Xiaomi Smart Band 7 Pro Review & FULL Walkthrough With Tests

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 260

  • @Techtablets
    @Techtablets  2 года назад +7

    My 12T Pro review is here: ruclips.net/video/6bOWtVSlha8/видео.html
    12T Pro camera review: ruclips.net/video/6WwTdq80a3s/видео.html
    12T Pro Vs iPhone 14 Pro Vs S22 Ultra camera comparison: ruclips.net/video/lmEIpZBWHtk/видео.html

    • @CronosCR01
      @CronosCR01 2 года назад +1

      Hello, do you have an idea of ​​the battery life with the gps activated?

  • @cledugay2596
    @cledugay2596 11 месяцев назад +8

    This band is great for it's price,i was using huawei band 6 for my runs and switch to this band,one thing i missed on huawei was the voice notification every kilometers you hit,but overall i like this band,huge screen, accurate gps and the price is very affordable.this band is recommendable

    • @hasantechit
      @hasantechit Месяц назад

      Is your band Global or Chinese variant?

  • @M13
    @M13 Год назад +38

    Mi bands are better than all other smart watches in my opinion. Most of the features, fraction of the price...and a battery that lasts a week instead of a day.

    • @glitterjim
      @glitterjim Год назад

      i agree!! ut apple watch is defo an exception

    • @dinozaurpickupline4221
      @dinozaurpickupline4221 Год назад

      It's crazy bad amazefit, original pebble even the Indian version of pebble,samsung watch,Google wear os smartwatches all are better

    • @alexanderkennedy1216
      @alexanderkennedy1216 Год назад

      Xiaomi band pro7 could use wear os to run ? Thank you.

    • @dinozaurpickupline4221
      @dinozaurpickupline4221 Год назад

      @@alexanderkennedy1216 IT DOESN'T USE WEAROS ,BUT IT CAN BE USED WHILE YOU JOG

  • @nadzrizal7670
    @nadzrizal7670 2 года назад +36

    This smart band 7 pro has NFC for China version. Sad the global one doesn't have it. I was looking forward to buy this but not anymore. Thanks for the video.

    • @muhammadyusufazari5296
      @muhammadyusufazari5296 2 года назад +1

      It's been like that from mi band 4 iirc.

    • @HoLDoN4Sec
      @HoLDoN4Sec 2 года назад +7

      Xiaomi never brings NFC to mi bands outside of china, been like that since the mi band 3 NFC version
      I think the only exception would be the europe exclusive mi band 6 NFC version that was sold on some retail shops like mediamarkt and saturn

    • @ulf5738
      @ulf5738 2 года назад +8

      EU version has NFC

    • @ismaeldawood3800
      @ismaeldawood3800 Год назад

      @@ulf5738 link to buy the EU version please

    • @akydudman1017
      @akydudman1017 Год назад

      Xiaomi be doing the western market dirty

  • @attomicchicken
    @attomicchicken 2 года назад +6

    Big fan of Xiaomi mi bands. For the price - one cannot complain.

  • @usamasaud11
    @usamasaud11 2 года назад +6

    Need a comparison video for people who want to buy either the pro version or the 7 version.

  • @GFourGadget
    @GFourGadget 2 года назад +21

    Ok these bands really be looking like smartwatch now. Loving it!

  • @andreash3906
    @andreash3906 2 года назад +18

    Been using this for 2 weeks now. Decent device and no complaints so far in general.
    However, I feel like its quite overpriced for what you get. If I knew what I know today (this is my first smart wearable), I would definately have gone with something else.

    • @Techtablets
      @Techtablets  2 года назад +8

      It is overpriced yes. A more and you have a Huawei smartwatch with loudspeaker and mic with a lot of extras.

    • @yalayolo6112
      @yalayolo6112 2 года назад +5

      @@Techtablets which Huawei smartwatch. Name please?

