I’m being a proud father 1.Wonyoung bridge part 2. Sakura finally getting regconition by her dancing part (she also one of the breakdance point) and her longvoice 3.Yuri’s highnote 4.Yena powerful Rap 5.Yujin’s vocal is on point 6.Nako with her cuteness killing me and her vocal in 4:33 7.Eunbi’s vocal is slaying as always 8.Hyewon getting line and improving in vocal(I’m literally crying right now) 9.Hitomi getting center and lines and she wrote one of the b-sides(Merry Go Round) 10.Chaewon adlibs 11.Minju being the first center and her visuals killing me 12.Chaeyeon rapping,vocals and she became the center for the dance break 13.And thanks to the stylist because give them the dresses It’s not an individual era,It’s everyone era.
Let me praise every member cause why not *Eunbi* 2:08 This comeback, she got a lot of lines which is what she deserves. And she's the highlight of this stage cause she literally looks like a swan. She may not have many center times, but she showed us who Eunbi really is. *Sakura* 4:26 Sakura got better and better at her dancing and she can now keep up with the dance-line. Her gaze and stage presence on camera is really something else. Such talent. She really deserves this. *Hyewon* 3:28 Hyewon will be the number 1 topic in this comeback. She's starting to get real lines and not short ones. She's starting to gain more confidence and she's now back being stronger than ever. Give her time to proof herself to us. *Yena* 2:41 Yena gave a lot of touch to this song especially with her energy and satge presence. How she really utilised her power in her movement, and how she really got into her parts. Yena is not your typical girl, i would say. *Chaeyeon* 3:56 Chaeyeon is just everything this time. She got center times, high note, dance break. Undoubtedly, she owns this era. She really knows how to really work on her part and how she improvise some things. *Chaewon* 2:02 Chaewon wqs so underrated back then. Now, she's striking back with more details and power in herself. She's proving to us that she is starting to evolve from just a lead vocalist to more. Her voice color is amazing and I really envy that so much. Chaewonnieeee *Minju* 1:46 Minju was the center at the beginning and oh my god, her charisma is no joke. Honestly, I would say, Minju deserves to be an "ace" in IZ*ONE. She can do anything without a single flaw! She wasn't confident back then, but now she's starting to rob everyone's heart *Nako* 2:32 Nako is also getting more and more lines and center times. I was honestly surprised to hear that Nako got real lines. She fully utilised her ability of changing pitches while singing. Something like that should be appreciated. *Hitomi* 3:24 Hitomi is one of the idol who you see as natural and innocent, but when you see her on stage, she completely doesn't give a single flaw. She gives her 100% best at everything. She's such an excellent person and an inspiring idol. I love everything about her improvement. *Yuri* 3:49 Yuri might not be on the spotlight in this comeback, but she showed us how a real main vocalist act in a song. She doesn't over-do her parts and her body languages when she does high notes are really incredible. Truly a talent. *Yujin* 2:55 Not getting many lines? Well, thats not a problem. Yujin showed us a different side of her this time. She showed us her elegance and power in every second even though she doesnt get many center times. Yujin is one of the most important member in IZ*ONE cause of her voice color so I dont think it will be wasted *Wonyoung* 1:35 Wonyoung delivers her best and she also is starting to get many real lines. I believe one day she can join the dance-line doing hard dance breaks cause of the way she's imrpoving now. Her stage presence is also showing us some improvements.
Wonyoung's cute expressions! Sakura's dance skills! Minju's visuals! Yuri and Chaewon's voice! Yena and chayeon's rap!! Hyewon's vocals!!! Hitomi and nako's voices are so cutttteeee. Yujin is wrecking me here!! And of course Eunbi our leader is so gorgeous!!
Things that you must notice in this performance: 1. Hyewon actually sang a straight line, not just a word. 2. Wonyoung looks so fierce and elegant at the same time. 3. Yena and Chaeyeon's 'vampire-like' choreo 4. Chaeyeon getting the lines and dance breaks that she deserved. 5. Chaewon's stunning vocals. 6. Eunbi, the real Queen. 7. Hitomi and Nako have real lines. 8. Sakura's vocal improvement. 9. Yuri's falsetto for days. 10. Yujin serving us vocals and powerful dancing. 11. Minju's on point deadly stares.
I actually cried that Hyewon got to be a center for 6 seconds of the chorus part. Even it's just 6 seconds, it's a CENTER part. I am so so so thankful this happened. I'm so proud of her, I'm so proud of our 12 babydeuls.
So proud that Sakura is doing the breakdance along with Chaeyeon.. People used to say that she can't dance and here she is proving that SHE CAN SLAAAY THE DANCE BREAK!!!
3:56 I'm seriously proud of Sakura, I've watched her in Produce48, she wasn't confident and kept comparing herself to others, but look at her, being part of the dance break with Eunbi, Chaeyeon, Yena and Chaewon.
I am totally blown away like seriously: 1. Yena and chaeyeon's rap just made me speechless.... I was totally shooked by it. It had so much power. 2. That dance break with chaeyeon as the centre,all five of them making that jump was totally rocking. 3. Izone's vocals never disappoint us. They were good as always. 4. Hitomi as a center was all that I wanted. 5. Each and every member of izone did everything so perfectly. Whether its their vocals, rap, dance, choreography or their visuals. Everything was just fantastic mind blowing(as always).
This performance shows that Izone wants to be a permanent group. They gave their all. Like hello, this is not their comfort zone but they slayed the concept. Edit: To those people who are confused about what I said about "not their comfort zone but they slayed the concept," were the members who showed something new in this performance yet slayed their parts. E.g. Sakura's High notes and dance break. Chaeyeon's high note that were seldom given to her. Nako's low to mid range voice and many more. Ps: Did I say anything about concept change? I guess none.
