I am so loving this series of videos. Paoli (Pa) is mentioned, close to where I've lived my whole life. I never knew that the development and testing that became Bell Helicopter came from there. The American Helicopter Museum in in West Chester, not far from Paoli, and the Piaseki Aircraft Corporation was in Essington next to the Philadelphia Airport, which became Boeing Vertol, where many VTOL aircraft were developed. We had a family friend who was one of the lead engineers and so was able to have a tour of the facility and walk-on to one of the prototypes. This was late Summer or Fall 1992 because it wasn't long after the Quantico crash of one of the planes. As we walked through the hanger to do the walk-on, there was, off on the far side, an enormous hulk wrapped in gray cloth. It was the remains of that crashed Osprey. Chilling.
I am so loving this series of videos. Paoli (Pa) is mentioned, close to where I've lived my whole life. I never knew that the development and testing that became Bell Helicopter came from there. The American Helicopter Museum in in West Chester, not far from Paoli, and the Piaseki Aircraft Corporation was in Essington next to the Philadelphia Airport, which became Boeing Vertol, where many VTOL aircraft were developed. We had a family friend who was one of the lead engineers and so was able to have a tour of the facility and walk-on to one of the prototypes. This was late Summer or Fall 1992 because it wasn't long after the Quantico crash of one of the planes. As we walked through the hanger to do the walk-on, there was, off on the far side, an enormous hulk wrapped in gray cloth. It was the remains of that crashed Osprey. Chilling.
Very very good archival film footage. Thank you for making it available.
This is priceless.
Rick i agree wholeheartedly this is a wonderful historic film and i feel so privilaged to be able to view it
Fascinating how brilliant these guys were. And tenacious.
It's very interesting to see the similarities between full scale and scaled down model testing. Awesome video :)
I love the bit about "Consultants coming out of the woodwork." Polite, but funny.
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