s great that this is also the cutest build. I’m working on a hellcow right now for the lulz too 🤣 let’s see how buff we can get a mozzerina
Neat! I was planning to make teams of each element with 4 element-specific buffers and a main Pal of that element. But buffing my own attack instead for the mere cost of 4 static team members and one element-specific mount... the damage appears sufficient, so this would save me considerable time. And also prevent my Pals killing things I want to catch. ^.^'
Crazy guide love it the carry weight thing is def a must have but good stuff!
"You missed! How could you miss?! HE WAS 3 FEET IN FRONT OF YOU!"
لقد قام بانزال رأسه للاسفل
@@MLL65 Im sorry I cant read this :D but I hope youre having an awesome day
well, if you slow it down, you will see that he was aiming for the head and that his crosshair was indeed on top of the paladius head when the rocket left the barrel. However then paladius moved his head, and dodged the missile
He put his head down
Love the Build guides man, followed you over from Diablo 4!
something to note about rocket launcher ammo, especially if your in single player because then you can triple the enemies and triple the drops to increase the effectiveness of this farm, you can farm rockets from the syndicate elites in the dessert over by paladius and necromus, it might not be very efficient if you don't use those settings changes though
Yes! I was working towards doing this. Glad too see someone else with the same mindset. Awesome to see everything together. Thanks for the work!
Knew a couple of these but I missed some and was sleeping on the whole stacking thing. Thanks for doing the math and testing working my way to a five star Jormamder with goblin supporters right now. Cake… so much cake!
The intro boss damage looked more impressive than the end one against paladus presumably he has lots of armour to reduce damage done to him.
Frostallion don't give you the same 50% atk boost as the others, but gives you 50% increase to ice damage at the same time that it changes your normal damage to Ice. Also, it gives its own damage that same 50% while mounted, so both yours and its moves will have 50% AT BASE STAR LVL!!! And yes it goes to 100% at lvl 5. And yes you can add gobs to increase your damage or foxcicles to increase Frost's ice damage. And yes you can breed vanguard and strong. strat to have 40% more atk/def. And yes putting their star lvl to 5 will double the effects of their comrade skill (10% -> 20%, but very tedious to do so). And yes the Noct variant goes the same way but for dark element (use hocratees to get bonus % dark dmg for pal damage).
And yes I melted Jet so hard that I almost killed him out of sheer fun due to the big numbers 😐
"Oh but I need a Frost first to use it or to get a Frost Noct ☹☹☹"
Just use Ragna with 4 gobs (at least get vanguard on those) and a good weapon and you will have a fast mount to dodge atks, can try to snipe Frost from above or in the nearby cliffs and a nice +50% atk bonus to your atks from base ragna (if you'll breed it, go to lvl 2, just 20 ragnas), bonus dmg because your atks are fire (fire indeed!) against a ice pal, + 40% atk from base gobs and if you get at least vanguard on those, +40%.
I got 4 with vanguard/strong. strat. and my ragna have these two skills too + burly body and hard skin to help on it's defences. Maybe you can even try to do a challenge run and do this as early has possible!! (Frost and Frost Noct unlock their saddles only at lvl 48 tho).
I'm still mad Jetragon doesn't have the same mount skill as Frostallion and Frost noct, but for dragon damage. They have the best mount skills in the game by far. Jetragon's rocket barrage is cool, but it's really not that impressive against bosses at it's own level.
@@SuperCatacatait works for stunning really well plus whatever other attacks you have on it, without damage buffs I can get paldius to half health by time the missiles with other attacks
I did this route but went Swift, Runner Nimble, Vanguard with Ragnahawk. The movement speed lets me dodge attacks which is better than more defense. Plus it lets me get places faster until I get a Frostallion or Jet
@@hashbrown2972I know it can be useful.
But don't even try to cope and say it's comparable to Frostallion's skill.
The way Frostallions mount skill is multiplied makes it the best mount skill in the game by far. And it's not even close.
@@SuperCatacata not coping just saying it's not useless
Chillet is absurd, I have no regret dying to the Alpha version back when I was level 8. The Ice Ferret is op
I'm not even close to this amount of attack, but i will say using the memory wipe potion to re-spec into attack helped me a ton. You don't need to go this ham on attack to feel strong, but I'd understand if you'd want to because it looks pretty fun
This video has definitely given me a lot of ideas
I do basically the same but with defense. Wild pals in this world tend to target the player more than the pals you have out. They also tend to one shot you if you don't have a good defense. You can't raise your base defense stat so it is always 100. However, T4 armor is 400, and a T4 helm is 240. This put you at a base of 740 with those. Equipping the 2 defense +2 pendants puts you around 1800 defense by itself. Having every pal in your party with stronghold strategist trait boost you up to 2600. The rushboar hotdog boosts you over 2800. At this point even the final 5th tower boss tickles you the player for about 1-5 damage an attack against you. I literally stood still and face tanked all the previous 4 boss with no pal and just shot them all in the face without even being close to dying. The 5th boss was the same, but my DPS wasn't enough to beat it in 10 minutes being that tanky. That was the only downside to being pure defense. I didn't have a pal setup for dps against the 5th boss.