Without lowering my respect to IZ*ONE and your statement, the song is really dope, but it's still a comfort zone, unless they get rid that elegant beauty pageant main concept, maybe this gonna be their eternal concept until they disband, but I expect something badass and forgetting beauty standard someday. Really wishing they'll try dark concept with less beauty standard like some song of AKB48, with much better quality since its K-Pop group.
What exactly do you mean by it’s not their comfort zone? I don’t mean to fight you at all, I’m just curious what you meant. I know they’re doing kind of a concept change, but I’m not exactly sure what it is
Here 3 years later to say this is my favorite kpop stage of all time still. Everything was perfect. The oulfits, the intro, the colors, the stage/design...EVERYTHING. It was all so elegant and nothing was overkill. Izone being disbanded is a criminal act and I refuse to hear otherwise.
A lot of things of note in this performance: 1. Sakura and Minju's improvement since PD48 is incredible. 2. Yena and Chaeyeon are that Duo and no one can tell me otherwise. 3. Eunbi is a queen. 4. Yujin barely sings but when she does she makes an impact! Overall this is a great song and I love the new single.
kwangbae literally looks like a princess i’m crying 😭😭 she has so much more confidence in this dance and her voice is heavenn hopefully her lines just keep increasing❤️❤️❤️❤️
Only two hours later at 8 p.m. KST, “Secret Story of the Swan” had already reached No. 1 on Melon, Genie, Bugs, and Soribada. Congratulations to IZ*ONE!
For me this is definitely IZONE'S ERA. All of the members really shine on their own. -Sakura doing the dance break with the top dancers of the group is wow. -Chaeyeon and Yena , Our Rap duo -Chaeyeon slaying the choreography , I'm expecting her fancam for this era will be one of the top most views - Wonyoung singing that "MAMA" part is so iconic. - Yuri's highnote is so majestic. - Eunbi, Yujin and Chaewon slaying that highnote singing -Hitomi and Nako getting the lines they deserve -Hyewon doesnt have enough lines but that single line can be considered as an average highnote and she slayed it. -Kim Minju angelic voice and visuals ..she is like a swan. Thumbs up Izone. We Love you all. I love you Lee Chaeyeon 😘😘😘😘
especially Welcome song that make us Goosebumps btw, while you wait new MV, i edit Magic Dance from Fiesta x BTS ruclips.net/video/wuKW_vIdWnM/видео.html
Ok how come no one is talking about how much the jline improved? Sakura with that mini high note was just amazing. Nako and her vocals were awesome it had the perfect amount of naselness. Hitomi’s dance is amazing also. They all finally have lines this comeback. I hope to see more improvement from them!
*_MOMENTS IN THIS VIDEO THAT I LOVE SO MUCH :_* 1:52 chaekkura ship is sailing 2:32 our cute nako got the chorus part omg 2:47 chaeyena rap is literally killing me (yena rapper comeback as well) 2:51 hitomi slayed her part so much oml 3:27 hyewon finally got long line (usually last 3 seconds or less) 3:54 jo yuri’s high note aren’t disappointing us (it’s normal, but yea) 3:56 chae’s dance break always slay like usual 4:03 chae’s high note comeback (i rlly miss 1000% performance) 4:15 chae be “gae-ing” with minju 4:27 our queen sakura improve a lot (powerful voice and dance) 4:34 surprisingly the last line is for eunbi (usually it’s wonyoung) j-line got more lines this comeback especially nako and hitomi (although they deserve more than this, but, let’s just support them and hope they will get more lines next comeback) chaewon, yujin, yuri, eunbi amazingly powerful outstanding vocals like usual sakura, wonyoung, minju visuals this comeback isn’t joke for us i’m not wrong stanning these 12 precious girls
sakura has improved SO much. she's part of the dance break with dance line her singing also has improved tremendously and she has always been charismatic so she's a perfect package now YOU GO GIRL!
you can also see that she give her full in that dance break. Coz sometimes she uses fluidity than power but when that dance break comes in it shocked me because she give her power to a dance rather than fluidity
As a WIZ*ONE since PD48, I'm very proud that they really improved a lot. Hyewon being more confident everytime she gets the center. Minju killing us with her stage presence every comeback. Sakura with the dance line after the high note just shows how her dancing improved. Yuri's dancing really improved while during PD48, she lacks in terms of catching up to choreographies. Wonyoung proving she really deserves that center position. Hitomi writing a song included in the album. Yujin with that killer aura onstage despite being the second youngest. Chaewon proving she's an all-rounder. Chaeyeon and Yena being so versatile, put them into rapping, dancing, singing, they'll slay it. Nako-chan standing out everytime she's in the denter regardless of her height. Eunbi showing her versatility and experience every comeback. IZ*ONE is the the true definition of 'improvement.' ONEIRIC DIARY is a great album and SSOTS is a badass title track. Can't wait for the official MV. IZ*ONE fighting! Good luck in your promotions!!
Can’t take my eyes off to Lee Chaeyeon, how come she’s always slaying effortlessly especially the way she dance. Btw they look so attractive and elegant omg I’m obsessed with the style and the song itself was literally a bomb.
STOP TALKING ABOUT SAKURA because i'm tired of liking all of your comments, she really improved so much and slayed all of her parts. i'm so proud i love this comeback already!!
