Mankind In The World | Voddie Baucham

  • Опубликовано: 28 сен 2024

Комментарии • 205

  • @Krazede
    @Krazede 5 месяцев назад +3

    No matter how studied I would become in the Word, no matter how much I feel like I am gifted in public speaking, I am no more qualified than a woman to preach, for I have had more than 1 wife!
    So, I shall let my living for Christ do my preaching by EXAMPLE!

  • @kathleenrutherford733
    @kathleenrutherford733 Год назад +29

    God has blessed Voddie with the gift of teaching His word, I am blessed because of his dedication to the Word. Praise be to God

  • @MrGlynlewis
    @MrGlynlewis Год назад +11

    Not only a such a learned man of God but a great sense of humour as well.

  • @GraceAlone50
    @GraceAlone50 Год назад +4

    I have not been treating my corner of creation as though it matters to but God used this sermon powerfully to get me up and redeeming the time with hard work around my home. Thank you Voddie and praise God!

  • @johnwebb2499
    @johnwebb2499 Год назад +7

    I know the good doctor Baucham would shy away from accolades, rather focusing on the task at hand of preaching the gospel. He is easily one of my favorite stewards of the Gospels. Our Lord is truly working through him by the holy Spirit. There's not a day that I do not thank our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for a bold proclaimer of the word such as he. God bless all my brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus. For his sovereign word is truly being preached.

    • @nereida116
      @nereida116 5 месяцев назад +1

      Bless you my Eternal Brother! Amen!✝️

    • @Kunabuzz
      @Kunabuzz 4 месяца назад


    • @Kunabuzz
      @Kunabuzz 4 месяца назад

      I am wrong

  • @jimmock1155
    @jimmock1155 Год назад +11

    Where I was raised a man’s ability to work, a man’s skill in his work, was a measurement of the man. I’m so glad for that upbringing. I’ve always enjoyed working. A good days work. As unto the Lord. Some days, after work, I find something good in just going home and pulling weeds.

    • @The_Lord_has_it
      @The_Lord_has_it Год назад +2

      I hear you brother. Grateful for that upbringing too. I'll come home from work to check the mail and find myself pulling weeds along the way, then head out to the garden to do more. I had a father that put in 8 hours at work, then came home to put in another 8 hours building the house we grew up in. People badly need to get back to family and stop looking to govt to take care of them. Govt only wants control to tell everyone how to live every moment of their lives.

  • @chalfontelark9882
    @chalfontelark9882 Год назад +14

    Do all things as unto the Lord.
    Thanks Voddie

  • @salvannabellairs4018
    @salvannabellairs4018 4 месяца назад

    How I wish we had a church like this in my city!!!

  • @patrickc3419
    @patrickc3419 Год назад +8

    I love Voddie’s stories that he’ll start with.😁

  • @ChrisS310
    @ChrisS310 Год назад +5

    Man o man Mr. Baucham can preach

  • @cathytrotto7595
    @cathytrotto7595 Год назад +3

    I love you teacher Voodie. God is so good to send men like you to tell us the truth. See you someday soon. I searched so many years for a church and finally I just came out of her. It's a very lonely existence but I've found God within me. I just don't have anybody to talk to about our Holy Creator God. I tell people about Jesus but 99% of them just don't innerstand how important it is in this season. Thank for honoring our Father.❤❤

  • @tamichildofGod8249
    @tamichildofGod8249 Год назад +4

    I am so glad I listen to this sermon this morning. Thank you Voddie!!

    • @veronicac.lawrence3120
      @veronicac.lawrence3120 Год назад

      We were blessed to see and hear Pastor Voddie on the Sunday Special with Ben Shapiro! Pastor Voddie is a game changer!

  • @markinson561
    @markinson561 3 месяца назад

    Hallelujah! Great word!!!

    @JOSEPH_VEGA Год назад +4

    Awesome pastor, all should listen too and have on their most listen too list.

  • @sherimiles430
    @sherimiles430 Год назад +5

    This was awesome. It is good for us to remember that it is as much of a commandment and a blessing to work six days as it is to rest one.

  • @jakeamberson6675
    @jakeamberson6675 Год назад +157

    Can we all pause a moment to appreciate what a magnificent beard Voddie has cultivated? It's a known fact that wise men store their wisdom there.

    • @The_Lord_has_it
      @The_Lord_has_it Год назад +7

      Gotta agree with ya there brother.

    • @andrewakotoaddo
      @andrewakotoaddo Год назад +4

      😂 🎉 I'm a huge fan of the beard. Great appreciation for Voddie's beard!

    • @Unapologetically_Masculine
      @Unapologetically_Masculine Год назад +2

      Not sure this is accurate

    • @masternelson8383
      @masternelson8383 Год назад +8

      So stop worshiping God to Admire his messenger? Are you ok? Do you need prayer?

