@xerty5502 It's not really hard to tell if it Chinese if you read more than a few FFs, it's a problem with how the languages interact. They come from two entirely different source languages, so translation is even more difficult, and auto translaters suddenly suck ass with languages that interact like that as opposed to Spanish to English, and that is not even including Culture, Puns, Metaphors, and Sayings. "It's raining cats and dogs," and "The Mantis stocks the cicada while the Oriole watches from behind."
I agree going to go with male that's what it started as
what text to speech software do you use, its relly amazing
I can't tell is the Mc is a male or female with the way this is written
I acualy do not think it is written this way pretty sure this is translated almost certinaly machine tanslated. That's why all the oddities
@xerty5502 Yeah, the mc is most likely male, but the translation, especially for Chinese to English pronouns, gets swapped
@scareantelope6502 yep figured it was from Chinese but not sure so did not mention it
@xerty5502 It's not really hard to tell if it Chinese if you read more than a few FFs, it's a problem with how the languages interact. They come from two entirely different source languages, so translation is even more difficult, and auto translaters suddenly suck ass with languages that interact like that as opposed to Spanish to English, and that is not even including Culture, Puns, Metaphors, and Sayings. "It's raining cats and dogs," and "The Mantis stocks the cicada while the Oriole watches from behind."
Hufflepuff is the best house
just tell me is it he or she?
Human reading please
No budget :v