Everyone slayed this comeback but why is no one talking about yujin's " Dont be afraid! " like girl, she slayed that English line as if she invented english by herself ♡
Minju’s improvement is INSANE. She has improved SO SO much since produce 48 and since their debut and she’s shining a lot more on stage and her dancing has improved so much. Its like she’s a different person on stage and she has this new confidence. I’m so proud of her she has come so far and only improved each comeback
YES! Her talents are underrated and people just think that she's JUST A VISUAL but instead, she is really talented, she can sing, dance, rap, writing lyrics, playing guitar piano etc!
i also found sakura improved so much too. Actually all the girls imrpoved, and are so talented. I use to think izone is a unskilled group until there recent comebacks. Is it too late to stan?
senze Hyewon’s dancing is definitely a lot better but she still needs to work on her facial expressions. It’s getting there but she still lacks in stage presence. She’s coming along though
💮 *EunBi:* People need to appreciate her more, she deserves it. Dance, Vocal and an average rapper. Queen EunBi ✨ 💮 *Sakura:* She has improved too much, plus I loved her entry as a center on Welcome. 💮 *HyeWon:* Rapper HyeWon is back! I was expecting some kind of rap after Violeta, especially since BLOOM*IZ was a full album. But now, HyeWon has spat fire into the chorus! 💮 *Yena:* Main Rapper Yena is back! I loved it. She is one of the best IZ*ONE all-rounders and I think we all know that. 💮 *ChaeYeon:* Feather ChaeYeon. Dance, Rap, Vocal, Leadership, Visual, Stage Presence and *more.* This girl is on fire! 💮 *ChaeWon:* Vocal on point, Dance on point, Visuals on point. She is everything you can want. 💮 *MinJu:* The queen of visuals, with an aura of center, talent in dance, rap and an average vocalist. MinJu is an ACE! 💮 *Nako:* Her voice! Without a doubt, Nako is material for Lead Vocal and could even go from Main Vocal for many. 💮 *Hitomi:* Her appearance is impressive! I feel like she's not that cute Hitomi anymore, now she's a new Hitomi. A mature Hitomi ready to surprise us all with her talent and beauty. 💮 *Yuri:* COME ON GIRL, SLAY THOSE HIGH NOTES! The red color is Yuri's color, period. 💮 *YuJin:* No matter what she does, she will always have great charisma when it comes to being on stage. 💮 *WonYoung:* lol, if she's not considered an ACE now, then I don't know who else might be ACE. *I feel a little bad since Stone Music Ent. had technical issues and was unable to upload the SSOTS MV. Still, let's support our girls in this era as well as in all others!* ✨
I don't uderstant it why we don't get the MV sorry I become a new iz*one recently so I don't know so much about them... I repeat sorry if you can expalme me pls...🙏😊🤗😘
Diego Di Nunzio They we’re having some technical problems and I also heard that something Eunbi wore in the music video could have been offensive to some cultures, so they are editing to get it out.
today we got: 1. eunbi’s era 2. sakura’s era 3. hyewon’s era 4. yena’s era 5. chaeyeon’s era 6. chaewon’s era 7. minju’s era 8. nako’s era 9. hitomi’s era 10. yuri’s era 11. yujin’s era 12. wonyoung’s era what we don’t get today: *THE MV*
Still shocked by the fact that Sakura was owning this whole era with that dance break and center time, she owns that dance break no one can tell me otherwise.
chaeyeon got a rap part chaeyeon got to sing a high note in a title track chaeyeon got to lead a dancebreak SHE'S OWNING THIS ERA. LEE CHAEYEON WORLD DOMINATION.
This is probably the most perfect girl group of this generation when it comes to the balance between singing and dancing talent visuals good personailties and charisma! Good job girls ❤
Yeah, because Yena is such a comedian, it kind of overshadows that she is also a really great all rounder and actually takes those skills very seriously.
A bit dissapointed of Hyewon lines but apart from that I'm so happy that her lines shows her vocal more than Fiesta. So I think it's not bad. And she's getting improved too. Love you Kangchan❤😭
but can we appreciate the hypeness of the transition from “Welcome” to “Secret Story of The Swan”. Like I can imagine that transition of both songs being crazy during a concert or a performance with a large crowd. I can just see the fans watching and being like *”wow”.*
*ChaeYena rap is literally littt 🔥* *J-Line get a line that they deserve* *Hyewon get two lines I REAPETED* *Wonyoung and Minju being center* *Chaewon is slaying again* *Sakura’s visual* *Eunbi,Yuri,Yujin,Chaewon & Chaeyeon’s vocals* *IZ*ONE PERMANET* and..... *CHAEYEON DANCE BREAK IS MY SOUL* *CHAEYEON HIGH NOTE*
Sakura really showed us.. her dancing has improved so much they even put her in the dark break😭 nakos chorus Yukon’s stage presence Hyewon vocals they all improved so much
I’m being a proud father
1.Wonyoung bridge part
2. Sakura finally getting regconition by her dancing part (she also one of the breakdance point) and her longvoice
3.Yuri’s highnote
4.Yena powerful Rap
5.Yujin’s vocal is on point
6.Nako with her cuteness killing me and her vocal in 4:33
7.Eunbi’s vocal is slaying as always
8.Hyewon getting line and improving in vocal(I’m literally crying right now)
9.Hitomi getting center and lines and she wrote one of the b-sides(Merry Go Round)
10.Chaewon adlibs
11.Minju being the first center and her visuals killing me
12.Chaeyeon rapping,vocals and she became the center for the dance break
13.And thanks to the stylist because give them the dresses
It’s not an individual era,It’s everyone era.
And this comment is amazing
Their line distribution is a shit I mean, Hyewon is a rapper and she didn't even rapped wtf
Sakura longvoice
Periodt this comment is amazing
@@nikyu.106 i dont think they ever release official position other than yuri being main vocal, chaeyeon being main dancer and eunbi being leader.
when sakura said yena is the best at gestures, she meant it. LIKE GIRL DID YOU SEE YENA HAVING VERSATILE GESTURES FOR EVERY MOVE AND PART SHE DOES-
She always makes her parts the killing part. I cannot handle Yena anymoorrreee
Can we talk about how much Sakura's dancing has improved?!? She absolutely nailed that dance break!