Right now I am also doing a perma death challenge on hard mode settings but with damage to the player turned up to 5x and spawn rate to 3x. This also means player damage is halved as well. Which makes the damage strat not as useful for my runs.
Thanks for sharing, i like being a meat shield, I might set this up soon.
Now just imagine getting a max iv and best passive skills at once on a chillet i knew he was the chosen one
You outtro got me lmao subbed..great vid
You missed Frostallion and Frostallion Noct. They don't give an attack stat boost like the other damage type conversion mounts listed but instead convert your damage to their respective type and then give you and themself a 100% damage boost for that element which is likely far stronger with a fully optimized team since it won't give diminishing returns.
is that confirmed? I just bred the perfect Frost Noct - Fully condensed too.
All stat points in attack + Four maxed (condensed) Gobfins in party + Riding 4* Chillet (Use the one that gives you an element that is strong against what you're fighting) + Mozzarina Cheeseburguer eaten for passive + Two +2 Attack necklaces in accessories
You will have to breed chillet to even have a chance against final tower boss :P
I went in with 0 in atk stats (only food and neckleacle) and still beat it in time.
Sadly there is no dragon damage atk increaser in game right now. Quivern is also usless in this fight due to boss spaming ice attacks.
Dont wanna spam ice attacks? Just equip different moves onto your pal...? Eat the move fruits and you can swap them in the party menu. The cooldowns your pal uses of its moves are separate from the mounted versions so you can start a fight and use all your moves, dismount and your pal can use them again. You can also drop a pal from your team menu and it reset cooldowns and partner abilities.
Not trying to be rude but in case you didnt know
I just bred and condensed a bunch of Frostalions into one that I caught that happened to have a good set of traits. Made it learn a bunch of moves from different elements and had it tear all the towers apart. Most I had to worry about was not dying.
@@SkyReaperOne sometimes my pal will be ripping into them but they'll chase me the entire time and I didnt even hit them xD Imma definitely consider Stronghold Strat passive and def necks, I like the balance and dont need to one clip an enemy xD
@@Kodamare Yeah, no harm in that. Would have made my life a bit easier too! Though honestly, just using the pillars as cover was enough to get me by.
@@SkyReaperOne theres some real funny shenanigans when you consider playing the game the non conventional way. Most people, bring a weapon like a bow, maybe send your pal out to take aggro and fight, maybe take cover on the terrain and your good.
Have you ever erected structures fortnite style to give yourself cover and ground while leading your target through a maze of landmines. Or created a structure standing on the edge where the boss is trying to get to your elevation of stairs but cant while your pal just throws moves out. The shenanigans I have seen from Jolthog nukes (non glitch), foxsparks firing line from a funneled entrance, to literally riding a mossanda and shooting a grenade launcher as it somehow friggin floats around the battlefield with jump is just so much fun xD
Great video thanks for the info
Where's the "how to kill anything in 1 hit"
U can do it using the Rocket Launcher of all the weapons in the game it's the one with the highest damage output...Do what he did here and u'll be able to do it. Some bosses might not fall in one hit tho given how their HP is 20k and above. Endgame bosses have hundreds of thousands of health.
Legit just another gobfin stacker 😭
so just as a reference you should never NEED to breed gobfins... there's a literal gobfin beach where there's like 20-40 ish CONSTANT spawns of them if you just keep running circuits around the beach. An all you can catch/kill buffet of them in groups of like 3-5 so getting 120 per party slot is really just down to how many spheres you bring.
i mean if you want to breed the vanguard and the defense skill to them. Idk if it works while not summoned but people make it sound like they do
i really like this video, you condensed the information, no long waiting or anything, thank you, also could you try the same with putting your world on hard? im playing on hard and permadeath and would really like how viable it would be on hard
This build is only gonna get better in the future! Freaking awesome haha.
“How to become the threat, the danger yourself” 😂😂
With the homing sphere launcher and 3x pal spawn rate it took me like 20 minutes to get the nearly 500 Gobfins i needed, just took a lot of spheres, but i had a lot of mats
Yeah, gobfin is probably one of the easiest pal to catch a large number of.
Inb4 Palworld PvP is just stupidly strong players with buff pals and they just 1 clip the enemy team.
Cotton: obviously im not quite that crazy to breed 500 of the same pal just for this video
which is crazy because it would be easier to catch 500 gobfin
ty man, will test it
Remember you can use the butchers knife to get more resources from a captured pal, this includes the recipes.