    • @andreash3906
      @andreash3906 2 года назад

      Little follow up. I bought the Amazfit GTR 4 a couple of days ago and I'm absolutely loving it. Definately worth the extra money over the smart band, even though I use only the basic features.
      It's everything I hoped i would get from Xiaomi.

    • @playmay35
      @playmay35 2 года назад

      and also laggy

    • @robertmei8881
      @robertmei8881 2 года назад

      isn’t it because it has gps, the version without gps is much cheaper.

  • @modarm
    @modarm Год назад +2

    Has anyone noticed that the Mi Fitness application has so much less functionality when paired with the B7 Pro as compared to the Band 6. Fascinating how Xiaomi's Mi Fitness application is going backwards the latter the model of their band watch. The 'Pro' moniker = less functionality but you get a larger screen, so pro!

  • @prashant_ranga
    @prashant_ranga 2 года назад +4

    the options we have in Indian market of smart bands is more good than smartwatches, but this looks like it will be launch with 4500₹-5000₹ definitely

  • @Colossus6
    @Colossus6 2 года назад +10

    Thanks for the great review!
    Just one question, do you know if it has NFC hardware inside (like the Chinese version) that can be activated later with an update or it's completely stripped off NFC hardware?

    • @Techtablets
      @Techtablets  2 года назад +3

      I don't think it has NFC hardware at all. Missing, but I could be wrong but how it is right now. No NFC.

    • @anthonyallen943
      @anthonyallen943 2 года назад +3

      Have ordered one... If no nfc... It's going to be returned... Will wait and see... The China version has it...? Why remove it from the global version... This is a Deal Breaker for me...

    • @Colossus6
      @Colossus6 2 года назад +1

      @@Techtablets ok thanks, I will wait to see if someone would do a disassembly and if there is nfc hardware its more than likely they will update it as such. As it will explain their weird pricing model (90 euro for early buyers, 100 euro for the one with "nfc" )

    • @Colossus6
      @Colossus6 2 года назад +1

      @@anthonyallen943 I know it doesn't make sense, especially that it's not cheaper than the Chinese version to explain removing the nfc hardware, please keep me updated to your findings

    • @RamaOshiLo
      @RamaOshiLo 2 года назад +2

      ​@@Techtablets i ask the shop that GLVersion had NFC, but not be activated now. i dont know what reasone.
      i want to buy this version, but still waitting for the clarity of this NFC function

  • @SRC267
    @SRC267 2 года назад +2

    Two uploads, let's go

    • @Techtablets
      @Techtablets  2 года назад +2

      Actually 4 😂🤣

    • @SRC267
      @SRC267 2 года назад

      @@Techtablets just saw 3rd now 4

    • @djzrobzombie2813
      @djzrobzombie2813 2 года назад

      @@Techtablets can you also use it with the zepp life app? Like the normal mi band 7....

    • @Techtablets
      @Techtablets  2 года назад

      Thank you for watching! It helps the algorithm

    • @djzrobzombie2813
      @djzrobzombie2813 2 года назад

      @@Techtablets how about some answers?

  • @bdwedgeofanimotion4106
    @bdwedgeofanimotion4106 Год назад

    all in looks like a pretty good watch, i like that it has GPS and you can see there is a call

  • @Gamesl2882
    @Gamesl2882 Год назад +3

    Hi. I just wanted to ask if vo2max, training load and recovery time are measured? I have heard that in the last update these features became available

  • @frankleiner8357
    @frankleiner8357 2 года назад

    Kein Datenaustausch zwischen Mi Fitness App und Google Fit. Absoluter Showstopper

  • @GodsMemeTV
    @GodsMemeTV 2 года назад +5

    i mean for that price (around 50 - 60€) looks good. Giving it a thumbs up

    • @Techtablets
      @Techtablets  2 года назад +4

      It's a great fitness watch for the price.