Yeah thats right, im so proud of her 😆🤗
Her vocal at 3:16 and 4:26 are good too. Usually when she sings she sounds like she isn't breathing. But this time it sounds so good.
she deseve to be the face of the group and lead dancer
She’s the face of the group
she improved so much, I wonder what the current dance ranking would be
This was the IT group that freakin had Chaeyeon, Wonyoung and Sakura in the same group...My 3 favorite female idols in the whole industry...
Chaeyeon having her personal time with Sakura, Yena and Minju all in one choreo is sending me, no wonder she looks so happy this comeback :')
Let me praise every member cause why not
*Eunbi* 2:08
This comeback, she got a lot of lines which is what she deserves. And she's the highlight of this stage cause she literally looks like a swan. She may not have many center times, but she showed us who Eunbi really is.
*Sakura* 4:26
Sakura got better and better at her dancing and she can now keep up with the dance-line. Her gaze and stage presence on camera is really something else. Such talent. She really deserves this.
*Hyewon* 3:28
Hyewon will be the number 1 topic in this comeback. She's starting to get real lines and not short ones. She's starting to gain more confidence and she's now back being stronger than ever. Give her time to proof herself to us.
*Yena* 2:41
Yena gave a lot of touch to this song especially with her energy and satge presence. How she really utilised her power in her movement, and how she really got into her parts. Yena is not your typical girl, i would say.
*Chaeyeon* 3:56
Chaeyeon is just everything this time. She got center times, high note, dance break. Undoubtedly, she owns this era. She really knows how to really work on her part and how she improvise some things.
*Chaewon* 2:02
Chaewon wqs so underrated back then. Now, she's striking back with more details and power in herself. She's proving to us that she is starting to evolve from just a lead vocalist to more. Her voice color is amazing and I really envy that so much. Chaewonnieeee
*Minju* 1:46
Minju was the center at the beginning and oh my god, her charisma is no joke. Honestly, I would say, Minju deserves to be an "ace" in IZ*ONE. She can do anything without a single flaw! She wasn't confident back then, but now she's starting to rob everyone's heart
*Nako* 2:32
Nako is also getting more and more lines and center times. I was honestly surprised to hear that Nako got real lines. She fully utilised her ability of changing pitches while singing. Something like that should be appreciated.
*Hitomi* 3:24
Hitomi is one of the idol who you see as natural and innocent, but when you see her on stage, she completely doesn't give a single flaw. She gives her 100% best at everything. She's such an excellent person and an inspiring idol. I love everything about her improvement.
*Yuri* 3:49
Yuri might not be on the spotlight in this comeback, but she showed us how a real main vocalist act in a song. She doesn't over-do her parts and her body languages when she does high notes are really incredible. Truly a talent.
*Yujin* 2:55
Not getting many lines? Well, thats not a problem. Yujin showed us a different side of her this time. She showed us her elegance and power in every second even though she doesnt get many center times. Yujin is one of the most important member in IZ*ONE cause of her voice color so I dont think it will be wasted
*Wonyoung* 1:35
Wonyoung delivers her best and she also is starting to get many real lines. I believe one day she can join the dance-line doing hard dance breaks cause of the way she's imrpoving now. Her stage presence is also showing us some improvements.
Thank you for mentioning all of the members. They’ve all worked so hard thus far! 💗
no for me there is no issue for Hyewon i was shook how she was singing she really can sing like all member
Know I don't feed sad for Hyewon anymore :)
@@independanttrainee39 I think by "issue" it was meant that she would be trending for singing more and well, not as in it being a problem.
I noticed that hitomi is skinnier than before, isn't she?
Wonyoung's cute expressions! Sakura's dance skills! Minju's visuals! Yuri and Chaewon's voice! Yena and chayeon's rap!! Hyewon's vocals!!! Hitomi and nako's voices are so cutttteeee. Yujin is wrecking me here!! And of course Eunbi our leader is so gorgeous!!
벌써 2024년이야 :,> 나는 아직도 보고 있어
Me too
Mee tooo unnie😢🖤
Me too.
Things that you must notice in this performance:
1. Hyewon actually sang a straight line, not just a word.
2. Wonyoung looks so fierce and elegant at the same time.
3. Yena and Chaeyeon's 'vampire-like' choreo
4. Chaeyeon getting the lines and dance breaks that she deserved.
5. Chaewon's stunning vocals.
6. Eunbi, the real Queen.
7. Hitomi and Nako have real lines.
8. Sakura's vocal improvement.
9. Yuri's falsetto for days.
10. Yujin serving us vocals and powerful dancing.
11. Minju's on point deadly stares.
12. Chaeyeon being a flirt.
@@etherealstrawberry9873 lol😂😂.
Who is hyena?
@@nunaadaily2776 more importantly, isn't hyena an animal 💀
@@nunaadaily2776 🤣🤣dogs from Savannah in Africa
I actually cried that Hyewon got to be a center for 6 seconds of the chorus part. Even it's just 6 seconds, it's a CENTER part. I am so so so thankful this happened. I'm so proud of her, I'm so proud of our 12 babydeuls.
i hate them......where hyewon
+ 2 lines, my kwangbae is getting justice😍
fans : hyewonnn
swing : who is hyewon?
@@bayazidmustafa6707 im actually happy she gets vocal lines instead of being forced on being a rapper lmao finally
Chaeyeon-Visual-Dance-High notes-Feather= Swan
Same here. I'm so happy for hyewon
Same, I literally puffed.
Yes hyewonator
I had goosebumps when Kwangbae sang. I'm so proud of her, so glad I became a WIZ*ONE
Sakura proving the haters wrong!! my baby improved so much omg her dancing + vocals and of course her idol aura and stage presence!!
