This song, titled In the Magic Wood: Dream of Mathis, is dedicated to the creator's newborn grandson, Mathis. While he may not be dreaming of enchanted forests just yet, the music is a metaphor for the magic and wonder he brings into their lives. His arrival has filled their hearts with joy and his presence is truly enchanting.
A beautiful melody seeking to capture the wonders unfolding in a baby’s mind. 🎶
Definitely one of your best songs so far! The fact that it is also a tribute to your grandson makes it even better. 😊
Thank you so much. This makes my day! I am happy to hear this!
Melodisi çok guzel. Kulağıma çok hoş geliyor. Dinlemek çok güzel. Notalarin uyumu şahane. Keyifle dinliyorum. Tebrik ederim.🎉🎉🎉
Çok teşekür ederim!
Beautiful music and dreamlike visualistion
Thank you very much for this
This song, titled In the Magic Wood: Dream of Mathis, is dedicated to the creator's newborn grandson, Mathis. While he may not be dreaming of enchanted forests just yet, the music is a metaphor for the magic and wonder he brings into their lives. His arrival has filled their hearts with joy and his presence is truly enchanting.