Liz & Jason/Liz & Lucky Scenes 9/28/06


Комментарии • 27

  • @pnotchey
    @pnotchey 17 лет назад +10

    i love how evident liz and jason's friendship was here.

    • @angiechambless1092
      @angiechambless1092 9 месяцев назад

      Jason knew everything she went through. He witnessed first hand. He knows Elizabeth did not try to trick him. After she found out the father, neither one was in a position to really be the father. I can see why she didn't say anything for a long time.

  • @monkeyacc1237
    @monkeyacc1237 4 года назад +5

    I love it when cam ran to Liz it was so cute and sweet

  • @kellyjo94
    @kellyjo94 18 лет назад +3

    I just wanted to let you know how AWESOME it is that you post these scenes everyday!! I started a new job recently and can't watch it but I come here everyday and see it. So THANKS!!!

  • @pandabear102699
    @pandabear102699 14 лет назад +9

    Jason and Liz have a connection that is unique. Killing there lil boy will not destroy that.

  • @mayzo51184
    @mayzo51184 13 лет назад +2

    thanks for posting these scenes! I have to say, that it's interesting to go back and rewatch them after all that has happened with all of these characters since then. And, to those that commented on Lucky not going to rehab for Cameron, I don't think that was intirely true; it was just that when Elizabeth told Lucky that she was pregnant, was what made Lucky realize he was in need of some help.

  • @Petalouda8
    @Petalouda8  18 лет назад +2

    You're welcome! And thank you so much for that lovely comment.
    In fact, thanks to everyone for all of the great comments I've been getting. :)

  • @131986zm
    @131986zm 13 лет назад +4

    jason is such a gentleman, he stays at the door, he respects space and he is just so sexy when he says hello to cam.

  • @shalethafranklin8278
    @shalethafranklin8278 6 лет назад +4

    Jason is just fine for no reason! My goodness!!

  • @ghfan51184
    @ghfan51184 4 года назад +5

    One thing that annoys me is the double standards where Lucky was concerned. When he wanted to get back with elizabeth and was justifying his addiction to pills as a way to be unfaithful to her, all the Lucky fans were cheering on and accusing Elizabeth of dangling Jake in front of Jason and Lucky, which was not what she was doing at all. Years later, after losing Jake, and Jason again to Sam and not to mention Nikolas leaving, and when she thinks she can win Lucky back, she's wrong? Yes, she shouldn't have faked the breakdown, but I hate how everything Lucky does is excusable, and Elizabeth couldn't even move on right without everyone pressuring her to be with Lucky, and because she felt like she owed Lucky everything, of course, she felt that she always owed it to everyone to try. She was always sacrificing her own happiness for others, and she obviously had a few lapses in judgment, but every woman on this soap has done things, but Elizabeth's this horrible villan Nope... I really feel for her as a character, and she's always been one of my faves, and I'll always root for her no matter what.

    • @rosegaldi6604
      @rosegaldi6604 3 года назад +1

      One of my favorites also. Totally agree with you

  • @sillyduckling86
    @sillyduckling86 15 лет назад +3

    I think lucky looked up to jason... remember the scene in the boxcar... when jason first meets liz

  • @MsKimmiesue
    @MsKimmiesue 10 лет назад +7


  • @sweetophe
    @sweetophe 15 лет назад +5

    Elizabeth is stronger when jason is around. Watch any of her scenes when get into a confrontation with anyone and j is their she stick up for herself, to me any way i think jason is her backbone look when manny had her with she did not truth him to save her and when jason came along she was brave, the samething happen when she was on the wall and jason came look how brave she became to jump down and inturn save jason life.

  • @liason0777
    @liason0777 17 лет назад +2

    I love how nice Jason was to him even though he tried to frame him the night b4

  • @CMdiRossi
    @CMdiRossi 16 лет назад +2

    They used to be friends before Lucky v.1.0 'died' in a fire. He had fallen out with Luke and moved out of the house. Jason gave Lucky a job and a place to stay in a room above his motorcycle garage, which Helena Cassidine later set on fire. After his 'resurrection', he and Jason were never the same - mostly because of Elizabeth.
    Ironic considerig it was Lucky who first introduced the two. If he'd only known what would happen seven years later....

  • @stiney9
    @stiney9 16 лет назад +3

    Poor Jason looks so uncomfortable in the scene with Elizabeth and Lucky discussing their relationship.

  • @KWstar123
    @KWstar123 17 лет назад +2

    Lucky just upsets me. I mean he is like hopelessly in love with Elizabeth and always refuses to let go. Its just sad he cant find someone else. Because we all know she is in love with Jason and a part of her has loved him all along. Liz belongs with Jason.

  • @toinette
    @toinette 17 лет назад +1

    that must have been so awkward for Jason LOL. Lucky cracks me up talking about how the baby is gonna connect them together for the rest of their lives - it would if it was your baby Luckless. Thank god Jason turned out to be a father. Its so funny to me how people say Liz is lying when she says she lied to Lucky about the baby to protect him but in this very clip Lucky himself says that she and that baby are the basis of his recovery.

  • @tiredmsbff
    @tiredmsbff 17 лет назад +2

    I think Audrey saw the connection between them

  • @ewuniunia
    @ewuniunia 17 лет назад +2

    i prefer jason's hair now then then

  • @myboxerjane
    @myboxerjane 17 лет назад +1

    You can tell that Jason was thinking he wanted it to be his baby...can that guy get any hottter??lol

  • @UT5000
    @UT5000 15 лет назад +1

    LAter on Liz got stronger around lucky after JAson's job got in the way like around Zachara

  • @dianadowie1427
    @dianadowie1427 10 лет назад +2

    Lucky was creepy and turning into a stalker

  • @mimi11052003
    @mimi11052003 15 лет назад +1

    You know, Lucky was a jerk. But I have to say that when he says he could do anything. I though that was sweet. Delusional, but sweet.