    • @hamzahbhuta
      @hamzahbhuta 2 года назад +1

      @@Techtablets hi there brother, I am considering buying this product. However before buying I just wanted to ask does this support NFC/Google Pay here in the UK???

    • @bojantenja
      @bojantenja 2 года назад +2

      There is nothing "smart" with this ban, it is just a sport tracker actually...so no, you can't use paying with this.

    • @Awesome5
      @Awesome5 2 года назад +7

      Its 99 Euros, thats what i read

    • @MiguelTS99
      @MiguelTS99 2 года назад +2

      It will be around 100€ unfortunately

  • @furymeow2967
    @furymeow2967 2 года назад +2

    Does you know if it have pomodoro timer? use it a lot on my mi band 6 and planning to upgrade to a bigger screen if it have

  • @MERM1AH
    @MERM1AH Год назад +1

    Can I connect that from a phone that's not xiaomi? Or do i still need a xiaomi phone for that to fully use the features?

    • @Techtablets
      @Techtablets  Год назад

      Yes you don't need a Xiaomi phone to use this.

  • @hilmyakatsuki1665
    @hilmyakatsuki1665 2 года назад +1

    Will it get google fit sync? Or android health connect support which is default health data sync application for Android now available for every android 9+ phones.

  • @djzrobzombie2813
    @djzrobzombie2813 2 года назад +2

    Can you use it with the zepp life app ?

    • @LamZL1
      @LamZL1 2 года назад

      The Mi Fitness app replaces the Zepp Life app

    • @hendry.aripin
      @hendry.aripin 2 года назад

      @@LamZL1 really screw apps .. i have mi scale 2, on mi fitness no way to add that to mi fitness

  • @armandonappo4375
    @armandonappo4375 2 года назад +1

    Hi, since the previous one regarding the weather at ten in the evening still brought the sun and not the moon, I would like to know if the pro has been improved by bringing the moon to 10 in the evening? Thank you

    • @nzed4891
      @nzed4891 2 года назад

      Il video è in inglese e il recensore non parla italiano. Se vuoi ottenere una risposta devi fargli la domanda in inglese.

  • @amitdabhade8
    @amitdabhade8 2 года назад

    Hello does multi tasking is possible ? Like workout activity is started and can operate timer also for same time.....

  • @k2magahis
    @k2magahis 2 года назад +1

    Can it be sync and upload to strava?

  • @gazza1956video
    @gazza1956video Год назад

    just wondering can you record a walk using the bands gps, while listening to music on an app on the smartphone ? i have a band without gps and if i connect to the smartphone to use its gps no other apps work. i am thinking i start the music app then start the activity on the smart band, will that work ? help will be appreciated

  • @mikael4984
    @mikael4984 Год назад +1

    Really matches with the xiaomi 13!

  • @NovanAdrian
    @NovanAdrian 2 года назад

    Hi, is it have the vo2max like the base version?

  • @GabiUGUZ
    @GabiUGUZ Год назад

    Will you review xiaomi band 8 pro? Does these bands support paying at stores with NFC? In europe

  • @ramond.deocampo
    @ramond.deocampo Год назад +1

    Hi there, I am following your video on the Mi Band 7 Pro. I wish to inquire specifically about Alexa. How to use the Band 7 with Alexa. One immediate observation is that I don't have the Alexa on my Mi Fitness App. What maybe different with my Mi Fitness App? Please help.

    • @ooplycrossing2744
      @ooplycrossing2744 3 месяца назад

      You have to switch the country I think to The UK

  • @andrusk2351
    @andrusk2351 2 года назад +4

    i have the chinese version, i find the heart rate monitoring to be a bit inaccurate compared to my previous honor band 4. It also keeps on telling you to wear it properly when doing a heart rate monitoring manually even if the band is tight on your wrist, very annoying. the sleep monitoring also doesnt work for me for most nights, or if it works it is quite inaccurate, again compared to the honor band 4. i hope they send updates to improve on those issues. otherwise, i think it looks elegant, light and the screen is to die for, auto-brightness is fantastic. and the charging is pretty quick

    • @Techtablets
      @Techtablets  2 года назад +5

      I didn’t have that issue with mine but I have it strapped on quite tightly as I do with my other watches when out riding which helps the accuracy. Maybe try that?