Haters will be haters there are no appreciation in their blood let's just ignore them and just focus to our girls.
years later sakura proving her haters right
Chaeyeon is getting prettier everyday
she’s been pretty tho-
wdym? she's always pretty
Edit:all of them
She's always been pretty tho... But in this she looked stunning. 😍😍😍😍😍😍
Sakura is just ... Im speechless u know.
She looks like a real angel 🥰
Sakura was dancing on the front line with top izone dancers...Im not crying, you are😭
So proud that Sakura is doing the breakdance along with Chaeyeon.. People used to say that she can't dance and here she is proving that SHE CAN SLAAAY THE DANCE BREAK!!!
3:56 I'm seriously proud of Sakura, I've watched her in Produce48, she wasn't confident and kept comparing herself to others, but look at her, being part of the dance break with Eunbi, Chaeyeon, Yena and Chaewon.
She also got a mini high note in welcome also her and Nako have become less nasel
@@RBEauty_Queen Yes! They sound much better when they sing less nasally
Leighla it was beautiful 😢
@@RBEauty_Queen Nako's deep voice is the death of me
@Xuan-Mai Nguyen it was the best thing ever!
3:55 Sakura dance break with Chaeyeon and squad 😱
This will be forever iconic.
it's Chaeyeon's era y'all!!! she got all the killing parts. she showcased her vocals, rap, and dance!! ALL-ROUNDER!!
TRUE. and i think all member is SLAYING TOO! :')
I am totally blown away like seriously:
1. Yena and chaeyeon's rap just made me speechless.... I was totally shooked by it. It had so much power.
2. That dance break with chaeyeon as the centre,all five of them making that jump was totally rocking.
3. Izone's vocals never disappoint us. They were good as always.
4. Hitomi as a center was all that I wanted.
5. Each and every member of izone did everything so perfectly. Whether its their vocals, rap, dance, choreography or their visuals. Everything was just fantastic mind blowing(as always).
Nako deep voice
The rap part just shock meeeee
im shock bcs they dance break
They never disappoint us :( They will always have a good song and performence :((
Yuri is being two timed by Yena XD
This performance shows that Izone wants to be a permanent group. They gave their all. Like hello, this is not their comfort zone but they slayed the concept.
Edit: To those people who are confused about what I said about "not their comfort zone but they slayed the concept," were the members who showed something new in this performance yet slayed their parts.
E.g. Sakura's High notes and dance break.
Chaeyeon's high note that were seldom given to her.
Nako's low to mid range voice and many more.
Ps: Did I say anything about concept change? I guess none.
Without lowering my respect to IZ*ONE and your statement, the song is really dope, but it's still a comfort zone, unless they get rid that elegant beauty pageant main concept, maybe this gonna be their eternal concept until they disband, but I expect something badass and forgetting beauty standard someday.
Really wishing they'll try dark concept with
less beauty standard like some song of AKB48, with much better quality since its K-Pop group.
@@multifandom8274 ruclips.net/video/QIaZfXRnRpU/видео.html
What exactly do you mean by it’s not their comfort zone? I don’t mean to fight you at all, I’m just curious what you meant. I know they’re doing kind of a concept change, but I’m not exactly sure what it is
@@noirnoir2370 what he meant probably is they'd moved on from iz era. (Color*iz, heart*iz, bloom*iz)
WIDZ*ONCE Multifandom they have tried dark concept for vampire
My bias is the pretty one wearing white and silver clothes with sparkles on it
please dont forget to vote for them at mama!!
She's definitely the most talented member
Mine is the girl with pony tail
my bias is with ponytail and tall and has a good visual
Hyewon and Sakura has improved so much vocal wise, omg.
See the encore first
@@fitriaandrinavela5553 lemme see
I love sakura the way she sings it and her tone difference in the past era.
Here 3 years later to say this is my favorite kpop stage of all time still. Everything was perfect. The oulfits, the intro, the colors, the stage/design...EVERYTHING. It was all so elegant and nothing was overkill. Izone being disbanded is a criminal act and I refuse to hear otherwise.
Chaeyeon's break dance and high notes;
Sakura's dance improvement;
Minju visual goddess level.
All IZ*ONE members shine this comeback.
Sakura kinda killed thaut dance break and hyewon sounded way better or is it just me
A lot of things of note in this performance:
1. Sakura and Minju's improvement since PD48 is incredible.
2. Yena and Chaeyeon are that Duo and no one can tell me otherwise.
3. Eunbi is a queen.
4. Yujin barely sings but when she does she makes an impact!
Overall this is a great song and I love the new single.
Bruh why didnt u highlight hyewon and sakura chorusssss!!! 😡 stop making these comment that u blind noob
Don't forget our dear kang-chan :)
@@uwu9054 yuuuup.. i'm happy kwangbae gets longer line in Swan
kwangbae literally looks like a princess i’m crying 😭😭
she has so much more confidence in this dance and her voice is heavenn hopefully her lines just keep increasing❤️❤️❤️❤️
swing: lemme decrease that for you
i'm so disappointed :')
Her voice is soo smoothing
Only two hours later at 8 p.m. KST, “Secret Story of the Swan” had already reached No. 1 on Melon, Genie, Bugs, and Soribada.
Congratulations to IZ*ONE!
Only IZ*ONE can relate
Let's keep str3aming all the IZ*ONE comeback show video until tr3nding while waiting for the MV to be released
and now, in just 8 hours, this film reached 2M views and counting... Congrats to IZ*ONE!
like this please
For me this is definitely IZONE'S ERA.
All of the members really shine on their own.
-Sakura doing the dance break with the top dancers of the group is wow.
-Chaeyeon and Yena , Our Rap duo
-Chaeyeon slaying the choreography , I'm expecting her fancam for this era will be one of the top most views
- Wonyoung singing that "MAMA" part is so iconic.