    • @goochmooch5953
      @goochmooch5953 Год назад +1

      @@masternelson8383that beard is a miracle idk what you’re on

  • @laraegonzalesingoditrust
    @laraegonzalesingoditrust Год назад +5

    He is so spirit filled!Amen🙏

  • @erinrose1016
    @erinrose1016 Год назад +5

    Wonderful message! Once again!

  • @coleenvorster9187
    @coleenvorster9187 Год назад

    Thank you Lord for leading me to this anointed man of God. His Spirit inspired interpretation of God’s Word is always such a blessing to me. His Biblical as well as general knowledge is phenomenal and I just love his wonderful sense of humour.
    God bless you Voddie and may the Lord spare you for many more years so we can feast on your sermons. Amen 🙌🙌🙌

  • @pcpcaway
    @pcpcaway Год назад +1

    God Bless you for preaching the word and reaching people

  • @annmcfarlane378
    @annmcfarlane378 Год назад +1

    Thank you Mr Baucham for your inspiring words

  • @michaelsherron7815
    @michaelsherron7815 Год назад

    I am treating my corner of His creation as it matters to God....because it does.
    I am standing in the gap.
    I am holding my position as the watchman on the wall as it has been Divinely appointed unto me to do so.
    Ezekiel 22:30, Isaiah 62:6; I Corinthians 3:6-9

  • @philipmeyer445
    @philipmeyer445 Год назад

    What a wonderful teacher and man of God. We prat for you

  • @loudieselj3165
    @loudieselj3165 Год назад +1

    That was excellent, thanks

  • @Yesica1993
    @Yesica1993 Год назад +1

    I'm just starting this video. I don't watch him very often. I always expect him to have this giant, booming voice to match his appearance. I'm sure he can, when he wants to. But he's often so soft spoken!

  • @olufemifatomiloye5193
    @olufemifatomiloye5193 Год назад

    🙏 Voddie Baucham 🪔

  • @mr.emaaejae6058
    @mr.emaaejae6058 Год назад

    God has no problem with women being preachers (in truth and order; under the man's instruction and guidance) but the leadership roles God ordained exclusively to the "seed"/man.

  • @barbaraa.walters8798
    @barbaraa.walters8798 Год назад


  • @lelaneal4703
    @lelaneal4703 Год назад

    Isaiah 14:1-3

  • @nereida116
    @nereida116 5 месяцев назад

    Boerbole are amazing dogs- strong Mastiffs.

  • @mjgabon0914
    @mjgabon0914 6 месяцев назад

    I love Voddie Baucham as a preacher, one of the preacher that I listened to but, I just want to correct that he mentioned Exodus 21 verse 1 @25:00 instead of Exodus 28:1-3 "Then bring near to you Aaron, your brother, and his sons with him from among the people of Israel, to serve me as priest-- Aaron and Aaron's son, Nadab and Abihu, Eleazar and Ithamar". And you shall make holy garments for Aaron your brother, for glory and for beauty. You shall speak to all the skillful, whom I have filled with a spirit of skill, that they make Aaron's garments to consecrate him for my priesthood". He probably didn't noticed it, or whoever help him prepared his topics.

  • @benbotha8668
    @benbotha8668 Год назад +1


  • @simbawhite968
    @simbawhite968 Год назад

    AMEN I SAY.......AMEN!🙏🫡👍

  • @ByDesign333
    @ByDesign333 Год назад

    Comedy will cease, as the persecution mounts...meantime pray for me, because I see it coming, but am still tickled by comedian preachers...Oh God be merciful!

    • @dianaavellanet8794
      @dianaavellanet8794 Год назад +2

      The whole idea of humorous dialogue, is to lighten the mood, when discussing hard-to-deal-with biblical teachings/passages. They don't do it to be "comedian pastors."

  • @Kenny-kl5st
    @Kenny-kl5st Год назад

    Yea, they cut down all the tree and told us they are mountain.

  • @dskurth
    @dskurth Год назад

    Super interesting. The only thing we shall disagree on is about women preaching . Too many examples in scripture or those women called to lead and/or judge men and other women, in their own unique way…including who I was named after… Deborah.
    Other than that interesting concepts

  • @samcarlos1276
    @samcarlos1276 Год назад

    Brothers and Sisters, does anyone know which Holy bible Voddie is reading from ? I have a NKJV study bible. Hard to keep up with the differences in my version and the one Voddie is using 🙏

  • @robertmcclintock8701
    @robertmcclintock8701 Год назад

    With a television you don't have to be supernatural. God prefer that because it's more social but we have to use it correctly. Right now we have anarchy blindness. Despite the anarchy blindness I figured it out. That proves we can be God like. Only a person getting crucified would suspect something greater. They crucified me with exact same disease that in pink Floyd the wall. Victor said it's all good. It should be possible to make everything all good.:⁠-⁠O

