Awesome video! Only complaint at 1:52 you don’t need to yank the spring out with the pliers. There is an allen screw on the side that, once loosened, will allow the spring to come out freely
Ordered all the replacement parts, turns out I forgot to order the nut where the spring sits on. Now I have to wait another month. Life really do be like that sometimes
Awesome video! Only complaint at 1:52 you don’t need to yank the spring out with the pliers. There is an allen screw on the side that, once loosened, will allow the spring to come out freely
Thanks for your mention, I really didn't find this detail before. Once I have chance to disassemble it again I'll make sure of it indeed.
Yeah, supoort from PH man
Will this also work on a KWA mp7?
Not sure, probably NOT.
I was searchin for like 2 month since my that thing broke on my mp7. Couldn’t find shit. Thank you sir!!
Hope your mp7 could go back asap!
@@TRIPLACE saturday will be the day :D
請問我支VFC MP7如果無彈後唔識Blot lock ,依然不斷發空彈,請問是什麼問題?
can you show us how to remove the orange tip on that same mp7. I have been trying to figure it out for for months, thanks.
Thanks for your comment but unfortunately airsoft guns we got in TW doesn’t have that. We only have the energy limit and no firing pin structure.
Thanks for your video! Helped a lot to get this puzzle finished! xD
Good to know it helps! Viva airsoft✨
make a full disassembly and assembly vid plz
Someday I broke it again I will😉
@@TRIPLACE 😢still can’t find any rear covers or steel latches in stock. MINE AINT RUNNIN
Hey where can i get the piece
Maybe you could ask the nearby local dealer from your location for a " VFC MP7 GBB STOCK LOCK LEVER".
Awoeme vid
Thanks mate.
您好,剛入手這隻兩個月~第一個損壞零件真的是槍托卡榫xd 有看您另一隻影片說之後會換成鋼製的…但顯然還沒換xD 應該是拿去送修的都會換成鋼製的哈哈
原來原廠還沒更新R XDDD,當時去反映問題時服務人員有提到會換,有機會去晃晃時我也再問問看。很開心有你持續支持這頻道。
我這把 MP7 第一個壞掉就是槍托卡楯,先去五角服務中心買料,然後照著這部影片的方式修好。
1. 更換一個新的彈匣卡楯
2. 可以在彈匣井裡面,後側先墊一點東西,讓彈匣卡緊一點,同時減少彈匣和卡楯震動磨耗。像我是貼上魔鬼氈的毛面(桃園某狩X者老闆小賴提供的小技巧)
其他的話到現在就通通頭好壯壯,這把槍實在很喜歡,好一陣子打室內、近距離環境都用它,一場大概很大機會爆摳完兩匣共 100 發。老婆也在我用 416 A5 的時候常拿它下場,加上調整試槍等目前應該也有 8,000 ~ 10,000 累計擊發。好玩!品質又好,恭喜你也有這把 GBB 成為你的戰友。
@@TRIPLACE 很高興您能回覆。誒您是指原先的版本兩邊卡榫都不是鋼的嗎?
這把我個人真的覺得是vfc 的CP王哈哈(彈道表現真的是瞄哪打哪…)
@@TRIPLACE 瞭解 謝謝!
@@TRIPLACE 嘿👋 結果我換完鋼製卡榫後⋯⋯打了10夾左右竟然斷了😭
整個傻眼哈哈 請問您換完一次就沒再斷過了嗎!?
後定在這兩天也完全失效了😂 研判應該是槍機後定點已經不行了,您有遇過嗎?
Oml thank you so much for this vid👍👍👍👍👍👍
Glad you like it, it’s no big deal. We’re all in the airsoft family over the world 🌎!
Ordered all the replacement parts, turns out I forgot to order the nut where the spring sits on. Now I have to wait another month.
Life really do be like that sometimes
At the day when your MP7 reborn, the new start to be with you in your airsoft journey till the end of time.
@@TRIPLACE Finally got the last piece, your video helped a lot to put it all back together, thanks a lot man!
@@TheGamingExpert it's good to know that’s helpful.