- Yuri's highnote is so majestic.
- Eunbi, Yujin and Chaewon slaying that highnote singing
-Hitomi and Nako getting the lines they deserve
-Hyewon doesnt have enough lines but that single line can be considered as an average highnote and she slayed it.
-Kim Minju angelic voice and visuals ..she is like a swan.
Thumbs up Izone. We Love you all.
I love you Lee Chaeyeon 😘😘😘😘
Your words sum it all, I agree with all your points 😊
lol chaeyeon will always have the top views. i'm not surprised anymore
especially Welcome song that make us Goosebumps
btw, while you wait new MV, i edit Magic Dance from Fiesta x BTS ruclips.net/video/wuKW_vIdWnM/видео.html
Mama part?
Sakura is so eye-catching it's not even a joke-
Ofc it’s not a joke
we never see japanese girl ever lol thats why foreign girls
I was like mmm Sakura as a joke but bro, I don't think it's a joke anymore
she's the original center 😌
Ma bias chaeyeon slayed but gosh Hyewon suprised me, she did so well! Yena and Chaeyeon rap left me speechless
waaah my thoughts too 💙
in 2024 they still SLAYED THIS SO HARD
iz*one truly was THAT GROUP 😭late 3rd/early 4th gen ICONS
This is indeed: Yena, Chaeyeon and Sakura Era!
so sakura just casually danced with the main dancer, lead dancer and two other members known for their dancing shes improving so much
She danced with the top 4 and she nailed it, couldn’t be more proud
Sakura and Chaeyeon owned this, everyone was so on point but i felt like those 2 are standing out.
Agreed. They absolutely shone through their dancing!!!
Hitomi too, for me at least
Chaeyeon slay:
Dance Break
Sing high note
Have many dance skin ship with others 😍😍😍
Ok how come no one is talking about how much the jline improved? Sakura with that mini high note was just amazing. Nako and her vocals were awesome it had the perfect amount of naselness. Hitomi’s dance is amazing also. They all finally have lines this comeback. I hope to see more improvement from them!
Everyone really really talked about it right now
@@radjarachmadsyah1802 A funnnn cx
That's a long note for Kkura but yes!!! They've improved and I'm so proud huhu
1:26 Minguri Bring the Girls in!!
1:51 Chaekkura Attack
2:07 Queen EunBi Mid Form
2:20 Yujin's Shoulder move Ambushh
2:26 Wonyougie cute sexy expression
2:32 Nakochaan voice
2:41 Sexy Queen Yena and Feather Jjaeyong Rap Duo
2:50 New Ship AnhBbang
3:05 Salty Chaewon
3:15 YenaDuck Hips
3:28 Kwangbae's Singing
3:50 Yurii High Note
3:56 Jjaeyong Powerful Dance break
4:12 Wongyougie Uwahagaeee
4:15 Minguri's eyes
Just the fact that "Kwangbae singing" is a highlight is really a thing omg.
4:25 Sakura getting more than 3 seconds
Its wonyoungie hehe
Hyewon's voice is amazing and that's a fact.
人数が多いのに捲るように美女が現れて目を引いていく綺麗なフォーメーション…群舞的な要素も多く振りに乱れがない ボーカルの層も厚く、抜きん出てたビジュアルメンバーの華は一級品 素敵なグループだった 1ステージのこの満足度はIZ*ONEにしか出せない
1:52 chaekkura ship is sailing
2:32 our cute nako got the chorus part omg
2:47 chaeyena rap is literally killing me (yena rapper comeback as well)
2:51 hitomi slayed her part so much oml
3:27 hyewon finally got long line (usually last 3 seconds or less)
3:54 jo yuri’s high note aren’t disappointing us (it’s normal, but yea)
3:56 chae’s dance break always slay like usual
4:03 chae’s high note comeback (i rlly miss 1000% performance)
4:15 chae be “gae-ing” with minju
4:27 our queen sakura improve a lot (powerful voice and dance)
4:34 surprisingly the last line is for eunbi (usually it’s wonyoung)
j-line got more lines this comeback especially nako and hitomi (although they deserve more than this, but, let’s just support them and hope they will get more lines next comeback)
chaewon, yujin, yuri, eunbi amazingly powerful outstanding vocals like usual
sakura, wonyoung, minju visuals this comeback isn’t joke for us
i’m not wrong stanning these 12 precious girls
@sitinur fatihah 2:12
Nako has only 4 lines, she deserves so much more than this.
Sad for yujin for having least lines. Although its all about era shifting. I guess this wasnt her era
Jo yuri hight note in spotify is more longer than in this video.
sakura has improved SO much. she's part of the dance break with dance line her singing also has improved tremendously and she has always been charismatic so she's a perfect package now YOU GO GIRL!
you can also see that she give her full in that dance break. Coz sometimes she uses fluidity than power but when that dance break comes in it shocked me because she give her power to a dance rather than fluidity
Also her being in center in the beginning 👌
She snapped. Queen of improvement.
You ain't telling me Sakura and Chaeyeon did not own this comeback
ghOrl Chaekura *OWNED* thisSsSsS
Yes yes yes!!!
Totally agreed!!!!
Fiesta really made Chaewon everybody's bias wrecker and i am LIVING for it!!
Totally agree with you🤤🤤
Where r u from
Sakura in the beginning tho. She stared right into my soul
As a WIZ*ONE since PD48, I'm very proud that they really improved a lot. Hyewon being more confident everytime she gets the center. Minju killing us with her stage presence every comeback. Sakura with the dance line after the high note just shows how her dancing improved. Yuri's dancing really improved while during PD48, she lacks in terms of catching up to choreographies. Wonyoung proving she really deserves that center position. Hitomi writing a song included in the album. Yujin with that killer aura onstage despite being the second youngest. Chaewon proving she's an all-rounder. Chaeyeon and Yena being so versatile, put them into rapping, dancing, singing, they'll slay it. Nako-chan standing out everytime she's in the denter regardless of her height. Eunbi showing her versatility and experience every comeback.