  • @ValerieJean757
    @ValerieJean757 Год назад

    John 5
    28 Marvel not at this: for the hour is coming, in the which all that are in the graves shall hear his voice,
    29 And shall come forth; they that have done good, unto the resurrection of life; and they that have done evil,
    unto the resurrection of Damnation.
    Matthew 25:46
    And these shall go away into Everlasting Punishment:
    but the righteous into life eternal
    Daniel 12:2
    And many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life,
    and some to Shame and Everlasting Contempt
    Jeremiah 23:40
    And I will bring an Everlasting Reproach upon you,
    and a Perpetual Shame, which shall not be forgotten
    Proverbs 28:9
    He that turneth away his ear from hearing the law,
    even his prayer shall be abomination
    2 Thessalonians 1:7-9
    7 And to you who are troubled rest with us, when the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven with his mighty angels,
    8 In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ:
    9 Who shall be punished with Everlasting Destruction
    from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of his power
    Romans 12:19
    Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves,
    but rather give place unto Wrath:
    for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord
    Jude 1:7
    Even as Sodom and Gomorrha, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example,
    suffering the vengeance of Eternal Fire
    Revelation 14:11
    And the smoke of their Torment ascendeth up for Ever and Ever:
    and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name
    Proverbs 5
    22 His own iniquities shall take the wicked himself,
    and he shall be holden with the cords of his sins.
    23 He shall die without instruction; and in the greatness of his folly he shall go astray.

  • @JamesRichardWiley
    @JamesRichardWiley Год назад +1

    Voddie doesn't do critical thinking, logic, reason or anything related to the Scientific Method for discovering what is true.
    He only thinks biblically.

  • @dreamteamleader9098
    @dreamteamleader9098 Год назад

    So for the people who gave their life through Christ by seeing a female preacher does that mean that they're not saved? Does that mean that Yahweh did not use that woman at the pulpit to call these people to him? Does that mean that these women who are out here who are definitely in my opinion preaching the truth and have masses following them as they follow Christ and miraculous moves of the Holy Spirit during their services and praise reports afterwards our null effect? I mean I don't want to be a pastor I'm just saying I see it so often and I myself have listened to a woman speak from the pulpit before and I've gotten a word from Yahweh that changed my life for a certain circumstances so I don't understand why we still say that they can't, as if we're saying Yahweh will not use them or isn't using them in this very day. Is it so a man doesn't look less intelligent when concerning the knowledge and wisdom of the word? It kind of reminds me of when abimelech fought and killed all of his siblings but yet was killed by a woman, he had his men strike him down so that no one would know he was killed by a woman, but it was put in the word of Yahweh that he was. I know I have a lot of questions but I am not very convinced on this thing yet, and I'm not saying I'm going against what the Bible says but the scriptures I've read it's not Jesus saying that a woman shouldn't be a teacher. And in the book of Timothy the writer says I suffer not a woman to teach so I took that as his own personal opinion. I would love for this to be clarified to me if someone is willing I am definitely open to the understanding of. Does Jesus say it anywhere or is it one of the 613 Commandments? Thank you for your time and my apologies for so many questions but my Pastor left during covid and hasn't returned or I would ask him. Currently I'm just learning from the men of good report on line, Voodie, Bishop Wooden, Tony Evans. 🕊

    • @ericdr2
      @ericdr2 Год назад +4

      In the beginning was the word, and the word was with God, and the word was god. Jesus is the word of God made flesh. If the Bible is the word of God then everything in the Bible is from Jesus because Jesus is the word of God and is God made flesh. It is amazing and our human mind can hardly comprehend it if at all. All I know is my hope is in Jesus without him I am nothing. But yes I believe his word and even if a woman is a great preacher she should not usurp authority over any man, women and men have different roles according to the word of God and a woman being a preacher is one thing God says should not happen so it doesn't matter how good she is, she should obey his word. The Bible is all from God, just because one person wrote it doesn't mean it was their words and not God's, it is what God had them write not what they wanted to write. It is the inspired word of god.

    • @dreamteamleader9098
      @dreamteamleader9098 Год назад

      @@ericdr2 AMEN!! And I agree with all of that except I'm still not understanding, could you please give me scripture that says a woman should not be a preacher. I know where Timothy said , 2 Tim 2:12,
      But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence. Yahweh used to speak to the Moses or he would speak to the prophet or he would speak to David did Yahweh speak to someone and say that a woman should not be a pastor? I don't think a woman should have authority over a man most definitely not in the family unless she is his boss at work or she is his instructor in school, or maybe she's a police officer and he's a civilian. Yet, I do think men and women are both valued the same in the sight of Yahweh I just don't understand this whole women can't be preacher and I am trying to get the understanding of that. I most definitely believe every word that came out of the mouth of Yahweh oh, he has delivered me from many afflictions trials tribulations and addictions but he used a woman quite a bit. That's why I guess I'm conflicted with it when people say they shouldn't be preachers because it was a woman that Yahweh used to preach a man, Yeshua to me. I know I'm not special I just have conflicting understanding about that. That's all and I don't want anyone to be offended by it or think that I don't trust in the word of Yahweh because I do. My apologies if it seems to be much that's not my intention I truly am trying to get understanding of that. Blessings to you and thank you for helping me

    • @ericdr2
      @ericdr2 Год назад

      I understand, I think there are things we can question in the bible and have doubt about, but in the end it is written in God's word so I just abide by it, if you read the whole chapter it could give some more information. In verse 13 of the chapter it says for adam was formed first then eve; and it was not Adam who was deceived, but the woman who was led astray and fell into sin. So that is the reason for verse 12 where it says a woman should not be preaching. Now a woman can preach and teach children and other women, but she shouldn't be the leader of a congregation, what Timothy is speaking about here is the church.