I have all my stat points on weight. I got 1950 lol. I actually love mining and logging for some reason. I’m up to like 500-700 ingots, refined and pal. I love this game
Increasing spawn chance doesn't actually increase your drop chances because all 3 always drop the same things, so you'll either get 0 schematics or 3
man the dmg can be insane tho with the Sakurajima update (or perhaps an earlier update) you cant have two of the same accessory equipped tho if they are of different rarity then you can so you can have attack pendant, attack pendant +1 and attack pendant +2 equipped
You should do one on work speed...I haven't fully maximized my builder character and can already cook a cake solo in 20 seconds
If weight is a problem you can sacrifice 1 gobfin for a kingpaka and condense his skill to max for more weight
7:55 i did it. You can 1 or 2 shot gorups of 6 Necromus/paladius when mounted.
Huh. And here I thought attack did nothing for ranged damage. The damage I got from putting points into it was the same as without to me. Though I guess it was too few points invested while using a weapon with too little damage.
That would be pretty weird, since the vast majority of weapons are ranged.
All In Attack!! All In Attack!!🔥🔥🔥🔥
Fully condensed robinquil out increases player weak spot/crits by roughly 40%
now imagine some of these setups (with lifesteal or full defense instead of attack) in a pvp setting when that drops
Instead of lyleen, the noct version is going to be weaker to dark attacks, which I’m assuming is the build you’re going for with the raid boss being dark
The partner skill is the same healing effect
Cotton, the Elder Dragon that invaded Palworld to establish his Dominance
So something I’ve been wondering is if you use frostallion noct/frostallion which boosts ice damage/dark damage(with necromis passive for noct) and the mount for each changes damage type of player; and then you add a full party of foxcicles/hoocrates or does that not affect the player damage even though it’s buffed due to a pal?
i believe the the fox and hoo buff othe pals damage of the selected element
I bred a gobfin ignis for that very reason. He is maxed out, has vanguard and flame emperor. Just needs souls now for full gobfriend. Really eyeballing Mosada and chillet.
why flame emperor?
So much depth and deep mechanics
Thank you!
This is the wat I’ve been tryin to tell ppl..attack works if u know wat u doin..I’m on this road now#palworld
Did the bug get fixed with the memory wiping medicine? There was a bug with it that would permanently reset your lifmunk capture power and the essence wouldn't respawn so you couldn't get it to max anymore afterwards if it did f up
It's been fixed for a week or more now
Weird... I tried this, but actually did get 4 Gobfins up to 4 star, mounted Ragnahawk, and only did like 700 damage to Frostallion with a legendary RL =(
istg, that thumbnail looks a lot like ssundee's thumbnail, I'm not saying you guys copied it, I just noticed that its very similar
It might be from google i have no idea
One day I'll be big and strong like Cotton. Till then I guess I'll just have to settle on a hard carry chikipi
Hey can you help me out real quick I just need to know if this is on Default settings it probably is but I'm just curious if you have any different settings for your world?
i believe this is defualt settings because at 1:20 he says he did no cheeky editing meaning he prob didnt mess with player damage setting
The armor part is outdated now :) There are better ones at the oil rig chests. And there are also new weapons.
That is a lot of grinding to get a hundred and some of each element ridable pal for condensing.
Hurts, leveled 3 characters to 50, killed/captured everything ... never seen a legendary. Crying.
You make it sound like the bosses drop these legendary schematics all the time. I ground through 120 hours before I got my first legendary Schematic and it was the Pal Metal Helmet. I have killed probably a dozen Jetragons and have only gotten an uncommon rocket launcher. It is like breeding for better traits... I have done both the Jetragon and Frostallion 120+ times so far and NEVER got a perfect bread. In fact I have never even seen Swift for either... not one time. My Frostallion I was hoping on Legendary ,Ice Emperor, and Muscle Head, vanguard, Burly Body, or runner for the last 2. I had to settle for Muscle Head and workaholic. I did manage Runner for my Jetragon. These RUclips videos make it sound so simple but it is not. It takes MASSIVE amounts of grinding to get these things. But yes a 4 star Frostallion with max attack boost from the Statues using the small, medium, and large Pal souls. With an uncommon missile launcher does a decent amount of damage. I can one shot some of the level 45 bosses now. I think I would rather have the shotgun as a legendary though as the damage per shot is strong without blowing through so much ammo. I like the Frostallion better than the Jetragon for fighting because I can use normal. I had to go AFK for 12 hours though to breed about 120 eggs.
Yep Im changing my stats to straight attack now for those numbers
Dungeons are still currently bugged on Xbox sadly I crash every time I try
I need this for the Oil Rig.
