TikTok LIVE - Pakkisime Lidl poekotte lahti

  • Опубликовано: 9 сен 2024
  • Jälgi meid ka TikTok'is: / marimell.eu
    Käisime esmaspäeva hommikul poes ning ostime nädala jagu süüa. Aga miks mitte ka teile näidata ja pisut lobiseda.
    Tegemist ei ole reklaamiga. Ise ostsime ja valisime.

Комментарии • 4

  • @martinlillevere9561
    @martinlillevere9561 Год назад

    Lidlis päris palju Eesti tooteid ka nt piim ja need snäkid või see sama sink on näiteks Nõo lihatööstuse oma. See video väga hea, ei julge tihti osta asju sealt, aga tutvustus hea töö💪

  • @Deyhi
    @Deyhi 2 года назад

    Aitäh, tänuväärne tegevus. 👍Tutvustage Lidli tooteid ka edaspidi. Sealsed maitsed on meile ju enamus tundmatud ja kõike ei julge ega jõua proovida. Kusjuures, tekitasite huvi: tahaks seda toodet proovida, mida teil 3 pakki oli ja mida te väga kiitsite. Sink? Te ei maininud, mis selle toote nimi oli. Hästi ei olnud pakendit näha ka. Selliseid pakendeid seal riiulitel ilmselt kümneid. 😃 Ja kas kurk oli hapukurk või marineeritud?
    Aitäh, kui viitsite vastata.

  • @argoitter7327
    @argoitter7327 2 года назад

    lidlis on üks salatikaste mis on õlimega hea,klaas pudelis ühekorra oma,mis meie lemmik aga vist maksis ka 3e midagi aga üli hea

    • @theharshtruthoutthere
      @theharshtruthoutthere 2 года назад

      How can a human soul die? - through departure, a conscious SPIRIT leaves it`s clothing/body = a soul died. The word; "DYING" means just LEAVING or CHANGING REALMS. This word: "DYING" never carried the proof of stop existing. We, humans are considered LIVING SOULS only when all 3 parts of us (SPIRIT + SOUL + BODY) is together. After death aka leaving earth, we are JUST SPIRITS, considered naked as we are without body (carnal or spiritual). It is wise to live like there be no another day for us on this earth, even though we were given 120 years for a lifetime, still not a single second is promised. Well, our earthly lives are just a test in reality and as we read the BBILE (KJV) , we clearly see that, generations after generations, mankind had trials again and again, both, the real CHRISTIANS and the wicked ones. Therefore we ain´t expected ti live goodly without a reasons: no, our living goodly is a real life proof to GOD, that we wish to have life and have it more abundantly . But don`t be a fool, living good ain´t meaning, becoming rich and famous and bitter and full of hate and laziness, no, our good lives - means, being willing to suffer for CHRIST sake and for the gospels sake. We must REPENT AND BORN AGAIN to even start living up to the standards of a good lives. A change must take place in both places, in the mind and in the heart. A carnal mind must become spiritual mind and a cold stone`y heart, must start to beat warmly again. "Help others, protect and care for the beautiful planet we live upon, do no harm...Not because you're promised eternal paradise or threatened with eternal torment. Some people have such juvenile thinking." - help if you TRULY CAN, usually we cant, that`s why GOD ask us to place into HIS hands all the worries of this life. In reality, GOD do promise eternal life to all those, who believe and trust in HIM sincerely. (A CHILD LIKE FAITH = PURE FAITH). and we all are warned, not threatened, with a place, known as GOD`S prison, HELL and the LAKE OF FIRE. GOD ain`t a man that HE can sin, so why are we, you, me and others even dare to think that we, with our wicked and life destroying sins shall be allowed into HEAVEN or on the NEW EARTH? Will the HEAVEN still remain HEAVEN then? - NO. Will the NEW EARTH still remain a PARADISE (for there is summer forever and never have there a nighttme ever again= PARADISE aka NEW EARTH). - the answer is still NO, both places will then be ruined and transformed into the same "HELL" has we already have here and now, last 2000 and even more years.
      Our only way back home/HEAVEN is through GOD`S only begotten SON - JESUS CHRIST.
      “While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease.”
      Genesis 8:22 (KJV)
      Father please grant salvation to our unsaved loved ones and all the unsaved. Deliver those in bondage. Protect us and our loved ones. Guide us Father and us to bear good fruit and plenty of it. Its been so tough lately for so many. So many enemy attacks but you said in your word that the battle belongs to the Lord. Please rise up Lord. We need you. Father please send the Holy Spirit for Jesus' sake. Praise and glory and honor be unto you. I pray in your holy name Lord Jesus. Amen - Beautiful prayer - isn´t it?
      John 8:32|View whole chapter|See verse in context
      And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.
      This world was never what we thought it was, nor it will never be what we wish it be.
      Exodus 14:14|View whole chapter|See verse in context
      The LORD shall fight for you, and ye shall hold your peace.
      Hosea 4:6 View whole chapter See verse in context
      My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.
      ALL THAT MATTERS IS TO BE KNOWN BY GOD. How can one do so? - by building up the relationship.
      Pray soul of a human, pray, that`s all you can do, that`s all there is to do.