    • @ericdr2
      @ericdr2 Год назад

      I guess we can also look at it this way, Jesus didn't write any part of the Bible, the words Jesus speaks in the Bible are in red letter you could say, but Matthew, Luke, John, Paul and the disciples those who wrote books of the Bible with words they heard Jesus speak, are they all greater than Timothy that you'd believe them and not the words Timothy wrote? If god did not want him to write that it would not be there because then the word of god would have a lie and he cannot lie. I would ask you to look deep in your heart, you may not see something wrong with it, but we are flesh and all have a problem which is why Jesus is the only way. Maybe you truly dont want this to be true, but the word of god all of it in its entirety is true not one thing in the bible is a lie. Understanding the book of genesis will also help you to understand the passage. Every word in the bible has a purpose I also encourage you to read different versions and compare I wish I could read the original Bible, but I only know 2 languages. Also encourage you to continue seeking and reading because we don't know it all and never can say we do. After reading through the whole Bible you become more in tune with who god is and after reading it again you learn even more and more and more it never ends really. So don't let this one thing keep you, just keep seeking and you will understand I'm sure you will. If you seek you will find.

    • @susanellis4684
      @susanellis4684 Год назад +1

      If you truly got saved under the preaching of a woman, you are saved. She didn't save you. The Holy Spirit convicted you, and you responded. No worries there.

  • @Jay_the_giant
    @Jay_the_giant Год назад +1

    Is it just me, or is Voddie Baucham sounding more and more Postmil?

    • @Apeleutheros80
      @Apeleutheros80 Год назад

      I just asked the same thing. Voddie's been a rock for me. If we lose him to the postmils too (ie James White), I will be deeply grieved.

    • @Jay_the_giant
      @Jay_the_giant Год назад

      @@Apeleutheros80 I’m postmil so I’m good with it lol. Though I admit when I was Amil, I was crushed when James White switched. You’ll get there too ;)

  • @ChosenOfGodToProsper
    @ChosenOfGodToProsper Год назад

    But women are preachers, AND anointed.

    • @marygayquigley9672
      @marygayquigley9672 Год назад +3

      But the Bible says that women are not to preach and have authority over men. We, as older women, are to teach the younger woman.

  • @mikelyons2831
    @mikelyons2831 Год назад

    VB, you are an unashamed Calvinist. According to Calvin's Institutes & the creeds & confessions you sight (that came along centuries after the canonization of scripture) God in eternity past has randomly pre-chosen some to irresistibly be coerced into turning to Christ & consequently all others have been arbitrarily preordained/predestined to reject HIM all their lives they can do no other. "God decrees all things, whatsoever comes to pass" so says a confession you believe?

    • @jayrocky9067
      @jayrocky9067 Год назад +2

      That’s the problem with most people who confess to Follow Christ but are not students of the WORD of GOD. If you studied the Bible intently you would find CASES for both sides. Calvinist and Arminians… you have to study the WORD not with your eyes but by the HOLY SPIRIT.. then you would see these arguments not fruitless. They only create division..!!! And those who argue are FOOLS… in the eyes of GOD. The message should always be CHRIST JESUS.. we are SINNERS AND NEED HIS BLOOD TO REDEEM US. JESUS FIRST..!! Then PEOPLE… I myself don’t categorize myself as either.!! GOD can do whatever HE WANTS.. HE KNOWS ALL.. SEES ALL.. if anyone argues that then they are FOOLS. There are some destined for DESTRUCTION.. GOD says not many will ENTER THE NARROW GATE … clearly in scripture. I pray for you brother.. don’t get hung up on these differences… just work on your relationship with the LORD and grow in the faith by SCRIPTURE by the guidance of the HOLY SPIRIT… then go and PREACH the GOSPEL to ALL… if anything I said you disagree with or gets you upset. I’m sorry and I will keep you in prayer 💯🙏🏽✝️❤️

    • @mikelyons2831
      @mikelyons2831 Год назад

      @@jayrocky9067 I'm neither Calvinist nor Arminian (both are works of man & Jacob Arminius studied under Beza...a staunch Calvinist, therefore he affirmed many of Calvin's positions) I'm an apologist in my 60s.
      Perhaps you haven't studied Calvinism. Calvinism: "Before they are born, having done either good nor bad (not foreknowledge, but rather predetermining) God chose some to irresistibly turn to Christ & consequently all others have been arbitrarily preordained/predestined to reject Christ all their lives & they can do no other".
      This has caused not only division in the body of Christ, but fatalism that has resulted in many to go through deconstructionism.
      "Honey do you believe what the new Pastor is teaching?"
      "Well, he says it's the way salvation really works, but I agree with him that it's a tough pill to swallow."
      "Then I don't want to try for a boy, I don't want to have any more children. I want nothing to do with conceiving & birthing a living soul that might be Pre-reprobated to Hell-Fire because the gift of grace is with held from them!"
      Bible/Scripture: "God has dealt to every man a measure of faith"
      Calvinism: "God randomly gives grace to some"

    • @jmitch9269
      @jmitch9269 Год назад

      @mikeltons2831 the Bible teaches both. Just because we cannot understand predestination and our free will doesn’t mean God in His wisdom uses both. Believing in predestination does not affect your salvation.