  • @ncahkaons
    @ncahkaons 2 года назад

    hi , does it has the function to count laps while running?

  • @cristianbarrios1406
    @cristianbarrios1406 2 года назад +1

    Where you bought ?

  • @mohammedsamir886
    @mohammedsamir886 Год назад

    Hi.. Thanks for the review.. Can i make custom vibration similar to Mi band 7?

  • @neth_mini7127
    @neth_mini7127 2 года назад +1

    Hey due u knw how to reset the “Focus” option next day. In my Xiao mi 7 Pro smart watch Focused time doesn’t reset in next day. It just start to calculate from the previous day focused time. TIA ❤

  • @arcmal91
    @arcmal91 Год назад

    Does this have indoor cycling as one of the sport mode?

  • @mistress707
    @mistress707 2 года назад +1

    Is it possible to measure temperature with it? I wasn't able to discover how to do it (Maybe it's just the app that offers the option, but not the band itself? Unfortunatelly, googling didn't help me with figuring it out!). Thanks in advance

    • @Techtablets
      @Techtablets  2 года назад +2

      I don't think it ahs the skin temp option, not this global model. I don't remember seeing it.

    • @mistress707
      @mistress707 2 года назад +1

      @@Techtablets Thanks for the response, I wasn't able to find it or make it work either. It's a bit confusing that the fitness app shows the features that are not available for the model in question.

  • @baohuixie1829
    @baohuixie1829 2 года назад +1

    What happened to the camera control functionality?

  • @spanselinas
    @spanselinas 2 года назад

    Can you transfer music from your phone? Can you connect headphones via Bluetooth?

  • @egm5081
    @egm5081 2 года назад

    Hello, thanks for the video, can you please share some tests for sleep sensor?

    • @Techtablets
      @Techtablets  2 года назад

      Sleep test was in the app part of this video

  • @jakubbrzak5529
    @jakubbrzak5529 Год назад

    Doest have internal memory for music ?? So you can listen to music on walks without a phone ?

  • @GK-qc5ry
    @GK-qc5ry Год назад

    Can this connect to wireless earbuds to play music? Can you store music on the watch?

  • @matbom3633
    @matbom3633 2 года назад

    did this watch tracking day sleep??or just track night sleep only?

  • @usmanchinioti
    @usmanchinioti 2 года назад +1

    Amazfit gts 4 mini or xiaomi smart band 7 pro? Which is better to buy?

    • @Techtablets
      @Techtablets  2 года назад

      I think this is right now.

    • @b33ro
      @b33ro 2 года назад

      I'm deciding between these two as well. But 4mini looks better zepp os is new os and support some 3d party app (now only weird 10) but could bring many changes except xiaomi closed os in this watch. but I'm not 100% decided I will wait for maybe two weeks and see the price drop.

  • @nwananka
    @nwananka 2 года назад

    Wow the evolution of these i remember my tiny mi band 2 lol then first color display mi band 4

    • @Techtablets
      @Techtablets  2 года назад +1

      Same here, they have come a long way these bands which are now watches!

    • @yongkysiaw6597
      @yongkysiaw6597 2 года назад +1

      Same 😄

    •  2 года назад +1

      I'm looking to replace my Mi Band 4 with this one. I bought it really cheap back in the day but I ended up using it so much that I don't mind shelling out a bit more for a more capable device.

    • @nwananka
      @nwananka 2 года назад

      @ nice this looks like a good one to upgrade to. I am sure they will have lots of sellers selling straps for cheap

  • @levendies123
    @levendies123 Год назад

    Hello, does it show sleep score?