I found the legendary assault rifle schematic on a blazamut(caught) on the island near the dessert biome....
yes, thats where you get it
You can’t have twice the same pendent anymore but you can have +1 and +3 (maybe +2/+3 but i don’t have +2)
is it possible to use a schematic to craft a weapon early? like if im still 5 levels under the rocket launcher is it possible to get a blue print to craft it without being high enough level to unlock it on the tech tree?
i got the legendary auto rifle schematic and crafted it about 5 levels before i could make the base. so the answer is yes.
what about Frostallion Noct multipliers? :)
OR! OR!!! Go into the world setting and change the damage multiplier on Pals to Max. Lol
4 million iq play
Doesn't work if you are playing servers
It looks like you can edit the name of your pal. Why can’t I do that? Is it a mod? Is it because I’m an Xbox or is it just because you’re on a newer update?
idk man nicknaming pals was there from the start for me
This was primarily designed for PC, so PC players will always get a few better features and faster updates.
It's been here since launch for PC. Not a mod.
I'm calling this strategy "Gobfin Mode"
When they release pal arena/pvp your character won't have a part in in damage likely. It will be solely on the stats skills ans composition of your team
Does memory wipe affect your eiffmunk stats? Heard its bugged and does reset it but maybe they fixed that with the patch?
recent patch fixed it
@@benjamink2398 thanks so now i can reset my stats without having to worry
@@t3floz yes
Was one of the biggest headline fixes in the patch a week ago
@@SuperCatacata i saw they fixed the catch rate but didnt see that they fixed when you reset
does shadowbeak work as with chillet ? he was not mentioned at all
How long you grinding this pal?
Gobfin is the esiest Pal to make 4* tbh, they spawn like an entire village, later on you can set up one base to farm cakes, another base with 7~8 couple of the Pal you want to ride, don't bother with the Chillet, use Frostallion, if you cant and is too then use Quivern, or Grintale/Dinossom (the esiest option).
Make 112 cakes and those Pen will filled with eggs really fast, it's not even that long to make a 4*. Spam 8 bee for honey, make a metal farm for nails to buy the rest ingredients/pal balls..
@@kl9686 The hardest part of the build is getting the mount for each type
Dont forget about sweepa and swee the ultimate combo lotta work but check it out see if it gets higher
Does this not work till max level or does it only work on steam or something? I followed the steps but didnt max out passives as i didnt want to go crazy breeding. My guy fought some level 33 incernarms at level 37 while i was level 41 and he died in a single hit from them. He could have taken them out if not for that withing 2 or 3 hits each which is cool but i can do that already myself....
passives matter in this game especially if they stack
Ik they nerfed the accessory thing but I copied this build perfectly and have all 3 attack pendants on instead and I’m seeing no more then 3,000 dps. Was dmg nerfed in general?
Edit: gun im using is the legendary AR
Memory wipes are now safe to use then?
Apparently, haven’t confirmed myself yet though
Read patch notes. Been fixed
Eikthyrdeer stew costs WAY less ingredients for the +20% atk buff. L suggestion there.
A 4 star gobfin grants 30% not 20%. I think you misspoke since even in the video it shows a 30% increase.
I'm not gone lie gobfin packs are pretty dense should be easy to get 400+ if you really want to.
They totally watched Phemto's "Stat Stacking Rockets Is OP AF | Palworld" video guide on damage boosting and decided to just copy the vid themself.
which in turn got this information out to others that would never had known
Now how to "kill" anything in 0 hits: just get back bonus from a pal and use supreme sphere (FRICK THE LOW RATES DUDE I CAUGHT A JETRAGON LV 55 WITHOUT EVEN ATTACKING IT AND IT DIDNT EVEN SAW ME AND I WAS FREAKING LEVEL 51)
catch 5 jet dragons then the game is a wrap
We can't use two pendants of same type what are u saying
This video was 8 months ago, updates happen
Is this the same since the update?
"KILL ANYTHING IN ONE HIT!!" >> proceed to see 4 hits on paladius necromus. multple hits on lyleen.
honestly the gobfins arnt all that bad to max out, took a while for me to breed 4 of them with vanguard, Stronghold strategist, Motivational leader, and Muscle head(figured ID give them something to make em a bit more violent) so I had enough to get one to 4 stars and the rest to 2. went to the gob planes with spawnrate to 3 and waves of goblins abound my def was high enough they pretty much did nothing to me with the level dif and I got like 50 at a time quick enough I kept up on my breeding pens and didnt burn out
With this build if the rocket doesn't 1 shot having 3 shotguns is better
need sacrifice atk for more weight, kingpaca is not enough in my opinion...
All you need is Sweepa. One shot everything.
That meta is boring, ever saw a Gorirat with nearly 4k damage? xD
the bug? it works with anything, pretty sure it works with the gobfins too, i made a 10k atk lifmunk that can oneshot frostalion using bristlas lol, dunno why people think its only sweepa, it wasn't even originally discovered on sweepa
Exploit = cheating
Moxsy already covered this
That's how you get past that 200k boss then! xD