    • @mikelyons2831
      @mikelyons2831 Год назад

      @@jmitch9269 I think your missing the point. Predestination does not mean sinners have had their destination Pre-planned/Pre-mapped to arrive in Heaven.
      One of many words Calvinism gets wrong, conflates & or contrives to make their system work. In Ephesians the "Christians" at the "Church" in Ephesus are being told of the blessings the "Believer" is PREDESTINED to.
      Observe carefully in chptr 1, "Accepted in the Beloved" vs 6. "Redemption through His blood...vs 7. "Made known the mystery of His will" vs 9. "An inheritance" vs 11. Verse 13 "They trusted AFTER they heard the word of truth (see 2:12-13) also "sealed" in 13, "guarantee" "inheritance" & "purchased possession" vs 14. In chptr 2 "made alive" & will "sit together in Heavenly places". If you ain't In Him/In Christ you ain't a Christian & therefore ain't getting any of those blessings.
      In Romans 8 only Christians/Believers are Predestined to get new bodies that can withstand His presence/His glory (remember reading earlier "All have sinned & fallen short of the Glory of God"). Read from vs 12 onward carefully (in Romans 8) it's quite comprehensive.

  • @wdcurry111
    @wdcurry111 Год назад +2

    He finally gets around to it about 10 minutes in. Lol! I don't understand why a ministry monetizes a video like this. Welcome to the "world".

    • @jenna2431
      @jenna2431 Год назад +2

      Thanks. You saved me 10 minutes of wasting my life on drivel.

    • @ralos3500
      @ralos3500 Год назад +11

      The story had a meaning. It was directly correlated to the message.

    • @Yesica1993
      @Yesica1993 Год назад

      @@jenna2431 Seriously! I don't care about your dog when I am sitting at a sermon at church or conference. Plus, after looking up that dog breed and seeing how big and powerful they are, the idea that people keep such creatures around their CHILDREN is horrifying.

    • @Yesica1993
      @Yesica1993 Год назад +6

      @@ralos3500 I agree. It also didn't last 10 minutes. About 5 minutes in, he was already relating it to the message in a substantial way. That's why it's always good to see things yourself instead of relying on someone else's comments about it.

    • @BeMe33
      @BeMe33 Год назад +2

      @@Yesica1993 maybe to protect them from lions (?) 🙂

  • @zahirulislam3775
    @zahirulislam3775 Год назад

    Don't get emotional. Everything is happening as GOD( ALLAH SUBHANATALA) wish .
    One thing is clear: Almighty Allah will send Jesus Alaihiwassalm very soon. But I fear that most of the people will be punished for sharing Jesus Alaihiwassalam with Allah subhanatala at par. Follow the following verses of holy Quran: And on Judgment Day Allah will say, “O Jesus, son of Mary! Did you ever ask the people to worship you and your mother as gods besides Allah?” He will answer, “Glory be to You! How could I ever say what I had no right to say? If I had said such a thing, you would have certainly known it. You know what is ˹hidden˺ within me, but I do not know what is within You. Indeed, You alone are the Knower of all unseen. I never told them anything except what You ordered me to say: “Worship Allah-my Lord and your Lord!” And I was witness over them as long as I remained among them. But when You took me, You were the Witness over them-and You are a Witness over all things. [Holy Quran,Surah Al-Ma’idah; 5:116-117]

  • @lucthebeau7151
    @lucthebeau7151 Год назад +77

    Thank you so much for this sermon. I actually received some healing through this word as I am a stone worker, ceramic tile installer for 15 year and received Christ last year and went through the baptism process and was delivered from drug, alcohol and gambling addiction. And after listening to this i feel filled with the Sprit of God to go and make nice and functional things for people even more ❤️‍🔥

    • @bobpaulino4714
      @bobpaulino4714 Год назад +1

      May Jehovah's and Jesus' spirit and peace guide and fill you. He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world --
      Resist satan's temptations

    • @musiclover2.06
      @musiclover2.06 Год назад +2


    • @Samaria754
      @Samaria754 Год назад +2

      Beautiful testimony. I’m in tears.Jesus be glorified.

    • @ThomasSmith-ig3ph
      @ThomasSmith-ig3ph Год назад +1


  • @evelynkissi884
    @evelynkissi884 Год назад +35

    A brilliant mind submitted to God's authority is a beautiful thing!