  • @hendry.aripin
    @hendry.aripin 2 года назад

    where do you buy the global version?

  • @Solotraveler1422
    @Solotraveler1422 2 года назад

    Hi guys,
    Many bands have Nfc indeed, however many popular banks do not allow device to make payments. I live in uk and I was going to buy a nfc band however I found that bank was not recognizing it.

  • @czar7507
    @czar7507 2 года назад +1

    Is NFC working on these band?

    • @Techtablets
      @Techtablets  2 года назад

      No, not on this global model it seems.

  • @ozzyleolive
    @ozzyleolive 2 года назад

    for some reason I can't delete the pre installed watch faces, and it will only let me install like 2 others and says no space to add more. is there any way to remove the pre installed watch faces ?

  • @rho992
    @rho992 2 года назад +2

    can we sync to Google fit

  • @everythinginbetween3306
    @everythinginbetween3306 Год назад

    Can it save music from spotify? And can it connect bluetooth earphones?

  • @nishidrai7951
    @nishidrai7951 2 года назад

    Amazefit band 7 vs the mi band 7pro? Which one do u suggest

  • @RamaOshiLo
    @RamaOshiLo 2 года назад

    i want to buy GLversion but i still waitting for NFC
    now im using CNversion with NFC gate card, but MI Ai just 2 i cant used it for to look up time and location
    but more over i will teach again about chinss for used all this features

  • @cobaltblue5523
    @cobaltblue5523 2 года назад

    What are the min differences between this and the mi Nad 7 regular

  • @phil031066
    @phil031066 2 месяца назад

    Tried everything but can't get events activated. It tells me to turn on events in app but there is no option in mi fitness app

  • @gracelan7336
    @gracelan7336 2 года назад +1

    Does the pro allow the use of timer while monitoring a fitness mode at the same time? I need to monitor Freestyle weight lifting and use the timer at the same time. Great review! Thanks

  • @trabantBB
    @trabantBB Год назад +1

    While swimming in pool. Can I set pool length and count my laps?

  • @gokuljosh1186
    @gokuljosh1186 2 года назад +3

    I did not receive notification for this video 😔

    • @Techtablets
      @Techtablets  2 года назад +1

      Nobody did, okay well 0.01% did. Notifications are broken on my channel. Have been for some time.

  • @soumikbasu1175
    @soumikbasu1175 Год назад

    Can we sync Mi band 7 pro with google fit? If yes, then how? Thanks a lot.

  • @mcape9490
    @mcape9490 2 года назад

    my mi smart band 7 pro pedometer is not working, do you know how to fix this? thanks!

  • @MEMORODieBankderErinnerungeneV
    @MEMORODieBankderErinnerungeneV 2 года назад

    GPS can be disabled to save batterie life?

    • @Techtablets
      @Techtablets  2 года назад

      Well it's only one if you train with it for things like running and cycling that use it.

  • @1010951000
    @1010951000 Год назад +2

    Unlike Huawei 7 band, Xiaomi 7 Pro cycling GPS tracking cannot record area travelled and playback via video mode.

  • @jamespaps8975
    @jamespaps8975 Год назад

    Can one use a photo from the phone gallery as a screen savour

  • @dario-henrique-83
    @dario-henrique-83 2 года назад

    Do notifications work correctly? I use the Trex-pro and the Zepp app is not good have to use 3rd party notify for amazfit for getting more info on notifications!

  • @bong3689
    @bong3689 Год назад

    I bought mine 2 months ago and it’s broken. I tried to reset and it won’t let me. Touch screen stops working. I let it die to reset after several days, I charge it again and the problem exist. Unless you guys have any idea how to fix it

  • @clairealejandro6829
    @clairealejandro6829 Год назад

    Is it compatible with zepp life?

  • @johnjai1489
    @johnjai1489 Год назад +1

    this or poco watch?

  • @kresa22
    @kresa22 Год назад

    Will you test a chinese version of smart band 8 pro?