IZ*ONE is the the true definition of 'improvement.' ONEIRIC DIARY is a great album and SSOTS is a badass title track. Can't wait for the official MV. IZ*ONE fighting! Good luck in your promotions!!
Can’t take my eyes off to Lee Chaeyeon, how come she’s always slaying effortlessly especially the way she dance. Btw they look so attractive and elegant omg I’m obsessed with the style and the song itself was literally a bomb.
진짜 처음이자 마지막 덕질이였는데 방 한켠에 쌓여있는 앨범들과 포카들 볼때마다 그립고, 가끔 밖에서 아이즈원 노래가 나오면 아직도 눈물 날 것 같다.. 절때 잊지 않고 평생 사랑할게 아이즈원❤
Sakura center..
Nako voice!!
Nako has many lines also huhuhu 😍😍
Dance break ouf chaeyeon
Sakura got a dancebreak, she’s always been doubted for her dance talent but this!!!!
because i'm tired of liking all of your comments, she really improved so much and slayed all of her parts. i'm so proud i love this comeback already!!
Sakura is at different levels. Sakura born to be a good centre in akb48 or in this group
Yes sakura very popular in iz*one and akb48
Everyone slayed this comeback but why is no one talking about yujin's " Dont be afraid! " like girl, she slayed that English line as if she invented english by herself ♡
Hitomi, Chaeyeon and Sakura slay this comeback. I accept no refusal
(well the Lee family kekeke)
Minju’s improvement is INSANE. She has improved SO SO much since produce 48 and since their debut and she’s shining a lot more on stage and her dancing has improved so much. Its like she’s a different person on stage and she has this new confidence. I’m so proud of her she has come so far and only improved each comeback
YES! Her talents are underrated and people just think that she's JUST A VISUAL but instead, she is really talented, she can sing, dance, rap, writing lyrics, playing guitar piano etc!
i also found sakura improved so much too. Actually all the girls imrpoved, and are so talented. I use to think izone is a unskilled group until there recent comebacks. Is it too late to stan?
Where r u from
jeonghanie even hyewons dancing, she’s soo much more expressive
senze Hyewon’s dancing is definitely a lot better but she still needs to work on her facial expressions. It’s getting there but she still lacks in stage presence. She’s coming along though
💮 *EunBi:* People need to appreciate her more, she deserves it. Dance, Vocal and an average rapper. Queen EunBi ✨
💮 *Sakura:* She has improved too much, plus I loved her entry as a center on Welcome.
💮 *HyeWon:* Rapper HyeWon is back! I was expecting some kind of rap after Violeta, especially since BLOOM*IZ was a full album. But now, HyeWon has spat fire into the chorus!
💮 *Yena:* Main Rapper Yena is back! I loved it. She is one of the best IZ*ONE all-rounders and I think we all know that.
💮 *ChaeYeon:* Feather ChaeYeon. Dance, Rap, Vocal, Leadership, Visual, Stage Presence and *more.* This girl is on fire!
💮 *ChaeWon:* Vocal on point, Dance on point, Visuals on point. She is everything you can want.
💮 *MinJu:* The queen of visuals, with an aura of center, talent in dance, rap and an average vocalist. MinJu is an ACE!
💮 *Nako:* Her voice! Without a doubt, Nako is material for Lead Vocal and could even go from Main Vocal for many.
💮 *Hitomi:* Her appearance is impressive! I feel like she's not that cute Hitomi anymore, now she's a new Hitomi. A mature Hitomi ready to surprise us all with her talent and beauty.
💮 *Yuri:* COME ON GIRL, SLAY THOSE HIGH NOTES! The red color is Yuri's color, period.
💮 *YuJin:* No matter what she does, she will always have great charisma when it comes to being on stage.
💮 *WonYoung:* lol, if she's not considered an ACE now, then I don't know who else might be ACE.
*I feel a little bad since Stone Music Ent. had technical issues and was unable to upload the SSOTS MV. Still, let's support our girls in this era as well as in all others!* ✨
A great album, nice job Izone
I don't uderstant it why we don't get the MV sorry I become a new iz*one recently so I don't know so much about them...
I repeat sorry if you can expalme me pls...🙏😊🤗😘
@@George-ps4kw Read the end of my comment, there it is explained :)
SSOTS MV will come out at 12:00pm KST
Diego Di Nunzio They we’re having some technical problems and I also heard that something Eunbi wore in the music video could have been offensive to some cultures, so they are editing to get it out.
I'm like a proud mother to sakura, her dancing and singing improved so much she is really shining in this perf ✨
Hyewon singing the chorus why is the world so beautiful who are we to be blessed by her angelic voice and powerful stage performance!!!!!!!!!!
아이즈원 진짜 전체적으로 컨셉 진짜 잘잡고 활동했던거 같음....노래도 다 좋았고...
Sakura took vocal lesson and in this song her voice sounds so different. She improved so much I’m so proud of her
Sakura improved so much she really impressed me
today we got:
1. eunbi’s era
2. sakura’s era
3. hyewon’s era
4. yena’s era
5. chaeyeon’s era
6. chaewon’s era
7. minju’s era
8. nako’s era
9. hitomi’s era
10. yuri’s era
11. yujin’s era
12. wonyoung’s era
what we don’t get today:
Not just Yuri's vocal but also: Hyewon, Nako, Chaewon, Chaeyeon, Sakura's vocal, just legit IZ*ONE Vocals
Thats wat i was waiting for but we dont need one 𝕖𝕖𝕖
Oooh so this really dont have mv?
we got proper hyewon lines too
@@aurelazhr2422 it delayed tomorrow
Omg I thought the same haha
our girl improves so much
her voice so beautiful
btw she just has 2 chorus but she shining
Still shocked by the fact that Sakura was owning this whole era with that dance break and center time, she owns that dance break no one can tell me otherwise.
chaeyeon got a rap part
chaeyeon got to sing a high note in a title track
chaeyeon got to lead a dancebreak
Swan=Feather? Geddit? Hahahah!