  • @TruthWillSetYouFree-mz8bo
    @TruthWillSetYouFree-mz8bo Год назад +28

    I am very honored to be in my role as a woman that God has given to me. ❤ we woman need to be humble and be thankful that we are given gifts from our God. I love being there for my husband and children 💕 and I love my God and everything he is and will follow him for all eternity 💓

    • @rayah8809
      @rayah8809 5 месяцев назад +2

      Amen. role as a woman is a blessing. 🙏
      I love my position that the good LORD has placed me as well❤🙏

  • @JoseRodriguez-pq5sz
    @JoseRodriguez-pq5sz Год назад +25


  • @PoeticDensity
    @PoeticDensity Год назад +67

    "Treat your corner of this creation like it matters to God, because it DOES."
    This quote right here is worth its weight in gold! Made a phone wallpaper with these words for encouragement at work :)

    • @Yesica1993
      @Yesica1993 Год назад +5


    • @bronzewing1965
      @bronzewing1965 Год назад +3

      I want to look after the animals and plants 🪴 😍... Gods beautiful majestic creations.

    • @bobpaulino4714
      @bobpaulino4714 Год назад +5

      When I was a teenager I worked with 40 horses at a summer camp. Many of the other staff and most of the campers envied my position. Most wanted nothing to do with certain aspects of the job, nor did some have the endurance to fulfill them -- lots of shovelling !
      I always told the campers, and later my children, that you can't have a horse if you won't clean the stalls -- they will develope hoof rot and founder.
      Years after I left the camp I visited the farmer who had been a neighbor and the behind the scenes caretaker of the camp. He confided that the barns and facilities were never as clean as the years when I had served there.
      No matter what you do, do it as if you're doing it personally for Jehovah and His Son.

    • @michaelsherron7815
      @michaelsherron7815 Год назад

      @@bobpaulino4714 Thanks for sharing your testimony! 😃

    • @yahisenough2137
      @yahisenough2137 Год назад


  • @micheleallen1646
    @micheleallen1646 Год назад +84

    He is an amazing preacher. Always inspiring !

    • @slavi7191
      @slavi7191 Год назад +9

      He truly is. He's funny without trying and still delivers the Gospel message so well!
      You can tell he really loves the Gospel and our Lord Jesus Christ.

    • @salvadorbragais6498
      @salvadorbragais6498 Год назад +3

      It is both a 😂blessing and a privilege to listen and learn more about the things I pressume to have known, I thank GOD for Pastor Voddie Baucham and others like him,GOD is glorified ,

    • @adamshort1953
      @adamshort1953 Год назад

      If I could find a word better than amazing, I would use it, 😂😂😂

  • @osinowopaul9419
    @osinowopaul9419 Год назад +50

    May God regenerate us and grant us grace and strength in our pursuit of truth, beauty and goodness in this world.

  • @2races1kind
    @2races1kind Год назад +10

    Sophisticated way of saying, "whatsoever ye do, do for the glory of God."

  • @diesel6253
    @diesel6253 Год назад +5

    This is one amazing preacher. I enjoyed this sermon & plan to watch more of Voddie - thank you so much, I love the idea that he backs up what he's saying through scripture. Many preachers need to do this today but sadly they don't. He gives the passage & waits each time for you to find it before he continues to read & when he closes, he takes a moment before he begins his closing prayer. Amen? Amen! God Bless. ❤❤❤😊😊😊

  • @Carelmartyn
    @Carelmartyn Год назад +13

    I've been seeing Voddie preach on Genesis a lot this year. Wow

    • @liamellis9018
      @liamellis9018 Год назад +3

      Me too! For the last two years or so I’ve kept hearing “It all goes back to the Garden” and more and more teaching on Genesis has been coming.

    • @southerngirlgapeach2660
      @southerngirlgapeach2660 Год назад +1

      If you can understand Gen 1-12, you will understand the foundation for everything that follows.

  • @jackrhodes6811
    @jackrhodes6811 Год назад +5

    That is quite plainly the best sermon I've ever heard. Thank you so very very very much. From Boerbul country with love!

  • @Yesica1993
    @Yesica1993 Год назад +6

    Oh, I didn't know it was a classical university! See? I don't watch him often. I was one of those who assumed it was a seminary/Bible college. A university is even better! How fantastic. I wish I could sign myself up! This was wonderful. Thank you for giving hope to the 90% of us who don't have the skills, abilities, desire, and/or calling to be pastors/preachers. The world has so many areas where Christ followers can and MUST excel, for His glory!
    This was wonderful. Our God is so much more grand and beautiful and good than we have ever thought. Certainly more so than we are constantly led to believe by the world, the devil, and our flesh who are constantly slandering Him and denying His goodness. If we could just grasp how GOOD He is!

  • @futuresite11
    @futuresite11 Год назад +5

    Very good.
    Thank you, God.
    Thank you, Rev Baucham.
    God is good.
    J W

  • @philipmeyer445
    @philipmeyer445 Год назад +3

    Thank you for making me humble again and to realize my TOTAL dependence on our Holy Father's.