  • @sssssalva1
    @sssssalva1 2 года назад

    how is the haptic vibration quality?

    • @Techtablets
      @Techtablets  2 года назад

      I mentioned it in the video. Okay it's enough to wake me up with the alarms.

    • @sssssalva1
      @sssssalva1 2 года назад

      @@Techtablets yeah I saw that, I was curious not only about the power of it but the quality, being the apple watch the top in the market for instance, how does this compares... thank you again Chris!

    • @Techtablets
      @Techtablets  2 года назад +1

      It's decent good enough about the same level almost

  • @akira54vv
    @akira54vv 2 года назад

    Is the spO2 reading actually in real time monitoring?

    • @Techtablets
      @Techtablets  2 года назад +1

      Yes you can run it real time.

  • @edu1113
    @edu1113 2 года назад

    Does it autodetect workouts?

  • @carlatraini8804
    @carlatraini8804 Год назад

    I have purchased the band a week ago and the count of the calories burnt is completely off: 7k steps are worth 36 calories wich is completely wrong if I compare to my pedometer app and with Strava.
    Anyone has the same and found a solution? (I pair the band with an iPhone 8)

  • @rojangalvez
    @rojangalvez 2 года назад

    Which is better, huawei watch fit 2 or mi band 7 pro?

  • @adrianbobirica
    @adrianbobirica Год назад

    Do we have option to reply when u receive SMS ?

  • @seansmith6473
    @seansmith6473 2 года назад

    Nice video bro but why no nfc and no loudspeaker seems stupid of them.

  • @andreash3906
    @andreash3906 2 года назад

    I recently bought this product. I'm having problems finding how to enable sound notifications on my phone, while connected with bluetooth the smart band.
    When connected, I get a notification on the band, whenever a message comes in, but the sound on my phone gets muted as a result.
    I have tried all the settings, in the Mi fit app, as well as in my phones settings.
    My phone is not on silent mode, and whatsapp message notifications are enabled with sound in the whatsapp settings. Can anyone help please?

  • @mboiko
    @mboiko 2 года назад +1

    Can you totally turn off GPS?

  • @Thepsychguyusman
    @Thepsychguyusman 2 года назад +1

    What's NFC?

  • @kwawww
    @kwawww Год назад

    Does anyone know how many alarms can be set in this watch

  • @cobradordofraque
    @cobradordofraque Год назад

    The watch collects data from exercice but you need the MI SCALE for exercice evaluation ... WHICH WE CAN'T SYNC BECAUSE XIAOMI SAID NOT ANYMORE... SO WHY BOTHER BUYING A USEFULLNESS WATCH?

  • @JazzManMilan
    @JazzManMilan 2 года назад +1

    Great video - I'm a bit confused with the functionality of these watches. Can you respond to messages or is it only a notification?

  • @sasikumaredachola3915
    @sasikumaredachola3915 Год назад

    Is this model available in India

  • @markroelpadilla9007
    @markroelpadilla9007 2 года назад

    Does it support emoji?

    @ZEDFAZ 2 года назад

    does music player capable of sync with Spotify?

  • @mohammadamirulashraf6548
    @mohammadamirulashraf6548 2 года назад

    How about touch responsive for this watch? I see you got an issue when try to touch back button. 😅

  • @abrahampartidajimenez3181
    @abrahampartidajimenez3181 Год назад

    Lhe comprado la ban 7 pro global, una castaña la 6 pro tenia para pagar y pantallas en la que te decía los km que llevabas andamos durante el día, la 7 solo dice los paso y yo lo que quiero saber son los km sin tener que seleccionar nada, recomiendo la 6 pro, es más completa

  • @mullerinnovation4781
    @mullerinnovation4781 2 года назад

    cable which use in redmi watch lite 2

  • @bddd6579
    @bddd6579 2 года назад

    I have read that it supports Nfc is that treu

    • @RamaOshiLo
      @RamaOshiLo 2 года назад

      yes, but not be activated now, until when

  • @PauL-tr1mn
    @PauL-tr1mn 2 года назад +1

    Did I missed it or still no NFC?
    Looks nice tho
    Also the fcukin inflation!!. if ut keeps on midrangers will be at price of flagships next year.

