Denis Leary: Bless Me Father (For I Have Sinned) Lyrics.
- Опубликовано: 10 фев 2025
- No Copyright Intended....Saw this song on Denis Leary's Stand-up Special called Douchebags & Donuts. Thought I would share it with people. I hope I got the lyrics all correct....If you are offended by this...Get a sense of humor and don't be so uptight.
Thank you I have been looking for this everywhere.
Why is Denis Leary so awesome
Wonderful! The only difference between fanatics is the people they are offended by. Their selfrighteousness they have in common, though...
the pope disliked this video lol
Love you Father Leary
I still think at the end when he was saying Amen over and over he started saying GAY MEN lmao
An excellent song to play to all those God-Botherers
Should be a Vatican anthem :D
damn straight
That was good
Holy shit. lol
If you get the chance do this for the douchebag song! Please
Sounds like Bane introduced denis leary
its true
at 1.28ish, he says paedophile not petifile
@Alex12241989 "In this country we have the freedom of speech. Anyone can speak their mind and state their opinion's... and you go and bitch about it. Well tough shit, deal with it and/or ignore it." I choose, freedom of speech. YOU deal with it. By the way freedom is linked with responsibility you're free, but obligated to face the consequences of your actions. Under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, employers may sometimes be prosecuted for tolerating "hate speech" by their employees.
@repentrepent69, took the words right off my keyboard with that comment.
@crenshaw812 You sit here claiming to be excercising your right to free speech but you criticize others for using theirs...anyone else smell a hypocrite?
@Crenshaw812 Someones catholic.
@Alex12241989 Anyone can state their opinions and anyone can face responses and reactions to those statements. So what you've said is that Denis Leary has the right of free speech when he makes inflammatory statements about Christianity and the Catholic Church, and that I do not have the freedom of speech to call him and those who support him out on it. Leary has freedom of speech and Crenshaw doesn't is that how it works? Interesting conundrum you've created. How do YOU decide who is free?
This is filth Filth! God bless Denis Leary.
@Crenshaw812 this song 1st & foremost is meant to be a joke and i personally (and probably Denis Leary too) believe that anyone who tries to understand & dissect this song as anything more than a joke and allow themself to become too heavily influenced by it justifiably deserve to be place in a mental hospital to undergo a year of intense psychotherapy. 2nd, this song does not stereotype, generalize or in any other way hate against the Catholic Church. It merely slams the bishops (i refuse to address them as priests cuz according to NT scripture, we are ALL priests when we accept the gift of Christ's salvation) who were fucking evil enuf to molest & rape little boys who believed the could trust the spiritual leader of their congregation. The shocking thing about it wasnt how many catholic bishops did it cuz if u bother to study & research the scandal, it was a small portion of them that did it. what was shocking though was how long they were able to hide it and how many children they molested & raped. And people that could do something like this are not true men of God. By the way Crenshaw, im devout baptist and make a difference between christian protestant and catholic. Catholicism was established by men who wanted to worship God their way rather than His way & practices many things from what i have been told by friends & relatives that are not forms of worship to God in the bible. Such as belief in & teaching of purgatory (silly catholics, purgatory isnt real), praying some out of purgatory into heaven, praying to saints, praying to Mary mother of Jesus, asking forgiveness of your bishop in a confession booth. the only 1 you need to pray to is god. Protestants were established by men who broke away from the catholic church such as lutheranism, calvanism, methodism, presbyterianism, then christianity has the denominations baptist, assembly of God, pentacostal, and the list goes on so it all depends on which long distance service provider you wanna choose. but i need to climb down off my pulpit & quit preaching. So suck it buttercup so that you can climb down off your cross then use the wood to build a bridge & get over your little issue, but if that is too big a favor to ask you to do for everyone then do the next best thing you could personally do for society and drink a bullet you overly sensitive shitbrain . people who are as easily offended and overly sensitive as you are just a pain in the ass to everyone else that are dealing with serious problems. i honestly and sincerely dont care if i have offended you, get over it and suck it up buttercup
no one knows for definite how many actually did abuse, as not all incidents have been reported.
It's not considered humor when someone persecutes someone who is Jewish, Homosexual, or black because of their beliefs or who they are, so it sure the hell shouldn't be acceptable to make fun of Catholics for who they are. Get a sense of consistency. I have every right to be offended, just as Jews were offended at what Mel Gibson said. No one told them to get a sense of humor. For that matter no one paid him to appear on HBO and be a narrow minded piece of waste. Leary got paid for it.
I know this was a long time ago... but you realize denis leary is catholic lol