  • @monicaceron2086
    @monicaceron2086 Год назад +4

    Alabado DIOS por este pastor desde Argentina saludos

  • @Tulip2799
    @Tulip2799 Год назад +4

    It's always a blessing listening to you Voddie. We need the Gospel..

  • @jonathanbeckom2638
    @jonathanbeckom2638 Год назад +4

    My Brother

  • @lotticus8599
    @lotticus8599 Год назад +2

    His pause game kills me haha I always think the video is buffering

  • @bassboi2001
    @bassboi2001 Год назад +4

    Amen!! Thank you Jesus 😍💯🇩🇴🇵🇷

  • @macknonymus
    @macknonymus 7 месяцев назад +1

    I been waiting to hear this. A strong base that was in the Genesis has been seen as a meaning of work with the fall. And the serpent encouraged everyone to feel like the world owes them the same job. And ate from the tree. To the state of the world now.

  • @SusieQ3
    @SusieQ3 Год назад +1

    I believe that women who truly love theology do not, in fact, want to be preachers. It's only women that desire some sort of authority and/or spotlight that want to preach.

  • @jporras1439
    @jporras1439 Год назад +3

    Thank you

  • @chocolatethundercherry143
    @chocolatethundercherry143 Год назад +1

    ❤❤🎉🎉 JEHOVAH GOD reward us for we’re diligent in our preparation and taking better care of ourself in the process.

  • @LaurenWaters-nc9cm
    @LaurenWaters-nc9cm 11 месяцев назад +1

    Voddie Baucham, I will and do, listen to you practically 24/7. Thank you!

  • @zachary7656
    @zachary7656 Год назад +2

    never underestimate the power and the size of the role model minister!

  • @Filo-nn9yphe
    @Filo-nn9yphe Год назад +1

    Thanks God. Generations inherit illnesses of various seriousness and pass some of them to their children, who later become deceased either at a young age or later age, whilst their parents and/or children + grandchildren and/or partners are left inconsolable with acute grief / grieving for a considerable to very considerable time who (even as believers themselves) find it extraordinarily very difficult to fathom how and why their very dearly loved ones had (through no fault of their own) originally inherited either of their parents serious illnesses that later led to their premature passing.😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

  • @DonMan81
    @DonMan81 Год назад +15

    I'm not a Calvinist or a Reformed guy but I do love me some Voddie! He is a powerful speaker and brother in the Lord and I've learned so much from his God given skill in teaching the word.

    • @carlostuux7988
      @carlostuux7988 4 месяца назад +1

      Welcome to the Reformed Calvinist Doctrine 😊

    • @DonMan81
      @DonMan81 4 месяца назад

      @carlostuux7988 Thanks, lol 😆. I truly love much of what the Reformed theology has to offer but I just can't get behind some of the finer points of the Calvinist position. I'm not sure if I was just predestined to be this way or not, haha 😅.
      Either way... Jesus is Lord, Ceasar is not! Repent and believe the gospel! Christ is King of Kings and Lord of Lord's. He is the First and the Last, the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End. He is The Way, The Truth and The Life. No one comes to the Father except through Him. His gift of eternal life is freely offered to ALL who believe, ALL who repent, ALL who put their faith and trust in Him alone.
      Just my layman take on it.

  • @MrDocTalks
    @MrDocTalks 10 дней назад

    "Work is not a product of the fall. Our laziness and ardousness related to our work is a product of the fall."
    That really helps me to rethink the way I engage the world in work. I've noticed that I haven't been as good of a worker as I should. Doing all things to the glory of God is important and more than I've made it to be. Thinking about these things and reflecting have helped me to see things more appropriately. Praise God for clear accurate teaching of God's word. How awesome to have universities that teach the correct worldview so individuals can be filled with the skill God desires!!! Praise God 🙌🏼

  • @ericcarter2020
    @ericcarter2020 5 месяцев назад


  • @c.n.sensse3319
    @c.n.sensse3319 Год назад

    Jesus trained 12 men for 3 years to reach everybody with the gospel. How? By making disciples. For the next 200 years the body of Christ multiplied because they obeyed Jesus' commandment for everybody to share the gospel baptize the believers, receive the Holy spirit and teach others to do the same. Then the Roman Empire established preachers, congregations, buildings, church on Sunday, We are still doing Rome's strategy 1900 years later. And not reaching everybody with the gospel. Our so-called prophets and preachers are so blind they don't even mention that we haven't reached everybody. That's all we ever needed to do (Mark 16;15) for the end to begin to come (Mathew 24:14.) Almost half the people in the world still haven't heard the gospel. The majority of the body of Christ have never shared the gospel with anybody. Why do our so-called great preachers fail to see this or mention it?

  • @Peaches-cm9yy
    @Peaches-cm9yy Год назад

    This sermon is so deceiving and you all don't realise it. He read the Creation story and how God rested on the 7th day and is still implying that you can work on the Sabbath Day. This is sin against God. God said that we should REMEMBER the Sabbath Day to KEEP IT HOLY. Wake up people!! God rested on the 7th Day from all His work and He wants us to do the same.