    • @Techtablets
      @Techtablets  2 года назад

      Mentioned somewhere in there near the end and listed in my cons

  • @phil031066
    @phil031066 2 месяца назад

    Can't turn on events in app. There doesn't seem to be an option

  • @ShaaayCs
    @ShaaayCs Год назад

    Can i put music file? so i can listen to offline music?

  • @SM-th1fk
    @SM-th1fk 10 месяцев назад

    Biggest issue is you can't download more than 2 faces due to a 'local storage' limitation. Very annoying as no such issue on my regular band 7

  • @denniscolbourne6126
    @denniscolbourne6126 2 года назад

    Cool review! Can you tell me if the Txt messages are shown correctly or does it split words in half at the end of the line? I so hate that!

    • @Techtablets
      @Techtablets  2 года назад +1

      They are split sadly, not full text messages

    • @denniscolbourne6126
      @denniscolbourne6126 2 года назад +2

      @@Techtablets that's a shame... Especially in 2022!

  • @JohnRossOfficialYT
    @JohnRossOfficialYT 2 года назад +2

    13:30 maybe the features you wanted Chris will be on next Gen of the Smart Band of Xiaomi and i hope it will come on next gen because with built in speaker is important when you use it like running and it will read aloud how many calories you burn how many hours you are running. But this is what it is a affordable Smart Band that have a great pack feature. ❤️🫰 Have a nice day Chris i know this Xiaomi Launch make alot of work for you that bring us a review that are full pack.

  • @TomDeSadeleer
    @TomDeSadeleer 2 года назад

    Any support for Alexa?

  • @Tomatoe182
    @Tomatoe182 2 года назад

    Does anyone know if it has a barometer sensor built-in for altitude/elevation data during cycling/running etc?

  • @alihejazi2060
    @alihejazi2060 2 года назад

    I've been using the China version for 3 weeks now... The battery is hardly 3 days when synced with my smartphone and 8 days wothout syncing

    • @Techtablets
      @Techtablets  2 года назад +4

      I'm loosing around 11-12% a day without outs. 1 hour GPS and all the monitoring on I lost about 9-10%. So with tracking 1-2 hours and the rest on around 4-5 days for my own use. To get the really good battery life you need to disable the 24/7 heart rate and sleep monitoring and use a short screen time out.

    • @alihejazi2060
      @alihejazi2060 2 года назад

      @@Techtablets my settings were as follow :
      Heart monitor and sleep monitor were off
      Screen off after 5 seconds
      I use " always on" in smart mode....
      So if i synced all my smartphone notifications I'll get 2-3 days...
      If I turned the sync off ( manily using it just as a digital watch) I'll get 8 - 9 days...
      I don't know how they claim 12 days unless i turned the screen on time off or switch to raise to wake only...
      By the way... I had to switch Region to China for the band to sync successfully, if i switch to another country it won't sync the band with the app

    • @adon8672
      @adon8672 2 года назад

      Does the software on the Chinese version display everything in English?

    • @RamaOshiLo
      @RamaOshiLo 2 года назад +1

      ​@@adon8672 yes, its follow with your phone language system

  • @bilalmeziane
    @bilalmeziane 2 года назад

    smart band 7 pro vs amazfit gts 2 mini new version?

  • @DimitrisRoussis
    @DimitrisRoussis 2 года назад

    Where is the distance on app?

  • @moistkitty8081
    @moistkitty8081 2 года назад

    this or nord watch??

  • @alexanderfrohlich142
    @alexanderfrohlich142 2 года назад +1

    Pls Xiaomi Band 7 pro vs huawei watch fit test