Abandoned Community *6 houses*||URBEX||San Antonio, Tx

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 28

  • @alexisquintero2011
    @alexisquintero2011 Год назад

    Woo I’m the 1000 subscriber!!!

    • @MattXplorz
      @MattXplorz  Год назад

      This is how I found out I hit 1K 🙏🙏🙏🙏

  • @ronnieshonk269
    @ronnieshonk269 Год назад

    Hey bro this is ronnie where is this located would love to investigate it did notice if they were haunted or not plus I would love to Tag along anytime just let me know

  • @bosstrash8461
    @bosstrash8461 4 года назад

    nicee im looking for somewhere to visit 4 halloween
    whats the song at 3:30?

  • @victoriasudden9920
    @victoriasudden9920 3 года назад +1

    I need an urbex buddy in fort worth tx

  • @boxmonkey7431
    @boxmonkey7431 4 года назад +5

    Hey man, love your content. Do you have any tips on finding places, I'm new to this and would appreciate some help!

    • @MattXplorz
      @MattXplorz  4 года назад +2

      Honestly I comb through Google maps until I find something that looks abandoned and then I check it out, if you're in SA and want to tag along, I bring others out with me.. I have a list of about 110 places rn

    • @Julianrocker200
      @Julianrocker200 3 года назад +1

      @@MattXplorz can I have the list? 😀😀

    • @brockhereshyll3394
      @brockhereshyll3394 3 года назад +1

      @@MattXplorzdude, I live in sa and I’d love to tag along, my friends and I often explore places like this. Have you been to the longhorn quarry? That place was spooooky

      @HUNTEDGHOSTPRODUCTIONS 9 месяцев назад

      hey bud, message me. love to get together with you on some of your places . i film on the pro level, investigated for over 20 years , and have been URBEX just about the same long time . Were actually trying to find this place. let me know !

  • @IllusionzXNine
    @IllusionzXNine 4 года назад +1

    This was lit bro! Wish we could find areas like this..our towns too small

    • @MattXplorz
      @MattXplorz  4 года назад +1

      Thanks bro! When I run out of spots here in SA ill have to start traveling haha

    • @IllusionzXNine
      @IllusionzXNine 4 года назад

      @@MattXplorz right lol it will happen bro

  • @sitaracortez1356
    @sitaracortez1356 3 года назад +1

    What's the location

    • @MattXplorz
      @MattXplorz  3 года назад

      East side of San Antonio, can't quite remember the exact street

    • @selfmadetv9085
      @selfmadetv9085 3 года назад

      Is there a park next to that place

      @HUNTEDGHOSTPRODUCTIONS 9 месяцев назад

      trying to locate this and cant seem to find it@@MattXplorz

  • @drewrodriguez380
    @drewrodriguez380 3 года назад

    Do you still do this would be dope to tag long one day

    • @MattXplorz
      @MattXplorz  3 года назад +1

      I'm planning something pretty big pretty soon as a lil comeback since I haven't been out exploring in a minute! Follow me on IG @mattxplorz and shoot me a message!

    • @drewrodriguez380
      @drewrodriguez380 3 года назад

      @@MattXplorz oh ight bet bro ill most definitely will add u n would be down

  • @lilberko9809
    @lilberko9809 2 года назад

    Hey we should go on a abandon adventure I stay in San Antonio too would love to go on an adventure with you

  • @HalloUrbex
    @HalloUrbex 4 года назад +1

    Super video

    • @MattXplorz
      @MattXplorz  4 года назад

      Thanks alot!!

    • @Viclenn
      @Viclenn 4 года назад

      Did you ever find out what it was? I’m thinking like a vacation campground type of place

  • @mariavaldez2221
    @mariavaldez2221 3 года назад

    Love the misicmy husband makes beats all day just like tgese