They used every single strength that each girl has, and put it all into this song and performance and it is AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!
Yeah you got it. FINALLY!!!! Hhhhhooooooo
look how chaeyeon being confident to herself thats why we should help them to be confident. every member stand up.
Her voice really different. I love her voice now
Lol she's been dancing professional before pd48
Me too 😭
She even participate at the dancebreak lol can't you see?
와 이건 진짜 전설임 1:23 도입부부터 압살임 그냥 이건 미쳤음 미칭ㄴ 거임 미쳤음 갰ㅅ발 미친거임 이건 존나 전국민 휴대폰 해킹해서 틀어주고싳읍
Sakura being able to keep up with the dancers of izone and being entrusted to be one of them shows that she has improved exponentially since debut. ♥️
Yeah noticed she actually is getting more dance lines
Yes I am so proud of her. She keeps on improving!!!
Sakura is genius face with angelic voice her hits that low and high notes perfect. *SO PROUD*
She strived hard for that. T.T
Sp proud of her.
Yes, I miss Lee Chaeyeon Highnotes
이 노래 중독성 개쩜.. 나 처음 이노래 들었을때 아 뭐야 노잼 이랬는데 몇시간 뒤에 효과 나타남 진심 뭐만하면 우아하게 스완스완스완 거리고 있어..
STREAM NOW ruclips.net/video/eq0s1atl_K0/видео.html
Chaeyeon killed me again. DANCE BREAK and HIGH NOTES.
Chaeyeon Rules
RAP too.
Visual too😍
Yes, Yes, Yes
Now I need Chaeyeon fancam.
chaeyeon raps,get the highnote part and dance break is like dream comes true
And that's what we want
Spent the last 10 minutes refreshing the page lol finally it's here
이렇게 예뻤다. 우리 애들
진짜 소속사로부터 너무 사랑받는 그룹이었다.
정말 웅장했다.
그땐 멤버 개개인 보기 바빠서 안 보였는데, 지나고 보니 하나인 게 그렇게 귀했다.
This is probably the most perfect girl group of this generation when it comes to the balance between singing and dancing talent visuals good personailties and charisma!
Good job girls ❤
where is the lie tho
Yena is so great. She can sing and rap really well. Don’t forget she is one of the dance break part. The most talented girl.
Yeah, because Yena is such a comedian, it kind of overshadows that she is also a really great all rounder and actually takes those skills very seriously.
Yes. In produce 48 she did all of that and she slayed it so much. I'm so glad that she is one of the debut member. Izone permanent ✊
A bit dissapointed of Hyewon lines but apart from that I'm so happy that her lines shows her vocal more than Fiesta. So I think it's not bad. And she's getting improved too. Love you Kangchan❤😭
She's my bias too but I'm happy for her coz she sing the chorus and it's more than 5 second.. I'm happy for that 😢
I MEAN ATLEAST SHE GOT ACTUAL SENTENCES,in fiesta she literally sang like 10 words
it’s okay she got enough this time members like chaeyeon who’ve been in the bottom finally got lines
at least her lines here better than only the scraps she got in Fiesta, Hyewon a chorus girl now 😭👍
I thought she would get the rap part, I was disappointed😔
아이즈원 다시 하는 활동 했으면 좋겠어요 그리워요
Dang, Sakura with her Dance break + her Gaze and Aura = Slay this comeback
sakura why look so good nooo shes so stunning !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hyewon having the less screen time but still slaying, what a queen
Yeah, but she deserves more
Honestly thoo
Beautiful queen, slay it Hyewon!
@@sitinorshafikah9169 hyewon is actually improving but their entertainment is doing her dirty.
but can we appreciate the hypeness of the transition from “Welcome” to “Secret Story of The Swan”. Like I can imagine that transition of both songs being crazy during a concert or a performance with a large crowd. I can just see the fans watching and being like *”wow”.*
Sakura is really charismatic. She captures the audience attention. You can't help but look for her
She is very energetic and charming on her comeback this time
They are a sect.
i really wish she could be the centre for a song before they disband:( centre was made for her,no hate to wonyoung
Elin Same.My Bias Is Sakura
@@elin5065 yessss I prefer her become the center more too
*ChaeYena rap is literally littt 🔥*
*J-Line get a line that they deserve*
*Hyewon get two lines I REAPETED*
*Wonyoung and Minju being center*
*Chaewon is slaying again*
*Sakura’s visual*
*Eunbi,Yuri,Yujin,Chaewon & Chaeyeon’s vocals*
And they so slayyy
I expected Hyewon will get more lines :(
They need to be permanent
Hyewon got less than fiesta
chaeyeon got a high note and dance break too
Sakura as center
Yena and Chae Yeon Rap duo
Chae Yeon dance break
Ending Eunbi
Hyewon's improved vocals and lines
They could never make a group like this again, perfection.
Chaeyena slaying this cb
No, all of them slaying😘😘🤩
Sakura really showed us.. her dancing has improved so much they even put her in the dark break😭 nakos chorus Yukon’s stage presence Hyewon vocals they all improved so much
Dis is what Lee Chaeyon deserves all the time.Look at how she flies!!!!!
👍🏻 this post for Lee Chaeyon our
Im new here and I am FALLING IN LOVE with miss Sakura
The fact that “Welcome” is just an intro and hits different wows me, IZ*ONE did that!