KOOI-REACHFORKS ® - Double Deep Stacking
- Опубликовано: 6 ноя 2024
- The fact that the KOOI-REACHFORKS® (meijer-handlin...) can reach twice as far as normal forks from one side means that the racking at each side of the aisle can be doubled. Double deep storage has become a very popular choice in "high throughput" operations and is ideal for Cold stores, Dry stores and the storage of multiple pallets of the same products, known as FILO (First In Last Out) principle. KOOI-REACHFORKS ® are the best system for changing any type of forklift truck into a "double-deep" truck. The Double-deep-stacking applica¬tion has already generated considerable cost savings.
ReachForks advantages compared to pantograph
•Excellent visibility, no extra obstructions because of all extra moving parts of the scissor reach system like:
dual pantograph mechanism
auxiliary mast
fork carrier
•Maintenance costs are very low because there are no hinging, bearings etc. All hydraulic parts are integrated inside the inner forks.
•When there is a breakdown ReachForks can just be replaced in a few minutes while the complete pantograph mast needs to be replaced.
•Easy to install onto other attachments like fork positioners and the effects of residual capacity is less because the mass of the attachment is not moving forward with the forks.
•The weight of a pantograph is much more than the weight of the telescopic forks. Therefore the center of gravity retracted and extended is much better with telescopic forks giving the lift truck a better residual capacity.
•With a moving mast principle no bottom beam is needed which eans more warehouse capacity.
•KOOI-REACHFORKS ® are cheaper in purchase price than a pantograph.
•The cycle speed (in-and out) of the telescopic forks RG2 is approximately equal to the pantograph.
Generally expect to see the product over a minute into a 3 minute video...
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