  • @fernandogamboa2623
    @fernandogamboa2623 Год назад +1

    Thank you Lord , thank you Vodie God's preacher indeed.

  • @loogoo8772
    @loogoo8772 Год назад

    Women can preach the good news just not on the pulpit…. Turn them loose on the unbelievers 😢 your a great teacher but your wasting a valuable asset.

  • @juliecutter4852
    @juliecutter4852 Год назад +1

    Thank you for telling the whole truth sir!!!❤😊

  • @jabezmengesha8317
    @jabezmengesha8317 23 дня назад

    This is so relevant in it's application to our daily lives.

  • @VSastrocompasss
    @VSastrocompasss Год назад

    Wait I seen tree
    (of healing?)(dream that I held, and it contacted me better then car)
    When a cliff and tree and car.

  • @susanellis4684
    @susanellis4684 Год назад +1

    Amazing word.

  • @jeremiahkirby6552
    @jeremiahkirby6552 Год назад

    God the Father gave me a waking vision of in the clouds in a glorified body. It was beautiful and I've never felt better BUT it wasn't that big. Looked big enough for hundreds maybe thousands. That means wolves in sheep's clothing are leading the lukewarm to the lake of fire. All have had many chances with a relationship with Father and Brother. In the end you can't hide and there will be nowhere to hide. I pray you aren't trying to hide things from DAD. You've been warned!

  • @masternelson8383
    @masternelson8383 Год назад

    Is this church in Texas or near it?

  • @carolcone6591
    @carolcone6591 6 месяцев назад


  • @_rob_.
    @_rob_. 7 месяцев назад

    @9:55 msg Starts.

  • @nereida116
    @nereida116 5 месяцев назад

    46:56 Amen!

  • @wynettecagle4680
    @wynettecagle4680 Год назад

    Kori Dawson

  • @vickiereed643
    @vickiereed643 Год назад

    I find it very interesting that Bill Cloud from Jacob’s Tent Ministry spoke of the same things in his sermon today! He spoke of the craftsmen that built the Tabernacle and even in more detail.
    I love and respect both Voddie & Bill as preachers and I think you would be blessed by hearing Bill’s message as well. God bless!

  • @sisclaluis12son
    @sisclaluis12son Год назад


  • @rochellecaffee1417
    @rochellecaffee1417 Год назад

    I appreciate your take on the “tree of life and the tree of good and evil”, but how about considering this: the Lord said to Adam DO Not eat from that tree because you will die, and He said that to Protect them from a life of “judgement under the LAW”. But Adam chose to ignore God’s protective command, and he, with pride, “chose his own way”, ending up under the oppression of being under the LAW, and not under the grace that God preferred to give.

  • @michaelmoore6767
    @michaelmoore6767 Год назад

    You do not know true Christianity... Your value and worth is not enough to give your life as a ransom for many others... Behold the synagogues of Satan... Many cry out to be saved... But they are Christians... They must give their lives... "What greater love doth a man have than to lay down his life for his friends"... Sheep like lambs to the slaughter... "Many will say say that they are Jews and are not... Many will say that they are Jews and they do lie"... "Many will say that they are Christians"... Yet and still, if Christianity is your faith religion and/or belief... You believe in your heart and confess with your mouth, then you should be whole... Know that all sin is taken away... Now judgement is come for the words of your mouth, your deeds and actions, the intent of your heart, your very thoughts, and the content of your character...

  • @EarlFugitt-mp4og
    @EarlFugitt-mp4og Год назад

    Hey Voodie my name is Earl and I just thank God that u spoke that word I've been condemned and shunned from a synagogues, been told I had a evil spirit because I said the same thing that u did, but I'm not worried about it because of my lord Jesus Christ

  • @tstjohn777
    @tstjohn777 Год назад

    Work is not part of the curse, but “Cursed is the ground for your sake;
    In toil you shall eat of it
    All the days of your life.
    Toil was not part of work till the fall. The word toil is worrisome or sorrow

  • @Apeleutheros80
    @Apeleutheros80 Год назад

    Maybe some of the reconstructionist buzzwords hit me wrong and I'm misunderstanding, but did Voddie just go postmil on us?
    ...Please tell me it aint so😢

  • @bronzewing1965
    @bronzewing1965 Год назад

    Beautiful Pastor Voddie 🙏 ❤️❤️🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🥳🌍

  • @IsleOfFeldspar
    @IsleOfFeldspar Год назад

    Give glory and honor to the Holy Spirit whose words you are hearing through every biblically sound teacher.

  • @nereida116
    @nereida116 5 месяцев назад

    "Because it's beautiful... Emulate it..." Hosanna!

  • @joyceyoungblood7927
    @joyceyoungblood7927 Год назад

    I love him ! ( Gotta say......His podium looks like someone cut about a foot off of it ! )